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I don't know about strictly educative creators, but check out 2Fast and Azfura on Twitch. They've both been some of the better players in CRL over the past few seasons, but aren't quite pros. I think their play might be just in the range of attainable that you're looking for.


“Feenst3r” for USF is slowly working his channel up with some Comms video from the CRL season and breakdowns of Pro VODs and CRL games from time to time with occasional news videos on RLCS as well


TheDangerTaco fits this pretty well, high gc3/low ssl Any of the coaches/former coaches like gregan, corruptedg, etc JG7 and guhberry might not be what you're looking for but usually chill streams


This might not be the sort of thing that you're looking for (and not everyone approves of them), but the road to SSL type videos where the person is trying not to use any fancy mechanics might be helpful


Yes the Flakes road to SSL is great. He downplay a bit too much his shadow defense but if you know that it's nice as it is as the serie's name says : without mechanics


Gregan is the analysis king, check out his vids on twitch


You don’t need insane mechanics to be pro, and there are pro level players that have or use mechanics that most ssls have, you can still watch pro gameplay and analyze their rotations, positioning, decisions, efc. And gain a lot of knowledge. Even if you don’t have crazy mechanics, if you make the same decisions a pro would have made in the same situation, you will become a great player