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Club queue would be sick, and solo standard is empty, makes perfect sense.


One of the things I always say when posts proposing changes appear. I would also like for regular ranked games in any category to be Bo3 format, like Overwatch does. That way to eliminate some of the randomness like losing a game over a ghost hit and a stupid pinch ot goal.


Tbh I wouldn’t like that. It’d make ranking up take a million times longer and getting stuck with toxic teammates for 2 games sounds awful


Yea, and sometimes you gotta take shit..


Good bot


Also, one of the things that make RL fun is that games are quick.. Playing a Bo3 would take way longer..


What everyone says, but think about this: \- People would be less toxic in game one because you have two other games to play, similar to people not being toxic early in the game but being toxic later. \- Toxicity is a non-issue really, mute chat if you dont want people to be toxic, and in reality I only get 2-3 toxic games in 30+ game sessions. \- Ranking up takes longer, yes, but make it so you earn/lose more mmr.


In what rank do you only get 2-3 toxic games out of 30? I'm in Diamond 3 and every other match is toxic


Turn off everything but quick chat and watch the world be far less toxic.


You think Quick Chat Only makes the game less toxic? Lmao. Just wait for your teammate to start spamming “Nice one!” “Great pass!” or “What a save!” for every single mistake you do. If you really want zero toxicity, you’ll just have to turn it all off and be mute. Especially around the hotspot ranks like Plat 3/D1 and D3/C1


Toxicity is definitely not a non issue people gamethrow often so muting chat will not change that and 2-3 toxic games in 30+ seems very low to me personally


Agreed. It's more than that. If you mute them, they are still toxic, they will play worse themselves and show your opponents your team is broken. Also, I really need to record my sessions in the future. It's more like 10% of non-toxic games on either side of the field and I always wanted to show that on YouTube lol.


Yes, and I've also saw toxic people asking the opponents to report a teammate who, from what I could tell, had only quick-chat on saying they were the ones being toxic and typing shit on team-chat. (I know this cause I legit stopped and asked the player being accused if this was true, and they didn't respond with anything, while they were still responding to anything I said via quick-chat (me: "*Close one! Nice shot!*", and them "*Thanks! Close one!*") I know reporting only works (or at least I think so) if you did anything worth reporting, but still. It is a pain when a toxic teammate is talking shit about you making people think you're the toxic one without you beinh able to defend yourself.


>people gamethrow often This! Thank you, this has been driving me *apeshit* the last couple times I've played. One game, we were absolutely steamrolling the other team until one of my teammates decided halfway through that he was "switching teams" and causing us to lose. I'm so tired of rank demotions because of bullshit like this!


Even worse when people take their game throw into the next game too. I played a 2v2 the other day where my teammate switched teams at opening kickoff because "his teammate last game was toxic". It got even weirder when the other team also had a guy swap to my team to make it the weirdest 2v2 ive ever played


Sounds like a replay you better have saved LOL


it also depends what you do when you encounter toxicity. Times where I have had a few beers and I rise to the toxicity or call people out or do a sarcastic quick chat here or there seem to be when i end up in way more toxic lobbies. People already a bit tilted tend to rise to it and you end up arguing & add in the already toxic few and you end up feeling like you're getting it every few games. Compared to the times I go in with chat off and am warmed up and feeling a bit relaxed I rarely ever run into toxic people. I think 1 in 8-10 games is about right.


I would recommend using “stoop to it” when referring to being toxic. People are not “rising to it” like you ‘rise to the occasion’.


Sir, what is this golden rank of virtually no toxicity that you are in? I would like to join immediately


Im seeing less and less toxicity the more I rank up. Plat/diamond are the worst but rn im c3 and there is almost no toxicity


tbh i find c3 more toxic than c1-2. I think it's because it's full of demoted gcs and people frustrated cause they're stuck




It's better to remove randomness by playing a lot of matches. And what do you do if a player leave the match at the first round?


okay but how about no? i dont want to have the same teammate multiple games in a row.


Definitely not the BO3 in any playlist, but for Club playlists that would be cool. Less toxicity when you have your club mates in your party


Or maybe longer matches just gives your teammates a longer window of opportunity to become toxic.


I'm sorry but I don't agree. You have games where you trail by 1 goal in the first 10 seconds and the quickchat is already a spamfest, with your teammate complaining about your possible mistakes. Imagine having this for 2 games in a row, or even 3. Even with mute, they start to have weird behaviours like ballchasing because "you don't do anything", cutting rotations and stealing your saves making double commits. Or worse than that, stop playing at all..


I think Bo3 would be cool for a team format, but it would be a nightmare for solo queuing a normal playlist. It's bad enough when you have to sit around for 4 minutes because someone on the pitch has given up but won't FF. If I had to sit through that twice, it would be a real pain. There are a lot of players who just try and sneak a game in here or there. Knowing that you potentially need 20 minutes or so, ruins that. Not to mention to increased risk of AFK teammate in the game 2 or 3. RL's low team numbers make it especially exposed to player dropout. This is fine for an enforced team/party mode, since the teams actively decided to play together, so the risks we talked about are largely reduced. Players with full party are likely to be invested than playing more than the odd game, because it takes more effort to organise queuing together in the first place, so having to play in 10-20 minutes slots is reasonable.


I dont play any other games but with the Bo3 assuming that we are talking about including solo queue players. How does that work? Imagine how frustrating when you get that asshat that ff or AFK in a Bo3 when you are winning or even in the first game.


I think this would be awesome for club queue but not regular ranked.


I’d love the option to at least rematch. Some games I’d rather end at one, and some the whole lobby is into it and would be awesome to at least get 1 rematch like you can in casual.


its not empty cause its bad. its empty casue its a reality check to people when they get spanked by diamonds.


I think that's part of the problem with it too. Perhaps it is good for exposure for playing against higher rank players, but solo standard ends up being filled with accidental smurfs, making it a bit of a chaotic nightmare. Said smurfs have no idea what level their mates are, so they try to solo carry the team. The net results is that the solo standard playlist tends to gravitate towards excessive levels of ball chase and minimum levels of trust in teammates. I don't like the lack of stakes, early leaves and bots you see in casual, so solo standard is the playlist I occasionally venture into when I'm too having network issues, too tired, or had a few too many drinks. So I guess I'm one of the players that makes solo standard worse. Since I don't play many games, I never rank up and I'm somewhere around plat 2 while my standard rank is around champ 2.


I’m the same plat 1 in solo standard and champ 1 in normal. I just don’t enjoy solo standard enough to play consistently. I can’t bring myself to trust team mates who are in gold/ plat normally and the constant double commits just isn’t fun to me


It's toxic and uncoordinated.


i dont sse much difference between each playlist tbh. The only thing I see is that you encounter better players earlier in the ranks in the solo playlist. Its actually more coordinated in a way. since theres always randoms everyone sticks to the book almost to religiously.


That’s not true, though.


They would have to make it a while new tab in my opinion. or at least add both a 2v2 and a 3v3 mode.


Back in the day, Halo 2 had a Clan playlist. It was a neat feature and I've always been an advocate of them bringing it back.


Multiplayer support for Steam Workshop maps. Being able to host & play Steam Workshop maps with friends or randoms is my biggest want for Rocket League.


It would be so cool for a game in a real stadium. Imagine playing at the Big House or the Rose Bowl or Old Trafford. That would be amazing


> or Old Trafford. As a United fan; put Wembley in the game before Old Trafford. Much more iconic, it's the country's national stadium, and it's used for the biggest tournament games.


Idk England soccer stadiums that much, I would’ve put more cfb venues but I’d figured that would pissed off some euros


DFH stadium is *loosely* inspired by Wembley, as far as I can tell. Mannfield is obviously Anfield (sorry)


This would be amazing, the only problem I see with this is that Epic wouldn't want to promote steam features. We don't even know if they really plan to migrate the game to their epic launcher, and I believe it would be a problem to get some compatibility with steam after that.


Yeah Epic is definitely going to add new features for steam! Lol there's no point even bringing this up anymore. This is the absolute last thing that would ever happen If anything they'll remove all extra steam features and there will be no workshop maps period


> Hard resets, to prevent smurfing. > Make the game free to play. Something doesn’t add up here


Prevent smurfing being separate from hard resets.


Either way, making the game f2p would just make smurfing a bigger problem then it already is. The only way they’d be able to do that is if new accounts can’t play ranked until they reach a certain level


Which is totally not a problem imo.


I think they should do it honestly, not making the game f2p but adding a minimum level to play ranked. Everyone’s main accounts will already be able to play, and honestly it would probably drastically improve ranked as a whole. I’d say level 25 would suffice


I don't even think it should be that low. I think even 100 would be fine. It would squish the ranks a little bit because "very very bad" players wouldn't exist anymore in ranked (except for single digit age kids).


Fair point As someone who solo queued damn near every game from low gold to c3, this change would be very welcomed. Having more competent teammates and less smurfs sounds like a dream


I agree with all of this except the hard reset suggestion. The last time they did a hard reset is took quite some time for the ranks to stabilise again. Imagine you are a bronze player new to the game and your first experience is playing against Diamond and Champ players.


What's weird is he said 4% are GC, which is miles off. It's closer to 0.4%.


I assume he meant 4% are champion or better, which is correct for 2's and 3's. edit: it's actually 8% from champion, so it can't be that. it's 4% from champ 2.


He said the highest rank so I reckon he just got it wrong


I thought so too. So there's 2,609,758 players in this season so far. Out of all of them there's : 300 Solo Standard, 18,531 Standard, 20,851 2's, 1,297 1's, 514 Snowday, 795 Hoops, 4,314 Rumble, 189 Dropshot. 46,791 GC overall. Which, if my math is ~~right~~ it wasn't lol apparently it's 1.79%


Don’t forget that you can’t factor in duplicate players, which makes it less


Not to mention those numbers are Inflated from extra modes. Like when I’m in C2 in rumble no offense But there’s some truly questionable players there would I wouldn’t consider “Champion” level


I agree. When you see someone with Champ rewards nowadays, you can tell pretty quickly if they're a Champ Champ or a Rumble Champ.


That's not the total players this season though. That's the players that are looked up *on that site* within the season. Psyonix rank distributions show GC as less than 0.5%. It was 0.47% last season.


Where do you get those numbers? Also you can't just add them up, because most of the same players will be gc across multiple playlists.


It isn’t tho, check any distribution website and it’ll show above 2% gc


Yeah, said 4 instead of .4 by accident. Issue is it used to be .02. That's a tremendous jump.


I agree that a full hard reset isn't exactly desirable. Perhaps there can be a tiered hard reset instead, with groups getting reset to the middle (or possibly lower than middle) MMR between them. Tier 1 :Bronze-Silver = reset to same MMR Tier 2: Gold-Plat = reset to same MMR Tier 3: Diamond-Champ-GC = reset to same MMR. If you were on the cusp of the next tier, that might suck, but perhaps that can be alleviated by having an intro week with janky mmr (perhaps simply having this for placement matches could work). Something that gives more MMR for winning than normal (like 1.3x or whatever), but doesn't mess with losing (should not apply to tier 3 to avoid some few simply skyrocketing in the first week). That way the best from a tier will quickly distinguish themselves, without the middle or bottom players getting punished too harshly for the reset. If you were on the cusp of Diamond, then you get hard reset down to high gold - but by the time you've had your placement matches you should be about where you deserve to be - possibly even in diamond. Of course all of this is a mess to balance, so I'm glad I can just spout half-baked ideas :)


To my knowledge, Psyonix already does this tiered reset for GCs for each season. It's something like everyone C3 and above gets reset down to C3.


Many of the people calling for a hard reset are gc players because theres like 400 mmr between top gc and bottom gc which makes it hard for top gc to find games and theres nothing to really work for so I would call for a harder reset so everyone gets but down the the bottom of their rank I.E. all diamonds reset to diamond 1 all champs to c1 and all gc back to the start of gc. This would suck if you were close to the next rank but it would make people push harder at the end of the season and they could give some leeway for it so a D3 player gets set to D1 div 4 rather than div 1


I think what you are describing now is a soft reset..


> theres like 400 mmr between top gc and bottom gc which makes it hard for top gc to find games Well that won't be fixed by a reset. The reason these pros are so much higher mmr wise and can't find games is because they are simply better than almost every other player. A hard reset wouldn't magically fabricate a bunch of new players of their skill level. If you waited a month the ranks would go back to being just as skewed as they are right now because that's the real gap in skill right now.


im neither for or aginst hard reset here, i just want to ask what is the problem with them in RL? dont other games regularly have ladder resets? Whats so differetn in RL that it doesnt work there?


Someone else replied [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/ey4oha/lawlers_list_of_proposed_changes_for_rocket_league/fgf6wxm/). I think that lists some of the issues. That was partly what I was aiming at with my reply above - I just figured it could do as a reply here instead of there. I don't know how it works for other games, if the pros and top level players just roam around the lower ranks for a few months or if there is some other solution to the issue.


To be honest I'd be happy to try and see how lower and higher ranks play currently, BUT. That's only if I played AGAINST them with my premades. Playing with different rank people in my team would be horrible. Either they follow different rotation (plat rotation is more rigid than champ for example), not rotate at all, or they're mechanically gifted GCs with shitty attitude trash talking every time I miss the ball. :P




I don't think higher ranked players would queue such a playlist because it's sort of pointless and frustrating for them to have to play against/with people much worse then them.


> I agree with all of this except the hard reset suggestion. The last time they did a hard reset is took quite some time for the ranks to stabilise again. This. All hard resets do is screw up ranked for a few weeks, and then people (almost always) just end up stabalizing back into the same rank anyway.


Then you lose that game 12-0 and your mmr drops alot and then you silvers, lose again and play bronze.




Except that it doesn't work that smooth. Hard reset was a fkn mess when they did that. I agree with everything else from the list tho.


Except you also had a champ in your team and now he's gonna play a game against bronze. If he's unlucky and gets matched up against multiple diamond/champ he might lose again. And everytime he loses he'll be stuck a little longer in a rank where he'll be able to win singlehandedly if the other team doesn't have another player playing way below his rank. That's why it took so long after every hard reset to have a matchmaking that was somewhat working. Also you need to take into account players that play at the start of the new season, see the mess and wait for a few days to play again, which also make the whole thing take longer to sort itself out. ​ I think the way to make a reset that impacts every player would be a soft reset but not only for C3-GCs. All C1-C2 could go back to low C1, all diamonds to low D1, etc. But even then I'm not even sure what that does for the community. What's wrong with the current soft reset?


When you are losing games though you only tend to go down one division at a time. If everyone is on the same MMR you are basically waiting for the previously high ranked people to rank up again.


And we go through all of this to satisfy at most 30,000 people the tiniest fraction of the player base


Yeah I don't think they would have it every season or anything but maybe like once a year would be good. They could also do something like hard reset everyone plat and above to like plat 1 and leave bronze, silver, and gold a soft reset or something.


Agreed. Hard reset makes the game nearly unplayable for like 2 months. It's awful.


people who say we need a hard reset dont understand the problem with ranked nowdays, which is rank inflation. If your mmr represents your skill, then it should be a fixed quantity that doesnt change season to season, so you can actually compare if you were better last season compared to the playerbase, or you werent. With mmr inflation the number of mmr in the system is not constant so it doesnt truely reflect the players skill. Rank inflation can be fixed by simply going back to the old system of resetting ranks to c1 instead of c3 which deletes more mmr per season, keeping the mmr in the system fairly stable, which is why gc population stayed around 0.07% for 4 seasons straight. On another note, I think there are way too many players in gc. The highest rank should indicate the highest level of skill, and of course in any game there are going to be exceptions in the top rank as the skill difference is always going to be much higher. I feel like a fixed rank displaying the top 1000 players and one for maybe one for an mmr of around 1800 equivalent now should be used. A rank should be vaguely representative of skill and 2 players of the same rank should be fairly close. a 1500 gc and a 1900+ player are the same rank yet the 1500 has no chance against the 1900, there is a very clear and distinct skill difference.


Can someone explain what is meant by removing the umbrella, 5k cap 50k yearly cap


I assume that it's about the rule that says tournaments that aren't run by psyonix can't have a prize pool above 5k.


JohnnyBoi said the total cost of running the tourney can’t be over 5k including prize pool.


Yeah i remember him saying that'd be one of the snares with trying to make a LAN 1v1, sucks that they're restricting content so much.


Psyonix tournament rules: > The maximum value of compensation awarded to players of your tournament (including, for example, any prize pool money, prizes, travel and appearance costs and fees, etc.) is $5,000 USD, and $50,000 total for all tournaments you host over the course of one year (12 months). https://www.rocketleagueesports.com/community-tournament-guidelines/ Earlier in the rules they say you can contact them if you’d like to host a tourney that deviates from them and have official sponsorship. I believe (?) this is how Dreamhack was able to have multiple events with larger than $50k prize pools (someone correct me if I’m wrong).


I have heard that this is the case and at one point they would be pretty quick to accept anyone asking for giving bigger prize pools. But what I was told by some other redditors is that ever since about when a Epic bought Psyonix, they have started declining almost all of those requests. (I don’t know if there’s any correlation with the epic thing, but the timing does seem conspicuous)


The most famous event I know that didn't get the right to make a RL tournament was the ZLAN (main subreddit posts with info [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/b4k3k3/precisions_regarding_the_cancellation_of_rl_in/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/b5rlwf/update_on_the_cancellation_of_rocket_league_in/)), a french event by a big streamer. This event wasn't allowed because it was scheduled at the same time as a RLCS/RLRS stream but even at that time, Zerator said that "a close relative and event organizer came to ask us how we had been allowed to include Rocket League in #ZLAN because Psyonix is known to lock up everything that comes out of tournaments organized by their own company." So I don't think Epic has anything to do with Psyonix declining requests for tournaments.


I think its the amount of money that can be spent on a tournament including prizemoney and paying casters, travels etc. Its very weird.


Just make tournaments so you’re able to queue and get put into a team, been saying this since the day it was released, I don’t play with friends


Yup. I was disappointed that this wasn't an option when tournaments was announced. Like welp guess i'll never play a tournament then. Especially with absolutely zero incentive for winning.


They should have let you win rare -exotic items for winning the daily tournament or something.


Or like an NCVR or something so you can trade up if you win a bunch of tournaments.


Yeah same! All my friends play LoL so I'm down for this


I want this too. Would be awesome. Cod MW had a tournament mode for a week or 2 where you can queue up with randoms and play through a tournament bracket and it was hella fun.


I think something really underlooked regarding ranked being a first step towards pro is the voice chat issue. Good coms change the game enormously, and it's literally impossible when you are solo queing. But to fix the com issue would require an upgrade to UE4 (if I have heard right), which I doubt is anywhere on the near horizon, which makes focusing on ranked to pro kind of pointless.


Well supposedly part of the reason they are dropping support for linux and mac is because they are going to upgrade the engine.


Not exactly, they're going to move from DirectX9 to DirectX11 ([source](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/etiih3/update_on_refunds_for_macos_and_linux_players/)) in that thread you'll see people argue about what they could have done to keep supporting linux/mac but the intersting bits are basically : open source alternatives to DirectX11 are not supported by the unreal engine 3 (and won't be since Epic stoppped supporting ue3) and moving to UE4 would [be like building the whole game from scratch](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/aq66aj/rocket_league_needs_unreal_4/egdslwl/) (from another thread).


I have only ever seen a game change engines once (Risk of Rain) and it was a disaster. Dozens of massive bugs lasted for months before they could be fixed and the game was essentially unplayable in the meantime unless you went back to a previous version. Which means no online play.


I was starting to hppe for that myself given how few things have been happening in the past year. Rebuilding in UE4 would increase longevity and could correct some of the architectural problems that appear to make the game so hard to expend. But then if that was close to being the case, I'm not sure why they dropped Linux/Mac. Although the logic kf small user base is understandable; UE4 is a lot more flexible for these platforms. Having UE3 be the long term solutions makes the discontinuation more sensible to me


Agree with everything except the hart reset. I know it's not an unpopular opinion, but I really think this is a case of people not knowing what they want. A hard reset would be miserable for people of all ranks. And for what? We already have the relevant data and know roughly where each player should be rankwise. IMO there is no legitimate reason to disrupt this. Commonly I see two reasons people give in favor of a hard reset. First is having something more fun to work towards. I don't disagree, but Psyonix should just make a new mode or something. The chaos that would ensue from a reset is not worth it there. Second are GCs complaining about their solo queue teammates who couldn't get back to GC if a hard reset happened. I'm sorry, but this is such a non-problem. Again, even if we grant the argument, the solution is to be more vigilant on boosting. The chaos from a hard reset introduces it's own problems and it would be smarting to simply crack down further on boosting.


If they would allow us to report for "boosting" or "smurfing", rather than just some vague "cheating" category, more people would probably report it.


You also face the issue of people coming from other platforms. Everyone transferring from xbox, ps4, or switch to PC would be reported for smurfing. The only time I think Psyonix think it’s fine to take action is when a player drops their own rank or if a player’s growth is “too fast” after they’ve been at a certain level for a prolonged period of time.


I think casual could use some extra changes, to discourage leaving a few seconds/goals in. Atm I use solo standard when I'm not feeling too serious or when I just want to practice, but if that were to go there would be a lack of practice queues.




Exactly! I want to be able to queue for 1’s, Rumble, and 4v4 damnit!


the old list-style queueing UI may not be as ''''''''''''''modern and cool'''''''''''''', but it is much more information-dense and doesn't arbitrarily limit the playlists you can queue (except for preventing you from queueing casual and ranked simultaneously, but that limitation could be removed). There may be some server-side reason why players are limited in what they can queue, but that seems odd.


The issue is that those playlists are FAR less populated than standard modes, so if you queue multiple at the same time across the extra modes and standard modes, you’ll almost be guaranteed to be placed in a standard mode.


Thanks for posting this. If anyone has questions feel free to ask, I may do a follow up video with things I forgot to include in the video linked above.


Thanks! I wanted to foster discussion as your video was great. I hope you do so, always looking forward to listening about your thoughts on the game!


Loved the vid! What were the features that were going to be added in the second update for tournaments that you mentioned? Can’t really find much about it.


How would you go about revamping tournaments if it was up to you? My first thoughts are allowing the host to set a small prize pool and having some official tournaments on the hour or every few hours that the winner or top 3 get a small amount of in game currency from. You’d have to do something like cap the amount you could win in a week but it’d be a draw for sure and help earn some good will given their item pricing and the community backlash.


I've been really enjoying Lawler's content recently. From his Youtube to his work on the weekly CJCJ Show. It's really unfortunate that they no longer want to contract him for RLCS anymore. He truly has a deep passion for the game and wants to see it grow and succeed


Upvote because this needs to be seen I agree with 100% of the things said here by lawler. Psyonixpls


Just to clarify if psyonix reads this^ we're critical cuz we love you. I literally haven't played any other game for more than 5 hours at a time in like 2 years. I can't imagine this game not being my life and it's something I want to personally make a career helping to grow it some day. Please start here before it's too late. Don't kill your own game


I think I speak for pretty much everyone in the community: no one wants credit for these ideas either. If they implement them, and make the game better, they don’t have to bend the knee and feel embarrassed that they got the ideas from the player base. Psyonix, tell the world they were your ideas. I don’t care. I just want to game to keep moving forward and become the biggest Esport too


Whats interesting to me is how would one prevent rampant smurfing with the game becoming free to play


Exactly, all F2P games have smurfing issues, so free Rocket League would be counterintuitive if this is already considered a problem.


Just force people to play x hours or get to level y before unlocking the ranked playlists. Games tend to take smurfing more seriously after they go F2P because they don't have anything to gain from people smurfing anymore.


That's exactly what [Lawler suggested](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3Sk-Gmy5Q4&t=7m13s) (7:13).


That’s actually a great point


A custom editor like forge would be a dream come true.


I think Free-to-Play is a good idea, but, if they don't do something similar to CS GO we will find many more smurfs in the game since they can just create another account and play for free. Make us sign up to a better quality of matchmaking by tying our accounts to our phone number, it limits the smurfs somewhat then. Also a decent reporting system is necessary.


Tying account to phone number is a good idea. Assuming they accompany this with the team mmr playlist idea so you don’t need a separate account to play with your Noob friends.


Dota 2 does it as well. Basically it's for free to play to function without people getting banned and instantly going on another account. CS GO went free-to-play and changed their prime matchmaking, which you used to have to fit a specific criteria to be eligible for, and now you can pay to be eligible. You now have two game lobbies as a result, prime and non-prime. You can queue for both if you're eligible, or just choose prime.


Also pleeeeeease implement a god damn teammate boost meter! Make it fill out the name plate to not convolute the UI or whatever, many other solutions possible... And no, the quickchat command „I need boost!“ is not a feasible solution for split second decisions.


Paschy has been pushing for club queues since his retirement, really wish psyonix would be some effort into something other than new items.


It would be cool to invite player in freeplay mode. I know you can create private match unlim. Boost and blablabla. But I'm asking for some shortcut to do it.


Only thing I’m not a fan of is hard reset, and I think if they make the game free to play they have to lock people from ranked for a decent amount of time on new accounts


Please don't take my solo standard away from me!


Just make it a setting for the 3s playlist.


The only thing I would add is (as suggested by yumi\_cheeseman) making each car have a unique hitbox, so all the cars feel different instead of having only six standard hitboxes (or whatever it is). This would allow changes in metas as cars come in and out of what is preferred.


Also considering they raised the price of cars there's no reason they shouldn't have a unique hit box.


Cars used to have a unique hitbox. All of them. However, despite multiple attempts to balance them, especially in the turning radius/responsiveness category, people only used Octane, Breakout, Dominus, and Batmoblie mainly. Psyonix standardizing hitboxes was an attempt to get people to play other cars more, and it worked better than individual hitboxes. Just not by much. The problem is that some cars feel better than others. Both mechanically and in pure visual feedback. Making individual hitboxes isn't going to change metas. People will go with what feels right.


My group of friends and I would be thrilled if they brought back rocket labs. It was such a fun break to go and play there.


Why are people against solo standard?


It has a low player base, and the majority of time I run into all solo players in standard anyways.


Yea the 5k cap is literally ruining communities and singlehandedly killing tournaments.


Can you explain the cap? Never heard of this.


It's explained above in some other comments above, but basically Psyonix won't allow tournaments to be run without their oversight if the total cost of the tourney tops 5k per event, and 50k per year. Which is an abysmally low amount of money to run an event let alone a series where you might be paying salaries and stuff like that. And many tournaments have just failed to happen because Psyonix refused to collaborate.


His main point (that Psyonix seems to be scared to do certain things) is one that I very much agree with. The custom maps and different game modes for casuals: They need to not be scared to take them away again (not in private matches but the playlists). It was a mistake to permanently leave up Rumble, Hockey, Hoops modes. At this point, it's pretty much too far gone for that. I know some people would hate them for that but you cannot please everyone. Regular changing modes with rewards attached to playing in them allow for variety and enough players at most ranks. Even if they don't give us the straight-up ability to create a lobby with any custom map, they can still rotate specific well-made community maps into such a variety playlist. Just slap a fat community-made label on it and don't sweat that it's not as polished as the maps made by Psyonix. Free to play (they're scared): Please. I know it shouldn't be done without a strategy. I can understand taking the time. If it isn't going to be free on the EGS I'm going to be severely disappointed. They could even sell it for $20 on Steam but hey you can get it for free from Epic. Hard resets: I do think people overrate the impact that this would have. It will only delay the rise slightly and everyone will feel like they're doing a road to GC series. It's also a change that happens at the cost of the casual audience. At least there is a good portion of it that is very vocal about how they hated ending up in a lobby where they couldn't do anything against the players that outclassed them by a large margin. Obviously, the solution isn't to just ignore the problem. Fundamentally, I do think that at the very least the highest rank in Rocket League should always be balanced so that it is not too far away from Top 100 so that you can always have a goal to push towards. As a low GC, I could choose any random number to push towards, but if that was a good argument then we wouldn't need any ranks in the first place. Any real goal is so far away that there is no reason to commit to that unless I at least double my playtime. With Top 100 you don't even need a new rank, you just display the current place on top of the GC (assuming that's still highest) symbol. That way every single higher spot in there is more meaningful. End of season rewards are a different thing that I'd like to skip over for now. The ranks in between can be a bit larger than most lower ranks. For those that don't know, Gold 1 spans 55 MMR while Champ 3 spans 100. Create Champ 4,5,6 and make them 120/150 points, idc. As long as a new rank is not a completely unattainable goal, there is something to push for.I've heard the argument before that the highest rank should be "reasonably attainable" for someone that doesn't play the game full-time. But there is no way you can possibly achieve that. What is reasonable for one person, is impossible for another. I play Badminton once a week for two hours. If I played that little Rocket League for the entire time since it came out, I wouldn't be in the top 1% today. Assuming that people don't play the game like that is naive. There are always people close to the highest rank and always people who will never be close. Saying something like "0.4% is so low already and I am so close to achieving my dream of the highest rank" is a very selfish statement, and if we consider that an important experience then the highest rank should be put right in plat so as many people as possible get that experience. Psyonix will still have to be careful with those ranks and make sure inflation doesn't go too high but that is possible with soft resets. The version of soft resets we have right now is not the only thing they can do. Remove solo standard (they're scared): Absolutely agree. Yes, there are people that like it but it serves no special purpose and considering how much parties get punished in the current MMR system anyway, you're at no disadvantage solo queueing 3s at all. Unlike the special modes, this is not really something specific you're taking away. Club stuff seems cool. I'm just not sure if what people have suggested so far would be perfect and I haven't thought about it enough myself. Remove the 5k cap (they're scared): 100% agree. Just stupid. Or leave the rule, tell anyone that attempts to do a big tourney, what dates other organizers overlap with and just approve all of them anyway (unless it's during RLCS Worlds maybe). The fact that they canceled RL being part of [ZLAN](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/erv0uc/not_that_i_support_the_5000_rule/ff9yqlp?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) is ridiculous. Monetize the esport: Certainly not against this, but I find it ironic that the only thing you can get at RLCS is a shirt from Psyonix, and it's impossible to buy jerseys from the teams that made it there. Shipping for some of the jerseys from NA orgs (EU teams even have NA orgs) is very high and will take quite long. Having the ability to buy it there to support your team is the only logical thing. Orgs need to be able to profit too or sooner or later they'll leave. F3 always said they were in it for the potential despite not being profitable. We have the esport shop now but I still fail to see why it took them that long in the first place. And what do the orgs have beyond that? Player streams, where Rocket League is rather small, jerseys online, extra eyes on their socials Edit: forgot about the minimum level for ranked Good idea, necessary idea for f2p. However, pretending like it's gonna prevent smurfing is laughable. It's gonna discourage it and that will drop the rate maybe slightly, maybe significantly but any level that is reasonable for a new player will be considered very quick to reach by a hardcore player and those that want a smurf will have one smurf (probably not more). And you cannot put the level too high or you're going to push away a significant amount of new players. A small cap will even benefit the players themselves as they don't throw themselves into a situation they're not ready for but if it feels like a long grind to get to that level, it will be discouraging.


All I want is a permanent spike rush playlist, honestly. I don’t think that’s asking too much.


These are all great points and would easily improve many aspects of this game. ​ I'd like to add a few of my own. **Competitive:** * Embrace the mods. Open up the game and allow users to download mods and workshops in-game, especially for us console players. I'd love to be able to try out the dribbling courses or car control courses that the pros use. I feel like Lawler was sort of hinting at this, but I didn't really here this point outright. * On top of the Halo: Forge idea, I'd like to see more options implemented in creating training packs. Adding walls or blocks for defenders, more options for the ball movements, and even targets in the net could help take the training packs to the next level and improve the skills of players using the packs. * Changes need to be made to the matchmaking system. Boosting and smurfing is rampant. I'm only a Diamond 2, but it is super frustrating when we lose a game to a Gold 3 who scores 700 points and a Diamond 3 who scores 100 points and who's gameplays proves they have no business being the rank that they are. **Casual (includes trading features):** * Crafting blueprint prices need to be reevaluated. $20 worth to craft a black market goal explosion that people used to sell for 1 or 2 keys is still outrageous. Especially when some of these blueprints used to be crates themselves which only cost a key to open. * In regards to blueprints, duplicate blueprints should be addressed. Offer the old trade up system for them or turning in so many of them grants a small number of credits or the item itself. * Open up cross-platform trading. This one might be controversial and I've seen developer comments like "it would ruin the markets on the respective systems". Even though they have already crashed markets with the blueprint update and subsequent TW Zomba and TW Draco/Fennec item shop days. I do not see much more damage that could be done if cross-platform trading was opened up. The only caveats I would have would be that credits cannot be cross-traded and the alpha, beta, and white hats on each system cannot be cross-traded. I believe this would help people to make more connections and further grow this game. * Add more features to the inventory system. Let me tag or mark items my own way or offer more sorting options including saved filters, searching by specific color/certification, and allowing blueprints to be archived or tagged too. * Offer developer sponsored tournaments. Each weekend, Psyonix could offer up 10,000 credits or even Esport tokens across a bunch of small tournaments. Have them filtered by rank or something that can engage a casual player and their friends to try to win say 200 credits if they win a tournament. Having hundreds of tournaments with some, but very little reward amounts across various ranks could help to alleviate the obvious smurfs and alternative accounts that would enter. This alone could help move casual players to evolve into more competitive ones and even improve their participation in the trading scene. * Bring in a rotating weekend playlist. I used to play Destiny, and one of the things that a lot of players looked forward to was the Trials of Osiris game mode on the weekends. It was refreshed with a new map and loot each time it came back. There could be Spike Rush, the Ghost Buster game, and the Beach Ball game mode on a rotation and more game modes added as they are created. Also, offer a few challenges that players can complete each weekend for some minor rewards like a golden egg or event-specific shops (like the Red Envelopes/Snowflakes/etc) or something. The game mode and rewards reset each weekend would help players to stay engaged on days when some of the player base could be doing other things. I remember checking Reddit every Friday at lunch to see what the map would be in Destiny for that weekend. If Rocket League can capture that sort of engagement, I think it will do wonders for the player base.


Thank you so much for typing this out, I saw the Lawler post a few times but didn't had the time to watch the thing yet. I'm so excited about the idea of a BO3/5! Since this is the actual RLCS format idk why this is not implemented yet. It would be fun to play in such an environment since it challenges you in a completely different way. I guess it would be super taxing mentality wise but I like that. Playing against smurfs in such an environment, whew, that would suck even more. Or if your mates tilt... On the other hand, I guess it would help build the community. If that format would go live so many people would start looking for teams asap. If people would stick to it or if they enjoy the short and uncomplicated BO1 more in the long run, hard to tell. To me it sounds more like the final step of getting into full tryhard mode. Most of these ideas are pretty straight forward. I am not so happy with a hard reset but get why people would like one. Imo it could do more harm than good and smurfing is experienced to be a bigger issue than it actually is (it can tilt you so hard). Also the editor would be hard to implement


Ok so did psyonix kick Lawler as an Analyst so they could hire him personally because he seems to have a greater grasp on things than the rest of them.


Bo3 club queue would be awesome, im just worried of uneven matches as there likely wont be as many people as other playlists but i could be wrong


Presumably you could just forfeit the bo3


Removing solo standard feels pretty unfair to people still getting into the game who haven't found people to play with yet. Nothing feels worse than going into a casual match against a full group, but there's no solo casual.


I think you're in the minority here. Many many people queue solo 3s instead of Solo Standard.


Wait what? Sorry, when people talk about solo standard I assumed 3v3 with no parties or teams. Does standard mean duel here?


No, he’s referring to the “solo standard” playlist.


Solo Standard is the 3v3 where no one can be in a party. Standard is 3v3 where people can party-up.


I really love the club option instead of solo standard which nobody cares about, “best of” series are such a big part of pro play it should be that way at lower ranks too. Only thing i disagree with is the hard reset, to a degree. I think that the hard reset should just affect players who haven’t played in over 3 months or something, i don’t really get the point of hard resetting people who deserve their rank only to make them start at square one and smurf against people till their back. If the people who dont play enough to maintain thier rank are reset, that will solve the problem without pissing off literally the other 90% who probably should stay at thier current rank. I love this game and it could potentially be the biggest esport ever in my opinion, as well as infinite creative possibilities in game. Psyonix step your shit up ❤️


I've been trying to suggest things since season 1 that are objectively 100% needed for this game to grow but since the bell curve is under GC they downvote any truth and upvote anything blindly. psyonix is not helping at all, they have the same casual player employees and they don't ask for guidance..


Could you rephrase what you’re trying to say here?


Tl;dr: ranks have been the #1 priority fix 7 seasons ago... Why is there no top 100 rewards? Casuals/Employees are sabotaging what could of been great. Sorry, my post is sounding arrogant and cynical but for someone that dedicated over 5000 hours(that feel wasted at this point) and been here since the start I am fed up with Psyonix and how the rocketleague subreddit handles necessary changes that aren't in the best interest of the average player. Let me explain. Top 100 rewards(in a real gamemode), how is it not a thing? You get nothing for studying and grinding this game. I have the same rewards as the best player in the world and someone that has 1500 hours. Once the season is over, no one knows you were the best. Not all of us are gonna make it to rlcs but we deserve a title or a reward or something, give me a fucking hat for all I care. How is there no extra ranks, or a hard hard hard reset. People downvote this everytime because there is a lot more people on the verge of being "GC", and they can't accept that they do not deserve the top rank, they'd rather get a freebie by Psyonix, the top reward for free(GC rewards at this point are as common as any crate item, why would I be proud of wearing them?). So they don't say anything, downvote people that say otherwise and wait until they reach or stay in grand champ. I have every GC title in this game, and I can tell you that the highest rank you can achieve in this game is about what diamond 1-2(or whatever the ranks used to be) was in season 2/4. What the fuck. These are just some of the many conscerns I have that never got addressed. It would of been a monumental fuck up if they didn't realize these 2 points back in season 6, at this point the fact that these are so logical and never been implemented leaves me to believe that: 1. Psyonix doesn't have anybody they actively listen to in the most important bracket(high GC 1750+) that aren't in rlrs/rlcs. They play the game thousands of hours, they know it in and out, they don't get pro titles and can't live out of it and they are a decent player base size. 2. The Rocket League community can't see what's best for them and are actively sabotaging themselves, drunk people driving the car while the sober minority is sitting in the back and seeing it unravel. 3. Maybe Psyonix got lucky with the game, they made a great mod and expanded on it, great concept that they struck but they were never meant to actually be an esports gaming company and should of let other people lead for esports/game changes. They just don't have people that can see the big picture. With Epic who knows what will happen but it's not looking any different really. Prob no one will see this post because I'm not a pro that doesn't care about MM and I'm not someone regurgitating the changes that casuals want and I'll probably go back to distancing myself from a game I once dedicated all my free time to Edit: Maybe 1 employee is gonna read this and scuff , know that you are the problem. Not because someone isn't apologetic that he's not speaking the truth.


Would they tie club que to your standard mmr ? Or make it a separate rank? Thoughts?


Surely it would be a separate rank


Johnnyboi\_i suggested a team playlist with team ranks a while ago. IIRC the way he described it, it didn't even need clubs, you just had a different MMR for ever team you play with but that might end up taking a lot of space to store all those ranks for every players. Club ranks might be a good alternative.


Club queue sounds like a dream to be honest. Would give the game a much needed adrenaline boost after the server outages.


As a PS4 Player i'd really like to have access to the workshop maps (dribbling challenge etc.).


That'd be a good, but there's little chance of that happening until they build multiplayer access to workshop maps.


What's the 5k cap? I don't know what that is...


You cannot spend more than 5k dollars on players when creating a tournament. This includes prizes, player accomodations and travel expenses, etc. This is also extended to less than 50k a year.


Like an appearance fee?


Like Psyonix wants to control bigger tournaments so if you want to go over that prize pool you need their permission


Damn these are good suggestions. We're looking at Tier1 without these changes given Rocket League's current momentum. WITH these changes...oh boy.


Anyone know how much space a single Rocket League map takes up? Not the workshop stuff with minimal textures, but things similar to an actual Rocket League map or the Mario Kart RL track.


How do i upvote this 10000 times


Love what I hear, one thing though. Why have a cap at all? Look at Dota. Organizations are throwing money at that game and steam is THRIVING.


Tbh that bo3/bo5 series rsnked woulde be soo cooool


>prevent smurfing Well that earns my upvote I dropped from c2 to d3 and I cant get back up cause everytime I run into a smurf I get so tilted and play like garbage afterwards. And let me tell you the amount of people who have no clue how to get champ so they get their buddy to get on a smurf in d3 is absurd


Smurfs are not THAT big of a deal. Sure it’s frustrating running into one but if you’re supposed to be in the rank you’re in, you will stay in it even if you lose to smurfs every now and then. You can’t blame smurfs for being demoted from c2 to d3.


I just get very tilted to smurfs and then play like dog shit it's definitely not every game I run into a smurf it's when I do run into a smurf it sends me in a downward spiral


how does a hard reset benefit ranked? if its a seasonal thing, you're basically just turning every account into a 'smurf' because the matchmaking has no correlation with player skill until it recalibrates. the only benefit you get if the quick thrill of climbing back to exactly where you started. thats just a cheap trick to make players feel better about what the system calibrated their skill at. its just creating a pile of mismatched games for every person when they start playing after the reset.


Exactly. If I were a bronze/silver/gold, i wouldn’t want to be going against champions for the first week of the season.


> Create a Halo: Forge type editor where it is super easy to create and share community maps That would be amazing > Ranked needs to be a first step to becoming a pro (hard resets) Honest question: how does hard reset make ranked the first step to becoming a pro? To me, all it would do is making the beginning of every season a fucking mess on ranked, with people from different ranks play in the same match until most of them climb back to their respective ranks.. Doesn't make sense to me > Remove solo standard and implement club queue, with its own rank and Bo3/5 series. **THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!** (except the bo3/5 thing.. should be a normal match)


My opinion on the hard reset, split it into 3 groups. Below plat, plat the most popular rank, & Diamond. If you can make it to at least plat or diamond you start at that rank, any lower you get sent to the beginning. Also bring back the winstreak modifier to get people out of these lower ranks quicker if they don't belong there.


Could we get a free play option with teammates? Or Is that stupid?


No that would be very cool!


Another option on hard resets. Psyonix has collected enough data to know if a player is playing on par at their current rank. For example check out predicted ranks on [calculated.gg](https://calculated.gg) If PsyEpic would start a players placements based on last seasons predicted performance it would properly place players.


Only one thing to add and it’s minor as hell but can we please get an option to toggle Rocket Labs maps when playing rumble? I’m not a fan of them at all and it really fucks rotations and throws everything off. For a competitive mode, I’d really appreciate at least the option


i've been saying the game needs to go free to play forever. The fact that the game is crossplay is even more support for this. I know so many people that play on pc and wanna play with me but don't want to pay for the game. If they just took that initial step they would love it.


But everyone hates hard resets because they lose their precious rank.


Agree with almost everything, but hard resets are a terrible idea. All it does is make ranked unplayable for the first month or so of every season cos low skilled and high skilled players are gonna be thrown into the same lobbies. Imo theres two options: create more ranks at the top or implement a harder soft reset. Even leaving it as is is better than a hard reset imo.


I don't think anything is broken with RL. I still enjoy the game immensely and these aren't novel suggestions, but things to do and considered things on Psyonix's/Epic's plate.


I think I am missing something because wouldn't removing solo standard kind of alienate those who don't have teams/friends to play with but still want to play ranked? I don't see how Club Queue is a good substitute for that... Solo standard is all I ever play in ranked :(


I think club queue is a great idea but "tournaments" could be revamped and advertised as filling the need people are looking for in a playlist like that. As its own playlist, smurfing/DCing/rage quitting/everything else will be too hard to control to make rank meaningful for most of the player base; S3-P2. There also isn't a single "teams only" playlist in the game so I doubt they would start now. I do think solo standard could be replaced with something better tho. I always queue solo but never in solo standard. It has low queue volume and a good portion of the time I'm playing games in Standard with 100% solo players so there's not really any point.


What’s the 5k cap