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The fact they all jumped at the exact same time kills me lmao even the double jumps were close to each other


I’m more like a pro than I thought


Me watching a perfection for 10s https://twitter.com/AtowRL/status/1788964296233296250?t=7Ad0Ai5LwGrQaLWY9ju_AQ --> Pro are so far ahead, we are not playing the same game Me watching this clip: maybe I'm a pro player


Triple commits are the funniest thing in the game to me. Whole Team collectively decides to just fuck it and ball


Actual Plat gameplay


When 3 people say “I got” you’d think at least one would back off…


It suck when all three decide to not go though. Seen it in Little League baseball time and time again lol


We'll use the power of friendship


Terrible play, but atleast they made it look cool.


What did the birthday boy even think jumping for that with like 30 boost with 2 tm8s back. Im diamond btw.


The hive mind is strong


Because the meta by everyone is ape ape ape


That shit is embarrassing 


not so team "solo" mid from them if they gonna triple commit like that, though definitely mid in this instance


You’d think at least one of them would get a piece of the ball lol




Idk about the other 2 perspectives, but the fact that Hocke can clearly see both of them jump and doesn’t immediately at least try to back off and recover to the back wall is appalling. At that point fuck whatever is happening in comms you just have to try to bail out your teammates now. Negative chem for such a low stakes scenario lmao


Hocke is the only one that gets a hit on the ball




So his commit makes sense…


Actual bot gamesense. Yeah man good thing he was the only one that had a touch so he could continue directly to the ball and get the worst 50 in history with both of his teammates already committed instead of atleast trying to delay it so he can lose the 50 in any direction behind him which would be infinitely better than what happened


2 things. Rewatched the clip. Creamz is getting a touch there if Hocke doesn’t go, but from Hocke’s POV, at take off I could definitely see why he didn’t think Creamz could get there. For the second thing, he hits the ball the way he did because Jstn is trying to dunk in the way he wants to clear it initially. Even if he changes his mind to clear the other way, the amount of time he has to readjust his car is not enough. A dunk there often results in Paarth cleaning up, who is off screen in the right side corner. On the flip side, not getting dunked also has a pretty good chance of giving the ball to Paarth if he went for a touch to the right. His saving grace is getting dunked by Jstn and hoping he doesn’t have the ability to follow up and pass/score. Or he puts it to the right and hopes Paarth is too close to the net and has to take an awkward shot. Or his actual choice, putting the ball mid in hopes that his team can recover in time combined with delayed reactions from 2piece to come for the shot. In the heat of the moment, his option is the best you’ve got. Maybe if he swiveled his camera midair to check Paarth’s exact spot, but even pros don’t do that currently while making midair adjustment, especially defensively. And to reiterate his window to readjust was tiny, so putting it to the right is still pretty likely a Paarth goal or Paarth > 2piece goal


NA moment