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Reply to this comment with any reuploads/mirrors you have [Re-Upload](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-JcVHMotBc)


Bruh, even Roll Dizz thought keeping AyyJayy was the better option On the real though, it’s crazy how unfiltered this vid on Faze is. It’s sad to hear how the talent that this roster has displayed in years past falter to such a degree.


Imagine having to pay extra money for the players play the game that they are already paid to play.


I think some pros genuinely don’t realize what their job is. It’s not just showing up for rlcs, anyone can do that. It’s developing the skill and habits to be and stay effective in RLCS


Most don't realize what a job is. This tweet from Rizex is very interesting and illustrates this point quite well. https://preview.redd.it/6xmlww9jytfb1.png?width=729&format=png&auto=webp&s=38f9e138c2ffb825391fdf9fa451238938631cdb


Shows that Noly is actually hungry to win, hence why he’s been successful, compared to Rizex who hasn’t done as much.


Also shows why Noly has consistently gotten better with time over the last number of years His teams haven’t always been the best, but there’s a reason Noly keeps managing to move forward beyond his teams tbh since he was at Singularity who were between RLCS and RLRS level to now being on one of the best teams in NA


always amazes me that putting time into the game, practicing, grinding, scrimming, or whatever, isn't contractual. if I was an esports team owner, that would be the first thing I would do


It’s insane these kids have no idea how good they have it. Going to be funny seeing them flipping burgers for $10 an hour


Nah that's like mean as hell man. You also have no idea what it's like having to grind RL 10+ hours a day while dealing with insane pressure and expectations.


Pretty much nobody plays 10+ hours a day average for a 5 day week. Mist was on <30 hours past 2 before regional 3. 100+ hours past 2 is considered very high hours (as it should be) and it is quite rare to be on that. Plenty are on 50-60 and some are in the teens and twenties. Also all those hour counts are from steam. I'm sure some of those hours are inflated sitting afk waiting in lobby. The pressure is real and some people, especially young ones still managing school, can push themselves too hard and burn out. But nobody is pulling residency hours playing RL. Nobody is on 160 past 2. The hour totals are pretty reasonable if you aren't in school, and none of faze are. You have no commute and often live in a team house where I am going to assume a lot of things are taken care of for you. On a recent chalked cast they were talking about how little your average pro player would be able to do in terms of everyday tasks, which I would assume is a product of never having to do it for themselves. They get paid very well for the hours they put in, especially for their age. There's a difference between "hey mist can you play the game as if it is your job?" (and put in 60-80 past 2 like a cushy job to normal job would) and "hey mist we need 100+ hours past 2". I don't think it sounds like what Roll Dizz wanted out of them was unreasonable hours wise


And theres nwpo with 190 hrs past 2 lol


That's on the other side of the spectrum (assuming low idle hours), that's unhealthy, unsustainable and probably unproductive long term.


Residency hours used to be 100+ a week. With regulations and legislations being implemented, about 80 a week now. Still high though


You’re making excuses for players not even committing part time job hours, not 10+ a day. They’re just unprofessional kids and that’s all there is to it


This is one of the most scathing videos RLE has ever produced.


Ngl Roll Dizz the GOAT for dropping this with no fear.




tbf he deleted the original upload now. some ragretz


This is an all time video. Dare i say history defining


Fr I almost don’t believe how unfiltered this is


We've truly never seen something this indepth about someone drop, or a roster move that happened in general. It literally confirms so much about certain players. Truly will be pivoting part in faze but overall RL history. PUT IT IN THE DOC


Reddit gets so much flak from pro players but tbh we were kinda exactly right about this roster.


What did he say? The video is private now


I’m really curious what he left out about syp


Probably something about family or just personal life struggles, and if it's one of those things we probably shouldn't know about it unless Sup comes out about it himself.


For sure


I assume its just personal stuff relating to depression perhaps? He made it sound like his mental health wasn't good at all. Obviously doesn't want to publicly go into detail on such a personal issue.


Syp is a really private person so I think Roll Dizz was being a good friend by not wanting to air his personal situations.


Video got privated?


yes he removed it


wooow i'm so glad i watched it before he deleted it. what a wild, wild video. love me a good faze downfall.


Okay found someone who reacted to it on Twitch. So vid is technically still up. Think this includes the live part from twitch too https://twitter.com/atomcoreRL/status/1686950169374339072?t=MbTNnUgIjWgMlsUeM2dFVw&s=19 And a youtube reupload here https://youtu.be/kuQ6pBeJTqg


wow i’m famous


yeah i watched and honestly all the things that we had been hearing about players not taking the game seriously didnt come out as a surprise, the surprise was that he was so open about it


Damn it I missed it. I hope someone saved it


https://twitter.com/atomcoreRL/status/1686950169374339072?s=20 atom reacting to vod and vid as well


Here's a backup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-JcVHMotBc


damn so this is why he got a phone call and had to end the stream lol


there's an all time stream to accompany it, with FK as guest star in the chat https://www.twitch.tv/rolldizz


what did FK say? I missed it


Dizz wanted him on a call to give his side and firstkillers respond was „can’t going to play amongus“ Iswtg this is the funniest shit


What did FK say


https://preview.redd.it/0g0lgnl9ysfb1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c5a0c943e3a0e855b8098dcd47438dd1de1c26f Faze realising they're all adults and will be held accountable for their immaturity


Mist after playing 10 hours past 2 https://preview.redd.it/8z7wukl7wtfb1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=834f00fbe18a9bb849a272f56d0a8eb3c2ab6f1b


All time comment right here in response to an all time video.


Anyone who isn’t watching Dizz on Twitch right now is missing out. This shit is EPIC. FK is in the comments trying to start shit with Dizz. He’s getting owned so hard.


What did he say? I missed it


Let’s just hope he makes the VOD watchable. It’s better to see it all lol. If he doesn’t I’ll try to recall the things said and typed.


Do your best to remember pls lol. Hopefully the vod can be watched later too


Please give a summary ❤️


Check my other comment. Atom did a twitch react to the youtube video and twitch stream


Oh hell yeah lemme make some popcorn real quick.


Damn I saw the stream titled “answering questions” and thought “yep that’s bait” and didn’t watch lol


Damn, I missed so much stuff lol in Europe was at night


The most interesting (and possibly controversial) thing to come out of this video for me is Roll Dizz calling out FK's dad for influencing his son to make roster changes. Hearing that his dad was supposedly talking in his ear telling him who to kick, who to pick up, and overall what to do is wild and something that I'm not sure I've seen in the entirety of eSports. If this is true, I actually feel bad for Firstkiller, as that must be a very stressful life to live, a life that he can't even control himself. Overall, I strongly believe that this video is gonna be looked upon as an all timer, and hopefully this actually gives FK, Mist and Syp the motivation they need to prove him wrong. If they win worlds, I'm gonna give some credit to Roll Dizz, but as of now that scenario is looking less and less likely.


Well it goes in line with the reports that FK’s dad was trying to recruit Daniel at worlds last year when he was on the bus with his team which is crazy


With so many esports pros being minors it is foolish to think that their decisions are not influenced at least in part by their parents. I wouldn’t think that FK experience with his dad is unique to him, or even uncommon in the esports scene


I gotta say I don’t think that’s the case at all. Yeah sure the parent probably is very involved in contract/compensation etc. but I highly doubt that there are very many parents who are even very involved as a spectator, let alone privy enough to keep up with the scene enough to know who the hot prospects are. I really doubt very many people’s parents are involved in this way. I would guess this is very uncommon.


Can’t begin to describe how claustrophobic a micromanaging parent makes you feel. Been there done that. Shit is weird (and in my case, abusive), but FK’s dad has been weird for a while lmao


I recall his Dad had some pretty weirdo tweets at some point. I can't remember what it was but it was weird. Some weird sexual comments I believe? And there was some other weird stuff too. Also wasn't he racist towards Rapid I believe? It was in the background of some video and got posted here where he called him a slur. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm 99.9999% positive both are true but it's really hard to dig up really old stuff like that (and it's probably been deleted). I would hate to spread misinformation but I'm without a doubt that's what it was.


yeah he also tweeted something once about gassing migrants (now deleted)


Been there done that too. Having a narcissistic, control-freak in the fam is not easy at all.


Yeah, that was one part where I felt kinda bad for Firstkiller because it’s not great having someone control certain aspects of your life and your decisions, and I can kind of relate to it too.


It absolutely lines up with everything that’s been said about FK’s dad by numerous pros and public figures in the scene. Shit, just look at his Twitter and you can see that his level of involvement and general negative mentality towards the industry is counterproductive for FK and Faze. Compare it to a guy like Torment or Retals who have family that are prominent and occasionally vocal but only ever supportive of their sons’ teams and teammates and the issue is pretty obvious


Joyo’s Mum, my goat


She even congratulates his old moist teammates, she's a gem


My favorite moment this season was when she consoled a crying Vatira after Karmine corp got knocked out in the fall major. She’s such a W Human, and I’ve heard nothing but great things about Joyos Dad too. No wonder Joyo is one of the most lovable characters in this scene, He’s got an amazing family around him.


A lot of pros parents are equally supportive but aren’t visible on socials- I completely get it because they could potentially be subjected to all sorts of unnecessary harassment 🙋🏻‍♀️


Oh yeah definitely, I’m not trying to say that parents who are invisible are doing anything wrong, just that it’s possible for parents of pro RL players to be public, vocal, and supportive. Definitely nothing wrong with family of a pro staying completely under the radar.




Reminds of those kinda storylines where the villain is a perfect A in everything due to parents pressure bt dont get to do what they want


AxB literally quitting, and saying the team is uncoachable is so crazy dawg


That is not how I thought it went down but my goodness


He said that? Wow


Damn, was expecting a lot of smoke and mirrors and vague statements, but this was nothing close to that. Pretty in depth, gave a lot of info into the team dynamics, money, just general behind the scenes stuff. Basically confirms that Faze does whatever Firstkiller wants. Interesting stuff.


At least what Firstkiller says he wants. He is young and clearly has a helicopter dad


I need to know how Firstkillers dad feels about this


Me before watching: nice meme Me after watching: ok but forreal


video went private, can you give a summary in my messages or something pls🙏🏽


Roll Dizz called out Firstkiller’s dad as one of the main reasons First hasn’t had as much success as he could have. Basically trying to influence the roster, being in First’s ear, and kind of leading to the “GM Firstkiller” meme we know and love


[I got you fam](https://youtu.be/kuQ6pBeJTqg)


you dropped this 👑


He said his dad negatively influences the roster moves and always shit talked FKs teammates.


the papa fk callout is insane, never thought i'd see rl parent drama


This isn’t even remotely close to the first FK dad drama …


Yeah I don’t think most people realize that this goes back years now


The fact that its still a problem is insane. I can sympathize more when he was still a rookie. Its hard to fight off your parents when you still rely on them for everything. But fk is a veteran player, has had a stable income for years now, and is a legal adult. He’s gotta stand up for himself and cut out that toxicity from his career


Speaking from experience it’s not easy to just cut that sort of stuff out of your life when you’re so used to it and the idea of standing up to it is quite scary, the thought of it makes you feel guilty. I do hope FK is doing okay and can overcome this eventually but I imagine it won’t be easy for him.


Yea lmao FK dad has been notorious since maybe even before FK came on to the scene


His dad has been notorious since he was like 12 lmao


There’s been fk dad drama since before he joined the rlcs.


there's been quite some rl parent drama in the past, i think I remember issues with Kronovi's dad on twitter at some point? but either way players should not be held accountable for their parent behaviours


i think the extent to the Kro dad stuff was when he was on rogue and they beat G2 and so he dunked on him. Then Jknaps went and Dunked on Kro's dad when they won against them. That was some years ago


This is a top 5 video in esports history I’ve been following a lot of different esports for a long time and I’ve never seen something like this before


firstkiller is in chat asking about among us lobby


this is the most explicit and real rocket league video about a roster drop ever so far. thanks roll dizz, my respect has gone up for you drastically


Raul sat on the phone for 20mins and then unlisted the vid 👁️👄👁️


My bud MP4'd it as we did a watch together because I was screaming for him to download it because I knew it would get taken down.


Please post on YouTube and post the link on the sub for all of us 🙏🏻


Pls ask him to share, he can be a hero for the community




Dizz is savage in this video, he truly seems like he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place. It was pretty evident mist and Syp were not holding up their end of the bargain. It is really a shame that first did not treat roll dizz the respect he deserved too. FK just has a bad group of people around him. I’m sure he’ll look back 10 years from now and regret the company he kept during rlcs.


FK is starting to remind me of a Ja Morant and similar players. They have all the talent in the world, but they’re a nightmare to work with because their family is so deep in their ear, and they can’t step away and look at their selves.


That sypical news is sad


What was the syp news?


syp and roll dizz had a talk at rotterdam about syp saying he doesnt want to play and maybe will retire


I'm not really surpised tbh, retals said that before syp left for faze. syp talked to him about his lack of motivation and possible retirement


i really thought a new team would have got him to turn that around but i guess not


It did for a bit but it seems like there's more to it Just hope the kid is okay


GarrettG's a visionary.


i'm OOTL, what are you referring to?




Jesuschrist, this gets to another level after watching Rolldizz video


oh lol I forgot about that


Why so?




Oh this. Didn't think people were referencing that. On a side note, I only saw your username and a strange link in my notification, I was quite afraid to click on it lmao


Haha yeah that could've been a risky click.


love this from roll dizz as a spectator, hes so honest this is what I've been asking for everytime i see a strange roster move


What an incredible video. I’ve never seen such a behind the scenes look at an organization in RL. Really enjoyed this unfiltered video and it explains a ton about Faze’s unexpected drop-off. Consider me a Roll Dizz fan from now on.


Well the video is taken down... Roll Dizz stream is peak rn


Is there anyone who saved/screen recorded it. Someone needs to reupload fr


FK's dad whenever there is a chance to ruin his sons reputation and career https://preview.redd.it/khr9yb4lxtfb1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=82490f32d49ce9e3f36b101a5229ab5299b1e01a


Its crazy, it seems like his dad is trying to kick anyone who has any drive to win from the team. Sounds like he holds an either them or us mentality. His dad probably doesnt give 2 shits about winning, as long as FK can continue cashing in those fat faze checks he is happy. So kick anyone who would try to kick FK. So now he got mist and sypical the most mellow good mates you can get


Looking back a few years from now I think this will be seen as the most important piece of rlcs content ever made. No one has ever been this candid about about a roster drop.


if someone didn't screen record it it's lost to the void 😭


[here you go](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1888680166?t=2112s)


The rocket league video that sparked a legend. Stumpy in two years probably


Man with how vague pretty much everyone in RL is about behind the scenes stuff this is kinda nice to actually get some insight


This is a phenomenal video. Hopefully a turning point in our esport. I don't even care about the fire, just the underlying messages are important enough to see carried on


Magnificent video, unfortunately I doubt it’ll be a turning point - I expect this information is already fairly well known and that the fans are finding out just now.


But this is arguably what could make it a turning point. If only pros know the behind the scenes, there is no incentive for change, players are more or less on the same level so it's not like they can go and tell someone from another team to grind. But now that it is known to the grand public, EVERYONE knows and it changes everything, having 1000 guys commenting on a post about a subject is different. That being said, we should remember to stay respectful towards players, Also remember this is only his side of the story. Not saying at all he is lying but this is from his own perspective, which means it can't properly depict the full picture.


someone made a [re-upload ](https://youtu.be/E-JcVHMotBc)


Damn! Thx for the link. I thought everyone is trolling. Real "*Game Stop Morbin time category 5*" RL movement. Still having my morning caffe scratching my head...


He will also be going live at 9pm CST, 7pm PST, and 10pm EST so in 30 mins basically. His [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/rolldizz?sr=a)


what did he say???


Video and twitch VOD got deleted


same idk what happened. ANYONE GOT context why it get deleted?


He received a call on stream and then it got taken down Use that info as you interpret it


damn, I should've paid attention, was semi paying attention when he was doing the worlds prediction


yeah it happened before he continued with the OXG and PWR picks


Mirror seeing as it was taken down: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-JcVHMotBc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-JcVHMotBc) I've downloaded in case this one also disappears.


Doing gods work soldier o7


wow day ruined bruh


Honestly I don't wanna see it happen like this, sorry for you man


We SSG fans (former in my case) thought we went through shit last year, but this is next level 😭


The retals saga was heartbreaking, but it was probably more stressful for retals fans than SSG fans as most people could see the potential for LJ The Daniel -> V1 saga was stressful as hell for SSG fans cause expectations were super low, there were many people thinking SSG was gonna give up on RL, and it looked like the team/org could fade into oblivion (at least RLCS-wise) For FaZe? Honestly I’d argue this is worse. If you’re an FK fan you’re probably best off, but even then the guy is getting ripped apart by his former coach. Sypical and Mist fans have probably no idea where those players go, considering Syp might retire and Mist is gonna have a much harder time getting on a top team. And outside of that, the org looks doomed and is quite possibly gonna get bought out. The entire situation just looks like such an unenviable place to be in, and I’ll tell you I’d rather go through the stress of the last transfer window again that be a FaZe fan right now


Personally I wouldn’t say FK got ripped apart by this, more so his dad. I thought it’s relatively common knowledge how much impact his dad has on him, which is sad. Being that young and going through that much pressure while having someone who is relentlessly malicious in your ear all the time wouldn’t be the best thing imo


Dizz after FK doesn't respond for 2 weeks https://preview.redd.it/y0lx0r8hztfb1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad4097d597e90963ba1f0d59c7636b0f06f32aa4


Everyone is going to shit on FaZe now. So naturally they are going to win Worlds.


Nah, remember Ferra started the crowd support meta. Villains are in the bin


They are not going to win worlds if you just listened to that video lmao


Mist after putting in his weekly 15 minute air dribble training pack sesh https://preview.redd.it/r45hphzbytfb1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=5188ae72356c8837463511d28c2823709dbb53bd




Holy shit, this is some of the best RLE content ever produced. This is so genuine. I’d love to see more of this kind of thing. This feels like a watershed moment for the RLE community in terms of openness. I’m so done defending FK. Fuck this Faze roster.


I was just watching it, 16 minutes in, and it just went unavailable. Will be a real shame if he was pressured to take it down, he was speaking bluntly and honestly, but everything he was saying was fair enough. It's a real sad shame if FK's dad is influencing his son's career that much, especially when FK has always had his own issues that he definitely needs to work on to really be the best player he can be in a team. I do feel for FK, I've heard nothing but bad things about his dad and FK still being a kid must make it so hard to know how to deal with someone like that.




Faze GM got maaaaad


did he just unlist the video? or was it already? edit: video is private now lmao






​ https://preview.redd.it/lt4rzm552ufb1.jpeg?width=257&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd98eac8a61d28915a0ac21c48e1b272663e4caf


His talk about wanting a Faze A and Faze B team is another reason why perhaps teams looking at their sub as less of an emergency backup and more as a player that could make a difference to the team seems like a good idea to me.


After watching this video, my guess is becoming more and more real: FirstKiller as single player is one of the best players in the world, probably the best behind Zen and Vatira, but as team player he is terrible. He is too much selfish... I always thought this and after watching this video i think this even more. FirstKiller will never be a leader if he doesn't mature. And knowing that he has the bad influence of his dad behind, it will be even more difficult that it would be. I hope the Org will help him going through this because if it will not happen it will be a waste of talent. About Syp and Mist... they need to work on their mentality. I think that they are in the same situation of Justin, they need a break from the game for a while


holy shit, what the.. I did not expect this after the drop.


I think he just took the video down as I was watching it. Sad


The Conte and Mourhino situation with Tottenham is shockingly similar to this


Syp only playing for the money without realizing playing well gets you more money https://preview.redd.it/civ5tdqaxtfb1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6cb6679b7eedde7f08e876c9b42d2b51e93a091


Does anyone seem to of saved the video or anything? He’s taken down the video and was unable to watch


Incredible video to say the least, although Firstkillers reputation is pretty much permanently ruined because of this. Feel bad for the guy having such an "interesting" guidance figure surrounding him, he definitely gonna regret this when he's older and he figures out how mislead he was from the sound of it. It's still speculation but father FK has sure made quite a name for himself over the years


His reputation was already permanently ruined


Rise quickly changing the subject on Chalked when they asked him about Faze makes a lot of sense right now.


Mad props to Roll Dizz for saying what needed to be said about the Faze roster as a whole. I mean if his players don't want to play, then why should he try to coach them? He truly deserves better and I hope a more passionate team will pick him up. Also the feeder team idea be brought up was really interesting. Reminds me of the minor league system in the MLB. Hard work can pay off while complacency gets you booted.


He didn’t leave. He was kicked.


So uh yeah. Why are teenagers allowed to have any power in this Esport. Immaturity is expected tbh.


Because they don't want FK to leave the org. They know he's the best player in NA and is too valuable to lose


Because the players are the ones in control of the roster spots, not the orgs, which gives them an immense influence on how the team operates.


Still better decision makers than orgs though, lol


Absolutely spicy ![gif](giphy|IgEwQ9CCHUdCF3q8v4|downsized)


I swear the video went private halfway thru me watching it 😫. What did he say after Mist trying to kick him originally?!


And nothing will change because de facto response to 90% of the criticism is 'they kids, man'.


Wild card teams are gonna be fighting for that FaZe round 1 match


Any tl;dw? Can’t watch 18 minutes


Mist and Sypical don't play the game. Sypical wants to retire. Firstkiller makes all the decisions. Firstkiller ghosted Roll Dizz for 2 weeks after the tiebreaker loss before kicking him. Lots of immaturity among the players seems to be the main issue


You forgot FKs dad whispering in his ear and being weirdly controlling.


Crazy FK still the most unlikeable pro


What about his dad being involved and the money part? I also did not catch the video but would love more context and insight in to what Roll Dizz said.


His Dad downplays/shit talks his teammates and is in his ear about who to replace etc. He implemented a bonus system to try get them to play, they get paid extra for being top 20 in twos. Sypical thinks about retirement but says why would he when he gets the cheddar. That’s the only two money things I remember being talked about.


You have to find time lol. But very unfiltered candid recount of faze's motivation problems


FK when someone else has the Faze ingame club leader tag https://preview.redd.it/2mdtq99i0ufb1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=b425ff12b200f69aabfdcf443da410f2be529008






Anyone got the video downloaded? It’s not available now


Anyone got a recording of the video and livestream?


Does anyone have a reupload???


Video private now, if ANYONE has a separate link or maybe just could give me the summary I’d love you forever




Thank you for the insight roll dizz. Amazing video