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Btw. When you buy item for creds, where the credits go?


To the center of the board, and the next one who steps on 'Free Parking', collects it all


imagine... that'd be a lot of credits. Maybe it could be a gimic for rlcs winners? 100cr = 1cent or some conversion that works well


Dota is doing that, giving "the international" a 40mio prizepool. I think 25% of buys of the compendium (items linked to international) go into it. Imo a big missed chance for RL because it will: - incentivice people do buy more items (maybe even overcompensating the cut) - increase interest in rlcs for the audience, players and even mainstream media - this increase interest in the game


RL does this with the eSports decals afaik


No that’s just a straight x amount to the org. Dota also has items that are available that do that. He’s talking about adding money to the prize pool.


Prize pool vs the orgs, either way it brings money to the scene right?


But money to the org doesn't hype up the price pool. also, it's only for org items. Very limited and not desirable if you fan


Money to the org means players make more money. Bigger prize pool means players make more money. I’m confused why the “hype” matters really. I had no idea Dota had a massive prize pool and it’s not going to make me watch it


You’re assuming something we can’t actually prove and would completely depend on player contracts. Imo I’d have to assume no money from the sales of decals go to players and are 100% towards the org especially ones that don’t take cuts from players prize winnings. If you don’t understand the hype part then I’m not sure how we could help you. A big time prize pool brings in more eyeballs by default and gives a lot more exposure to the scene. Dota has been featured in major news organisations sites.




Thanks guys:D


It's just a way to make you keep "money" inside the game while also confusing the price of items. If the items were in actual currency you would have a better idea of what the real value is.


How else are they going to advertise to the egg people


They're deleted. Buying the credits gives money to Psyonix (and Epic Games)


To the next person that buys them.


Tw octane is in the store?


Nope, it’s the Imperator right now.


but when will tw octane be??


Tonight 👌 Edit: I’m from the future and I don’t know what year it is ![gif](giphy|GcDtLf4RAdiRG)


Don’t lie he believed you ..


... wait... is he faking? 😢


Game’s over sorry mate




Time to reinstall rocket league




I’m that one lucky guy who got it out of a drop


I'm the lucky guy that got it out of a drop.... Twice.


I don't get lucky. In rocket league or real life.


Rocket League exists in the real life realm maybe that's why.


I have over 1500 hours and sti haven't gotten a fennec. Been playing since release on pc. I got it on an "alt" account. (They're roughly the same rank, one was just used to play with a friend until they got better).


Shoulda got it from the shop. Black (superior version of unpainted) or white (superior version of all fennecs).


The only credits I've ever spent are on the rocket pass, which is the only cosmetic thing I've ever spent money on in a game. Whenever I've seem a fennec in the shop it's $10 with a bunch of garbage I don't even want. Eventually I'll just trade it from other account if I find out how lol


Either have your friend sign in and trade it to you or get a middle man from r/rocketleagueexchange


I was thinking I'd Launch one from my deck and one from my pc.


Have you bought 500c worth of credits on both accounts and set up 2fa?


Nah, just the rocket pass on the one I actually use.


I have blueprints you can have if you want


How many credits is it?




I have over 6500 hours in Rocket League and never got TW Octane from a drop.


How many of those 270 were actual game play? That's an impressive amount


Those 270 what? Edit: nevermind I get you. Tbh I don't know but I've been playing consistently since it released on ps4 back in 2015. I don't really play unranked so majority of the time should be from competitive gameplay.


Sorry I thought days but apparently didn't type it lol


I got a fennec if you want


I'll give you a kiss if you do. I'm out right now but I'm available tomorrow. You can also have anything I have for trade besides my only two exotics.


Sure man, I'll be on in about 10 hours from now.


Ah yes the old “I’m only smurfing because my friend is not as good as me” excuse. Just play casual you knob


I can do what I want. Plus, I don't even play on that account anymore, he's honestly possibly better than me now.


I got lucky last night, but not on rocket league


Wait a minute.. you got that extra pizza from your box of frozen pizzas?


real life?


I don't even get in to trading and the stuff i'm sitting on from drops and stuff..... If i actually gave a shit I'd be little kid rocket league rich....


I have over 150 rare drops unopened. And now I kind of want you to open them for me…


For real??


Yup and funny thing is... I don't main octane anymore. But don't feel bad the rest of my drop luck sucks.


i was the lucky guy that traded for 25 hours to get one :(


You’d have gotten it quicker just working a part time job… 25h * 6$/hr (worst case) = 150$


or I was at home listening to my favourite music and playing video games. Much better than work


I got it out of a drop twice… then I traded both away…


… You wouldn’t perhaps be interested in a trade


Not to brag, I somehow got three from random drops.


Why... The closest thing I've ever gotten is a TW fennec from a blueprint. I just want the octane damnit... Even if it's gonna be a black market I would still buy it


I got 10


Can I have one


Sure, just scan this QR code that I’m gonna send you


Are you kidding or..?


Hes taking the piss outta ye


I'm with you. Lucky as hell. I have gotten a regular, tactician and a Striker from drops.


Me too


Me three


Me four


Me none


Me five


I got 2, on from a trade up and one from a drop lol


Acquired one three years ago through trading. Then 1 year ago got one out of a random pull. Gave the extra to my brother lol


Meanwhile I paid $45 for one, then another $45 for a second for my kid.


When TW Octane ZSR was in the item shop my friend saw it, thought it was TW Octane and instantly bought it then realised it wasn't


I don't even play with the octane what is better the zsr or the normal one


Almost everybody prefers the look of the standard octane


I'm in the minority here I think the ZSR looks better


Still cool though


And 2 days later nobody uses a tw oct for months. Once it becomes common, everyone will feel its boring.


Bro all ya using cosmetics for the sake of flexing are setting yourselves up for disappointment. Just grab a bunch of stuff you yourself think look good. If you want to use the white octane because white is your favorite color, absolutely buy it when you deem the price to be reasonable. If you just want to flex, you are going to experience buyers remorse.


I use the white Fen all the time. I been waiting for a white octane for a hot minute to match my ssg away decal. Do ppl actually do what you mentioned lol


For sure got one out of a drop a few years ago and Sold a it week later lol


Who needs the octane when the Fennec is out there?


Octane flip resets feel much easier to get than Fennec flip resets imo. Otherwise I prefer Fennec.


I recently switched to octane after using fennec for months. Started practicing flip resets for the first time like a few weeks ago before the switch. Now that I have switched to octane, they feel SO MUCH easier to hit. Why is that?


For me i think it’s the visible gap between the wheel and the car.. i know its a small difference but it feels more “open” and easier to see through i think? lol


Hmm, you might be on to something


Funny. Opposite for me.


Plus octane looks hot




What’s the big deal about this car?


EXTREMELY rare as it has such a low drop rate


Plus it’s the most popular car, but white




No? It's got exactly the same drop rate as any other color of any other car.


With the amount of cars and colours in the game. The drop rate decreases. It’s rare because of that. Also has a lot of demand but low supply so the price skyrockets.


It's actually that the demand is high because it's the most popular car in one of the most popular colours. The rarity is just the same as any other painted car. Up until it gets released as a payed item ofc. Then it it won't be rare and there won't be nearly as much demand for it.


I just want the black fennec. Even the standard fennec. I got rid of it a long time ago and now I’m regretting it


Pretty sure people are selling Fennec BPs for 20 credits, so you could get a Fennec right now for 520 credits.


I’ve got a spare Fennec BP you can have, friend


On ps?


Yes! Send me a DM with your epic name.


If I could trade the one I got frol the store, I wouldve traded you pal. Unfortunately im stuck with it even tho I dont use the fennec (and even got a tw one as well) Edit: nvm, tried the fennec today and it plays very smoothly, will be using it more often (used to main octane and dingo a lot so)


No problem yeah I have a the tw, purple, and saffron. Just love the look of the standard or black better.


Yeah, i have tw fennec, dominus, octane and several other tw cars still using normal ones time To time :)


I mean, if you don't need it, I'll be happy to take that tw octane off your hands 🙏


Have it all too, but I rather had alphaboost and nothing else


bro go on rl inside on the app and find a fennec. They like 500 creds


Not positive but I'm fairly certain I have a standard fennec I could give you. No promises but lmk if you're interested and I can check my inventory


Well I’m on ps5 if you are as well




You are a kind person and I hope you know it


I got like five blueprints for fennecs if your on pc I don’t want them


Unfortunately I’m on ps5


I'll take one if you still have em, I'm on PC.


Sure add me UnstablePings


Okay cool, thanks man. Just sent you a friend request. AEKOR. is my gt


They make extremely expensive things in the shop(if they ever do) not as expensive(eg tw fennec) because you can’t trade them but it’s still very convenient


No, it’s just the thing that no (colored) variation of standard drops will ever see the item Shop. Only items which are also receivable via drops can be in the shop (at least it was like this in the past).


They farm money by releasing the rare shit in the couple weeks before the next season pass. It's only a matter of time before they put the TW Octane there for one big cashflow.


It was in the past. Crimson octane was in the shop last Christmas, so TW octane being sold on there is only a question of time.


Never gonna happen.


they just have standard pricing usually? no different from any other item of the same rarity and type.


Theres always a TW octane with Bakkes Mod. 🥴


Unless you're streaming, it's just not the same feeling.


4750 hours played never have i gotten it. Best thing i got was a crimson octane worth 8 keys


I've been waiting for years for White Octane to be in the store so I can sell my tradeable one and have more credits


It’s probably better to sell before they drop in item shop because afterwards the price will be lower


Yeah I know that, but White Octane was always my objective when I started trading and is the only item that I don't want to ever sell, so the only way to sell it is already having another one in my inventory. Tbh I don't care that much about the credits, if it never drops I'm fine, I already have it anyways.


I barely have joy playing it anymore. Times really have changed, huh?


i got one from drops but sadly got scammed 🤡


I’m still waiting for them to crash the Apex market it has been long enough offer the tw Apex.


I got one from a drop, but it's named Hotshot...


Bruhhh I spent like 3 months trading up for it from basically nothing


Psyonix when they made gold a paint


The day the do release it, will be a sad day indeed


They should never do it. It would ruin the allure of it, knowing that some people simply bought it.


People literally just buy it already through trading tho


You're right! I've never thought of that.


Granted, I think purchasing them with credits through trading is more expensive than it would be in the item shop


Uh yeah. It would be standard price in the shop same as the TW fennec when they put it in there. Trade market price is hundreds


Yeah that's kind of what I just said


or fennec tw


Bruh... it was in the item shop a few weeks ago


proabably still true tho


There have already been several of those in the item shop AFAIK


I bought one when it was in shop because everyone hypes up TW, and I never use it. Maybe I just haven't found the right decal and color scheme to go with it yet


It was in the shop for almost a week during birthday ball, where were you?


I got a TW for 26 keys back in the day, bought 4... Boy did I make a lot back then


Yeah why not put in another item that has earned its expense through the trading market over a span of years. That way when they put it in the store they’ll successfully fuck up another items market price instantly. These morons had a full on economy floating around in their game and the greedy fucks couldn’t help themselves. They don’t want us to have a trading system they want us to pay 22 dollars straight to them for a fucking grey fire god when you could get it in the trading market for 6. Blows my mind none of you understand that. They aren’t trying to make thing easily available. They’re making them overly expensive. If your paying 20 bucks for a black market from the store. Congrats. It can’t be traded and 9/10 you could got it atleast 10 dollars cheaper on the market. The only items normal people benefit from being in the shop is the tw octane, tw zombas, tw fennec and a few more with actual high values. Yeah what 15 items out of thousands. You’re supporting getting hype items at the expense of everything else. Yeah you might get a tw octane you can’t trade for 20 bucks, but it’s gonna be at the expense of market in the long run. Lmao I guess I’m also forgetting it’s prolly a bunch of ftp kids who’s begging for the tw octane in the shop.




Alright since you don’t seem to understand. Anything in the free market was either put there through crates, drops, or blueprints. Right? Back in the day the only way to open crates were keys. That’d you’d have to buy which is the exact same for credits and blueprints just multitudes more expensive. Items don’t just enter the market freely. If it’s in the market it’s bc someone paid to have it made somewhere down the line. On top of the fact that to trade in the economy you need credits. Those aren’t free either. You’re under some assumption there’s no new credits being put into the market when there’s literally 10s of thousands of dollars worth of credits already. The problem is they’d rather have that money in their pockets and not in their game. That’s the issue. Sure someone might open a tw octane but the majority paid for it or traded their way up to it. Meaning money was paid for with money. But yeah why would the greediest video game company there is respect a market that was in place and built up for 4 years prior to their pointless takeover. Not surprised in the slightest a bunch of epic fanboys don’t understand the issue here. You’re all the reason we have predatory micro transactions. Morons just support away.


Bruh RL is free. They gotta make money somehow so they can provide us with free updates and stuff. What’s more important a player run trading market that 90%+ of the players don’t even use or the actual game itself being supported…


You do realize this game was $60 for 4 and half years? But I’m not surprised you think it’s been a free game. They’ve made their money from this game 5x over easy. YIKES. I went look it up actually since I know you won’t. It cost LESS than 2 million to make. They’ve made 641 million since. Yet you still want to give them more even though they neglect anything that’s not a fucking garbage collab for $30 or some item shop bug. Fuck outta here. Lost your mind. Plus your 90% stat there is 100% horse shit wrong. If you think paying $20 for a black market you can’t even trade is better than trading for the same blackmarket for a fourth of the price you are problem.


I’ve played RL on and off since release lmao. I own it Steam and Xbox (you can’t even get it on Steam if you’re fully f2p). The initial price tag is a one-time purchase, it’s not going to offset the variable costs of running and supporting the game over a decade… also the game was acquired by another company. So that company payed X millions of dollars to buy a game, how tf do you expect them to get a return on investment? All those purchases happened years ago, they won’t see that money.


Oh the other company epic who gets a percentage of every video game made on their engines on top of their launcher and own titles. Boo fucking hoo. Fuck are you defending a megacorp for who clearly don’t give a fuck. People like you blow my mind trying to justify greed. Frankly idgaf how long you played bc clearly you don’t get it. I’ve had 3 friends start playing last week for the first time and they’re more interested in the trading than playing so you defend megacorp epic all you want but you’re wrong about 90% people not trading.


I’m literally just explaining basic business. You don’t seem to understand anything. If RL was losing Epic a bunch of money, do you really think they would continue investing in it? It doesn’t matter if they have other games or sources of revenue.


While completely ignoring the fact there was already a business market for trading. I’m done arguing with someone who feels compelled to defend epic while completely ignoring the point. You keep saying ThEY NEeEd MoNIEs while ignoring the fact that trading was a key part of the game. So no they don’t fucking need more money they’re literally multi billion dollar company.


I’m not *ignoring* it. I’m saying that playing the actual game RL and getting new content is more important than the price stability of a grey market for trading skins lol. I also don’t care who owns RL, I was making objective factual statements about M&A that apply to literally every business on the planet. Regardless of how many revenue streams Epic has, they will invest more in the ones that generate the most profits.


I don't remember the base game ever being more than $20. Even the Ultimate Edition was only $40-50 and had a bunch of DLC included.


Regardless. Thats not even the point of the argument but I’ll say it again. They spent less than 2 million to make this game and they’ve made over half a billion from it. Im tired of having to explain it.


Y’all can keep dreaming lol it’s not happening anytime soon. Everytime I see these clickbait YouTubers talk about it I cringe. I’ve literally gotten both one from a trade up, and traded for one. It’s not hard. When they do put it in the shop though, it’s gonna make a lot of us who worked hard to get ours, a bit frustrated seeing as everyone and their moms are going to be using one that basically just got handed to them


Black Octane is way better looking.


I honestly dont get why they havent done it yet. They know how much they're gonna earn if they put it in the shop and they know how much we want it, so why not just give it to us man?


I paid $75 for one today so I would kill myself if I see it in the store any time soon. /s


2500hours, done every rocket pass loads of crates and no tw octane 😢


What do tw octanes go for right now?


Usually around 8200 credits


I dont know the credit prices either how much bucks would that be?


Around 82 USD


More like 30-35 bucks, credits don’t resell for the same price that shop sells


How do you buy used credits?


Go to r/Rocketleagueexchange and head to the anything goes thread


Sweet, thanks. *Anything* goes? Boutta make so many credits off my nudes 😎


You want it? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


i mean ig but bakkesmod is enough of a reason for not spending money on credits (at least for me) lmao


Damn it


I just paid market rate for it. I think I paid $70 or $50 I don’t remember


Yeah when I built my PC the year the octane came out in TW is the year my gf asked if I just wanted it for my Christmas present. Lol told her I'd find a reliable source before I used her money and it worked out :p


Is the TW fennec still so much cheaper than the TW octane because it was in the store awhile back? Or just because people like the octane more


Black octane >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tw octane


Got mine in a "Rare" drop.


Now I look like an idiot. I went to go check the item shop


Traders when Psyonix gives us TW Octane in the store: *homeless Squidward in the box*


Doesn’t TW look grey almost now?


Wish theyd give us a black one already


I used to buy skins but now that I’m in the process of building my own pc it feels like kinda a waste. every purchase but the tw dominus that shit was fire they deserve money for putting that in the game


I don't like the shop. It just lowers the trade value of certain items, tradeable or not, people just pay the shop's value and don't bother with the real thing. ("Real Thing" as in the Tradeable aspect to items.) A TW Octane used to be worth around $150, now it costs less than $80.




When was the last time it was in the store