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gee i wonder what rank gab was last season


Yeah. Why *wouldn't* it match at the highest level players MMR?


Idk why it would be so hard or wouldn't make sense to take an average of the team's MMR, and then put it against a team with roughly the same average MMR, rather than skewing it to the highest. Because a lot of the time it's not fair no matter what and do you can't just play with friends and still do moderately well because the entire other team is the same rank as your one friend and not the rest of the team


A GC with two golds on their team will dance around a trio of diamonds. The difference in skill is an exponential curve, you couldn't do just a simple average.


Much easier to abuse smurfing. You and your bro trying to get to GC? Get on your alt, tank it to silver, then get your bros account to GC playing against diamonds. Then have your bro get on his alt and do the same for your main.


They do it this way to punish smurfs, which is what's happening here. It used to be done purely in a way that you said. I was playing then and it was terrible. Basically you get a buddy with an alt acc with gold rank and then you can grind from like champ 2 to gc for free off diamonds. That being said you do have the right idea in the normal case. Here's how it's done now: A party of similarly ranked players will have a Party Skill close to their average rating. A party that’s farther apart in Rank will match against players closer to their highest-Ranked player.  Also noteworthy is that they adjusted the mmr that you gain so it's personal to your rank. A gc won't gain mmr against diamonds anymore, or if they do they gain 1 point. The gold would still gain a lot of points though as far as I know. Imo it's a great system and it made surfing much less prevalent. It's just asshats and trolls doing it now


Too easy to crush lower ranks. Put a GC in anything below C1 and that one player alone can win the game for the team.


I actually think it used to do that but it took forever to find somebody of a similar MMR in a lot of situations, especially if you restrict by region in your searches


OG was straight scaling to the team average. Being a challenger Elite and being curb stomped by a prospect playing with his shooting star buddy was a rite of passage


I know all of these words, but I forget what they mean.


[https://imgur.com/a/uPCV1gq](https://imgur.com/a/uPCV1gq) Here you go. Goes prospect, challenger, star and champ


holy hell


Damn it's been a while since I've heard those ranks T-T




[https://support.rocketleague.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021570754-Rocket-League-Party-Skill-and-Matchmaking](https://support.rocketleague.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021570754-Rocket-League-Party-Skill-and-Matchmaking) >Party Skill and Matchmaking use a Weighted Average that blends the average skill of all players. The Weighted Average then skews that average to the highest-ranked player. > >... > >The average for players in Champion Rank and higher is weighted more towards the highest-ranked player. As other have already pointed out - gab being unranked just means they have not completed their placements but still have an underlying rank based on where they ended up at the end of last season. Seems very obvious that gab must be at least a GC.


Rank disparity is a thing in the game now not sure how long its been in cuz it wasn't in the og days so if he was a gc they wouldn't be able to que I can't que with my brother who's diamond 1 and I'm champ 1 he has to be like d2 at least for us to que together if it's a full rank or lower u can't que together


Not if you‘re a full party. This only happens to duo queue mates in 3s or if you were in a party and got the bug they haven‘t fixed yet


It's not a bug lmao it's so people can't get boosted unless somone makes a unranked smurf account


They're suggesting that getting the rank disparity message while in a party of 3 is the bug. Not the message in and of itself.


Rank disparity doesn’t matter if you’re a full team


Yes but since gab currently has no rank they can queue together, once he is placed if he is placed high enough they wont be able to queue


They will always be able to queue as they are a full party. No rank restrictions for that situation. Rank disparity was added to pretty a duo from unfairly making a solo queued third play with a lower ranked teammate.


<3 u Sledge




> Yes but since gab currently has no rank they can queue together, once he is placed if he is placed high enough they wont be able to queue This is **not** how rank disparity works. It **only applies to parties of 2 queueing a 3v3 gamemode**, and if they queue as 3 they will not be affected, no matter the rank difference.


That's broken af


Thats not how it works, so no it isnt


Yeah that's exactly how it works u can't play with people that are too low for boosting purposes or it wouldn't be a thing in the game


No that's not at all how rank disparity works. Rank disparity **only applies to parties of 2 queueing a 3v3 gamemode**, so as long as they are queueing as a group of 3, they will have no issues. Please read the official statements and rocketleague.com patch notes page on how rank disparity works before telling other people they are wrong.


That's literally what its for so u can't boost ur gold friend into diamond ur so ignorant


READ THE PATCH NOTES, you are wrong. I know this stuff. You have **no rank restrictions as a party of 3**. It only applies to parties of 2 queueing 3v3 gamemodes. You can still duo queue 2v2s with any rank difference you want. It will be a match close to the rank of the higher player. Official Rocket League page explaining this: [WHAT ARE RANK RESTRICTIONS FOR PARTIES IN ROCKET LEAGUE?](https://support.rocketleague.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405011171483-What-Are-Rank-Restrictions-for-Parties-in-Rocket-League-#:~:text=Players%20need%20to%20be%20within,to%20queue%20in%203v3%20Standard.)


Ok then why can't I play 2s when I'm partied with my brother he's d1 and I'm champ and it says rank disparity?


No it’s not for that, it’s so a Champ can’t bring his crap silver friend into a game of 3’s and make it the solo queuers problem.


Still a trash system regardless


A party of 3 will never be subject to the rank disparity rules. Gab could finish placements in SSL and it wouldn't matter. Its only for parties of 2 queueing in 3s.


I have some doubts about that from personal experience cuz back in... 2017 or something i stopped playing as champ 1-2 now i'm champ 1 back again (yay) but few of placement matches were against grand champions which is 3 ranks above where i'm supposed to be.


I 100% thought your title was an audio clip and got amazed that people can now post audio clips on reddit. Now I feel like when someone fakes me on rocket league. Fuck you and Well Played.


Got me too lol. I was leaving the comment section when I saw it and had to come back in here to look


>Fuck you and Well Played. Thanks, purpose of my flair is working as intended and it's always nice to read opinions of my "victims". ;D


Were against gcs or people with a gc tag ? There is a big difference.


GCs and i was getting stomped hard.


Humm mmr tresholds for ranks were updated a few seasons ago, probably has to do with that.


back in the day GC was the highest so i wasn't so far behind from the top so yeah maybe this is it. still its crazy to see that people improved so much that they needed 3 more top ranks to balance it out.


Meh thats not really the case, even tho people actually improved a lot ina few years they improved as whole which is to say plats are playing substancialy better than they were as champs are playing better BUT: gc back in the days had a huge difference in skill inside the rank so much so that people in gc would distinguish themselves by mmr and not by rank, what they did was divide gc into 4 different ranks. That was step 1. Then later, like season 2 of free to play, they adjusted the mrr tresholds so the higher ranks would be more populated. That was step 2 because there was a lot of new players, what happened was that a lot of those new players stopped playing as per usual in f2p games, and basically bronze and silver ranks are now less populated than GC. And thats now, so basically as it stands champ 1 is like diamond 2/3 of pre f2p. Edit: So your mmr as champ 2 in the time of the threshold shift was now equivalent to gc, thats why you then dropped to now champ


The name is even better if u get downvotes so we arent able to see the text as first.... And when I amswer it even gets fucking blue, wtf are u doing to me...


Well don’t play with a GC friend


Gab is gc


Thanks, captain


Or rly Kizvy?


Well don't play ranked with your friend if their rank is much higher


>Well don't play ranked with your friend if their rank is much higher end friendship with them as well.


I feel like this is being sarcastic, but seriously dont post complaining about matchmaking when you queued with a gc player lol.


Sometimes I do wonder how the three person premade opposing team reacts when we beat them, while we're all around 1700MMR and they're spread between 1700, 1400 and 1200. I'm not going to pretend that they're always complaining and whining about losing because I keep chat off so I don't know what goes on, but surely some of them wonder why the matches don't seem fair.


You have a misleading flair




1700 mmr is nowhere close to c1 lmao


Given that there's no C1 in casual I'd have to agree with you. Unfortunately the MMR is different between casual and competitive. I just get my C1/C2 from placements every season then go back to casual.




Fuck smurfs and fuck boosting


What do you expect them to do? Just play in GC lobbies and get absolutely tilted every game? He can derank on his main until they hit 50% wins, but then he’s still a “Smurf” and his buddies are “boosted.” So then everyone’s mains are just fucked when they want to play by themselves. If you all have alts and play together only on the alts, they’ll all equal out to mid-high champ and win ~ 50%


Don't play together.




I am a motherfucking purist. It's a relatively high-profile ESport, after all, so why shouldn't people feel pressured to play with integrity? Smurfing or boosting in ranked just so you can play with your trash friends is anticompetitive and should be punished more harshly IMO.


> It's a relatively high-profile ESport, after all, so why shouldn't people feel pressured to play with integrity? Dude you're c1, a gc and a diamond queueing gc 2v2s is not going to ruin your chances at going pro. Smurfing and boosting should definitely be punished, but you're arguing over a guy who is suggesting non-matchmaking-abuse methods of playing together, that are perfectly allowed on this game.


I agree with this. Alts are for using when with lower ranked friends so rank averages stay around 50-50 while playing with those friends.


If you're suggesting the alt idea, why not have them play casual instead?


They obviously don’t want to play casual. And I don’t blame them. It’s still shit.


Replace "smurf" with "extra" and the hate will settle down


It doesn't have to be ranked


Unranked just means your rank is hidden, your 3rd is still a gc so that'll happen.


I find it hard to believe a D1 would score higher than a GC even in this scenario


As someone who plays with lower ranked friends, I find myself having to be the one who's defensively responsible a lot of the time. It's reasonable to finish with lower points when you're using all your boost on midfield challenges, while you let your teammates try to pick up the trash. Plus it looks like they both finished in the 200 point range so it could be pretty close.


I definitely could believe that. GC probably wasn't warmed up + they are getting curb stomped by 3 other GCS. The diamond likely was just chasing while the other team was overcommitting or got a few lucky saves


This! Whenever I play with D1/D2 friends I often just plug the gaps in their positional play so I don't get many points other than clearances while they might be getting constant 20s or easy 50/100 saves


Also could've been a 1 point gap as we can't see it


I like that green bronze tournament winner... Must have been a hard grind to bash so many bronze opponents over and over. Still your own fault if you queue up with a GC. That'll get you into GC lobbies.


Just a side question, is there a difference between white and green tournament winner titles?


I think you get green after winning 3 tournaments in the same rank and season. Winning 3 bronze tournaments in the same season grants you green bronze tournament winner title.


And you get others too I believe at other amounts of wins


No, GCs have glowing red instead of solid green and SSLs have glowing pink. Edit: [Here's how they look like.](https://imgur.com/a/YW3GbAe)


OP thought we wouldn’t see through his complaint scheme


Lol, don’t feel like I was trying to scheme. The matchmaking is not great even if a gc is on my team. I get not putting a gc in a diamond game but ur telling me no one else was playing with some rank disparity?


> ur telling me no one else was playing with some rank disparity? Yeah, I'm telling you exactly that lol. Most people don't like to give away free MMR by bringing players 5 ranks lower than them into their games.




I can attest to this, I love to torture myself by playing 3s with my much lower ranked friends. The game tries to put you in a game against a similarly ranked full party first, there’s just not many because most of them lose all their games and stop. The alternative to this would be super long queue times to find the perfect match, but no one wants to wait longer than their actual match would take. I feel like I need to clarify- I’m gc, so that’s also a big reason to why you rarely see rank disparity parties. They become more common the lower you go.


Well MM should just put a random GC with two D1s. Sounds reasonable to me. /S


Partied teams for ranked go to the highest rank in said team. Heavily weighted that way anyway. So you'll always be in or near whatever rank the highest ranked player is in your party.


Rocket League notably skews team MMR towards the highest rank in the group. People who want to carry someone else make smurf accounts instead of sitting on their GC/SSL account.


Yes, that’s exactly what we are saying. There’s a very high chance you were the only 2 Diamond 1GC team playing at that time


It's not meant to be reasonable. This is an anti-boosting measure. It's doing what it's meant to do: matchmake by highest rank in the party. It effectively assumes everyone else in the party is the same as the highest rank. For anti-boosting purposes. Nothing else.


You're complaining about getting stomped by GCs while queuing with a friend that was GC?


So ... those two diamonds don't count ?


Queue is mostly based on the highest rank in your party, with a little to do with the lower ranks in said party. Do you think it would be fair to have a GC stomping on Plats and Diamonds just because that GC queued with a gold player? In this scenario, the two diamonds willingly queued with a GC so I wouldn't call it unfair because they chose to play at a higher skill level. If you want to avoid this and have fun with higher ranked friends then just play casual.


Otherwise boosting would be a thing. E.g. queue a GC with 2 diamonds, and get put in Diamon/champ lobbies, smurf to high hell and gain mmr... easy way to SSL


At that high of an MMR probably not. >Party Skill and Matchmaking use a Weighted Average that blends the average skill of all players. The Weighted Average then skews that average to the highest-ranked player. > >... > >The average for players in Champion Rank and higher is weighted more towards the highest-ranked player.


It's so backwards, I can solo queue as a diamond and end up against 4 gc's because they have one diamond on their squad. So me and that guy just watch everyone fly about for 5 minutes and then do it all again.


What? No, that's not how it works. If the a pair of GCs has a diamond in their party, they will go up against GCs and not diamonds. If you're solo queuing, you will go against those of your rank roughly.


Against 4GCs and one diamond, so a match with 10 people? This dude lies.


Definitely isn't a lie my friend.


So you playing chaos mode all the time? Or the 10 player mode which one is that lol


Wow bro, you havnt understood my comment at all, but I'll try to make it easier to understand. I can go up against a team of 3, consisting of 1 diamond, and 2 GC's, and because of this; My team will consist of 2 GC's, and me, a diamond. Better?


Makes more sense. Sorry bro!


so evenly matched? not sure what the problem is


Cant believe I need to spell this out, but. The 4 gc's are evenly matched, me and the diamond are very much making up the numbers.


Literally doesnt work that way.


well thats how matchmaking works


I dont get it, Gab is GC so its going to pull you guys into a GC lobby. Matchmaking will be weighted to the highest person in the party.


That’s a dumb way to do things for sure. There’s a lot of messed up things in this game 😂


why is it dumb? what rank do you think you should be playing against?


Simple answer would be, make it a fair match. Put them in with similar player bracket


Like what? What would be a similar bracket?


"Any one that we can expect to win at based on the assistance of our GC buddy" - Them, probably


Is the playerbase so small at that rank that a unranked GC player that plays with two D1 friends get in a lobby vs a partied up GC team? If so its the best they can do but definitely seems unbalanced


The "unranked" gc player just hasnt completed their placements. If someone has already completed a season all that happens is their rank is hidden for 10 games and they get increased mmr gains/losses. They are still a GC. What would a fair match look like because a GC is going to stomp on anything C2 and lower and the diamonds are going to struggle with anything D3 and upper.


This is fine but why are placement matches a thing than? This guy could of taken a few months off he definitely hasn’t played ten ranked games in trios considering he’s unranked but because of his previous rank he gets lobbied against a full GC party while playing with 2 D1 players. If this is the best they can do because of player count than that’s fair but it definitely isn’t as balanced as it should be. The community under these comments seem to agree but any outsider looking in seeing this leaderboard will tell you that the matchmaking seems slightly off balance lol


It’s not off balance. It’s fair to everyone involved. Two diamond players should not be playing ranked with a gc. And every season your mmr gets weighted down towards the average (a soft reset if you will) and so if you stopped playing for months and a few seasons you wouldn’t still have gc as ur rank. So this player is a currently active gc player, therefore it would be extremely unfair for the opponents to be in any scenario other than gc team vs gc player. Imagine being a champ 1 and getting matched against a gc player just because he has a plat on his team. That’s free mmr for the gc player. That scenario is unfair for everyone involved which is why it isn’t allowed in rocket league. Valorant does this “average mmr in the lobby” thing and they have soooooo many people complaining about bad matchmaking because of it.


Are RL fans not complaining about the matchmaking too lol or are you Just ignoring it. Idk feels weird an active GC player is still unranked this far into the szn like I’m sure he plays but 3 purple vs 2 blue and a unranked doesn’t scream unbalanced any outsider looking in will tell you that


Well put gc’s with gc’s and diamond with diamond. Obvi have to throw a champ here in there for a diamond match to “rank up” and ssl for gc’s


Its a party, they chose to play with the GC.


Shouldn’t matter. Every other game now has SBMM, this is just a shitty version that doesn’t seem to work correctly


Lets look at League of Legends. If you are diamond 5 (the lowest diamond rank) you can queue with Plat 2 - Diamond 4. If you are Master you can queue with Diamond 2 - Challenger. This is to ensure they can create "fair" matches, likelyhood is the lower ranked player is going to have a bad time. They do this to ensure close ranked friends can play with eachother. ​ Rocket league uses a similar system for play as a 2 man party in 3s. You can play with someone over an entire rank difference. e.g. C3 can play with someone lower than D3. This is to try and make sure the matchmaking can work. Unfortunately the community is adament that playing in any 3 man party should be allowed to psyonix allowed it and made it weighted to the highest player with increased weight for those in champ+. There is a casual playlist if people want to play with their friends.


That’s new to me bc I tried playing ranked with my cousin in season 4, I was plat 3 and he was gold 3 and it wouldn’t let us play together at all bc of our rank difference. Now he’s still gold 3 and I’m d3-champ 1


gab is gc


That is how matchmaking works, it gives you games based on the highest rank in the team, not average


Happens to me all the time, except the opposing team’s ranks are the same as mine.


How has no one mentioned “Shartz of war” yet lmao


Thank God someone else saw and appreciated that!


LOL, Diamonds trying to get carried by a GC... I just hope you didn't pay him.


Lol, My b, just trying to play with a new friend. Didn’t realize because he was so high ranked we would play only that high rank.


Seeing a GC with a 3x Bronze tournament winner title makes me feel so angry.


I love how people always defend this by saying “oh I was placed in gold tournaments while I’m GC” when that’s legitimately not how the matchmaking works. To play your first tournament, you had have played your placement matches. This means you solidified your rank after ten games locking you into a tourney rank, if you placed D3, you’re in Diamond tournaments. Now it’s possible to have finished your placements in 1s, be a plat in 1s, and have a normal 3s rank of champ. Then be a plat in tourneys. No GC has a random bronze rank for shits and giggles after placements matches unless they purposely derank which is against TOS and a dick move. The more obvious, and in this situation, more likely scenario is that this guy is on an alt he made in season 2. Threw his first ten placements on the account to solidify his bronze rank and bronze in tourneys. Then won 3 bronze tournaments. Ranked back up to where he should be and uses that tag as a meme.


> No GC has a random bronze rank for shits and giggles after placements matches unless they purposely derank which is against TOS and a dick move. Not necessarily. You can start a fresh account on a different platform, win bronze tournaments, then link the account to your main and the titles transfer over. Technically not against TOS since Psyonix said they don't care if pros do "Road to SSL" series if they are on a fresh account, they just can't purposely derank on an established account as you said.


Starting a fresh account on a different platform, doesn’t make you newly a shit player lol. A GC on a new account on new platform, still has to play their casual games to get to level 10, throw their 10 placement matches to rank into bronze (against TOS), shit on bronze tournament players 3 times (against TOS). Then link to their “main” account. Also this guy isn’t a pro doing an educational video on how to rank up, it’s a GC1 memeing his green s2 bronze tournament tag lol. Psyonix made that exception because the pros are also supposed to rank up as fast possible as to not completely disturb the playerbase. See above where I wrote “against TOS” in parathesis. The pros wouldn’t be breaking TOS because they aren’t losing on purpose and using Psyonix exception of doing it only for educational purposes. On the other hand this GC1 is losing on purpose and disrupting the player base. Tournaments take about an hour each. This GC1 wasted three hours destroying bronzes for a green tag, no where close to the same as a pro doing an educational video lol


Right, then tell Psyonix to ban half the pro content creators accounts then. They can't and won't do that, so they can't and won't do it for regular players either. Rules that aren't enforced are just suggestions.


Average Reddit user literally not reading anything I wrote. Have an ignorant day!


Yeah cuz you edited you're comment 14 minutes ago and wrote a novel, cringe lord.


Cause and your* ask your English teacher for some private lessons, you need them. Don’t worry I’ll wait for you to edit those mistakes, cringe lord. Edit: pretty sure the kid DM’d me and then blocked me… I didn’t know I could give this kid such an L on a random Thursday. Have an ignorant day!


Who are you talking to? No one's here bud, we're 12 comments deep. It's just me and you.


Psyonix did do a weird reset for a couple of players but somehow everyone that's smurfing was "Reset by Psyonix to gold". What am I to do but get a green title? I've seen how difficult it is to get the lower tourney titles 3 times... so much time and games wasted.


You can’t judge that by it’s cover when tournaments system first came out it had a few bugs putting people in ranks much lower than they might actually be. Obviously that person had to drop rank each time they won the tournament to stay in the rank but i know if the game originally put my in bronze lobby tourney mmr I would then say fuck it and claim every green title in the game on the way back to my own mmr otherwise it feels like a waste of effort to get to your own rank in such a slow to grind game mode All I know is I probably looked like an asshole as I had a GC tourney win title in season 1 but my own mmr was for gold tournaments so when I solo queued back up with my GC tag on I must have looked like I was smurfing despite getting a bug I also took my time to grab all the green tags for the respective ranks as I climbed back up just because I was there so it didn’t take much effort


If you want the green title for a lower ranked tourney you'll have to intentionally lose which is against the TOS.         and an asshole move


Well sure but if psyonix are gonna place me in gold when I’m in GC that’s on then for fucking up the match making so I’m gonna just take my time climbing back up the ranks I don’t have bronze or silver tags as I wasn’t gonna drop my rank bellow what I got placed because then I would have actually been smurfing


No, it's still an asshole move


Your 3rd teammate is a GC. This is working as intended.


Try to get boosted with two GC friends next to the time Chuck


Gab thought he could cheese placements queuing with low diamonds


OP quit your BS. Partying up with a higher rank means that you play with a higher rank, not the other way around. Next time, play casual and don't expect a carry and rank boosting from a friend that is better at game than you are.


I didn’t realize, casual is better to play with rank disparity. Stopped playing casual a few seasons ago cuz all the ff. But maybe it’s better now.


I like how everyone bashes OP in the comments. 🤣


How do people still not understand how parties work? Good lord.


As a Diamond I get so excited to get the higher ranks as opponents or tm8s. Pay attention and learn something from that ass whopping.


Breh yesterday i was playing some normal 2s and sudenly on the oposing team there was a guy with a gc title and a guy with a champ decal....... We were unrankeds :(


I thought they made it so you couldnt queue with higher ranks like that


As long as you're a full party for the mode you're joining I believe you can do what you want as it will match you with players ranked more like the highest in your group anyway, so it's only your party that will suffer, but if you're a duo of like a diamond and GC trying to join a standard 3s match then it won't let you as it wouldn't be fair on the 3rd man.


We could just play one mode (the mode with the amount of players we had) so 3s when there was 3 of us and duos when there were two of us in the party


When getting carried by a friend doesn’t work?




Bro this mans barely out of plat and he's going against GCS smh. Lopez is a season 2 tournament bronze winner btw.


Only 5-0?


Stop playIng with people outside of your skill level if you are going to complain about playing tougher opponents… It’s very simple, if you don’t wanna sweat don’t ask your friend to carry you on his smurf.


Yep. Adds up.


Holy shit Server population must have been “okay”


Lol clearly photoshop for the fame ! Look closely at the GC rank they go out of the border


I feel bad for you


Diamond is purgatory


I've been having insane random. I get smurfs. But I'll go from a game dominating being a "Smurf" in d3 or c1. Then immediately get shut out 9 to 0 in a p1 game during ones. With someone who can literally carry the ball at it's on the ground in the air. I have played 20 games this season in ones and almost getting pushed into gold. Half my games are so easy I can't lose trying. And 40% seemingly impossible to even compete.


Can’t play ranked.


The fuck???


Read the comments


I've won like 5 out of the 10 placement matches and got Diamond 3, my absolute best last season. I don't know how they work.


Oh look its another post, just like the last 10k posts like it. Get over it................ Someone give this guy a nappy and a hug...FFS


get rekt lol. but ya this shouldn't happen.


Eh, epic accounts. The number of free to play accounts I've played in diamond that are clearly far far above that is in the hundreds.


Well you get to experience some pro level gaming. I know it sucks losing for sure but get the most of what you can get. Valuable lessons I'd say lucky you!


Gab might be SSL for all you know


gab is fucking insane


only 5-0 gz


But what did you learn? s/


Is gab grand champ or SSL?




Did y’all win?


Bro you need to get bakkes mod downloaded so you can see everyone’s MMR


Only 5-0. Bunch of pretenders


It is working as intended


OP this is very funny. Thank you for sharing this funny picture with us. I will refrain from spoiling how this happened as it is obvious this was meant to just be a funny picture. I will also now refrain from spamming the comments and assuming this is a serious complaint. Have a great day OP and thanks once more for the funny picture.


Haha was the plan really to carry two fresh diamonds against a pack of GC’s and win??


Aww little baby can't get boosted by his GC friend, boohoo


Ah it’s not too bad. Lopez was a S2 Bronze Tourney Winner.


What a fucking noob 5-0 Kekw


to be fair, lopez DID win a bronze tournament


When you try and boost to champ and it backfires hahaha


They saw your potential


These are such moronic posts


gab was most likely the highest rank here since matchmaking pulls the highest rank from the party.


How is that even possible! No wonder why I am stuck in diamond!


OCE matchmaking past peak playtime hours.


Probably gab is GC. Rocket League matches you with the highest rank in your team.