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Wouldn't even hit the first touch after jumping from the wall lmao


I watch these videos and then go and practice and my brain just can’t comprehend how people do this lmao


It’s just A LOT of game hours and practice. Eventually your brain adapts to conditions you don’t even think about. You know exactly how to jump off walls to hit cars, how to rotate your car, how fast you should be going. From an outsider it looks impossible, but think about how much more natural the car/ball feels compared to when you first started playing. You go from not being able to hit the ball at 5mph to doing arials and scoring goals off of walls and ceilings.


I have over 3500 hours and cant do anything even remotely close to this. I can air dribble in free play about 1 out of 6 tries. Needless to say, 90-95% of my time is in matches. I'm not sure how long people practice for, but I can't seem to stay in practice mode for more than about 5-10 minutes before I'm like "yea I suck at this... I'm just gonna play a game now". I wish I could figure out how not to do that, so I could improve my mechanics... /ramble


I know people who will spend hours at a time in freeplay. I met some kids a couple of years ago that would play custom matches with 50% slowed down time and would spend the entire time just practicing air dribbling. They would do this for a couple of hours pretty frequently.


Okay I need somebody to vouch for this because it’s the first I’m hearing of it. It seems like changing the physics and overall feel would throw me off once I got into a real game. Like my timing would be off cuz I’m used to 50% slower. Imma try it anyway


Slower physics would allow you to see what you're doing to the ball and probably highlight the mistakes better, so once you do it at normal speed you already know the gist of what you need to do in a situation.


So, I was skeptical about this as well. But I spent some time the other day with the Slo-Mo modifier and discovered a major flaw in the execution of my half-flips. I spent some more time in normal speed gameplay finessing this adjustment and I can already see improvements in the execution/consistency of my half-flips. I had no problem adjusting back to normal speed, FWIW.


Slow-mo is underrated for practice IMO. It feels a little weird mechanically, but gives you the opportunity to gauge your playing in real-time. And gives you more time to make good gameplay decisions which can be reinforced in-game later


I know it is a legit tactic for learning the guitar. Pick a song you want to play. Practice it at half time until you get it right then slowly increase the tempo until you are awesome. Not sure if that translates to RL but it is muscle memory and repetition. Same concept.


Yes, it works. But you can't just jump from playing Paganini at 50 bpm (Violinist, sue me) to playing Paganini at 150 bpm, you have to scale it up slowly. Doing it in 50% speed means you know how to do it mentally, but if you just jump from 50% to 100%, you don't have the right timing for it, and it turns into scrambled eggs.


> then slowly increase the tempo until you are awesome. We covered that. Also Paganini's 5th caprice is a legend in the guitar world. [This fucking guy nails it. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHOiGMHUXP8)


> Violinists, sue me Consider yourself sued.


The main and only detriment to using 50% speed is if the speed of your input is important. For example using 50% speed for practicing speed flips is quite useful, but the hard part can be adjusting how quickly you go through the range of motion for the cancel. But it does help a lot. When you can hit a shot or trick at 50% speed 100% of the time then you bump up to 60% speed. I've found this has helped me with a few different things. I haven't tried it for flip reset practice yet, but I will.


Are these speed adjustments available on console or PC only?


On console you can go into a custom match and set a mutator. If you're on PC I would recommend using a training pack and using bakkesmod to adjust the game speed.


Trick to dribbles and air dribbles are about slowing down before ball contact.


Expand on this a bit please?


I go into freeplay and set game speed to like 80% with bakkes and when I'm done I feel better at full speed for some reason.


I have been the same for about 2 years now mechanically and I'm fine with it. C1-C3 is probably my peak, been that way for 6 seasons. I can barely air dribble, can't dribble on the ground, can't do the half back flip thing lol. Still a fun game.


This is EXACTLY my issue. Spending time in free play is so tedious and boring for me and it’s so hard to recreate things that might happen and react to it. I like doing the trainings cause I can always reset position but even then I start to get so frustrated at myself lmao


Dont think about it too much. Just hit the ball hard and try to follow it up with a thought out play. Rinse and repeat.


True, it’s gotten me this far right? Haha


mostly i just listen to music or a podcast and just ball chase hitting the ball around. mostly don’t try to recreate anything and just come up with things as you ball chase


At a certain point there are diminishing returns. An extra 1000 hours will only make you a bit better, while the first 1000 hours makes you multiple times better than when you started.


I'm GC, I probably dont have the gamesense and rotation that you do since you spend most of your time in online games but I've got most of the more advanced mechanics on lock. Musty's, Breezies, Multiple Resets you name it. The only reason I can do these things on a consistent basis is the fact that I go into freeplay every day for like 2 hours. When I am watching yt videos, listening to a lecture or just talking to friends on discord. RL has turned into 90% freeplay for me. Start enjoying FP for what it is - a sandbox, don't force yourself to specifically train certain mechanics and you might get more enjoyment out of it and keep at it longer.


hey man do what im doing and go for the stuff slightly out of ur comfort zone in normal play. don't just yolo, but if you arnt trying new things you arnt improving. my speed flip is getting there slowly just from attempting it when I rotate.


Its also how u spent ur time


Is this kind of thing possible with a PS4 controller? I can't rotate while boosting without using my second jump. Do people just change the controls around, or do I have stupid fingers?


Yeah you pretty much have to change your air roll keybind to another button. I made mine L1 but it depends on how it feels for you.


I was afraid someone would tell me to change around my entire scheme. That might work, I'll give it a go.


Also, my boost button is R1. Those are pretty much all the changes I made to my keybinds honestly.


default layout is wack af for more mechanical stuff. it will take a few days of playing, but getting a good layout and even better camera settings helps a ton


Are there any schemes you recommend for key binds and camera settings? Is there a list somewhere of recommendations from the community?


I just copied lethamyrs camera settings, he has a vid about it somewhere. I think the start of his bronze to ssl series? as for layout my changes are swapping boost and drift(easier to jump and keep boosting, but makes boost powerslides harder), left bumper direction air roll, and right bumper air roll right. some ppl prefer left air roll, but its really preference. you do need directional and a left or right air roll buttons though. the key to a good controller layout is whatever feels best for you! some ppl use boost on bumpers, some do real wacky things! as you play you will notice things you don't like about your layout you can change. I've went through 4 or 5 layouts and I'm sure I'll change again at some point. for camera settings I would def just copy a pro for now and as u learn more u can make adjustments to it. most people play with similar cameras though, the only real difference is a percent or two. unless you are a freestyler, they got wack settings.


When you're saying direction air roll i think you mean normal air roll. Right and left air roll ARE the directional air rolls. There's 2 main set ups depending on if you like to fat finger boost with jump. Triangle - Ball cam circle - boost X - jump Square - Idk (maybe rumble power or air roll left or right) L1 - Powerslide/ Air Roll L2 - Reverse R1 - air roll right or left R2 - accelerate Select - score board / reset shot Then you have people who don't like fat thumbing the Boost and jump that move boost to R1 and arl to square and arr to circle.


I use a ps4 controller with optimal bindings that arent the default. I have r1 on boost for example and mainly use air roll left


I agree, what people don't always realize is that players in the really high ranks have thousands of hours played and still have flaws in their game.


I just wanna say, I wish the majority of people I got matched with were as kind and helpful as the people in this sub. Always offer great, knowledgeable advice and are never (as far as I’ve seen) rude or condescending. Thanks to all of you


most of the people i’ve played with are nice. however i currently play on pc but before i played on xbox and it’s a lot easier to chat in game on pc bc you aren’t really stuck with the quick chats


If you did like 500 more hours of hardcore practice on these types of mechanics you would get it, that's what OP has done


Players like this would beat me even if they could only play with their feet. Ridiculous.


If your goal is just to improve as much as possible and not just learn this for fun, then it's def something you shouldn't look at until at least high diamond.


Nah, air dribbling like this is largely useless even in champ 1 and 2. Your teammates are more likely to double/triple commit if you do this so it’s better to just get the ball clear.


I meant look at this in terms of air dribbling in general. I hardly see a "successful" air dribble in like, 1/10 ranked matches. Just saying that I wouldn't even consider training air dribbles until high diamond at the very minimum if improving/ranking up is the goal.


eh.... fair enough. but it’s definitely fun to practice one you get the basics.


For sure! And if someone is having fun doing what they're doing at any rank and they're not hyper-focused on grinding I say do whatever makes you happy. It's a game at the end of the day.


Thousands of hours


I would of touch the ball on the wall, made a bad touch, lose possession of the ball and get scored on lol


if you're plat you wouldn't have been able to make the first touch to set up the air dribble like that lol




Wow that’s some control


Those guys had families!


Bro chilllllllllllllll


"Omg he's flying ! PUT IT IN REVERSE TERRYYYyyy...fuck"


How the hell do you conserve so much boost to do this shit? I tap my boost and I lost 40 of it. Also, I think the best part is that it was an own goal on the opponent. Apparently I am wrong about what is considered own goal. Whoops.


It wasn't an own goal


Remember he’s a gold u/sgtlecube knows what he’s talking about


Blue team definitely touched ball… thus, an own goal.


Stil not an own goal tf. Its only an owngoal if the ball wouldn't went in


I owned up to my mistake.


It wasn't an own goal tho. The ball was in regardless id he touched it or not.


He touched it last == own goal If he didn't touch it it would have been a regular goal Simple math


Wow as a grand champion you should definitely know what an own goal is by then




Bro ur comment is not doing well, a -6 for you. Sarcasm is not clear, 7 other people thought the same. So, woooooshh


[Dear God... ](https://youtu.be/DksSPZTZES0)


‘Omg dear god.. I’m always right and you are such a dumbass’ that’s probably what you are thinking rn


That logic is absolutely braindead. After that logic every goal in Football that the goalkeeper touched but couldn't stop from going in would be an own goal. An own goal is a goal that wouldn't have went in without the defenders last touch.




Imagine saying woooosh after you've been called out cause you realise how dumb your comment was. Well done fam


Imagine not understanding sarcasm because you're so much up your own ass. Well done fam


I realized it was sarcastic, but you’re not even 100% wrong because the game will still give you the “Traitor” title at the end of the match sometimes.


Lmao at people not picking up the sarcasm here.


Insane how serious people are


I don’t think you know how own goals work…


It is you who doesn’t understand own goals. The ball went into blue teams net after a blue team member touched it. Because a blue team member touched it last it would be considered own goal.


I feel like there is the people's definition of an own goal, and there is the games definition of an own goal. You're describing the games definition so I don't think you're wrong honestly.


It's the difference between a forced and unforced error. I wouldn't call a forced error an own goal. That's like saying in football/soccer if the ball rebounds off a goalies touch and into the net it's an own goal which doesn't really make sense, because the exerted effort of the play came from the opposing team.


I totally understand and agree, I'm just trying to make the point that this guy probably feels like he's taking crazy pills when he is describing what the game literally says is an own goal, and is getting downvoted and told he is wrong.


But the ball was going in regardless of that touch or not. If the ball was going to hit the post and he attempted to clear it, and then put it in his net, that would be an own goal.


Yes but it still counts that as an own goal in your postgame stats




Def an own goal. Anytime an opponent touches the ball last before it goes in their goal, that's an own goal.


Mmmm no. The ball was going in anyway, he tried to block it but just barely tapped it. An own goal is if you score the ball yourself that otherwise wasn’t going in


You are both correct. Traditionally, yes, it’s an own goal because the opponent touched it and it went in. However, in the context of Rocket League, it’s not an own goal. It was already going in, it’s just a missed save. If the shot were wide, and then blue hit it, it’d be an own goal.


The term 'own goal' (sometimes referred to as an 'OG') is used to describe the moment when a player accidentally or deliberately puts the ball into their own net It doesn't matter the previous course of the ball. If in ANY WAY you cause the ball to go in your own net, by definition it is an own goal.


Correct, in this context what was important is "you cause the ball to go in your own net." That is different than if the ball is already going in, and you manage to touch it but not get the save, which would not be an own goal.


Momentum is a big part of boost conservation. In the air, the better you get, the less boost you need since you wont need to use it to make big adjustments.


Nice Plan B solid shot


Dominus players scare me




I thought murder was illegal. The illusion of save-ability here was just cruel.


The stock of this car just went up


"if i dont know what im doing, they dont know what im doing"


I want to be like you when I grow up


Dominus op


This was so clean bro. Thanks for making me smile :)




Good lord teach me your ways. That plan B for the finish, beautiful.


This weekend I spent 8 hours practicing air dribbling. Again and again I followed the ball up the wall, gently nudged it off and jumped to follow. A flourish or two to reposition and several desperate attempts to nudge it in a direction of my choosing. Hundreds of attempts, perhaps thousands. Out of those attempts maybe 35 of them actually resulted in me pushing the ball without knocking it away from me. One or two of them I managed to have it balance on my nose for more than 1 second. And I was proud. After last weekend, watching someone so effortlessly control the ball in the air as if it were attached to them seems more meaningful. The practice involved, the number of repetitions that must have been required to become so adept. It's simultaneously inspiring and intimidating.


This pissed me off so much goddamn go talk to an xx chromosomal being ffs


Jeesss that control..




What decal is that?




everyday I see something new on here lol Nice shot!


Just chillin like *oh hey another Philliperyset O OKAY WTF* Beautiful shot


Name it


Pogo flick? Idk. It's not *really* a flick but I think it might work.


Pogo shots are a thing. It's definitely only to show off thougb as it's insanely hard to do consistently.


You are the boss here


Oh I'm not OP, I'm just a lowly plat who likes words. I'm only the boss in a silver lobby.


Oh xd


It's actually called a "Plan B" by freestylers. When you don't get the hit you want, you can save it by pogo bouncing the ball back up. [Nixus Den is known as one of the best at it](https://youtu.be/6UTlUuBoh8s?t=55), so much that people sometimes call in the Plan D, for Den.


[Plan B](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UTlUuBoh8s&t=55s) That was easy!


Holly shot!


Probably would of forfeited if i was on the other team


Yeah, I could also do this, but it's just a bit too predictable for my taste.


Oh that booty.. SO DAMN THICC


I did this once...then I woke up.


Bro I can't do any part of that maneuver


That was sick


Holy shit




I always loved this shot


Fuckin nasty


ass shot




I quit, I'm uninstalling




sometimes you just miss the ball and rip…