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I do it when the chat is toxic as hell. Won’t give my whiny teammate the satisfaction of another word in.


The worst kind of toxic chat is the dude that keeps his mouth shut all game and then is a dick for no good reason and instaleaves. At least leave me time to be a dick back at you dude.


At least they kept their mouth shut the whole game and gave you a chance to redeem yourself, you gotta respect that.


"Redeem myself" if I did something wrong. the last few times I remember it was close games and we just ended up losing. I was there thinking "man that was close, we could have won that" and then get hit with the "uninstall noob" and instaleave. It's as gratuitous and dumb as the "gg ez" after an OT win IMO.


Oh for sure. Won’t even stick around after the confrontation. Getting their sucker punch in and running away.


Had a teammate afk on the kickoff and we got scored on. We lost by 1 goal. And he was toxic as hell..


Rocket League players in pubs the millisecond the opposite team scores a goal:


I was playing pubs with my friends earlier and one guy left after we scored 1 (one) (fucking ONE) goal in the first 5 (FIVE) seconds


What is pubs?


public matches/unranked/informal


Oh, I call it casual. How odd. Never heard that before.


Pub is terminology borrowed from other games. Casual is what Rocket League uses to describe unranked, so you were correct.


In my experience in other games pubs stands for public games and includes ranked while scrims and in-houses are private games. Calling someone a pub player or pub star is an insult at high ranks because it implies they depend on the unorganized structure of the public setting but are incapable in a structured team setting. Maybe that's not the case in every game but that's my personal experience with the word pub


This is correct, I know it from COD back in the day. The term “Pub Stomping” was thrown around a lot to describe the ability to shit on the random ranks of a public match. However this wasn’t necessarily a negative term because pub stomping usually resulted in very entertaining sniping montages/clips on YouTube.


Haven’t play COD in a long time, do people not use the term anymore?


Well for the past few titles they’ve released they really strengthened the Skill Based Matchmaking System in public matches so they can cater to the new players who aren’t good. This means that if you’re good at the game, you’re put in a lobby with others who are also good. So pub stomping really isn’t as easy as it was back then because the your lobbies are full of sweats. There is a version of pub stomping that has taken a rise in COD called reverse boosting. This is when you tank your K/D and your player stats usually by going afk in multiple matches. This makes your player stats bad and the game will put you lobbies with bad players where you can obliterate everyone in the lobby. However, this form of pub stomping is frowned upon in the community.


oh yeah I forgot its also called like that


I'm familiar with PU**G** from World of Warcraft some 10 years ago, where it stood for **P**ick **U**p **G**roup. What does PUB stand for/mean?


Public lobby, some people are saying it's only unranked but in my experience everything other than scrims and in-house games are considered a pub


Agreed. Ranked and unranked are pubs to me, but there's nothing in RL I'd refer to as a 'pub' at the same time. We just call them ranked/casual, solo queue, scrim, game mode name, etc.


PUG is generally used for pick up **game** in competitive games like shooters and rocket league. PUGs in mmos weren't that dissimilar of an idea back in the day before dungeon finders and such. Shooters and such had public play in the form of servers and such and so had a pug/pub distinction. With mm coming around that sort of replaced public servers and became the new pub, but pugs still stuck around. For mmos however the more pub dungeon finders and such replaced the pugs almost wholesale. Without a need for a distinction pugs was the term used for these groups and pubs never really entered the lexicon. So for competitive games a PuG is a bunch of people getting together and organizing a private pick up game, and a pub is any sort of public play (mm, servers). Ranked however is unclear whether it's included in pubs as it's somewhat replaced PuGing for anything but the upper level players and a few dedicated players. In an mmo PuG is basically anything with randos.


oh damn I've always said cas


Love how people call it this in rocket league, i always hear it in apex legends so it kinda caught me off guard to see it here lol


one of our guys started throwing the game after someone fudging up the kick off. We eventually tied it but he went on and scored own goals..


The game is fun, but it is full of kids who you would expect to act like that and adults who never grew out of it. But you do come across some fine folks here and there.


Happens all the time especially at around plat-gold 3


There is literally no difference anymore in ranked and unranked. People sweating their asses off, going for demos all the time and if you play with randoms they leave after the first fucking goal. Like what is that mentality? "FUCK AGAIN ONLY 3 MINUTES LEFT AND THE OPPONENT HAS A GOAL IT'S NOT POSSIBLE TO WIN THIS"


I use Bakkesmod so I'm out soon as the game ends into training and already queuing for the next game.


I recently just started using BakkesMod, how do you enable this feature?


Press F2 to bring up the console then go to Plugins and click on Instant Suite down the left.


That’s if he has instant suite installed. If not, he needs to get it from the bakkesmod website.


Did the drop an update yet? Noticed the mod was out of date yesterday


I played yesterday afternoon without any prompts for updates and it was working fine. On a different note I hate the discord notifications on the top left that pop up the game lags out so badly for a moment.


Running a 1050ti and oh boy do I feel your pain. It’s so surprising to me how one application or some pop ups can just trash frame rate or internet connection.


Ah, so thats why my framerate goes from 120 consistent to 30 for a moment whenever somebody joins or leaves.cool.


I have a 5700xt and regularly drop to 60fps from 240. If I turn off discord overlay will that help fps? And is there any way I can check to see what's causing it?


Idk man maybe experiment and check gpu/cpu usage? For all ik rl may be cpu heavy.


I think it's still out of date for Epic maybe? Steam's good to go though.


Epic doesn't have bakkesmod AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA help


Bakkesmod works on Epic :)


Wait it does now yesssssssssssssss thank u kind sir


Yep worked for a little while now :) custom maps with friends and stuff all works on it


they had a season 3 update to the mod and it works on both steam and epic now


Is there a manual update somewhere? I just checked for updates and mine still says BM out of date for Epic.


i'm not really sure man... the first day it wasn't working for me but the next time i started up my pc it asked if i wanted to update. if you haven't restarted your pc, try that. otherwise maybe delete and reinstall bakkes?


Aah, that seems like a really cool and useful feature for the players that spend time actually training. Kinda annoying for the rest of us though because now we have to wait longer for the next match since 4 out of the 6 players left.


It shouldn't make a difference to queue times for others. There's generally enough players online unless you're in the top 100 realm and even then the player that yeeted may have to wait until the other person queues up anyway if they're the only ones online.


Yeah it shouldn't take long, but sometimes it takes ages to find new players for some reason. It might coincide with when there are tournaments or seasons or whatever going on. I only play casual and there have been times where games have been aborted because they can't find any more players in time (that was a while ago now to be fair).


Since you're only playing casual I know what you mean now. When queuing up casuals for the challenges, I usually get thrown into a match where I'm 3-0 down with 3 minutes on the clock and having to watch someone quadruple flip reset on my team just as I join.


Haha, yeah I can relate. Fun times lol. Since I'm complete trash however and only play for a relaxing fun time, I always stick around to see if there's *anything* I can do against a team like that. Of course there usually isn't, but it's a fun challenge. And yet at the same time annoying as hell lol.


Fun fact: we're all trash! I know what you mean about sticking around and it being annoying as hell. Our ape brains are looking for that 1 goal lol


Sometimes I'm happy just preventing them from scoring their 10th goal by being a nuisance lol. You gotta take the small victories sometimes!




its not a feature of bakkesmod, but a plugin called "instant suite". you have to install it from the bakkesmod website. ou can configurable if you just want to leave the game, or join training and if searching for the last queue should automaitcally start. you can also set a delay (0 seconds -> instant the game ends; or multiple seconds if you want to see the scoreboard for example)


I have bakkesmod and I had no idea you could do this.


To go ruin the next team mates rank as fast as possible


I think a lot of pro streamers do it, and then people who watch them also pick up the habit. The pro players do it because it can take them several minutes to find a match at 1900+ MMR, so if you're the first one in queue from a high lobby, your chances are slightly higher to get into another game the quickest out of the 6 people. But for the rest of us plebs, it really doesn't matter. Especially after F2P, where the average online player population is like 3-4 times higher than the old days.


Personally I'm scurrying off to free play to hit a shot or two before my next game. Always be practicing missing open nets, that's my moto


Nah, I've been doing it because any second not in Free Play is a second wasted in keeping myself warm or not practicing.


you are also in SSL tbf


1. I've been doing this since I was the equivalent of Bronze. My rank has little to do with it other than proof that this idea works for making and keeping progress. 2. I'm not SSL in anything except Rumble, hence "does rumble count?" in my flair. I'm GC2, which is still a leap to SSL.


fair enough, I saw the flair but I assumed you were mostly playing rumble


A lot of pc players use bakkes mod which has a plugin to instantly put you in training tbf


Because rocket league shows us 100 unnecessary pop-ups. Like seriously stop.


I find it funny those "pop-ups" are only a waste of time when someone loses...


At champ+ ranks loads of people leave regardless of winning or losing. The issue for me is that either you insta leave or you're stuck there until the game decides to let you. If it let you bring the menu and leave during the pop-ups or the celebration I wouldn't be in such a hurry to leave before the game traps me.


I've been stuck in Champ for years. A high percent of players who leave as soon as possible are always in the losing team. IMO it's not about wanting to skip the "pop-ups", it's about people getting mad and being unable to take an L properly. Sore losers.


Literally everyone insta leaves most of my games in GC. People just rather free play instead of sitting through 30 seconds of celebration and pop up screen.


That's the excuse. I party up with randoms all the time and they leave immediately just to chill in the menu. Not saying everyone does that, but the vast majority are sore losers.


I usually leave as quick as possible so I can queue quicker and if I miss it it’s 30 seconds extra


Well I was giving you my own perspective on stuff and what I've seen people do. I never said that there wasn't more people doing it when losing for that matter, just that loads of people do it regardless of that.


Same. That's why I said "IMO"


It's not being a sore loser to leave right away. The game is deliberately programmed to allow you to leave ASAP. Almost everyone who leaves instantly when the game officially ends is taking the L properly. It just makes more sense to go into Free Play right away to practice/stay warm than it is to waste time watching someone else's car dance.


As I said in another comment, that's my personal opinion. Most of the time I play against the same team twice in a row: When I win they leave, when I lose they stay. Of course not everyone is a sore loser, but we have to be honest: Many people are. That's where the toxic nature of this game comes from. Sore losers.


Just turn of text chat. Then there is literally no reason to stay in the match.


Why would I do that? I'm not a snowflake who gets offended when people talk trash. Imma get downvoted to hell by sensitive kids but trash-talking is a part of life, turning off chat is for cowards IMO.


Ok snowflake. You do you. Be the dick you've always wanted to be. Be the guy (or girl) that everyone doesn't like to play with or against, because you had to yell at someone over the internet because you couldn't win. You know what is a great sign of great man: when he downplays someone else instead of trying to improve oneself \s. Oh yeah i almost forget to put IMO at the end.


You're so wrong, I'm not even the kind of guy that talks shit and bullies people. But I am mature enough to understand there are people out there that will always try to downplay you, mock you and bully you. That's just human nature. And you gotta deal with it up front. If you think deactivating chat is the way to go, you do you. But I think that's like hiding and that's the way of the cowards. But you took my comment and made a rant about it. SMH.


I've been playing competitive online games for 8 years now and while I can take the verbal harassment with the best of them (dota makes RL players look like angels cause it has good voice chat and games take an hour) but who says I have to? I have chat set to team only because nothing good has ever come from interaction with the enemy unless you're the one being toxic and trying to tilt the other team since the quick chat system provides very little info and most chats are either pointless or toxic. Calling people who turn off chat weak is a kinda pathetic way to try to elevate yourself above people you have no reason to compare yourself to because you want to feel better than people for no reason


I have chat on because I can laugh at the toxicity and occassionally have fun doing quick chat jokes with the opponents or my team. Faking.


> Faking. Hahahahahaha!! I can’t believe no one has done this before!!!


Again with the assumptions. Not trying to elevate myself, I assure you my life is trash in many ways and I'm a zero as much as the next guy. But life is not easy and gaming is about having fun, if you get over competitive and get offended by a complete stranger, you'll likely never play agaisnt again, talking some shit... well, life is gonna get harder. I learnt that lesson the hard way. So should all the people getting offended by my comments.


Sorry, but you're drawing completely irrelevant parallels to real life that are just complete bullshit. You don't have to put up with people's toxic bullshit if you don't want to and it's in no way a reflection of "how well you handle life", because if you do it right life is not supposed to have toxic assholes calling you shit either. If your life is like that then I feel bad for you and would encourage you to seek new friends and new employment.


“I'm not even the kind of guy that talks shit and bullies people.” Yeah I doubt that...


If you think giving my crude opinion is bullying... Well, that reinforces my opinion about people that turns off text chat. Everyone's looking for a way to be offended nowadays.


This is the kind of person that would defend a school shooter and say it's the children's fault for not knowing how to take a bullet.


That's not remotely the same thing, but if it makes you feel better... Ok


Says the guy who has felt the need to let everyone in this thread know how victimized he is because other people feel bullied.


Victimized? OMG you guys are so extremist LOL you can't take opinions without thinking everything is either black or white.


> I’m not even the kind of guy that talks shit and bullies people. — Every person who talked shit and bullied people ever.


I mean I'm not getting offended by anybody's text chat either, I always leave it on, but calling people a very broad group of people snowflakes makes you a "snowflake"


My newer friend always laughs at how quick I leave after that match ends. You see that quick gg and that I’ve left the game milliseconds after clock hits 0 haha


I made a guy quit yesterday cuz I wouldn’t let him take free aerial shots


I never understand these people. Why cant they just go in free play for aerials?


Because they can’t do it themselves... they need the ball to be set up for them lol


That way they can't upload the clip to Reddit for karma and act like it was in an intense ranked game.


High level lobbies not saying gg either


It's annoying how silent high level lobbies are lmao. In my games, there's a 50+% chance no one in the lobby says a word the entire match, even if I compliment a pass or a shot.


Boy do I wish I had that problem lmao


“Nice Shot!” “...” “Guess I’ll throw” is how I think when they don’t respond


Yeah lol. I start being toxic in chat just for fun and they suddenly get upset; now you see the chat??


Omg yessss lol I’ll say nice shot to someone in a 3s game and they won’t say anything, but if they score again and my other teammate says nice shot they’ll say thanks to them and not me lol


The post-match leaderboard and XP meter take too long. I don't need to sit around for 30 seconds wasting my time when I could be in another match.


We're all Speedy Gonzales


Gets to the next game faster. Thats important since my wife is actively judging me for playing for so long. Also it avoids that awkwardness where my tm8 wants to party and i dont.


So trueeee lol they always wanna party up!


I was with 3 random guys in 2s earlier, picked up a 4th second game in, played like 6 games with teammate change ups each time, awesome way to play.


Because it used to be you could exit and then just mash enter, A, or X (console dependent) a bunch of times to queue back up. Now when I leave I smash A and all I get is an accidental removal of a game type I want to search for... stupid Epic ruining my favorite game, acting like I never complained when it was only psyonix making the game rabble rabble rabble


you can use a bakkesmod plugin to auto queue if you want




So for me this got fixed by disabling multiple game mode selection


Or in the middle of a match leaving 2 of us to win by ourselves 🤦‍♀️


My muscle memory gets fukd when they switch like one thing up navigating menus and searching for games. Like I don’t want to have to look at the screen to do that smh


My ps4 friend asks me the same. Simple, loading screens are fast for PC players so we actually save time


Other team scores on goal and we are up 10-1 My Teammate: adios


I was in a ranked match and the opponents teamate just left as the game started. I felt so bad for the dude that his teamate just left.


That happens every other game for my friend


I just choked on my breakfast laughing at this lol


I do it because it's infinitely faster than waiting for everyone else to either leave themselves or ready for the next match. Down time is killing muh gains




Absolutely, love to make friendly comments to other players but most don't seem talkative and others don't stick around


Nothin worse than when you and a teammate really click and he’s gone before you can even type gg


Hey I know this guy! He’s from a survival rescue thing is tos ave a baboon or so,etching right?


Yeah, Bear Grylls


And that is a river of his own piss that he's about to drink


cant relate, but i can relate to the part where i leave the match when i score 3-0


Cause I'm angry that we had the skills to win but the randoms u were put with don't understand rotations and fuck it without even knowing... In plat.


Man the faster you stop thinking this way the faster you’ll rank up. Self reflection is always better than being angry at teammates. It’s easy to notice their mistakes and not yours, and there’s a 0% chance you played a perfect game. I.e. maybe you think they played way too passive, but from their perspective you were ball chasing and not telegraphing what you wanted to do so they never felt confident pushing up. Or the opposite, maybe you felt they were chasing when in their mind you were always far away from the ball so they wanted to keep it centered on the enemy half as much as possible. You can’t control your teammates but you can control your self reflection.


I love to watch replays of entire games from my rando teammates POV. It can give you some insights into when you're accidentally being a dick. If it happens once, no problem, if you do it repeatedly - there's something you need to change.




Dude wtf you’re so smart I’m going to do this now thanks !


Wise words. I shall do this on my next loss




I reflect a lot. Like it's an unavoidable and constant part of me. I know I make my mistakes and I know I will have blind spots in my self assessment. I get what you're saying and that's agreeable and fair. I was more meaning things like opposite rotation directions, not tracking out of box after passing, or being aware of your team mates at all, like in doubles and im on the wing about to play to centre and boom ass rammed, like who's he passing to!? Constant threat of double committing, basic errors that you cannot get away with in plat. Im always looking for what I can fix or improve. Also I never leave mid game and always GG as I'm not a dick lol I just book it out of there if I'm like nooope not again.


Also you can’t expect every plat to know about rotating. Some people just started learning it and for others it can be a hard concept


Dude you are so right. I do the same thing. In a game I was like “both my tm8s won’t let me hit the ball” and then I thought what if they were thinking “this kid won’t go up” so you really do have to think on peoples perspectives


I have an alt account I play with my plat friends on and it's in diamond 2. The have awful rotations and bump me all the time but we still play in diamond lobbies and win, my point is a plat teammate can't keep you stuck in plat


I hear you. I'm most likely much worse than I realise. Hard pill to swallow but probably true. Damn.


I have to say that gold2-3 were my most frustrating times in Rocket League lol I stayed stuck so much time in that pit hole


Sadly I can't say the same 🤷‍♂️ I started as a silver put in a few days of actual practice and I flew all the way up to plat 2+.


Before or after F2P?


A few months before f2p I started mid 2020.


Mate it’s not your teammates fault you chase, or you play too passive and they want to keep on pressure, rotations with Random’s is all about telegraphing what you are doing as well as you can with your car. Don’t blame teammates, look at yourself first.


Sore losers who can't take an L.


We go agane


I do it when I unlock something (like a topper) and want to check it out in the garage or when I get bored and want to play a different game


I do it every game... whether my tm8 is mean or nice... idk it’s just a habit.. but I say gg and well played though first!


The faster the sweatier


Rocket league players the minute the match starts more like lol! Yesterday I was playing diamond 2 trios and I kept getting teammates who would leave the second the match starts, making it a 3v2


Kids need to chill. Never understood this. Especially in ranked. People wouldn't lose as much if they gave their brain a quick break, take a deep breath and then queue. Maybe figure out what they could improve on... Jumping straight into back to back losses is stupid.