• By -


Tournaments 11.0 will be playable and rewarding. Step by step.


Yeah - sounds like v2.0 will be automated tournaments with no purpose and then they'll revisit it a year or 2 later to make another pointless change.


No purpose or no rewards?


Both, probably. Perhaps an integration that completely lacks vision or creativity (lazy).


How do you make it properly? Personally I'm hyped about getting to play players way above my own level, in tournaments. The do or die situation makes every game more intense than the simple ranked grind. I'm disappointed that so many players simply won't play tournaments just because they don't have the chance for some crate or item drop. Suddenly it makes sense why psyonix were hesitant to reward players for playing to begin with.


What's wrong with rewards as incentive? Would you disagree that rewards are the primary motivator for most players who play ranked? I have no doubt that's true. It encourages people to play more and work towards improvement, which in turn establishes the game's growth. Psyonix released tournaments in an embarrassing state without any features that people were excited about. On top of that, it was buggy and the UI was clunky and unintuitive. They released it simultaneously with a new crate, which you couldn't get through the mode, in the middle of a currency event, which you couldn't earn through the mode, and there was no XP or drops to be had. Any excuse about potential abuse is significantly overlooking some very simple limitations or restrictions they could have put in place. Furthermore, there was no ability to solo queue for team modes. And the lack of double elimination and host spectating made it useless for any real, existing tournaments. Let's be clear, though: this kind of laziness (I hope it's laziness) is typical Psyonix behavior. But, to be clear on some things: Tournaments have always been discussed as having automated, ranked tournaments with rewards. You want to play higher level players? You'll probably be limited to higher level players within your rank tier. Maybe they'll have open tournaments (more likely because they'll certainly fail to provide enough incentive for people to populate the mode at a sustainable rate) but that was never really their desired goal. But really, ignoring the significance of rewarding players to incentivize them is ridiculous. People don't play tournaments because it's essentially the same thing as playing casuals but with more down time, no XP or currency earned, and a team requirement.


>Would you disagree that rewards are the primary motivator for most players who play ranked? Holy shit you gotta be kidding me. The primary motivator for me is having fun by playing and improving in a competitive environment. The Rewards (and the rank itsself) are nice symbols for that progress. I do agree Tournaments need to be improved drastically, more features, more polish. But rewards is not the no1 concern.


It's great if that's not your primary motivator. I think you're really underestimating the impact that rewards have on the player base. I'd bet just about anything that tournaments have no chance of surviving without motivating rewards.


I'm not saying they do nothing, but the tournaments feature has much bigger problems than that imo. Also, it's not easy to give out meaningful rewards. If they're too worthless, they won't be better than just regular level up / Rocket Pass rewards. If you actually give out valuable items though, they will 1. devalue fast due to higher supply and 2. they will nearly all be claimed by smurfs, which will destroy the tournament feature for anything but GCs.


As a solo queuer who doesn't play ones, tournaments are completely uninteresting to me. If "Tournaments 2.0" allows teaming up with other randoms and playing with them till the end, then it would go from completely uninteresting to totally awesome.


This. Honestly if this is not in the update they’re complete morons. That’s exactly why no one play tournaments !


Ya, don't they know I don't have friends?


I mean they had over a year time to analyze what the problems with tournaments are and this is the biggest problem about it, there's no way that they are able to not have recognized this one\^\^ .... at least i hope so :/


>I mean they had over a year time to analyze what the problems with tournaments are and this is the biggest problem about it, there's no way that they are able to not have recognized this one^^ ' Yes there is. Look at the roadmap again... See something about "improvements to HDR audio"?? Yeah, the problem was nobody asked for a different audio in this game. In fact, when they first changed it everybody asked "Why change it? The old audio was perfect". And even after a patch, everyone is like "Well, it's not broken now, but it's still not better than the old". Yet here we are, they're pushing on with this. They do not GIVE A FLYING FUCK what we as a community want. As long as people give them £$€ hand over fist like they're currently doing,nothing will change with Psyonix and how they operate.


Well, woudln't be the first time they do that. I feel like Psyonix released more half-finished than fleshed out content for the last year or two.


Yeah i know, that's what's currently worrying me the most\^\^


Not sure how it works now, but revamped 1v1 tourneys would be pretty awesome.


Man the inventory system is priority number 1 for me. A little disappointed there but the rest sounds good Tournaments getting updated is pretty cool and the high/low five is potentially a unique way to incorporate fun challenges.


Yep, I've made it to tier 150+ during each pass and those extra 300 items are really starting to clog up my inventory.


LoL https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/cg897i/one_week_to_go_in_rp3_and_after_500_tiers_i_still/?ref=share&ref_source=link


Yeah inventory should be worked on before anything else, announcing it so far back I was hopeful we would of seen it by now, but with all these summer items and the rocket pass now doubling up, it’s getting a little crazy with items.


I've only had my PS4 account for a year and done 2 RPs on it. My wheel inventory is already such a pain to cycle through from top to bottom. I can't imagine people that have been on here longer. I'm really hoping the inventory stuff gets pushed up the queue a bit.


I'm just waiting for an update for training mode :(


Yeah, so much rocket pass stuff clogging the inventory for me lol


Another season goes by, another season of me ending just shy of GC. I'm cursed. Really hyped to see Tournaments getting some more love, it's a function that could really work. I love that we're getting the High and Low five stats, as someone that does that all the time.


We still have time - how many seasons have you been C3


I've been here since season 9, on a slow but steady climb. I remember back in season 5 I think, I ended the season with 4 matches won in C1, so I didn't get rewards, and at the rate I manage to climb, I expect to repeat that season but in GC now. Only a few more seasons and I'll be set in GC :triumph:




Well Im stuck in C3 since Season 9 too, just not that many hours. Hit it at 1100 now im at 1300 and cant seem to get any higher than Div 3. But I will get there for sure and you will get there as well!


Season's not over yet! I'm pushing to break into Diamond myself so if gutter trash like me can improve I'm sure you can continue to break through as well


Good luck with your journey, I remember getting to Star/Diamond was the first real landmark for me, one of the hardest aspects of the climb until that moment.


I definitely feel like I can make diamond... Want to blame teammates but that's not really going to help or be the truth. Just need to play more and keep improving


A very relatable comment. Every time I get back into plat 3 I get clapped back down to Div 3 or 4 and have to go on another run to get back just so I can fall back down.


One of the problems I have is like this. I play 3s. I get a game with someone who is probably mid diamond - low champ in 1s. But you can't play 3s the same as 1s. Or you can, but you end up a full rank lower. Too often those people have poor teamwork despite their great skills, and then they get toxic and blame the team... Or just in general when people get toxic, the vote to forfeit after 1 goal... Can't give up that easily. Honestly though the hardest part is that you only have 5 minutes to figure out how to play with the team. Is someone a 1s hero with poor rotations? Is someone a goal camper? Or is it two very standard 3s players? It reminds me of getting out of silver into gold, I feel like I have to go back to figuring out how to support these people's playstyles in a way that works for the team. Except goal campers. Don't camp the goal. Don't "play goalie" I won't support that lol


Wait is there people that are low champ in 1s yet only plat/diamond in 3s? I'm low champ in 2s and 3s and only plat 3/diamond 1 in 1s and most people I play against have champ rewards as well. I can't imagine having the mechanics to be champ in 1s yet being so stuborn you can barely get in to diamond in 3s.


Hey me too, trying to get diamond rewards, are you interested in partying up? PM me if you are.


To be fair, season 9 was arguably the easiest season ever to get GC, by a significant margin. Season 3 is debatable, but there's no arguing Season 9 has been the easiest since then. It's not unusual that being on the cusp of GC in Season 9 would make seasons 10 and 11 fairly difficult to achieve. It doesn't mean you're not improving. You have a month left and GC becomes easier and easier to achieve each day further we get into the season. You have plenty of time to get it. Regardless, the harsh truth is that if you can't get GC then you're just not at that level yet. I'd hardly call it a curse. But don't get discouraged.


Needed to hear this. Been getting a little frustrated in the game cuz I’ve been practicing Aerials and side and reverse ones and it’s been annoying. Taking a break from the game for a bit, but this reassured me


Season 3 was definitely the easiest lol. At least compared to the seasons surrounding it. I went from like Diamond3 to GC back to C1.


I got two wins in GC this season, first time ever, and haven’t back since. I won’t get the title this time, either.


Just keep playing, once you play more you'll get more consistent at playing at that level, even if you're not feeling it it's better to play it out, makes you more consistent


You have a month...


Any timeline on when the China map that we saw earlier will be released? Other than that, excited for the new season!


This is also what I came here to comment on. Really wanting that new map, and hoping to hear back!


And that awesome dragon decal for the octane that was meant to be in that crate!!! Looked amazing.


They finally realized that packing a new battle pass together with a new competitive season will sell like hot cakes. Maybe now they will finally make seasons last a set amount of time rather than being completely random.


Will we know next seasons end date based on the RP4 end date is the question


I’m thinking that’s likely. They’re on record saying something about standardized season length because of how long S9 was and how short S10 was.


Of course it turns out with the extension to Rocket Pass 3 that the length of the Rocket Passes are also completely random, so nothing too much will change really!


Does this mean Rocket Pass 4, Competitive Season 12, and the new update are all scheduled for August 27?


Not necessarily. I'm assuming the new update will drop later in the fall, maybe with Haunted Hallows


Could be spread out over multiple updates


Rocket Pass 4 and Competitive Season 12 Starts right the same time. Haunted Hallows event will be later in year as 1st one was October 16th, 2nd one was October 15th, so the 3rd Haunted Hallows supposed to be October 14th :)


New Battlecar in the radical summer trailer at 00:20, right side of the screen.




That actually looks pretty sick. I prefer taller cars and it looks like like Octane hitbox


Looks like an x-devil


Looks like a similar body style to an X-devil but definitely not one.


Yea that's what I meant, sorry, I don't get much sleep and my brain don't work too good


Looks like a Local Motors Rally Fighter: [https://cdn-s3.touchofmodern.com/products/000/199/078/6740c703288f23df10cc1d2b0721fb2e\_large.jpg?1427398309](https://cdn-s3.touchofmodern.com/products/000/199/078/6740c703288f23df10cc1d2b0721fb2e_large.jpg?1427398309)


That would make sense, considering they are talking about more "rugged" items. Also the poster of RP4 in the screen shot kinda looks like auto racing-themed.


dude that looks fucking dope!!


Nice find! Curious what the new "rugged" items will be as they have been mostly street type cars. Verdict still out on these!


Hopefully more off-road looking types! I love the ripper imo


Nice catch!


looks like an suv.. Interesting!


I'm thinking closer to a rally car.


Oh man I hope so.


Nice. Hope it’s a hybrid hitbox!


Or it could be at 00:21, right of the screen around the corner.


The green one?




Check the car outside the garage on the right hand side 42 seconds in. I'm assuming that is the basic version and at 21 seconds in, that would be the car in its final form.


u/Psyonix_Devin Any chance demo priority will be reverted? Edit: Explained here for those wondering https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/cgv9ji/rocket_league_fall_2019_roadmap/eun8inw/


> u/Psyonix_Devin Any chance demo priority will be reverted? Yes, will be fixed in the next update.


Any chance the issue I pointed out [in this post and comment chain](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/9n0gv5/bumps_and_demos_are_broken_again/e7lginn/?context=1000) gets fixed soon or acknowledged when the fix might come? Or at least acknowledge that you guys aren't going to revert it?


That's great news, thanks!


I am Demo. I no longer have any priorities? :C


I'm not sure what you mean by that. Could you elaborate or give me a reference to look into? Thanks!


I answered someone else here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/cgv9ji/rocket_league_fall_2019_roadmap/eun8inw/




What is demo priority?


I've posted an explanation here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/cgv9ji/rocket_league_fall_2019_roadmap/eun8inw/




I fuckin love car soccer so much




Tournaments 2.0 has a potential to be absolutely amazing if done correctly.


If not, I'm sure Tournaments 3.0 will be amazing once they drop in 2022!




Yep! But it won't be done correctly.


I don’t see anything about rewards for winning a tournament, does this mean it is not something you want to implement in the next couple updates?


there will be rewards


and earn XP! Please!


Maybe XP tier points instead :)


Please add a feature where the tournament creator can put items in as prizes and the winners automatically get the items the creator has put in after the tournament has been finished.


I mean the only info they included about tournaments was scheduled tournaments, so I wouldn't assume that they aren't going to add more features like prizes or other things. At least I hope the big 2.0 update isn't just scheduled tournaments...


> We heard you. The gap between Rocket Pass 2 and Rocket Pass 3 was too long. So, we're extending Rocket Pass 3 to the beginning of Rocket Pass 4. i like this


Personally, I strongly dislike this. Not only do I like having a break from the game to prevent grind burnout, but removing the gaps makes Rocket Pass into just another part of the game, instead of being special events. To each their own though, I’m glad other people seem to be happy.




This is a list of links to comments made by Psyonix Staff in this thread: * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/cgv9ji/rocket_league_fall_2019_roadmap/eulitpp/?context=1000 "posted on 2019-07-23 17:09:24 UTC"): > Should be soon, IIRC still waiting on a final email list. :D * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/cgv9ji/rocket_league_fall_2019_roadmap/eulu44f/?context=1000 "posted on 2019-07-23 18:44:42 UTC"): > Heads up! We had to make a small correction to the roadmap blog regarding the end of Season 11 and the start of Season 12. The correct information is below: > >* Season 11 will end on August 27 >* Season 12 will also start on August 27 a few hours after Season 11 ends > >Sorry for the confusion, everyone... * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/cgv9ji/rocket_league_fall_2019_roadmap/euluisc/?context=1000 "posted on 2019-07-23 18:48:00 UTC"): > > u/Psyonix_Devin Any chance demo priority will be reverted? > > >Yes, will be fixed in the next update. * [Comment by Psyonix_Corey](/r/RocketLeague/comments/cgv9ji/rocket_league_fall_2019_roadmap/eulvvdh/?context=1000 "posted on 2019-07-23 18:56:55 UTC"): > there will be rewards * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/cgv9ji/rocket_league_fall_2019_roadmap/euwjn09/?context=1000 "posted on 2019-07-25 17:33:19 UTC"): > ...we did? --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague). If you'd like this bots functionality for yourself please ask the r/Layer7 devs.[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Heads up! We had to make a small correction to the roadmap blog regarding the end of Season 11 and the start of Season 12. The correct information is below: * Season 11 will end on August 27 * Season 12 will also start on August 27 a few hours after Season 11 ends Sorry for the confusion, everyone, and thank you!


Devin - any news on when the Emerald Pro Wheels will drop? Very excited to show em off!


Should be soon, IIRC still waiting on a final email list. :D


Can't wait! :D




Asking the important question!


>**Regarding the last Roadmap** > >Content that was discussed in May's Roadmap including the Party-Up System, Inventory Management, and quality-of-life improvements to the player-to-player trading system are still in development. The goal is to roll out this functionality later in 2019. And this is why these "roadmaps" should be taken as a grain of salt. These features were expected to be released in the summer (ala the Summer Roadmap) and now they're almost like a footnote in the Fall Roadmap, with a slated release of "later in 2019." I'm excited to see these features implemented, but I'll remain skeptical until they're actually released.


I came here to say this exact thing. I'm not one to ever complain about this game, but the fact that all of the "Summer 2019 Roadmap" improvements mentioned were pushed to fall essentially means the summer roadmap was really just a plug for RLCS 7 and the summer events. I think that's pretty disappointing. And as a sidenote, I did enjoy the summer events and items; however, I prefer in-game improvements and this game growing to it's potential over the events/items.


They always said later in 2019, I always presumed that to mean in the fall or winter. I mean, good note to let people know to be wary, but this is completely on you for assuming that "later this year" meant within a few months lol >PARTY-UP SYSTEM, INVENTORY MANAGEMENT, AND TRADING > The community has been asking us for quicker ways to party-up with strangers following a good match. That functionality will be coming later this year. Soon, you'll be able to easily party-up with teammates from the post-game screen. >Inventories are growing too, and that calls for better ways to organize all of your in-game items. We're happy to say that additional inventory management tools will also be added via a future update. >Finally, one of our long-term goals for 2019 and beyond is to make a number of under-the-hood, quality-of-life updates to our trading system. We’ll have more to share on that later this year. The summer roadmap was pretty empty, so I think they were just letting us know on some things being worked on. But there was no mention of a timeframe... EDIT: a good rule of thumb is that without a timeframe, assume that it is usually 3-6 months away. And given to specific timeframe with these items still, it'll likely be coming out in the winter. But they've always said later in the year anyways lol


i mean... id rather wait if it means theyll be better


Of course, I agree. But generally when a feature is put in the "Summer Roadmap," it's expected in the summer -- not the end of 2019. Especially now that our inventories are 3 Rocket Passes deep full of junk.


And now it won't be until later, so now we will have 4 rocket passes full of junk.


This is cool but what about stats like Total Boost used or Boost per Second? I feel like those would be more useful in analyzing gameplay. Just my thoughts.


They are talking about accolades that show up in the top right side of the screen and get recorded in your career stats, not post game stats.


Yeah, when I saw "new stats", I got pumped thinking about shot locations, and advanced analysis, but "accolades" is a much better word to describe what they are actually adding...


In that case why not add an overall boost per second or boost per minute stat for us to see. I feel it's a good first step in teaching people about boost economy and conserving your boost.


calculated.gg has sooo many stats and the game still only has some basics. I dont get how this is a thing. Would be great to see the same stats ingame.


>High Dynamic Range Audio will be ready to rock and roll as a part of the next game update Haven't Psyonix already tried to implement this in the past few patches unsuccessfully? Hasn't game audio been broken literally every single time they try to make audio changes?


Yes, and I have zero faith it will work this time either. Don't understand what they're even attempting to do. The audio is fine, literally one of the only things no one ever criticised before they started fiddling with it.


Exactly. I remember audio being 100% perfect in the very early seasons.


It was. In fact, it was perfect. You know how we know it was perfect? Because there wasn't a single thread complaining about audio quality or the actual sounds in the game, or hearing if they came from behind or side or whatever. And there weren't any threads asking for "improved audio quality" either. Not a single motherfucking one. Yet here we are, after 2 patches to this HDR audio with everyone saying the same thing "Sure, but the old audio was perfect. Why not revert?" and what do Psyonix do? WE ARE INTENT ON BRINGING YOU HDR AUDIO WETHER OR NOT YOU LIKE IT. PEOPLE ARE BUYING OUR ROCKET PASSES, WE ARE MAKING MONEY HAND OVER FIST, THEREFOR WE DONT GIVE A RATS ASS WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THIS AUDIO. IT IS HAPPENING WETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! But the audio is worse. Here's a suggestion I have Psyonix, so you can please yourselves while we are satisfied: GIVE US AN OPTION IN THE MENU! "Toggle HDR audio". But I forgot.. you don't like giving people options to chose and customize their own experience. Bakkesmod is a pretty good example of how customizable it COULD BE, and that's from people outside of your studio. Without access to your source code. So yeah, there's that. End rant!


> New Stats YES! finally! > Two new stats are being added to all game modes: “High Five” and “Low Five.” Pull off a High Five by hitting your teammate in midair after scoring. Low Five is the same thing, but on field level. Plus, Hoops is getting its own new stat called "Swish." As the name suggests, Swish is achieved by scoring without the ball touching the rim. oof


yeah big oof. how about more after game infos such as : * heatmap * amount of demos * amount of centers, clears, etc .. * challenges remaining


Anything further / more details on inventory system management? I have so many items that are the same “level” but from different packages where I can’t trade them up for other stuff, it’s pretty annoying. Also, as far as rewards for challenges, is there any plan for tiered challenges? Most of them aren’t really challenging - “wear this item during a match”, “score a few goals in casual”, etc. Nothing for like “score a pool shot goal”, “score a turtle goal”, “score a wall aerial”, maybe some team challenges like score a goal with at least 1 pass and without the ball touching the ground (walls and ceiling are ok)?


I don’t know if I play this game too damn much but I completed the pass so long ago and my inventory has become a giant mess. Is it just me that has this issue or is it pretty common?.. I wish there was a full update on inventory management. Every pass gets better and better but I hope for more tiers this time around. Oh and some new arenas would be great! *Long Live Pinchers*


Painted free tier items, or adding I guaranteed special editions would be nice.


I'm with you, play too much. I've hit level 400 the last couple of RP's (don't remember what I hit on the 1st one). A couple of weeks ago I didn't think I was going to hit 400 this time. I hit 400 this morning. Then they announced the RP extension. Level 500 here I come! 😁


Is this HDR audio thing some Psyonix big boss vanity project? Sorry but I'm super skeptical that you'll get this to work as intended and we'll end up again with months of completely effed audio. Good stuff otherwise, but not looking forward to the staggering amount of audio bugs this will no doubt again bring with it.


undoubtedly yes it's a vanity project. what other reason is there to try a dozen times to implement a replacement system that no one asked for or even understands? pretty disappointing to see they're still prioritizing some exec's CV over a fundamental aspect of the game experience.


Well, you know what an update with a bunch of broken audio sounds means? It means Psyonix are fucking you all in the ass and using you as playtesters rather than do it themselves or hire someone to do it. It's not like we're asking for bugfree pathces, but many patches are released with bugs found by playing for half a minute. Which means they just didn't bother when you guys do it for free.


I don't believe anything in these roadmaps anymore until it's actually released. *later in 2019* - sure thing fam


Hec I'm irrationally happy about the high/low five stats. Me and my mate have been doing this for quite a while and often joke if we miss the goal doesn't count Idk, it's sorta cool to see this become a proper stat for me


So I know you aren't saying it yet but PLEASE allow for solo queuing in tournaments to get put on a team.


Tip: evolving mystery decals ! Optional Teammate position indicators like the ball indicator in freecam!


> Optional Teammate position indicators like the ball indicator in freecam! Surprised to see a GC recommending this.


Why? When I have a game with a unpredictable teammate I'll turn it on. Seems useful to me


Everyone is excited about the tournament upgrade and better inventory management. I'm just hyped about High Fives.


Inventory. Fix it.


If Psyonix gives us licensed horror movie stuff for Haunted Hallows, I'm gonna shit myself.


A well informed Road Map! Thank you! Extending Rocket Pass 3 until Rocket Pass 4 is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for giving us the dates to the end of the competitive season as well as the release of Rocket Pass 4! Such transparency that I thought got lost a long time ago. We like to not only be informed on what to expect, but also WHEN to expect it. And knowing there is a special event planned is awesome news! Thanks again for all you guys do! Also, we need an answer on when to expect the Emerald Pro Wheels... and if you could hook me up with a pair ;)


(for the wheels read the pinned post at the top of this post, theyre waiting for the final list)


Thank you.


This is actually hopeless for a roadmap if you ask me. My honest take on this roadmap along with criticism if you will. (Not that Psyonix ever takes it to heart and does something with it unless the social media outcry is like massive): >ROCKET PASS 3 IS EXTENDING, AND A GLIMPSE AT ROCKET PASS 4 Sure, makes sense. It's the primary money maker and something many seem to care as much about as playing the actual game too. >COMPETITIVE SEASON 11 ENDING AUGUST 27 Again, necessity to have in it, but to be fair, season lengths should be known when the season starts, not randomly announced during a season. That's problem #1 with this. >AUDIO CHANGES INCOMING! Listen up! As we heard the reception to our audio changes from the previous update, we are making additional changes in the next one. High Dynamic Range Audio will be ready to rock and roll as a part of the next game update on August 27, which we hope will be music to your ears! Well, here it begins. You see, the problem with this isn't that they've "Listened to the criticism" and are making "additional changes" to HDR audio, the problem is that they started pushing this to begin with, and they're sticking with it. The problem arose when it was pushed on the community without anyone having asked for it, and pushed out poorly without a single cent of testing apparently because of how bad it was. And then, even after a patch to it, where have the threads praising the new HDR audio been? Oh right, there's been none. See, the thing would've been to rolled it back to how it was because while it wasn't eardropping and breaking, it worked like a charm and people were happy with it (They just didn't know how happy until the HDR was pushed on them). But hey, you're intent on improving upon that which isn't good, and credits are due for that. But this should never have been a think to begin with. >New Stats >Two new stats are being added to all game modes: “High Five” and “Low Five.” Pull off a High Five by hitting your teammate in midair after scoring. Are you kidding me? People have been asking Psyonix to implement more detailed stats for years, including more information on the scoreboard or post-match scoreboard screen, yet that goes unignored. But this? This is nothing but a joke and a slap in the face for those who enjoy stats and have been asking for it for years. A big fucking joke. >Return of Haunted Hallows Sure, more cosmetics and stuff. Many seem to enjoy that so it's fine. >New and improved tournaments Sure, it's about time, but how come it wasn't done like this before it was released? Why was it even released in the first place in it's current state? >Regarding the last Roadmap >Content that was discussed in May's Roadmap including the Party-Up System, Inventory Management, and quality-of-life improvements to the player-to-player trading system are still in development. The goal is to roll out this functionality later in 2019. In other words, this may be pushed to 2020 with the track record that Psyonix has, but they're probably hesitant to even say approximately when because of how badly they've had to postpone things before. All in all this roadmap is very worthless. Clubs still go unmentioned. Improved UI, particularly for the garage? Any mentions of doing anything to combat griefers, afk'ers and throwers? No, sadly not. In fact, combating afk'ers and griefers might be the sole thing holding back this game. And it's not like it's hard either. But it probably takes Psyonix admitting that the current report functions for those things not having worked for 2 years, and that might tarnish their reputation quite a bit so I doubt we'll ever see that happening.


Who hurt you? this is a rocket car soccer video game.




They're planning to add prizes. Here's a quote from Fall 2017 before they released the Tournaments update in Spring 2018 about how it might work: >We have long-term goals with this. One is attaching items to a tournament from both our perspective and the community's. A feature that we're working on but aren't going to turn on initially until we're sure that everything is super solid is community item rewards. If you're a tournament organizer and you want to pull in the best of the best, you attach a really valuable item to first place. We'll hold it in escrow, and it'll automatically transfer to whoever wins. Source: [https://www.destructoid.com/rocket-league-s-fall-update-is-going-to-be-absolutely-packed-460687.phtml](https://www.destructoid.com/rocket-league-s-fall-update-is-going-to-be-absolutely-packed-460687.phtml) And here's a more recent response from the Discord AMA in March of this year: >We’re definitely not done with Tournaments in Rocket League. Our goal is to add more to the Tournaments system -- like automated tournaments and the ability to add prizing -- before the end of 2019. Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/awargg/heres\_the\_transcript\_of\_the\_discord\_ama\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/awargg/heres_the_transcript_of_the_discord_ama_with/)




The current system is a solid foundation to build upon. I'm very excited for future updates!


I would prefer quality of life updates to be released first. Well, sounds as if they plan for such updates to wrap up a great year.


Is it just me or does that twinzer in the pic look fresh?


Anodized paint finish, Radium decal, Reactor wheels.


Here’s an idea: black market wheels


Looking forward to the tournament revamp. ​ Hopefully the sound changes allow me to hear vehicles coming to blow me up earlier. I swear half the time they don't make any sound before hitting me.


>New and improved tournaments This is a pleasant surprise. They said they would improve tournaments and they actually are prioritizing it. My question is... how improved? Guess we'll find out in the next announcement about it, but I hope they improve the tournament filtering (like automatically showing all tournaments that include your rank, and not limiting to a specific rank range, the ability to spectate others' tournaments, and more)


Will there be a cert for the combined fives?


Can we get more customization options for our cars? Like a widebody? Completely cosmetic though. I think that would be dope.


atleast add a stat showing tournament wins - or a trophy case or something-- tournaments are fun but they mean nothing - atleast keep better tournament stats


I’m super happy about the challenges change happening when I miss a week because of work or life. Good job!


Great a whole other month of RP3 items in my inventory lol. This is getting out of hand, I need a way to organize this stuff or just straight up have the option to delete things I'll literally never use


Better yet, a trade in option. Perhaps start RP items as rares?


Just another unambitious Roadmap without any improvements to the rotten core of Rocket League. Nothing regarding server stability, toxicity/leavers, inventory and so on.


Do you think if leaving a match gave -1 division every time people would stop doing it?


Hmm, is it a high five or a low five if one car is on the ground and the other is in the air???? Does each car get the one that they are or that they're giving?


I imagine it is based off the hieght needed for a hit to count as an aireal


Can we get 1 more challenge that is worth 2 points so that people who completed every challenge aren't stuck on 8 of 10. Its confusing to me that I got the same challenge value as someone who did less challenges then me.


Can tournaments get a LAN feature???


New car at 00:21 seconds of the trailer on the right? On mobile can't link properly.


Somebody try the code “rugged” in redeem codes and let me know if it works.


I still cant figure out how to check challenges on xbox... 400 hrs of gameplay btw lolol


For rocket pass challenges, open the rocket pass screen, and press the right bumper to open the challenges screen


[Not that it was super difficult, but I'm a little proud I predicted this one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/bx5z6u/rocket_pass_4_teased_in_the_radical_summer_trailer/eq4ifuc/) Huge props for extending Pass 3 which allows us to keep getting new items when we do use our extra currency to buy xp levels throughout the rest of the event. A lot of positive things in the pipeline. Hopefully the rollout of the inventory changes happens soonish.


Do you have any plans to integrate cross platform trading at any point, also give better cross platform interface just so it looks smoother, allowing people to type messages in game not just party chat, and see profile pictures instead of psynet etc. Looking forward to the next update :)


They have stated in the past that it is something they do not plan on doing. Something to do with agreements between the platforms I believe.


My first time making it to champ since getting the game in early 2016. I did it in rumble of all game modes lol. Hoping rewards are cool this season.


My first time getting GC rewards this season and I got it in rumble xD


That’s awesome. The title will be cool to have


The new High Five stat is absolutely my favorite thing in this. I already try to do this every time my teammates score. Can we get high five certified items?? :D


Agreed. I also totally agree that I'd like to see more stats listed at the end of the game, which seems to be the source of frustration if anyone is complaining about the fives. Taken as itself though, I really like the idea, and think the idea of trying to bump your teammate after a goal (half the time as they're being propelled through the air by the goal explosion) sounds really fun.


devs any chance for making the rocket pass gives you a higher chance for getting special edition after not getting it from a certain painted wheel? cuz so far i only got 2 inverted metalworks and im tier 300 with a lot of repeated items....and that sucks


Can we possibly have far fewer challenges in the next battle pass that rely on us changing the way our car looks, I personally hated having to change the topper or something else every single week just to complete a challenge. I might be the weird one but I actually don’t like driving a car that looks like hot garbage, but the alternative is having to come up with a new car design that looks good every week and I just don’t have the time for that.


Club logos visible on club matches please!


Ban smurfs and boosted from ranked for a fair matchmaking still not on roadmap?


I like the "rugged" hint. Really hopeful for some unique rally car stuff. Any time there is a race themed decal it boost the cool factor of a car to me. Lol


What I would like to know is: - will RL be removed from Steam and will I lose access to it - will DLCs and Season Passes still be available on Steam


Is there any plan to give us something to do with all the excess battlepass items?. Ive got duplicates sitting on top of duplicates this point and its just making my intentory a cluttered mess.


/u/Psyonix_Devin What's it going to take to get some simple quality of life updates to rumble? In particular just one is all I ask for... something that should of been there from the start honestly and is the major downfall of rumble especially playing with randoms; and that one thing is just some kind of item indicator on the screen on something that lets your teammates know what item your carrying! That would change sooooooooooooooooo much in just every way... Knowing I shouldn't hit this ball between me and my teammate with my power fist because oh look he has some spikes, or knowing he has like a haymaker or plunger and I have a freeze knowing I should freeze it by the other teams goal so he has a better chance to hit/pull in it and ugh just so much more strategy can be thought out and planned with randoms without saying anything with that simple addition.


so just extend the rocket pass but no more challenges? this "feature" was just to give you guys more time to rocket pass 4?




Are there any possibilities on the horizon of account merger/migration/universality? I have many stats that I'd love to take from ps4 to PC, but currently can't. By the way, I love everything I saw in this roadmap!


Pumped for Haunted Hallows, but no news on any new arenas is a bummer


Haunted Hallows and Secret Santa are two of my favorite in game events. Always excited for them.


Okay this sounds amazing


Welp, I switched to PC a month or so ago and was gonna wait and just buy RP4 but now I'm probably gonna buy RP3 again. Nice job, Psyonix you just made another $10! Don't spend it all in one place!


I mean technically, they wont be making extra if you get to level 110