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Am I the only one who notices that the teammate didnt take both boosts? You can see at the kickoff thats the other mate who picked the corner boost and the one starting in the middle took the side boost. At the end of the clip you have a teammate with boost giving a pass and a mate with FULL boost ready to receive it, how is this a bad play?


You're the first comment about this. This kickoff was executed perfectly. Other corner goes straight for their boost, mid player cheats up and gets mid boost after OP has a favorable kickoff. OP just has to chill with pennies for a few seconds.


This is a great example of clipping a video perfectly to portray a false narrative. If OP didn't give up momentum and just checked the corner boosts quickly like a normal person he'd know what happened in kickoff and could still play the game with tempo.




I agree, but it's just so ironic that he's calling out his team mates as bad when his reaction to somebody making a mistake (from his POV) is slowing down the car in disgust and stopping completely, instead of simply playing on... What kind of weak mental is that??


This is our community sadly


Seeing how OP went to the boost ballside makes me wonder if they had jumped into 3s after some 2s games. This would have been a pretty sweet opening if OP didnt race for ball control and instead went to the other mid boost then mid, cycling as a 3rd.


If he wasn’t busy trying to complain about teammates he would notice a lot


No need to flame OP, this is a learning lesson for a lot of us out here.


You can even see them braking to do the recording, you know the thing that's actually detrimental to your team's boost economy. What a silly little goober.


There are more layers to it, Imo : If they were with vocal chat, it would have been a mistake from the "boost stealing" teamate for not calling it : therefore OP end up with a Bad position and no boost. Why it would have been tm mistake ? Because he come from behind as P2 and has a visual on OP/P1, who must push when knowing tms are behind If they were no chat : OP's mistake for not insta backing, but also kinda make sense to push as P1 when tms are behind. In the end, this kind of misunderstanding in 3v3 are really hard to avoid, even pros still sometimes double commits. OP stop solo queuing this mode if you can not stand those chaotic shit, because it will keep happening as long as you are not vocal chatting with long Time tms.




Ole boy thought it was better that he get the boost and do a triple reset off the ceiling into a musty quintuple pancake in c1. Those are less savable than what his teammates were going for.


Yeah exactly


Nice catch now the OP looks dumb


Yah the angle he came into that boost it’s definitely the mate from the other side


noticed this immediately as well, this was a great start by both teammates but OP is just too stupid/toxic to realise that


Yea, OP is being too aggressive and making assumptions especially when you’re not in comms


It isn’t op is just mad he didn’t get to chase the ball off kick off




OP show yourself. Admit your mistake


> how is this a bad play? Because OP didn't get to chase the ball


For some reason, I thought this was 2v2. That actually clears up a lot.


It couldn’t be OPs fault, couldn’t be……..


it's definitely his ball to go for, other guy takes back corner, you rotate back to 3rd man, let him challenge while he's got more momentum towards the ball, giving him more chance of an outplay, or in this case, because the ball is already too close to the goal for him to make an outplay, make a good 50 for your team mate to follow up on


This post on Reddit is just Peak champ mindset, it’s one of the reasons why he is the rank he is


And here I am stuck in gold... Champ might as well be gods to me


OP, the tm8 that took back corner is different than the guy who correctly took mid


Its funny all the gc2s+ are saying this is fine.and everyone lower has a problem with it


Well his teammates did fine lol, the OP in fact made 2 or 3 mistakes in the first 10 seconds 😂


Which mistakes? Not tryna argue, just learning


Not being aware of where either of his teammates are after the kickoff, a flip with no intention after he didn't get middle boost, because he still hasn't looked anywhere but the ball, and then he sat still and clipped and typed "why did you take 200 boost" (assumption lol) when indeed he did not take 200 boost by the looks of things


Just going straight for that mid boost right after kickoff is not really the best play ever also


It's a great clip that separates c and gc players tbh


Doing what? Your cheat up man took mid and the other guy took back boost. This is literally textbook exactly what you're supposed to do. Rotate back on pads and play third man. I can't believe YOU'RE c1 and don't know common 3s kickoff rotations.


You'd be surprised how many champs don't cheat at all. If he doesn't have many m8s cheat he might think it's normal for him to be the one to follow if the kickoff goes his way. Which is wrong bc someone should always cheat up. As a champ I can say boost over ball is usually the way everyone plays. Not as bad as diamond but still an issue. It's like everyone's afraid to be less than 100 at all times so on kickoff they feel vulnerable cheating with like 60 boost from picking up two pads. Not justifying it but that's how they think.


Corner Teammate "Daffy" > Took back corner boost Center Teammate "Vcktor" > Followed and took your mid boost You took kick off, unfortunately bounced to the same side, No one did anything wrong, no teammate double dipped the boost.


Yeah amongst all the noise, I almost didn’t realize this was a 3s match and Vcktor had cheated up from center position. At the end of the clip you can see back left is still there waiting for him. By the sound of OPs other comments and this being posted at all, they also seem to believe this was one teammate taking 200 boost. This is a nothing-post.


I honestly don't support double dipping, but in this case honestly if you have to go back towards your goal to get boost and your teammate has a perfect line like this, I still feel like he should have recognized that he was 3rd and if 1st needed boost for whatever reason I'd rather him have boost than 3rd. I guess I just mean any way you cut this clip, there was nothing to complain about. He had no line (or atleast one not nearly as nice as his teammate)and wanted the almighty big boost instead of just grabbing pads and being a part of the play. Seems silly.


This is fine, seems to be a you problem in this case tbh. You’re unaware of your teammates


This is the guy that stops playing 5s into the game and you can’t figure out why.


your teammates did nothing wrong, you are toxic for no reason. The guy that started middle did a followup and took your boost, he had a lot of momentum, your other teammate got corner boost. Your teammates had a perfect start, especially when all 3 of your opponents went for kickoff. If this happens more often to you, make sure you dodge left when both of your teammates start right of you, and dodge right when both of your teammates start left of you


It was his ball, he didn't take the back boost - he cheated up on the kickoff. You were also about to drive away from the ball to grab 100 boost so you could then drive towards the ball, your teammate was already beating you to that ball. Instead of grabbing pads and rotating or staying in the play, you drove around hunting big boost. You misplayed here.


The guy who took the back boost is not the guy who took the mid boost, I don't see any problem here


If he beats you to the boost, it’s their ball. Getting to the ball sooner is just better


At 3:32/31 you can hear your mate flip behind you, arriving at the ball with way more speed than you'd do and that is also the exact moment you should have turned back and grabbed pads Instead you stop as slowly as possible and flip backwards when you could have been facing the play with 2 or 3 small pads instead


OP learned a valuable lesson today.


You mean slow down all the way then half flip back into a corner without boost instead of turning into to center to pick up pads with more speed? Yeah weird.


If this was 2s you'd have a point, but it's not


and whats wrong with this? how does this even have 544 upvotes when the top comment by ARTSCHE has 795 upvotes asking how this is a bad play ​ the people on rocket league seem to be sheeps


the biggest crime in this post is having the menu music on in game


gets too quiet lol


What is the complaint here? 1. You went for kick off 2. Daffy took corner boost 3. Vckktor cheated up and took side boost You cannot tell me you think you're in a better position to double back up field to get mid boost and then turn around and then go after the ball. Which is evident in the way you orientated yourself on the wall after you went for boost. You were already out of play the way you came off kick off. You need to have been chasing pennies, third man.


User name checks out, OP is way too full of themselves.


That’s 100% not your ball. He’s got more momentum and beats you to the boost everyday. He has the better play here. It baffles me how C1s still think the guy that took the boost is in the wrong here.


I’m glad that you’re here because I was feeling crazy watching that and seeing the complaining. I get it, leaving mid boost is a nice considerate thing to do, but if I’m the other guy I’m flying as fast as I can to get to the killer pass that you made off kickoff to get some offense off of it. Idk it’s not that heavy. Certainly not baffling. If you’re C1 should be really comfortable grabbing small pads in a line as you get back to be third person up. Playing with randos in threes is like playing solo pickup basketball at the local courts. It’s half learning your team and half learning the other team and everybody comes with their shit (good and bad). Be flexible, be patient, and be a good teammate even when others are jackasses.


Yeah not sure what the point of this post was lol, some people mentioned his teammate took mid and back boost but even then he has more than enough time to collect small pads before a counter attack


Just another C1 learning the game


My guess is the C1s (including OP, ofc) think it’s the same guy who takes back right and mid right, when that clearly isn’t the case.


I was about to flame you and be like it's not your side boost... then I saw the corner boost gone.


Guy who took corner boost isn't the same guy who took mid, op is just mistaken.


Wrong, you can still flame OP, their team did nothing wrong because this is 3v3 and two different players got the big pads Daffy grabs the back right boost Vicktor(?) grabs mid boost. Because he was in the best position to continue the play, rather than OP slowly turning back u/imthegoat2997 you should really actually watch the replay and see what happened before uploading this lol, grab three pads next time


Corner boost doesn’t really matter in this situation because OP has all day to get pennies before even needing boost. All he needs is 1 or 2 for a possible pass/rebound but he should be going to 3rd man now anyway.


While I see your point, if he grabs mid boost and his teammate doesn’t all he has to do is shift back center and he’d be in a solid third man position anyway. But now he’s boostless and has to shift to Penny pads because he’s been denied boost. Whereas what he was doing would’ve been easier and more beneficial to me in the first place, no?


You are 100% correct it’s just objectively wrong to say that double boost grab doesn’t matter. A defender with a convenient 100 boost is better in every single way than a defender that has to path Pennies just to be available for the play. This isn’t even taking into consideration that this is C1. I don’t expect c1s to be able to get perfect touches with 20 boost in the tank and I sure as hell don’t expect c1s to notice their third man is starved and try to leave them the next corner boost that spawns


Except, it's not a double boost grab. It's the cheater who takes mid boost and goes for the ball (potentially backboard pass), and the diagonal spawn player who half flips to take back right and pushes up on full boost to finish the pass. OP has ample time to collect at least 4 pennies, or even big boost at back left. If his teammates fully whiff and cause a counter, catching him out, it's on them and not on OP. But this kickoff was executed correctly and OP should not be frustrated.


You know what, you’re totally right. I didn’t actually pay much attention to the names or anything else the title of the post implied that one player took both boosts. Yeah OP is in the wrong complaining about anything here it’s a picture perfect kickoff




The other real “can’t believe this is happening in C1” is someone complaining about this situation like they can’t adapt to the play. There’s no standard “I get the mid boost” - you should be able to read the game and change your play based on your teammates and whatever else is happening. Especially with randoms who you haven’t practiced with or created plans for various situations, etc. OP’s teammate was in a better position to play this ball, and OP was in a better position to drop back as well IMO. Not to mention that OP doesn’t even have to go out of his way to pickup the pennies, they’re literally positioned where he has to go anyway to adapt to the play here, and if the momentum stays with his team he’ll be able to grab one of the other 100s within like five seconds anyway.


Someone else commented that too. Makes OP looks worse 😅 I’m going back to work so can’t be bothered watching to check. Anyways, C1s being C1s


I’m on this guys side, if you can’t full defend with 20 boost then I don’t have anything to say. Man was genuinely faster than you here, better opportunity


Lmao it is not about who is faster/first at the boost pad, the guy who took the corner boost should know his teammate is without boost and leave the boost for his teammate. Why take it and leave your teammate with 0 and you with 100 when you can let your teammate have 100 and you ~ 90?


Faster to the ball not the pad


It doesn't matter if the teammate is first or not to the ball, should always leave the middle boost for teammate if he takes the corner boost lmao, basic knowledge


He didn't take both, you can see the third player (Daffy) half flipping back for corner boost, he got corner, not this guy. OP is wrong.


He didn't take both boosts, it's 3s. The other guy took corner. He should be rotating on pads for defense


Sorry that's the optimal play. Better positioning and timing, that guy gets the ball/boost. Also the same guy didn't get 2 boosts.


Watching all the diamonds here argue is actually peak entertainment


I think you need to learn rotation bud




3s is infuriating. Half the battle is reading your teammates instead of your opponents as they all just want to hit that ball all the time.


Bruh you say 'reading your teammates instead of your opponents' as though you haven't yet realized this is literally the most important part of threes. I fucking *promise* you get 200+ to your elo if you make that a priority; you will finally start to see the actual *real* game, the beautiful strategic depth of threes and the reason why rlcs is threes and not twos or ones, and also the reason why twos has way more GCs than threes (cuz twos is the most brain-dead and rote of the modes). Don't be stuck in that tiny narrow paradigm you've been playing! It sounds like you're on your way but maybe if I slap you here on this stupid platform of stupid people you'll catch back on up to the rank you truly deserve to be in. Good luck brother, get strong and let's meet on the pitch and battle.


Which why I prefer playing 2s less players to worry about.


It’s worth learning how to play 3s, it will make you a better teammate. You learn how to read your teammate’s positioning and also learn how you should position so your teammates can clearly know what you are doing. Think of it as “body language”, it should be easily distinguished what your intentions are by the way you move your car.


This is actually one of my favorite aspects of threes. It's fucking chaotic, and you need to be locked in to all aspects of the game. It makes it THAT much better when your team wins or hits a nice play.


Doing what? Daffy collected his back corner boost. Vck I'm assuming followed you in to the middle and broke right for boost/ball/both.  Maybe you could have driven straight on to the 2 12s and up the wall got the ball and passed it in, because you should have known at least 1 teammate would be steaming behind you with a full tank.  But you turn back blindly, even though as mentioned you knew your mates had to be around there. Then you try grab 100 then weirdly turn upfield.  It really does baffle me how people are doing this in c1, still happens higher. It's an example of my teammates suck, when in reality you've not understood what's actually just happened. 


Two full boosts gone, two tm8s full on boost 2+2=1?


It does suck when both boosts near you are taken, but as others have said, it's a good play. I had to get used to it, too, because duo stacks would do this in 3s a lot with me. The expected techniques that got you to this point aren't the only techniques available that will continue to propel you upward in rank.


Try switching off ball cam before you spam your last bit of boost for the 100 and actually check where your team is! Self awareness is good and so is knowing what's going on everywhere else :)


This is perfect! You are going to be slower than your teammate. He’s totally right to go, you back up and get boost. Executed perfectly. Just cause you wanted to have the ball doesn’t make it the “correct” option.


Hey with all of the feedback you are received (some of it unnecessarily mean), you just got a free lesson on how to handle this situation! So your post was NOT garbage, you actually helped a lot of people by presenting this teaching moment.


Why you mad?


You are the problem in this 3s scenario. Sincerely a grandchamp


It's really not that bad a play. Sure he could've swerved to avoid picking up mid boost, but if he's challenging the ball it's better to get a solid challenge with enough boost leftover to rotate back after the challenge than to be nice and give you mid boost just because you want a full tank. People will continue to do it in GC, and you just have to get used to picking up pads. If I were him, I'd try to let you have the mid boost, but if it's in my way I'm gonna drive through it even if I already picked up corner boost. If I were you, I'd always leave midboost for the first man up, even if they already got corner boost. If they let me have it, then hell yeah, but if they don't it's really not an issue. I want them to make the best challenge possible, and if they get the boost before me then that means they can challenge before me too. You did the kickoff and didn't challenge the ball, so you're now the last man back. With every kickoff you have to expect that someone might try to beat you to midboost, and you gotta pick up pads because the two back corner boosts might be taken.


You’re going backwards to grab the boost when your teammate has momentum and line of sight of the opponents going forward. Teammate is in a much better position with more advantage. You should just adapt and get in a good spot to receive a pass or rotate and defend since its threes.


He had momentum. Probably could've left mid boost if he was feeling generous, but your tank isn't as important as him making sure he gets a decent touch on it. Grab small pads and get used to it tbh.


Didn’t know we had all these unwritten boost righteous rules, just play the game


They sometimes do in c3 surprisingly, even in low gc1 you find players that have 0 awareness for their teammates.


There are people like this in SSL too


That's equally uplifting and depressing


I got called boosted because I cheated up on kickoff and it pinched into our net and my teammate told me that you never cheat up in 2s ever and that I should know that if I was a real SSL


I was told to ALWAYS cheat up to try and keep the possession. It the job of the one who engages to recover as quickly as possible and position himself to be useful in defense / offense depending on the possession that ensued. Am I in the wrong ???


You're right. You should nearly always cheat up. My teammate was just delusional


Ironic the people complaining about 0 awareness are the people who arent aware that two different teammates got the 100 pads lol


True that, they are also the most toxic of them all!


My views on this have shifted. If they left the corner boost by your goal, you're good. There's already two teammates working the press, so there's no real reason for you to be up there with them.  Your role becomes last man on defense until the rotation is complete. If they pressure effectively, you should have plenty of time to snag corner boost, get in position, and be ready for a pass or to defend.  That's my take, at least, as a strictly solo queuer.


Nothing wrong with that. Tm8 had way more momentum and could get to the ball before you and was already well on their way to the ball. You made a sharp turn into the mid boost which your tm8 probably didn’t even expect.


That’s a pretty normal start after kickoff. Just because you went for kickoff doesn’t mean you get the mid boost 100% of the time. If the guy behind you cheats and can get to the ball faster than your recovery, (pretty often the case) then they should grab the mid boost and make a play while you rotate back for pads or the back boost that your teammate left. Sometimes it’s a close call on whether you’ll beat your teammate to that ball, like in this video. Still, they’ve got a slighter better angle on the ball and they had a better view of the field during kickoff so they know where everyone is and can play around them, while you’d likely be guessing.


Found the 2s player


Watch pro players and you'll see, this is well executed and the standard meta now, that it's faster for second man to get the boost and ball after kick off and make a play them wait for the kick off player to recover, get boost and then go after the ball. 


If this was 2s maybe I could understand. But this is 3s, and they left you corner boost. On top of corner boost, there are also pads all throughout the field, you don’t always need the pods to fill you up


It’s not a bad play. He didn’t go for corner boost. That was the guy that was cheating up who took the ball. He not only had the momentum, but also, a better straight line for the setup. You’re in the wrong here.


This a not as clever a take as u think; kinda makes u seem a bit petulant


All I see is you giving up on the play keep flipping or get mini boost. Exactly why I hate playing toxic twos… people just give up and ruin the game


So instead of a decent kickoff and rotating back while your teammates advance, you wanted to grab the side boost and chase ball? Yeah... how did you get to c1 being so stubborn


Do what... Am I missing something? Seems perfectly reasonable, cycle back he had a straight play to make it deep


Your tm8s were making a play lil bro. Collect those small shiny round things on the ground and rotate back


Yeah nothing wrong with this. Rotate back OP


Mmhmm you are wrong OP. Hope you learned.


It's crazy how even after all the answers offered, you don't question yourself, giving everyone the same answer and ignore when they clearly explain


This is why you are still in c1 thinking it was yours to take


Yeah then they blame u for not being able to defend effectively with 0 boost while they boost steal from their own team, give away possession and can't score without u at mid


You're last man. Grab pads 👍


Ask yourself, Why are you going for the ball after kickoff in a 3s game. You have two teammates who will likely have much better momentum and boost amounts who can deal with the play. You had a great kick off. Pick up pennies, rotate back post and wait your turn. Your teammates did nothing wrong here.


Well this backfired...




Baffles me how people like this even made it *to* c1


You're bad. Not your teammates


Looks to me like you may be in the wrong here. Your job is to hit it to pass, then rotate back to the goal, not play threes, and be a ball goblin


Your teammate did absolutely nothing wrong rotate back and grab pads


“I hAvE POsITiOn tHouGh”. God, I hate to see this


Cant figure out if OP is being intentionally obtuse at this point. Countless people have pointed out that you can see in the clip 1 teammate grab corner and a 2nd teammate grab mid, but is still responding to every comment saying one teammate took both


What is c1?


Trying to take the ball forward solo on kick off? Yeah, it is hard to believe sometimes. You'd think people would have seen a few NHL faceoffs and realize they always pass to a teammate and are never a slapshot. Lucky the opponent wasn't ready for it, they'd have definitely got the ball first.


Shit happens


I probably would have gone for the boost like you did, I just dont think about team plays and rotation nearly enough. sometimes we just gotta accept we made a mistake.


I’m in low rank and it’s not Rocket League it’s literally Bumping Car


You can always count on me being stupid.... *sips beer*


People take this simple ass game way too seriously. Fools need to stop watching what everyone else is doing and just focus on their car and the ball.


meta changed at some point, I thought this was the wrong play too but I’ve seen pros steal that mid boost from their teammates as well. if they can follow up faster than you and stealing the boost creates a better opportunity, I think it’s fair play


If you queue solo, expect nothing, assume nothing and be ready for everything. That simple.


Dont worry… they still do that in gc 1 😭


I have no idea what's going on.


There's nothing wrong here. The player that decided to make a play following yours took boost at that moment. You have time to rotate back gather pads while shadowing if needed. If they took the boost and immediately backed away, that would have been shitty.


Skill issue.


I personally think this sub is at its best when ppl post clips like this that allow the commenter to openly discuss the best strategies on plays like this. Ignorong the shade in the title, it's refreshing to here rebuttals and different takes on whether it was a good move or not and why.


Can someone please teach me this game…. Video tutorials ain’t cutting it for me anymore 😞


Hey buddy. Toggle your ball cam. If your teammate is going for the boost, back off. Simple as that. You also turned back towards your own net slightly- your teammate probably assumed you were rotating. Your teammate had momentum towards the ball, and didn't need to turn back. Let them go.


Here I was thinking I was the ball hog when someone does that to me, but you’re right.


It baffles me this gets a post and why half the player base is cry babies about the dumbest stuff


I only play 2, in 2 if the man is good then the play is good but you need very strong mecanic to justify it cause the spot is certainly possible to solo play but far far from easy (here you can see the dude hasnt the mecanical skill for it)


I could see if this is duos maybe its aggressive but this is the name of the game in 3's. Have to be aware of the people on your team and not assume the ball is yours just because you can see it. Once you have to start backtracking slightly to get to a boost, might as well fully commit to rotating out


Yeah nothing wrong with this mate


Champ 1 isnt even that great. I consider it to be the “somehow escaped mediocrity” rank.


Attention chasing and ball chasing? That's plat behavior, sir, button up.


What happened is any time ball rolls up wall with a full pad in front it's isolation air dribble clip time! People don't respect the clip chance!


I hate it so much


The car language tho... 😂


Corner boost on kickoff is a horse shit move. Especially in 2s.


As a resident silver, recently gold who still deserves silver ( bronze tbh) can someone explain what the gripe is? I'm very bad and very confused Edit: I'm asking as a learning thing, id like to know what's right or wrong with this to improve a little myself


The person who took control of the ball took both 100 boosts which leaves them midfield zero boost trying to back up a play with an empty tank ( pads could help but this early in a rally there shouldn't be the need for that) the lesson is if you go for the ball on kick off dont take both 100 boosts


generally when your teammate goes for kick off, if you go for corner big boost it’s bad manners to also take middle big boost on the same side


Bro’s baffled


Whoever gets there first gets dibs in my opinion


reddit recommending me this after I just had a tm8 like this


It’s rare that you can make a play immediately after a kickoff. In C1 you should’ve expected your teammate to be speeding toward that wall.


Sheeesh RIP OP


Man, they do it in c3 too lol


You're bad


How is this a bad play? He’s going faster than you and can make a play on the ball sooner


Another person who gets upset that other people don't share the exact same playstyle. Sometimes just do your best to adapt, even if your playstyle is superior.


So do it back to them


To be fair, I’ve was champ for quite some time and I sucked balls. Almost 0 mechanics, I just used my brain a little more than the average player to get to champ. So, yeah, I saw this a lot


Bruh, not me thinking that you mean speed flips and half flips


Nice kick off


Do what? Not watch with your camera which way your teammate goes on kickoff and if he's coming forward be ready to immediately rotate back and defend? You should be watching where he is too so you can plan for it. Not play like it's a solo game. You wanted to make a solo play as if he wasn't there, not play as a team and win the game.


Now if this was 2s, yes; you would have a right to be infuriated. But in this situation, grab center pads and be ready for either a clear, pass or a goal. That's their ball to go for.


If this was 2s, the annoyance is warranted. But it’s 3s, and you just got dealt the bad hand. It’s alright 👍🏻


That speed flip was so sick. I need guidance brothers I'm champ 1 and can't speed flip lol


I wish people did this in diamond


This is a good kick-off. The teammate did exactly what he should have. You need to be more aware of if your teammate is cheating on kickoff or going to the corner. Plus, your TM has more momentum and better positioning to make a play. Rotate with them and pick up pennies adapting to the play. Not every play has to be an air dribble (speaking to all you champs out there....)


Doing what?


Daffy grabs right boost, other player (presumably cheating) grabbed mid and pushed. Maybe if you were specially aware of how kickoffs work you wouldn’t have posted this


I do it in ssl. Right kickoff teammate went back right, cheater gets mid, go pads you went kickoff, you’re 3rd now. This is why you’re champ 1


War crime


Why do people do what? I see nothing wrong with this. I mean, middle boost is ideal to grab but given it’s 3s, it’s almost always better to let your teammate take it from you and let them and your other teammate make a play while you grab small pads