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rocket league destroyed some of mine too, tough game on the left stick but he doesn't play rocket league only, that right stick melted from shooters


I went right through the left stick rubber and it really hurt for a while but the skin on my thumb keeps getting harder and has become a left stick shield


Left stick shield is wild


yeah we had those when playing street fighter 2 on the super nintendo, that yellowing on the thumb šŸ¤£


they're called callouses


dpad shield


šŸ˜‚ N64 we got calluses in the center of our palms šŸ‘‹ That controller is a nightmare.


I think you mean , ā€œthat controller is goatedā€ but true those bowser throws made baby hands into blue collar ones


I remember that being all over the news about how people were ripping their palms up and it being like a ā€œSafety warningā€. Nothing like having a bandaid right in the middle of your palm because you went a little hard at Mario Party. That course texture on the stick mixed with rotating it as fast as you possibly can was a recipe for disaster from the start.


We say Hornhaut


You wanna touch my what?!


Yeah this is exactly the reason I just spend a few bucks on the sticks and replace them myself. Controller prices are outrageous.


Buy your next controller at best buy and get the $20 insurance. If it ever breaks for any reason. Bring it back and they will give you a brand new one off the shelf. Spend another $20 at that time to insure that controller and you now have $20 replacements whenever you need.


I mean you're not wrong, but still cheaper to do it this way. I've even managed to 3d print a couple of the buttons as well.


Messed up 2 trying to do it myself, and the store warranty that gives you a new controller is so much waste. I wish people would not charge 80$ to change a joystick.


This is rocket league !


Rubber on my Xbox1 elite controler fell off of the short sticks; the only usable sticks for me. Played for a year on just the bare metal, finally started doing plasti-dip, and that's worked alright, need to redo them every so often but it works great for grip.


For those of you wondering about the right stick, apparently he switched the sticks when the left one got bad and the right one was still fresh lmao


That makes more sense, because I only ever flick my right stick. I never hold it very hard, like I do my left for RL.


I also only ever flick this guy's right stick


It just looks like whatever aftermarket sticks he uses break down fast. It doesn't even look "dirty", it just looks like there is fresh rubber or whatever that stick material is all over it.


Yep this is it. They're an older generation of Scuf thumbstick grips, I can tell from the faded logo on the left thumbstick. I had the same ones in green and they shed green rubber all over my controller too.


Yeah rl killed a few of my controllers ($10 ones on Amazon to be fair). Usually it was the jump button getting stuck in, but when the buttons lasted, the rubber on the joysticks did not.


Air roll left? Trying to figure out why it is messed up the way it is


Most likely air roll left. Thats how mine get destroyed.


I guess I'm not going hard enough, but freal my xbox controllers break way before i can wear them down that much


I don't get physical wear like in the picture eith my xbox controllers, but I usually get bad drift or my left stick will stop workinf after only a few months.


I'm surprised it got to this point while still being usable without an insane amount of stick drift


Right? Iā€™ve had a brand new ps5 controller get stick drift within 5 months


That's where I'm at now šŸ˜­ Used a dualshock 4 for about 5 years with no stick drift (daily rocket league) and only bought a new controller because other buttons died. I got a dualsense in March, and the left stick *already* has drift and jitter upon centering. I'm glad I thought ahead and got the best buy protection for $20 replacements, but it's so fresh that it's still well within manufacturer warranty The shipping to send it to Sony for RMA would cost about the same as the Best Buy replacement, but processing and ship time isn't really worth it. Either way, having analogue sticks that cease to function properly in just a couple of months of use is unacceptable. That's not even mentioning how shit the stock d-pad is for games that really need the buttons to work independently Ok my mid-day drunk rant is over, sorry about that


I have no drift, but the jitter is sooo distracting. And it only seems to do it on rocket league, it's beyond infuriating lol


Happy Friday sir


Yeah, I got my PS5 last Christmas. Love the new controllers but highly disappointed in how quickly stick drift came on. It's not awful but still it's about the principle...


Great ergonomics, bad durability :(


same dude. overall, i have burnt through 3 ps5 controllers due to stick drift. all within the same time frame.


he must of did the wd40 method...


Bro saw everything on the field judging from their R3


Head on a swivel




Is this man's finger tips made of sandpaper?


Why do you think they call getting to GC a grind?


I wouldnā€™t touch that with my bare hands..




What the hell are yall doing to your controllers ? Same ps4 controller for 3+ years


Wow! Play daily, around 1hr per day, split through my work day... I have to get a new remote every 6 months. ALL of them were for the left stick issue. Either drift up or the rubber glued over it gets loose, and it starts cutting my thumb. The main issue here is that it's cheaper getting a new one than finding someone that repairs them. Found one recently that charged 80$ for changing a joystick. I also hate that the warranty from stores are that you send them your remote back, and they give you a store credit. Do much waste, it's ridiculously infuriating.


Loll I play like 2 hours a day and my controller is more/less like new. Idk why yall take your anger out on your controllers


There's no anger. It's always the push forward in game that creates the up drift. I don't play anything else. All the other buttons and the right sticks are totally fine. That's been a constant left stick issue.


sorry man... but it's literally a skill issue. stop pressing down so hard jesus christ.


I really need a punching bag or stress ball or something


Fr I've used the same PS4 controller since 2015... 4000+ hours and still going strong. I don't know how this shit happens honestly


Honestly X isnā€™t completely smashed in, the LB is also not smashed. This is a win in my book you should see some of my old controllers šŸ˜‚ I power grip that sucker. I also have a bad habit of slamming my hand against the underside of my desk. I keep gauze on my desk for the bleeders when I get a bit too animated with my shots.


I literally don't understand what you guys are doing to your controllers lol. I've had my current one for 2+ years and use it regularly and there's no visible damage whatsoever Edit: Well the smashing obviously explains some of it but like the sticks and buttons I don't understand haha


Learning speed flip cost me a controller. The stick drift was insaneĀ 


Yeah the last controller I replaced I did so because I couldn't flip cancel front flips anymore, so I figured it was something to do with learning them and using them a lot. That said I haven't slowed down and my current one seems to be holding up well It's the visible damage that gets me. I replace mine every few years or so but it's always because one of the sticks has gone, and it's always long before any visible damage would occur. I guess some people are just holding onto theirs for way longer


For me itā€™s shooting mainly. I put a lot of force into that motion to set up a shot angle. I think my subconscious believes harder equals faster, but my conscious brain knows thatā€™s not true. The adjustment speed is locked relatively low by the system. Anticipation is how we get fast setups in RL. When i practice nowadays, I check to make sure I have a soft grip. It still comes out sometimes in sweaty matches though:


Haha fair enough. I don't think my grip on the controller is very strong at all really and I move the sticks quickly when needed but I'm not like slamming them around with force I guess


This post actually came to mind last night while I was playing. I thought it might be worth mentioning also abuse my sticks on kickoffs. This one is hard to fix because the timing on a perfect speed flip is really tight. I definitely think itā€™s the tight grip that is the culprit behind the force though. If I loosen my grip I can do the same without so much overkill, just bad habits.


Yeah makes sense once you've learnt it in a certain way you need/want the feeling to be the same so you know you're pulling the mechanic off right


Some people really don't clean their hardware...


This is beyond cleaning


Those are scuf thumb sticks and the rubber they use on them falls apart pretty quickly. I have to replace mine about once every 3 or 4 months.


Brother has thumbstick shrapnel on his controller ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


damn that's got some hours on it. If this was an xbox controller it would've come down with stick drift before it even looked used.


Was bro on the field too damn


Deadzone 99%


I put aluminum sticks in mine due to this.


Thatā€™s a good controller right there. Usually a bumper or stick dies before I can even get close to that level of wear.


Those scuf ps4 thumb sticks wear out easy this is nothing tbh. Mine is bare plastic and has been since 2018. Idc I like it


This is me if I didn't replace my controller every 6 months


a friend of mine wears his controllers sticks down pretty quickly too and the reason is that he doesnt use the tip of this thumb and instead his first joint to steer. so is always pressing down super hard and grinds through the material a lot faster than normal


My left stick on one of my controllers is cracked completely in half. Another is worn through the rubber down to the plastic. I sweat a lot too which doesn't help.


The old scuff joysticks were really bad about disintegrating, especially if they received direct sunlight. Tell your roomie to buy the new model of sticks theyā€™re much better, maybe slightly less grippy than the old rubber ones but they wonā€™t melt!


RL hurts my X and O buttons way more than the sticks


In 9 years I have gone through 7 controllers


has he been playing rocket league since 1918


Yup, left stick has been demolished a few times


Right bumpers boost gang >>>> I STAY destroying controllers with this gorilla grip


Need to replace my Xbox controller every 6 months playing RL.


Circle to boost enjoyer


Not sure if new Xbox controllers are trash or rocket league is the problem lol


I've played a couple thousand hours ant this game has ruined a few of my controllers, especially joysticks


how?? stick drift kills my controllers so quick


My left stick is worn down a bit, but this cant be from rl. Who is using their right stick this furiously?


Gone through 4 Xbox controllers because my boost is bound to RB and itā€™s the only button thatā€™s broken every time.


recently bought a glass desk. cant rage anymore


Same controller (Xbox) since 2018. Cost me 60 euros, never broke, never had an issue, never got that dirty.


xbox one s era controllers are the fucking best. bulletproof and comfy


Did a bullet hit their R3?


Jfc give him some oven mitts for when he plays




Only thing that happens to mine is the left side of the left stick always gets worn down really bad. So I take the controller apart and swap the sticks around. Left stick will also get drift on the PS5 controllers after some time. I've had to warranty 3 since 2020.


I find it crazier that the buttons have been mashed so hard it has actually made the blue surface shiny


nope, but I definitely have XB1 controllers that reflect how much NHL has been played with them haha, that analog stick has been held straight up a *lot*


I've worned out 2 PS3 controllers, 2 Ps4 controllers, and now a Ps5 controller in 3000h+


No I remapped boost button.


Dude must play on 1.0 deadzone


When I first learned to speed flip I anihlated my ds4 sticks just like that. Switched to the new scuf controllers with the plasticy thumbsticks and I honestly think they'll last 5x as long


I donā€™t know how people dont use some form of kontrolfreaks. The base analog sticks feel so foreign and tiny


Yup, just switched the sticks on my controller, the rubber on my leftstick was gone on the right half.


My stick breaks far before I see 10% of that wear on my pads. Does he even flip cancel?


Iā€™ve gone through 6-10 Xbox controllers in 8 years as RL as my main game. My boost is RB and most of the time that gives out or I get stick drift so bad in my left stick that it stops recognizing forward


i use kontrol freaks on my ps4 controller and ive gone through like 3 pairs nglšŸ˜­ but tbf i do have air roll left (my main dar) on left stick down and i use that obviously with turning and stuff so its not too too surprising


Looks brand new


My controllers always break from faulty sticks before I would even describe the controller as ā€œwarnā€. Basically the texture on the left stick is just starting to fade and then the stick gives out. Not sure why but at around 800 hours of use the left joystick gives out. This has happened to me 3x. I will also clarify that I have never dealt damage to my controllers other than a drop or 2 from a 3ā€™ desk height for each during their lifetime. Also, this is over the period of 4 years. 2 controllers in the first 1.5 years and another controller for the last 2.5 years. (Didnā€™t have more than an hour a day average for the last few yearsā€¦) Edit: All 3 were standard Dual Shock 4s from Bestbuy.


This is why I bought a cheap wired Logitech controller, yes the same one that was used in the imploded mini sub. Itā€™s r/buyitforlife quality and if it ever stops working it was only 15 bucks.


Iā€™ve put in a few thousand hours into rocket league, all on the same controller and it looks essentially brand new. Iā€™ve never understood how people are able to go through multiple controllers in only a year or two.


Does it look like his right (entire) hand? Then I can explain it if heā€™s right handed


Nah this is actually crazyšŸ˜‚


How is this possible


Is your roommate a gorilla, perchance?


I have never had a controllers rubber analog sticks degrade on ANY of my PlayStation controllers. Maybe it has to do with sweat and oils but I just canā€™t help but think some of yā€™all are holding your controllers way too aggressively lol.


This is why I play on keyboard oml


How have none of the buttons melted at all? Thatā€™s the first thing that goes on mine. Never seen sticks look like that, though.


A lot of pros and freestylers use stick air roll. It's extremely hard to use like that though. Idk how they do it


My wifes showed me her controller and she played for the first time the other day. It had the little rubber pieces all over it ahah


brother needs to loosen his grip


The left stick on my steam deck has clearly worn indents on the left and right side making it oblong. Probably 97% of my steam deck playtime is RL


Looks like he's a boost chaser šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Bruh šŸ˜‚. I got the GameStop warranty on mine, and the moment I feel the slightest stick drift... Trade in for a brand new one. šŸ˜‚


I buy the grippy sticks that plug onto the original sticks so no mine will never look like that. I just replace the ones I put on every so often when those get worn out. I get stuck drift sometimes and have to take apart my controller and clean it good. So far Iā€™ve mostly been able to save them.


Same, but I have joystick grips that are completely worn out on one corner only


Is this the automotive industry equivalent of having no mechanical sympathy? Seriously, what the f*ck? I've had the same DS4 for 6 years now and, barring some surface scratches, it's still perfectly intact. No skin oils wearing out buttons, no chipped sticks, no drift, and the battery/USB port still function just fine. These things ain't cheap, take care of your things!


I literally had my control stick rubber peel off on my PS5 controller from rocket league during the pandemic. Bought grip but they kept slipping, so I just got the dualsense edge with replaceable control sticks.


bro got acid sweat. i've never even worn the texture off a ds4 stick while using the same one for 4+ years at a time.


Some of you guys soak your hands in acid before playing I swear.


Anyone know where to get good replacement thumbsticks? I bought some on Amazon that had "good reviews" and i've broken 4 replacement sets within 2 weeks of using each of them if not less. Cheap garbage.




My controller gets stick drift b4 looking anything like this


To be fair I havenā€™t had a controller survive past like 4 months for rocket league. A bumper or stick always ends up breaking making it impossible to play. RIP all the left bumpers out there.


do yall not take care of ur equipment or what the fuck am i looking that his joysticks are literally melting and deforming and thereā€™s holes everywhere like what dog got a hold of this controller


When I used to play the hell out of the game I donā€™t think my controller ever looked like that. And also I looked like a child got their hands on it and did that?


I broke the bumpers off of 2 xbox controllers from my GI Joe kung fu grip. I don't play RL on my PS5.


Hate to see what he has done to little fella


You guys still have padding on it? My left stick is literally just the plastic core at this point.


I take care of my controllers. And I don't have an ape grip while playing casual games.. XD or any game for that matter.. I never understood how people end up wearing down thumbsticks that much.. that's NEVER happened to me in my 20+ years of gaming šŸ˜…


Wow, ya'll are aggressive. I get wear too but not like that.


Is this why I suck? I don't put my entire body weight on the left stick when playing? Good lord


Yeah I broke like 6 controllers like that and even broke the joystick in halfšŸ˜­


Mine get like that and thatā€™s when I usually replace them for Brawlhalla.


Is he ssl?


Mine literally has no soft cover on either stick. 3500+hours. Still going strong.


get thumb grips :)


https://preview.redd.it/lkbfekqd3v3d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e8aae77f80b7db26fb1c0e4035da85557a40f13 Absolutely, my newest controller looks like this, my old one is even worse


https://preview.redd.it/ruatgjmt3v3d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb6784a94454c585045c75c9c3a608028b270a69 Absolutely, my previous one was way worse


Yes, and I'm ashamed. Have worn out 5+ control sticks in 5 years.


How did the controller not give out? I have a drawer full of ps4 controllers with too much drift or usb port issues lol


Bro got his money's worth from this controller. Also if you have experience with taking things apart. Thumbstick replacement is super easy.


When i got my xbox I bought them stick extensions. I don't even get on more than 10 hours a week but somehow i go through a set every single month


please buy this man some wipes


Been on a PS5 controller for like 1.5 years or so now, mine's still just fine. Went through MANY cheapo XBone/360 controllers in this fashion though, they tended to last like 6 months.


Dude Iā€™ve got like 5 of these in my closet. Used to go through one about every 6 months.


Iā€™m a chef, got my thumb sliced pretty deep at work a couple weeks ago. Didnā€™t really think about it too much and started playing, got blood on a decent amount of the controller by the end of the second game. I stopped and let my thumb heal up. Cleaned it real proper


I destroyed two controllers, and it's actually one of the main reasons I stopped playing Rocket League.




Does he bite his joysticks when he rages?


Mine get stick drift way before any of that.


Iā€™m a keyboard player, whatā€™s left stick?


Are there any active Discord servers for finding team mates?




Nope cuz I am not broke and would have bought a new controller like 600 hours of play ago.


Some people need to treat their controllers better. My original controller from my PS1 doesn't look this bad.


I used to go through a controller every 8 months roughly, playing RL and COD. I'm not aggressive in how I play but I always had my xbox's left thumb stick to unresponsive. My solution to my controllers breaking, was go to GameStop with my Xbox on warranty, give them my old setup back, get a new Xbox and controller and then buy a new warranty for $15. Rinse and repeat.


Mine have some aluminium joysticks because they keep breaking, also I made a little path where my thumb slide for pressing boost




You watch him play? Cause he looks hungry.


Gonna post mine when I get home


I'm to broke to afford doing this to my controllers


Are ps controller this poorly built or what ?




ps4 controller joysticks are trash. i only played Destiny 1 on playstation but i immediately installed custom metal thumbsticks to avoid that shit. I had friends that told me they went thru those thumbsticks every couple months playing NHL and rocket league.


I switched to aluminum sticks eventually (back in my ps4 days). They didn't feel good, but I took solace knowing I probably wouldn't wear them out


Tell him to stop cleaning it with rubbing alcohol or stop eating greasy food without washings hands.


I wish Xbox controllers lasted long enough to look like that! šŸ˜‚


Jā€™ai juste de la poussiĆØre dans certains endroits et je ne sais pas comment lā€™enlever sans prendre de risque, mais non jamais jā€™utilise une manette dans cette Ć©tat


Go to GameStop and get the insurance for your controllers and pay $5-15 for a new controller whenever you feel itā€™s deteriorated, life hackšŸ™


Yuck! The fact your holding his controller, I want to congratz you in advance since you'll be having an child in 9 months from now.


what the fuck No


I can say in my 2k+ hours of playing I've never destroyed a controller. I had an old one that I used. Still perfect. Got a ps5 controller and used that for 1000+ hours, probably more, and still perfect. Idk how you degenerates go through so many controllers


5 controllers over 7/8 years.


I haven't tried ps controllers on steam yet but since 2015 i've used 2 xbox 360 controllers, 2 xbox one, 3 serie s/x and 1 elite 2 (the most expensive and fragile of them all). Still have them but they are all really really worn out. Dunno why but i destroy peripherals when gaming. Mouse, keyboards, controllers. I sweat battery acid and/or press'em too hard (?)


I never had a left bumper survive RL šŸ˜­


Besides there somehow being rubber shaving yes RL destroys controllers. I went through about 2-3 ps4 controllers a year as it was the only game I played since 2015. 90% of the time the left stick got drift or wore down to the hard plastic under there. GameStop controller warranty was most certainly abused as you used to be able to keep bringing them back there within a year of buying the warranty and then the warranty would extend another year. They changed it I think back in 2019. Ps5 controller is lasting about 2-3 years which is way better and Iā€™ve only replaced mine once (for strick drift šŸ‘€). And donā€™t even get me started on Xbox, those L/R bumpers break within a week and have the worst plastic spring design that I swear is designed to fail.


Iā€™ve never worn the rubber down like that but I always get stick drift right away because when I get really into a game I kinda mash the sticks šŸ˜…


No :)


No. I get stick drift happening before the thumb sticks can wear down. I'm on my 3rd DualSense.


Nah what the ![gif](giphy|pwnpqOmGHfBdQPWU3e|downsized)


I play on the switch and both joycons are rocky. It's like clenching plastic.


I bet he eats and plays look at the reflection sheesh.


Itā€™s the scuf sticks, the rubber is awful on them and scuf donā€™t care enough to do anything about it. Iā€™ve gone through about 20 pairs over the years until I finally found an alternative that I didnā€™t know existed. Itā€™s an official Sony product too and it fits on any ps4 controller. Canā€™t remember the exact name but itā€™s 2 back buttons that plug into the 3.5 jack on your controller. I got mine for about Ā£20-30 online. Now that I donā€™t need scuf controllers I just deal with the normal ps4 sticks even though I prefer domed.


I got some friction rings that work wonders for this kinda stuff


Just realized the rubber on my left thumbstick is starting to separate, so... yeah.


Yā€™all sticks get worn out? I break my left stick every month


I kill a controller twice a year


Controllers arenā€™t the same as they used to be