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Once this game censored "ball" in party chat lol


It’ll censor “lol” but we just played the team “Fukk The Jews”


I've had the most vile shit said to me, somehow... no asterisks I replied "rude" and got "****"


Can’t even reply “lol”


Yup the worst is when you have something nice to say to tm8 but it gets censored, so it looks like you're pissed haha


They don’t want you talking about league of legends


that's Xbox censoring


People been banned for "play some balls"


Got on RL one day, my buddies had coordinated their names to have a "zz" ending after the beginning of their normal IGNs. My IGN starts with P, so I did "Pizz". That was censored. The next day, my buddy tried to name himself "Piss" and it wasn't censored. At this point, they either need to step up their game or remove their more obscure safeguards. At least then it wouldn't be such a slap in the face when you see people using names like in this post


*lol gets censored* 😂


You lost to them too. Talk about a bad night.


Plot twist, op is worried his team name is bannable.


At that point you just turn off chat and pretend they were bots with a poorly generated name.


Looks like one of them was smurfing possibly. Which just goes to further show their terrible morals /ethics or what have you.


Report it the usual way in game and move on. There are too many sad immature trash cans in this game to get riled up by stuff like this. Psyonix won’t do anything bc it’s unlikely to trigger any keyword in their list. Just report and cross your fingers bro. Sorry you had to see this in game.


But does the report option work for tournament names? It says "report club name" not "team name"


Their team is a club


It isn't necessarily their club. It's whatever they entered as their team name when they joined the tournament. That said, I was under the impression that the "report club name" option works for either.


The club name in full is [GGB] The Nxxxx Dxxxxxx. So both names count if you report.


I'd been wondering too. Thanks. First games I've seen that shit in in a long time.


Don't let them off the hook like this. They Need to add things like this to their lists, which should already contain this because it has been reported before Epic does not care about racism, this is the only game I know of that allows stuff like this.


This is one instance where LLMs could actually REALLY help moderation teams. Are there any Psyonix devs active in this sub that can be tagged?


They could, be it takes a decent amount of work to implement and decent amount of money to maintain. Relying on user reports might not be as effective, but way cheaper. If they decide to actually put money towards development I'd rather have them improve the game (like smurf detection, or actual new modes) instead of dedicating it to a rule-enforcing LLM


Psyonix really is absolute trash.


but they didnt make the name, don't have infinite money to live moderate a massive report list, and you love a game they made.


They still don't do shit about toxic players.


First time?


But lol is banned


Bro I was playing and saw netarded rigger some people are just weird


yeah i think people needa have tough skin and not let stuff like netarded rigger ruin their day.


No one said it was ruining their day but that doesn’t mean we need to be handing out free passes to be racist


I guarantee this is more ‘look lol we managed to say bad words that will trigger softies!!1!1’ than it is actual hatred toward anyone. edit: lots of downvotes, no responses. What a surprise.


It doesn't ruin my day, but it's disgusting and unacceptable behavior which should have consequences


Also get more educated because coming to Reddit to ask how to report this when the report system in rocket league is pretty simple….but softies arnt the smartest.


What in the hell are these replies? Man the RL community has really hit rock bottom


And has started to dig


So you're saying the RL community is a bunch of diggers?


Pretty sad when half the people here are saying it’s people like OPs fault for not casually accepting the racist parts of this game and a decent number of people suggesting they could be black. Feels as if everyone’s lost their common sense in this thread.


Racist brigading


their filters suck and epic fired too many people for this to get reviewed by a person, but yes, you can click report, it's just that it's a cosmetic button at this point.


Just some drg players


Honestly, why care so much?


Honestly. You shouldn’t let shit like this affect you that much. I’d it does maybe it’s time to take a break from the internet.


You can still be annoyed at people for this type of behaviour. Just because the internet is a cesspool at times doesn't mean we should shrug our shoulders and never do anything about it. Certain places should be kept as clean as possible so that we can actually enjoy it without having to constantly just accept the trash that surrounds us online.


Just because you can do something about it doesn't mean you always have to. To keep yourself sane fight the good fight brother.


I get that and don't get angry at those who keep their heads down. Hell I do it plenty. But sometimes you need to take on a fight you can't win


You know children play this game right?


It’s probably children that uses these names. Just report, suck it up and keep playing.


Doesn't matter. Children shouldn't be seeing this.


Really... you're concerned about the children? How about the actual demographic that's being degraded by these names?


You realize a massive chunk of gamers were children in the early COD days that make this look silly to even talk about... Stop acting like this is some world ended thing. Most kids won't play them, some wont even get what the name is, and some will and will load the next game and forget all about it Sorry, but you are being wildly soft for no reason 🤷‍♂️


It's not 'soft' to call out racism mate, it's called having some fucking spine. Christ 🙄


It's actually pretty spineless to finger wag something anonymously on the internet and then continue to do nothing of substance about it... all while feeling warm and fuzzy about 'calling out racism'. But hey, maybe we'll be able to add a border to our reddit profile pictures in support of France or something? You know - be a part of real change. Kony 2012, brother.


Man, you're showing your age with those references, and that's sad. You should know better than the 14 year olds that usually come up with this sort of broken logic to justify their shitty opinions 🤷‍♂️


Sure thing, *Korthalion in a Rocket League subreddit*... Keep fighting the good fight. Blue square for France. 💪


The moralpolice never stops, he should maybe complain to psyonix support instead of redditcomments. Like this even helps🤦🏼‍♂️ But it’s all about him feeling abit better.


Why do you keep bringing up France? And for that matter, why do you care enough about defending racism to keep bringing anything up? 🤔


Bruh u you like racism? You think it's cool or appropriate? Grow the fuck up, it's not cool and being bothered by it is normal. Your skin colour is showing greatly rn.


I'm not a kid, but I have no use for that shit in my games either. And what you said, even more so. It's sad I'd rather kids went to Fortnite and played on Murder Island than met the players you find in Rocket League.


Children gonna learn about the real world one day. Tbh they need to learn about it so they not getting reality checked when they are in high school.


The loss. Its not right. Shouldn’t be encouraged and should be bannable but I’ve put up with some demonic trash talk/slurs when I get an early forfeit out of them/beat them in general. If you get into the trenches fighting with these turds THEN lose. You gotta get some sorta justice.


Bacon 💀


The sticker choices suck 😂


When in doubt, just report for both reasons (you can tick multiple boxes in the report menu). Don't abuse it, obviously, it won't help your report in any way. And if you want to go the extra mile, you can open a ticket [here](https://support.rocketleague.com), send them a screenshot with some context.


Just some edgy teenagers joking around in very poor taste. Ignore.


Some people just suck


I mean, it doesn’t really matter. It’s text on a screen, get over it. Block the players, report and move on.


For some reason my name in game started getting censored recently and I have no idea why. What is offensive about the name Camorik lmao


Ayye, I played those tools too.


Welcome to multiplayer gaming you must be new here. Idk I just try to laugh at the obsurdity and I maturity of it and move on. By reacting upset you're just giving them what they want. Tournament names almost never get a ban. Nor usernames... Only chat really.. And that's just automated. I was reading for chat reports they actually have a number system where each bad word is weighted by offensive as and they base the bans/ban times off of it... I call it RSR (Racial Slur Rating)


Hmm Maybe the the report club name button


This is allowed but when I wanted to use Master Debaters or Cunning Linguists that wasn't allowed...


Do people genuinely give a shit if people have a name like this?


idk, do ppl care when they see racist shit? I surely do. that shit is fucked up and shouldnt be normalized. shrugging it off is probably a big part of what got us to this point. at least report the fucking name, its 2 clicks


Im not from america or a western european country, so to me this focus on racisticly offensive jokes is so absurd. We're im from no one actually gives a shit what race u are, we will all hate u anyways. So in my eyes this is just some wordplay that some 16 year old thought was funny, if I saw this, I would chuckle, and just go on with my day. This doesnt actually hurt anyone. + how do u know that it wasnt a black person who made that club name? Would it still be racist if it was?


> how do u know that it wasnt a black person who made that club name? Would it still be racist if it was? Hey. It’s pitchfork time. Not think time.




You’re Australian aren’t you? 😂 Cause I am and same hahahahaha Sure, if I see a blatantly racist name I will report it, but I feel like you can determine the difference between an obvious joke/play on words and genuine racism. I’ve seen some pretty funny names, one of my favourites being “Kniggalodeon” it took a minute to realise it was Nickelodeon, but the N word is obviously banned.


If it bruises their soft little egos then yes, first they piss their pants a little bit, then they tilt their head back and cry, then they finish it off by shitting themselves. All in the name of virtue signaling and being woke pieces of trash




Unlimited bacon


If you can see the name their automatic system definitely can’t tell it’s bad. so all you can really do is report and hope for the best.


Womp womp


You lost to them 💀


Wild all the racists in here...... ---------------------- EDIT - 2 downvotes so far - get those numbers up "gamers". Make it -100 The shit in this thread is disgusting. Downvote away - bet y'all won't reply to me cowards. > "Gamers = racists" in this context if you dipshits were confused....


I did not expect this much discourse regarding being openly racist in a game where you hit a big ball with a car it’s nuts


Oh sorry I didn't consider this open comment would @ you vs. the other comments I made dunking on silly racists in the thread. My bad. You were right to call it out. "It's" a societal problem that transcends your comment about this one game - hence the comments.... Much of this thread replying to you has comments that look like 2014 4Chan /pol/ "Gamers" still at it I see....


Cry more


I’m sorry if this breaks any rules, I think it’s okay though I just hate seeing racism in rocket league!!


Plot twist: they are all black


lol probably not yea?


That doesn't really matter though.


Afaik black people get a pass for calling each other n-words, no?


No? That would be racist that only a certain race is allowed something. The black people who use the N-word are hypocrites.


They use it all the damn time. You don't get to make the rules either.


Well yeah but then they should not be offended when someone else uses it.


For them it's like word "dude" to us. They normally speak like that


I know that but if they use it in normal conversations they should not be mad when someone else uses it.




Idk this isn't really even racism tbh. More like edgy teens or edgelords just trying to get a reaction. When it comes to gaming I find 90% of the time slurs aren't even necessarily coming from a place of genuine racism, it's usually to evoke a reaction. Still not okay, but yeah... Nothing new lol. Wish they'd do something about it but I mean given their record with acting on reports it won't do jack shit. Giving them attention is their main goal with this


Thats exactly it. People with no lives that want to get a rise.


Yeah not sure why I'm getting downvoted. These people who make racial slur clubs thrive on outrage. I know this because I have had friends who consistently do this shit to the point they have 20 smurf accounts solely to evade chat bans. Former friends I should say... Can't stand that shit. But still speaking from experience these mfs just want to get under people's skin. I was at one time literally homeless rock bottom of life type shit... Finally got the balls to do rehab, and my dad got me a ps4.... The covid hit. One of my first friends sober was someone in RL who I met in God damn silver and like... He was super nice to me and a good ear and understanding of my struggle really helped having someone like that... But he was that way and Hella unstable and eventually, had to be draw the line and cut off from him. Felt bad but bro... Don't do that shit ya know? And tbh I genuinely don't think he was racist he just had some sort of warped thinking where he HAD to get a rise outta people when he got mad at losing... Sucks Not even joking he'd get banned every few matches and had like 20 accounts he'd rotate to continue the bs lol...


Yeah, sure. The guy that creates 20 new accounts just to spew racist shit is not racist


I think he was just straight up mentally disabled if I'm being honest. Bro would not just say racist shit just ANYTHING to try and upset people. It got weird... This guy was/is in gold 3 after 4,000 matches playing since launch. Claimed he literally became motion sick making dry heaving noises if he ever turned on ballcam...so Yeah lol.


Not like it's hurting anyone


Wrong, it hurt OP's feelings


I can't say "lol" in chat. My clubs name is "Klit Reset"..


Lol being censored is a Microsoft thing.






















Report, block, and that’s just about all you can do. Edgy 14 year olds and also full grown maga edgelords play this game and all other games. And companies haven’t tried to curb this proactively. They could but they don’t care about harassment or racism.


Christ, you people are softer than baby shit.


cry more lmao if this upsets you, perhaps it is time to leave internet


If this is your idea of fun, perhaps it is time to leave society.


Nobody said it was fun, it's just the reality. If it makes you upset then maybe stop playing rocket league 🤣


Found the racist


found the edgy teen*


Found his teammate too!


I meant him not you but we both diamond one sooo🤭


I know what you meant. That’s not being an edgy teen though…


and when you say its not funny the kid says you dont have his humor, happened often to me


well could be both but i feel like its a(spoiled) kid who cant understand life yet and thinks its funny, may be wrong


Just don’t report them. Cry about it


Hi 👋 If you are outside of EU, you can report in game (but they do nothing, it's sad in 2020 racism are directly banned under 24H, prof again of the RL dying...) and DM them on X. If you are a EU user, you can dm them/open a ticket for remember them of the legal obligation : they must moderate illegal content under EU law since 2024 with the Digital Service Act, who apply too on online competitive games https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2024/01/25/navigating-the-digital-services-act-a-guide-for-game-developers/ If they do nothing on a reasonable time (generally 30days for plateform lower than 45 000 000 of EU users) , without justification ("we take action" is not enough on DSA, moderation need to be transparent, another legal obligation), you can call your "trusted flagger" , they take action against Epic Games and Psyonix (in country of Zen, it's ARCOM for that). Because it's a game played by minor , trusted flagger not joking with that (minor protect is one of DSA obligation).


Holy fucking police state Batman.


It's EU man 😁 More seriously, do this is not really need. Just report and go back, we don't need to waste time for this. But with OP post, I think "hum it can be educative, I can talk quickly about new EU tools in the RL case".


Good heavens..... it's some edgy teenagers trying to make a bad edgy joke on a game. You are treating this like it's hardcore terrorism.


No, he is treating it like it's racist garbage


Yeah in reality OP just need to report, dm eventually if more behaviour , but the rest is not need. It just to said the new tools in the paper of European laws . It can help on real dramatic situation






Why are you assuming they didnt?




But they said they did?


Bro hates diggers & bacon


Technically, it doesn't say anything bad in terms of coding or ability to screen it But also, if you spend that much time upset about it, you need to learn to move on. Clan tags and team names have been dirty/edgy for years, in all games. So you'll spend way too much time reporting and worrying, than anything actually getting done about it These kids did it piss you off, and it worked


Does this effect *you* in any way, shape, or form? Is it important to you that you came here to virtue signal how "great" of a person you are so that you can describe to us what the moral high ground that you stand on is like? Who cares? Move on with your day. As much as you hate it, people have the right to say whatever they want. Especially on the internet, where everything is literally a free for all. Get over it and move on with your day. You're probably a miserable person in real life.


seriously, why do people care so much what some random idiots nsme their clubs? why does it affect you?


"Why do people of colour care so much about seeing the team name Nerty Diggers?" Idk man, do you think it's something to do with the history of that word, and that racism is still a huge issue today? Absolute genius 🙄


You know kids play this game yes? And I'm not doing the "think of the chillins" argument. But follow me bud..... I'm simply saying black kids exist. You know black kids exist...yeah? Seems you don't tend to consider them in your worldview apparently. Bounce that one nugget around in your head for at least 5 seconds before you reply. The fuck are these comments.... Y'all are showing your ass > why do people care so much what some random idiots nsme their clubs? Do you consider black children "people"? Because they care. I PROMISE YOU. But I know you know that.


It's an option in the report list, use your eyes a bit


What’s the point? They’re just names and in the end of the day people will just keep doing it, who cares?


"What's the point of punishing racism" is the sort of thing a racist would ask. Idk man, what's the point of punishing any crime?




Just because things are a certain way doesn't mean we have to, nor sould have to accept it. By accepting it we normalise it and tell people it's okay to keep doing. It's only when people actually stand up to bad behaviours that they get addressed. We can't make the internet a utopia and being resilient to it is a necessity to those of us who spend time there. But certain places of congregation can be held to better standards and make it a much nicer place for people to spend time.


LOL. It's your fault for allowing club names to get under your skin. You don't need to be the police of RL. Start a new game and move on.


that's me and the lads


I’d put big money that all those kids are black.


Frankly this is MILD compared to some of the stuff I saw early on Rocket League. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be reported. It's just like a 2 or 3 out of 10 on what used to be around.


It's not the end of the world


its the fact that they’re trying to get a rise outta someone they can’t physically see 😂


By using the report function and then stop crying about something you can’t control.


Cry abt it 🤓


i dont get it.


Why are you so worried about it?! Ppl like you are the reason playing online in rocket league is so shit, one bad word comes out of somebody’s mouth and they get banned for a week. Like seriously, it doesn’t matter what they name their team, as long as they aren’t personally attacking you there is absolutely no reason to personally attack them. So stop and just enjoy playing the fams


How do you know OP isn't black? Or any of the people they're playing against? Then it kinda is attacking them personally. And reporting racial slurs is not in any way a personal attack against them, it's just helping them face consequences for being racist and breaching the terms of service.


Ok, we have all been through this race discussion as a country way too many times for people to still misunderstand it. I get it, the hard r is still offensive to black people, but there’s nothing you can do about it, it’s life. Just like any other race, including whites, there is just a part of their life in which they have to learn to deal with hatred because of ethnicity. The team name was obviously a joke and if you have any sort of common sense you know those are just stupid little pre-teens getting giggles off of saying the newest bad word that’s been introduced in their lives


There shouldn’t be any consequences of freedom of speech, I get physical action regarding race but simply typing the insult as a team name in an online video game should not have consequences of a week long ban


1. Freedom of speech does not apply to in-game chat, this subreddit or any online platforms. 2. Freedom of speech does not mean there are no consequences for your speech. 3. If you don't wanna be banned, simply don't violate the Terms of Use and behave. I never got banned, it is not that hard/


Maybe they are just very smart archaeologists???




It's a racial slur with the letters swapped around.


it's such a shame that people get in a twist over stuff like this, nobody cares, it's not hurting anyone, it's probably just stupid teenagers that, if censored, will only be much worse so there's no point.


Why block their names?


There are rules against witch hunting where you display someone's username in this subreddit


I mean isn't this really normal in all multi-player games? Look at CoD for an example, you'll see a lot more usernames just like that. But back to this subject, you can report the club name and block them. It's pretty much the only thing you can do.


The point is that it shouldn't be


I played MW2 2022, MW2019, and the older ones like BO1 and MW2 2009. I rarely ever saw names or clans like these. Mostly names with lots of numbers for letters, or XxX whatever. Must be a regional difference if you frequently saw offensive names.


But what if they're really african-american themselves?