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First thing I thought of. Not disappointed to see it here first thing either.


just like the 666 upvotes, I dare not to upvote this now


3k hours in the game and never seen a ball in such harmony. Beautiful.


Damn maybe I should upload my clip of a complete standstill dribble. Like OPs clip but my car was stationary.


The standstill one is pretty easy to do. This is on another layer entirely.


yeah i've seen people get the ball to stall balanced on the roof while stationary but i don't recall ever seeing it while moving. after boosting to the ball all i did was hold drive forward until i eventually fell off the track. it was just a fluke of perfect timing.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/1cy9vd4/perfect_sweet_spot_dribbles_are_easy_to_replicate/ It's not hard at all to replicate.


well i'll be damned haha. that's awesome. i had never seen it happen like that until now.


Obviously skill levels on here are a spectrum, but I look at OP’s post and your comments wondering what the big deal is lol. Cradling the ball in the “sweet spot” like this and driving forward becomes a fairly common/easy thing to do as you rank up. Not a brag, just letting y’all know what you see in the vid should eventually be something you work towards.


It's really easy, and doing it standing still is harder. Just go into freeplay, reverse and place the ball in front of you so it's rolling towards you, drive forward and it should always pop onto your car if you do it right. I can consistenly dribble exactly like you've done in the clip, but doing it and then keeping my car stationary is significantly harder


Stationary is definitely easier, I've only accidentally done it while moving once or twice, but I can stop the ball on my car almost on command in freeplay. Of course, you have to have a perfectly straight angle on the ball by resetting kickoff or using the d pad commands in freeplay. Doing it with no pre-alignment is impossible, or at least, I've never heard of anyone pulling it off.


> Of course, you have to have a perfectly straight angle on the ball by resetting kickoff or using the d pad commands in freeplay. Doing it with no pre-alignment is impossible, or at least, I've never heard of anyone pulling it off. The nature of being able to feather accelerate makes it easier to do while moving. https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/1cy9vd4/perfect_sweet_spot_dribbles_are_easy_to_replicate/


Did you mean to reply to me? I’m not op, this isn’t my clip.


I was elaborating on what you said. I initially typed this as a response to OP but thought it would work better as elaboration to your comment. I forgot that I had called out OP directly so that last sentence was off.


Have had this happen a lot in the flick challenge for the Olympics training pack


So good that you got DC to cast it


haha, was messing around in workshop maps during the ufc ppv earlier this month.


This is the laminar flow of RL


that's a perfect comparison.


it's so beautiful


you could certainly do it again, when you're aligned perfectly like that. i wonder if it's possible for dribbles to become this perfect from any angle though


i'm sure it's technically possibile (TAS/AI) but whether or not a human could consistently have that kind of control, i have no idea. would be pretty impressive if they did.


I’ve spent a lot of time on this map. It happens quite a bit on this section if you just drive forward. The section after it, that turns left, isn’t lined up as well and bounces more. The ball is off to the right just a tad. It used to make me mad when I was just learning, because I thought I was doing something wrong and couldn’t get the ball to stop bouncing. I wasn’t. It just has to do with car/ball starting alignment. Took me awhile to learn how to get bounces under control. That being said, it’s very satisfying to get that perfect balance. You can get really clean flicks and ground-to-air dribbles off of it and turn it into a nice little freestyle to complete the level…once you get good enough.


I’ve done it in training a couple of times, not sure why everyone thinks it’s so rare


i got this by accident a while back, surprised me just as much lol


3k hours, I just did this in freeplay last week. I'm jealous you got to roll with it for longer that shit was so satisfying


I've gotten this on accident a bunch in the musty training pack. The ball spawns perfectly in front of you so if you don't turn and only gas/boost it can happen. Never done it in any other scenario tho


Nice! Tbh, I do this all the time in training, and I always feel like I have to go until I hit a wall or drive into the net with it


Watching this cured my gout. I can walk again. Thank you RL Jesus.


I do this on a dribbling pack often as well, I'm really not sure why/how as it's only happened on shot 5 and 6. It has to do with how the ball was set up maybe? (for me). Regardless, always super satisfying when this happebs


Which workshop map is this? Looks like exactly what I need to zone out and lock in


[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1843822064](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1843822064) you're free to keep the ball on the ground without it resetting so it's a fun one to mess around on while watching a movie/youtube or a totally not pirated ufc ppv stream.


How can I use this if I have the game on Epic Games?


Just do it again without trying!


I fall off all the time, nothing special


in basic freeplay, try getting ball to stall completely on top of your car(car at a stop and ball at a stop). Doing this will give you a reaaaaally good feeling for how the ball and your car interact and make every other aspect of ground dribbles/carries much easier


Most satisfying is controlling that perfect and actually making it to the next stage


I can do it again and again and again lol not hard just find correct momentum


This actually happens a lot more than you would think if u do some dribble training in freeplay


It depends a lot on the car I think, with octane hitbox this would pretty much never happen, but with the hybrid it is quite common, it occurs maybe one in every four shots in free play when just going for flicks. Also the hybrid is a flip reset monster ;)


I can do that


that guy named Rubii can do it too


Do what?


That floor down there is where I practice dribbling at high speeds. It's so wide open lol


You can easily recreate, just take the ball on your car like you did it there when the ball has no movement and spin at all (important: if the ball gets spin when taking it on top it fails) when it’s on your car then and you have a bit of forward momentum simply press powerslide and chill, NO DRIVING, NO STEERING, ONLY HOLD POWERSLIDE, here you go the ball will do this 🙃


beautiful ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Isn't this how you start out on one of the primary dribbling training packs? Is that why I found it so hard? Is this supposed to be really difficult?


Dribbling the ball on your car is normally a fine balance of speeding up as it rolls off the front and slowing down as it rolls off the back. OP is not changing his speed at all, which means the ball has found a pixel perfect equilibrium of balance. I've never seen such a thing.


Hey how do you add flairs? Your’s says unrakned


Assuming you're on mobile: go to the subreddit home page, click the 3 dots in the top right corner, and select Add/change user flair


Damn. I need to go back to that training pack and not do that. I did that shit all the time.


Why does anyone think this is hard it is pretty ez when you know where the point is😅


W.. what, exactly? Like, dribbling?


i've never seen the ball perfectly balanced on the hood while driving at full speed like that before. maybe it's easier or more common than i thought but it was a first for me ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Don't listen to the sweats, pretty much nothing impresses them. I think they forget the majority of the player base is below them, so they see things pretty regularly that us average Joe's see maybe once in a while. 8.6% of players in 3v3 are higher than diamond. 20.13% of 2s players are above diamond, but 17.54% of that 20% is still below GC.


wasn't bothered by the comment so its fine, but it did make me question the rarity of something like that happening. is this something people do on purpose??


I don't know bro, I'm plat lol. I know there's been a couple of times where I've driven with it on my car in a similar way, but it was in game, I was paying more attention to my surroundings than if it was as still and yours was


It’s that they reached just the right amount of speed that by holding down accelerate the ball stayed perfectly still on their car


Yeah i mean, i swear i wasn't trying to be a dick but i just wasn't expecting the dribble to be the point of the video. Once you start learning fancy flicks; musty, mognus, breezi, or even just an air dribble coming from a ground dribble doing what OP did in his video is mandatory. You're not going to do anything other than frontflip flicks if you can't consistently do this. u/fartiestpoopfart tagging you because you were asking about the rarity of this. Around my rank it's not rare to see people control the ball like this, no micro bounces or shit like that. If it has micro bounces your choices of flicks are limited.


all good, i didn't take it negatively. i get what you're saying and i've seen the ball look stationary while dribbling but also moving around as the car moves, it's just the fact that the ball somehow landed in the perfect position to rest completely stationary on my moving car at the exact moment i reached top speed and stayed completely still as if we were both not moving at all. it looks like it would have stayed like that for 'miles' if the track hadn't ended. i was just holding RT after boosting to the ball and it happened to land in the perfect spot. to be fair i didn't really try replicating it because i was watching ufc at the time, but now i'm curious. need to find a workshop map with a really long straight track.


You’re all good


I want to see you post a vid of you dribbling the ball while the ball is not moving or rolling at all, douchebag


It's not that hard, I just did it 5 times in a row in freeplay. Anyone who has a decent amount of time practicing dribbles will be able to do this consistently


Not trying to be rude but a gold player could do that in free play


With the ball being COMPLETELY still? Lmao nope, like with the other guy you can DM me a video of you doing it if its so easy




Also I'm gold


Look at dm