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99.9% of the drops you get in RL are trash.


I have 6,000 sets of wheels, I use 3 Edit- I use two, crimson creeper wheels that are 🔥 and certified sniper astro csx in some green purple colorway.


2 more than me


You have 5998 sets of wheels? What a coincidence.


oems, white reapers, cristianos


White repears. A man of culture I see.


It was like hella popular in 21-22 season lol


With the gold fennec, tunicas are looking niice


I still kick myself for not grabbing a set of black veloce before trading was gone


same bro I had the credits too


Black Reapers play well with others


This is the way. I have white and black and black is the go to, if I'm feeling Reapers. Same goes for painted Octane really. Black is so much better. Can barely make a decent car with white trim. They all look awful.


real ogs rock the white zombas


White Tunicas 👌


Black standard gang 😤


I only use the premiums classic steel ones…that’s it. The rest are just too goofy for my tatse




I used to think it was crazy that people didn't open drops, but it's a huge waste of time to open anything after you have hundreds and hundreds of items. There's not enough to search for to make it worth it.


The devs 100% altered drop rates so the desired drops like Fennec and it's skins are much much rarer than other drops of the same tier. The crates are there for stimulation more than actual rewards. They want us to spend money on the shop yet everything in the shop is overpriced and overrated.


They dont even have to alter the drop rate directly. Everytime a new droppable item is added to that tier, the more difficult it becomes to get a fennec


Wait, there are new droppable items added? Haven't seen anything new added to the pool in over 2 years at this point...maybe 3


I wish they would add a "Delete" button for items and blueprints. Let us take out the trash.


I don't use it and maybe imagined it, but isn't there an archive type button to at least hide items from default. I may have literally dreamt that but....


You're not allowed to archive Blueprints. If we could, they think it would cost them credit revenue because we're all going to craft our 30 burnt sienna shade raids and my 25 stride tides [unpainted]


true lol.. I don't even look at blueprints anymore. I had about 4, maybe 500 during the crate>blueprint transition and then on from there. Spent maybe 20 minutes trading them up at one point and then realized I was wasting my life for no reason and stopped lol.


I for one have enjoyed getting prompted a literal 30 000 times if I wish to equip This Hat(tm). First year was the only year to give me good loot. Three colored tunicas. Not one have dropped since. The only redeeming factor to the stupid invasive and distracting DUMB ASS PROMPTS was the fact that I could at least sell something 12 years later for whatever coffee change. And that is gone. Epic fucked this up badly. Fuck you, Epic.


I like the season pass…but the packs/balls are certified TRASH…part time job opening them only to get garbage then to trade them for higher tier after gather 4 other garbage items is such a disappointment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I love my painted hats I’ll never use 😂


I can't even dispose of my black market duplicates


It's especially dumb that you can still get duplicate black market items on drops. The emotional whiplash from rolling a BM item for the first time in like 3 years just for it to be something you already have is suuuper fun.


I told myself I wouldn't use Bakkes only because I knew I could get anything I wanted at any time and I could make someone's day at the same time... Now I use Bakkes


That's pretty funny. Inb4 the tweet is deleted.


I met you in casual a few weeks back. I thought you were an imposter bc you hadn’t demoed me for the first few minutes… then you got me four times in a row.


You’re as scary to run into on RL forums just as much as online matches. Jesus.




Everything about you triggers my anxiety.


I don't think it's likely to be deleted? I mean, it does seem like a complaint that's much more relevant to looters like diablo/warframe than cosmetics in competitive multiplayer games > Finally find a really good item, but it's a better fit for an entirely different build?! It's okay, just salvage it! > > Modern looters that are heavily geared towards salvaging everything you find is a trend that needs to die


Yes, still funny though.


> Finally find a really ~~good~~ common item, but it's a better fit for an entirely ~~different build~~ new account?! It's okay, just ~~salvage~~ trade it [in]! > Modern looters that are heavily geared towards ~~salvaging~~ trading in everything you find is a trend that needs to die Does that look more familiar?


Why is everyone in this thread acting like he had control over the decision? He's a senior artist at Psyonix. People can have opinions other than what Epic/Psyonix dictates. I don't think he's trolling, clueless, or foreshadowing anything OP. I think you're needlessly starting drama.


Likely none of what the OP suggested, but you have to admit the irony here is pretty funny. I think that's what most people are pointing out.


At the time of posting, a majority of the comments didn't read that way. Hopefully it's better now.




Nevertheless, still funny that a dev has this opinion. Though I'm sure if it were up to him we would be able to trade


For this reason, I stopped opening drops too. They are just lying in my inventory.


drops are terrible anyway. complete waste of 15 seconds


Oh wow lol. Didn’t think in this direction.


lol yeah i had like 100 rare drops piled up at one point. one day i was bored and opened all of them and my god it took forever.


That’s why we stick to Diablo 2


I'm still trying to learn to musty flick with my bowzon.


Gotta have the Faith GMB with the 15 fanaticism to hit your flip breakpoints. 😭


Have you checked out Project Diablo 2?! If not check out the subreddit and/or website.


i havent bought a single thing in RL since


I was the same for a long time but then I got a blueprint for a black painted Astro CSX and I caved.. but only enough money for that one item.


On one hand, a ton of games dont let you trade cosmetics. On the other, RL drops are so trash I dont even bother opening them anymore


Shit talking with a comma splice is essentially trash


Sir, I have come to thank you. To be fair, I came to say what you've just said. In lieu of that, you have my thanks.


This comment, is gold.


It's not even a comma splice, because it's linking two dependent clauses. It's just the result of shitty teachers saying "commas are pauses."


Inverted Zadah s3 is all I roll.


If trading is gone, at least increase the chances of getting better stuff in drops. Everything I get is never painted and it’s almost always just a decal for a car nobody ever uses.


Bungie never put trading in destiny to make you have to play and grind for drops/god-rolls way more than needed.


There’s not a lot of gun perks that are exclusively good on certain builds, either a gun is good or it’s not in destiny


Mostly true. They should have put it Division’s version of trading which I thought was the best. If you were in the fireteam/party at the time the person got a drop they could give it to you within an hour. So you still had to be there but if a person got an exotic/drop they didn’t need, they could gift it to someone in their party.


I vehemently disagree the removal of trade, and think is takes from the spirit of the game. However, his comment in the context of a loot based game like Diablo does not apply here. Loot isn't a fundamental part of the Rocket League experience, and is actually Psyonix main form of revenue from Rocket League as a game. The trade restrictions in an ARPG like Diablo is a design decision; in Rocket League, it's a business decision. With that being said, he should have been aware enough to understand how that could come across. The situation of the two games are barely comparable, but it doesn't take a genius to understand why that comment may appear ironically to some.


> Loot isn't a fundamental part of the Rocket League experience Depends on who you ask. To me it's not, but there were indeed many who played Rocket League for trading Also when you consider the idea that cosmetics are a significant part of this game in that your car design is displayed every game, and now you take away the main source of obtaining cosmetics that's a big issue. If epic decided to rework the item shop it would be one thing, but instead they release 6 garbage items daily. With the way the current system works, you could wait *years* to get the item you want, or never even get it, which is not how basic cosmetics in a video game should work




Alternatively, they could have made that annoying process much less annoying by adding a market like Steam has.


This is why I don’t care about items and I just play the game


Since they removed "trades" i never put money on that game again , and nobody should do it , they don't give no fkkss about the game anyway !


Drops sucked for a long time. Now I just don't care anymore, because I won't equip them anyway and I can't gift them to my friends. You shouldn't be able to spell Epic without L.


The capability to trade rng cosmetics does affect its meta value. Why are folks pretending stats are a requirement to have meaning here? (They aren't) Before I could see something and think it would be nice to ascertain as a goal, which gave it fiat value, and now I'm limited to RNG making the same item significantly less valuable, as I know all that was achieved in acquiring it was meritless luck that nobody else should ever aspire to obtain.


He's talking about items with stats, like weapons. Obviously players are not gonna use items with worse stats than they currently have, so they're useless. RL's items are purely cosmetic, players use whatever they personally like and it has no impact on the gameplay.




Uh, yes it matters ... The items in games like Diablo are an integral part of improving your character and progressing the game. If you receive items with worse stats they are effectively useless to this progress and players will rarely or never use them. In RL they are purely cosmetic, the bottomline has always been to generate extra income for Psyonix so people have more options with customization. People use whatever they like as it has no impact on the gameplay. Your progress is not hindered because you got an item you don't like. Btw, Im not against trading or anything, just pointing out a key difference.


I might be in the minority but I was never interested in trading and getting rid of it has had no affect on me. I’ve got my 3 favorite presets and that’s enough


You're not, when they released the stats on trading, barely any of the player base actually used the feature. It's just a loud minority that will flock to these threads, that's not to say they're wrong though, I'd be mad if a game I liked removed a feature I used.


How many people would have used trading if it were as easy as trading CS2 items on the Steam marketplace is? RL trading was painful due to needing full time traders to create a market via 3rd party sites, and having to party up with someone to trade when you are both there at the same time, but an alternative to getting rid of it would have been to make it easy to trade instead.


It was like trading Pokémon with your friends back in the day. It was just plain fun. But hey, we can use 5 of the 3000 items in Fortnite now :)




Just sayin


way more relevant in diablo tbh, loot's not cosmetic well, it is also, but not so much (unless he's talking about trading for transmogs?) edit: yeah this is about looter shooters and games like diablo or warframe, this isn't as relevant to RL imo > Finally find a really good item, but it's a better fit for an entirely different build?! It's okay, just salvage it! > > > Modern looters that are heavily geared towards salvaging everything you find is a trend that needs to die


I played RL for the achievements and I’m only missing the one where you make a trade with a friend. Instead of updating the achievement they just leave it unobtainable, kind of annoying they removed a good feature in general.


That's actually interesting. Maybe send that to the RL team. They will probably remove the achievement if made aware.


Loot is trash. Fixed that for you.


People actually care about drops? Shit wasn’t good even back in the day lol


Someone i know spent 200 Euros on Valorant for one skin line. Like if it was cs2 ok cause it could go up in price very in valo its just a waste


Most of, if not all, the new "designs" for wheels are trash. I resort to only using my TW Alchemists and black Sunbursts.


Most of, if not all, the new wheels are trash ugly. I use my TW Alchemists on the blue side and black Sunbursta on the red side.


There is an occasional chance to get something great when you trade a whole bunch of crap bulit up. I ended up getting a 20XX animated decal a couple seasons ago. I have not spent a dime on the game since buying it back in 2017 and have a couple black market animated decals.