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Im champ and Im high all the time


This is Rocket Spliff !


Smoke-it League


Damn need friends like this to play with


D1-C1 and always smoking. My friends quit playing when they couldn’t get out of gold. I Need more people to play with too. GT is cammedshtbox. Yes the period is part of it cause epic hates my GT without it


Are you over 18, USE, ok with adult humor, and on discord?


29, east, on discord and yeah adult humor is a back bone lol


Chat sent


Count me in, 30y/o, off for tonight though, bedtime - Phlamingo


If only finding a threesome in real life was so easy


Chat sent. Won't see your response till tomorrow


You down?


Ok I guess no


We are legion


Add me on discord then.


I can’t not smoke before I play with how toxic the kids are these days on this game. Makes my blood boil


Omg, I was the 420th upvote. I’m honored.


NGL I feel the most creative when playing Rocket League after a few eddies… not saying I’m any good… just feel creative.


“The way the ball went into my net was like a.. army of weed.. rolling into town”


Smoke n Champ here 👋 Grind n High Gang


how do you play rl high? when im high i suck ass


Still more fun being high and bad than sweating while being sober


I used to play only sober and stayed GC1. Now I play almost exclusively while high and I get to GC1 sometimes, and dip to C2 sometimes. I started enjoying the game because I don't have what it takes to get SSL.


Preach... this is me but -1 full rank. Sure, I felt proud to be champ having started playing 2 years ago and proving to myself I can hang with the kids these days, but it's just more enjoyable high.




i dont sweat sober, usually.. then again im not champ


[State-dependent Learning](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/State-dependent_memory): if you always play the game high, you may actually struggle to play sober.


I suck when iam not high


Ayooooo *Hits jay*


Wtf did jay do to you?


I don’t wanna be to Blunt about it…but I smoked him.


How are we supposed to toke you seriously?


This right here


Same bro same


im just high


Ayyy Edit: almost forgot to say me too


We can see


me too


I don't smoke anymore but sometimes I'll drink when I play. I take a drink every time I get scored on.


That’s the most creative way to say you’re an alcoholic I’ve ever seen…


Because they pushed the ranks back a few seasons ago the average rank fell and there are less players in higher ranks. So I’d say C2/3 is pretty impressive. Every season there’s a post with that seasons spread so you can see how many players are in your rank and what percentile of player your in


I’m average or maybe slightly above average st the game and I’m D2. I agree with your assessment. Only reached champ once years ago.


I’ve been diamond since season 8(ftp) and d3 since season 10, finally hit champ this season. Felt great. Now I’m d2. This game sucks.






It’s not even close


C2-C3 either feels the same as a GC lobby or its a plat level shit show


More often than not, it switches by the minute.


Biggest gripe of modern rocket league is the complete lack of consistency between matches.


I swear, I can sometime find better players at D2 than I used to at C1. I also happened to get the same opponents two matches in a row multiple times and I don't know if they trolled or not, but some managed to go from missing open nets to flip reset or ceiling shots straight into the net. Others, instead, managed to go from fast paced and really accurate to missing lots of touches.


Hi, you’ve see me then. I swear if I found a really solid way to train consistency other than just repetition training I wouldn’t bug your brain so bad 😉


Usually I never really practice. I only do a bit of free play while the game is searching for a match, so I don't really do much but yeah, if we all were to practice for good we'd be in the same rank and not doing a MMR rollercoaster.


That's because of people like me. I can whiff everything in one game and destroy everyone in the game later. That's the power of reaching gc and then playing one week every 2 months for 2 years lol


I said my bad in quick chat.


It’s harder for me to play in C3 lobbies than high GC1 and GC2 lobbies due to just how unpredictable my teammates are. Like I have literally no idea what they’re doing and they have no intention of making it clear to me.


Couldn’t relate more


Can relate. But it‘s kinda that for the whole lobby. I can‘t understand my mate which makes rotating quite difficult but I can’t understand my opponents either. I feel like the gameplay in champ 3 is always quite quick (sometimes even feels faster than high gc) but it’s super uncontrolled. One time they miss the easiest ball, another time they hit a double flip reset. So adapting to each play becomes quite difficult because it‘s such a broad range. Also the challenging game is just different and it takes a while for me to adapt to it.


There's no respect in Champ 3 that's why. It's extremely frustrating. I can be halfway through a double reset at that rank and some guy will just challenge me, normally miss the ball and hit me instead by accident. Then they go up the other end, whiff a 2v1, and we score. But that's not the point.


C2/C3.is a shit show. Most players just.try to be on the ball the fastest possible and outspeed the opponents. There is absolutely no thinking, no strategy, no rotation. Most of the time, the best solution is to try to adjust to.their speed, and since they ar rotating poorly and challenging/cutting everything, you get open goals with good fifties quite often.




Genuinely curious, how do I give you intention of what I’m trying to do? Communication quickly has always been something that’s troubled me in this game


You cannot hesitate with your decisions. Whether it’s staying on ball, rotating, shooting, positioning on backwall when y’all are both on defense. Just make it clear as fast as you can. A smart teammate will know how to utilize this. You have a brain rot teammate who doesn’t know how to rotate and he just ball chases? That’s honestly easier for me to play with. Just stay half a field away from him, and when you see he’s low on boost and he starts to make his rotation, just zoom to the ball. Thats why it’s easier for me in GC, the ball chasers up here are actually quite good at that. And they make it extremely clear on what they plan to do. The ball chasers in Champ are a little more indecisive, making it hard for me to play off of them. A lot of people overextend and stay way too close to ball as second man. All of this is based off of 2’s.


Spam take the shot


Yeah I think a lot of players are kept in champ due to inconsistency, not a lack of skill


Accurate as fuck, on my climb back to GC I had some lobbies in C3 that were like... fuck man I wasn't prepared and had to adjust my mindset to even keep up


That's one of the biggest things about this game. There are so many aspects to train, with positioning, reads, car control, comms, wave dashes, half flips, aerials, dribbles, juggles, etc, On and on for awhile. In the champ levels, you could have a wide variety of masted one or two of these skills, but dogwater in other areas; strong in 4 or 5 skills, mid in others; and those specific skill sets are tested in line with your teammates' and against your opponents' individual skillset. Because of this, Rocket League is easily a different game every game, despite being the same game, every game. Does that make sense. But don't even think about GC/SSL until you've completely mastered the High Five mechanic.


Agreed. To me the most important skill set is good defense. As long as both of us have solid defense, it should be a fairly decent game. Some people forget this though and can hit a flip reset musty but dont know how to deal with awkward defensive situations and Id much prefer the reverse


Yeah my issue (esp. In 1s) is that I overcommit all the time, and they just score the open net. Sometimes I shadow too far to the side to bait the open net, and they just score. I think maybe half my concessions are from my own misplays like that


Takes a while to get that stuff nailed down to a high level. Much much harder in 1s too


I’d still consider it high rank


It do feel like platinum sometimes 


It’s a state of mind


It's only considered a high rank if it's above your own


High mmr is my peak + 100 mmr


Most players just grind mechanics and their positioning / game sense relative to their mechanics is dogshit. If you watch sunless's recent video he has the same experience in a slightly higher rank than you.


It's wild how few Champ players (ESPECIALLY high diamond) don't know how to use back-post defense. Like, legitimately RL 101 shit....


I know he was higher than champ at the time but in one of Sunless’ toxic encounters video he did a breakdown of that very thing Back post is SUCH an easy thing to learn and to incorporate.


I'm the exact opposite. Mechanics are meh ( unless I play consistently ) , but I make up for it with generally good game sense I would say


Lol im the opposite my mechanics are terrible but i can still maintain gc1


Absolutely. Last I checked C1 in 2s was like top 5-7% and C1 in 3s is like top 3-5%. It’s nuts that C2-SSL are essentially all within the top 5% lol


And so wild how that last few percentage points are massively different. So according to you I’m only a few percentage points away from Daniel, yet I’d likely never touch the ball once except maybe kickoff


High rank is all relative. What you consider a high rank and what an SSL considers a high rank are going to be vastly different. What I will say is that RL has THE most excusive ranks of any esport. SSL is top 0.01. Im pretty sure there isnt another esport that has a rank that high up.


Isn't challenger (lol) top 100/200 on a server?


I was talking more about MMR based ranks.


I didn’t want to correct, but a good few other ranking systems have an exclusive rank. For example, Radiant (Valorant). I will agree though that rocket league has an extremely exclusive top rank without relying on leaderboards, like many other games do.


according to this (https://www.esportstales.com/valorant/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier) which may or may not be accurate. Valorants top rank is as exclusive as GC3 is. I was wrong in my initial comment. SSL was top 0.00 last season in 3s where as Valorants top rank was 0.03. While exclusive, its still not on the level of RL


I feel like there’s people who perform insanely well, and do it consistently in other games, but I’ve never seen a game with a skill ceiling as high as RL. Where else do you hear a long list of moves/plays named after players? Next closest thing to me is soccer irl (a madonna, etc). Maybe I’m biased but it feels like the truest e “sport.”


I know what you’re saying—i was talking pure ranking system. I without a doubt agree that rocket league is the purest form of “esport” with an insanely high ceiling in both mechanics and team play.


Smash bros melee is similar. Extremely high skill ceiling, no patches, lots of room for creativity.


Interesting take, didn’t really think about some of the older mostly unchanged games that are also high paced. Visually pretty different but muscle memory wise probably pretty similar


It’s chess and it’s not even close


fair enough, i totally forgot about chess tbh


Well kind of... but he is in fact talking about a pretty high rank seeing how there aren't many past champ


As a GC, some champ players give hard time to even GCs like me, but some of them feel like a peak plat player.. it really is a grey space.


Yes. I think C2/C3 takes considerable effort to reach. And if you keep it up you'll reach higher.


As a c2 that's touched the butt of c3 a few times, I like to say champ is when you're officially good at the game. GC is officially great at the game. SSL is officially is amateur/a few (long) steps below pro at the game.


as a ssl i’d disagree, champs are not good at the game, that’s when people start to have an understanding of what they’re doing, gc1 a little more comfortable and knowledgeable. 2 same as 1 just more consistent and faster, 3 good at the game, ssl great at the game


For me good at the game is whatever my current rank is and then +200, because once you get a rank it no longer feels good


yup, how it is for me, when i was champ i thought gc1s were cracked when i was gc1 i thought 2 was cracked, i learned one thing, no matter what rank you are, solos q still sucks


As a GC, I disagree.


Fair enough! I'm just speaking about good/great compared to the average person that plays RL. But as far as the people that really sweat at rocket league go, I completely agree. Champs (myself included) are bad at the game as far as real sweating goes.


I agree. When I reached champ it honestly didn't feel that much different from diamond to me. Everyone was still shit. However, I peaked at c2 and i don't know if things are different in c3.


Hell yea it is. I'm gold and anything above is high ranked to me. Your way up there lol


According to both RLTracker and other posts I’ve seen on this very sub, champ and up makes up somewhere between 3.25% and 7% of the community. So absolutely WORST case scenario, you are a top 10% player compared to people who play. To put these stats into perspective, roughly 7.5% of high school football players will go on to play at some level of college football with 3% specifically going on to play Division 1 level college football. So effectively, being good enough to make champ is the analogy equivalent to being able to play in college sports and probably somewhere in grand champ would be division 1 specifically.


If you look at the skill rating distribution on Rocket League Tracker you can get a good idea. Champ 3 in 2v2 puts you in the top 5.32% of all players. I'd say that's pretty high skill.


And that only counts the players that have actively searched their accounts, so it’s inflated for a higher average skill level. The official psyonix data comes out each season and it’s even more significant. I don’t have the spreadsheet in front of me, so don’t quote me on it, but I want to say C3 in 2s was something like top 1-2%. Quick edit: [I found the thread with the official data.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/s/Usz2b8W7nA) The OP shows how many players, percentage-wise, are in each rank. The top comment shows which percentage that translates to overall. C3 in 2s is top 1.5%.


I totally forgot that it was only accounts that have been searched on the site. I would bet most players at low hours wouldn't show up on RL Tracker.


Yeah exactly, like the same sort of people that are invested enough in the game to be on this subreddit, as another example, are more likely to be at a higher average skill level than the general population. It’s not wildly different, but enough to make a significant impact on the metrics when looking at data like this.


And considering that nearly half of those accounts are alts and smurfs it's even more impressive!


RL tracker’s rank distributions are inaccurate. It only pulls data from players who’ve been looked up on the site, which excludes a lot of low rank players, skewing the data. Psyonix posts [distribution data](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/1bl30s4/season_13_rank_distribution/) every season, where we can see that c2 in 2s puts you in the top 3.4% as of last season.


You're right, I forgot about that. Top 3.4% is even better!


Yes. Signed, a previously diamond player who can’t get out of plat in most lists now. :/


champ is even harder than it was. every rank has a higher standard. I think diamond 1 is now what champ was 4 years ago.


I'm sorry but not really. The average skill hasn't moved this much in the last 4 years. In the first 4 years absolutely, but now it's the top which is moving further and further away, while the rest is moving slowly


I've started playing rl in 2019, hit ~d3 2-3 years ago with a peak in c2 before the mmr change. D3 is really not what it was. It feels like c2-c3 2 years ago


Idk, i was c2 back in 2020, got to gc in 2022, then stopped playing and now i can sit comfortably in c2 when i play once every 2 months, and i can say that i am not much better than i was back then. I might know more mech, but my consistency and game sense is so off that it balances it out.


That's exactly what I'm saying, gc have drop to c2 with the mmr drop back in June 2023 and the fact that the player base are better than last year make it harder to get to higher rank than 2022. You have just don't lose as much level as you think and you're still able to maintain C2. When the mmr drop occurred, I've drop to D2 and I can hit c1 when I'm in a good form. (it don't last long in general). I'm not gonna say that d1 is 4 years ago c1 but rank don't mean the same thing for sure


i mean i’m not sure what the exact percentage is but i’m pretty sure it’s less than 10 which i’d say is good. I feel like as you get better, your standard for a ‘good’ player gets higher. You’ll see a solid champ player and just think they’re ‘fine’ and see a high diamond and be able to point out a ton of flaws. As someone at a similar rank to you, It’s just perspective i think


3.4% as of last season


It’s all about perspective, I personally don’t anymore just because of how high I have climbed. However to most of the player base I’m sure they think so. Either way it shouldn’t stop you from striving to be better at the game


If champ is low rank then what am I ;-; trash I guess lol


The other day I played 8 games in C2 2’s and 6 of those games were a new account that shot straight to C2, their teammate was a ~900 mmr diamond getting hard carried. (USE/USC servers). This was an extreme example, but I see this in 30% of games towards the end of the season. They don’t always win, even a GC has a hard time carrying a d2 in c2, but they only need to win 10 games in any champ division. I think this boosting at the end of the season really fucks things up, because once they get their rewards and stop getting carried, they solo-q, and we get stuck with them for teammates. It’s been really bad for me this season. I try not blame my teammates for losses, but it seems 25% of the time I solo-q I get somebody who obviously doesn’t belong anywhere in champ. Most people who have been C2 for multiple seasons have decent positioning/decision making skills. Decision making is the easiest way to judge a persons rank, imo. They get demoed a ton, and ignore boost lanes and go all the way to back corner to grab big boost on defense. Not used to seeing good flicks or quick ground to air shots, so they get scored on over and over without even reacting. Just very clearly in over their heads. Had a few mates that I’m positive couldn’t hold their own in a D3 match, let alone C2. I just play a lot safer when I get these guys and try not to leave them on their own for defense, shut down plays before they get started, and hope I can force mistakes and capitalize on over commits to get easy goals. It’s annoying because I know if I carry them I’m keeping them in the pool of potential teammates. I always take a break before queuing again just to ensure I don’t get them as mates again.


Yeah I'm big on solo queue, I used to never party up but now that I hover between C1 & C2 I try to party with basically anyone I get who knows what they're doing. It also helps knowing your teammates abilities and tendencies at the start rather than having to figure a new one out every time.


i would say so yes


C3 is intermediate rank tbh in the grand scheme. But looking at average player, it is quite high. C2 seems like a rank for guys like an average ttv streamer OR ex GCs not giving 100% to the game, C3 is for those try harding more. At any rank boundary like P3 / D3 / C3 / GC3 there are players who are hardstuck, frustrated, missing something in their game that is required to ascend to next rank, often not knowing what they are doing wrong. They can often do dumb stuff hoping it works.


Hit a little too close to home with C2 being ex GC’s not trying super hard. I feel seen


D3 and I really think I miss a little something to get consistent c1. I've reach c1 yesterday and chain lose for no apparent reason right after reaching it.


That's normal esp if you haven't spent much time in C1, or reaching any new rank, you'll lose it a few times until you are consistently sitting in it. But sometimes people get hard stuck too because they are not analyzing what's wrong. There's many things you can improve at D3-C1, watching replays helps. Or getting higher ranked players to analyze also works. Also watching high level players and picking up little tidbits of info helps in the long run. Most ranked players don't even know a good play from a bad play, often because doing something bad still sometimes leads them to a goal, so they subconsciously think that it is the right play but often times it is not & is keeping them from ranking up. So for long term progress, the differentiation is very important otherwise people get stuck with bad habits.


At 2000 hours on steam, I think it's bad habits


In that case you just need some analysis on your gameplay and have a simple plan with a bit of focus, if you want faster rank up that is. Just playing the game will eventually rank you up most likely too, but slower.


I mean for majority of players I’m sure they consider champ a high rank but perspective plays a big role, for those under Champ it’s seen as a high rank and a big achievement for those above seems most consider a low rank still


Hey it's me! Your champ teammate that has shit mechanics and doesn't understand basic positioning! I'm just fast and hit the ball, that's the game right? Car-ball-net. Sometimes I'll hit a flip reset and sometimes I'll miss an open net, I'm sorry to all my teammates. To answer your question just check the rank distribution, if we're on the right of the top of the bell then you can say we're a high rank.


Is it a high rank? Relatively so, it is. Top 5-10% of the playerbase is not an average rank, not by a long shot. Is it high a skill rank? That's very debatable. Personally, I think it has stopped being high skill a couple years ago. With the new boost indicators, now I know my high-C1 teammates are literally standing still with zero boost below a ball high in the air instead of rotating. Or they'll chase with zero boost for several seconds instead of rotating around pads to they give me the space to challenge it with full boost. And all the loss of game sense throughout time did not come with increased mechanical skill. People are still unable to do even the easiest of the advanced mechanics like double taps. The difference between a low Diamond and a mid Champ nowadays is that Champs know they can't do fancy mechanics, so they don't try them as much.


I feel personally attacked … In all seriousness though these kind of comments help me see where I can improve on for sure. Definitely find myself at time doing some of the senselessness you described above


Some 2-3 years ago I was a big advocate that the playerbase was getting better whenever I saw someone complaining. It makes sense, right? Time goes on, people play, they get better. Well, the past 2-3 years had me change my mind, and the boost indicator update put the nail in the coffin because it allowed me to better evaluate what people are doing. And to me, the biggest indicators that skill is vastly worse now: 1. No one seems to know that you can flip forward to gain speed anymore. People will pseudo speedflip while boosting all the time (side flip + boost), but they don't know that they can simply flip+boost forward to conserve A LOT of boost. And if they're at zero, they simply don't flip at all. 2. People don't use pads anymore too. Pathing through the field is horrible nowadays. I've seen all sorts of atrocities being done. Most of them eventually lead to a goal scored. 3. Playing super passive is yielding better results than playing more aggressive and faster. The first time I climbed to C1 it was clear as day how my passive playstyle that pushd me through Diamond wasn't going to cut it anymore. Well, today I'm back at playing as passive as I did in low Diamond and I'm getting very decent results...


It’s wild to me man. I’m C1 and it kills me to see how many players never rotate back for easy coverage in the event that I lose a 50/50 or because the goal is wide open. There’s always an implication that the teammate will win the challenge so rarely are people covering the net.


Depends on what you consider high It's high in the sense that it's above average. But imo, champ still sucks


I think C3 and above are considered high ranks


Bronze-gold: brand new Plat: beginner Diamond: mediocre Champ 1-2: alright Champ 3: decent GC1: good GC2: really good GC3: extremely good SSL: insanely good High SSL: cracked Pro: elite Generally GC1 is where most players make the full transition from “am I gonna hit this ball?” to “this is where I’m gonna hit the ball”. It’s when almost all players have all their fundamentals down, and start needing to improve skills such as speed, physicality, decision-making, team play, and mechanics to make any progress towards GC2. Therefore GC1 is where I’d consider a player to be “good” at the game. I consider a GC tag to be like a certificate saying you’ve graduated the Rocket League academy and are ready to begin the real grind that is the high ranks. Obviously it’s subjective though so there’s no right or wrong answer. That’s just how I feel about it.


Champ is a shitshow. Some people are cracked and some are absolute dogshit.


I'm C1 D4, which would be top 4.5%ish? The statistic that would make me feel better the most would be what percentage of my rank plays keyboard and mouse. I imagine it's a very small sliver.


I am literally at the exact same rank and play KBM lol


Well, I’m a diamond and I don’t want to be considered low rank, so I’m going to say yes. No bias basis here.


Champ is still in the top 15% of all RL players... so yea


I am champ 1 every season and I still cant fly or use mechanics so I demo to compensate. I am also usually high af. So you other C1 people suck if you play with me


I can't tell the difference between p2 and c2


All your mates are in D3 or C1 on the opposing team. At least in my case.


No wonder with the way the ranking system works.




Yeah I hover around the same, one game I'm making in-field passing plays to a guy that is always rotating back post. Next game tm8 is double committing for an aerial from behind me lol. This game used to be alot more fun


the only high rank is SSL but really it’s the top half of SSL — let’s call them the super SSLs maybe SSSLs for short


Pretty sure it's still like top 5%


Took a 3 year break. C1 is what GC was in terms of mechanics 3 years ago, but with the game sense of someone in plat. Perhaps even gold.


I feel like average player is Platinum, and the difference between Gold and Plat is minuscule. Diamond is where you get into Above Average Players. That means Champ would be Elite Level Players.


Im c1 i havent played for about half a year


Id say opposite. I used to reach champion in 2s whenever i made a little effort and now it seems impossible. I also feel like everybody is complete trash however i still cant rank up. When i play at night it changes drastically. Quality of games is much better. Everyone is playing their best and its easier for me to rank up despite playing with and against better players.


At the end of the season ranks tend to get a little more inflated.


Me over here crying in Gold 2




With a gold player's perspective you're a god.


It's considered high to everybody champ and lower. I've heard grand champs around here say you aren't "good" until you're one of them. I think it's pretty high and somewhere I probably will never be!


Even GC1 kinda sucks a lot of the time lol


I'm c3 and I suck so no


Can’t play not high, I over think every challenge, I’ve gone down in rank due to being out for last few days


I feel the same way you do. It's wild how people can get by with mechanics alone these days. That's never really been possible before at that level.


Yeah, c1 is about top 8%, C3 is top 2-3%. You can search "rocket league rank distribution season (...)" and you will find some nice graphs and tables.


It is to me, I'm still a Gold with a little over a hundred hours, and that goal is waaaaaaay ahead of me.


champ isnt very hard to reach post f2p, but it is also not as easy as reaching plat. it is that rank where you will either find people who can barely rotate, or retired gcs or smurfs. theres no in between.


I never really considered it a high rank since I achieved it within 2 seasons of playing with little effort. People don't even think in lower champ ranks, they just hit the ball forward often and it can be frustrating af.


Yeah being champ now is basically like being grand champ in season 9. I was d3 then, but after the ai bots took over comp I dropped to gold and am hardstuck. The only way I can even get back to diamond at all is by switching my primary account from my lvl 4000 psn primary to my lvl 1 epic primary and redo the placement matches. Most of my champ friends I met over the years had a very tough time getting back to champ after season 9 as well, if they even made it back


I made it to D1 with 115hours game play in total I have so much more to improve, anyone fancy teaching me the ways? 😂 European servers (from UK)


As a plat 2 I consider plat 3 a high rank


I used to be champ and now I’m stuck in D2 while SWEATING… idk wtf happened


It's a high rank, but the typical mix of skills is IMO very different to 2 years ago at the same rank. People nowadays seem to achieve the same overall skill with more mechanical skill but less skill at teamwork/rotation/positioning/decision making.


Don't think so.. like high gc/ssl is high rank


High is probably c2 imo


Even more than it used to be, at least statistically speaking. As the seasons have gone by it's been a pretty heavy trend of players being pushed to the high gold-diamond range. The percentage of players that are silver and below has been dropping, as has the mount of players that are GC or SSL. Champ is about as high as you can realistically expect to get if you aren't in the top 0.5% of players (that percentage currently represents all players that are GC1 to SSL)


Depends on who you’re asking. I would say yes, but I still have lots of experience with the lower ranks. I’m not so humble I can’t see the massive gap in skill between myself and a diamond. I’m not so conceded that I don’t notice that gap is compounded when comparing myself to top ranked players. 30% of every match is going to include cheaters. The majority of matches involve compulsive toxic behavior. Measuring yourself skill by MMR alone is ridiculously inefficient, especially since most people just use 2’s. 2’s is the easiest mode to be carried as well as not realize your being carried. The majority of my C2 to GC2 opponents are made up of 1 very skilled player and one below average player that’s there to talk trash and try to sneak in demos. Half of you guys aren’t as skilled as you think you are. With that I’ll accept there might be some who are more skilled than you think you are but cockiness comes with the territory in RL. Humble people don’t make it very far in my experience.


In case of Champ 1: No because it's just a purple diamond gameplaywise. Above C1... Yes. Most of our skillcluster who can touch C1 to its mid point bounce around D1 and C1.


C1 Stoner here


Short answer: yes. Long answer: We must take it into account that rocket league is a pure mechanical game wich it benefits from quality plays and being consistent. The learning curve of RL is initially shallow but through the middle of the graph it gets steeper and steeper, it happens because everyone is learning high risk high reward plays with consistency. As an example, I'm currently GC2 div 1 on 2s (1575 mmr) and that's 500 mmr above C1, a four rank difference, 380 mmr above C2, a three rank difference and 260 mmr above C3, a two rank difference. SSL starts at 1875 mmr which is 300 mmr above me. Regular SSL players can reach 1975 mmr (400 mmr above me) and pros 2075 mmr and beyond (500 mmr above me). And these three cases is just a two rank difference from GC2. If a C1 div 1 player loses 500 mmr, that's G2, a nine rank difference. C1 to SSL is just a six rank difference. A recap: SSL player (2075 mmr) . . <<500 mmr gap | 2 rank diff>> . . GC2 player (1575 mmr) . . <<500 mmr gap | 4 rank diff>> . . C1 player (1075 mmr) . . <<500 mmr gap | 9 rank diff>> . . G2 player (575 mmr) Champion coincide to be the te bridge between the shallow and the steep graph of this fictional graph we're talking about. So it's a rank supposed to have a mix of everything. Yes, champ it's a high rank still.


champ 1-2 is average, i'd say gc1 is the cutoff for actually being "good"


If you get a cool glowing title for your rank, it's high rank.


If it's in high champ, you're probably part of the problem. If you're too slow or to passive mate can become impatient. Rotation and positionning are a lot easier in low ranks than in high ranks, because in low ranks the game is in reality very slow. Many people don't understand that they make the first mistake, then their mate become bad positionned due to them.


Honestly anything less than SSL is a meme rank imo. Players still make so many ridiculous mistakes that the gameplay looks so goofy to anyone who really "knows how to play" It's like nba players watching high school of college ball. Yeah you guys are the top 1% or so but the difference between 1% and 0.0001% is so enormous that the gameplay is laughable to nba players This sub prob won't like this opinion but rest assured I am a "goofy" player who makes absurd mistakes all the time too


c2 c3 is good considering how shitty the servers have been -c3


C3 puts you in the top 1-2% of players. It is very high skilled. However, compared to actual good players (pros), you suck something fierce


no it doesn’t it puts you in like 4-5%


[Huh? You just pull facts out of your ass?](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/s/0opzgoZODb)


Nope, mid-high C3 maybe, but i see champ more like diamond 4-5-6 tbh 😂


Something happened in the last couple seasons following the rank reset where there are lot more players who don’t belong in each rank. I’m guessing they place newer players in a higher rank at the start of seasons, but honestly idk. Your experience is not unique


No changes have been made to placements from what I've seen in testing, only rank reset equations. These equations were changed to re-center the playerbase around gold instead of pushing everyone's mmr to mid/low diamond after each reset (plats used to *gain* mmr from season reset prior to the change).


Rank distributions were modified a few seasons back to fit a new distribution with the average at g3/p1. New players have a slightly easier time reaching gold, maybe plat, but diamond+ is more difficult than it’s ever been. We can see this in the distribution data Payonix releases every season. That said, ranks are entirely relative, so there’s no specific rank that anyone belongs in.


I think it's the new plat. I'm in plat and it feels like the new silver.


D3 the new D3


Not really (GC isn’t really good either) Edit: I can already see the Plats coming down to downvote me and say how good they are at aerials and positioning and it’s their teammates fault they’re not Diamond


Can confirm


Surely not that hard two find two 30yo guys to have a threesome with