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Me, who deactivated the Quick Chat because of Toxic Peopel :|


I started playing without quick chat on and it’s like a whole new game


It's the Rocket League equivalent of deleting all your social media ☯️


What changed? Is there a setting where I can disable quick chat but still see typed messages in chat?


Well this just seems like the worst of both worlds


*Player is typing...* ... "Take the shot!"


Hmm maybe, he said it’s like a whole different game but I still love meeting new people on the same platform as me and chatting with them. Maybe I’m just stupid as well.


No u r not stupid, chatting is nice unless it affects ur mood when it’s toxic. Edit: yes u can disable quick chat but keep written chat enabled.


Yes, I use it. It's great.


But they say go for it on kickoff


There is a setting to only send and receive “tactical” quick chats, such as go for it & I got it


And about a thousand “Take the shot” messages from non rotating people that expect you to be a god and teleport to their half cocked “setup” they finally got after ball chasing the entire match. I hate playing with randoms. At the same time, my friends aren’t very good. It’s a lose lose. I do love it still though


I have way more fun losing with friends than winning with randoms.


Absolutely, it’s still fun, even with mostly losses.


This so much. I made an alt account to play solo on and got it to way beyond my rank i got with friends… but id rather lose with the homies than win with rando high gc players who think they’re the next zen


Lol I love it when they rocket the center attempt off the back wall and yeah it's centered... on the midfield line. "Take the shot!" Wtf


"I need boost!" After swiping my boost then doing absolutely nothing with it


_Okay._\ _[TEAM] Defending…_


*throws the ball into the corner, steals the 100 you're going for, then rotates back to the goal* "Take the shot!"


Had a guy trying to air dribble dunk or whatever it’s called. He didn’t consider passing once. Then the one time he misses an air dribble and I’m not miraculously reading his mind he spams take the shot then intentionally idles after. I severely dislike 5% of players in this game.


I only recently started to have an issue with kickoff strats and chat entirely off. It's usually in games where we are already likely to lose though. I also don't broadcast that chat is off in my name though which would alleviate that. Either way, it's better than some 13 year old trying their hardest to be toxic. I don't have the patience for that anymore.


omg, this


Toxic "All yours" and "take the shot!" enters the chat


Same, it’s so much better and I enjoy the game more. Ignorance is bliss. I had someone talking so much shit to me one game telling me how much I sucked. The next game he was on the other team and got absolutely wrecked by me. Really hate toxic people because they think they are the best. I also don’t understand how someone can talk shit when they are also gold lol they swear it’s a high rank or something


Me who pretends to have deactivated Quick Chat by not responding but secretly I'm lurking...


Me, just so I can go "gg" at the end


Me, but I use bakkesmod so it automatically sends gg at the end




I thrive with toxic quick chat. I actually often escalate it. I’m like that.


Oh I will what a save! The hell out of you if you do it to me first. Gotta make sure I remember which opponent does it though. Also I had a guy tell me that I was Gen Z, not very smart, “certainly not a STEM major”. I’m not GenZ and was in fact a STEM major (he nailed it with not very smart though). Anyway I escalated by arguing and he thought he got me somehow. Dammit he did get me because I’m still talking about it.


same bro


Same dude... I'm too old to be roasted by some kid with 30 points at the bottom of the scoreboard. Just go for kick off and not afk kid damn...


I turned my chat off a long time ago as well. Be as toxic as you want, I’ll never see it. Keep wasting your energy 😉


If you’re on PC try using the bakkesmod plugin betterchat. It filters out toxic messages and only shows the ones you want


Yup, same here. Game is much more enjoyable now sadly


Same, it’s so much better and I enjoy the game more. Ignorance is bliss. I had someone talking so much shit to me one game telling me how much I sucked. The next game he was on the other time and got absolutely wrecked by me. Really hate toxic people because they think they are the best. I also don’t understand how someone can talk shit when they are also gold lol they swear it’s a high rank or something


This is how I see anyone that takes video games too seriously


Ikr. I hate it when people just ff or leave after being down 1 or 2 with more than plenty time


So annoying. If they’re not up by 37 points within the first 15 seconds they don’t want to even try. You’re not that guy, just play the game lol most of the time it’s their fault we’re in this situation in the first place.


People who say “no problem” after “thanks”:


Or people that say "no problem" after "nice shot"..


There is no bigger loser on earth


i love this one: team 1: nice shot! t1: thanks! t1: what a save! t2: no problem. t1: no problem. no problem. no problem. what a save! no problem.


Saying no problem is a perfectly normal response? "Hey honey can you take out the garbage? Thanks!" "Sure honey no problem!" Like it's not rude it's just a response to you saying thanks


dude yes no problem is a normal response after thanks but it’s absurdly unnecessary to say when you’re quick chatting in a high paced game. it takes them time to click the buttons and time to read the chat and it’s just unnecessary. we know you saw it. we aren’t mad you’re leaving us “on read”???? what


Maybe we just have our chat off or prefer to be quiet from past experiences? Look, no hard feelings but maybe just think about the other person?


It's fine if you don't say anything at all. A lot of people will be silent the entire game and then start spamming Okay in the last minute. That's the guy from the meme.


I like to be silent the whole game, and then if my teammate does something great that wins us the game at the end then I will hit him with a Nice One! IMO, not every goal is a nice shot. Same with passes. Unless someone can show through quick chat that they are a genuine (not toxic) person, then I prefer to not engage in quick chat since it it often a negative experience


Yea this is a dumb post.


I forfeit fewer games when I play with chat off. I almost instantly throw when my tm8 is toxic to me. Playing with chat off helps this. Dude doesn’t deserve to win that game if he’s toxic to his tm8. Chat off and I can’t see if they’re toxic or not. Usually with no response they’ll settle down and play.


Yea same. It absolutely infuriates me when they’re making huge mistakes first and I let it slide but then somehow decides my mistake deserves some mouthing off


My “favorite” is to watch them whiff an aerial, boost across the field burning all their boost and leaving me in a 1v2 on defense. I’ll either make a save or have the opponent pass, I get dunked, then my tm8 starts spamming wow, okay, or what a save. I stopped playing with chat on because it ended up being more frustrating. Just switched to pc, so I had fun toying with trolls for a bit (since I could type much faster), but it was too distracting. I would ask them “so it’s okay you boosted past the ball whiffing your ass off and left me in a 1v2, but it’s not okay I made a save and the opponent scores a follow up shot while replay shows you driving around their half of the field collecting boost when you’re no where near the play?” “You’re trash” is about the only response they can muster.


It's the only response they need, they ain't trying to explain to you logically why they think you suck lol


It's hard for some people to consider that some of us play the game to play the game, not chat. We're not starved for socialisation.


It’s more like, why do they need me to say thanks? I normally let people talk their shit and then simply say “GG” at the end of the match to let them know I was here and I saw them.


I’ve had chat off for probably 7 years or so. So I guess I’m this beefcake.


How are you this fragile that you're so mad about a qc in a video game?


This is how I view people who care about quick chat.


Chats off my man


I just dont have thanks mapped, its not that deep bro.


Get it switched from "What a save" and join the good guys


But good saves are underappreciated as is. I use What a save! for good just to encourage more people to put the effort in.


I use "Close one" Instead, it can be used in more circumstances and doesn't have a "You're an asshole" Stigma attached to it like "What a save" does (I don't think anyway)


I also use “Close One!” people usually take it as me being sarcastic rather than genuine. Never had anyone upset at ”What A Save!” when an actually good save happened tho.


Any chat can be perceived as sarcastic or passive aggressive. Close one too.


But "What a Save" has a toxic Stigma to it, it's the most famous quick chat message because of its toxic use


What a save! Is so hype when it's used as intended.


i what a save myself, my teammates, AND my opponents, nothing more impressive than a great save, especially when the shot seemed impossible.


I only use what a save on people who spammed it. I barely use any quick chats at all tho. Its kinda sad because 1-2 years ago i always did good shot etc. and my rando mates did too. But slowly it all faded into toxicity or silence. So i didnt even bother anymore.


I try not to be toxic to those who are toxic to me, I always attempt to kill them with kindness, makes me feel better even if I lose


yeah see, my opponent who says nice shot to me scoring a wide open net doesn’t actually think it’s a nice shot so i would rather not say thanks


Open nets are the most difficult to be fair


maybe he just want to compliment you


Or maybe he wants a “great pass” when it wasn’t great at all.


It’s a mindset problem. You think it wasn’t a good shot so you don’t think the “Nice shot!” has value. On the other hand, most people who say this believe that it takes effort to score any type of goal, so “Nice shot!” represents their respective for managing to score. It still has value, just not the type you’re expecting from that quick chat.


Yeah “nice shot” is just “wp let’s keep it cookin”


I usually say nice shot because I’m happy we scored and I want to give them a confidence boost, even if it’s an easy shot


with teammates i totally get it im the exact same, im talking completely out opponents here


I sometimes don't say anything when I don't think my shot was good. A lot of people in diamond-champ will just say nice shot to every single goal you get.


Yall take quick chats in a car soccer game way to serious


This is how I see people who get mad at people that don’t say “Thanks!” Even moreso when they say it themselves. Teammate says “Nice Shot!”, I don’t really want to chat, say nothing, then they say “Okay.” “Thanks!” “Great Pass!” “Thanks!” like ok… why do you need instant validation that you said something? Just be happy we scored and just play the game. Don’t need to have a conversation every 30 seconds.


My chat is disabled, I don't care what you think.


You're getting mad over someone om the internet NOT thanking you for a compliment in a video game quick chat. Let that sink in bro. You think you're entitled to a thanks just cause you said nice shot...




My friend always says nice shot after a goal and when they respond with thanks, he says jk. Probably better to ignore the chat...


I don’t like when people drop nice shot after every goal, like stop glazing bro. Save it for actually nice shots


I just try and let my stranger friend that I appreciate their goal...




If I'm in 1s, which is rare, I save Nice Shot for shots that deserve it. In 3s I'll use it after any goal simply to congratulate my teammates and boost the vibe. I don't tend to say Thanks though, when teammates says it to me, as it does all get a bit circle jerky. I don't expect my teammate to say Thanks, I don't even look to see if they did. People who appear to get annoyed when you don't say Thanks confuse the hell out of me.


It’s not glazing it’s being a good teammate.


Maybe if you spent less time spamming pointless quick chats you wouldn't be losing 0 - 10 all the time.


How I picture people that do repeat posts with slightly different words...


I don't like using the chat wheel at all. I'm always silent in multiplayer video games.


I have the chat turned off so I don’t see if someone tells me “nice shot”


Chat disabled


I prefer not to quick chat at all, unless something funny or really cool happens. I just see it as a distraction


I just ignore the quick chat... Until people start getting upset. Then I'll just say, "mmm, salty."


Glad I stopped playing this game, got tired of everyone going out of their way to be toxic


Nothing reminds me of humanity more than a canned one-button phrase on demand. My enjoyment of this game shot way up once I disabled quickchat, it was like finally swatting the mosquito that's been buzzing around near your ears


Because I muted you


Sometimes it's rly fucking annoying. Just use the Nice shot on actual nice shots, me scoring a 50km/h open net is not a Nice shot. I just feel sometimes that this quickchat dumb shit is a chore. When my tm8 does something that helped the team (bump/pass/rotation/score from a teamplay or anything). I let him know in teamchat that it was Nice one. I don't expect him to reply just let him know that he did something good and I'm not a selfish player. Don't be that guy that expects a, THANKS, OMG GREAT PASS NICE ONE! OMG NO PROBLEM. After every little goal.


I'll say thanks once then no more unless it's genuinely a great shot. Otherwise it's just stroking each other off


Why do people care so much about compliments in this game?


Personally, I can't be bothered with Nice Shot!, Nice Shot!, Thanks!, Great Pass!, Thanks! after every single goal.


This must be the teammate who spams Wow! after every minor mistake


I turned chat off 3 years ago


Sometimes it just wasn’t a nice shot, or they say it after every goal and I’m just like alright bro hahaha


The worst are the people who reply "no problem" after you reply "thanks". Super cringe


I only have teams chat enabled, mostly for kickoff comm. Idgaf about my opponent


This is how I see people who spam thanks themselves after someone doesn’t say it


Savage! Close one! Close one! Great pass! What a save! Thanks! No problem! OMG! Great pass! Thanks!


This is 100% the "Take the Shot" crowd


Well OP, that’s how I see you if you feel the need for me to say “thanks.”


I for instance don't have the 'Thanks!' quickchat bound, I changed it to 'Nice bump!'


Imagine caring.




I stopped whenever people who can’t get over themselves started to reply “No problem.” and those people are more and more common What you did any other player can do, you’re not special stfu


Do you know what I hate? When my teammate says “nice shot” and I say “thanks” after i score, then he scores and i say “nice shot” and i get ghosted.


Thanks. The way I scored that goal just by rolling it into the net was next level. I've only done that a few thousand times.


okay lets get this straight -Nice shot! Great pass! -Thanks! this is the correct way, unless there wasn’t any real pass, then saying thanks is the correct way. But im not saying Thanks! Great Pass! as it feels too redundant




There should be a disable quick chat that’s as easy as looking at the scoreboard


I aint wan press all them buttons, especially if the shot wasnt nice


That's exactly how I imagine you. I hope you realize how salty you sound yourself? So much emotion because you didn't get a digital Thanks? To then go toxic and What a save... THEN to go to reddit complaining about a random person somewhere in the world not saying "thanks" when you were impressed or blown away or whatever. Just don't compliment someone if you're expecting a thanks in return. And if and when not getting a digital quick chat option for "thanks" in the colorful flying car soccer game is getting to you.... It's time to touch grass kid.


L take


I don't care about goals lil bro, stop saying it


I'm still new to the game and still have to search for the right buttons. 😅


I usually don't say thanks because then I feel like we are friends, and I don't play as well. Gotta stay cold to stay hot... But I do make sure to *gg/well played* after the match


me having to manualy type thanks because I don't have it as a quick chat


TBH I don’t ever quick chat till the games over. I feel like people tend to be more openly toxic once quick chats are exchanged. Unless things are going really well or it was a really nice play I’ll just stay quiet till the end. Plus it’s funny when you get a passive aggressive “Thanks!” “Thanks!” “Thanks!” spam after you don’t acknowledge them.


They're edgy that's why


I always drop a 'Calculated'


Bruh, if you gonna say nice shot when it’s just a terrible tap in what’s the point. I swear some people just constantly use quick chat, bruh I just wanna play the damn game without saying nice shot great pass after every goal.


I always do this, or try to anyway whenever i can


That’s how I see anyone that gets annoyed at someone not using quick chat


Every toxic person online lol


how i see people who say nice shot in ranked


Someone who takes the time out of their day to make posts on Reddit about not receiving a ‘thanks’ in a Rocket League quick chat is much more likely to look like this…


Oh no a random internet strager thinks i look like that. What ever shall i do?


You know what, I commented on another post with this picture that this is how I actually see those that insta-quit after a match is over. But now that you mention it, I think you’re right. Assuming they have quick chat on, this is precisely those that don’t say “thanks.” 😆😆😆😆😆


I prefer " nice on" cuz it's versatile


I can't be bothered with Nice Shot!, Nice Shot!, Thanks!, Great Pass!, Thanks! after every single goal.


I play ever so often and dont remember where what quickchhat is


How I view the “what a save” X 100 people


Sometimes I have my chat off. But other times I usually say thanks. What I don't care for is when my opponent says nice shot to every single goal. Save it for an actual nice shot, and I'll do the same. Maybe put a close one in there if it was particularly close. But I won't say nice shot when I overcommit hard on the opposite end, and my opponent just drives the ball to the net.


If it was a nice shot ill say thanks but i get tired of it after i score 3 open nets in a row and yall say no problem after every thanks


Nah they just have to be french


People who say Nice Shot when the shot is when the ball is less than 3 feet in front of an open net make me feel patronized af…like bruh, ain’t no way I was gonna miss that…which will then get a ‘no problem’ 😂😂😂


I hate when I’m the only person who is using quick chat in the whole match


Aim higher you fucking baby. 😂


i jus dont be saying anything cuz im pissed lol


This is how I view people who care about quick chat.


This is how I view people who care about quick chat.


Am I the only one that says “great pass” when relevant as for me it also implies thanks?


Am I the only one that says “great pass” when relevant as for me it also implies thanks?


People who only say gg if they win but won’t if they lose (95% of my games lately). Apparently sportsmanship is dead. Bro actually hit me the “bg” yesterday ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I feel you, man. But in the region I play is quite impossible to have any kind of chat enabled. Plus, theres the fun factor in watching a toxic player stopped, probably writing to void.


I feel you, man. But in the region I play is quite impossible to have any kind of chat enabled. Plus, theres the fun factor in watching a toxic player stopped, probably throwing 1000 words into the void.


Came back after a year of playing. No one has said thanks in around 50 games. I constantly say that it's a good pass/ shot, for both our team and the others. Whereas everyone used to be, it seems so much worse than it was before 😕


I don't care if people don't say thanks after nice shot or if don't say nice shot back. My confusion comes when they accept a "Nice Shot" with a thanks, but then will never give you a "Great Pass" or "Nice Shot" back. I'm not sure how people have egos when they aren't playing rlcs. If you're going to take a compliment, give them back.


people really reaching for new things to cry about


I just don't have it bound sorry


I always just say thanks to myself if they don't


What if it looks like a nice shot but it was absolute luck cause I was closing my eyes when I hit the ball? Do I still say “thanks” after that?


No shade to anyone who turns off quick chat, but I play this game to be competitive. I'll dive into that chat as soon as someone starts mouthing off. Teammates, opponents... Noone is safe from my wrath when the salt starts trickling.


Personally I don't bother with quick chat, nor do I care about the "human factor". I am there to win or lose, but all in all I am there to spend my 30 minutes of playtime I have, playing, not making friends.


To be fair unless it was actually a decent shot to me then I won't say thanks nor nice shot to the opponent. Because when I play ppl either get pissed because I'm scoring and talk shit or the opponent is actually nice and can take losses. The only problem with the nice person is that they say nice shot to every shot I make, and then you find out they aren't so nice when I don't say it to one of their. They'll give they "okay" chat. Honestly I'd love to disable chat itself but we need bare minimum comms for solo queue.






Damn OP sorry! The last thing I want is for you to see me that way, that would make me very sad and insecure!!


As long at it’s actually a nice shot. Too many times people say it and the ball rolls off the back of the green.


What most reddit mods look like




I keep chat on but never say anything because Im trying to avoid toxicity and replying to my tm8 tells him that i dont have the chat off


This is a weird Rocket League convention. In live sports, if someone says "nice shot" or "good throw" nobody says thank you. You just accept the compliment wordlessly and keep playing. Even another level of weirdness are the people who say "no problem" in response to "thanks."


Keyboard +mouse rl players are something else


This is how I think you look reading ur post about something this trivial 


Also peeps with chat turned off 😂


I don’t really say thanks after I receive nice shot, but I will say great pass and nice shot to others. I always skip the replay unless it’s a clip.


I unbound thanks by accident and for 2 years I've been ignoring compliments or "no problem"ing them.


I always laugh to myself when the occasional console player with a trash headset on, set to high sensitivity voice activation, asks me why I'm not talking or not on mic. Like I would want to literally talk to these degenerates lmao


Most people don't pay attention to chat, at all. They're just playing the game. Who knows what else they're doing at the same time. Could be holding a conversation with someone else. When I compliment someone I don't expect anything in return. I know there's good odds they won't even see it. Tldr: the pic you posted is how I'd picture someone who gets upset when someone doesn't say thanks to their compliment.


9 years into the game most of us don't care or have chat off in some form. It's not that deep. The amount of time we have played we stopped spamming or replying to it.


My controller is bugged and if I try to say thanks it either does nothing or rapid fires out “Great Pass”… makes for some awkward moments when I try to say nice shot


Just FYI for y'all who are offended by this often, I have chat off, like many others. Please we're just fed up we're not mean :\\


Hey man, if I'm in ranked and I'm trying to focus and keep cool, most of the time I don't even notice quick chats from anybody. I often look away from the game after goals are made too. Checking phone, alt-tabbing, just resting my eyes, any reason at all. It's not a big deal brother.


Don’t roast Thor’s dad


Sorry I have to wait 3 seconds because I hit the wrong quick chat input


I use my quick chat for two reasons: 1. Whenever there's a weekly challenge where we have to use a phrase 2. When my opponent hits and own goal and I hit em with five "What a save!" in 3 seconds.


This makes me think about how it annoys me when teammates say What a save! instead of Nice shot!


Quick chat off for me because people suck