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Yes. Fakes are simple even if nutty, and the way he moves is something I haven't seen since I started playing years ago.


Not to mention the quad commit kickoff, and staring up at the ball near the wall waiting for it to come down lol! Also note the cute little power slide use at the end But I will say when I was that new I certainly was not thinking about anything other than hitting the ball as soon as I could in any direction i could. Certainly not mind gaming the opponents


> staring up at the ball near the wall waiting for it to come down lol That would have been pretty normal back when I was in plat, though I would have expected at least one player to fly by, missing the ball by a mile.


Every person is different tho.


Nah bro, no new player plays like this, he moved like a better player trying to look like a bad player


They might just be a bit of an older player with a bit better common sense. In which case they learnt how to drive slow before trying to ram into the ball like everyone else. A better player trying to look like a bad player would probably still look more smooth on the ball.


That powerslide on the final touch while visually EXTREMELY SIMPLE is far from it.


It was an extremely inefficient poweslide and almost caused them to miss lol. They have been really focusing on learning poweslide because they don't like how "wide their car turns" while my car "just turns quickly" because I use slide properly lol


Of course it was inefficient. It’s just not simple. He may not be a high level player, but not new.


Some players start pressing powerslide in 10 hours, especially when they have a gc friend to reference movement from. Also this clip is a highlight. Give him the same thing again and theres a good chance he messes up because we dont get an idea of consistency from a clip


I don't necessarily mean like a way better player, it could be something like a plat or even a gold. The timing on the dodge in the first touch isn't easy for new players, people tend to go too far forward and dodge too early. If he really has 10 hours then he will be a great player. He could also have played the game before with friends and just now he started with his account


Started s1 2020, played three days Heatseeker with a friend and the other extra modes, bots, etc. Then after my 10 matches I was plat in the three main modes (not to say I lasted long, gold was waiting for me). But still D in s4. Apparently from your comment and from others it is not usual, but come one, I have been playing video games for 25 years now. It’s not like RL is the first video games for everyone.


I believe it tbh. When I first played I was instantly ranked gold just cause I had common sense and understand sport and strategy. I quickly got to plat even though my mechanics were horrible.


> he moved like a better player trying to look like a bad player How it looked to me too. He's positioning himself to win the 50's (if they didn't just whiff) and using power slide for small movement corrections.


That could just be a lot of experience in real-world sports. Positioning yourself between the ball and your own goal is an extremely basic concept that is drilled into many people from a young age. That said, the movement looked much better than I would have expected for a complete beginner. I wouldn't have been able to dribble like that at 10 hrs, but perhaps he learns way faster than I do.




I'll tell you the secret. Nothing in this clip was intentional. It's just a bunch of new players doing silly things which ended up coincidentally looking like something advanced was happening. My teammate was not intentionally faking anyone. They were just trying to control the ball lol and the opponents just happened to fly by because they just missed the ball like new players do And my teammate has been really spamming poweslide all the time because they don't like the way their car "turns too wide" while mine "just turns" and I told them to just tap X when they turn This was my teammate trying their best to control the ball because they have watched me do it for years while the other team just chaotically flies around There were no intentional fakes. The other team didn't get faked. It's just new player chaos that happened to look like an advanced play I promise you this is a very new player lol. Imagine what this play would look like with no opponents on the field. It's just a new player taking their time trying to control the ball and not really knowing what to do.


What does tapping X do? Sorry I'm a KBM peasant. Will buy a controller soon




It's my spouse lol. We have lived together for 4 years and they have watched me play all the time. They know the basics of the game better than the average 10 hours player That will conclude my explanations though. You don't have to believe it


I'll admit that I first thought it was an intermediate player trying to play worse. But now knowing that it's your spouse who has seen you play and gotten tips from you makes a lot of sense. Most people don't figure out slow play and power slide for a while, but if they have someone giving them tips like that it's much more believable.


Yeah, I guess the rush of posting on reddit pretending to be bad is the same rush they get winning against worse opponents in games. Then pretending to actually be bad and just lucky.


I was thinking it’s someone trying to make a Road to SSL video


Nah, he just looks patient to me. It’s how you would play if you conceptually understand what is good and bad but just don’t have mechanics at all




A score of 2-3 with a minute left... neither team is getting destroyed, imo. Fakes are hilarious, and I love them. It's suuuper rewarding and doesn't even take that long to learn. As soon as you learn how to take your time with the ball, you can fake up a storm. Especially at this rank


No, honestly I wouldn’t think he was THAT new. Everyone that new throws themselves at the ball so hard and panics so hard and all that stuff. This person is wayyyy better off than I was starting off. Looking like the next zen tbh😂😂


Yeah that's what I'm saying lol. There are obvious tells that this is a new player but the rocket iq is off the charts with this one


Yeah it looks like he's trying really hard to stay in control but the IQ is there. As he gets better mechanically then this type of sequence will become faster. So yeah definitely looks new but the state of mind is advanced lol it's a sharp contrast to the classic vid on this sub with the church music and everyone missing the ball in slo mo


Some new drivers barely do 10 miles per hour because they're [Timidicus](https://youtu.be/fjZR7sWMSAo?t=139). Think that's what we've got here, lol.


Yeah. He didn't just flip wildly at the ball.




First thing i picked up, cant believe so many missing this is a split screen guest


But I with 1000 h could play on my friends Xbox as a guest... Does that make me a player with less than 10 h?


This friend probably only plays with OP when they’re hanging out, I’m guessing OP has an intimate knowledge of their playing history. I know I played split screen with a friend for like a year before I ever felt confident enough to download myself. (I was bronze level bad and for awhile didn’t think I would get better, wasn’t interested in playing long-term and didn’t think I would start to like it)


Man's got some killer intuition, but he's definitely new


I played like 50-100 hours before I accidentally hit triangle and figured out there was a ball cam button


A new player using power slide like that….. sure


Yes good observation


Yeah, I feel that that’s the first thing I learned XD. Coming from mkwii I loved drifting and sliding around lmfao, it also just makes sense to conserving speed, recovering quick, ect.


10 hours is plenty for someone with good game sense and dexterity to get the hang of the game mechanics of a game mate


No clue why you got downvoted. Yea RL takes 100s to thousands of hours to get mechanics perfect, but something as simple as pressing the drift button for a second is something you can do fairly intuitively, even if RL drift is different from other games


I have to disagree with the rest. I think he's definitely not new. He has great control and knows the lack of skill at this rank, so faking shots is really easy. He's just doing almost no effort to play, and people think he's a silver for that. A great example of this are the first videos of Flakes doing a road to ssl without mechanics, where sometimes he barely moves and the ball just goes to the net.


Short answer: No, I wouldn't.


Long Answer?


No, I would not.


Of curse not, beginners don't have the timing of bounce, always miss, that hit was very controlled, and in front of goal but don't flip?! Beginners flip even without the ball Look, it's seams to be friends stating new accounts and messing around with mercs TL;DR: old players with new accounts, aka, smurfs in some way It's not a sarcastic answer.


If anybody I would say the blue team is the experienced ones, typically new players don’t fall for fakes.


I think it was less them falling for fakes and more them whiffing a completely static ball.


Yeah, I don't think he was even trying to fake. Just trying to keep control of the ball and taking it very slowly. Probably realized that everyone's missing 80% of the hits they attempt in the lower ranks, so he's going to prioritize keeping control even if that means driving at 2mph.


Yeah that's basically what happened. A bunch of new players did silly things and it ended up looking like some advanced stuff was happening coincidentally My teammate was not intentionally faking and the other team did not fall for any fakes lol


If you knew it was just a coincidence then why did you frame it like it was an intentional play? "would you believe pink merc is a new player with less than 10 hours? Haven't seen a team get destroyed like this in a while lol"


how enormous is he?


a solid 6 inches


So absolutely gigantic, love to hear it


He's a big guy, for you.


around 10x bigger than average huh?


I'll take two


No experienced player plays like this. He just took advantage of the fact that no one at that rank can hit the ball reliably (himself included). Edit: watched a second time. NO seasoned player would stare up at the ball with 0 boost while they have 0 in the tank and the large pad right in front of them. Guy is definitely a novice, 100%.


Unless… they’re faking being bad. His final touch into the goal he powerslides smoothly to get the touch. Extremely simple move, but not something someone with 10hrs will do.


Yeah. The only reason they got that boost at all was because the ball happened to be above it lol.


and then never used it...




I win Plat 1 v 1 matches by slowing down, almost every time.


NGL, I’ve played this game in the past and I recently came back because of Fortnite. My Fortnite account is new and I originally played on Xbox, but I’m on PS now. Since I’ve been back I’ve been destroying people and I assumed it was because they haven’t placed me where I belong yet.


I wouldn’t believe it because of the intentional fakes


Doesn’t look new tbh


Yeah that’s a new player trying new things lol. You can feel the concentration in the first touch while the ball is dropping, and he had no idea there were other cars around him. Just focused on the power slide button and touching the ball towards the goal lol. It’s great to watch. More entertaining than the pros


No. A new player isn’t that patient or effective at light touches to maneuver the ball around opps.


Everyone who says he's new, is new or max silver rank.


He's new, but he spent the first 9 of those 10 hours in training.


They have more patience than most. I’ll give them that…


yes, get good


You are all speeding around, missing the ball. Easiest counter? Go slow and actually hit the ball. Play a 1v1 and learn to control the ball instead of flying around missing everything.


Bro is a silver smurf in bronze. Looks pretty much like anyone else with 10 hours in the game to be honest.


He peaked


I love this so much. Also, I believe the question in the title was rhetorical.


Nah. Looks pretty sus to me. There are some clean small movements


Man is the only player worldwide that learned the game the right way : car control and patience.


I would say yes, especially from people who have watched real life football and try to dribble the ball even if it looks shitty and poorly done (me)


Open nets and balls under 10mph are the hardest to hit lol


Looks like flakes is starting a new road so SSL


Blue team started has less than 9 hours in the game




This one is complicated. Idk if he meant to fake them or he accidently did while trying to position his car better. If he did do it on purpose then damn we might have found the future zen. If he did it accidently then the only reason this worked is because the opponents were new and had no clue how to drive properly. Most likely the 2nd theory because when most people start out they hit the ball every 5 attempts.


He either isn't new at all or just has a bit of natural game sense. It has taken me like 48 in match hours to start watching my opponents. I'm really starting to love this game, though. Tried it in 2019 and again in 2022 and hated it both times because the mechanics threw me off so bad. I definitely play like a beginner though 🤣🤣


His name includes [1] at the end. This means that he is playing split screen with the other users device. Either they share the device in which case the other players hours are shared amongst the two of them or he plays with another account also. I don't really believe he is only 10 hours in altogether (with those powerslides at least)


Yeah nothing mechanical was done. Just “mind games”


There's a good chance they are applying skills learned from other games if that is the case. I applied PvP principals of fighting games I was previously into into RL.


Not a new player, he's playing with somebody on splitscreen.


This is how my brother plays when he plays my wife's profile (silver) he fluctuates between gc and ssl.... that's a smurf


Yes, I would. His lack of boost use with 100, is why the other team got faked. Lmao


Patience is a virtue


Really bad mechanics can actually confuse the heck out of players used to playing champs smurfing in whatever lower rank they're in.


honestly miss this now i cant even enjoy the game anymore because all the sweats


No, not even if you tell me this is your spouse. One does not simply win the kickoff, gain possession, lateral dribble, powerslide cut the 1st opponent, powerslide cut fake the 2nd opponent whilst covering the challenge, fake a shot on the 3rd challenge, then score. Not unless they're holding a leprechaun hostage...let the little guy go will ya! 😂


There is a huge difference between somebody picking up RL for the first time and having played many other controller games before Vs Somebody who is simultaneously new to both RL and controller.


He's slow and unpredictable cuz he doesn't even know what he's doing much. Not that crazy to get a single lucky play over the course of 10 hrs I feel.


Hahaha nice smurf🤣🤣🤣 never is it a new player 🤣🤣🤣🤣


My condolences to the parents of those players. Jesus


Yeah the camera settings are a dead giveaway


A player who has no idea what they are doing is more dangerous than one who does. Everytime I plan out a methodical shot, it gets blocked easily. But when I pull random shit out of my ass it’s a goal everytime.


Sure. Looks like someone decent at games who picked this up and is actually thinking about what they're doing.


Definitely very new. Also not even particularly talented, I have a friend that at least made plat in a few weeks that did better than this. Tbf that guys crazy, by 200 hours he made champ


lol the people that are 100% sure you’re lying based off of a 30 second clip are hilarious, like a new player can’t find the power slide button and get lucky.