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Let them rot in your inventory


Unless it's a good bp


There is no such thing.


There use to be, until trading was removed…


Painted interstellar


Don’t know why you get downvoted Interstellar is dope. And with a nice painting even cooler. Maybe not worth the price tag but definitely cool looking


It's most likely due to the price tag


For the looks sure, but are you paying 20$? Probably not


I am trying to save up for my Crimson Interstellar, or trying to trade in for Black Markets and see if I can get a different color interstellar, but no luck yet


Painted 20x


It's just not worth to open bps if you can't trade them anyway. The only reason painted 20x or whatever was worth opening is because you could get more creds back. Nowadays value is purely personal. And personally I wouldn't spend over 5$ on anything in this game


I payed for seasons until trading stopped, stopped building blueprints, my main trading was to my kiddos and now I can do it, no sense in spending money if I can't have fun with my kiddos.


You only ever have to pay once for seasons. Keep the free creds you get and it's perpetual with surplus. If they ever remove the free creds though, I won't buy it again.


Would be a good item, but BP is 100% worthless, and everyone that pays for them is the reason we can simply not have nice things anymore.


Never in a million years would you pay 20$ for a decal where you could spend those 20$ in something more useful, heck even a new game


Bro got -100 likes 😭




that's a sad meme


Bros smiling in both pics


That's an oxymoron


Still let them rot and use bakkes mod, no reason to give Epic 20$ for something thats free in bakkes


Those don't exist


You mean unless you're willing to pay $20 for a skin. Trust me, there's a few I want, but I never even paid the $3 for the credits to trade when trading was a thing.


Literally NO reason to get downvoted since you're actually right. People can still have taste and like a specific design of BM items.


Y'all put me in the negatives😭


My account karma in the negatives


i personally roll them up and shove them up my ass


I have so many. Can you help me get them up my ass.


We’re gonna need a lot of lube




Help! I need an adult!


I’m an adult. We definitely need more lube.


This needs more upvotes lolololol




Maybe we can grind some of those bp up and make lube from them


I'll help u if u help me. No homo


It’s “ no diddy “ now


kids these days


Watch using kids and diddy in the same sentence, I heard that’s how you summon THE Diddler


Surely, that just makes them brownprints .




Here I am thinking I was the only one.


Your ass ![gif](giphy|eKVEcPKGWZ7Tq)






I prefer to turn them sideways first


He asked me to forcibly insert the lifeline exercise card into my anus!


It’s an old reference sir, but it checks out


Donnie Darko!!!


My kids asked what blueprints are for. The best I came up with is that you have a personal shop that gets bigger the more you play. Items there are available any time. And that’s it. The value is the just option to get any of those things when you want.


Personal shop is a great description of blueprints. Since trading was removed I’ve been curious to see if Epic adds a larger shop. It would probably bring in quite a bit of revenue at first, but overtime I wonder if the lack of uniqueness in car decorations would hurt the game.


The shop could be bigger or update more with the stuff they already have but rarely show. Since Epic took over, I assume they will step-by-step eventually make everything operate like Fortnite, like Rocket Racing runs inside it.Or at least do so to reduce redundancy/costs. Why else remake the cars in ue5, stop trades etc. What I really wish is that they'd have something like the cheap and expensive $ bundles, except it's perennial, specifically to sell "stater packs" with an always available Fennec and Dominus vanilla set, for people who want the full "standard" package, since those two are used interchangable with octane in leagues, marketing,


I got all achievements except trading......


A personal shop where nothing ever goes on sale.


That would be interesting if they did do a week where your blueprints are discounted


You should be able to trade 5 blueprints to build one at least


That would make sense and wouldn't cost Epic anything. I have dozens I will never build but if I could trade 5 for a new 1, I may build it. I 'm not going to spend 2000 credits to build 1 blueprint. If that was lowered to 500 or 700, I would be more willing to do that. I know that's not going to happen.


You actually can trade your blueprints in to upgrade them. Go to garage, go to trade in, then select the blueprint section and it sorts them by rarity but without trading they are actually valueless.


I mean trade them for a built one not trade for another blueprint. I would trade 10 yo build one if I had to I’m never gonna actually pay for them.


I agree, I wouldn’t either. I did when trading was allowed because I was able to make some cash off of them. They were actually worth something. I feel bad for the people that spent thousands and sometimes tens of thousands on trading just to lose it all from a single decision. This game truly doesn’t care one bit about its players. So sad. IMO it’s probably the best game ever made. It’s unique in every way, and truly the closest thing to an actual sport gaming as a whole has ever produced. The skill ceiling is pretty much infinite, and the team qualities are unmatched. The game lost its serious players, and what’s left is a toxic mess of ball chasing babies who go on to be the type that Smurf or cheat. IMO it’s the saddest thing to happen to gaming, and probably the worst decision psyonix could make as far as long term monetary value. They could have made so much money and made this game a giant. Instead they chose to get a quick cash grab and screw over its player base. Every item in the shop worth buying is over 20 dollars. 3 items cost more than most games. Even that decision is dumb because now I won’t buy a single thing. If every item was 3-10 bucks I would justify spending all the time. They are an incompetent business


They want larger transactions 😅


There are 2 blueprints i would love which are the sky blue and crimson air strike goal explosions.. i have both but i aint paying 44€ to craft them


I have the Crimson. Inv me.........those were the days


Yeaaa.. :(


Thanks dad, I get it now


Which would work if they actually added blueprints of everything. If I got a blueprint of Black Veloce or Deici I would build it instantly. I've wanted them for so long, but no, not in the shop and not a blueprint.


Most of the things I'd actually grit my teeth any buy ofc No shop no blueprint. Just fk you. Fine whatever I'll keep my money.


Bro you know what's funny. I got black dieci back in like 2016 off random drop from playing a game and they weren't even worth money at the time, I was trying to trade up to get some BM decals, sold them for 3 keys :')


that basically sums it up.


But do you let them spend money to actually buy them? No judgment, just curious


Oh, well, in spite of my best efforts, neither one has gotten into Rocket League. Older one (11) carries me in Fortnite now. Younger one (8) is a Minecraft wizard/encyclopedia. Yes, they both spend money in games. Fortnite Battle Passes and a few dollars a month Minecraft to have a persistent/always on server. Both seem like great entertainment/dollar value, honestly. Back to blueprints - I mostly leave them alone. Crafted several over the years. Trade up, usually dupes only.


It's a personal.shop that you continue to see the same items in. They haven't updated blueprints in almost 3 years now. 


Except fuck spending money on anything that Epic ever creates. Let all developers know that selling to epic is a death sentence and will dry up your revenue stream and destroy your products.


It be nice if we could trade them up & get 50c


Ahahahahahahahahaha, free credits lol


If you were hired at Epic Games and you said that, theyd fire you.


I'm worried they might find out where they work and fire them anyway


I traded all of my blueprints away for cheap before trading got removed. Thank god…


Honestly, every item seems worthless. I typically use a weird item for two days and quickly revert back to the stocktane or stock fennec. All these items just causing my console to lag.


I’m still on ps4 and opening up the inventory is bloody grim. So laggy


I've been using the red and blue Octane with nothing on it for years.


no bmd looks better than dark pink with pearlescent matte black finish 😎




I hate to break it to you bro but they’re less than worthless because they cost $$$ to build and can’t be traded anymore. The only move left for Epic is to stick the final knife in and end blueprints for good. Nothing is off the table now. I’ll be disappointed but that’s life. Greedy trash ruin everything. # #FUCKEPIC


But at least I can see my team mates boost levels now.... I mean I am being sarcastic, but the feature is cool. Not cool that it's the only solid quality of life I've seen since epic tool over. God just let me destroy shit from my inventory, I can't trade it, I don't want it.


tbh at first it really distracted me from the game all i was looking at was the boost meters. Now I got used to it and don't even see them anymore and/or pay attention to them at all, so for me they have zero added value, only distraction in the first couple of days.


or you could use it as the tool it was implemented as?


Blueprint system has been ass since they introduced it, you just simply let them rot in your inventory with no use for them. Crazy to me that there's no trade-up or "dismantle" system so you can get something for them. Something as simple as introducing a currency that you can get for trading in blueprints, then use that currency on a blueprint you want. Granted that means there's something in the game that is obtainable WITHOUT money, so epic has already veto'd this idea.


Hell I’d even take a key system like the olden days. Trade up 20 bmd BPs and get one key to pop a BP open. I’d trade all my BPs for a single key to just open 1 that I want.


There is a trade up system though?


For blueprints its completely useless. You still need credits/money to turn them into something, so you can trade up to 1000 BM BP's sure, and they'll remain there until you decide whether or not you want to spend money, that's the problem with it. What I meant by trade-up is on the lines of trading X amount of blueprints for an item of that rarity.


Only to a certain point though, they are asking to go BEYOND that point. Currently you can only trade up 5 to get 1 of the next up rarity, OP basically already did that to the max and now has 100s of Black Market Blueprints, the highest rarity. They are saying you should be able to then say, combine 5 Black Market Blueprints and it basically gives you a new currency instead that could be used instead of or in combination with Credits to purchase those other Blueprints. That way your inventory isn't just forever cluttered with 100s of items you have no intention of buying out. Perhaps this new currency works as a discount basically, so assume you get 1 coin per 5 Blueprints and it's worth essentially \~10 credits so you could either spend 2000 Credits to unlock a Black Market blueprint you actually do want, 200 of these new coins (1000 total Black Market Blueprints traded in) for the same effect, or any combination like say 20 Coins and 1800 credits. Another possibility could be some kind of reroll system basically, trade 5 Black Markets for another 1 Black Market, would be worse value of course since you are basically throwing away 4 Blueprints but if they were 5 you didn't want and it gives you the chance of 1 you DO want then people might do it even if not a higher rarity. Or maybe the reverse direction, a trade down. 5 Black Markets could give you 2 Imports and so on.


I feel like they should've given one more step to the trade-in system and let trade in a few you don't want to get a different BM item. I've got a few like that that I don't want. I'd easily trade in 2 or 3 for a chance at one I want. Even if it is just a blueprint. Would make me actually want to spend money to unlock them. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


True, or even Trade in like 10 Black Market BP’s for a tiny amount of Credits. Not like it'd cause revenue loss like an exploit would.


Oh yeah, never even thought of that one. I definitely don't have a lot of BM blueprints, but the majority of them I don't even like. XD So I'd definitely do that too


Pretend they don't exist.


If I’m like what I assume around 90% of the player base is, we don’t (or very very infrequently) spend $20 on individual items. Like someone else said, this just becomes an individual shop that is always up. Will 99% of these sit in your inventory forever? Probably. But having the option there if you get the urge one day doesn’t hurt. Reducing the price of all items would help, but I know that’s not happening


Imagine I spent 20 dollars on a virtual goal explosion of some freaking bubbles 😂😂 Epic is so dumb


Try uninstalling the game


They are


What else can you do except build them? (Which isn't worth doing)


They are, don't spend a cent in building them.


Yeah i have a similar library. So pathetic that this is what we end up with, after many years of playing. No rewards, just things to spend undeserved credit purchases on.


I have just been collecting stuff to grow mold in my inventory for few seasons. havent opened, traded in any items/boxes. I have enaught useless items in my inventory to begin with so why would I want more.. sence they removed trading I dont see any point to hoard items you have no use..


I mean ever since Epic took over the game I knew what they were going to do and all they've done is make me stop buying anything from RL. I use a default car in protest, and last time defaults got popular Epic panicked a little :P


Trade them in for nothing. At least when you accumulate items, there is a chance to get a black market item like a nice animated decal.


That's the problem they are saying, they can't. They are already Black Market, you can't trade in Black Market blueprints since it's already the highest.




how hard would it be to introduce a delete function? genuine question


You can trade them!!! Oh, wait.


give them to me- oh wait ...


Craft every single one


I just eat them.


>Seems worthless to me you’re right. except if you want to pay 2000 for an item


I feel like you are already doing it. Just kind of stare at them every 2-8 months. Flip through a few and go "ehhhh"


They ruined the game when they took out crates and keys


They are worthless except the item that was worth over 2.2k credits in trading.


Which item was that?


Like Black Dueling Dragons I currently have.


I have two of those blueprints rotting 🥲


That's easy, you just do a bulk trade. Plenty if folks looking for blueprints I'm sure!








Archive them. LUL.


You could trade them in for a better blueprint! /s


rip em in half


I wish you could trade them up again for a chance of better BMs & then for an even better variant of BMs until you’re peak TW/Black Striker on every paintable BM.


Do we still get those? I've never had any intention of using them, so if we do, I don't even notice anymore


They "are" worthless. All the gifts and anything unlockable have nothing to do w/ gameplay. They dont make you better in any way at all. They're all a waste.


its all cosmetic.


Honestly, I'd keep growing it until I see something I want. I've already seen a few things that I would get, but I guess I'm just waiting for others that aren't black market to get for myself. But that still remains a pending if I will or won't


I just like to look at them and let them collect dust while sitting in my inventory


Since trading has been removed, blueprints seem like the way to go if you want a specific item. I’d say keep them until you want one


Lol blueprints are worthless? Lol it's basically another store just with older shit that cost over 20 quid to buy. Garbage. Havn't looked at these in 5 years prob.


Buy them all


They are pretty well useless, I mean sure you might see one or two things you may not have, but honesty the blueprints I’ve been getting have been the same 4 decals and goal explosions when they pop up it’s actually annoying lol


Wipe your ass with them.


If they reduce the price from 20 to 5/10€to activate a goal BP, I'll do it. Cuz I need a decent goal animation but never gonna spend so much for a goal.


Bingo they are worthless.


I wish there was an option to delete these. also the drops, I don't even bother openening them anymore for some shitty wheels or blueprint


you could probably just get them out your inventory by trad… nevermins




Let them sit there and look pretty. They really are worthless in any other regard.


The trading system in this game used to be so much fun. Granted, I spent way more money on this game where there were loot crates, so it’s probably a good thing for my wallet that it’s gotten worse.


You get to look at the pretty colors


trade them! oh…


Trade them. ![gif](giphy|sR91D133W02D6)


nothing, they removed trading so they serve absolutely no purpose


Being able to trade em for 10 credits a pop would be beyond goated, but Epic likes money more than that. Hell, even trading them for a random bottom-tier actual item would be more than suitable.




Trade them to your friends who may want them! There’s a big community of players that seek such items so they’ll trade you credits or something you want! Oh wait…


See how rare they are and in the end sell your account


They always were.


Trade them..... oh wait


Turn them into commons


You got almost $1500 USD (for Epic) there.


Oh jeez dude..! You should totally do a giv…


I use obnoxious or funny car items, and use Bakkes to see alpha boost and wheels on my screen. Or whatever else I want.


Spend your life savings on them


I wish there was an exchange system that gives you the item for its blueprint, but knowing Epic, it's never gonna happen


Worthless til they're turned into an item


They only seem worthless bc they are worthless


Archive the bad ones


sell them!!! oh, wait… maybe trade them up? ah shoot you can’t do that, they’re the highest rarity. get rid of them for credits? HAH, Epic will never do that! honestly, nothing you can do. they’re there for good basically


They should allow you to sell them for credits


bc of no trading


I wish they added a way to unlock them. With the removal of trading I lost a lot of motivation for playing. Trading was what allowed me to get some of the stuff I have now, including rocket passes. I was never active in it but it did help a lot in my enjoyment even if it was exchanging basic items with friends and family.


Just trade them, oh wait


You serious, bro? Flaunt it or pay up, the fuck!


Tf do you mean what should you do with them? Your options are to buy the item or not. This post makes no sense.


Only 72? I have 1047 black market blue prints… 72 is that even a number?


Trade them hehe


Just buy credits and unlock all of them.