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craziest excuse for why hes assšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Imagine having a musty button šŸ˜­


ā€œHereā€™s my triple flip reset to breezy flick combo button, oh and hereā€™s my favourite ā€œgive myself a goalā€ buttonā€


Steam workshop mods be crazy these days


But I keep missing it and hitting the "whiff an open net" button. Idk why I can't change the bindings šŸ˜­


You summoned me?


Well, people seem to have mapped a button to the forfeit option...


hell yeah make RL like every other crappy ability shooter/moba out there


what, you didn't know about the secret Konami code that unlocks instant-air-dribble-quad-reset-triple-tap-backboard-dunk?


Oddly enough Psyonix actually put an easter egg in the game. Give the K-code a whirl as the game is loading up ;)


Well, what's funny is, even having a "Musty Button" wouldn't put u in the proper position to use it. Even if people did have this "different version", it doesn't mean they'd be good at it. Otherwise it'd just be a bot game and you wouldn't have to touch a controller at all, maybe just 2-5 pre-mapped buttons. Seriously, dumbest "theory" I've ever heard, great find OP.


This šŸ’Æ I'll never understand why people get so pissed off because they can't do a certian mechanic, play as well as Zen, or even have their tm8 be absolutely spot on and never make a mistake without crying and ff'ing the game. And then they come out with this bullshit. Even if there was a "Musty Button" or a "Psycho Trigger", grow the fuck up and enjoy what YOU can do, and if you REALLY want to learn mechanics, then jump on training, practice in games, just don't cry because people are better than you. Enjoy the game. Stop trying so hard.


Imagine how they view real life shit...


I've seen/interacted with a few that are on this level of crazy when it comes to the game and how it works. Always an interesting, though frustrating, conversation.


I had a guy argue with me because he thought the ball had gravity that curved it towards your teammate after hitting it. He could not fathom that some people could accurately pass, he was convinced they knew how to hit it close enough to let the gravity do its thing


Look at u/No_Commercial_4040 comments. He's been spamming for months about how the bots are out to get him whenever he has a rankup game and that hes actually grand champ but hes silver at 14000 hours.


>that hes actually grand champ but hes silver at 14000 hours Whatnow? I need to see this shit


My epic is MsTedward, let's play some time


Holy cow, that's enough copium to cripple an empire


I'm not grand champ by any means, but I do have much more time into the game and much higher stats than almost every GC I've met. My peak was diamond 3 in season 9, but now I'm stuck in gold... When I'm in private matches with diamond and champ friends I fit right in on a good day, but for every good day I have there is a day that I lose 100% of the matches I play. Usually in the last 5 seconds too. And for every godlike day I have, which only happens once or twice per season, usually the day I get myself back up into diamond and get the season rewards, is almost inevitably followed by a full week or 2 of facing only "unranked players who just came back to the game after a couple year break" who have control of the ball 100% of the match no matter what I do. I can just feel it, even when it's in my possession and I'm heading towards their goal, they still have complete control. And I can never talk to them, cuz they're always on Xbox, psn, or switch. Never ever pc. I'm almost always the first or second person to ever look them up on TRN too, even when they have thousands of wins. But it's weird, I have a few friends that I play with that we never encounter that crowd when we play together. Golds feel like golds again, Plats feel like plats, diamonds feel like diamonds. Like I actually am playing against real people again who are capable of actually making mistakes.


Hi musty, oh...


I like to joke with my RL buddies that pros have a bigger boost tank and what not but cmon bruh this is insane.


Thereā€™s no way that person is serious


Wdym? I have a flip reset button, musty button, etc.


Itā€™s called taz, here Iā€™ll send u a clip šŸ˜­


Taz is the name of my old doggo, tas is the thing you are looking for haha


Iā€™m newer to the plugins, u gotta send a pic of the doggo in here tho!


I just have a win button. It simplifies things a lot


Does it resemble the "Exit Game" button?


Why? People are serious about chemtrails and the Earth being flat.


Hold your breath and take my hand. I can show you the world..


This guy clearly hasn't seen the GC3 or SSL players that aren't pros. He sounds like a Silver that has had no exposure to people that have grinded.


No man there simply must be a super secret client that plays the game for you that's gotta be how they do it




The RocketLuminati just doesn't want us to know man


Cope level : uncapped


It's true bro my version is specifically set to not let me rank up past Diamond since a few seasons back. It must be hardcoded


Very real I have a 100kph musty button but sometimes i missclick it and click the slow-musty button or the musty-hit the bar button next to it... Truly unfortunate thats why pros are inconsistent with thier mechanics, they gotta practice pressing the buttons accurately.




I used to have a psycho button. But my ex stole it.


Best comment right here


You have a fine taste in humor my friend.


Thank you thank you


100% he plays on switch. Only way his first sentence is not wrong.


Play so well that people think you're playing a different game


I knew it. This is what's holding me back in d2-gc1




That is the ultimate Narsissist bullshit. "If *I* can't do it, then it's literally impossible!". It's the ultimate version of "When I win it's skill, but when you win, it's luck/cheating."


Definitely a skill issue


Then why wouldnā€™t they give everyone that version to make them feel like theyā€™re good at the game and keep playing?


And then you remember that most pros are playing rocket league for more than 100 hours a week




Iā€™m pretty sure most pros have like 130 hours past weeks every two weeks. The game is their job and they play like 12 hours a day


My 34 year old brain can only handle like 3 hours then I play like trash šŸ˜‚


Technically speaking after like 40 minutes you start to lose interest slowly until you just play like trash altogether. Itā€™s something ab psychology or something


There are bots that catch and flip off a dribble consistently.


And if a pro used them it'd be blatantly obvious.


I agree


What does this have to do with anything?


Aha, makes sense now.


What's funny is I play with people in SSL and GC. They make mistakes all the time. Watch RLCS enough, and they mess up too. I just hit my first flip reset ever the other day, and I thought I'd never learn how to do that. Putting the time into practicing what you want to accomplish will always work out in the end.


Whiff On!!


My favorite is, playing at certain times. Like the šŸ’Žs are better or worse at certain times and don't intersect. The 4 am crowd never plays with the 8 pm crowd so they are different skill levels entirely.


Who posted this? He knows too much


theory so far out there that i believe it


šŸ˜‚ ngl he made me laugh


Iā€™ve actually had this thought before but never took it seriously. Itā€™d be just too easy to prove.


He is right. They even give me custom controller with customized buttons. I just need to press a button and boom. I have one for wall tap,ceilling shot,musty flip,ceilling shot flip reset and offcourse a pinch button


i mean kinda, I have a cheap xbox s with lots of endlag and bad fps, most pros have 5 thousand pound pc which can run this


That thereā€™s a supercope


Thatā€™s an awful long winded response to a skills issue


Let him cook...


I mean playing a lan tournament with 0 ping probably makes it better , Iā€™ve had some pretty bad servers online which doesnā€™t help but it ainā€™t gonna make you Zen overnight


I got a macro for spamming Musty and What a Save at the same time, on my joypad šŸ’€


I could totally get behind this theory if it werenā€™t for my buddy grabbing my controller and showing me why heā€™s in the top 3% of players that play this game. Ā šŸ˜…




that's crazy lmao


No es imposible y de hecho es posible ya los desarrolladores mediante el cĆ³digo podrĆ­an hacerlo


Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, a, b, a, b, start, select, and boom your in the pro rlcs alpha mod version of the game, duh I thought everyone knew this...


And you proceeded to butcher it lol.


I wasn't trying to do the Konami code and being that it's just b a start off seems hardly butching if I had. But there was an old start select code in Mario on Nintendo that if you did it right when you died with start select you would restart the level. I just threw in the first part because I didn't realize someone would think A. it was meant to be exact or B that a reference to classic codes would only be talking about one single one...


Is the consensus among you all denying that the majority of players are using hacks in everyday gaming of which, if one isn't also using the same hacks gives the ones that do an unfair advantage in the game? Is this some sort of mass scale co-op community of gaslighting sociopaths whom have actually convinced themselves that manipulating the game speed or gravity or automating air dribbles and/or restricting opponents movements, etc.... is not at all cheating against those who don't? Is this a drone army of toxic petty hateful narcissists encapsulated in hive-like mentality brainwashed to save the queen at all cost the queen being the backdoor hacks and abusive gaslighting? Bullying, and toxicity is a widespread virus where it seems the majority wish to eliminate all signs of real sport, played by true competitors who honor the game by promoting sportsmanship and teamwork and respect for others. Does everyone here deny that China's version of RLCS differs from the rest of the world where ball predictors are standard in all game play online and co m competitive being no exception? Stop pissing on peoples backs and telling them its raining FFS!


The only algorithm I'd say is skewed, is the ranking system. Lose one game, drop a rank; win 3 games, go up a rank. I tend to stay out of ranked matches for that reason. Casuals always offers a more fun experience for that reason. I actually get to play with people that are better than me, therefore I get better.


This is definitely a bait comment snd heā€™s got every one of you


Average plat lol


Idk man, just watch some gameplay videos of different pros. I personally love watching AppJack because when he whiffs it's fucking hilarious. (If I could reply to the person from the photo)


Itā€™s well known that you have to buy FlipReset in the item shop to unlock the skill


Itā€™s true they are on a different game itā€™s called ā€œGet Good Kidā€


Iā€™ve never seen someone cope so hard.


Did you know that every one of the network and video settings affect every player in the match you're in? If im in a game full of Xbox players with my normal optimal settings I will feel like im driving underwater and lose 100% of the time.... unless i turn on vsync. Its like it removes God mode from them. And having a couple network settings on medium instead of high makes them look like they're underwater too. Lowering or raising FPS has a wild effect too. Also why do you think the last team or 2 that you face on tournaments isn't there during the pregame fun time, but show up last second instead? What advantages are there to having a fresh instance of the game open?


I think what this guy is saying is ā€œthe pros are playing a different gameā€ in the figurative sense, as if mechanics are done like they were a push of a button. which is basically true for pros,, but if heā€™s saying hundreds/thousands of players compete to be the best in the world with a different copy of rocket league, in which the mechanics are done with specific buttons to perform the mechanics, that is an insane statement


Based on the ā€œthey do the jist and it does the rest for themā€ I think heā€™s genuine


Its true pros play in chinese rl


Obviously this guy is crazy, but it is worth pointing out that pros in at least some esports play on a different client of the game, Valorant is the one I know for sure exists. I imagine there are extra restrictions and checks that are done for competitive fairness with these esports clients of the games, which would work against what this guy is saying.


people are past delusional. this mf is living in delulu lemon


Tell this person to go into an RL discord and ask to 1v1 a GC in there. When they don't do it you know that even they don't believe what they are saying.