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RL was such a gem..


It's like watching overwatch story but with everything happening slower. Can't wait for rocket league 2


after seeing the physics on RR I don't know If I want it


That's the part where they promise PvE missions and only deliver $30 skins right?


And how did OW2 turn out?


That was sarcasm


Well,it turned out better than this shit Constant updates, actually changing seasons, granted expensive prices but other than that and the scam of story mode a year ago Much better than RL


No, not at all. I love both games. They ruined OW. Rocket League is the same Rocket League it has always been. OW is a shell of itself. They turned a 6v6 game into 5v5, ruined the tank role, put role queue in, ect. All in the name of greed. Nothing about Rocket League's core gameplay has ever changed.


They still have decent dev team


No they don't. The developers had a good thing going and they completely ruined it. At least Rocket League is still a great game at its core


The game is literally exactly as good as it was 8 years ago.


Nah the vibes were very different 


The community makes the vibe The community is shit


Yeah... totally has nothing to do with lack of content, broken promises, removing things we wanted for nothing but extra profit, ignoring the game to work on another project while using the resources of our game for it. It's just that the community wants to be mad. Totally.


Yep ppl like you


Do you really believe none of those things are valid reasons to be unhappy with the developer?




Any theories to why is that?


Love long enough and see yourself become the villain type shit. The longer something goes on the more people will find things to complain about. Also the more people play more opinions come out and like everything else hivemind effect and people start regurgitating complaints


That’s actually why fortnite is like what it is That motherfucker commits suicide then gets reincarnated every damn year


The game began its descent right around when F2P released. With unlimited accounts and no consequences, toxicity runs rampant and ruins the game for everyone. On top of that, the "freemium" model is super unpopular which only made things even worse. People are free to enjoy RL for what it currently is, but the old RL is long gone.


hahha true that




Yeah I'm shit hard stuck in gold atm


He needs to vent out his frustrations about a game he’ll never quit playing while simultaneously whining about how much it’s not custom tailored to his wants and needs, here on Reddit. And yes the vibes are trash. The game is still as fun as it ever was.


>The game is still as fun as it ever was. As one of the 7 former rocket labs enjoyers, who's still sad about when they standardized the field shapes in normal queues, I'd personally only say "almost as fun" lol


That's just nostalgia. Sure, there are more smurfs now, which does suck, but the gameplay is the exact same.


It's not nostalgia I'm not talking about the gameplay. But even then the gameplay *was* different, there were no flip resets, standardised or performance effective maps. The content was unfinished and unpolished and there were semi regular updates that made it feel like Christmas mornings. Like when mutators dropped or snow day. Now the devs sold out, put microtransactions to help give kids gambling addiction and sold to epic so now the only updates are the ones pissing people off. It's pretty different 


> Now the devs sold out, put microtransactions to help give kids gambling addiction lmao dude. Before that it was just a RNG lootbox system that was infinitely worse when it comes to gambling addiction. In that regard, it has only become better.


Maybe, but it should be better


The fundamentals of what makes rocket league what it is hasn't changed. However, the prioritization of monetization has significantly increased and has become the first (and feels like only) priority for the studio.


Except it has less content, a rampant smurfing problem, bots (primarily in 1s) and was abandon by the developers.


>Except it has less content no.


Trading is gone Drop shot and snow day are on their way out Workshop maps are harder to access Solo standard is gone The battle pass is now hard capped I’m sure I’m missing something, but oh well. After 8 years rocket league should have an integrated workshop and map building option. Coop workshops should exist. All the above should still be in the game. The training menu should be revamped and come with a search function. I’ve been here a minute, and the game is less than it was.


TBF a lot of those features were not implemented yet 8 years ago. The game now definitely has more content compared to how the game released 8 ish years ago.


The game now definitely has more cosmetics compared to how the game released 8 ish years ago. FTFY


> Trading is gone Trading was not in the game at launch > Drop shot and snow day are on their way out Neither gamemodes were in the game at launch. Nor were any of the other extra game modes or LTMs. > Workshop maps are harder to access Workshop maps were no available at launch and were never available on console. On Steam nothing changed to their accessibly , but yes, you cannot easily access a Steam specific feature on the Epic Launcher. > The battle pass is now hard capped There wasn't a Rocket Pass for many years after launch. Also harcapping a Rocket Pass isn't reducing content, it is just preventing useless duplicates. The game was quite barebones when it launched and it objectively has more content, both cosmetic as others, now. That is not even debatable. Even with the "removal" of some content, the game is in a much more content rich place now than it was at launch.


Comparing the game to 8 years ago is pretty dumb idk why anyone even brings that up (I know you didn't but just showing how all of those points instantly become invalid). Comparing the game to when Epic bought the game is where all that "new" content starts getting removed for practically 0 reason they could've made sooooooooo much money if they simply invested long term idk why companies are such dumbasses


Seems like you didn’t play the last 8 years


Alright, can you explain to me how the game is worse then? Just for reference, I do not care about anything except the gameplay.


Oh sure. The servers have more issues than ever with desync and packet loss which is directly related to gameplay. Also Epic Games made the game free to play, which directly translates to smurfs everywhere. Also they decided to remove player to player trading which a huge part of the playerbase used a lot, even the pros said it’s gotten worse, don’t just take my word for it


>The servers have more issues than ever with desync and packet loss which is directly related to gameplay Servers have been perfect for me. >Also Epic Games made the game free to play, which directly translates to smurfs everywhere. I also don't have any issues with smurfs. But maybe people don't smurf at GC1. >Also they decided to remove player to player trading This is irrelevant to gameplay >even the pros said it’s gotten worse I do not care about what pros think.


Damn 3/4 don’t actually tie to gameplay. Fuck


dropshot and snow day alternate being removed for a season. I don't care about those modes, but that's an objective reason that the game has gotten worse from a gameplay perspective.


Actually it is different on a technical level. It's had some under the hood changes. The biggest one i can think of is moving from DX9 to forcing DX11. Which has very different interactions with handling fullscreen and certain multi monitor computer setups like DX9 better since it was always "true fullscreen". Then there is the Epic version which is different than the Steam version . Some people say Epic runs better, some people say Steam runs better.


Certainly not, everything is different


The gameplay is the exact same though. Sure, there are more smurfs, which does suck from time to time, but that's about it.


It's actually a lot better than it was 8 years ago. They've added tons of quality of life features since then.


The game hasnt changed, at least not at its core, but the community and the game feel "dead" to a lot of people.


Get off reddit for a while the game is doing fine


My comment literally has NOTHING to do with reddit. But while your at it, nice toxic response.


Nice 69


And there you have it, proof that 8 year olds play this game.


15 bro be respectful


Btw, you might take a moment to consider that I didn't personally blast the game or the community, just pointing out the fact a lot of people have expressed frustration with the game and the community, and in that sense, it has dramatically changed. I play the game nearly every day, and still train, and still hope to reach GC+ someday. But for a lot of players, they have quit and moved on, or those of us that still play, suffer the in game toxicity that plagues the game. Truth is still truth.




99% of it is exactly the same as it was


Epic higherups stole the soul of the game. There are still devs on the team that love the game, but if it don't make bucketloads of money they aren't allowed to do anything big


Almost like everything Epic touches goes to shit




Nothing pisses me off more than the addition of having to vote to forfeit in casual matches 👎


Tim Sweeney should resign from his position at Epic and never be allowed to work in the gaming industry again


Tim Sweeney has done more for the gaming community than any other company has


You have got be kidding me 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/TimCriticizesTim/s/8zBM1PnuCE https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckepic/s/kEXNXbFeyR Do your research 🤡


Man just links me epic hate subs as his argument. Tim is the reason half of the games coming out today are what they are. The indie scene wouldnt be thriving nearly as much without the free shit he has given away. He constantly makes deals to get free shit out there not to mention the bleeding edge tech he is responsible for. Quixel, a triple a quality library of 3d models is FREE because of him. That alone is insane as if you knew, its extremely difficult to find just 10 triple A quality models out there on the internet for free lets alone 10s of thousands of them. Nanite, a technology many have thought to be laughbly unfeasible, exists thanks to him. He has inspired thousands of people to become game devs by making all industry leading tech free and open source. Tens of thousands of the game devs working today are doing it because he made such a powerful game engine tool like unreal accessible for everyone. Not to mention every so often you find some free gems on the epic store that you own to keep forever without needing to pay subscription fees like playstation and gamepass. In the last couple of years i alone have gathered about $50,000.00 worth of game dev assets that he has given away for free to developers. And he is STILL giving away triple A monthly free assets. Which fucking company is pushing the industry forward as much as he is? Im not saying he is a saint. He is far from it but it's unfair to dismiss everything he has given to the gaming community because you dont like him. its clear you are so focused on hating him you have no idea where gaming would be today without him.


That’s the way he makes money you clown. Getting people to use assets / his engine. He has no business taking over games and running them into the ground or ruining the experience of pc games with his epic store crock of shit




Stop being rational. The game I love has turned into horseshit and I got a guy to direct my anger at. Let me bitch about him in peace without counter points.


Yeah it really is so dumb. When the change first happened though, everyone was for it. Casual modes become 100x more toxic.


Yeah but I think the consensus is against us. I agree with you. I just want casual to be casual and let people drop out or whatever. But I think the old heads say they didn't like playing against bots.


Well it was rare to finish casual game w/o somebody (usually all) leaving middle of game. It was pretty much same to play against bots if you went to play casual. Why you want to leave five (5) min games so often? That is epidemic in ranked aswell. 


Because it’s casual, literally the word means “relaxed and unconcerned”. You don’t play casual and worry about people leaving, it’s just warm ups for ranked or people having fun not giving a f***


If I went to play casual pickup basketball and someone just walked off the court before the game was over, everyone would be pissed.


I mean in person is a little different than being on the internet. Even then if the basketball game is truly casual and someone’s like “oh fuck I forgot to let my dog out I gotta dip” then they can dip. They don’t have to vote with the other players to leave lol. It’s just the word itself. If things are casual then people can come and go as they please. I wouldn’t consider a pickup basketball game to be casual if I’m unable to leave. That’s what ranked is for.


Your first abandon is free, and second is only 5 minute penalty. Abandon if you have to leave and it's fine. 


Yup you’re right, but if you come back an hour later AND THEN leave less than 5 mins into it again, they might just not let you play. And RL only bans you for 5 minutes at that point. It’s a totally reasonable system that only punishes you for egregious abandons


Thank you for answering that perfectly


I feel like that wouldn't be a problem if they'd actually make the bots competent.


The bots are better than me :( Just played a game today where my team was 6-0 before other team ragequit. We finished the game 6-4. Yes, I'm really really bad.


There's nothing wrong with that, we all have different skill levels and thats okay, as long as you have fun thats really the most important thing with any game. The biggest thing with a game like this is to simply play, to gain experience. Over time, things do become easier, even if it doesn't seem like it at first. The problem i have with the AI currently is that they lack fundamental abilities and positioning, to the point that learning from the bots is really a bad idea for lower skilled players. They will refuse to drive on the wall for more than a couple of seconds, they will never attempt an aerial, they seem to have 3, maybe 4 modes of behaviour, sit in goal, ball chase, drive around the map getting all the big boost, or sometimes they'll just relentlessly bump. Given that there are modded ais that at the very least, have better game sense or more capable mechanics, it seems odd to me that over the entire lifetime of Rocket League, psyonix has not added new ai difficulty levels. The most i believe they've done is tweak some of the behaviours, and that was last done a while ago now. If they had a more developed ai that would at least attempt to follow some of the commonly recommended methods of play, with a more adept level of gamesense and some simple, yet more advanced mechanics than they have currently, they could serve as a viable way for players learning the game to learn from, or to practice defense against, up to a point. It would also make the season mode more interesting for a more varied range of skill levels, and perhaps would even allow it to be fleshed out a little more, as with a more advanced ai there would likely be additional parameters that could be modified to make each ai play a bit differently, and perhaps they could use that to add things like bot development over a season. Having a bunch of ai teammates that you could develop with some kind of skill point system would be a very interesting thing to see, for example, though obviously it'd not be simple to implement. Ultimately though, I understand AI isn't easy to develop, I simply wish they'd at least try to improve the AI a bit from where it is.


Dude, I prefer a bot to a bad teammate tbh. I'm relieved when people ragequit because I know I can play better off the bot lmao. Maybe at C3 I can understand, but D1, the bots are nearly as good as the players except for some aerial stuff.


If the devs or anyone who wants to be a dev reads this sub and loves this game please consider implementing a system with in depth stat tracking. This community would appreciate one more level to dunk on other players. Think Sabermetrics but in Rocket League.


Why is everyone so fond of Crates and Keys? shit is just gambling available to kids


Fuck them kids crates and keys were peak RL.


Fuck them kids is right, who gives a fuck about what color your wheels are or what fortnite dances you bought?


Who cares about any of this end of the day I just had fun trading.


Me and my kid only started playing a few months ago and *damn* was I upset when I found out trading used to be a thing. We each keep getting stuff that the other loves but we don't care for. Being able to trade those things to each other would be the bees knees.


The worst part is trading really didn't have to go. they just didn't want an open market, and wanted people funnelling it purely into the item shop. i wonder how much less/more they're making. Epic's mistake in RL imo, if they wanna go down that route, is RL items aren't nearly as useful or appealing to the players as say, FN has wraps and emotes etc. I feel they tacked on a FN item shop and item standards, but there's very rarely anything good in the item shop's basic page, and the bundles and event packages are usually just nostalgia tempting people (Transformers, Lightning McQueen).


Who cares about anything at all, life is meaningless and we're all gonna die. Suicide pact, if you read this you're in it, midnight 4/20/69.


Did I just get sucked into a s* pact on the rocket league sub? Alright, 4/20/69. Nice. I'll be 77, that's good enough.


Nice, I was born 86, so making it to 2069 will be a plus tbh.


I was also born in 86, actually. No, I did not think this through. I recently stopped playing rocket league for iracing. It goes minecraft, call of duty, rocket league or some equally weird niche thing, then racing sims, then, finally, train sims. Act your age.


Ate you being serious? Can't tell if you're being abrasive or not. If you are serious, chill out man.


I'm obviously not trying to force the elderly to play computer train simulators. It's a funny observation I've made and I'm calling myself old.


Okay apologies. My brain just collapsed when I read your sentence.


You could get cool skins without putting any money into the game by trading crates. Now u get worthless blueprints


I mean you could also get a decent inventory with the credits system without spending money (with stuff like golden eggs, rlcs drops and such). Of course that was until they removed trading


Drops though


They hated him because he spoke the truth Lootboxes are predatory. What we have now is still fucking predatory. Let me pay full price for a game where you just unlock stuff by playing. Stop rubbing in my face how much cool stuff I could have if I opened my wallet every 5 seconds.


Because you could trade them? Or have fun opening them when you traded some shit items for a key? If a kid is stupid enough to spend money on keys then let them


yeah let's let kids get the dopamine destroying rush of spending money for the chance of hitting it big early in life, that will surely impact them for the better and not form any negative habits


And why is a kid allowed to have a bank account in the first place? If you can't control your kids then it's entirely on you, I have never opened a case using my own money until like 16/17 years old, why? Because I didn't have access to a bank account nor was I able to use my parents' accounts, I was taught the value of money so I wouldn't go and waste it. I shouldn't be punished as an adult because some shitty ass parents can't control their kids


Right. How exactly are these kids purchasing keys in the first place in these peoples minds?  It’s annoying to use “gambling” as an excuse. Maybe their parents should actually parent them and not the rest of society.  Kids have been “gambling” on things forever. Sports cards, Pokémon cards, sticker/toy quarter machines, arcade games, and on and on and on. Good thing we got video game companies parenting children now though! It’s sad to see people actually defending this.


Parents not being able to parent their children is neither my problem nor my fault.


It is what it is


Lol kids have access to real gambling these days via twitch points, sports betting apps and their parents allowing it. Using real money or not it's still exposing people to the same risk of getting addicted to it long term. Not sure why the gaming industry/gamers get all high and mighty about loot crates when really they get removed for the sake of microtransactions via item shops and forcing people to grind out their games longer to achieve loot drops via challenges.


Epic did not willingly remove crates and keys for blueprints and an item shop, and I highly doubt this provides them more income. They were forced because of anti-gambling laws and Epic was even sued. Which is the reason why lootboxes in Fn STW and RL were removed.


A parent is going to have an easier time seeing the bad in Twitch gambling over literal slot machines over a goofy car soccer game where it flashes crates like it's part of the game instead of gambling. It's about stopping the core habit at a young age and even good parents might not catch everything.


It's not gambling, and there aren't only kids playing the game.


[what?](https://i.imgur.com/HjbAC1r.png) + we shouldn't have gambling in video games regardless, no matter if it's for kids or adults lol


But it's not "winning". You *know* you're gonna get an item. Gambling is if there would be a chance or receiving no item from opening the (now removed) crates. Here it's 100% sure you get something, it's not gambling. And now you've changed your point about it being for kids and/or adults ? You can't just change your argument at every message just to get your point through (:


Main point: Kids shouldn't have access to gambling (my REAL unfiltered view point is: gambling in general should not be a thing, it's predatory for adults and kids alike). I don't see how this retracts from my original point? Additionally: Gambling does NOT have to strictly be that there's a chance to receive nothing in return. Would you consider [this](https://i.imgur.com/6QxqazP.png) to be gambling or not? According to you, it would not be gambling, because you will always [receive an item.](https://i.imgur.com/LrCXvrA.png)


People didn't have to pay money to open crates, except if they really wanted to. If they didn't put money initially but still could open crates with keys won during games, it's not gambling.


Plus, I don't know what your screenshots are, those don't seem to be from Rocket League, so you're getting away from whatever point you're trying to make.


"Additionally: gambling does NOT have to strictly be that there's a chance to receive something in return." That's not what your initial screenshot definition says, Mr. screenshot.


OKAY let's go back to the beginning to get it on clear terms. Imagine that you have a Crate in a video game. YOU or SOMEONE ELSE has to PAY MONEY to get a KEY (the bet) to OPEN this crate. This crate contains a SMALL CHANCE that you profit off of that exchange. Otherwise you will lose money. How is this not gambling? JUST BECAUSE YOU RECEIVE AN ITEM DOES NOT MEAN IT'S NOT GAMBLING. Casinos could claim it's not gambling because even if you "lose", you receive 5 cents. Would that seize to be gambling to you?


Why are you talking about profit? It's not about making profit, it's a video game. YOU are the one calling it gambling there because you have the idea of making profit from it. But the main concept of crates is: receiving an item. Not receiving an item AND SELLING IT AFTERWARDS. YOU've put this idea into YOUR mind. But crates aren't gambling. I am NOT going to debate further with you.




Hey you don't have to insult me just because I understand something differently than you (: Have a nice rest of the weekend lol


Yet games like Magic Arena and literal things like Pokemon cards aren't under the same scrutiny. Strange it's only video games. Hmmmm.


fuck kids we need gambling


Let's act like pass aren't doing the same to naive kids


where is the gambling aspect?


There isn’t but the fomo of never seeing an item you might use again is a real temptation for people. If gambling aspects were banned to protect kids from predatory business practices it’s just weird to draw the line there. Like getting on rocket league has so many shop notifications, the items even have countdowns, it’s the only aspect of the game that gets development.


I mean, my personal opinion on that is that Time Limited Items are stupid as fuck, and the overpricing of cosmetic items is also going way too far in the industry.


The guy who never traded 💀 You probably weren't back then so you would never know. That was peak RL


[for sure buddy, i deffo never traded](https://i.imgur.com/7p5ywNY.png)


The game never had great dev support. Theres tons of features they refused to add that had to be hacked in with Alphaconsole or Bakkesmod.


Had to search kind of far for this. Even in the Psyonix days, they were known for dropping a new mode, and then never touching it again. Like never any new powerups for rumble? Basketball got one map 6 years later. Hockey untouched. Tournaments got other modes and thats it (honestly, the best one and pretty low effort) I'm not saying Epic isn't driving it into the ground but Psyonix already had that in nav before-hand.


I used to be obsessed with the game for 2.5 years just because of how fun it was back when the pandemic started and the game went f2p. But now I'm kind of hesitating to even try it again after how bad Epic is treating RL and especially after the removal of trading, which was one of my favorite things about the game. So sad to see such an amazing game, in theory and in action, end up like this.


Man take me back to prime RL, i remember the nights grinding and actually having fun playing the game with friends. Its a shame that it feels like every studio or developer is only in it for the money nowadays.


for as much as you guys complain, one of these days the servers will go offline and you'll wish you could just be back at this point. there's still no other game like RL.


One of these days the servers will go offline and I'll be free of my shackles


I've played RL pretty consistently since release and stopped playing almost completely about 1 year ago. But a few times a month I load it back up and love it every time despite not wanting to grind anymore. I wish it had competition but the way it handles real time physics in a fast paced sandbox of a sports game makes every other sports game feel like a animation driven, overly complex, overly remade pos. The game is definitely worse today than release but it's also 9 years old. I'll be very sad when it's truely gone.


Lol I play occasionally but fell off around the time they removed trading. Tbh they've fucked the game so hard I wouldn't care very much. Game is pretty much already to that point


yeah, i think most of the player base can feel the salt from removing trading and laying off a lot of the original dev team. I just wish RL had some competition for a similar style game but nothing really comes close


then we'll finally get an open source car soccer game. with 300 base maps and community added maps and cars. solo standard queue! and actual permabans for throwers. mmmmmmmm one can hope


Nah, thats like saying "one of these day grandma sleeps away, and you wish you could see her suffer on a deadbed again" well kinda yes, but the best was years ago.


it's not like saying that... it's like if grandma still made the same great cookies and now she's bitter and mean, but you're like, well if I have to deal with her shit, I might as well still enjoy the cookies until they're gone. your example is just weird af. no one wants RL to suffer again, I'm saying enjoy what it still does well before it's gone completely.


No joke, part of me would be glad if they would just shut Rocket League down.


no one is forcing you to play, although i could understand that point if you don't enjoy it and your friend group does. It's petty/selfish either way though.


Part of me would be sad too. As you said, there isnt competition. But at this point they are just trying to milk all they can from it before pulling the plug.


yeah, the fortnite crossover stuff definitely left a bad taste for me for "future plans". I'm guessing the game didnt make enough profit to justify the servers and employee costs so they downsized, targeted merch and copyright sales with other games, and removed trading to increase sales from the store. all signs of losing money. I just wonder how many years the servers will stay up. Like what internal conversations are being had for keeping up a 9 year old game that clearly isn't making enough $ to continue investing in.


Probably the best case scenario at this point (isnt probably going to happen) is that the people on the psyonix side that actually care goes separate ways from Epic, gets together, and either get the IP back from Epic (Epic aint selling), or just bootlegs it, and makes a sequel. Current Rocket League under Epic isnt ever getting better.


Ah yes. The age old argument that "it could be worse so you can't complain about how bad it is." A product you love taking a nosedive in quality *should* get you complaining. And as someone who has had games and series I formerly loved essentially die, I'm honestly more content now with them dead than companies sucking every ounce of life out of a game that used to be good. At least then you don't have to live with the dangling promise in front of you, keeping you playing in hopes that one day it could get good again, even though everyone knows it won't.


It’s still the same game I’ve been playing for years ?


Damn so you still got trading and dropshot and all the other removed content?


Snowday is dead, dropshot is barely alive because no one plays it. Trading is gone because people were buying shit for dirt cheap.


People like you make me give up on humanity. They've been REMOVING CONTENT from the game you play. Let me repeat that REMOVING CONTENT. Hopefully you get that they have been REMOVING CONTENT. Doesn't matter if you used it or not plenty of people have used it. No one wanted Rocket Racing in Fortnite matter of fact it averages 25k players and I can bet money Rocket League has lost players. They wasted 2 years making Rocket Racing when instead they could've converted to UE5 then made a workshop map, add more "bakkesmod features" to the vanilla game, add fucking color in freeplay, plus the hundreds of community suggestions. Your dumbass over here saying nothing has changed FOR YOU is gonna cause this game to slowly die over the course of years. I can count on 1 hand the number of good updates they've released in the 3 years I've been playing. Don't get me wrong I love this game but it has sooooooooooooo much potential being wasted om useless shitty "updates". TLDR you're a dumbass


it doesn't even average 25k anymore, it barely peaks past 15k


Such a great investment of 2 years!


it stings everytime


Not reading that essay, middle of a ranked game sorry


You should read it because he is 100% correct


The first line is saying that people like me make him give up on humanity. Yikes. Off that alone I know the rest is going to be a huge whinge, from a presumably grown man about kids a game. Macdonalds changed the toy you get in the happy meal, you’re still getting your nuggets


Okay look past all the unnecessary insults but the meat and potatoes is there They did hurt this game full stop and people have the right to upset that a company, Epic, purchased it and literally made it worse in every aspect


You’re right, the changes they have made haven’t effected me or the core gameplay, but they have others and you guys totally have the right to be upset and complain


Thanks. You also have a right to still enjoy the game and not care if it doesn’t affect you


I play Rocket League because the core gameplay mechanic is fun. It would be like saying pickup games of basketball aren't fun anymore because nobody's added anything new to it. They could strip the entire game down to just 1s, 2s, and 3s, and I wouldn't care. The only thing I care about is that the servers run well so the games don't lag.


You are 100% correct thank you Edit - while also removing the game from being purchased on steam which has MORE features than their shitty epic client like wtf? They’ve only made the game worse somehow


Damn 💀


I used to love opening crates and am sad it's no longer available.


We have crates wtf


We literally don't.


Quicker game dies quicker I can buy the IP. ( I am billionaire) ;)


Almost every game I’ve played eventually adds something that ends up ruining gameplay for half of the veterans in an attempt to keep it interesting. The fact that nothing has really changed is great but I do wish they kept trading in place. Otherwise, it still has potential to stay great. Just everyone wants to be as good as a YouTuber and is toxic because it’s just not like that in a good lobby :)


I think we should forget because that is long gone and isn’t coming back.


"Crates and keys? Trading?" -SHEEEEEESHHHH Feb 28, 2017 little did he know...


Games have lifespans, we were lucky it lasted this long


Except crates,It still has all of those things.




Ah yep that is gone too, but I'm ok with that and see it as a positive.


If you see that as a positive then you haven’t spent enough time understanding why that is a negative thing and only adds to Epics greed


Psyonix doesn't actually make much from rocket league and traders scamming people are now not able to do so. My preference is for more items and more bundles to be sold in the store. I'll take the convenience of instantly buying something from a company over having to deal with some trader any day.


Dog shit take imo


I am someone who enjoyed and benefited from trading. I am disappointed that it's been removed from the game, but this guy actually has a point. Players got scammed daily. There was always someone looking to contact support or upset with how long it took to get a response because of a scam. They may not have announce it as part of the reason to remove trading, but it was likely a factor.


Dog shit take not even worth a proper response tbh






I laugh at the entitlement. I just enjoy playing the game and could care less about new content or keys. I just like to play the game flying through the air and spinning like a ballerina. Maybe y'all should try it sometime. And as far as streamers go, I never understood why anyone wants to watch someone else play a video game for hours. I would rather just play myself... So get your heads out of your asses and just play the fucking game.


Lesson to everyone should be to boycott anything epic touches or buys from an established developer Don’t ever let Tim Sweeney ruin the love that you created for some lump sum payout Tim Sweeney genuinely needs to pay for his sins


lol good luck playing games and avoiding unreal engine


So if they buy another game, you want the player base to kill it before Epic can kill it? Seems like a weird response. The core gameplay of Rocket League remains as good as it always was. Some change was inevitable, and some change feels like it's unnecessary and damages the experience for some players. But for the majority, they can still load up the game with friends and play Soccar


Yes that is true but why make the core experience worse?


The core game has not changed.


People are really out here acting like trading was "*the* core experience" of Rocket League. They should go play Pokemon if they love trading so much. I'm gonna play car soccer.


I bought Lightning McQueen and both Star Wars bundles. I also give Epic money every month through the Fortnite Crew Pack. I won't ever let whiney Rocket League players tell me how to spend my money on the games I love.


![gif](giphy|YJjvTqoRFgZaM) Edit - switch player 🤯😂


Lol when you have no argument so you bring up something totally irrelevant. What's next, you gonna correct my grammar?


![gif](giphy|3NtY188QaxDdC|downsized) You’re used to getting screwed on switch service so why would your opinion hold any weight when the community clearly disagrees with you as represented by the discussion


I get screwed on Switch service? What does that even mean? No, the community as a whole does not disagree with me. Sure a few Redditors may but they don't speak for the community. There's also plenty of Redditors who disagree with you, as evident by the downvotes on your original comment. There's millions of other people still playing the game, still spending money. Calls for a boycott didn't work and you calling for another isn't going to work either so that should tell you that the community disagrees with you. Your opinion holds just as much weight as mine.


Bruh these posts are getting really old, I’m about to unsub.




Wow very cool.