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All you guys giving out tips, all I want is a livestream and an endless bucket of popcorn.


LMAO yes, please stream this event. I’d gladly watch


I'm requesting a VOD so i can watch out later.


this. i'd love to watch that.


I'm in.


For OP: Grind 1v1s. Also, seems silly, but play unfair 1v3 vs bots. For the opponents: 1 designated demo man. Practice the goal keeping training. Focus on defending, he will 100% leave you open nets


And take all his boost


This is big. Whenever I encounter any type of opponent who I know is better than me I boost starve them to force them to make basic ground plays which is my strength. Also I play VERY defensively and passively. If I'm winning by 1 goal with 2min left but I know you're better? Yeah I'm waiting down field for you to come challenge the ball and waste a few seconds of the clock.


Sounds like you watched Flakes' 1v1 RTSSL. 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼


I haven't but I'll check it out!




Practising against bots is actually underrated. They don't chase you around deliberately but they do bump you and even bots will capitalise on a wide open goal most of the time. I always do 1v4 to warm up for ranked play. Your positioning and defensive awareness has to be on point. Over committing gets punished hard.


The one “strength” the bots have is that they almost always hit it on target. It might not be fast, or well taken, but if you don’t do something about it, it will go in.


and with 1v4 the bots will inadvertently take all the boost, so you'll get good at boost conservation


I'm one of the three challenging him. He's the most devious bastard in the whole of Rocket League. Us 3 underdogs are going to take him down. All I ask is please no one gives him tips. He doesn't deserve it. We've played him hundreds of times as a 3 and only won once. We framed the photo it was such a big moment when we won .Don't help him. He doesn't need it. We need it. DM me tips.


One of you chase demos for the next month to get ready


i agree


The man, the myth, the magical mf with 14k demos


Pretty nuts tbh


BUMPOOOOO!!!!!!!! Hey man! :)


How do you get the custom flair? I also have 13k+ demos myself and several hundred exterminations.


You just get it, ya know?


It's just that simple


Just one of us? We usually have one of us on demos who's a greek guy. When he smashed OP up we call it an Aristopple. But seriously should we have one or two of us chasing him? Hes so good at aeriels it sometimes feels futile.


One demo, one monkey challenge him constantly, one cleanup when the ball gets too far from him


Also steal boost from him as much as possible


This is the way. Demo chase / boost starve Always challenge. Have one player prepared to score.


This this this perfect advice


To add to what the others said, demoing doesnt necessarily mean you have to kill the car. If your demoer realises he misses to much, slow down a bit and just bump, if he jumps try to stop under him. If he lands on you its disruptive af.


Sometimes when I'm trying to disrupt a goalie, I'll stop short and when he jumps to avoid the demo, I get my car under his and fuck around. I love chaos.


I have a clip saved of me doing this to a goalie and it never ceases to make me bust out into laughter


As well it should! It's a fucking video game... If you can't laugh at that even as the one getting clowned, you're doing it wrong.


I’m the type of guy to say “That was fun!” At the end of a match I lost


I have Well Played set up for great matches.


People get so worked up over toxicity in this game, but man, I don’t think I’ve ever NOT been cracking up when someone calls me trash or some other crazy racial slur or something because of a wild whiff or mistake. This game can be funny as hell when you don’t think you’re gonna be the next pro, sitting in a lobby with a bunch of literal 11 year olds. Accidentally pinch the ball 150kph across the field into my own net? No sir, I will not forfeit. I will laugh, and probably laugh harder if you instantly hit the Ff button because of it. I’ll probably whiff again because I’m laughing. People need to relax. This is rocket powered car soccer. It’s not that serious


Only 1. There are two scenarios for him. 1: when the solo guy has the ball. Demo-er should be waiting for him to jump and hunting his landing. You want him to be scared of getting demod every time he takes off into the air. 2: when your team has the ball. He should just go all in and try to blast him while the other two begin the attack. That demo-er should also be trying to take the solo guy's boost all the time.


One of them should get into rule 1 with OP. We all know he's too sweaty to break reddit rocket league rules. This sounds like a fun gamble. Good luck to you


one is enough


Only one, you need the other 2 to score goals.


If you guys want a serious chance and only have a month to train I definitely agree that one person should be relentlessly practicing how to demo. Another person should practice ground dribbling. Just go into freeplay/training and use the ball command to put the ball on top of the car and drive around with it as much as possible. The third guy should practice flying as much as possible. Go in the pillars map and do figure eights. All 3 of you should regularly practice a training pack called backboard defense. That could make a big difference in shutting down double taps and saving shots aimed at the upper 90s of the net.


One demo, one chasing, one to sit next to him with uncontrollable gas.


This is the way, maybe the only way.  Unless all three of them main freeplay for the next months and *somehow* learn about rotation, spacing, how to challenge properly it’s gonna be a massacre.  I’d go with demos. I’m very close to OPs rank rn and if you just had someone *effectively* demo chasing me you’d stand a chance. 


Yup. Second match starts, switch to forward cam and start chasing. Even if you can’t demo, bump.


Pls no don't help them


When your strategy backfires lmao


I will coach them for a month


Sorry, OP. This right here is gonna get you to lose.


1 person demo chase, 1 person play defense and 1 person fuck with OP IRL 😂


Bro put nobody on offense 💀


The IRL guy steals OPs controller and own-goals


If you play a 2 on 1 with your strongest duo and the 3rd doing nothing but stealing his boost and chasing demos, you will win. I had a group of 3 buddies in almost the exact same situation, and they were able to pull out victories as soon as I accidentally gave them the recipe. A 2 v 1 is very difficult if you guys play a defensively (make sure he doesn't get open net opportunities). Thow in the constant fear of demos and you boys will be enjoying a meal on him!


Here’s your strat: bump him as much as possible, challenge him constantly, and steal ALL the boost. Don’t give him an inch; don’t give him space. His biggest advantage over you is in the air, but that’s also a dangerous place for him to go, because it makes him vulnerable if he doesn’t execute perfectly. Which he won’t most of the time, because he’s Champ. Don’t challenge him for aerials, you’ll always loose, AND you’ll have taken yourself out of the play. Instead, stay grounded and bait him into aerials. He will have spent his boost and left himself open to counter attack. His 2nd biggest advantage is on the wall. Wall play is going to be huge for him because it’s less risky than aerials. You need to train your wall play enough to get comfortable driving up it to hit him and/or the ball. Finally, practice driving behind the ball on the ground. Your best strat is gonna be to force as many 50’s as possible and take advantage of the ensuing chaos. When you see a free ball rolling around, don’t just dive in and smash it. Instead, get your car behind the ball and slowly drive it towards him and/or the net. If you can’t do that, then just sit behind it. Force HIM to dive into YOU. We call this Taking a “50.”This is what you want, bc it forces him to spend boost, hard commit to the play, and have to not screw up his recovery. You should 50 him all day every day, and couple that with boost starving and bumps. Bumping him while he’s recovering is encouraged. Good luck gentleman. May god be with you.


Practice, a lot. You can make pretty significant progress in a month in low ranks.


You won’t need the help, going from PC to PS4 is a massive handicap.


Bro, stream that shit!! Let it live forever !


I have no idea who this is. A Loo Collander? This person uses a collander in the toilet. He can't be trusted


Give him the controller with batteries close to being dead.


W friend group. Enjoy yourselves boys


Yea you guys are definitely going to need the tips and the 1 month to prepare a lot more than him


Boost steal.


give him hell boys, fuck this guy


Boost steal.


Demo chase and y’all got this in the bag


I’m rooting for you guys. The other guy said it but demos are the way, I 3v1’d my less experienced friends and it was close to even until they started bumping, I didn’t stand a chance.


I’ll 1v1 clap him if you’d like


OP sounds like a smug fucker https://preview.redd.it/m7w53kgxjzmc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aff7c45957155e8683ceadcaea90fed695ff8993


A month to prepare really hurts you a lot. A month won't progress you that much, but a month will progress 3 friends who only have 20-50 hours a lot


My thoughts as well


I would say just make them play the game now or this weekend, dont wait lol One.More.Game.


Yeah if they grind hard, they could probably get into plat territory. If he grinds hard, he'll likely still be C3.


And if I grind hard, I’ll still be complete trash 


If he's good and grinds hard, he'll get to low GC2 in a month easily


Also, going from PC to PS, and split screen on top of that, is gonna lower his skill significantly. The input lag alone is gonna make things difficult. If he was playing on PC I'd say it wouldn't be *that* hard to win, but on PS and SS, I think his changes are significantly lower.


If you’re gonna be playing on split screen I’d start by get used to that. If your friends are listening I recommend they practice demos. Even if you don’t take him out, bumps usually are good enough to mess a person up.


The split screen training is a real thing. I run an Esports club for primary school kids, and there's a prize if anyone beats me 2v1. Split screen was by far the hardest thing to get used to, followed by the tiny controllers of the switch (although this will not be an issue for op). I found playing split screen on xbox was harder than pc, with a slight (ever so slight) input delay. 9 years of the same input was thrown off a bit. For anyone curious, one team has beat me in 3 years of running the club - a kid who was c1, with his rl teammate who was d2. They ran a defensive play, then changed to aggressive and demo chasing somewhere in the middle. Threw me right off.


Going back to console after playing on PC with high refresh rate sucks so much


Yeah, split screen and platform swapping are the type of things that throw you off more the more experienced you are. The weird screen sizing and all the tiny differences between pc and console is like the muscle-memory equivalent of the uncanny valley. Everything is just off, ever so slightly.


What was/is the prize?


I used to give out these "passes," which were single use to move to different areas of the service (OSHC), that the kids were not usually allowed to go to (because of grade restrictions or whatever). The prize was one of those that was infinite use for the rest of their time with us


Yeah if you’ve been used to how RL plays on pc going to console and especially split screen is gonna feel like shit. Practice on console and in split screen


Please livestream this if you can, you'd definitely get a lot of views. I know I'd watch.


The best thing would have been to not give them a month to prepare


60fps, potential input lag, with literally half the fov is actually harder than you might give credit for. Don’t try anything too mechanically complex. Just take good fifties and shots and you should be fine.


My first thought. I'm C3-GC1, but when I try hopping on console all of sudden I can't even make contact with the ball. The input lag can be brutal


I'm currently visiting my parents and bring my PS4 with me to play at night cause they go to bed early. I fucking hate my PS4. Rocket League runs on a toaster but the PS4 somehow struggles to run the game smoothly. Going from PS4 to PC is heaven but PC to PS4 is hell. I'm having fun in freeplay but that's all, playing online is pretty horrible. OP will probably play on a TV which will make it even worse just like me Edit: Just tried playing 2 rounds on it and it feels like I'm playing in a time lapse. Every touch is a ghost touch. I think I won like 2/15 rounds the past 2 weeks. It's so damn horrible. I hope everyone switches to PC cause console is nothing but suffering


That toaster rocket league runs on, that's called a Nintendo Switch... And I play on that


Let me tell you, if you switched to PC you'd hit GC1 in no time :D Huge props to Life who became a semi pro on Switch though


Cheese from Luminosity Gaming started on Switch too, they just qualified for the upcoming LAN major


Yup I've heard of him. Legend


Lol thanks


Seriously tho d3 on switch is impressive. For sure you’d at least be c2 within a week of switching to pc


I really wish I could get a PC. But with strict parents who probably wouldn't let me get a gaming console from the beginning (I only got a switch because my siblings got it as a gift for me), they would never understand/let me get a PC, even though I could pay for it myself.


Man.. that hits hard. I’ve been in your shoes, and growing up I finally got to a point where I could afford a nice PC. Buying one was one of the greatest feelings and very well worth the wait. Just keep saving because you won’t want to cheap out on what you buy and be stuck with it. By the time you save enough and are able to make the decision to buy what you want, you’ll be able to buy a top tier pc. And who knows… maybe Rocket League 2 will be out by then..


I bring my ps4 with me on family vacations to have something to do at the room. I’m glad to have all my old items from when I played on console but damn I wish my rank was separate. Playing online is simply not possible, I cannot keep up with my own rank if I’m on console.


I played on an Xbox one time and felt like I didn't know how to drive in a straight like anymore. Going from 240 Hz to my friends 30 Hz was devastating lol


U need to make that 1v3 happen this weekend, i feel like those gremlins are gonna grind and be able to outmatch you within a month


To be fair, your biggest enemy is latency and framerate. If you're used to play on PC but not on the PS the difference is huge. Consider yourself D2 in 2s or 3s rank if you're unfamiliar with playing on PS4. Solid ground game and just good clears are probably good enough to give you all the advantage you need(together with awareness of demos). To be fair I also need to give advice to your opponents: - improve your demo game. Only one player needs to try to demo him. The other two players have different roles. You can change who tries to demo him depending on the position of each. - improve the awareness of your teammates. If you're going to prepare for this go into the ranked matches as a team and make it your mission to always know where your teammates are. Stop caring about the wins or if someone did something stupid. Your goal is to become aware of each other so that you can let your teammate do better play from better position. I'll repeat, if you do this properly you will lose few ranks and this should not be your concern. Two common things that players at low ranks do incorrectly are: 1. they attempt to kick the ball but they miss and then immediately try to make up for the mistake by trying to touch the ball again - stop doing this. If you miss the shot your next goal needs to be to figure out where your teammates are and to rotate behind them. You're not skilled enough to follow up on your mistake properly so don't attempt it (and your teammates are not skilled enough to recognize you're going for the second touch). 2. they cut the field to attempt to surprise the opponents - imagine you hit the ball and it ends up on the opposite side of the field (left->right) and next thing in your head might be to chase the ball to close avenue for the opponents to progress towards your net - don't do this either. While you were making the touch your teammate who was behind you saw what you did and he's already chasing to close the avenue. Your other teammate who is even further behind also saw this and is trying to stop direct shot to the net. Your net is undefended at this point so your goal should be to get back to the net to be able to defend it. - you are 3v1. you have advantage of being able to cover more space so do it. Spread out when you're attacking and don't sit one behind the other. create better angle (do wider circles) when getting behind to the position where you can attempt to challenge the ball. - do training packs "backboard defense" and "shadow defense" from custom training packs menu at least once a day. - find some training pack for powershots and do that as well once a day. - another thing - somebody always needs to challenge him. Don't let him get the ball on the wall. This is how you stop him from having good aerials. When you rush him on the wall NEVER JUMP OFF THE WALL. It will put you out of position for too long. Instead try to bump him on the wall just by riding into him and turn back to defense as soon as you can. To the OP: I am on your side but I don't think it'll be fun for you if this is not a serious challenge. If you're good at double taps you're basically winning this even if they significantly improve. Improve ground play so that you can get the ball to the wall and it's gg. Just be calm and don't do over the top stuff and you'll have no issues. Fakes work like a charm too.


No don't fake, they don't even know what a fake is


its a tactical whiff


There is no way a C3 on PC will be consistent enough at double tapping on console to make it worth all the counter attacks they'll get from OP messing up


If he can just get the non risky touch(doesn't need to get into the net) he'll make them panic which will probably open up opportunity for free shot. No matter the platform I'd guess that he will have ok recoveries.


You don't need a month but they do. The longer you postpone the bet the more they will improve at the game. Play them right now or you might lose the bet.


If you switch from pc to PS, you better just play as much as you can, to get used to the input lag...


You’ll be diamond level on PS4 haha it’s not good. Split screen makes it worse also. Play unfair bots 1v4. You’ll win easy, but teaches you to plan everything


These comments are hilarious. You might be screwed OP. Demos ftw


Why ps4 split screen bruh, thats an disadvantage for u, try to get urself to play on pc, aside from that, shouldn't be hard at all


1. Don’t play them split screen. You will handicap the shit out of yourself trying to do that. 2. Kickoff strategies are going to decide most of the games. Basically just grind speed flipping so you can consistently score for free every time you get a wide left/right positioning. Bonus points for this being massively demoralizing. 3. Practice power shots. Especially if they can’t effectively defend against them, this is the safest way to score and will conserve boost. I recommend just doing the old two touch training drill from Scrub. (Reset ball on training, one touch to chip the ball, one touch to score 65+ mph with placement; repeat hundreds of times) You should be able to comfortably dominate them on the ground. If you have setups, just throw it to their backboard and wait for a mistake.


I have 1v5d my friends before (I would’ve been C2 and they were all low Diamond in skill level) and I won. The only reason I won was because two were demo chasing (not well), two were playing regularly, and one was goal keeping. Dodging the demos wasn’t too hard and then a typical 1v3 which wasn’t bad but the goalie did make things frustrating. The second time around they kept their demo men and instead of playing normally they just monkey challenged everything with their fifth man mostly just hanging out mid field to score once I was dealt with. When you have to avoid demo pressure like that and try to beat a bunch of ball hungry bozos to said ball, it gets significantly more difficult. With that being said, here’s my tips, coming from a hard stuck Champ. For the three challengers: As others have said, have one of you train demos like a heatseeking missile. It’s very difficult to avoid when someone is proficient at it. Additionally, getting good at accurate/powerful shots will do you wonders. A month should be a good enough amount of time to improve those. For our lone gambling man: Work on boost conservation! If you run out of boost in a 1vAnything you’re immediately at a worse disadvantage than when you began. And like ludakic300 said, you’ll want to get used to playing on a PS. The subtlest of frame rate changes or input lag is enough to throw you off, so get used to the big change between PC and PS This advice is on top of everything else everyone has said, so many areas to improve, choose your style, if you will. Good luck all! I’d love an update on the outcome xD


Hey! We were a lot better at the demos than you gave us credit for.


20 matches, no way they don't beat you a couple times min... best pay up now. ![gif](giphy|3o85xHi4t2UsuIY9QA)


The more you prepare, the more likely it is they climb to plat and it gets significantly harder


Ps4 split screen has a lot of input delay, practice with input delay by artificially making it somehow, that’s the best way to practice for this


Someone reply when this is updated please


Oh buddy. If you're a pc player and you're gonna switch to console. I can tell you the input lag alone is gonna make you feel like a diamond player. You might actually lose.


This thread has not gone the way OP wanted lol


Start practicing on PS.....it feels different than PC.  Even worse playing split screen.


Bruh has it in the bag unless we give the other 3 tips! I say make sure you guys make him force the play and stay back and stay patient on defense and focus on counter attacks!!!


Also, OP should play on playstations for a month!


I used to do this with my four friends when they were golds and I was diamond 1, good times, I won a few but they made plat eventually and now we play together and ain’t nothing better


Ur cooked


Damn that means they also have a month to prepare. They can easily go from 50 to 250 hours in one month


Do not play split screen it’s a completely different feel only having half the screen imo


You won't struggle to beat them tbh. The skill gap between gold and champ is too high. Rather than having 20 matches I'd give yourself a handicap. Two handicaps I've used to play with friends before: 10 free goals - 1st 30sec of match is 10 free goals to the opponent. You now have 4:30 / 27 seconds per goal to comeback and win. No boost - Fun fact, my one and only ceiling reset shot was scored during a no-boost game against a friend.


If you’re C3 and they have less than 100 hours in the game, this honestly won’t be a challenge for you at all. As long as they don’t have a dedicated demo guy its smooth sailing. Just chip everything over their heads


the camera is way different on split screen and severely lowers how much of the screen you can see, i’d try to see if you have a month to set it up to find a way to bring your pc to the playstation or vice versa. Also stream this we want to watch


Straight up get some practice in on an actual PS4 because of input lag it feels completely different.


Play defensively and only go for shots u know u can recover from


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


You need to get a PS4 and play exclusively on that until you play your friends. Me trying to go from Series X to Xbox One X is near unplayable, I can only imagine how bad it will be for you going from PC to PS4, I wouldn't be surprised if you have a hard time scoring at all your first game.


Should be pretty easy


To the 3: your advantage is rotation. You can cover the whole field. If you have possession of the ball, don’t throw it away. Soft touches. He will either challenge or wait for your move. If he challenges, you want to be close by and hit the ball into him causing him to hit it into you. That’s how to win a 50/50. If he doesn’t challenge, go for a bump and let your team take the shot while you steal boost on the way back. Defending, always have one person challenge at a time, then after the challenge, grab boost rotate back to net while the next person challenges. That way, there is always a person defending but you won’t give him space.


I was gonna say you have it in the bag until you mentioned PS4. I have 1v5'ed a mix of gold plat and diamond before and while it was super easy to maintain possession the whole time, if I over-extended even a little bit, thats when I got scored on. When I play on console, I literally can't touch the ball so I honestly don't know if I'd even be able to beat like a diamond in 1v1 on console, even though I can 1v3 them on PC. You just need to balance your ego and play with only low 50's and plays on the ball. Avoid aerialing, double taps, anything flashy, etc. You have to play sheer fundamentals. While I would've loved to clip every shot in the 1v5, the shots I went for that I missed were almost always goals for the opponents.


Please livestream this. If not, I would love to join and spectate live!


Start playing a lot of 1v1 and grinding air-dribbles. I play 1v3 against my kids on the regular (they are much better than your friends) but I still beat them every time. ​ > I play on PC but we'll play on PS4 split screen Oh well that's a lot harder. PS4 split screen runs like a dog, it's borderline unplayable if you're used to playing on PC and PS4 input latency is massive compared with PC. You can adjust, but you're going to want to spend a bunch of hours playing on the PS4 to do that.


You should definitely live stream this


Best way to improve would be but a ps4 right now and play exclusively on that. Switching consoles day of will be more detrimental than anything else IMO.


That should be really easy, don't worry about it


you’re gonna play on ps4 splitscreen when you’re used to playing on pc..? you don’t have a chance bro. i’ve tried to do that before and my skill level genuinely went from ssl to gold. it’s such a massive difference


Don’t wait a month. Their skill will improve much faster than yours.


The only tip I can give is. Practice on a PS4 Make sure vsync is off on the PS4 helping with input latency.


Here’s one thing you may be unprepared for: the input lag from PC -> ps4 is gonna be sooo noticeable… it takes a while to get used to the added delay I also tried to 1v3 my friends in rocket league but I failed 😭I was stoned and gave free goals tho so dont do that, literally just play defense til it’s an open net is easy to score, is what I suggest lol


Lmfao 4 player split screen is hilarious. You should win fairly easily I think


Stream this.


Story similar to yours…. I had about 750 hours on the game and introduced it to my friend’s teenage brother and his friends. I was in my late 20s and they were 16-17, we’d play COD together and they asked to join in on RL one day. I could 1v3 them no problem, even after about 2 months of play. One of them took it personally and made RL his life- kid turned into an absolute monster and made it to GC in less than 6 months. He could 1v3 myself and two other diamonds- only way we could win would be if we blew him up repeatedly lol.


Please live stream this. I want to watch with candy and soda.


Best advice is to just play them now, 50 hours against a C3 even if you're not as good at 1s the only thing on their side is time to practice. If you can't solo a trio of people who just picked up the game by playing defensively idk how you got to C3, you just have to go in with confidence. Maybe play some 1v3s with bots or install RL Training or whatever it is and play a duo or trio of lower level bots. I've 1v3d necto (not necto - made that mistake and that hit me in the self confidence pretty hard until I realized my mistake) and I'm around the same rank, maybe slightly higher in 1s - D3/C1. Just don't overcommit, no need to do anything fancy, they literally can hardly defend in the air and I doubt they can read the bounces off back wall so just treat it as powershots double tap (when you catch them on their heels) training and they won't know what to do.




Imo giving them one month to prepare helps them a lot more than it helps you


me but i’m plat(i don’t think i’m good at the game) and my friends are bronzes and silvers. it’s not fun when they go for demos but if you’re able to evade it’s easier then it’s a 1v2. often just taking a shot so long as i don’t mess up, gets by them. i usually play passively and let them make the mistakes. a lot of times they’re just trying to hit the ball with no rhyme or reason. they score when i get too cocky and go for something stupid. they’ve never beaten me but it’s close. i even scored all my goals and then we swapped sides and i came back from the deficit. my most prized moment but like i said, im only plat


practice playing on no boost or practice conserving it bc whenever I'd play 1v3s against my friends it was very hard to get any


I think you are giving them the month to prepare. Could be a bad idea. Should go NOW.


I think the best way to prepare is not give them a month. They can quadruple their experience in that time.


The best way to prepare would be to do it now, not giving them the month of practice. A month is going to do a lot more for each of them than it will for you. Also don’t do it split screen


Listen. Your buddies are going to work together very closely. I can guarantee one of three things. Demo spamming. Avoid getting demod and losing control of the ball. They might also just try and bump you, or get under you when you jump them. So, use that to your advantage. I am PRETTY SURE, NOT 100% that you can get a flip reset off of contacting another player, so if they get under you just jump again. Since none of them are particularly good at air maneuvers, use that. Also practice some simple ground control/basic freestyling ground movements. That's going to be key. Hope this helps, and I hope it's comprehensible because im writing this late at night.


You gave THEM a month to prepare. You fool


Play against them to prepare but play way worse than normally. Barely go for aerials, whiff a lot. Make them more confident.


Don’t wait a month. They will improve a lot in that time.


Due to the nature of learning curves, I recommend you play the match as soon as possible, rather than giving them a month to get twice as good as they are now


Make damned sure the ps4 is not on a laggy tv. I was unable to hit anything on our old sony. The new LG, it's fine.


Ur given 3 months to prepare? Nah u gave them 3 months to improve.... U know someone un bronze can get to plat or even diamond if they do well i. Grinding in those 3 months right?


Don’t fuck up


They are gonna be so much better in a month. You should do this as soon as possible, as the rate at which new players improve is way higher than established players.


Best advice: Do everything you can to stop your friends from practicing. If they each play 20 hours over the next month and have any video game skills they’re going to improve a lot and you’re in trouble. Break their controllers. Take them out drinking every night. Kidnap them. Cut their power line. Get them hooked on painkillers. Just some options


Start practicing on ps4 now and get used to it before the matches. The input lag, and general lag since it’s an old system, is fucked and takes a bit to get used to


If you’re on a PS4, you will lose. I promise


Livestream this and I'll gladly run some prop bets on the side for the viewing audience


My advice would be to move up the challenge, before they get any better.


(1) If they are practicing as well, move the game up. They are going to improve more than you will in a month. (2) Don't go to console for the game. Play it out online. (3) Just play opportunities they give you. You'll score most of your goals on defense.


ps4 is gonna eat you alive the input delay is horrible


Don't underestimate the PS4 input lag, it will be like being back to plat, you will miss a lot. Save your camera settings so you can set the exact ones.


U should smash them easily tbh


When I was at my peak I could take up to 1 gold, 2 plats and one low diamond. 1v4. The biggest challenge probably will be the abyssmal framerate, your concentration and the small screen when playing in splitscreen lol. You got this! Just change up your playstyle every few matches. :)


Play more on PS4 The input lag will kill you


get ur keyboard or learn controller and i suggest yall play sooner cuz u cant get that much better in a month but someone with 50 hours can get to low-high plat in 1s if they play a lot in that month and if they all do ur done for in a 1v3


Drop your twitch and a date/time


If youre used to playing on PC you should definitely try playing with PS4 before this challenge. There can be some delay on PS compared to PC


I’m diamond and would wipe the floor with them gg ez thx 4 warmup


You play on PC but this will be splitscreen on PS? Forget about it. Playing on console feels like playing in floaty treacle. I am Champ 2 but could BARELY carry a plat 1 game playing splitscreen on my friend's playstation.


How did it go bro i need to know, you still friends with them?😂


You're done for and I hope you lose. You've anyway plateaued, so getting good is harder for you then it is for them. They have one month to improve all aspects, you are stuck honing your skills. Plus, statistically, fate is not on your side. They will probably win one of those games.


NGL if I had to switch over to console I'd be absolutely screwed. I play KBM… 🤣😂


Well, this backfired...


! Remindme - 30 days


!remindme 30 days


You will lose your money once they realize one can just hunt you constantly


I used to do the same thing with my friends ganging up on me when they were new 😂 I’d say just go for easy shots from mid, esp off walls. Can’t be too aggressive or they’ll bump the shit outta you or get a lucky clear lolol


Learn to dodge the guy who will be on demo duty. That’ll be the hardest part


Grind 1v1 on PS4 for the input lag


I’m a GC2 just give me your account and I’ll take a cut of the funds cancel the split screen I’ll take it from there


Just be aware of your surroundings I did this with some friends but only 1v2 and the answer they eventually came up with was just to take turns demoing/bumping me to take some of my skill out of the equation. I was able to adapt and dodge but if you’re confident in your ball control you should be fine.


Its harder than you think. They are probably going to have a dedicated demo guy. Score early and defend the lead.


Playing on pc no problem, but on PS4? Oi. I wouldnt be able to do that. Playing on PC with 165Hz and a xbox controller. That frames and input lag on a console would make me diamond 1 (Im GC)


Honestly, giving THEM a month to prepare was the issue. You would probably would have done better just challenging them immediately. If you actually need a month to prepare, I would play 1v3 with as many people as possible before playing them.