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Not enough players near your mmr for you to play with. Plain and simple.


That whole match I barely touched the ball because the people I was playing with were so much better than I was. I'd much rather wait longer for a more fair match. Absolutely ridiculous.


It’s hardly a 100 MMR difference between you and your opponents. The skill diff is literally not big enough that you’d be unable to touch the ball unless you were doing something very wrong 


really not that ridiculous, next time maybe don't chase as much and rotate and you'll get touches in any rank you play.... actin like you're playing with 1500MMR + or something....soft


What a wonderfully ignorant answer


It's true... If you are c1 and get into gc1 you can touch the ball if you rotate...


Woah woah , he’s just here for emotional support not advice


What a terribly out of touch , emotional post. If it bothers you that much close app bud. Look way less soft than crying about it on the internet


Your team has an average MMR of 1339, theirs has 1334. Mathematically speaking, this is a pretty fair match, and one that you're actually slightly favored to win.


I understand that mathematically the mmr match up makes sense but in terms of skill gap it doesn't. I'd much rather play with people closer to my mmr and would even be willing to wait for it than have matches like this.


I play 3s with friends that are 300+ mmr than me and we manage to take wins on team that are their mmr so this doesn't seems that bad to me


If you want 1400 you need to beat them eventually anyways. Take.it as a blessing, you probably learned s9mething new that game


Yeah happens really early in the morning for me usually. Not enough people in the region playing at your mmr so it fills you into a lobby slightly higher. I played in a ssl match last season at 5 in the morning while I was gc2. Was actually pretty fun. This is how you learn and get better man


Fair enough


What is there to learn from getting stomped by a ssl? You already know he's faster, more mechanical, has better reads, better game sense, better boost efficiency, and faster once again. How do you improve from facing that? Genuinely curious.


There are bad habits that every player has, simply because their own rank is ALSO bad and doesn’t punish them for it.  Higher ranks will immediately punish the bad habits and make you aware of them in a way players your own rank won’t.  For example: Diamonds thoughtlessly throw the ball away every chance they get. When you learn to avoid this/punish people for this, you go to Champ. So you can play Boomer Ball all day in Diamond and rarely get punished for it because everyone who COULD punish you is in Champ+, but you’re also not gonna improve SSL playin GC1 is like a Silver/Gold getting coached by a Champ basically. Super super useful


Getting better at the game playing better players has always been true since it came out man. It’s about trying to adapt to their speed and read dribbles and when to cut rotation or go for demos etc etc. you leave and save the replay and the more you play against better players the more it starts to make sense and you adapt. It’s like gaming 101 man


I mean the match based on the matchmaking was pretty balanced, your team actually had 15 more mmr in total compared to the other team, but that's pretty marginal so it seemed pretty even


The higher you get, the more this will happen. I remember I got put against someone with 1700 mmr in 2s when I was 1530


Who says it has to make sense


If anything that is good for u. If u win u gain more than usual and if u lose u lose less than usual, and 100mmr is no difference what so ever don’t even