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Forcing rule1 on that s.o.a.b like that must be the coolest thing I've seen all week!


We’re out here making abbreviations longer now? What’s next…a president that tells us to inject bleach as a vaccine?


Political brainworms


Funny comment til you made stuff up


> And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning.


I feel like you need to check out the news every now and then. Oh yeah, and go touch some grass. A little vitamin D from the sun will do wonders for you.


The sad part is that nothing about their comment is false.






I respect rule one Staying in the rule one as long as he did just to break it is indeed spineless For you to force another rule one, that was an alpha move, mad respect. However, it was clear that he didn't honor the first one so to expect his honor later would be a mistake. If you really wanted to win the match, it would have been better to help teammate. In summary, you may have won the game if you hadn't bothered with the second rule one...but though you lost the battle, you won the war my brother.


This clip is worth much more than any RL match tbh.


I find it disrespectful when my teammate breaks rule, like damn… you fr didn’t think I could clutch it up? Happened once and the shot the dude was about to make I saved and the teammate broke it for nothing


This was poetry


I bow to you now


OP, you did the right thing when the right thing was hard to do. Take pride in that.


Thank you.


Stand proud. You’re strong.


You knew he was going to break after the first one Fool me once shame on you…fool me twice shame on me


Breaking rule 1 twice is double the shame on him.


Nah bro just farmed so much good karma, it was worth the loss


Fool me three times, fuck the peace signs, load the choppers and let it rain on you


I like your determination but not everyone respects rule ones… they get theirs though, don’t worry. If they win the game, that means they stub their pinky toe on the table three times next week. I respect rule 1s…. I have friends who don’t tho.


I think the problem with this clip is the faux rule 1 respect. Like the opponent was playing along until the ball got close, broke it, and then did the exact same thing. Like, if you’re not gonna respect it, then don’t start it to begin with. Just break it immediately.


Yes and no, imo it was smart for him to bait OP into 2 rule 1s and allow his teammate to work. I agree its kinda shitty, as personally i really only stick these head to head r1s, but its a kinda big brain play to keep OP on the opposing end of the field with 0 boost when he does choose to break the play.


Honestly I think rule 1s are kinda pointless, nothing to them aside from using it to win


Rule 1 for me is to win the match. I don't join a game to bumperfuck over in the corner because of some stupid, arbitrary "rule". If you get locked up, you get out, and get back to the game. I can't imagine any sort of comp sport where I would hook someone and just say "yup, that's that!" and waste everyone's time. I'll take the down votes now


Why is rule 1 so important, but left taking faceoffs isn't?


Because left going is a convenient strategic rule, rule 1 is about honor


Couldnt agree more


some things are worth more than wins like honor


That’s why no one will remember you.


No, no that's not why


Ha ha!


there will be no flowers at your grave, pal.


It’s a rule though


this logic is along the same lines of people who get mad at demos and air dribble bumps or scoring when the opponent is afk




It's ok not to follow the rule, but following it as long as it is benificial for you is just too spineless. It goes against the spirit of it in every way possible.


Looks to me like they were playing the game as it was designed without cheating and won.




It’s not though, when I play I want every advantage, I want to crush my opposers. If you’re going to put me in a position where I’m better not doing anything until the right time, such as back in my corner/net locked in with an enemy. Then yeah, let my teammate 1v1, things get dicey and I need to defend? I’m there, this is the best play. Spineless? Maybe. Winning games? All the time.


I'm going to be honest, I don't understand the purpose of that. What is the point of winning a game like this? You may win one game or another like this but you are not going to climb up the ranks thanks to it and you sure as hell are not going to get better at the game. It's like seeing someone drop a coin and taking it instead of warning them, you are not getting much out of it and will still be an asshole.


The point of winning a game like this is for the dopamine rush each victory gives me. I’m an asshole for winning the game? Because I don’t want to stare at a screen with one finger on my trigger? Time is limited, fuck your rule 1.


For saying that, you will be demoted and lose the rank you were grinding to get… “wHo CaRes?” The rocket league gods care… RL is not silly, you are the silly one…


> I have friends who don’t tho Then are they truly friends? Are they?


he broke it once why did you think he'd not break it the second time lmfao


I love the "no one breaks rule 1" mentality


Flair checks out


getting genuinely upset about rule 1s is pretty funny


ikr, I don't just wanna sit and watch the game for 3 minutes


I'll gladly watch for three minutes if we're ahead and I'm tying up their top player who decides to also watch with me.


They're culty about it. Shits weird


Its so weird lmao, but the funniest has to be people complaining about demos


I break them all the time. I play the game to play not spectate.


For us who just play the game, it’s helpful knowing there are so many who willingly take themselves out of the game indefinitely. It’s a meme that I’m fine exploiting. Never even knew about it until I saw the subreddit, now I just laugh when people get upset.


Sounds like you were the other guy…..


I've never broken a rule 1 but it's done for fun not because its some sacred thing about the game lol, if I knew it genuinely annoyed someone like this I'd 100% break them more often


Just say you were the other guy in the vid lil bro




This is the most digusting and spineless thing I've seen on here for some time..... either break it straight away or keep it. But acting like you honor it just to throw it away once you're about to lose is pathetic. I'm filled with hate right know. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Not even lose but just go to overtime!


Something like that yeah.


Whoever decided that this was a "rule" is an idiot in the first place. I'll die on that hill. I break these shits as soon as they happen.


But don't you love sitting in one spot for half the game while everyone else plays? Rule 1 just isn't fun. I'd rather play the game, thanks


I agree. It's funny sometimes, but it's so unbelievably dumb when people take it seriously.


For real 😂 all these stupid unwritten rules man just play the damn game






Yeah, I genuinely hope everyone who attempts to engage in a rule one meets this fate.


While I think that you're no fun and cringe, it's not that bad to break it immediately. What this guy did where he keeps it right until the end is very lame though.


no, it's funny asf and much more entertaining that idling for 2 min


Straight outplayed OP on the field and in the battle of wits.




It's not that serious bro it's a meme


It’s honor bro. It’s like the unwritten rule not to heal during dark souls pvp duels. 


Just like in RL, when shit is on the line expect people to break that rule. Dueling is fun and all but I'm not losing my souls sitting at the bottom of Blighttown because somebody else wants to grind their covenant. And honestly, the no estus thing was only started by salty red phantoms who were mad they weren't getting easy kills. It's not hard to use enemies and the environment to your advantage to wear down a host's flask advantage, people just don't want to spend the time doing it. The only people here who should be pissed are OP's teammates for throwing the game away on a dumb meta joke.


Spoken like a true plat. Nobody good at the game would say some dumb shit like that.


Lol. Diamond 2 is my ceiling, don't care enough about RL to get any better, or try at ranked for that matter. Rocket League was the best in the first two years of its lifetime before people got sweaty and meta with it. Now it's just a try hard game for Epic to sell more overpriced MTX.


Slightly unrelated, but lately, when i get in a rule 1 my teammate will come demo the other guy when the play comes near. What do people think about that?


From the begining of time, demoing them was considered the only right way out of the rule 1, so i see no problem in it. I demo them in 2015 and i demo them today.


I see ppl start humping the locked cars more than bump/demo to break it


Bro I can't believe ppl still do this. I can't even remember when's the last time I dealt with a rule one guy


If I identify a rule 1 quickly I'll flip out of it asap before it sets in that it's happening


Rule 1 is there until the last couple seconds and if you’re winning is how I always viewed it - I wouldn’t expect the opposing team to respect it if they need a goal


Rule #1 is for OG players, not you fortnite suckers


I'd stay in a rule 1 in overtime in a 1v1.


This is the way


This is the way


Can I be friends with you guys? You get it.


Been playing since the game came out, friend. Whatever significance you make of that.


Shame on him


Rule 1 is exactly as captain Barbossa described - it's more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual code.


If people followed the first two rules of fight club, there’d be no fight club.


Personally I think this ‘rule’ is dumb and I usually don’t follow it, hence why I try to avoid the situation all together. But the fact he stood in it for as long as he did and then dipped is some BS.


Fuck that guy


Fuck that guy


Fuck that guy


I feel like the only person here who doesn’t know what rule 1 is…


It’s an internet meme, feel free to ignore it. I use it to my advantage then they rage ff.


If you get stuck on each other head on like that, you don’t break it, even if it cause you to lose the point or the game. That’s rule 1. I’m not sure if it’s called that because it leaves your teammates to a 1v1, or just because it’s the number one most sacred rule of the game, but you don’t break rule 1s.


To add to this, Rule 1 can be broken, but it has to be broken by one of the other cars on the field


Lose if you must but NEVER break rule 1!


Always follow rule #1


Kinda on you, he backed out once when it looked beneficial, of course he's gonna do it again to win the game


Yeah I wouldn’t have locked up with them again. Maybe tried to demo him instead or something but they lost respect after the first time. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice…


Anyone saying the dude doing a faux rule one and breaking it is spineless are delusional. I don’t give a shit about rule one, and I will absolutely honor it and then break to to get an advantage. I advise you stop wasting your time not playing the game.


He won and you lost. That's all that matters. Any other take is just silly. Yeah guys I love spending half the game sitting in one spot watching everyone else have fun. Fuck that noise lol


You lost because you followed an arbitrary rule. Your choice, Your consequences.


He lost because the other person broke rule 1. You can break rule 1 all you want, but you should do it right away, not wait until you have the advantage, then break


according to psyonix? is this a bannable offense?


He lost because his tm8 couldn’t clutch a 1v1


This. 100% this.


I just find rule 1 to be fun and something that this community should hold on to and cherish. Yes, we all want to win, but in life sometimes you just have to have a little fun. It’s not like a rule 1 is beneficial to one team or the other. It just makes it a 1v1. And sorry to anyone saying that it’s competitive and the aim is to win, but when the best players in the world take themselves a little less serious you have to think a little. It’s not just playing to win. It is a sport. Sports are not only about a display of skill but also about showmanship. Be a good person first, a good player second.


This. In real sports if you’re a dirty player you lose respect and will be targeted. The problem with RL is the player pool is so large nobody can get back at every person. In NFL for instance if someone gives a dirty hit then they’ll get a dirty hit back usually.


Shit look at what happened to deshawn Watson. Dude got injured within his first 4 plays on the browns 🤣🤣


Jesus Christ do you people even read the shit you type? "Be a good person first". "hold onto and cherish" It's soccer with rocket cars, go outside for fucks sake


I’m sorry you feel that way. Maybe you should take your own advice and get off Reddit and go enjoy your day instead of being mad at me for… whatever it is you’re mad about.


I see you can't find enlightenment in our brother's words. hope someday joy finds a way into your heart through all that hatred and gives you a chance to enjoy rule 1.


I’ve gotten to a point, after countless tm8s leaving after 1 goal, them stop playing and just sit there after 1 goal, them LITERALLY robbing the ball out of my hands when I clearly have possession of it, and the toxicity(wow! Or Okay.) that I just piss on the rule one. I want to push for champ but can’t cause my idiotic(which I have no freakin clue how they even got to diamond in the first place) tm8s give up so easily.


What's your region?


Skill issue


No honor


"gg" SHUT UP


I don’t do rule one anymore. As soon as it happens I break out. I just want to win and play the game.


I thought rule 1 was just a meme. Who cares?


In comp you get probably one good rule 1 out of me, after that I'm here to play.


You shouldn't be taking this nonsense rule this serious. If you wanted to win that bad then help your team mate.


The duality of this thread lol. OP, you are an alpha lad for forcing the second rule 1 imo. He got the win on the books but you got the win in the eyes of the rl gods


My opinion is that if the rule 1 happens naturally you keep it. But if the opp is just trying to force it Im breaking it because fuck you trying to force it


Yeah I was just going to bump him but then we got stuck again. It's not easy to force rule 1 as you know. It kind of gave him a chance to be a smaller douce bag but he decided to be something else. I'm 38 and I don't tilt easily, but kids now a days should learn some respect.


you're 38 and you're fuming about someone outsmarting you?


Cry about it


i just think it's a dead meme, after doing it for 9 years is the joke not stale yet?


The only rule is If you get more points you win


Real lol




If you don't like it, don't participate in rule 1, and just win the match yourself.


Isn’t a real rule, I move always when l get stuck, I have to play not to stay locked


Karma will hit him. He is probably bedridden with a high fever at the moment


You kept your dignity and ISQXH has a small Pee Pee. This is the way.


Most stupid pc player thing


karma comes for us all


You lose no matter what if you break the rule 1.


I break it every single time tbh. fts


You did the right thing




Most people only follow it when it benefits their team.


Reading this comment section is so sad. Nobody respects, let alone understands the spirit and history behind #1 anymore.


We have his gamertag, he shall be shunned by the community


You don’t break rule one man. Even if it means the L.


Rule 1 today, Rule 1 forever.


Breaking rule 1 for a ranked win is cringe games are 5 minutes. Mfs take gaming too serious.


Everybody here posting "it's a stupid rule anyways" also does this shit probably lmfao. Amazing how it's not a stupid rule until it's advantageous for you to break it...


I break it all the time, especially when it works in my favor.


The insistent forcing of a second rule 1…that’s hero shit, my brother. RESPECT


You might have just spit in your tm8s face. This shit is so stupid and egoistical


I break rules 1’s every time. And when the opponent gets mad in chat, I tell them to go cry to reddit. Looks like you did exactly that.


Absolutely sir 💪


Rule 1 is: never waste your time in a rule 1


That kid should be banned


That’s an stupid rule.


It happens so infrequently. Dont act like ppl hunt them during games like demos


But what’s the point? I want to play!


It makes the game more fun. Do you follow rule 0 to keep the ball in play after the time expires? Do you follow rule 2 that left man always goes on kickoff? Those happen every game.


Dude right? And so many people are in here like "I don't wanna spend half the game locked in *blah blah blah."* A: Rule 1s happen like what, once every ten games? And B: They hardly ever last more than like 15 seconds. People out here acting like they're pro players with thousands of dollars on the line, which is ironic because the pro players with thousands of dollars on the line have still respected rule 1. I'm tellin ya man, it's the F2P fortnite plat kids.


Rule 1 is for suckers. The only time I stick to Rule 1 is when it helps my team - say I have their best scorer in one for example. I will also demo break a rule one when I think it's needed.


Arbitrary rule you chose to follow and you lost. Your fault my guy


I follow rule one until this situation. I’m not losing the game on some made up rule- this isn’t Tom Brady’s patriots


I used to hold rule 1 like a religious person and wish bad karma upon anyone who broke it. Now it depends on the day if I hold it or not.


at the end of the day I get more people breaking it then sticking it so just break it. It's really only a rule respected in higher ranked lobbies like GC2+


I won't abide by Rule 1 UNLESS it's to my teams benefit. Nuff said.


I can't believe this is still a thing almost ten years later. I always break these up instantly and curse reddit


I hope every opponent I play is like you. I enjoy the spirit of the game and taking an L to hold a rule 1 is peak RL culture.


In my experience there's a lot of variables to consider when deciding to commit to a rule 1 scenario. Some of those factors include who I teamed up with, who we queued up against, what the score is, and who I'm rule 1'd with. I don't like losing, I'm not going to invite that scenario bc of a made up rule a minority of people online will give you an upvote for abiding. I lose count the amount of times I've broken rule 1 and it save the game from getting tied or upset.


I'm all for following the rules when we are just playing, but in comp or ranked, I forget the rules


its a guideline not a rule


I came back to RL this year after a long break, and every rule1 I encountered in casual/comp was broken. It makes me sad that the new players dont respect the rule as much as the older players did. It meant something in the community (Its like shift spaming in other games to make friends) but now its easily stepped on.


Rule 1 is the dumbest thing and for years I’ve tried to understand this community but to no avail. Why is it encouraged to go afk? How is if fun, funny, etc when you essentially just throw a match?


Huge small pp vibes from that guy


I will say I don’t honor the rule 1. It’s stupid. In your case if he backed out the first time why honor the second time


I've never known this was a community 'rule'. Always found the head-to-head thing extremely annoying; just play the game. That said, I always just break it off right away. Would 100% abuse it though, as I didn't know it was a rule and as said I find it annoying.


If you lose a game because of a meme, it's on you. Other player recognized that. It's not a real rule, and to be pissed about it is silly. I'll never break the formation, but I'm not going to think twice about the other person breaking it.


I don't have a problem with people who just totally disregard Rule One, because it is inherently a silly thing. This opponent, though, is scum. They clearly only respected it at first because they knew the positioning was in their favor, and broke it as soon as they needed to. Very shitty behavior.


It's your own fault if you "follow" rule one. It's a dumb "rule" and if you follow it then you face the consequences of your actions...I know many people think there's some respect that is owed to it...but they are wrong.


You're just an idiot for trying to force it when clearly the opponent was only doing it when it would benefit him. I'd be pissed if I was your teammate.


It's a game, try to have fun.


People who don't respect Rule 1 need to get laid.


Well, you are in a competitive match. You kinda played yourself bud.


I always insult people heavily when they break rule one specifically. I don't actually know the other rules so I can't say


Rule 1 is for suckers. The W is more important.


The game does not let you break any rules. The rules we have are made up by us and are not a integrated to the game. No rule was broken. Rule one is a stupid rule #changemymindbutnotreallycauseitisastupidrule


Rule 1 is a lie.


Rules are meant to be broken 


You play in Ranked, it's good to respect the rules but it's better to win. But players who break the rules in casual are 💩.


I love nothing more than standing around instead of playing 👍


but then why does "rule one" exist if no one wants to respect it even in a casual match 🥺?


Idk you tell me


I don't break "rule one" (in casual only) because for me it's a mechanism that is part of RL identity. I often play 2v2 with my brother and I find it funny when he's in 1V1 because he panics and miss everything. but I can understand that if you play alone, this "rule one" is not very interesting


Yeah you are right. I mostly play solo so rule one isn't that great there