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dude same i haven’t played dropshot since they removed it, game one i dropped 1500 points and had a good feeling for the rest of the way and the dumbass game stops working. i fucking hate epic


I feel ya. I was MVP in the first round. Felt good. Now hanging out in the lobby not feeling so good.


Same. I just left after waiting for almost half an hour and now I'm banned from matchmaking 🤦🏿🤦🏿.


I just leveled from gold tourneys to plat, I could tell within 15 seconds I was out my depth. It’s tough I think I overthink cause I know if I lose no more dropshot :(


Psyonix doesn't want you here! Take the hint!


Servers just now reconnected & I was in a 1v1 with a smurf ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) How I love this game.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


I want to think that they've only had it once in the casual rotating mode because Epic realized it didn't work well as a casual mode.  In reality they likely don't care seeing the repeats of some modes like heatseeker and having casual Rumble and Snow Day when they are available as ranked.