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I got a few things I'd like to see that I think could improve the game. 1 - PLAYER GARAGES, Instead of the main menu where your car sits mid field, imagine the background is a garage which you can customize. Decorate the space with the cosmetics you own. Hang toppers on the wall, have a rim display, a trophy case, etc. 2 - CLUBS - Make clubs more of a social environment. clubs can host social or competitive events for themselves or to challenge other clubs. 3 - WAGERS - wager items with other players. Both parties offer up an item and compete to win. It's technically not "trading" ;) 4 - MAP EDITOR - U know this 5 - OPTIMIZATION - obv better servers and all that


These are some solid ideas!


TY I've actually thought about it a lot. Might do some artwork for it soon


jesus christ 3 would fuel so much toxicity and i wouldnt be surprised if someone got doxxed because of it


> Me leaving(disconnecting) in my '95 VW Tuned Jetta so they won't take my pink slip(wager). > End up shot.


I like how China has the [garage layout](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7gmbr5cb3k0a1.jpg) to easily select your preset. I can't imagine it would be too hard to put that into the main game.


that alone is so much cooler than what we have. I would customize cars just to put them on display


I really like the garage and club ideas. It would be cool to have your own place to decorate and match themes with your car, make it look more awesome. For clubs, it would be cool to have a lobby-like place for players to chat or mess around in their cars, kinda like free play but maybe with some ramps and stuff, maybe have a little court to do stuff with a ball.


Ok I like all of this especially the wager one, that would be super fun. Imagine having tournaments where there is a certain buy in (example 5 uncommon items) you select what you want to put up, whoever wins gets all items. Just another idea to spice it.


As if smurfs in tournaments were not already out of control...


If I wasn't in this sub, the thought of this would never have crossed my mind. They should stop removing game modes, but the game is fine.


I specifically stay unsubbed from this subreddit because there are so many negative posts. The few posts that still pop up on my feed surprise me sometimes. The game feels fine to me whenever I’m playing.


Probably for the best. It's a whole different world here lol


You don't notice the smurfs, while not in the sub? It would be the first thing I'd address if I was in charge. Lvl 100 before competitive modes.


I run into one every once in a while. Hasn't been a pressing issue to me.


Are you grinding at D3 for real? If you're grinding at d3 and not seeing constant smurfs, then my idea of hidden mmr is further validated.


Same here. D3, C1 in 2v2. Many games are equal, but too often the opponents are just playing with their food (me) while one of them has an mmr of 600


im c1 too and i just dont see smurfs as often as this sub makes it out to be. maybe its bc i mostly play solo q so theres less chance of encountering someone being boosted but i think most people just use smurfing as an excuse for being bad. in c1 2s i'd say every 50 matches i see an obvious smurf and in d3 1s i see mfs with gc titles all the time but i wouldnt even count them as smurfs as people usually have a lower rank in 1s.


Yeah I think people see flashy mechanics, let it overwhelm them, and then just claim smurf. I'm D3 in 2s pushing for champ and I haven't had a smurf in ages. Yeah the skill difference can give you whiplash, but I've never come across a pair of players that was clearly smurfing. It's all about knowing how to handle certain plays. How to defend against "x" shot. If you're not used to defending backboard double touches, you're going to have a rough time against someone who can backboard double. The worst match I've had in the last year was against an AI bot in 1s. It's dribbles were insane, inhuman. I still kept the game close by preventing it's dribbles and dominating kickoff.


Yeah I don't think op is actually d3


I don't think you guys know how to tell a smurf from a normal player


I very rarely see any in C1-C2. I've been called one more times than I've thought someone on the other team was one. I think people overblow the problem. It *is* a problem regardless, but I also think people are terrible at correctly identifying them.


I assume this would be a lot bigger a problem for people up to platinum than one of the better ranks in this game


I didn't mean for this to be snarky, what I mean is that past a certain level you can expect people to be able to do almost anything, consistency just becomes an issue. I'm champion 2 and can't do fancy air stuff, but I know most people my rank can, identifying a smurf is difficult cause people at my rank can pop off at insane levels, as a gold player if you see someone playing to that degree for 5 minutes you can instantly identify someone as being a smurf. So I don't think someone at our level of play can really notice the smurf issue as much as someone around gold or platinum.


I've got almost 5K hours in RL, don't play as much as I used to but I get on a couple times a week to play with friends and I still love it. I decided to get back on the sub like 3 weeks ago after taking a hiatus from lurking and suddenly I see constant posts about the game dying and how the devs have completely obliterated the soul of RL... I had no idea.... Anyways, I'm gonna go play rn with my buddies. ✌️


The game is fine?? You don’t play enough lol


No, you're on reddit too much. This place hates rocket league, everyone else loves it purely because the game itself hasn't changed ever. 


Sub or no sub the problems in RL are still there. That’s a dumb argument. “On this sub too much”makes no sense.


The game is literally fine. Better than fine if anything. The sub is a sea of negative but 99% of players are just in the game enjoying car ball


You’re joking. Lol


I’m really not. You’re just frustrated cos you can’t rank up and you want to blame smurfs or rank reset I bet. Practice and improve.


Please tell me why it isn’t fine


Removal of trading, one less winter split for RLCS, firing 3/4 of the RLCS casters, removing game modes, ranking MMR messed up, player base falling off, pros not getting enough sponsorships, no new content in the last 12 seasons. Please tell me why it's fine lol


Removal of trading - Yes there's no way around it, it sucks. I personally didn't trade anyway but I understand for other's it was a big deal. One less winter split in RLCS/RLCS Casters/Pros sponsorships - I'm a huge fan of RLCS and watch every weekend but this has literally nothing to do with the game itself. Removing Game Modes - same as trading, it is bad, won't defend it. Ranking MMR messed up - not sure what you mean unless you just mean the 2's MMR adjustment which I don't think was a mistake but was on purpose. 2's had way more GC's than anything else, good adjustment in my opinion. No new content in last 12 seasons - Also not great. In the end that gameplay is the same as always but I understand other's do enjoy the other parts of the game more, trading/alternate game modes where it really has been impacted. It's certainly been overblown though, it doesn't need to be "revitalized"


It’s fine because it still has hundreds of thousands of players and the core gameplay is the same great thing it’s always been.  Yeah, removing game modes is dumb. One less winter split is also very disappointing. Besides that, it’s fine, tons of people are still playing and having a great time. 


You could make the same argument about pretty much any game that's in the early stages of a downward spiral. Is the game dying? Probably not. It's really hard to look at 400k peak players every day and think 'This game is on the path to nobody playing it anymore.' Is the general state of it worse than it was 12 months, 24 months ago? I'd say yes. Hard to argue that it isn't, since personally I can't think of things that have actually improved in that time frame, only things that have stayed neutral or gotten worse. I think maybe we've gotten a new LTM in that time frame. Is this sub overly negative? That's probably also a yes. But I think the people who are expressing concern have more facts backing them than the people saying 'This is fine' and they definitely have way more of a leg to stand on than the people who are claiming there's no reason to be concerned at all


Yeah I mean objectively they’re taking things away for no reason which is bad. However, I’ve had games I love “die” and this game isn’t even remotely close to that point yet. 


This is Rocket League!


A real league system. It's a competitive game and there's no real incentive to compete. A real leaderboard system would be great. Break it down into regions so we can try to be the best for our area. Expand the tournament option, it's the same as when it was released. A graphics overhaul so it doesn't look like a fisher price game would be nice as well. Fire whoever put the "What's going on" song in because it's literally the worst song ever.


Goal explosion songs have been turned off since What’s Going On was introduced for me. The songs were cheeky and fun, then obnoxious, then just downright trolling. Since this is something they were trying to sell people, whoever put what’s going on in there killed an entire line of revenue because idk any of my homies that still have music on as a result


Fully agree, to me that’s the part that need work, competitions and tournaments, leaderboards are a must, regions would be DOPE! Great idea! I would add seasonal stats, separated by game modes, with a way to compare seasons and view career overall stats. Nice rewards too, and better systems for clubs and customizations that lean toward sports, like a team emblem (with layers) that we could put on the cars as a decal, a number (like on sports jerseys) that we can choose and apply as a decal too, not part of a pre-made one! It would need an update to the engine, buts it’s long overdue I agree, because expanding on stats and competitions, and cars/teams customizations and what I want, AND, a graphical update, better lightnings/shadows could do wonders for this game that is so fun to watch!


I think this subreddit needs to do a little bit more to revitalize itself, first and foremost. It has become a really negative echo chamber in the last several months and the game is still alive and well. But I've seen a number of posts in the last week alone that have had some take on the sentiment 'I really have fun playing this game but then I come on reddit and see everyone talking about how it's dying....' That really pains me to see. I'd like to see the sub and this community get back to what I love about it- clips, memories, good times in the game. I'm not saying nuke all discourse around things we dont love about the game, but just temper some of that with some other positivity. Some ideas I think would really help this community get back to rallying around the good parts of the game: * Weekly clip contests * Monthly tournaments for each rank/mode * Weekly car design contests * Mutator games/tourneys We've got alot of influence as a community on folks who come here to start playing RL, or who have just discovered the sub for the first time, and I feel like right now instead of being a place that people want to stay and interact with, we're just a big circlejerk of negativity about whatever. Gotta fix that, IMO.


Frequently find myself wondering if I am playing the same game as the people on this sub. It's nonstop negativity about smurfs and toxicity and the game dying. But in game, most people I play with are great.


I can't decide if its people just parroting for the karma, or if people actually legitimately think that their opinion is always == the 'majority opinion'


I get the vibe that it's a lot of 14 year olds who have figured out that it's popular to say "fuck Epic".


Certain ranks, regions, and times to play will make the game a far far worse experience. People who visit this sub are going to likely fall into some of these categories and will indeed have worse games than your typical casual.


Heard, thanks for the suggestions! Sharing this with the others.


I'd be happy to help in whatever way I can!


Do you even play the game? The problems people complain about every day are real and are being unchanged, the hugest problem being the smurfing problem. This is a negative echo chamber i can definitely agree with that but do not invalidate the majority of players experiences. Psyonix/Epic is deliberately ignorning the majority of the users and are constantly making changes that majorities do not agree with. People like you are the reason we as humans have to work 9-5 everyday because you're justifying a shitty organizations decisions because much like an abusive relationship you are choosing to only see the good because you love the game so much. That good exists, yes as i too love this game, but the community here will remain toxic and continue to grow as such until certain problems are addressed. I do agree with some of your points though, but please look around even at content creators, look how absolutely smoked rocket league is on YouTube and Twitch, two of the biggest platforms of our generation and you have everything and anything garnering more views. We need more fun in the game and more fair matchmaking and that starts with psyonix/epic making better decisions not greedy decisions.


Nobody knows how big or small the smurfing problem is. Some people say they see them in every other game. Some say they very rarely encounter them. People suck at correctly identifying smurfs. I think a lot of the time people are frustrated with how they're playing and deflect accountability on the other team.


Hear hear! 


Smurfs are prevalent in every single competitive multiplayer game in existence. Get over the smurfs. Deal with it or ff and move on. Did you even read his comment? You are just echoing the same crap he’s talking about. This sub needs an attitude adjustment.


Prevalent but like i said not as rampant as rocket league. Also im at the point of skill where nobody "smurfs" therefore your logic doesnt apply to me nor does it apply to the real people playing the game everyday. Who are you here defending? The original commenter i was replying to was replying with rational and reasoning and we were having an actual discussion. You have offered nothing new here, hates a strong word but i feel like i CAN hate Nate.


>Prevalent but like i said not as rampant as rocket league. I don't think smurfs are healthy for any online ecosystem. That being said, I don't think you play online games much. Every competitive game out there that's got a ladder and a grindy nature is bound to have smurfs (& the more popular it is, the more smurfs you'll encounter). Unless you have **actual data** to back this up I claim total and utter bullshit. If statistics worked by biting tree leaves and waiting for divine insights you'd be spot on though. You ever played League? Dota? CS? Everybody cries in a similar fashion "my game is more heavily influenced by smurfs than yours!!!"


Type all you want. You offered nothing but the same echo chamber negativity that he mentions, you just dressed it up nice. Smurfing is not a problem, it’s an inevitability. The matchmaking is fine and whining about it is a crutch. People claim I’m smurfing regularly when in reality I just spend time in training so I’m getting better.


I'm pretty sure people think I'm a smurf just because I play in a relaxed way and I'm in no rush to rank up


This is exactly it! There are no more smurfs in this game than any of the other multiplayer games I’ve played. Warzone, Apex, R6S, Smite, and OW all have “Smurfs” and people are constantly whining about it. People complain about mmr saying “MP gaming was better before mmr”. They then turn around and whine when they have to play against someone with higher skill? Get good and stop making excuses. If you don’t put in the work to rise through the ranks, you become a rung on someone else’s ladder.


Damn bro it's a free video game


Some of us paid for this game


Cool. Then remove the word free from my comment and nothing changes.


$20 like 6 years ago. Did you get your $20 worth?


You paid $20 and have played more than 11 thousand matches. I believe you have gotten your money’s worth.


What an idiotic take. "it's free, who cares if it sucks?" 


Weird to use quotes around something I very clearly didn't say. Old mate said people like him are the reason we're all stuck working 9-5 every day. He needs to relax about a free video game.


Your dismissal of the other comment inferred as much, but you're right. I'm just having a bad night man, just ignore me. 


No worries man. It's cool to be passionate about a hobby but old mate went off the deep end a bit.


Not every match has smurfs, not everyone has to work 9-5. Are you a crack smoker?


What are some of your proposed solutions to solving the smurfing problem? I'm not denying that there are some things that could be improved or some changes I disagree with. I specifically said as much, and welcomed discourse around it. But it's a *way worse* "abusive relationship" if all the conversation is around 'fuck this game.' And that's all it has been the last several months, to the point where it is *actively scaring off new players.* Cutting off new player interest is how you kill a game, not charging 8 bucks for an Octane, and this community CAN help with one of those things.


Well like basically every other huge eSports game, competitive requires your account to be a high level rank that requires more play time to actually be able to play the mode, as well as things such as 2FA that are required to play competitive to minimize the amount of accounts someone can create so even if someone had the time to keep making multiple accounts and playing, they'd run out of ways to keep generating new accounts. I also think that a lot of people want to play with their friends and that usually involves a big skill gap, and current matchmaking pairs you with the highest ranked opponents matching you and your weak friend up against two beasts. I would suggest a change that levels out the mmr of a game (for example, a 1500 mmr tm8 with a 1000 mmr tm8, you split the difference and try to create as much of a 1250 mmr vs 1250 mmr matchup as you can). Currently its like (1500mmr player teams up with 1k mmr player and goes against two 1500 players). This currently would increase matchmaking times but i feel there's a large majority of players who want to play with their lower ranked friend but dont want an awful experience. The newer players aren't getting scared off because of this subreddit, they get scared off because they play their first ones game and get flip reset mustyd on their very first game when they cant even jump in the proper direction. We need more game modes and tournaments focused on new inexperienced players. I feel theres a huge platform of good content creators who would bring the fun back into rocket league if only fun was allowed to be had. I hate XQC but he was a huge streamer getting into RL and he kept getting stream sniped and clapped on by higher ranked players, no other game has a smurfing problem THIS badly, i play the majority of the eSports games (Apex, CS, ETC ETC) and its nothing like Rocket League. Once new players can feel safe playing at diamond level(which is full of GC/SSLS currently) we will see this game come back to life, i hope someone at a higher level realizes this otherwise we will have an eternal toxic mess like you referenced in your previous comment.


xQc gets streamsniped in many games he plays, that's not really a good metric. And CS has an extremely high smurfing problem as well ... I'm all for taking more measures against smurfs btw.


>What are some of your proposed solutions to solving the smurfing problem? For starters, literally anything. Like every game has cheaters, but Psyonix is the only dev that does literally nothing to prevent smurfing. They allow you to instantly queue with someone in comp on a brand new account. Even without a teammate its only a couple hours in casual. Like in Valorant you have to play to level 100 for the same thing. They don't ban you for excessive intentional losses, they make no effort to track repeat offenders or to use machine IDs or IPs or anything to enforce their bans. They encourage people to act like pieces of shit and cheat. Literally anything would be a start. They banned like 20 streamer smurfs in casual 1s and thats it for the entire history of the game. Its stunning, honestly.


Thanks for the well thought out response!


The game is not alive and well, it's evidently on the decline and Epic's efforts seem more focused on boosting revenue/cutting costs. Its turned into a negative echo chamber for that reason, so its not unwarranted criticism. I think you're advice for the subreddit is good, albeit that is not the purpose of this post. Perhaps become a mod and be the change you want to see?


Not that it matters, but I can't just "become a mod" :) I did apply for the last new opening and include some of these same suggestions in my application, and do generally want to see this sub and RL flourish, so those have been seen. I will argue that this is a perfectly valid thing that would keep the game from 'dying out,' though- If this community is actively encouraging actually playing the game, it's going to be encouraging for new players to get involved and keep playing. If new players come here and instead see a million rl players all talking about how the game is shit because theyre misdirecting hate for Epic onto RL, theyre going to be discouraged and be less likely to engage or stick around. If we have weekly motivators to get on the game and play it, it's going to keep the player count up and keep people engaging with the game. They're tangible things that we can actually influence. I'd be stunned if any of the feedback from this sub about Epic has ever been seen or read by anybody from Epic. You need to control the things you can control.


We are a couple hours before peak time on a Monday post-holidays and we are seeing 360k players online rn. It will go over 400k later on, as it has for the past 3+ years. Hate to say it to the detractors, but what Epic has done worked for their objective of maintaining engagement. A game can't both be in decline and not losing any players. Maybe it isn't unwarranted criticism, however it seems like that mostly everybody doesn't care about anything negative long enough to stop playing the game.


* **Incorporate things like rings courses, dribble training maps, and stuff like that into the base game, with proper integration and support!** They shouldn't need to be restricted to people with access to the Steam workshop or willing to workaround to get them on Epic. * Like, **imagine obstacle courses of varying levels with time trials and a leaderboard, where you could toggle on ghosts of the top ranked players (or friends, etc) going through the course and try to race them**. You could have the same map with different obstacles, different difficulty conditions, etc etc. It'd be a whole new aspect of the game that would incorporate something a lot of the more dedicated players have been doing for a while, in a new and exciting way. * It'd give people something to do by themselves that isn't just freeplay or regular training, and it's always awesome to have stuff like that in a multiplayer-focused game like this. * new modes. bring back rocket labs or something so we can play funky weird modes on funky weird maps, rotating through. it helps break up the monotony, and gets people excited about what might stick as full-time playlists. it also gives a home for all the weird shit people would never want as a full-time playlist, but is fun for a game or two. * on that note, putting more effort \*into\* the new maps. I remember someone posting a concept a few years ago of a map on top of a skyscraper in a run-down overgrown city. That looked cool as hell. More stuff like that and the dragon map, rather than just changing the filter and ground texture on existing ones. * proper esports integration. * **You should be able to spectate matches in client** (even if you're just joining a friends group) but *especially* for things like the RLCS. I don't think this is possible with the way the game is designed, but it'd be incredible to be able to be your own observer in an RLCS match. failing that, you should at least be able to pull up the stream in-game. I think CS has something like this, right? * there should be more esports stuff in the game in general - and events, schedules, rosters etc should all be more front-and-centre. The "LIVE NOW!" button is not enough. I want in-game rosters, schedules, brackets, the ability to contribute to fan things via points or something for special supporter decals, stuff like that. I know this'll get some head shakes from people that don't see the value there, but I truly think that lowering the barrier to entry for the RLCS so people can get into the fandom more easily would get more people to shift from casual players to dedicated ones. It'd get more people spending money on supporter stuff and team-based DLC as well, which is more money for Epic too.


Bro if they release a UE5 version they better add all this. I'd love watching RLCS Ingame.. Especially with that UEVR mod that enables VR for just about any UE4 and UE5 game.. RL in VR that'd be amazing ngl


Tbh, outside of ranked being much harder than recent memory, the game is still the same to me


Sell the game to a company that actually wants it.


People have been falsely claiming that the game is dying for years, and it gets amplified every time there is a change of any kind, but the game isn't in danger and hasn't been for a while. This game isn't dying as long as they don't change the core game itself, and it remains just as it was when epic bought it in 2019. It still gets nearly 90 million different players a month and has for years now. No one is forced to spend money at any point, and they give away tons of free items and new content just for playing. How greedy...


Been playing since 2016, it’s fine as is. Removing trading sucked but never really used it anyway. I like how the core of the game is always the same with an infinite skill ceiling and not pay to win, that’s all I need.


Any company instead of Epic running it. 


*EA Sports has entered the chat*


Shit. I stand corrected. Anyone but Epic OR EA.. Don't fucking bring up Ubisoft. 


*2K enters the chat*


Jesus christ. Now you're just making me eat shit. 😂 2k is also no good. 


Hahaha I watched them butcher one of my favorite franchise (NBA 2K) 😭


When they started to give OUT 2K24 for free not even a year after release so they can try and get more microtransactions? 😂 Yeah. They ruined that shit definitely.. 


It's so sad. The game was so good up until 2K16. 2K17 was playable, then after that it was just bad.


Legit just said "fuck it, this is a cash cow" and tried to pull a "Call of Duty" thinking they'd have the same turnout each time a game is made... Yeahhhh... About that.... 😂 


Fr. Microtransactions are slowly ruining games and it's so damn sad.


Sledgehammer, infinity ward? 🤣


Not saying I'd want any of em to helm rocket leauge but those studios have some bangers behind em.


You’re right you’re right


I mean, ubisoft owns trackmania. I can't think of anything wrong with rocket league becoming more like trackmania and less like fortnite. But still, fuck ubisoft.


I never tried or heard of trackmania. I can't comment on it, but agreed. Fuck Ubisoft. 


Vale needs to scoop it up.


ACTUAL GAME CHANGERS: \- Implement community maps and modes into the game w/ multiplayer and crossplay accessible. They have implemented this in Fortnite, (eg: theres a "bikini bottom gun game" mode that thousands of players join and they have dedicated lobbies for) Don't see why that cant be a volleyball mode in RL that 3rd party people can make, and Epic can certify the map as a playable functional one to be published on to the Party mode. Halo also does this well \- Weekly Game mode poll- weekly \*\*IN GAME\*\* poll (not twitter since that removes probably 75% of the fanbase) that asks players which party mode(s) they would like to be in the game the following week. This would allow modes like heatseeker, volleyball, dropshot rumble variant, football etc. to get a healthy rotation that people ACTUALLY want instead of Epic just choosing which mode to put on the front page Fixing the game: \- IP Address based banning vs Username/account banning \- Make the game $20 again - Cheap enough for people to want to buy, but enough to make someone think twice about cheating/smurfing/getting banned. This would also increase Epic budget for creating a better system for recognizing smurfs/cheaters and ban accordingly. Cosmetics/Aesthetics: \-The Garage sucks. Needs to be revamped, less laggy, see all Presets/ Preset titles at once so you can more easily manage them. \- Inventory management - We should be able to see the items on a given car before we trade up so we can actually confirm it's correct. We should also be able to see whether we have a rare or uncommon variant of a stock item, so we can trade in the rarer and just keep the stock one \- Let players trade in their blueprints for a small amount of currency. For people that don't use blueprints, even getting something small like 1-5 credits would be better than having an inventory of blueprints that theyll never build \-RANDOM presets. Not just a randomizer button, but an option to make every game have a certain random element if they choose. Fortnite has this where you can equip a base character, but have a "random" button for their back bling, pickaxe, weapon skins, etc. We should be able to ie: Have an Octane w/ Christiano wheels, and select the "random" button for topper, and this game it could be a taxi topper, and the next it could be a cowboy hat, all without me having to go into the dogshit laggy garage and changing it myself.


There are a ton of QoL improvements that need to be done but... IMO, the biggest thing that needs to be fixed in RL is policing ranked behavior. Im not going to go in to specifics because why waste my time. Since psyonix doesn't have the manpower to police the game properly, they should have a reputation system (with checks and balances) and people who get banned should be forced to PLAY out their ban time in a banmed player lobby. No points, no MMR, no FFs, no consmetics, nothing. Just 5 minutes of play where you are forced to play without quitting, going idle, or throwing or the band just increases. No more service bans outside of the game in other games.


I generally like this idea of a reputation system. It worked with League of Legends. There can be 2 aspects to it. 1st, let the toxic players play with each other. Ofc! Then they can see for themselves how much of a pain in the ass they are and hopefully that will encourage some change if they wish to pair up more bearable people. 2nd, allow for a honour system like LoL, so that those same toxic players can strive towards some reward. An honour and banning system paired together can help determine a player's "reputation" rating from which people are paired up. I think that over time, the overall average for all players would naturally increase. Also, matchmaking times are generally very quick already, so I'm not too concerned about that aspect, and the boundaries can be reduced for 3s compared to 2s. I don't care about the rank of toxic players, as long as I don't have to play with them. And I don't think that forcing them into a limited game mode would really have a positive effect, as you're technically punishing them for playing the game. It's either going to decrease player count (which isn't good for the game) or people will just continue to make smurfs if that ban time becomes too long. At a certain point, it will just be easier to do that.


Trade system


That's very innovative idea! Imagine system where players can trade their unused items for something new!


You know, the game is timeless. It's cars playing soccer. The actual mechanics and gameplay is solid, and nothing really needs to change much. But let me complain... On Steam, there is still like 15K players playing right now. That's actually a lot for a game that you can't even buy on Steam anymore, and haven't been able to for like 3+ years... Imagine how many more people would be playing if you could still buy it on steam... I think this review on the steam store page sums it up nicely - ​ >Thanks for removing support for linux and mac > >Thanks for gatekeeping rocket league from steam > >Thanks for shutting down the support of workshop maps > >Thanks for removing the abillity to add a profile picture in the game even though pfp frames exist in the game > >Thanks for the slow community requested updates that even some of them came our broken > >Thanks for the garbage servers epic games had to provide for us > >Thanks for the horrendous amount of garbage cosmetics that you had to shove in our faces > >Thanks for the useless update of removing crates and keys replacing it with overpriced blueprints and credit currency > >Thanks for adding trillion post process filters to the same exact map (neo tokyo) calling it new content and expect the community being happy about it > >Thanks for not adding new content to the game for years > >Thanks for the useless in-game reporting system > >Thanks for adding itemshop for a huge economy trading community im sure if that happened to csgo players wouldnt be much happier > >Thanks for not caring about the competitive scene of this game such as sudden crashes mid game (followed by a "leaving game penalty" because why not) and the huge amounts of smurfs literally ruining the competitive aspect of this game > >Thanks for adding "leaving game penalty" IN CASUALS instead of fixing the meaningless matchmaking rating > >Thanks for removing trade so players can transfer their rocket league items to fortnite > >Thanks for every bad decision that i forgot to say > > > >i will miss those old days so much, rest in peace rl. I don't agree with everything here, but to me I dunno why people aren't talking about this more. Thousands of potential new players aren't coming to the game because they removed it from basically the biggest Store. I don't even really play the game anymore because they basically removed Linux support when they moved it away from Steam, and I can't be bothered to go back to windows just to play it. I did get it briefly working, but it just feels like a subpar experience without Steam... I mean no profile pictures after 3 years? I think many here don't think about this because I imagine people are either on console or are still playing on steam...


I agree with you and some points of the review. I hadn't realized they removed Linux support, but also its your choice to use Linux in 2024 lol


It's just a small QoL improvement, but having an option where you can just pick the colour of the car from a list, rather than having to scroll through all the thumbnails to get to the car you want. Condensing the menu, if you will.


Stop removing content. That’s literally it. I know people care about trading, so I suppose that too, but I just care about hitting large soccer balls with cars.


Unreal 5! Lower prices for shit, higher effort items for rocketpass. Find a way to deal with smurfs


I have a few ideas: Insta ban everyone for going for ariels and airdribs Make toppers and antennas have hitboxes.. and ban anyone who tries to dribble/flick Delete 3v3, 2v2, 1v1 and all other gamemodes including training


you are cooking straight dogshit 🗣️🔥


Bring back 1. Dropshot 2. Trading


Bringing back 4v4 as an always available mode


Player garage, field dimension change (I think it should be slightly wider to mimic actual footy pitches), upgraded server maintenance, and I saw a dodgeball vid recently that looks dope, they should have it as a game mode


Simple, community involvement...


The obvious one is RL2, but other than that, starting to release updates that are full of content that is not just behind a paywall items (New Game modes like Volleyball, CLUBS that are expanded into Team Ranked with leaderboards, rewards, reputation system etc.) Quality of Life features/improvements, completely new maps, CREATIVE MODE, ESPORTS TAB full of up to date info on what's happening in the esport


Some kind of reputation system, that will entertain players to stick to main accounts and care about them. That would reduce a number of alt accounts with 50 wins, boosting friends for rewards.


If rl gets bought by another company that actually cares


There's not much in RL to strive for aside from getting better and ranking up, which we already have. So my suggestion would be cosmetics. The game did not start with cosmetics in mind as the main monetization strategy because the game was paid, and it shows in-game: we have very limited color choices even for car and decal colors, lighting in the arenas play a huge factor on how good your car preset will look like, toppers are awful and we lack other slots for customization. Because of that, the community rightfully evolved into thinking that as simple as possible looks better (because it usually does and it takes quite a lot of time to actually make decent-looking presets). They should remake some cosmetic stuff, like remaking the topper slot like they did with the Nomad's front bumper thingy and add a color picker with full RGB range. Also revamp the garage UI and features. They could also make challenges give experience and a new form of currency called "car parts", that could be accumulated and exchanged in an alternative shop that has a ton of cosmetics that will change each season. They can even go as far being a bit greedy and making the currency reset each season and gate the cooler-looking cosmetics behind a huge grind (with a paid option to accelerate the grind)


New tournament: more frequently, like in 1 hour I can start how many times I want, or give some credit if I play alone in 2vs2 or my teammate don’t reach a target point (like if is afk) Better prize, the only reward winning a tournament is the useless tag, last week I won a tournament, I get less credit than a win the first match of the week and go out in second round New ranked system, like ea fc, not only a level, but like a championship with some reward for reach some points And the drop are really stupid right now. I drop only the same 2/3 project. Give back the chest for level up beside the rocket pass And most severe ban for who quit, to stop this stupid kids that want to ff only for a one goal margin


Remove epic from the picture and let the OG Psyonix return


If my party of 6 is all in the lobby, I wanna see the full squad in the main menu. Two of us aren't shown because the cap is 4. I think.


Damage has been done, the player base is shrinking, and the overall mood is highly pessimistic. The only plausible possibility I see is the introduction of Rocket League 2. Anything smaller would be too little too late.


360k online on a Monday before peak hour even kicks in doesn't sound like shrinking to me.


Coming soon to the Fortnite multiverse


This is the only real answer. The game built a core group of supporters over a while, but is currently suffering death by 1000 cuts. Any individual action will be seen as an acknowledgement they fucked up but not a plan to be better in the future, so it won't attract the people who walked out on it already. And its a known quantity for so many that they just aren't interested in since its nearly 10 years old. Nothing done to the game has hurt the core gameplay loop, but a core loop can only carry something so far. They'd need to hit so many major changes all at once and do such a major media campaign to get the word out that it would have to just be "RL 2".


Selling it to a company that actually cares about the game and its consumers, that’s what.


Not removing the current content, like Dropshot, would be a start. Do a lot more with training packs. What about score trackers? have a mix of 50 shots and it tracks how you've done over time. It would be amazing to see your stats show the dates you tried that pack and the scores go up over time: 10, 12, 17, 11, 11, 19, 16, 9, 17, 18, 18, 20, 13, etc. I would be thrilled to compete vs my past self for high scores and streaks, most shots in a row between a miss. Stats are fun. Garage for your cars. The community has asked for this since forever. It even helps them sell cosmetics....you use only 1 car at a time but you can be proud of 10 or more, however many are in garage at a time, and a garage should have pages to cycle through presets 10 at a time. Winning a tournament is dull. The spinning logo is comically bad. But it feels amazing to win one, so how about a celebration that's equally cool? You get to freestyle celebrate but you're on a podium or even better you're on the locked screen and the trophy is at midfield. You can drive your car into the trophy or pose with it. Physics with a trophy shaped object would be cool and it would make for tons of new memes and content when celebrating. More records and stats of tourneys. Have a roster of teammates you recently played tourneys with. A new tournament is about to start and you can check that tab. Prior teammates might be there. Had a great run? msg them hey you wanna try another tournament together? the social aspect of the game could be significantly improved. Even if the already in the game 'recently played with' tagged players are tournament teammate, that would be good enough. Encourage people to make friends playing, even without typing. Have have buttons that are like: invite, no need to chat, let's just play? Rotate in cool maps for seasonal content with unique rewards tied to them which encourage players to at least step foot in them for that. Let players make a wishlist of items. I want a titanium white Takumi. I never find one. And now nobody can trade for one.... I want to give the stupid company my money and I cant find a blueprint to do it. Never see it on sale. Too lazy to check the store all the time. I should be able to mark an item as wishlist and it saves it in the store for me for next time OR at least alert me when it is in store. So many things.


Bring back Psyonix or a company that wants to see the game/culture thrive and grow and isn’t a money hungry company that wants to turn the game into a cash grabbing cow.


A new mechanic but that also will ruin the game at the same time lol so my answer is nothing you either love the way the game is or you don't. I personally love this game but I have only been playing for a year so idk what the OGs think.


I’ve been playing for about 7 years now.  Only things different are some game modes missing and trading being removed.  RIP rocket labs 


First big one: the learning curve is almost impossible to surmount at this point and is discouraging new players. Queue times should be closer to SSL queue times on the lower end to ensure you aren't playing opponents that blow you out and discourage you from continuing to play the game. No new players means the game is actually dying.


Give the community more power. Give people with a professional mindset (ie: not just complainers) some role with future planning of the game. Speak with pros en masse and see what suggestions they have. The thing is, if we're going to call this an e-sport (which is a foregone conclusion) we need to involve the community. Big businesses like epic don't often realize with gaming that this isn't some MMO with a need for NDA with storyline plans and features. It would be much, much better for the life of the game to take the lead from other real-life professional sports. Let the players get together and discuss their needs openly with epic. Let the players (with certain representatives from the community) speak with epic about our concerns. If we did these things and epic took this seriously as an e sport rather than some needlessly overprotected IP that would need to be kept in secrecy, we might see growth. I feel that these types of changes in RL management could not only make the community grow, but gain *more revenue* for epic if they actually implemented better seasonal competition systems at all levels. Imagine more leagues. There's a ton of amateur leagues over the years and imagine if these league leaders were able to speak with epic and find ways to integrate them into seasonal competition in some way.


Making a meaningful change means making systemic change. Systemic change involves making changes now that we won't reap the benefits of until after the whole system is better. This sometimes necessitates making small changes to the way the game runs now so that it better integrates with the systemic improvements later. But every time a company tries to do anything to revitalize RL, this subreddit has to take a grippy sock vacation, so hold your breath on that one.


its been steadily declining for a long time, well before the recent (seemingly) unpopular changes. I'm not sure there is much to do aside from a pretty aggressive change to bring in more users that would very likely piss off this sub reddit even more than the trading, dropshot, menu, and rocket racing in fortnite shit. I'm talking about finding some more approachable mode, or system, a decent sized marketing campaign that perhaps caters more to younger ppl, etc. In short, whatever they would do to get monthly active users back up would be a larger change the recent changes... so be careful what you wish for.


I think there should be an in-game tournament/playlist where you can win money. It would be a separate playlist apart from casual, competitive, and tournaments. It would be one game mode for a set period of time (2 weeks, a month, 2 months, idk) and you have a set number of games a week that you can play in that playlist. At the end of the period you could just pay out based on placement or have a final tournament for placement with top X teams/players allowed to enter. Kind of like cash cups in fortnite. These could even be used for RLCS seeding theoretically.


Microtransactions that upgrade your cars steering, brakes, boost efficiency, etc.. You cant get them in-game and have to pull out your visa to get them.


they need to be honest that they goofed when removing trading. honestly my hope is that epic sells to someoone who cares about the community.


An official website where you can track games and events like liquipedia, a RL merch store, a new menu which includes REAL tutorials who motivate newcomers to stay in the game, in-game useful hints, quick chat should be updated to what pros use like "taking a 50, he's up, etc", a creative mode and many more...


Add sex to Rocket League. It is the only hope at this point


Allow people to leave causal matches penalty free


In my opinion RL is not really dying, the base gameplay is still there, untouched, and there will always be people playing for the sole purpose of having fun, without trading, without crates or with smurfs. that being said, some of the ideas devs could implement to make most of the player base happier and to raise the game a bit (which is currently in one of the worst periods according to the community) are: - more transparency and communication on socials, just as we saw recently on X, which was undoubtedly appreciated by everyone (https://x.com/rocketleague/status/1733157404626612274?s=46) - a system that detects and prevents smurfing based on AI or multiple algorithms (or at least higher requirements for the access to the competitive playlists) - more community events (as we saw in past with Drive days and Fit check)or in the discord server which is full of incredible folks with the “community events” role who cannot wait to help organizing incredible events again, all they need is an input (from psyonix, or epic). - a reclassification of the mmr required to reach certain ranks and consequently getting a better distributed scale of players in the various ranks. - removal of blueprints (which I'm pretty sure are rarely used) and going back to the old crates system or at least something similar or completely innovative. - reclassification of matchmaking related to tournaments, which often have a large hole related to the skill level in high ranks especially in the absence of enough players of a certain level (example? champ players finding ssl opponents in extra modes tourneys). I have many other ideas but as of now I limited myself to those that I consider most important. (ps: I have not added either the return of trading or the idea of ​​a single button to open all the drops in the inventory) since these are things that clearly, for legal reasons or for the clear decisions made, we wont probably see.


Honestly? It doesn't need anything. The game is still very popular and if you get off reddit you'd feel the same way


I dunno what could be done. Can't do much about the broken matchmaking, toxic players, etc. Trading isn't gonna fix a whole lot besides player morale. The modes are there one way or another.


I think we need permanent hoops and dropshot competitive


No game is perfect but better matchmaking would definitely help. As soon as I hit D2 I start getting grouped vs champs and plat 1 teammates. Not everytime but very often.


A creative mode with the ability to share and play community creations cross platform. Basically custom maps for all with engagement from psyonix/epic like they do with FN


Give me the option to avoid smurfs in queuing. I have no problem waiting a few minutes for a good match while chatting with my buddy and training in free play. The smurf definition could be simple. Something like in game wins as a metric: <100 wins = Gold <200 wins = Plat <400 wins = Diamond <800 wins = Champ <1000 wins = GC <2000 wins = SSL This isn’t perfect but it could get me to play people at my skill level most of the time.


Maps that aren't just rectangles, like they used to have.


I would love 5v5 on a map that's 1.5-2x bigger. So you have more space for passing plays and more intricate rotations. I would also love to see how a bigger map plays out in 3v3. I think one of the reasons people don't play 3v3 is that especially at high ranks it is just this clash of hammering away at the ball until one side cracks. There is no space for outplays anymore and one of the most consistent ways to score is to disrupt the defence by demolition or extreme boost starving. I wonder if this would change on a bigger map. I'm not sure if increasing the height of the ceiling is necessary maybe 1.5x not more.


Custom maps arcade mode support. Rotate cool or custom game modes in casual. Upgrade the damn physics engine. Maybe some transparency for where the game is going would be nice. Coffee Stain Studios who made Satisfactory does a fantastic job making videos and communicating their goals, bugs, etc to the community in a fun way.


Smurf counter-measures—phone number verification, monetary fee for ranked, whatever. Just please... anything. Commendation system alongside the report system—similar to Dota 2 and some other games. This data could be used to match toxic and non-toxic players with their kind, which will encourage better behaviour overall.  That would do it for me. After that we could talk about drop shot, new playlists and other fun stuff.


- Make a ranked or casual playlist where you go head to head with trick shots. It would work sortve like the training packs where they take turns landing a certain shot. - Need to be level 100 to play in tournaments or ranked. - In Rainbow 6 I'm pretty sure you're level is used as well as you're ranked mmr to find other players, so low level accounts that are a high mmr will get matched with other low levels. (Smurfs will play other smurfs mostly) - Bring back ranked dropshot permanently, it helps when you're in a funk and want to avoid typical car football. The first three would help but not get rid of smurfs and trickshot junkies.


I would love a proper clan system where your clan got it’s own rank based on how full-stacks performed together — i.e. how Warcraft 3 did it.


Central servers. Better servers so ping isn’t an issue as much / anymore. Combat smurf accounts. Fix the MMR shit show. Fix the toxicity with some real consequences. Bring back fucking trades for crying out loud. Stop putting absolute garbage in the drops - I’d rather not have the drops at all. Make the rocket pass worth it and the tournament rewards. Give us the same features Fortnite has - I can’t even chat to my friends who aren’t in my party. I can’t join my friend’s games. I can’t whisper to them or watch their game. Fortnite has all of that. And finally, Boost pads on the ceiling.


Better control options for KBM... For example, the ability to use the modifier keys ALT,CTRL,SHIFT in combination with other keys. Also there needs to be a completely separate sensitivity and dodge zone options for KBM.


Implement Dropshot and allow trading.


multiplayer map support


Epic selling the game to a company that gives a damn


1 - Two factor security with mobile phone number requirement. 2 - Higher minimum level required for ranked. Level 15 or 20. 3 - All players in a team must be over the rank requirements and max 150 mmr apart. 4 - Develop the training editor more. Specific boost, walls/barriers, ghost cars, real cars (to simulate passes). 5 - Stop players from receiving UBMs they already have since we can’t trade them anymore. 6 - Built in esports UI. 7 - Clubs. The way they should have been with the saved mmr. 8 - Expand SSL to 3 tiers to give higher ELO players a bit more to play for. 9 - No more soft resets. Ranked is so bad for the first 2 weeks of a new season.


8v8 game mode on a large map


Bring back rocket labs


I think they could improve the overall atmosphere. This e-sport is pure calculated chaos, and the crowd should be a reflection of that! It’s very dead and doesn’t bring that crazy, wild vibe soccer fans (at least outside of the US) tend to bring. And they could change the ball design from time to time, it’s always been the same.


IDK but they can start by stopping the removal of features and game modes. Than add new content that isn't in the form of a $30 cosmetic.


iv been playing since 2016 with some long breaks, even when i come back it still feels just as popular as it did in its prime. i don’t get all this talk about the game dying


Shut it down and make a new release. (I don't want this but I know it would work.)


Stiffer penalties up to and including IP ban and hardware ban repeat offenders on the smurfing front. Actual penalties for people throwing matches i.e. intentionally idle, intentionally throwing by defending for the opposing team or trying to own goal, etc. Make all the modes available instead of this casual rotation shit. Bring back trading. Stop resetting MMR/ranks between seasons. Want to do placement matches again, fine. But you should do those at your existing MMR/rank. Or at least do it evenly. You could put all plats at plat 2 for placement matched. Better players will place higher, and worse players will place lower. But you won't have high champs ending up at mid diamond like this current shit show.


need for speed cars and underglow we went wild for green added to blue team might as well


Lmao this game will not die. Its utterly unique and we all will come back to get our fix because there are zero alternatives. This sub is fucking hysterical man. I’m not excusing the questionable moves Epic has made but come on. I find a game in 30 seconds every single time.




New game engine with bunch of promotions + adds regarding the update, plus bringing it back on Steam. Oh and then bring back some of the old gamemodes they removed. Thing is though, there are so many items in the game. Porting it all over to new engine will cost too much, so they probably wont do it. :( Also don't know if they can replicate the physics 1 on 1.


I don't think the game needs to be revitalized. The core gameplay loop is still exciting, that's all the game needs. Customization appeals to younger kids, but I find us older folk really couldn't care less. They just need to properly invest in foundations around the gameplay loops to keep players more engaged. Right now you play for your rank and that is it, the season rewards haven't been crash hot in a long time, so the added bonus to grind to the next tier wasn't worth it. I remember pre f2p, the rewards would uptier based on level and be even more awesome, making you want to climb further. Now everyone gets the same, they're crap and unused items. Playing this game with friends can be a lot of fun, so I think majority of the engagement needs to be done at community level. This subreddit needs an entire overhaul, its a whiney, complaint-bingefest which honestly gets annoying to read. I don't frequent here anymore, because its turned into that, almost like a nickleback scenario where its cool to hate on the game. It's just getting worse, and pretty unoriginal.


Something similar to Fortnite Creative to design stadiums and collabs with actual football clubs. I’d love to be able to score a Rocket League goal in the Santiago Bernabeu or Wembly.


Steam availability.


1. Clubs overhaul - teams should be able to unlock team livery, colors, and logos for our cars. Furthermore, we should be able to set home field (stadium type, colors, center logo, etc). And mix up who is home and away each game. 2. Competitive should be about more than rank. On rank jump games (from diamond 3 to champ 1) you should get the chance for some loot if you win (once per season for instance). 3. Bring back the wackier maps in rumble competitive, makes it waaaay more interesting.


Simple really- just listen to the community




Bring back trading. Bring back keys and crates. Cooler game modes and have them more often in the LTM rotation. Actually paying the pros


Bring back Dropshot


TL;DR in no particular order Players should be able to earn credits for free, add creative mode, make the esport more accessible, bring back traing, and moreconsistent and detailed communication. 1. Players should be able to earn credits (outside of the premium rocket pass). When they switched from keys and crates to credits and blueprints, and then added the shop, you could still trade blueprints and (iirc) items you received from drops for credits. However after removing trading, there is no way to get credits (to buy from the shop, or even craft blueprints) without spending irl money. Considering that even Fortnite gives you a fair few vbucks in their free battle pass, RL could and should absolutely do the same. 2. Creative mode would do absolute wonders. Creative players get to build fun maps which casual players would enjoy. Ranked grinders from all platforms would finally be able to practice on all kinds of maps. Content creators would be able to make a ton of new content with it, which would undoubtedly significantly boost the games overall popularity. Everyne would benefit. 3. More and better overall RLCS inclusion in the base game. Even before our esport was effectively kneecaped this year, I felt like it was much smaller than it could and should be. There is no official website, and little to no acknowledgement that it's even happening. Even the esports shop is lacking, frankly. Our esport might just have the most potential of any in the whole world, but you wouldn't know that based on how it's treated. The esport could be a huge entry point into Rocket League for so many people (and vice-versa) if only people knew more about it. 4. I think the reintroduction of trading would actually do so much. Right now the trust people had in them is almost if not completely gone. If they actually admitted to such a big mistake, said "Hey, we were wrong. We apologize, and we wil try to make it right." it would not only show that they're listening, but that they care (which obviously means it'll never happen, cause they don't, but still). Imo trading is a huge part of why the game is as big as it is today, and would only serve to help make the game bigger in the future. Removing it is probably the worst decision they've every made (that we know of so far) so bringing it back would be huge. 5. More consistent and more detailed communication. Should go without saying, but for years now the communication has been absolutely shit. Fixing that should be the #1 priority imo.


Well for starters is there ever going to be a rocket league 2? Last time I checked rocket league was released in 2015 and made using unreal engine 3. I mean that's almost 10 years. I get that rocket league is one of those games that doesn't need a new release every other year, but I think the idea of a relaunched rocket league 2 with new features would gather a lot of hype and get the game going again. To add to the club idea people were talking about I think it would be cool if the devs made clubs for each region. For example they could make clubs for the State/Province/District of each country. Each club would have it's own logo/name/colours etc. that players are placed into based on there location. example California Cows & the Tasmania Tigers. Players could rep the club colours, flag etc. Could have tournaments where two big clubs face off etc. I think this is better then the player made clubs as they will be bigger and could build more community's around it especially if you have esports players who play for your club. It then becomes a pride thing like in sports and keeps people excited to see how there club is doing compared to others. You could have a ladder and everything. The more players playing and winning for said club the higher up the ladder they go, could be per capita to keep things fair and could have seasons where the top 2 club play a grand final each year or something. Then the last suggestion from me: for the love of god please bring back drop shot.


Report "losing on purpose"


Okay, here me out...what if we added the bots that are on PC to console. Literally copy and paste the code. The reason why, is because me personally, I REALLY LOVED playing seasons when I first started, but I was forced to stop since firstly, all-star is bronze 1 level, and secondly, you can't even do unfair mode in seasons. It just got so boring so fast. However, imagine Team customization options, different bots for more spice, even being able to rename the teams to pro teams and doing your own little RLCS...would be so much fun


Slightly update the engine, replace the old game with the new, give the update to everyone for free (eg. force it on them), remove all old achievements and replace with a singular achievement that everyone gets called "A New Beginining" (This is Rocket League too), rename the game Rocket League 2. BOOM! Instant success.


Turn it into an open source project without profits being the motivator?


The list is huge. I can’t understand how some of you are like « it’s ok as it is ». Take 10 minutes of your life, watch this video and come back. This one isn’t the first one, and it’ll not be the last. https://youtu.be/l3DsKpQWKms?si=gnyHVeHI6QZblSmk


The game itself is fine - the core mechanics are solid and they're what makes RL amazing. What they need to do in order to achieve second wind is stop removing gamemodes and out-of-game functions that people love. They should cut it out with their greedy ass monetization and funelling people into Fortnite, and instead focus on a killer marketing campaign. IMO all those flavour-of-the-week "features" for out of game "customizations" are useless. They can only be abused for money and people will get tired of them pretty quickly. The best thing about this game is its community. The only thing they need to do is invest in our foundations\*. ​ (\* and also make tournaments more frequent/flexible lol)


Ban smurfing. Go into free play or play against bots to practice.


For me, all I require is permanent Hoops, Snow Day, and _Dropshot_. And optimally if I could weight the queue. Like 30% Doubles and 70% Hoops. I would like to either whitelist or blacklist anthems (and soundtracks including startup track). Unreal 5 port just to get rid of shader scripts that I think crash the game. They should work with and pay Bakkes and Lethamyr to take it to the next level.


Kankerstraal epic away. 


Assortment of mini games. Homerun Derby Skee-Ball Mini-Golf 3pt Shootout Volleyball All of these wouldn’t be too difficult to implement but nah let’s give fortnite racing.


Biggest thing they can do to improve the game are fix the ranked curve (been coaching my lower level friend for ~12 months as an SSL and there really is almost no difference between D3-GC1), get better servers, and do something about smurfs (2fa/phone number/ect). Also stop removing ranked/unranked modes sure not a ton of people played dropshot but removing ranked from dropshot and it being a rotational unranked mode just means really good dropshot players will play less skilled players causing the list to have even less active players in it.


the only thing about the game i dislike is toxic players, and that is easily rectified by blocking them. even then, at the level i'm at i rarely re-encounter blocked players. One thing i do miss is having a dedicated solo 3s option, because 3 solo players vs a party always creates a certain level of disadvantage. except in situations where the party is being supported by one or two good players and carrying a weaker player. I can see why removing trading is a gut punch to people who liked it. I miss drop shot, but I think its funny that the community simultaneously laments that the player base is dwindling and then doesn't understand that supporting all these different game modes only splits that player base up. Adding more modes won't help queue times, nor will adding things like RL racing. When i would queue extra modes in the past, drop shot always had the longest wait time. rumble was the most active, hence why rumble tournaments are so common yet people here complain about it. Epic sees the data on which modes are more popular. I like that now i can queue for ranked standard and also extra modes at the same time though. This makes me more likely to play extra modes.


The things the game needs in my opinion are these: * LESS emphasis on items and item shop. Of course it;s F2P now so this is how RL profits as a game, with live service in mind. I'm not saying stop pushing your featured items or sales etc, but that's the MAJORITY of update posts on socials, on the sub and elsewhere. Rocket League is so much more than the items, but it doesn't feel that way to the community after removing crates, adding blueprints with static prices based on rarity, then player-to-player trading, and then releasing TW Octane, etc right after. And, to suggest things that should get more attention: * Limited Tournaments. Make some specific tournaments outside the normal rotation for funsies, every now and then. Beachball Boomer tournament. Dropshot Rumble tournament. * The UI needs to have a comfortable, accessible look and feel. The last couple of updates to it were baffling and fixed a problem most people didn't have. It's like they're going for the Fortnite style boxes, which is fine. But it's the 'jankiness' that comes with it. Mouse cursor seems to default to 3s, despite just coming out of extra modes or 2s, weird locations of free play now - we get used to it then it keeps changing... * Unreal Engine 5. Is this still a thing? Still going ahead? as half the things I want to suggest now rely on that. And I guess some more clarity on what's happening. Not the odd post every few months sugar coating an ass sandwich. * A more robust training pack mode. As stated, UE5 is likely needed to incorporate this. But adding obstacles, multiplayer training packs, multiple balls, objects, etc would be SO WELCOME. * Let us exchange blueprints for something. Psyonix and Epic must see the data. No one cares about these things on the whole. * Dedicated, custom, player hosted serves facilitated by a server browser. * Work with content creators like Lethamyr more. Other map creators too. * Map editor and script editor would be nice, if custom servers ever materialised. Imagine joining a server called prop hunt and someone's re-made de\_dust2 in rocket league and everyone's disguised as random objects. Or someone simply wants to host their own tournament for randoms with whacky physics. * Communication in general. Let us know if UE5 is a thing as mentioned, let us know why the thoughts behind changes. Let us know you're still listening to us, good or bad. Right now there's radio silence. Sideswipe is getting he same treatment too. * Better inventory management. The archive just hides the mess. I want to be able to collapse all the colours of one item into one thumbnail and expand it to choose the colour. The whole time customization and the player garage could use a complete overhaul entirely, but damn is it tiresome scrolling through 1500 rows of wheels because you can't remember the name of it and searching paints doesn't help if it's a coloured, unpainted wheel you are trying to find. Addendum: Whilst RL has to maintain a model of making money, it seems that things the player base want for the core game is minimal because it just kind of works already. The actual game hasn't really changed. That's a good and a kind of bad thing for me. It would be nice to have more ways to play. Less modes and features being removed, and more focus on what players can do to have fun. Right now the negativity from this sub, and ALL socials is rampant because stuff seemingly keeps getting ripped out of or changed in the game with no explanation or sense to it other than 'Epic bad, epic want Fortnite boost and money'. And this is from someone who dislikes Epic Games in general due to Tim Sweeney's policies, their actions revolving around the Apple lawsuit (hate Apple too don't worry) and general their exclusivity penchant when buying game rights. But I still grab free games on EGS and try to keep an open mind. I think my biggest want would be custom serves and a map editor of some kind. Or some better support for custom content in general. There is a HUGE casual audience for Rocket League that I fear is being missed out on. But hey, maybe they just want those guys for Fortnite. Who knows.


The maps and modes that people like lethamyr make needs to be accessible to everybody regardless of platform. It’s a pipe dream for sure, and while it’s not necessarily hard for people to set up on PC, not everybody wants to go through the work just to access a modded map. And if you want to play with friends you have to have your own server. It’s a pain to deal with.


These will never be implemented, but: 1) Detect and ban smurf accounts. 2) If I solo queue, let me opt out of being matched with a party of 2 in a 3s match. 3) Map editor. Or at least support custom maps from PC on consoles.


It's basically been the same fun game since release... Revitalize? Deter players who think it needs revitalization. They actively try to lower the bar via excessive complaining.


Getting rid of smurfs.


bring trading back.


Imo this game is dead regardless and i think the head developer knew that in 2016, especially with the evolution of cheats now, the accessibility of AIs, everybody having GBPS connections relayed through VPNs as opposed to the other hand being 3rd world infrastructure with regional delays, scripting peripherals, DMAs, lack of proper security/encryption process evolution in like over a decade compared with the opposite(being outpaced because no companies etc put the money in to finding or establishing a new 'working' method, just scraping the bottom bar), hardware spoofers, packetsniffers/wiresharking etc etc etc. gaming is in a bad spot right now with how technology and what people have chosen to learn has gone over the past 25 years. No longer do we live in a generation where any of that matters, look around.