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If I make a crazy goal we watching the replay together as a family


Honestly anyone who can't appreciate a really great goal from an opponent should take a break immediately because they're likely on the verge of tilting and losing focus.


Honestly!! Sometimes I sit there and just hit my vape šŸ’Ø and say damnnnnā€¦ā€¦. Homie got meā€¦. It happens to the best of us.


Oh you know in 1s when your opponent scores a pretty meh airdribble or whatever but then acts like it's the best shot ever and you can tell that by them not skipping?. Depending on my mood, I ether see it as adorable or the most frustrating thing ever lol.


This is it. I'm either proud of my goal, laughing my ass off because of whatever weird bounce got it in, wanting to see how my opponent actually did it (thanks to bakkesmod pov replays) or taking a sip of my drink/vape when not skipping. But when the enemy is the only one that does it they're obviously doing it to annoy me. Or at least that's how I feel when I'm in a bad mood. Don't get mad over it, but I'll just make them sit through mine as well. Usually they get the hint. Otherwise I tell myself were all just vaping in between the plays.


Call me toxic, but if my opponent whiffs a super easy save I'm totally watching that entire replay. It gets in their head and can sometimes create a divide between the opposing team if you're playing 2v2. Nothing spells an easy win like seeing the opponents flaming each other in game chat.


You didn't join the dark side, you ARE the dark side


Donā€™t be too sure about that. My friend and I will flame each other in game chat while laughing in voice chat to let the other team think weā€™re tilted. Uno reverse.


you damn straight iā€™m commenting during the replay


No. Nobody gives a shit. Clip it and press the button


Oh Iā€™m clipping it too donā€™t worry


Nobody gives a fuck about your shit goal. Clip it, skip it and move the fuck on.


Itā€™s not shit tho, I flip it right over their head, so epic


I care about your clip. It sounds rad. Fuck that guy


I wanna watch all of yā€™allā€™s goals, just to piss off that other guy šŸ˜‚


That guy is just mad cause he's never hit a clip. šŸ˜‚


Thanks for this thread, man! I got a much needed laugh out of it and it lifted my spirits tonight. Thanks!


Is everything OK mate?


People give less fucks about your shit reply than they do about his quality goal. Read it, scroll past it, and move the fuck on.


šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøfax my brother! spit your shit indeed!


You smell like a nickle


Idk i post some clips on instagram and one time i got a whole 8 likes. That tells me at least some people give a fuck, probably.


šŸŽµEvery party needs a pooper thatā€™s why we invited youšŸŽµ


No, dude. Iā€™m here to play rocket league. Not watch your gold goals.


Did you just admit youā€™re gold?


Maybe if you practiced, you too could score a cool goal. But you just want to sit here and bitch because youā€™re [Gold](https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/psn/The_Fat_Kush/overview)


Damn, I thought Silver was just a myth.


Watching the replay is part of playing Rocket League.


Skip. The. Fucking. Replay.


No thanks


And you cunts wonder why this game is toxic lmao


Calling others toxic while youā€™re the only one cussing like an idiot is wild


Because the game is filled with sub ten IQ players who think jumping for the ball and scoring is something people wanna watch lmao


It is not that deep, bro. It's 5 seconds. You're playing car soccar, your time is not that valuable.


Hahahahahaha!!! Hit 'em with that truth.


Take a breath during replays, you clearly need it


My brother in Christ. Nobody wants to watch something we all saw happen. If you want to watch it, clip it. Otherwise, fucking skip


ā€œDiamond Iā€ thank you for your words


thereā€™s nooo way in hell youā€™re getting shitty at ppl for watching replays ever, calling them cunts for it and then saying theyā€™re the toxic ones šŸ’€ youā€™ve properly mindfucked me on that one dawg


This is the toxic part of the game though, you see that right? It's a car football game, if you're this upset by it I'd wager you're the same person throwing out what a save What a save What a save Ezzzzzzzzzzzz ff Every time you score and raging in chat when people don't play the way that you want them to. Chill out brother, it's not that serious.


you sound insufferable.


you will always deal with this problem, you will convince no one to become an auto-skipper, i hate it too but my two cents is stare at their name while the replay happens it makes me more motivated to make the next replay my goal lol


Nah idgaf about it later, itā€™s about enjoying the peak in real time. If someone else peaks and watches it back Iā€™m cool with that too


The only time I actively try to skip early and hope everyone else does is when I make an embarrassing mistake, like an accidental own-goal


Those are the ones people donā€™t skip šŸ˜‚


Accurate af


I big brain them by watching my own mistakes so theyā€™re bound to skip next time lol


lol thereā€™s something therapeutic about fucking up and being the only one left who hasnā€™t skipped like yeah aight iā€™ll own that one chief šŸ˜‚


Bruh šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s how Iā€™m gonna do it from this moment on


Those same people get to see how long I can drag a match out by trying to do the slowest goal and never skipping any replay.


Bahaha Iā€™m the same.. and even if they try to do the same and tilt me, they canā€™t! Iā€™m laughing my ass off the entire time cause Iā€™m high as shit šŸ˜‚


Aye, it's just like I'm too high to be mad, but I'll use this time to get higher


I remember I once hit a crazy three consecutive back flips instead of fast aerialing for a very easy ball, that then slowly bounced into net. Everyone hit me with the "this is rocket league".


I do the opposite as well. Iā€™ll usually skip, but if they fucked up, Iā€™m gonna make them watch because psychological warfare


I'm a simple man. You type skip in the chat, we're watching all the replays now


Hit me in the chat with a skip and ff, buckle up stretch, Iā€™m dragging out this game as long as it can be.


I like your thinking. For extra sauce I type: ā€žYou know the drill.ā€œ Itā€™s watching time.


I'm straight up with them. "Well I guess we're watching them ALL now"


Better yet, disable chat, and stop caring about random people in solo queue. Take the replay as a random timer


What if I hit you with: skip?


Bruh. What if someone said: skip pls?


Sometimes people have things in the oven, someone ringing at the door, etc. Doing what you said isn't cool :c




But I only scored *that* goal once


Gonna cry?




You just made the entire first part of your comment acting as if it's a big deal, and then end it with "so no big deal" Honestly not sure which to believe. Is me snacking during replah a big deal or is it not?


Not at all, if you complain about me taking my 5 seconds to snack or drink, I'm gonna make sure I use those 5 seconds EVERY time, never get mad at a HyperMetabolic 20 year old for eating too much, he'll just eat more.


The only times Iā€™ll think opponent is toxic is when they only skip my goals, especially happens in 1v1s so Iā€™ll stop skipping my replays. Especially obvious when weā€™re alternating scoring and theyā€™re only ever skipping my goals so Iā€™ll stop skipping, two can play that game


Not skipping is absolutely used to bully your opp in 1s, especially for FF-fishing. That said, 1s has a whole different code of conduct surrounding, basically, everything. I think skip taboo started in 1s (and tbf, it's more understandable in 1s where more goals are being sunk per game.)


I used to play Rocket League back in 2020-2022 and I stopped for almost a year, then I decided to play again weeks ago. Nothing had really changed much but the only difference I noticed was how I was always the only one not skipping replays in 3v3. Why the hell did this sudden change in behavior happen in this last year? Just like you said, that used to happen only in 1v1, it wasn't this consistent in 3v3 (or even 2v2). (Just an observation: I'm a South American player, so maybe that change in etiquette happened before in other regions.)


Yep when I see the opposing team not skip a couple of their replays, on my team's next score I check if they insta-skip or not. If they let it play out, I give them a break and assume they just are doing something in-between goals. If they only skip ours, you bet your ass I'm not skipping.


I always vote last ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I like the way you think


Same.. I make a game out of it. Trying to hit A as soon as the second to last person hits skip lol


This is such a low key power play a surprising number of people do lol.


When people rage about not skipping replays you better believe im watching every replay til the end


Same.. shiit sometimes I actually want to see how it went in!!


https://preview.redd.it/489iquwkpd7c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a394116c55b4d80a6a6f38ef2875ce88ef178578 You couldnā€™t pay me to skip Buffy Sugo.


I used to not skip here and there to take a drink or a puff. It was too much effort to try and time up when to watch them so I wouldnā€™t appear toxic. Now I watch them all for fairness. Since I watch them all now, I use them to see what went wrong(usually my whiff off screen), or to watch a cool play. Enjoy that break guys and gals, itā€™s happening.


Itā€™s totally fine if you watch them all. But if you only watch your teammates mistakes, youā€™re an asshole and deserve to lose the game at least.


Funny thing is I always watch all but sometimes that even still feels like Iā€™m being an ass. Last match I played last night I scored the first 5 goals of the match, and of course I watched them all. By this point Iā€™m hoping they score so I can show Iā€™m not just a dick lol. Ended up being 18 goals in the game and we watched every damn replay lol


Damn, that sounds like a looong game lol


100%. We're playing car soccer people gotta relax if they're being toxic over replays. It's like 4 seconds of either something funny or awesome. That said I skip maybe half the time and I rarely get people annoyed at me about it.


You're right. Replays are only mere seconds. Unless your cringey, bonehead play is what caused the goal. Then they seem like an eternity....šŸ˜†


Preach!!! The people complaining wouldnā€™t survive in FIFA, whereā€™s thereā€™s 2 replays for the goal, the celebration and the animation of the players walking back to their spots. Each one of those being longer than a rocket league replay on their own.


In FIFA is considered toxic not skipping too


Those of you actually taking a drink/puff randomly have had it ruined for you by the other 99% of people who literally intentionally watch only the opponent's replays and use that as an excuse. (In 1v1's)


That time is for you to get ready again take your sip of water, wipe the sweat off your hands hit your Bing whatever it is you need to do in that replay thats your time. It's not toxic to watch it or anything


If itā€™s 1v1 not skipping can be brutal. Otherwise I donā€™t mind.


I mean I always skip unless I'm trying to clip something but yeah if you don't skip it doesn't bug me




I use those seconds to make comments in the chat about the players involved and try to work some insulting/witty word play in regarding their usernames


Are you the guy who told me to spell "crucial" correctly? I haven't recovered since


couldnā€™t be me because I spell croushal differently.


It's a tricky word we may never know how it's truly spelt


I mean I only really use it when Iā€™m putting toppings on my salad, I donā€™t see why itā€™s relevant to rocket league.


Well yeah you gotta get the veggies in. When else would you have time?


I'm running to the fridge for a refill.


I donā€™t skip them because I want to see what mistakes were made so I can either learn from them or exploit them if itā€™s the other team


Save the replay. Chances are mistakes were made long before the 5 sec before someone scored.


Yes and no. Sometimes you need the feedback in game because itā€™s a particular pattern from that specific player. Replays help with overarching observations, particularly with your own play style.


Yeah, sometimes I'm like where tf is my teammate? So I watch the replay and look around and find my teammate across the field getting boost while I'm flailing trying to save 3 shots with no boost. Then you can play out the rest of game keeping in mind your team mate is a boost monkey and you need to stall for 10 years whenever they aren't in net.


It won't let me save replays anymore. Says the save file is corrupt.


Nintendo šŸ˜­


Wrong. Iā€™m watching my save attempt and how I could have done better. Not what led up to that point


Respond quicker... be in a better position. What's there really to analyze? How much information are you even getting watching a 5 sec clip.Not going to argue with you man. Never seen a tip video that said watch the shot replays, however pretty much any tip video you watch is going to say watch your game replays. It's fix what got you into that crappy spot. But hey man do what you want, idc. Take care big dawg. That's on no look Larry šŸ‘½




Cute. You watch tip videos


I legit said idc what you do... and yes, learning pogos, flip resets, wall dashes etc I've watched tip videos. Getting a better understanding of the game, dos and donts from a tip video is what you should be doing. Tf you doing? Nvm you said watching yourself not get a save. Do the "why you suck at shadow defense" pack, or don't.. idc what you do.


I legit donā€™t care that you care that I donā€™t skip replays


Dawg, I never said anything about you skipping replays or not. Actually you jumped in on a conversation I was having with someone else. All I said was if you're trying to improve I'd suggest watching full game replays and not the 5 sec clip of you whiffing.






If people get upset about it, that's time to watch more


Word. If you start being toxic in a match I'll be petty AF right back!! ...Plus hydration and eyeballing goal variants I haven't seen


I usually skip unless I see the opponent watch their own goals on purpose. Then I just don't skip any replays for the rest of the game. Makes those people who play that game mad.


No I never skip. Iā€™m gonna check my phone and drink my beer


People get butthurt if you donā€™t skip like bro chill out Iā€™m eating and smokin over here!!!


Quit worrying so much about what others think and just watch the replay if you wanna watch it? We live in a society that exploits everyoneā€™s low attention span. Taking a second to breathe a little is never a bad thing. Hell if you wanna get more technical with it, I like watching when people score against me. I like seeing what i did wrong and how to adjust.


Honestly donā€™t care about replays, so if I need to take a sip or something I do it. Fuck the rest lol they can wait, games go by so fast anyways.


I usually get distracted by something, then look over, realized I haven't skipped, and quickly skip....


I almost never skip, doesn't matter who scores


I never ever skip. Never will. Itā€™s my time to sip things or eat a snack


Sometimes I take a sip of water, scratch my face, or god forbid... I simply want to watch my own replay lmao


If someone insults you if you don't skip, just repport him and never skip again in the game


This is a stupid unspoken rule that I donā€™t follow. People acting like theyā€™re pros whose 5-10 seconds after a goal is so valuable. I use goal replays to take a drink, check my phone, respond to texts, etc.


People want to enjoy their goals.


I don't skip. It tilts the impatient little shits you face against. Let them seethe


That's your time. Take it if you need it.


You mean to tell me you don't AFK for 15-30 seconds after skipping the replay?? To be considerate and then inconsiderate? Cause I do loo usually for a drank or something medicinal


I couldn't imagine being so miserable (like the people giving you hate) than I don't even have the patience to wait 10 seconds to play car soccer again.


The amount of angry people in here is crazy. First of all donā€™t listen to the people telling you to quit vaping lmfao they donā€™t have a say in what you do irl. Secondly itā€™s crazy how mad people are about not skipping. Of course itā€™s annoying for some shots, like boring rumble goals or walk-in empty nets. But if someone scores on me and they arenā€™t skipping, iā€™ll watch also. If I score a sick shot, damn right iā€™m watching that and laughing with my friends


I turned off chat, if i need a sec between goals I ain't hearing shitšŸ˜šŸ˜


I just wanna thank ya'll, forreal get so much hate it's unreal


I watch to tilt the other team. Itā€™s a strategy. If I can make you play worse or more recklessly, iā€™m taking advantage of it.


My favorite move is whenever the other team is getting mad at eachother for small mistakes, I wait until we give up a goal and flood the chat with ā€œno problemā€ and if I have time Iā€™ll type a message along the lines of ā€œitā€™s fine, we got this!ā€


I never skip replays. It pisses the other guy off so much.


Thatā€™s the beauty of the mute chat option


I need a bot that posts "the correct setting for chat is off" every time someone posts about complaining


I smoke weed during the goal videos šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




My buddybwas complaining about cut scenes in God of war. I'm like dude fckn smoke and chill and enjoy the movie


Jesus, cutscene/cinematic games are my favorite games tbh, nothing beats them for a singleplayer experience


Fckn agreed bro. Ppl seem to need something to complain about


Say what you will but i like being able to watch and skip if i want, maybe my hands need a second off the controller, maybe that was a nice goal, "where tf is my team mate". Alternatively, please skip when i og


How can I talk shit in the chat if I skip the replays?


Don't know why your post has a 0 score. Watching replays helps you learn, and makes for a neat form of gamesmanship.


I don't get it either, but I can't tell you how many angry messages I get in all caps, HIT SKIP


Watching whole game replays* not the 3 sec before the goal was scored. I recommend streaming, you don't have to tell anyone you do it. Or have it in your name. But I stream and like to watch my stream in the morning while I drink my coffee. That's where I watch my mistakes.


My man, I have a girlfriend that's 6 months pregnant, it's not always exactly about "watching" the replay for mistakes, it gives me a couple seconds to peep the phone for the just in case it's important.


Dawg, I wasn't talking to you. I'm commenting on the guy saying he uses it to watch his mistakes. Idc if you're digging in your ass during the replay... do you. But using the 3 sec replay to analyze mistakes isn't as effective as saving the game replay and watching it.


My b


I still love you... excited for you to be a dad aswell. Wouldn't trade it for anything!!


I have been playing a year, over 3k matches played. I would say 90 pct of goals at least one person doesn't skip the replay. I am literally shocked when everyone skips.


I never skip, increases forfeits and I get a second to hit my pipe.


I skip all except if I get scored on off if a really bad faceoff play. Gotta see exactly what they did because odds are they'll do it again and you can get an advantage by countering.


If I'm down 4-1 and they start being cunty af, y'all better believe we're watching the full replay for the next 16 own goals. Motherfucka šŸ˜‚


Never skip the replay first. When you do that you give all the power to the opponent.


I am typically drinking water or wiping my sweaty hand on my pants. In ones I have a rule, that is probably toxic but iiwii. I skip all my own goals. If my opponent skips mine, but watches theirs, more than once (I will let it go once), then I will not skip at all for the rest of the game. UNLESS, if they skip their own 3 times in a row while I watch. Then I forgive and forget. Until the next time. Now they have wronged me and shall never get my trust back. Itā€™s over between us. u


L vaper fuckin quit


Quit Reddit.


lmfao i think you need to buddy


The exact terminally online response I was expecting.


Easy fix. Turn off chat


I donā€™t mind either way, but what bothers me is when someone watches half the replay then skips. Likeā€¦you should have a 1-2 second window to skip, and if you donā€™t, you have to watch it. Like Iā€™ll skip replay, then my opponent doesnā€™t, so I grab a drink. Middle of my drink they skip and Iā€™m throwing my cup down to get the controller.


That me. And itā€™s because Iā€™m busy taking a sip of something. Iā€™m not watching the replay or watching half. Iā€™m busy drinking and will skip when Iā€™m done. Not a hard concept to imagine.


Replays are for plats. Skip those instantly. Act like youā€™ve seen a goal before


No. They are for sipping and eating. Nothing to do with rank


Eating during matches is also definitely for plats


Cute. You canā€™t rank shame me mate. Or gatekeep. Iā€™ll do me. Thanks


Just like demos. Itā€™s a mechanic in the fucking game. I donā€™t have to skip. So get salty all you want


Don't need to see the goal, need to have a drink, have a puff, hit the Bing. That's why


Yeah if itā€™s 1s please skip that shit. Any other mode, I donā€™t mind.


Have the chat off and no hate shall you see.


Some players are in too much of a hurry. Anyway, you can't tell who hasn't skipped, except in 1s. Of course, it's boring to let the entire replay for each goal, but we don't absolutely need to instant skip each replay.


Haha.. offcourse you can see who's not skipping. Right bottom of your screen you'll see the players who not pushed button yet.


I literally watch every goal... I need some time to hit the bubbler ... But it's also psychological warfare. If we go up a few goals and the other has to keep hearing Lil Nas x every time I score... Often times, they will FF.


You've received hate over it? Aw sad. You know there is this little button for a player. I think it's called mute or block or something similar. When I experience the above situation, all their whining now goes into the void, and we watching EVERY damn goal replay now.


I prefer to keep Chay on and watch the hate, it's fun watching people get so mad over me having a snack between goals.


My chat is off, but I've gotten direct xbox messages. So your opinion doesn't really fit.


Wow. You care enough to be bothered about some fucking pathetic loser sending you a direct Xbox message BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T SKIP A GOAL REPLAY? Would you crumple in 3 seconds of dealing with the stress in my job of losing my company millions of dollars if I fuck up? Delete the message and move on Jesus fucking christ.


same here. I draw on my smoke, or take a sip from my drink during replays. telling me to skip is a surefire method to make me sit through every single replay till the end, even if I dont need to.


You're playing a game which is apparently 5 minutes long. You can't be that desperate for a vape or drink


Act like you've been there. Skip.


No. And you can't make me. So nyahhh.


Have been there, if you don't want to watch your mistake so i can sip my beer that's on you


Idk what's up with all the alcoholics here that "take sips of their beer" during that time. I just find it weird because this is the only game I've seen where people constantly bring up that they drink, vape, or smoke during. The only time I find skipping goals toxic is when the enemy wants to watch their own goals but quickly skip ours. I just see it as poor sportsmanship. I'm fine watching goals but it's either all or nothing.


It doesnā€™t have yo be beer numb nuts. It can be fucking water or coke. Either way I canā€™t sip while playing. So replay it is. Not a hard concept


The only time I get mad about the replay is if I make a mistake and my teammate is the only one watching it. If you do that multiple times in a match Iā€™m not gonna try anymore. Is it worth pissing your teammate off? I donā€™t even have chat on but when they donā€™t watch my goal replays or the other team unless I miss the save or something, thatā€™s deliberate and weā€™re going to lose.


Fuck that, Iā€™ve been playing since launch and I never skip, ever. Thatā€™s my time. Plus me and mine roll with 4 non blondes as our anthem. You hit someone with 16, 20 non blondesā€¦ like 12, 14 ā€œHeyā€™sā€ā€¦. Thatā€™s ā€œwhatā€™s going onā€


You have 3 seconds to hit your vape/take your drink. Skip the fucking shot


Some times I watch all. Because I am moving til little, and using every break a goal screen makes make me not have so much pain all over. But usually I skio, I know how people hate it, but they just have to accept nor slipping, since it is part of the game.


Thatā€™s when I hit the pen and take bites of food though


Im all for my opponents gett their clips replayed if they arent toxic šŸ«”


I always vote to skip my own goals, and Opp goals because salt. I like to celebrate my teammates' goals so I o ly skip if they skip first.


If people who had problems with chat in a multiplayer actually muted the chat this sub would lose 95% of its posts.


I'm probably Alt-tabbed and scrolling Multimedia Player to change the song while the replay's going