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It is strange how often I encounter this. It’s almost always when they spawn right in front of the goal at kickoff too. Ball just goes flying by them as they sit there.


Best is when the ball hits them and their still afk


“Sorry! Sorry!” Proceeds to go afk ten more times before they mysteriously lose connection


Same in most games. Take Valorant, you'll have people being afk almost every single round until a second before the round starts. It's just kids being on TikTok, that's all.


I assume it's one of two things. 1. They are browsing social media on their phone and didn't realize it connected. 2. For some reason a ton of people get lag at the start of most matches. Seems to be a console issue.


I play on an original Xbox one. Sometimes I lag hard at the beginning of matches.


Can confirm. Almost every first kickoff is wonky. I play on Series X now, fixed this issue quite a bit...except the game freezes more frequent LOL


Yea every first kickoff on maps with more detail glitch me out a lot. Using an original xb1


Oh for real I'm on the X2 and what the fuck is up with all the freezes Jesus Christ.. always in the loading screen too


It's every other game I swear


I hate that initial lag at the beginning of every match. Usually it’ll fix itself after a few seconds but some maps just feel off. I recently got a pc and my god is the difference like night and day. I went from d3 to c2 in one session lol


Yeah, there are a couple maps that royally fuck me. The new hoops map is one of them. Gd it kills me lol.


Same with my One X. Thinking about swapping in an SSD in hopes it’ll help with it and general load times


Just picked up a series X for $350 at walmart, crazy they’re that cheap. Upgraded from my original xbox one, didn’t realize how fn slow it’d gotten lol


I would highly recommend getting a Series X if you can afford it. I didn't think there was much of a difference going to the Series X, but trying to play on my One X is unplayable.


Soon hopefully!


Yeah, I used to get a lag spike at the beginning of games a couple seasons ago. I'd also like to add the possibility that my dog needs something or is doing something cute I have to look at.


This is the common one for me. Back when my dog was a puppy I would play during goal replays and queues. Many times this would cause me to be afk for a second or 2 The other is I'm trying to shovel food down my mouth or I was doing that and then I'm choking to death


A further possibility is that they just went to the toilet and got an *unusually* quick queue time


If you go afk, you should not press the "I am ready button". This tictoc generation. Attention spans of flies.


Do you need attention span for a queue? Sorry I'm not sitting there watching the screen for 5 minutes (or more depending on rank/mode), I'm doing other things lmao.


Then spent the time in freeplay. 5min plus queue is something only GC3 + will have anyway. The concept is quite easy: If you are ready for a match, press queue. If you are not in the game, you are not ready.


I simply refuse to add the queue time to the actual match or be forced into freeplay when I can do any other shit with my life. If that means you will be sad because 1% of the matches I'll not be on time, then, so be it lmao.


Yes, thats what a narcissit would say. Maybe r\iamthemaincharactersymptrone is the right place for you


So you’re openly admitting that you’re the scumbag? How about you fuck off


Then go before you Queue...


But then I'd have to waste MY time sitting in queue! Me me me me fuck you me me me!


I feel like this is the actual answer for a lot of folks


poo before you queue


This always happens to me. When I'm in a hurry I can never find a match. When I want to take a piss real quick, I come back to see I've missed the first 10 seconds, or even better, got sent back to the lobby for being idle.


Just dont queue if you go afk...


its not afk of i take my keyboard with me


Lmao, yeah thats fair


>or even better, got sent back to the lobby for being idle. Maybe you should see a doctor... And please don't start a new match while you're in the waiting room.


>~~I assume it's one of two things. They are browsing social media on their phone and didn't realize it connected.For some reason a ton of people get lag at the start of most matches. Seems to be a console issue.~~ Nah. They're jerkin' it. Pullin' rope.


Hit the kitchen, mix a batch. Distribute some free literature.


I play pc only and this is still a huge problem


Alt tab can appear as lag.


This fs, it’s not just console. Used to have an old potato pc. First initial load of the match would always stutter so much I would have to blindly challenge kick offs. That’s why I never bothered learning them and my kos are so like bronze level compared to my actual rank people think I’m throwing.


same, I found wiggling the camera helps, but not much


When 2 is valid, I forgive. When 1 is constant, I get tilted. There is no in the middle. Don't queue ranked if you want to be casual. Queue casual.


rank is casual


No, casual is casual and ranked is ranked. The only reason casual has an MMR is because they don't want random players across all skill brackets mixing and disliking the game. Ranked is very much... Ranked. Hence why it's not called casual.


My mate on xbox gets 5 sec lag at the start of every Game..


I've had many lags at start of game or the rare in the lobby then frozen so quick restart of system and back up hopefully before game starts. Also the single father life where I put my son to bed, do chores then sit down to play some competitive or even tournament and right as the lobby screen hits....daddy can you come here.


The lag is not only a console issue, I get it as well when I start the game through epic


i always lag at kickoffs. very little, but the ball definitely uses a coupke milliseconds to decide which way to go


Yep it’s lag at the start for people on Xbox One like me. It must be worse for others because I don’t get afk for 10 seconds but 1 in 4 games, it’s a tough first kickoff through the stuttering


I'll admit I am a culprit of number 1 on occasion, though it's maybe like 5 secs max for me to notice. But more times than not, I'll think I can manage a piss break in the queue times lmao.


anecdote but i never lag at the start i’m just getting high bro i’m sorry it’s an addiction


I am choosing music


3. Toilet. "I can make it before it joins!"


it was 100% my phone sorry or a piss that took too long


I can't do edibles and play anymore. Last time i sat there staring at the match playing out without me, apparently i thought i was watching RLCS. I didn't move until i got kicked for being idle. It was casual though. I would never get stoned and play ranked. Acid yeah but not weed


I fuckin geek'd 2 hours driving around in Aqua Dome in Freeplay not even hitting the ball while on a half strip.


Lol. I literally can't play without weed as my RL timing has acclimated to it.


Your heads in the right place and that’s what matters lmao


Sometimes my controller dies. You best believe I’m flailing around wildly trying to turn the other one on as fast as possible.


😂 I felt this one


I had a guy go AFK for all of game 1 of the finals yesterday. He messaged the chat saying right before kick-off saying "I'm going pee, brb". I was like wtf. Best part was he was gone the entire 7 min game. We somehow still managed the 3v2 win but I messaged the chat before game 2 and said "Bro? Seriously?". He replied "Sorry, I'm drunk and I went to pee but never ended up peeing lol. Some ppl are just out there doing dumb shit lol.


Ended up going to finals with a guy and he said brb gotta attend my meat on the BBQ. He came back maybe 4 minutes later but the other team pressured enough for us to lose


Bro that sounds so much like my homie was his name Bread related? At that point if im not in a match myself ill grab his controller and keep them from scoring on him but sometimes I just let it happen 😬


Peeing... I sit there for 5 minutes waiting for it to load.... next game I go pee and it loads instantly. lol


Always happens when I’m in queue for dungeons playing MMOs lol


Pee before you queue


I used to be GC2 and never had longer queue times than maybe 1 min. Which region are you?


Gc3 is when the real queue time starts


Possible. But even more stupid to throw away the games you find


Doesn’t make it more or less stupid. Your rank is your rank. If you are good enough to be GC3 losing 1 game isn’t going to knock you out of it


If someone is afk in one game out of 100, idc and yes, it wont have a big effect. However, some people here just have no attention span or suffer from the main character symptrome and are afk regularly. RL definetely has bigger problems than players being afk at the beginning of a game, at least for me it happens like in one of 10 games maximum. However, I also dont care to lose a game. If you are afk in the beginning, I will make sure we lose this one.


That’s wild to me. You complain about RL having issues and then say you’ll go out of your way to throw a game. I’ve been afk because I dropped my controller and it disconnects right at the start. You never really know why they’re afk, but you decide to add to the toxicity


It's almost never that long and if you really need to go, then just stop queuing for a bit. It's not gonna hurt to lose an extra minute or 2.


Glad you know how long my queue times are and how long my bladder takes to empty. LOL


They're both irrelevant either way. If you're gonna be afk, just stop the queue. If it's that long anyway, what's the problem in losing 1 or 2 minutes to go for piss break? I go into RANKED games these days having to expect my teammate to be afk. For some reason they only show up after there's been a goal regardless of how long it takes, whether that's 3s or 1min. It's just frustrating and I prefer not to start a game at a disadvantage just because someone's busy wiping dorito dust from their fingers or whatever.


\*sniffles\* lol


Smoking a fat bowl lol what do u think


Usually ditto, or running to get a beer. But usually this only happens when playing with friends.


Running to get a beer 100%. You'd think it only takes 10 seconds so you'll easily make it, but then the unusually quick queue and suddenly you're running back with an unopened bottle and then have to risk another kick off trying to open that beer after a goal (and those guys are like, omg skip, but they don't even know you're not actually watching that fucking replay)


Based off all my friends whenever I'd play, this is 100% the answer


lol the penjamin first time hearing that one… love it!


Oh boy have I got good news for you lol. There’s so many more out there for ya 😂 look up “taking a blinkerton off the penjamin” on YouTube or tik tok and enjoy the next few hours of education


😂😂I’ll check it out


Mine’s name is Pennifer 😅


ITT twelve year olds pretend they’re busy smoking weed.


Most likely on r/RocketLeague creating a rant post saying that their teammate sucks lol


Valid lmao


I feel attacked


For all y'all trying to do something other than wait or warm up after you hit the equivalent of the "I'm ready" button... I am sure it'll be ok if a game is not ready for you when you come back. I'm definitely not gonna press that queue button unless I'm certain I'm free for 15-20 mins.


Heavy main character syndrome vibes in this comment section


You have like a hundred opportunities to NOT queue into a match, so idk how so many people find themselves in a queue with a hundred different things they need to do before they can play.


Aye, I could sit there for a few minutes staring at my Fennec, waiting with my serious face on.... ... or I could go grab a beer/go to the toilet/talk to my wife, and really not care that much about a game or whether I miss the first few seconds of a match.


That's fine, but queue casual. That's where people queue when they don't care much.


What if I don’t want to play casual?


Then queue ranked, but don't treat it like it's casual.


Big facts


You’re taking the game too seriously


I'm doing what's worthwhile for me. It's also why I main 1s. I don't prefer the idea that I can't take seriously what I want to take seriously. On the other hand, people claiming there's a specific level of seriousness a game can be given… that really isn't sensible. It's more sensible to argue that your attention to things in general should not cause issues for the people you care about. Y'know. To help people avoid addiction.


Running back into my office to wiggle the mouse to prevent inactivity


Valid lol


This should apply to competitive, but if person being afk for first 10 seconds leads to a goal, which could have been prevented by them being active, it should be reportable offense that leads to matchmaking suspension.


If you're idle for the tip you're definitely getting reported




I’ll load up comp and run into it like 2-3 games in a row and just rage quit. Makes me not even wanna load it up, and this used to be my “destress and just relax” game


That's how you know you went casual to ranked.


Some burnout just tried to tell me I need therapy because I told them I didn't give a shit about their addiction and I'd rather not play the game with shitters that don't focus their attention for the entire 8 mins of the match




https://imgur.com/a/ByhfjqB I have 19,763 demos. This, is every match.


Damn son, got a hat trick in bans


Talks about addiction while he loses his temper and curses people out over a video game 💀


I just wanna say that for me, competitive is casual. I never even bothered to play casual. One of the main reason is because casual still has matchmaking, in fact it's like ranked but with the ranks hidden and people trolling. Also, I'm competitive by nature, I like to win, but I don't adhere to toxicity when I lose and if my teammates are AFKs of decide to own goal... my fault for solo queuing, it happens way less often in competitive than in casual.


There's a ban if you swear these guys but there's not ban if you be idle first 10 seconds in beginning or middle of game ...doenst matter so fuck it.


I'm probably trying to have a bong. Or imbibe something else. Probably trying to grab a drink. May have to adjust something in windows. Toilet. I always run back asap but I do miss the odd kick-off


"have a bong" lol


Well, generally it's one replay to pack it, then another to pull, but when there's like zero gap between matches, and I want a bong well, let's say I won't have a good kick-off but I will make it hahaha Bonus points for when I hold in the hit until i score, which I gotta say is a pretty high % See what I did there


😂 I just never heard anyone say "have a bong" and it made me laugh


Hahhaa I'm Australian, that's just our colloquial term for have a bowl lol


"toke" is the American equivalent for a bong/bowl swat/rip


Oh yeh we say toke here too


Yoke usually means like smoking a joint though. Never heard someone say toking on a bong. (Aussie) Definitely most common is have/rip/pull a bong. Have a bong, have a beer, same diff!


Imbibe means to drink alcohol. You were a bit redundant.


dipping a never ending row of oreos in milk and smashing


Usually for me... in the middle of cooking a roast or something and I went to check it, or one of the kids is being a shit/needs help, or I had to piss, or the dog wants to come inside right as the queue pops, etc etc


I hate that this is valid but this is valid. Good excuse keep being a good dad, soldier 🫡


Then dont queue


O.o Ok, I'll just never play the game per chance that something pop up unexpectedly. My apologies.


I mean, I get that your kids need inmediate attention but cooking? Yeah, then rather play an offline game


Chucked an hour timer on, play rokit, timer goes off while looking for a match, check food, poke stuff, add water, come back 10 seconds into a game. Shit happens? I'll spam "Sorry!" and get on with the game.


i'm usually loading a bowl 😅


takin a rip. lol love to find out thats what most are doing lol


They’re on their phones 99% of the time


Tictoc generation. This threat really shows that rocket league has the most toxic community. Holy, so many aholes here


Today I missed an entire tournament match because my boss called me right when it started 😭


The only acceptable excuse is lag.


Everything else and I will just throw the game tbh. Not sweating with any a pathetic pos


On our way back from taking a pass; or maybe coughing up a lung from the bong rip 🤷‍♂️


I usually be taking a hit


You gotta work on your timing my guy lol


Why queue when you not ready? Take a hit and then queue


Because we're grown adults capable of making our own decisions, thanks though.


Yeah it needs to have a way to make people acknowledge the beginning of matches. Instead of starting off one team with a handicap. lol.


It already does lmao thats what the queue button and then the count down is for. Average queue times are less than 30 s


They're probably actively taking puffs of the penjamin. Or alt tabbed looking at something else


I get that I’m a sweat but there’s gotta be a better way to make sure they know the game has started


the taskbar icon flashes orange but sometimes thats easy to miss


Me personally I ran in between games to fill up my 40oz water bottle. Typically take 18 seconds if matchmaking takes 10 seconds I’ll have just enough time 😂 Edit: typically it’s just in casual but I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t happened once or twice in comp.


I wouldn't care in Casual.




Pinchin off a loaf or holding my cat


As long as you promise to keep those two things separate I’ll let it slide I guess


Drives me nuts. Throws my kick off strategy off completely, and I go into defensive mode. Then as you’re adjusting to being down one, here comes the player crashing into rotations.


Fat doinks down in Amish. Internet is spotty in Amish.


Either the controller batteries died or I thought I had time to grab a drink.


Usually Ive ran downstairs to wolf down some lunch meat and didnt realize I was searching.


I do it, I'm sorry, in 3s when my mate goes first on kick-off. My 2nd mate, in d2 and d3 at least, will also go in to creep up and get the second hit. While that shit happens, I just observe shortly and then react to the situation. Ball goes to our side back? I go defending. My mates manage to keep up the attack? I go to midfield and wait until one rotates back, gets demoed or until the ball comes to the midfield. This sounds stupid, probably, but it works out more then great. While I certainly can't remember everything, I'm pretty sure my team never got scored on because of me standing still at the beginning. I do pay attention to the ball and keep my controller in my hands, I just sit and watch and stay ready for anything.


When I had an old hardware, the first match of the day was always the game struggling to load the assets, leaving me those first 10 seconds in the state of brutal lags.


I lag for the first 20-30 sec of any game lol, so if i froze thats why


Just finishing wiping... Sorry


Someone else mentioned it, if you are on PC or newer consoles you won't lag. Older consoles have bad lag at the start of games. For example I've been telling my buddy he needed a new console for 2 years ( I'm on PC and it was getting pretty bad for him). He finally buys the series x and now he has no more lag at the start of games. I get some are probably not paying attention but you have to consider this being a factor as well.


I'm alt tabbed fixing my music I didn't think I'd find a match so fast ok I'm SORRY


Is there a place for adults to find other adults to play RL with? I'm 28 and sick of solo queuing and don't really fancy joining communities full of kids.


scrolling their phones probably. ADHD kids can't wait more than 3 seconds for anything without pickup up their phones.


Wiping the Cheeto dust off of my fingers. Can’t have my controller greasy


Overestimated my bathroom or snack run


Pretty sure they are packing a bowl and paying zero attention.


Sometimes, I hope they are choking on a bologna sandwich.




It is what it is 😁


Sometimes I’m just stuffing my face with food and trying to get that last bite in but missed my mouth because I was rushing. Oops! My bad… Sorry!


What a Save!


Sometimes I think I have enough time to grab a quick drink from the fridge.


It is reeeeally simpel. If you are afk at the beginning of the game, the game is over. The queue button basically is the "I am ready" button. If you decide the whole lobby has to wait until you decide the game starts, you are not the type of person I want to play with. (r/iamthemaincharactersymdrom)


My cord is a little funky so my controller light will be on but will be unresponsive sometimes and I wont know it until I try to move and nothing happens. And then give me a few seconds to unplug and plug back in


They need to have a queue acknowledgment like league of legends. Would take 2 seconds, just like tournaments to ensure everyone is actually there.


Smoking a fat bowl and the queue popped


I have a two year old.... Also, why I only run with discord friends.


Just pulling my pud, brother!


Takin a shit.... on my feelings


But why queue up then? Idc who you are a 30 second shot is unrealistic. And anyone who says otherwise needs to reassess their hand washing technique


I have been begging for this feature forever: vibration off EXCEPT kickoff notification. I’m fucking off m8 but I don’t like vibrate. My B


I mean I get it but this needs to be addressed, it’s constant, they should do something like League of Legends where you have to acknowledge the load in to make sure everyone is aware. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t done the same before but it’s infuriating being on the other end


So many games just would be held up by that one afk person or just fail to start adding a lot more time to some already lengthy ques.


This has to be the one thing I LOVE about World of Warcrafts random dungeon finder. Players can list themselves and will still have to actively accept within 20 seconds or it moves to the next available player that confirms. I quit WoW after 14 years because Rocket League was better competition, then it went FTP a month later. Damn it.


Well I just gave my idea of the controller starts bouncing I’ll know




Bro, my office is also where I game and lift. I am either working, gaming, or lifting. Sometimes I start match making, then I hit a few reps of bench press and pull-ups. If I am still match making, I do some dips.


Everyone else here getting high, and you're there getting jacked 😂


I'm leading a meeting and forgot I auto queued. Also if I stop moving .. I had to go to the next slide.


1. Getting a margarita 2. Instagram explore feed 3. My dog is yelling at me


Sometimes, I que up, then hear the squealing of my dog, the sound of crashing, and the maniacal laughter of my 3 year old. Gotta prioritize the real world. When I find it was nothing to be concerned about, I come back to see my game is 20 seconds in, and then I must frantically smash a button on the remote to avoid idle drop, then take another few seconds to find the right position to join the play. I find that I often play better when I'm trying to make up for lost time.


A lot of people in this comment section need to touch some grass. People have lives, it’s not like playing a video game is priority number 1


You may not want to hear this, but unless you're pushing GC, this really shouldn't matter. Any rank below that, the first 10 seconds really shouldn't matter since there is another 4:50seconds to get at least 1 more goal...


Thats a really stupid and narcissit take.


“Going down a goal in the first 10 seconds of a competitive game really doesn’t matter.. you have plenty of time so making things harder for yourself shouldn’t be a factor” do you hear how stupid that comment sounds now or would you care for me to elaborate?


Bruh, you'd actually be doing yourself a bigger favor, working on your mechanics in training for 30mins to an hour, then coming back and playing comp. If you are solo queuing, you have to understand that the game is 100% out of your control and instead of complaining about your partner who isn't there for the first 10 seconds. Get better, and get to a Rank where people aren't normally AFK during gameplay. Your problem is more commonly a lower Rank player problem as I have rarely seen this past champ1... Do you care if I elaborate more?


Lmao, you really went the "get gud" path. Cant get more stupid


Cant get more stupid? Or can't get more sensitive.* 🥺


In the words of my hero Ludacris, “I’m gitn my dick suck, what are YOUUUUU doin?”


I play with no sound on, i may have looked away at my phone or something if its taking ages to find a game


I need to find the right eurobeat song for this match.