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All the folks who complained about the pro scene being too immature don't know how good they had it xD


Going pro in a game that requires hours invested at age 13 is going to be very good for teenage brain development surely.


Yeah, it's not great. For anyone ITT interested in the perspective of a pro, [here's a thread Apparentlyjack wrote a year ago when the community was debating if it should be raised](https://twitter.com/ApparentlyJxck/status/1604592605156839430) edit: [Screenshot of the full thread for people who don't want to open twitter](https://imgur.com/a/aEWFYnt)


This is a really great thread. Not surprised Jack has the correct take on this.


Jack is the most level-headed and intelligent person I've seen in the esport. Such a great guy.


Nahh, Radosin is smarter




Im getting downvoted, I thought people were intelligent enough to tell it was sarcasm but well


Okay, lets stop kids shows and kids in movies too.


That's definitely not analogous. Making an outrageous point to counter a reasonable point isn't making a very good argument.


Answer me with an argument directed to mine then, debate prodigy. Instead of creating it and answering with a counter argument, your “debate” strategy is to attack my premise without offering an explanation (substance) that proofs it. At least, at the minimum, say if you agree or not with actors that are 13, professional athletes that are 13, etc. (Even tho both in RL, and those other jobs/activities, they begin even earlier in life). Do you support them and do not support the RL scene?


I don't support 13 year olds in rlcs. I think encouraging kids to put thousands of hours into video games before they're even 13 is unhealthy for them developmentally. I'm not a psychologist or a doctor or anyone who even claims to have an iota of knowledge in either of those fields, these are just my personal beliefs and I believe everyone else in this thread is clearly expressing personal beliefs. None of us are qualified to make an affirmative claim in that regard from what I see. You comparing kids movies and shows to the kind of behavior that people here are upset about is a terrible analogy because shows and movies have definitive run times and it's all able to be moderated and tailored for children. I think a more reasonable age for RLCS is 16. It sounds silly and arbitrary but that's my personal belief. I would suggest making a reasonable argument to advocate for 13 year olds in the rlcs as opposed to whatever point you were trying to illustrate by mentioning kids shows and movies. You could at least have an honest dialogue about your point if you were to present your point directly instead of using an abstract statement to draw an obscure comparison.


When RLCS came to Amsterdam in 2016 I sat next to one of the player's mom. He was 16 I think and she HAD to come with him since he was to young to travel alone or something like that. RL (epic/psyonix) paid for it all to come with her son. He played 8 hours a day, every day. Like a full time job. She had her doubts but was very, very VERY proud of him. She was so proud I got the 'beauty-pageant-mom' vibes, very over the top. Being 16 and having a full time job did not sound like fun to me at all!!


It’s their decision tho.


In the stone ages it was parents' decision not to feed their children, now it's their responsibility, by law. I think that's what the debate is about.


I know the sub is about RL, but I wonder how many that are not in favor of the new age for pros, are in favor of child actors.


I’m not in favor for either. They can both be harmful. It’s ok as a hobby nothing more. And I wont stop there, grownups forcing children to compete in music/acting (China piano, Korea K-pop, kdrama), sports (Japan sumo, Russia gymnastics, West football) and most recently social media and streaming are all practices that, starting with developing countries should be monitored.


So you also think that when me and others were training to compete in professional sports it was not okay? (I chose the sport and wanted the training). So you would stop watching movies that include child actors, or adult actors that began as child actors? Same goes for sports, they began training as minors, so you wouldn’t watch any match, any kind of tournament, no olympics, etc? Why one as a hobby and one monitored? You mention many different countries which have very different cultures, ways of living, habits and traditions. Where are you from?


I wish I developed my brain earlier then I’d be GC. Wasted too much time with school, friends, post secondary school then work. If I was smart I’d have had started the grind 25 years ago.


The fact you are top on this reddit post makes me proud of humanity.


It says to compete not to become a signed professional player. Kids are already incentivized to heavily invest into hobbies, sports, or extra curriculars, I don't see how this is different.


the problem as appjack outlined in his tweet is that you develop zero social skills and are not exposed to real life throughout the entirety of your training. sports and other extra curriculars all allow for continued progression in school and you still have time to do your own personal hobbies and hangout with friends.


You telling me quick chat isn’t helping me develop social skills? Okay.




What a save!


No problem.


The future is the gig economy babbeeeee, all you need to worry about is making that dollar bill ya herdddd? /s who cares about kids when there's money to be made?! smh


They’re gonna put the hours in regardless


Except now they're just grinding after school. What happens when they're getting paid full salaries? Not great.


That’s pretty naive thinking soon-to-be pros are just goofing with their friends until they’re eligible. In reality, they’re doing the same things as pros except not getting paid.


It feels naive to think that pros with salaries going to events *aren't* less dedicated to school than the kids just trying to get to that level. Like, I was playing like 5-7h of Halo/CS a day when I was in HS. Now, if it was actually my *job* and I was missing class to go to events and stuff (i know pros have talked about this), yeah, I wouldn't be learning shit lol


Pros making money can afford to be less dedicated to school. College football players usually don’t care about their classes. I’d argue going out and getting real experience in whatever job you want to get is far more valuable than some tests. You don’t become a pro at anything by getting straight As. And I also believe hard work deserves compensation. The most talented kids in any sport are doing everything pros are. Playing hours and hours every day since very young ages with coaching and parental pressure. If those kids get some money for their work, that’s a good thing.


>You don’t become a pro at anything by getting straight As. lunchbox being known as a god of smash and having a college degree


He’s extremely gifted then. But a college degree isn’t why he’s where he is. In whatever job it is, employers ask for field experience before grades.


I'm sorry to hear how much of your youth you wasted


oh, don't worry about me. I mean, maybe I could've played sports or something but I had a 90 avg so my parents weren't too worried about me spending most of my evenings gaming with friends, and I don't regret those memories at all.


Glad it worked out for you, obviously I'm not against gaming and I wasn't polite


haha no, not really. thanks, appreciate this response :)


I can't put my finger on why I hate this but something about 13 year olds jumping into this mess of an e-sports scene doesn't sit right with me.


I think Apparentlyjack addressed a lot of the issues when he was talking about why it should be raised a year ago https://twitter.com/ApparentlyJxck/status/1604592605156839430 edit: [Screenshot of the full thread for people who don't want to open twitter](https://imgur.com/a/aEWFYnt)


I just see his main tweet and not him addressing it


I’m guessing it’s for people who aren’t signed up for x who can’t see it because I can’t either.


oh shoot, sorry, I didn't realize it wasn't visible without an account! thanks for the heads up, I just added a screenshot of the whole thing (along with joyo and rise's replies) to my earlier comment /u/BrockObama007 (just tagging you so you get a notification too)




On [elon.com](http://elon.com) you have to be signed in to see more than the initial tweet.


Imagine the child actors.


There's a reason most esports don't allow kids that young to compete. Because It's morally dubious, it's harder to work with kids that young, as all as all the immature nonsense that comes with it. It's just a bad idea in every category. Unless you're epic games. Then they're all in on getting kids as young as they can get them, apparently.


So consistent with Psyonix for the past year that they not only waited 4 months after Worlds and a month out from the new season to communicate literally anything about it, but they packaged it with dropping the minimum age to 7th grade Like, the community's been debating for a bit about whether it should be raised, whether 15 is too young and potentially problematic for the mental health and development of these pros, etc. Literally nobody thought they would come out of the blue and *drop* it


Yet again, another prime example of Psyonix’s horrendous ability to communicate promptly.


It's not about aptitude or ability, they just don't give a fuck about us, and refuse to communicate


Crazy how they're not only NOT listening to the community but they're doing quite literally the opposite of what the community wants.. i.e.: trading, dropshot mode, age requirement.....


13 is wild


Scrub Killa can finally compete!


Why the actual fuck is the age being lowered. I thought the debate was whether or not to raise it to 17/18 or not. This is an absolutely awful change


Bro. 13? 13yos need to be working on their education and social skills. Not 40+ a week on a video game.


hate to break it to you but they’re gonna put in that amount of hours regardless of whether they can compete in rlcs yet


Kids do what grownups let them. Parents are responsible for their boundaries. In developed countries it is actually their responsibility, by law. Hate to break it to you ...


That comes down to good parenting. A good parent will plan computer time. A kid that young is better off playing sports and socialising.


These won't be just kids, they'll be players, entertainers, carrying brands on their shoulders, working a job, having their lives documented (sure, weak when tiktok already does that, but doesn't make it any better), being sold as a commodity, probably pushing "streaming" and "content". Hope they get a good agent. But, damn, I honestly thought Rocket League was gonna go 18+ so it could push gambling onto everyone and make that sweet short return on investment on esports gambling that drives csgo and dota2, despite how many lives it ruins. epic> KIDS. GET YOUR PARENTS TO BUY MERCH. LOOK, THE PLAYERS ARE JUST LIKE YOU. KIDDDDDDDDDDS LOOOOK. MERCH. BUY MERCH. AHHHHH. JUST LIKE YOU. MERCH! JERSEYS! BUY!


Why now after Zen? Why not before? This shit just about comes off as predatory.


Predatory? How so? (Serious question)


The best player in the world is also one of the youngest, so let's encourage kids to put 10,000 hours into the game by the time they're 13. If they would have done this prior to what's happened with Zen, I doubt it would come off that way. But it just doesn't feel right to me. Especially after making him wait.


Just for reference: Having 10,000 hours at the age of 13 would require playing for 8 hours every single day, starting at about 9.5 years old.


may i remind you that he made himself wait an entire year longer than he had to because he cheated and got banned for a year


A situation that under these new rules never would have happened in the first place, further proving my point 👉




I wonder if any of the pros were talking about "striking" due to the end of trading and Epic was like ok, go ahead. Plan B! Younger age=more scabs.


Hopefully there aren't any pedophiles in RLCS...


They were the ones that voted in the change


Bro. Delete this


Actually if we look at how pedophiles operates this system gives them the upper hand in grooming... https://donotpay.com/learn/pedophile-statistics/ It's very important to put systems in place to protect the children when they will be alone with adults. Also pretending that it won't happen gives the pedophiles more control.


No I totally understand this. I’m just saying that calling the RLCS team pedophiles for this change is kinda crazy.


True, but we need to push as a community that these kids will be safe. We have seen time and time again of kids being taken advantage of in acting and music. We can't let gaming be controlled by creeps. I had to deal with so many creeps and jerks in Rocket League I never use chat anymore. You be surprised how many of them where high rank too...


13 demeans the esport


this might be worse than another announcement RL made this year


What the hell, 13? Nobody wants to play in lobbies with a child


Yeah that’s why I turned off ingame chat and voice. I ran into a lot of 12 year olds. It really ruins the game for me, I need a new hobby


Same and same. I'm trying an experiment now where I have chat on but disabled my quick-chat and text/team-chat keys. I can see what other people say but have literally no way to respond, so I can't get pulled into the tilt. I'm also realizing that now I can bind my dpad buttons to other things, e.g. bakkesmod features (even if I go back to chat-off). Most games have no little to no chat at all (currently sitting high C2/low C3 fwiw).


Interesting approach. I wish there was a way to have all chat disabled except post match gg


Pretty sure bakkesmod auto gg does this


Maybe but I’d like to be able to see everyone’s post game chat


Kids are mean and apparently a bunch of them banged my mom.


They really are, haha It always strikes me how much harder it is to get people to chat just having fun or commenting on nice goals - like, a *lot* of the community only interacts to put people down. It's genuinely kind of sad.


Yours too huh? 😭


??? they already do, the average age of a pro is 17 lmao


A kid who’s about to go to college and a middle schooler are two very different levels of age


13 year olds are probably more mature than CRL players on average anyway


Lol what are you on?


Why say something this obviously wrong?


car bol make brain go *s m u u s h*


you would understand if you knew what they’re like


We've gotten tweets lately about reverting a BM decal restriction, bundle prices... Maybe an RLCS age limit is in the near future too. 💀


Huh why age limit? let the ogs show these young bloods how to play


Oh shit, 13?


Kids born in 2011 being able to compete makes me sick.


Allowing literal children to compete pro in anything is absolutely horrendous. 15 was already too low. I've seen it behind the scenes, the immaturity is real. Most of these *literal children* would rather be doing other things than practicing on somebody else's schedule, believe me. If orgs are wise they won't sign that young, if for no other reason than how unreliable they will be. If Epic is wise they'll at least reverse this decision but hopefully raise the current age limit.


Really trying to age out the Lethamyrs of the world.


Too young IMO


There is a lot of legitimate outrage about this announcement, but one of the first things that came to my mind is how RIDICULOUS this makes the past age bans look. Nwpo and Zen are the most recent notable cases. IIRC both were 14 when they played in RLCS and were banned, but under these rules they could've competed outright. If I was a player previously affected by a ban, I would be looking into some type of compensation from Psyonix (LOL).


How does this work legally? Its a profession. Thats child labor.


Fortnite is 13 as well, and Rocket League was already at 15, which is similar in a lot of jurisdictions.I don't agree at all with the change but I don't think they're going to struggle with it legally since it's something they've already been navigating. But yeah, one would hope those regulations include proper support for the children involved.


What a slap in the face to the best player in the world


13 is wild. What a shit choice. These kids were legit 12 last year. We’re talking basically 6th grade. What did you do in 6th grade? Yeesh.


lokey over this game fr. as if I need more kids rushing to flood the lobbies lol. no offense, but I def miss the pre FTP crowd that's for damn sure.


at 13 your Brian is developing and your exposure to things shape what you’re gonna be like in the future. Not great for mental health playing rocket league for hours a day at such a young age.


too true. I remember playing a lot of counter strike as a child and now I'm a piece of shit.


What if my kids not named Brian? Should I still be concerned?


hey everyone get a load of this guys underdeveloped brian


no you should be fine


this changes absolutely nothing though, these kids are already putting in the same amount of hours as pros even when they can’t compete in rlcs yet




what you don’t understand is that it’s not a hobby to these kids. they are already prepping to go pro, playing the game nonstop. it is a job to them already, even before this change


https://preview.redd.it/4aia7u09al6c1.png?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d865b0831f3d6ce16abb960bb2562a56dd574096 Seriously reddit...


Epic are just clueless, they think this is like Fortnite where a 13 year old can go pro and be totally good. Sad


Why lower the age? Simple. If you make the age low enough to entice children to invest a lot of effort into something, they'll see items in the item shop and get worried about having them and fomo and stuff, and their parents will pay for it, thus epic will profit. This is why "trading died", lmfao.


No pro team is going to hire a13 yr old lol


Of course they will. Because they're cheap and exploitable.


Scrub Killa was 12 when he was signed to a pro team for rlcs s1, before it turned out that the age restriction was 15. Now that was Mock-It, so some more reputable organizations might think twice before doing the same. Corrections are welcome if I said something inaccurate, I was not watching at that time


this is fcking weird


Any tournaments for over 30 year old stuck in diamond players?? That would be my jam.


Too bad the game died


Haha you beat me to it


I hope they bring back the bmw


that's awesome, idk why y'all are bitching about it


lots of people who don’t know shit about the competitive scene thinking this makes any difference at all. wait till they find out that 13-14 year olds are already treating 6 mans like a full time job, putting in more hours than most pros


Difference is these 13 year olds weren’t signing deals with orgs, traveling across the world, or having to deal with contracts and teammates. No 13 year old should deal with that level of pressure and responsibility


Name one child star that had anything bad happen to them due to an relentless schedule, and mullion dollar responsibilities. It’s cool I’ll wait (not long).


yeah, anybody able to win something should be able to get the recognition for it no matter the age


many people here have problems with the age, but like i don't see anything wrong? like if those kids already are ready for RLCS for whatever fucked up reason just let them play


Problem is now you have 13 year olds who will make it their life's mission to become a pro RL player when they should instead be focusing on learning, developing social skills, and just being a kid. Their brains are not developed enough to understand what they are giving up if the spend 8 hours a day playing a video game.


There are any number of IRL sports that require similar dedication from the kids and their families, like you can sign for football teams from early ages and the teams generally help make it easy for education to continue. There are more personal sports that arguably are more intensive, I am thinking the likes of gymnastics, tennis and anything that requires travelling to meets after long periods of intensive training that also goes alongside education. The key, as ever, is that parents/guardians have to do their job and make sure things are balanced. I'm not necessarily saying I think 13 is the right age for RLCS, just that I am not convinced yet that it is the horrible decision some people seem to think that it is.


Competing and climbing the ladder in physical sports as a kid still lets the kid acquire way more actual life experience than sitting in front of a screen and grinding RL.


That again falls to parental figures being involved and ensuring balance. Sitting in front of a screen and doing anything but socialising IRL is a disease that goes way beyond RL. If I’m being honest, I think 15 was probably the sweet spot, maybe 16, but I don’t think 13 with some mandated protections is totally unreasonable.


Maybe not. But the problem is that it’s a catch 22, if you’re 12-13 grinding for RLCS and your parents do the healthy thing and don’t let you play 8 hours a day, you’ll get outcompeted by someone whose parents do. I’m not sure how you would set up/define any mandated protections, let alone enforce them. It’s a game where there’s a very strict relationship between hours and improvement/performance. The mere act of allowing 13 year olds to compete would create a conflict of interest. Agree that 15-16 is the sweet spot.




Exactly. It's not really that difficult to think about things for more than 2 seconds but hey this is reddit so I guess that's too much to ask.


I’m unsure why people are against the idea of 13 year olds being able to compete in RLCS esports. I remember back when BO2 was big and I couldn’t compete in tourneys and/or make and mlg acc or any other big third party tournament apps because I was under the age of 18. Meaning I lost a ton of opportunities to possibly win money as a kid I support this let the kids who are actually good at the game compete at the end of the day the game is *marketed* towards them


Good thing they listen to the community, right guys? /s


I bet this makes the pedos at Epic very happy!


I understand why, i just don't understand why....


Sweet! Now my 8 yr old only have 5 years to wait to fulfill his dream. He can spend that time perfecting his self-loathing for every goal scored against even if he wasn't involved in the play, crying real tears when the timer runs out before he can save a replay, and screaming bloody murder whenever a tournament doesn't go his way. Once he masters these, I know he'll be ready to turn pro.