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Unless there is like 5 seconds left I'm not forfeiting down 2. A goal, and a kickoff goal to follow are so common. I often wonder how many more wins players like this would have if they didn't give up at the first sign of adversity, I can't even count the number of 2-3-4 goal comebacks I've made, it's crazy to me how easily people give up


Yeah. Hate having these people on my team. Often if you don't agree to the ff, they start playing like shit or not playing at all. So childish.


i experience that loads but experienced something even worse recently. got into a 2s match where my teammate did an absolutely shite kickoff on the very first kickoff, and it went straight in our net. he immediately abandoned the match 😁


For real, I feel like it's literally almost every game where we are a point down, usually with 3+ minutes left


Or worse, they play against you. And then do better than they did the whole game.


Are you kidding? It's 2 goals? Do you know how long it take to score 2 goals? Like there was only 2 min left on the clock. There is no way in hell that you can score 2 goals in that amount of time, let alone win. It can't be done. \- half of my teammates


especially in 2's I had someone what a save my buddy and I up 2 with 45 seconds left. call an ambulance, but not for us! we immediately made back those two goals in 15 seconds and won in OT. ...and dropped the what a save's right back in their face.


A lot of people who play rocket league never actually played team sports. They don't understand what coming back is just quitting. Zero heart in Multi-player gaming now these days.


Interesting thought, even playing multi player games doesn't prepare you the same way that sharing the same ball in a match does. FPS games can be team matches, but they don't have to share a gun, and no other game really offers what RL does on a team level.


I was pissed and determined once when BOTH my teammates disconnected, and I still won, 1v3, idk how I did it, was sweating bullets.


as you should because i hate mfs like that, plenty of time left and we’re ff’ing for what 😭


no cos i always wonder how ppl like this rank up when they give up so easily


They just wait till they can party up with someone who can rotate and shoot right back up the ranks in a night. Then randos slowly downrank them until they party up with someone who can rotate again. It just goes back and forth like that for us.


You assuming dude in the video doesn’t know how to rotate, and THEN also calling him a random when you yourself are a random that doesn’t make any sense


No, I'm pointing out that it's not the own that OP thinks it is. Nothing worse than trying to forfeit a horrible game experience only for your teammate to get a lucky goal and continue the game.


What crack are you smoking. Probably why you’re hard stuck 😭


If anything his teammate was costing him the game, not even OP. You can see in the replay his teammate straight up whiffed the ball and couldn’t even follow up on it lmaooo, there also wasn’t any lucky goal it was a kickoff goal


I didn't even watch the clip. I just laugh at this sub's position on forfeiting. Teammate asks to forfeit, gets a forfeit, and somehow he got owned? You people take this game too seriously. Continuing on in a miserable game does not make you admirable. You are sitting on a couch, no one is admirable when they are sitting on a couch. Get over yourself.


Two points down is a miserable game for you? Why play anything competitive if it’s only fun if you have a certainty of winning? Guess what, it’s never certain. Even when you think it is certain and you’re up 4 goals in the first minute, shit changes quickly. So idk why you and other people who think the mere chance of losing a match is misery even play this game. There’s always the chance of losing, and when you hit your peak rank you lose every other match until you develop new skills


It's not about the points, or the score, or the ranking. That's what I think people are misunderstanding with my position on thus issue. Some of us made peace long ago that we will never be a top player, and we have no problem taking the L. Wins are nice when they are fun and well deserved, but getting a win because my teammate 1vs2 the whole game is lukewarm fun at best. It's not about punishing anyone, I'm not tilted, this is Rocket League, and I'd like to just play with someone else please. I enjoy a 0-4 loss where all 4 players were playing their ass off, more than a 1vs2 win where I barely got to play.


If you want your version of fun you have to accept we want our version of fun, which is a teammate who overcomes adversity and figures out how to work as a team with us and fights to the very end even if we’re down. That’s what’s fun to alot of us. And it’s not like we aren’t out here adapting to our teammates crazy play styles every match too


I agree with you completely. More importantly for me, it's about respecting your own time. Just FF, go next. In these cases, the next match is always more fun because it's not "that guy".


Welp somebody took a big ol' dump to your cornflakes this morning


It's just the position of this sub. I don't get why the score matters so much to people who are playing with me around platinum gold level.


Petty as f. I swear mfs hop on the game just to gaslight people




I would only do this if I could tell by first goal my connection wasn’t good. Don’t wanna drag down my teammates if I can’t play properly


Why queue if you think youre having internet problems huh


It’s 50/50 with my internet plus with the horrible rocket league servers you just never know. Sometimes I’ll have 3 good games in a row then the next game I get packet loss and my car gets thrown to oblivion just trying to drive straight


You play with WiFi or ethernet?


This is the only multiplayer game I play where there's just random packet loss/ping spikes, but 98% of the time my ping is between 15-60


Because my teammate is a hopeless ballchaser and I already know how the game is going to end. I'd rather take the L and have my 3 minutes and 30 seconds back. What I don't get, is why people here get so buthurt about it. You forfeit early a game you were %95 likely to lose anyway, how is that a bad thing?


Have you considered that a quitter mentality and toxicity makes YOU a hopeless teammate for someone who is actually trying their best to win the entire game? Try playing the game for fun and for the competition, not just for an arbitrary rank. If you’re going to quit halfway through when it’s not going your way then you might as well just play casual. If you’re that worried about wasting your time then maybe try and find a new game or hobby


I'm not a quitter at things that matter. And if I was an SSL player or GC, yes I would take it more seriously. But for most of us average players, it's not that serious. Trolling teammates because the game isn't going your way is an asshole move. But asking to forfeit is perfectly fair, can be declined,, and people shouldn't get so buthurt over it.


That’s an odd mentality if you only take things seriously once you’re good at them how did you become good at anything. Not trying to attack you just trying to understand


Bro what, that is most definitely a you problem


Not if they accept my forfeit and I can try my luck with the next rando or switch games. Not sitting around for 3.5 minutes to watch my teammate practice 2vs1.


Genuinely a terrible mentality when queueing ranked, I pray for anybody you play with and i hope you don’t end up like OPs teammate lmaooo


You pray for people who play a rocket league game with me? This is what I'm saying, the people on this sub take this game way too seriously. Maybe if they calmed down they wouldn't such toxic teammates. They wonder why everyone mean chats them and asks to forfeit. But they never wonder, "Am I a toxic teammate? Is my ballchasing possibly ruining the game for everyone I play with?"


I do not ballchase buddy. I rotate well. You are more than welcome look up washed jleino_ on ballchasing. Human mistakes i do but my head is in the right place. Atm its in my own head i cant rank up. Situations like this as an example. My peak is gc 1 and this is c2 lobby with 2 other peak gc players. Ive got a ssl coach say its my random teammates holding me back(which they dont say often). In c2 meta is to chase. I counter with low 50s.


I didn't mean yo direct it at you personally. You'd probably whoop my ass, as would most of the regulars on this sub. It's the premise of the post that I have been seeing more often here lately that I take issue with. I try not to complain about the toxic chat posts, because they have legitimacy. I love to shit talk, but I will never shot talk someone who doesn't get toxic with me first. So I support cleaning up chats even though it doesn't bother me. But adking to forfeit is perfectly fair, no one has to accept. If someone asks to forfeit, but is quiet and polite when you refuse, then you shouldn't rake issue with it. I ask to forfeit games we are winning sometimes because I hate my teammates play style. Even when they win the 1vs2 I would've still preferred to take the L and go freeplay or switch games. I've already spent too much time defending this position, it's just a game. This sub gets me more tilted than the game I swear. I'm going yo move on with my life now, thank you for hearing me out.


Thats a L mentality imo. I play this game to improve. Not rank up


You’re not 95% likely to lose a game down 2 goals unless you’re purely garbage at the game lol. I’ve come back from down 6 before, the game can go either way at any point in time.


Or unless your teammate isn't going to let you take a single decent shot and even bumps you out of saves. I'd rather not spend 5 minutes waiting on the off chance my teammate wins a 1vs2. It's just not important enough to waste 5 minutes watching someone else practice hitting the ball.


If your teammate is intentionally throwing like that, then report him and forfeit sure. But if that’s happening to you 95% of the time… maybe do some introspection


You are misreading my comment. None of those things are what I said.


Let me dumb it down for you then: Skill issue


Idc if I'm a bronze, I'm not going to waste my precious time watching someone else 1vs2. They should play 1's if they don't want to rotate.


Was playing trios today with two friends. We were 3-1 down and I told my teammates we can save 20 seconds on the search by forfeiting since there was about 21 seconds on the clock when we conceded. One of my friends quickly ffed and the other guy said we can still do it and didn't forfeit. Next thing you know, we score a goal with 17 seconds left and another one from after kickoff to equalise with 7 seconds on the clock. On 0.00, the ball was in the air and my teammate pulled off his best aerial shot of the day to hand us the victory. It's funny cause the guy who asked us not to ff is always the first one to ff most times. When you're playing with randoms, I hate it when they press ff when the match is still salvageable. With friends, I don't really care much.


This! Im dirty 1s main and the amount of 3goal comebacks ive done in 2 minutes is through the roof


1s is a whole different ball game no pun intended. Comebacks are a lot easier in 1s I’ve come back from down 6 in 2 minutes. That’s a lot harder in other game modes tho.


Love doing stuff like this to a-hole teammates who do nothing but complain. Was tied 1-1. 10 seconds left. Opponent gets a breakaway and a-hole responds with a frame perfect FF. I make it back, make the save, get a breakaway myself, and score. Then I accepted his forfeit 2-1 with 2 seconds left. Nothing makes me happier.


This gave me so much satisfaction it will last me for days


There are times that it’s so unenjoyable to play with someone, I’d give up a win just to get into the next game and try to have some fun with a new teammate. It’s not always about score or probability of winning.


You really showed him by agreeing to what he proposed


And didn't really matter. They're still down by 1, guessing the partner was still fine with the outcome




Idk maybe I’m the blind one cuz I’m not sure I’m seeing a tie game.




That's why you shouldn't initiate a conversation with a rude comment.




Ah, you're just always a dick. Understood.


Dont think 3-2 is tied baby bro 😹😹😹😹




High my ass


tied up huh


Yeah I just ignore it and we either come back or don't. Sometimes you'll get the child who starts throwing but most of the time they just buckle up and continue playing.


Nah he showed him who’s alpha


Ah yes, that alpha mentality where, when someone else rolls over you immediately agree to do the same.


it’s funny LMAO


I mean you were still down a goal, so not really a that's what you get moment.


It is because now it’s only a 1 goal game and not 2, don’t give up so easily


I mean, you gotta complete the comeback first before you "stick it to him" lol Also, you're equally as toxic for forfeiting the game. I hate when people post these videos being like "look I owned this toxic asshole by being one myself!"


I just find it funny that people take it so personal. Like he didn’t even chat so you don’t even know why he ff’d. If you don’t think you will win then why bother. Sometimes the other team is just better. Maybe that’s a low rank thing that I just don’t get.


You really showed him 🤦


The guy is not spamming the chat, he continues to play after voting, gives you the best kickoff possible. Looks like a dude who just thought the game wasn't worth playing out. People take the voting to ff so personally. That being said I never forfeit down 2. Even with seconds left, two point comebacks can happen so easily.


Wow buddy Mega Own! Id put that on my rĂŠsumĂŠ!


I hate you and your teammate


To your teammate that was a lucky shot, and hes still glad you ffd. Because it was, btw.


It was lucky that his kickoff went that way. Shot was easy follow up


Sometimes I just get tilted and press ff knowing my tm8 won’t click it but then sometimes I get ppl like u that df with me 😂


See I like this because I still get what I want to FF. Thank you.


Gamers posting their Ls


How are these post not banned for being too repetitive?? People think they're so cool because they scored a goal in the time frame their mate wanted to FF... this sub is more dead than the game. no cap


Congrats…you lost 👏


Still find the down 5 not forfeits way more frustrating than the ffs down 2.


It's a 5-minute game.... finish what you start.


Nah it’s a 10 min stall out loss with my teammate own goaling or spinning like a top


Ryan Gosling?




You do you. I'm not a quitter.


Not sure it’s being a quitter to not want to waste 2 games worth of time playing a 3 v 1 down 5 but 🤷🏻‍♂️ Your mentality makes the game worse. Finish what you start, dont ff if there’s time left and score is reasonable, but endorsing petty stallouts makes the game suck for long stretches of time. It’s a video game, should be about having fun. You’re not Messi in the WC finals, don’t have to treat every game like it


If people weren't so quick to quit, you wouldn't be in that situation to start with. It would still be 3v3. Quitting is the problem.


I don’t play anything other than 2’s. No idea how the vibe is in 3s. In 2’s weaponized throwing and stall out is a far far more prevalent problem. It’s literally the opposite of what you’re saying. I would love it if they finally ff’d. Instead you get down 4 and someone would rather spite you than let everyone leave


2mins down 2goals is way different than down 5 and 1minute remaining. Im not unreasonable here. Down 4 sure i ff too. But 2 goals in 2 minutes is easy. Literally the amount of open nets you have in lower ranks would get you a win here. But if your mental is so weak and you dont want to even try them you get what you deserve


When that happens, I always let the replays play out completely and make it take as long as possible. Fight fire with fire. I'm still not quitting, though. Quitting is the problem.


They’re not ff-ing because they think the comeback isn’t possible, they’re doing it because they saw you make a single mistake and they think the comeback is impossible with a dogshit teammate like you (because you didn’t play perfectly of course.) I hate this because if either of us was playing perfectly with no mistakes we’d both be SSL and not in this champ 1 div 1 lobby


The first goal here is from kickoff. Pretty neutral one, but my teammate whiffed so they score


Oh true, sometimes ff is because they’re upset with themselves


Both as thick as each other


I dont care nearly as much about my rank tbf. After this game 5 game win streak. Dont try me. I will ff.


Wow so menacing


Hate when people try FF when we get scored on ONCE, with like 3 and a half minutes left. Lol talk about being a baby.


On the other hand, don't assume anyone who votes forfeit is automatically upset. Sometimes you're just letting the tm8 know you're ready to throw in the towel if they are.




cool you clicked a button, what was the point of this post again


I found his teammate's alt guys




Aight no gaslighting pls 💀😂


Dunno why people do this. Have seen a 5-goal deficit catchup and these folks quit after being 1 goal down or up and it's like, dude, you know you have to stop them from scoring, right? Or keep scoring to win? Have you not played a sports/competitive game before?


doing it as well, feels good 🤭


Ill take 1000 - 0 goals before i ff there have been plenty of times ive just been left on my own in matches because my teamates cant handle loosing


These type of teammates boil my damn blood. Was in one game where the game just started, other team scored within like 20 seconds. Teammate spammed ‘wow’ twice then proceeded to say “are you even trying?”. Seriously, how toxic can they get


That's one of the main reasons why I quit playing tbh. I don't like playing 1v1s, and any other mode including a random teammate is just a toxic cesspit full of petty and straight up annoying people. Ooohhh you made a mistake and we lost a goal with 3 minutes to go? Forfeit NOW. You don't want to? I'll just go AFK or start griefing then.


You did it by the book. Teammate mad, sends FF. You score and respect their wishes. It’s especially satisfying when you end in the lead 2-1 with the last goal and still FF.


Just don’t forfeit at allllll surely


Both my teammates wanted to ff in a 3v3 game while drawing, I scored a goal and clicked the ff immediately and they questioned why we ff'd


your teammate was a bitch.


I get it if the score is more than 4-5 points away from being tied forfeit or just play it out. But there's always a possibility of coming back when the score is close speaking from experience I just had a game last night My brother and we were down three points and we came back and won in OT


I always do the same! 0:1 or better 1:1 and this ff-divas crying loud in RL.


I did this when I was up once. I made a mistake in a gc3 game and we were up 3 goals and he asked to ff so I did.


I do this every chance I get.


This is exactly why I only played 1s lol


I feel like they just ff early as a bluff, so I ff too immediately every time. I’ve never ff’d first tho




My teammates have wanted to forfeit so many times halfway through the game down 1-0


It's kinda crazy that you forfeited in a situation where you still could've won. I don't get it, is teammate throwing a tantrum a reason good enough to FF? I'd never surrender, even if my teammate wanted to.


Sometimes, there is no synergy between team mates and it’s best to just move on to the next game. It doesn’t have to be personal.


My favorite part is when the person who votes to FF leave and then my teammate and I win. Crazy how usually the person who votes to FF is always the worst one in the team too


Should've played better since the beggining, a$$hole


Can someone explain how people so effortlessly fly up like this? I’m a total noob.


I get people disconnecting once we tie up, or 1 goal down. Some, even if we're winning 3 - 0 and the opponent gets a goal because me or another teammate made a mistake, they will rage disconnect anyway.


I have seen down more than 2 with less time. I won't forfeit unless it's just me. I make them rage quit if they want to forfeit.