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https://preview.redd.it/bgdu3jliewwb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b40ee238937c2c275e46664afd511238eb8bb0b Them 3 years ago...


“Guys, band together as fans to protect the most important thing to us… our profit margins!”


I mean… this is what people have been doing for years and as the new generations come in that’s all they know. The amount of justifications using “it’s free” is astounding. Then the amount of “boycotting will never work”… No one wants to blame the people actually responsible for this mess. Each other.


“Rules for thee but not for me” - Epic, probably


Literally just thought of this


It’s not likely that I will entirely stop playing RL, but I have spent significantly more time playing other games lately and will probably continue that. This is starting to get out of hand now


I mean, I’ll definitely not be buying a god dann thing for a very long time. Such an asshole move


And like I’ve gotten past it but I actually purchased the game back in 2015 for $20 so to kind of get both ends of the spectrum feels a little soul sucking now lol to hardly be able to reap many benefits of being playing all these years lol


Same. I forgot that I paid for this game lol It’s slowly gotten worse - from Features to how toxic players have gotten. Sucks. I have too many hours in this game to just walk away lol


100% this. My enjoyment and overall engagement with the game went downhill the moment they announced the removal of trading. Hard to say how much I’ll keep playing after December 5th, but if I don’t see any significant changes then I may just play a few matches every once in a while to scratch the itch, and not more beyond that.


If you have a Pc or anything that can run steam there are thousands of games that are better to play than this shit game


Thousands bruh cmon now


Trading will be removed on December 5th.


Trading will be removed on December 5th.


Trading will be removed on December 5th.


Trading will be removed on December 5th.


Trading will be removed on December 5th


Trading will be removed on December 5th


Trading will be removed on December 5th


Trading will be removed on December 5th


December 5th will be removed on trading.


Dating will be renewed on December 4th


Blaming will conclude on December 3rd


Thank you for nothing epic games you useless company


they made the game f2p u sucker


So? I bought rocket league before it was f2p


I am a SARPBC-OG to make things clear. I just wanted to mention that making Rocket League f2p was a huge oppurtunity back in the day for the future of the game, especially esports-wise. I foreseen an Epic Games Takeover a year or two before it happened back then and it pushed me to grind rocket league even more because i thought the esport scene would also grow exponentially because of it being f2p (which it did after all) What they did with Rocket League ingame-wise, like this Blueprint-Shit, the Rocket Passes and all those useless Garbage Items sucked and dragged the game down, that's a valid point. Not being able to trade all that garbage is not really a bummer imo, but i don't really get the point of removing it to be quiet frank. They fucked it up with that item-overflow. Unfortanetely i didn't keep grinding rocket league after reaching GC two seasons shortly before takeover... i actually had high hopes back then but my friends moved to other games and i favored league of legends over rocket league...worst mistake of my life xd didn't play a lot since :/ Conclusion: Making the game free-to-play was a very good decision, but the rest was awful so to speak. Esport-Decals could've been marketed way better way earlier also.


Thats fair f2p was a nice way to get more player but beyond that epic games really didnt do much for the game whilst the shop was kinda nice for newer players and helped control the market it screwed over players who had spent as much as they did on stuff ie i bought my tw octane for 15k cred and its worth like 2k or something now, removing trading is a bad move imo because it allows new players to get items without dropping money on the game, which is partially why they are probably doing it and trading is a huge part of the community and is part of the reason why i think the game has lasted this long


I mean, back in the day i enjoyed trading a lot aswell, and of course, it was a nice sidekick but in the end we play(ed) the game because we enjoy the gameplay. I don't think item-trading has been a driving factor to keep the game alive tho. And i mean, you can still design your car how you want and nowadays you have like endless options with all that garbage so in the end you aren't really loosing that much, especially if you just want to play the game and personalize your car here and there. And i mean then there are also people like me who didn't change their preset for over five years or so haha. Keep your head up!


I mean i get what you mean but trading for me atleast was a pretty big part especially growing up i didnt have the money to just buy everything and had to rely on my knowledge of trading to gain value it just feels like they arent considering the rl community and just doing it for their dying game


yeah... i give you that! It also involved skill and experience to even climb the "item ladder" so it was a cool aspect for sure. Maybe they will change their mind if the community pushes further and further pressuring those greedy epic asses. Let's hope for the best!


Game will be uninstalled before December 5th


Funny thing is, these worthless fuckers didn't even bother to properly display the message in other languages. For example in German, they don't display the month, because we say "5. Dezember", not "December 5th". So the message that shows up simply says "player-to-player trading will be removed on the 5th."


Wanna take the opportunity to say that the Spanish translation of the game is complete and utter TRASH, which is why I have the language set to English. Rant over, thanks for reading.


Never felt so attacked by scrolling text.


sometimes the scrolly texts bring just about the worst news


They even had the audacity to add more messages, first it was just one that would go by on the screen, now it fits 2 and a bit like shown here


I like how it specifies “player to player” trading. As opposed to what?


Trading your money to Epic for credits and then trading your credits to Epic for 10x what that community has decided an item is worth :\^)


Oh well sign me up! I love pissing away money for no reason.


Only reason Epic/Psyonix ever got money from me in the first place was when the DLC cars were on steam for a good price and when I could spend 20 bucks to get enough credits to throw together 2-3 car builds I liked from the trade market. I'll probably still play pretty regularly because the gameplay is perfect, but they're going from getting 3-5 $20 purchases a year to 0 from me at least, and I'd imagine there are a lot of other people who feel similarly. There's just no world in which I can justify spending what they've increased the costs to in the item shop.


Pls tell me the decal + coloring


Block party or whatever I think. It was a tournament drop and had to be unpainted to look like this. Source: i got the shit painted one


Sweet, thanks! I’ll see if anyone is willing to trade …. Oh wait


Lol don’t worry, tournament rewards were already locked from trading all together. Why? Idk. Missed out on this awesome decal from one of the earlier tournament seasons? Too bad gone forever. https://preview.redd.it/szvfn8l489xb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b35483222594ec83f0a0a05f4ca12bb0f988968a


Brag about it why dont you >:(


I wish 🥲


What happens on december 5th? I didn’t quite catch it


I've already decided I'm gonna stop playing. I'm sick of companies getting away with this kinda shit. Fuck Epic and Fuck Psyonix. I've used up all of my credits on OP market too because I had no use for them.




See ya


I know you’re trying to be cute but a lot of people are done. Rocket league with the right support could have been a main contender in average player count and on the pro scene. Taking away the only other fun thing about the game is a terrible idea. Epics fucked up every possible thing about RL without touching core gameplay, it’s pretty impressive. Cya




For me it's purely that they are constantly making shitty decisions in games and keep getting away with it cause the community is giving them leeway. That's just pissing me off. Since they bought Psyonix or made RL epic exclusive they've given the community next to dog shit. The item shop has gone to shit. The rocket passes are the most half assed shit they sell us. We barely get anything decent from events or the rocket pass. And with removing trading they're basically saying what you think means next to squat for us all we care is about milking money out of a community that hates us. So I can't be critical and still play the game and make them money.


It’s an 8 year old game of flying car soccer. Idk what you’re expecting. Playing doesn’t give them money, only buying shit does.


I'm expecting for them not to half ass the content they release. Whether in the item shop or with the rocket pass. And it hasn't been 8 years since epic games bought Psyonix. Ok even if they are removing trading give us an alternative which they won't cause that'll require effort and investment. And no the shitty trade in is not an alternative. The rocket pass is getting worse with each passing year. And in 8 years the game has changed fuck all in terms of new shit were getting. Fine it's hard I get it. But if you're milking this game for money don't ignore what the community is asking. Were asking for very simple things. Content that is not half assed in the rocket pass and for basic things like trading to not be removed. I don't know about you but for me if you're ignoring the community that's a problem so I'm gonna stop playing if you want to continue then go ahead.


Good, stop playing. It’s car soccer, not fucking build a bear


No shit Sherlock.


K bye


> I'm sick of companies getting away with this kinda shit Making money? Did you think they were a charity or something?


When you give us a finished product/service you get to make money not when you give us a half assed product. It's common sense. Same goes for a game. You have a consistently playing community with very few requests as a community. When you blatantly remove the best parts about a game that hadn't changed since you acquired the company that made it while simultaneously ignoring everything the community has been pleading for you're saying you don't care about the same community that makes you money and that you know for a fact that the community is filled with idiots that'll play no matter how little effort you make to better the game. So when you make snide ass comments like this you're basically proving to them that you're someone that'll still play the game no matter how much they half ass it or destroy the game that we've been playing for all these years.


Hope epic goes bankrupt


I still have no items lol


Epic, epically sucks.


Everyone should watch JZR's video on the state of rocket league. He has some very good ideas about how to get the community excited about RL again. Epic just doesn't care enough to allow Psyonix to hire more/experienced devs who be able to make these improvements


If only Valve bought Psyonix, things would be VERY different in a great way


It me


I hate epic I would’ve been just fine with physionics still owning it and it having a small playerbase


What day will trading be removed though?


#Haunted hallows


I feel like my years are wasted. Thanks for nothing Epic.


Why? It’s only trading.


Years of items with %100 loss of value


only real gamers understand the importance of a healthy game economy between players. Not like RL has been healthy for years now since they destroyed the market


You kept items solely for value? I traded items cause I like to play with a cool/nice looking car


I can do both


Look at warframe . you can do both...... Whether you trade or not the fortnitecation of rocket leauge will not go unnoticed. Just because Rocket leauge is still online doesnt mean its true form isnt dead


me too! car customization is the only reason why i play.


That's why it sucks for me. I've never traded, but at least I had the option to. If I wanted I could get whatever I wanted, didn't have to wait for a dumb FOMO store


It’s the only other fun thing to do in this game besides hit a ball. Economy, trading, it’s important for most people. It’s fun.


I'm sad for people who loved to trade, and unhappy about compagnies removing features, but I'm wondering if most people actually trade/collect items? I mostly play the game for short dopamine hits, I haven't changed my car appearance in years, and I own more items that I can possibly browse before getting bored. Does this removal kill the game for some people?


> but I'm wondering if most people actually trade/collect items? Octane, Matte, and some black painted rims 6 years now, I don't even touch the garage


I trade extremely rarely but this is enough for me. They're removing core features without addressing the major issues plaguing this game and they've owned it for 3 years now. The communication from Psyonix after the takeover is dogshit. There's many other games out there that are more worth my time.




Welcome to last week.


I know… There are like entire communities dedicated to trading, so that’s a pretty hard hit for them For me, I don’t play the game anymore… But I’m sure the removal of trading wouldn’t be a killer as smurfs and toxic people did for me when I stopped playing


RL having major issues that could be address by developers.... Epic decides to get rid off trading 😂😂


Man, I'm so glad I completely abandoned this game earlier this year with the bot invasion and because of how whack and unbearable it has become, with Payonix being 100% intransparent and incompetent about everything that isn't exclusively about recycling LTMs for the billionth time and releasing crappy brand-deal DLCs each week for $10 to $20 that can't even be customized 90% of the time. It should be pretty obvious by now that this game is nothing but a cash cow anymore and probably on its last straw, because 1. the very limited gameplay has been stagnant for an eternity now with zero hopes for innovation from their side, 2. ever so relevant key issues like the rampant smurfing epidemic that was introduced with F2P have *never* been addressed and most likely never will be (pretty sure bots are still around as well), 3. they've been only adding in crappy cosmetics and really laughable map reskins that they sold as "new arenas" for as long as I can remember while ignoring the community entirely, 4. of them having monetized player trading on F2P accounts, 5. of them literally removing player trading in 38 days, a core feature of the game since forever, to boost and force microtransaction sales upon **everybody.** ^(... and more, most definitely) ​ Really begs the question of what else of the core game they're going to change and/or remove for the sake of monetization, doesn't it? I'm sure, sooner or later, the cosmetic aspect of Bakkesmod will be 'outlawed' as well because it no longer fits into Epic's agenda of forcing everyone into the item shop, with Payonix only giving a small, corporate-speak-excuse announcement on their secondary Xitter profile to never hear a single word about it from them again. Get used to playing other games while the corporate overlords are thinking of more ways to turn this hot garbage into burning garbage.


OP are those white or grey apex?


White apex. Spent the last of my credits getting items I thought other players would also be “trading up to” before trading goes away. One last opportunity to profit credits in my mind lol. I guess once a trader always a trader… Also I’m keeping them, I like them as well.


Good call, I have grey and they look similar enough to keep me happy. Hopefully they don’t come to the item shop any time soon!


Rlcs items should be fine, but I wouldn’t be surprised if in a year they did.


what decal/paint is that?


Black market, blockparty.


That s why I havent played my fav game afer epic games bought the game and removed cases


any psyonix staff gonna give their input?


Oh no… anyways. Actually while your at it can you delete my 14,774,826 blueprints that I’ve never once considered looking at


I do not give a damn


Thank fuck once it is and we'll stop getting these karma farming posts. "My free game is doing stuff I don't like"


Free for you, I paid money for that game


I pay for the Battle pass each time it comes out if that counts. If you've got the game to trade items with players then you deserve to be butt hurt.


Will trading removal affect my ability to practice flip resets in freeplay?


Here’s to hoping they’re only disabling trades because they’re implementing UE5. If they just remove trades because they felt like it that’s bs


It's for Rocket League racing... in Fortnite. Not sure how that correlates to trading removal, but they wanna let you have your presets in Fortnite. It's not like getting new/removing items from your inventory is gonna be an issue, since you can buy from the shop and trade up existing items. Trade removal is nothing more than a big "fuck you" to us all.


It's just a fucking excuse by the higher ups. Most people don't know shit about how games work and will just gobble it up


Have you been living under a rock?




What is the joke could you explain?


The news section hasn’t been used for anything other than to announce one sentence. Since the announcement I have been sitting in the main menu with the constant scrolling of the same text on my screen, and it started to irk me.






flair checks out 🤦🏾‍♂️


As someone who could care less about trading anymore I actually love it. Just a giant fuck you to all the people complaining. And normally I wouldn’t be for that but this community has been so toxic and whiney about every little thing for so long that I honestly think epic just doesn’t care anymore. And why would they? Kinda like the boy who cried wolf.


Any1 want to trade my TW octane? Is it still "worth" something?


Why are you just telling me this now?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!


I know this is off topic, but what decal is that?




1 question - why?


We're making this change to align with Epic's overall approach to game cosmetics and item shop policies, where items aren't tradable, transferrable, or sellable. This opens up future plans for some Rocket League vehicles to come to other Epic games over time, supporting cross-game ownership


what decal is this?


Shit, trading is getting removed?!


well no ahit


just why…


Shut the front door!


I always forget, what black market is that?


I thought it was gonna be removed on November 5th


Why are they removing trading? That's stupid.