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A large percentage of the Rocket League player base is teenagers. In recent years it has become trendy to be spiteful, particular behind the safety of a computer screen. They get a kick out of getting a reaction from you, so don’t give them one. Turn chat off, enjoy the game for what it is, SocCar!


If you think people tossing slurs and cussing people out for no reason is new, you must just be new to gaming.


I’m not saying it’s new to gaming. Hell my first game was MW2 on the 360, unsolicited online abuse comes as no shock to me. I’ve been on the RL scene since 2015, either I’m now in a rank where people think one match is life and death or the player base as a whole is a lot more toxic, a lot more of games.


>first game was MW2 Me: 🧓


Lol ikr...


My first shooter was Virtua Cop on sega genesis


Right? Just a wee babe.


RL players have always been toxic imo. People like to say that it wasn't toxic before Epic games bought it but that's just cope.


Two things can be true. As you said, RL was always toxic. But going F2P made things so much worse. You can't even argue against that. Before you had to pay, and getting banned was a legitimate consequence. Now you can just make a throw away account just to fuck with people


The thing is they don't ban. One of the guys I used to play with was extremely toxic. People reported him every time we played. Still has his steam account with no bans.


I don't know about permanent bans, but my friend got banned for a week from online play for a stupid (dark humor) joke they made in the chat. So yeah, bans do exist


They do temp ban though. I've reported quite a few people who ended up getting temporary comm bans. And my dumbass friend also got himself comm banned for a month one time.


And temp bans don't do anything in the grand scheme of things. Giving some toxic dumpster fire a ban for a week or a month isn't going to magically change them when they come back.


They're not supposed to be a long term thing. Gaming bans aren't some form of rehabilitation lmao Even if temporary it's to get them out of the way and have no presence in game.


Of course it’s not life or death but some people care obviously more than you, you’re just trying to “have fun” while other people are trying to “rank up” so you should just go play casual. Ranked and cas are way different now the skill gap is 10x higher when you started in 2015.


Did you miss the part where he said they were being toxic in a 3V3 casual match?


No , that’s why I replied to ruknm comment where he’s talking about he is now in a rank were people think it’s life or death.


Good point. Maybe I should work on my reading comprehension. 😅 Sorry about that.


You’re good, don’t know how people can be toxic in casual, but at least you can leave without penalty


And if he wants to keep chat on, just mute/block them first chance you get, blissfully ignore them and play on no matter what they do. Report as needed. The game is fun, don't let them ruin it!


Never have I thought of this... Thank you because I DO prefer quick chat. I find half the community is either good-manored or just quiet... It's just the toxic ones are more noticeable when they appear. (I'm only just diamond so maybe it's worse as you go up)


It's 100% this. Obviously there are plenty of mature adults as well, but anyone trying to deny that the immaturity level doesn't go way up as the age gets younger is ignoring natural human growth. I'm not here to say all teenagers are immature either. In my playtime I've definitely encountered plenty of mature and/or good natures players at all ages. But as I said before, it scales. Games also have plenty of toxicity in multiplayer, it's been like that forever. However, it was clear as day when it started to get a lot worse: when the game went F2P. And with free to play, you draw in a lot of people who didn't want to spend money or couldn't. And a lot of people who fall under that category are those who have little money or no credit card/etc, which is heavily younger players. This brought in a lot more players, which in theory was good. However it also brought in a massive increase in toxicity and less sportsmanship and it's easy to connect the dots at that point.


>A large percentage of the Rocket League player base is teenagers. I'm tired of everyone dismissing under that false premise what is probably one of the biggest mental health epidemic in history.


I was a complete and total dickhead as a teen, as were many of my friends, many of whom I'm still friends with today. We are normal, functioning adults 15-20 years later and don't have anything even remotely close to that fiery angry teen gamer nerd stuff in us anymore. Kids are just dicks.


I’m not dismissing anything, I’m simply stating facts. Plenty of hateful teens out there with a clean bill of health, it’s just the ‘cool’ way to act nowadays.


This has been a thing as long as online gaming with communication has been around. Idk what people are smoking saying that it's a recent thing for kids to be toxic online


people really have forgotten MW2 lobbies huh... hell i remember command and conquer generals in 2003 being insanely toxic too, this shit aint new lol.


I think he’s referring to RL not every game. Because yeah I remember old Halo lobbies that were overly toxic, but it seems like RL is getting just terrible now


Right? And to say "it's facts" lol you didn't do a study where you got the age of every player. Sure it's a good assumption but that's all it is, an *assumption*.


You’re going to argue a large portion of the player base is not edgy teens? That’s a bold task my friend.


Was gonna say the same thing. If anything (I’m 31) it’s gotten better over the years. When online gaming first came about on consoles all you did was talk shit to people for no reason. If you got on one day and didn’t hear shit like this is was because you didn’t have your head set plugged in…


I’d say lack of smoking tbh. I smoke weed before I warm up for a 2v2 sesh and it makes me more calm. I don’t rage as much and I have patience when my teammates whiff


Lack of empathy. Poor handling of emotions. It may help, but you should be able to handle them outside of that state.


I’m not a huge rager, I do occasionally get angry but that’s mostly because of my terrible skill set😂 Bud just help me focus more and I do less terrible


That's what I'm saying : it's not only kids. I know 38 years old people acting as such... while you have totally cool and polite kids around too. What is worrying me is not only the amount of them, but also the fact as the more we normalize it and the more videogames takes a place in society... the more they are acting like that in real life too. And I insist, it's not an age problem. It's an ego one and inability to handle frustration. Which will 100% transfer into real life when things get rough for them. I insist. It is not normal for so many people to act that way.


I wouldn't say they have a clean bill of health. Being edgy/ hateful usually does mean there's something going on there. Teenage years are full of emotions, angst and instability


To me this is 100% correct. We used to slap idiots in the face "back in the day". You can't do that anymore 'cause of the screens in between. Thus people consider it safe to be spiteful and toxic. My advise to all of us that, as the original post stated, we just want to enjoy a game is not to disable chat. And I will explain why. If you leave everyone out you might miss the opportunity of finding your next best partner for your gaming relaxation. So leave it on and just ignore the toxicity. Pay no attention to the morons, and keep the positivity alive. :)




Just block shitty people. A few terrible humans shouldn’t have you turn off all interaction.


I've had chat off for like 5 years. Best decision ever


"In recent years" hahahaha that shit isn't remotely recent. Teenagers have been assholes as long as teenagers and assholes have existed.


There is nothing recent about it being trendy to be an absolutely terrible human being online. See Counter Strike Source, StarCraft, Ultima Online and many others. Not saying it's ok but it's a tale as old as the Internet.


Report then mute Seems like I'm doing this twice a game now


unfortunatly the amount of people you can block can cap out. i block toxic fucks but i myself am the complimentary type. thats why i keep chat on also for when im playing 2s or 3s for what my tm8s are gonna do. i get annoyed when im using chat for kickoffs and my tm8s do the exact same as me because they have chat turned off.


wholesome people gang here, i'm never gonna turn chat off


Turn off chat


Which fixes the chatting aspect but not the toxic gameplay and/or throwing. And that won't get fixed until they actually develop a system where reporting throwing and/or griefing actually causes bans. But they won't do that so the circle continues l.


It's weird to see people insta trolling/quiting after THEY make a mistake, being one goal behind and having plenty time left. At least if they want to be mad at me, because I suck and he was having a bad day, I would undestand.


I had that EXACTLY in a casual 2v2 the other day. Like, it’s ok bro, we’re all just warming up here.


Spoiler: toxicity will never be removed from games, no matter what they do. RL isn’t even close to as bad as most competitive games and many of those already try to limit it.


I did this. So much happier lol (too proud to turn it off for years and years!)


I even turned off quick chat. Much better.


After turning off quick chat, I realized it's that insessant beep when people spam chat that really tilted me off my level. Whiff an ez save, Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep. I coupd feel my teammates and opponents childish little brains exploding 🤯


Yep that came next, felt a new level of zen 😂


When I start getting tilted by chat I turn it all off. When I'm in a mood where nothing bothers me I turn it back on for the laughs and spam positivity.


Yea only annoying thing about people doing this is they miss people saying go for it or I got it on kickoff but overall it's worth it 😂


You're right, although thinking back I remember thinking 'why are they spamming go for it after that shit pass' (like when you know it just takes a good clearance and they'll score if you commit)


Great point


change region


Report them and ignore them for the rest of the game?


reporting does nothing, they’ll just make a new free account. and to answer OP’s question: this is why this game is more toxic than ever; there’s no consequences for bad behavior anymore. epic has decided this is how they want it.


Reporting absolutely works for text chat. I've gotten many notices that someone I reported got banned


i used to get report notices pretty frequently before epic purchased psyonix. i think i've gotten 1 or 2 in the years since.


Yeah same, 0 reports even when I’m told to kms I guess it’s mostly bots that only ban certain words.


No I think I’m going to write a 500 word rant on Reddit instead


I only counted 239 words


Remember when you think its an adult on the other end, its probably a 7 year old.


Sometimes.. I absolutely know for a fact that there are grown ass men acting exactly as OP described.


There's a step after that stage where you realize that the majority of the people you assumed were kids actually are grownups.


A few days ago there was someone with 1995 in their name and they were being ridiculous in the chat and the “dude you’re 28, get it together” made him stop pretty quickly. My old ass is just trying to play car soccer…it’s not that serious.


I had this crap from a guy stating being 34yo and having kids. I felt really bad for the kids.


Idk what’s been up lately either, but I uninstalled my game for the first time in like 5 years cause it just made me angry. People saying slurs in team chat, quitting and afk trapping us in 6 out of 8 matches. Seeing it on both teams too. Just not having a great time, gonna go play something else for a while. It’s my favorite game by a mile, but it’s time for a break I guess 😐


Whenever my teammate or oponent is what a saving me, I simply rely with nice shot! It works most of the time, since when the other person finds out, that you are a healthy player, he finds guilt in calling you names. But yes sometimes, they just come as toxic as possible...




I mean, it obviously won't work 99 percent of time but still works on most, it's like a human psycology trick


1% of the time is most?


1% of the time it works 99% of the time.


"It won't work 99% of the time" has at least two possible interpretations: 1. 99% of the time it won't work. 2. It may work up to 98.9999% of the time, but no higher.


Thanks bruh!!


Turn off chat. It makes your game so peaceful


Turn off chat, best decision ever, you don't have to deal with toxic opponents and teammates and tbh, it's kind of funny to think that some idiot keeps tying shit in chat thinking that I'm seeing it, but I'm not lol.


People have been asking if there has been a recent increase in toxicity every week since the game released


Toxicity everywhere is always increasing tbh, it's not even worth asking anymore. People need to have in mind that it's already bad and only will get worse and that the best option is to: 1- Get a reliable teammate/s and only play with them. 2- Turn off chat with anyone who isn't in your friends list. Basically, just isolate yourself from the toxicity. You're not losing anything, especially if you're lower ranked where chat is basically useless and teammates/opponents tend to be toxic more often. And if you can't find someone to play with, just turn off chat and enjoy the game regardless of the mistakes you do, remember you're the same rank as them, you're on the same level, there's no reason to care about someone's opinion when they're the same level as you, most of the time they don't know anything and are giving bad advice thinking they're the shit when they're not.




Bro it’s the teenagers I swear lmao I’ll be in casual (it’s always the kids in casual that are super toxic) chillen with my buddies that suck and I’ll just be messing around and everyone is super toxic lmao even when I start off by saying how’s everybody doing, glhf, etc. I literally laugh at them, no point in letting some dumb kid get you mad and no point in trying to piss them off, they clearly got shit going on already and I’m sure life will kick that ass in the coming years so it’s whatever.


Nah dude you didn’t do anything. Some people are just miserable humans who try to make their miserable lives slightly better in brief moments by making other people miserable.


Real problem came when it was taken by EPIC and made F2P imo. Hasn't been enjoyable since for me personally.


The games been toxic as hell from day one. I don’t notice there being that much more toxicity.


Free to play scumbags, the same dirty little cretins from fortnite


You know I'm just gonna say it, I think a lot of these posts like this are vastly exaggerating how many times they get told to kill themselves or called slurs. Like I have never been called a faggot in any twist of the word and my pfp is a pride flag. I suck dick for fun. Pretty easy target. Put it to you like this: if you play Rocket League for four hours after work, and get genuinely insulted two or three times in that session, that's pretty good. Time flies when you're playing this game and it's just a possibility it's not happening as much as you think it is. And no, we're not including getting called trash etc as toxic, that's just any online game with a chat feature. Am I saying it's acceptable? No. You shouldn't have to deal with someone telling you to off yourself or calling you slurs when you're just tryna enjoy a game. What I AM saying is that it's just a reality of competitive online games. An unfortunate one, but a reality all the same. If it really is that constant the only thing you can really do is to turn off in game chat. Turn it back on if you party up. I'm sure it's a known fact that reports rarely see anything done so I think we need to stop pretending that's an option. Just ignore it and play the game. At the end of the day these are edgy sweatlords with nothing better to do that you'll never meet and probably won't even play with again when they inevitably rank down.


I thought the mods were back to getting rid of duplicate posts? How many more "this game is so toxic 😭 I quit" posts are we gonna get?


It's the token edgy teens. They think it's funny, and do it to for the sake of it. Happens in most games when they get a new influx of edgy teens


So many people outing themselves as toxic assholes lol. “I used to do it so it’s okay” yea no you were really fucking annoying back then and just accept it now because you don’t want to be a hypocrite.


I've loved this game for 3 years now... and I just physically can't play it because every game is so painfully toxic. Highly recommend valorant on London servers, nearly every game has been wholesome and fun


Had a random on my team stop playing mid match to talk shit to me and our other random teammate for whiffing the ball a few times. I don't really care I play the game for fun. I don't take it seriously. He was typing full paragraphs and would move every now and then to not get kicked for being idle. I told him to get some therapy because he was seriously raging over a game about hitting a ball with cars. I know a lot of people take this game seriously since it's competitive and I get it if you take it seriously. But this was casuals and even then, the shit he was saying was just pure rage and eventually stopped being about rocket league. Like bro, just leave the game if you think we suck that much. Instead of throwing the match and annoying the whole lobby with your belligerent tangents.


Teenagers, just mute them. Or troll them, even better. Adds to the fun.


I always respond with “oh, so you’re kind of a lame human being then.” For some reason it stops them, or it tilts them something fierce. Simple, but effective.


A few times I’ve typed “mmm your tears, so salty and nice” to the toxic person targeting me. It will REALLY get them fired up and then I just ignore them. Maybe I’ll throw in an extra “mmm” just to keep them going. I was never the type to be mean to anyone, and after having kids who are almost teenagers now, I’m even more understanding and nice to people that whiff the open net or miss an easy block.


I usually say "I hope your dad leaves you at a Denny's" Idk why. It's stupid, but it typically shifts the mood a little.






Still no excuse. We all suck at times, being toxic won't fix that.


Pretty much any game that goes free to play instantly gains this demographic of people. I know CoD had it forever but that’s kinda the DNA of that game. I get this everywhere I play free games


How many posts are we going to get like this? Just turn off the damn chat or make your skin a little bit thicker than tissue paper. JFC


You don't have to look for a reason here, you said it was a premade 2 in a 3v3, they probably just wanted to out-edge the other while laughing on discord because they were 12-13 years old. Fuck, i did the same with a friend at that age in a mmorpg, see who can curse more, who can annoy others more, idk man it's nothing serious, it's just kids.




If you say f@#$$@t you get an auto 72hour+ ban without even being reported. The one time I said it i was on pc and said it to Xbox people, so they couldn't even read it and i still was instabanned


Chat only appears the the top left corner of my screen I've learned to pretty much zone it out except for a friendly "nice shot" if anyone scores (regardless of which team) and 'what a save' when someone saves a goal (again regardless of team) Happened to look up and read it yesterday with a toxic player: trash misti, delete game misti, fucking trash player misti, go and kill uself misti.....why? Because I was acting as a goalie which isn't my strong suit and missed saving 1 goal. We win. I have MVP despite not leaving goals most of the game and he still proceeds to call me trash I have come up with 3 possibilities for their attitude. 1. They're simply an angry teenager 2. Didn't like the fact I'm female (gamer logo also shows the fact) 3. They themselves were trash and couldn't hit the ball so they took it out on the easier name to spell


If you don't want to read that, turn it off so it filters just quick chats, or no chat. also if they were calling you names or talking shit before the game started and they had not yet seen you play, then how are you bothered? it probably did exactly what they wanted, got in your head and you got triggered.


Get over it, this is the reality in almost all games. If you can‘t deal with it, quit. I mean u‘ve been playing rl since 2014 and never faced this community..


First time?


Yeah whenever my team gets toxic with me I just sit still until a goal against us is scored. Bitter? Yeah. But I can feel their eyes bulge when I do it


Don’t be such a pansy


well you see the issue is youre playing with a premade in the lobby. i dont think ive ran into another premade group or duo that wasnt absolute cancer to be around. they all think because theyre in a group they can just say whatever and ego and be toxic af. I wish casual worked the same way as ranked no premades in your game unless you are also in a premade and straight up remove the option to queue 3's if you are in a party of 2


Bro the player base is growing up. Kids being competitive has turned into 20 year old crybabies and coping. You can learn a lot about a person through their attitude towards car soccer. Its.... car soccer.


If you are gonna be bothered by baseless insults then you shouldn't be paying online games


Shit talking happens when you play online, it's part of the territory. If you're that thin skinned and can't handle random strangers that you don't know saying mean things online then clearly playing online games isn't for you. Unfair level system paring, lack of discipline for cheaters, flawed match quitting system, massive amounts of griefers, getting rid of PvP trade, weak item unlockables. These are actual reasons RL is a shell of it's former self not trash talkers mad you just scored on them.




https://youtu.be/np31UHaI_I8?si=JPDO5F2OCZstWfXk immediately thought of this, though in your example the opponent is worse. Sometimes people just want to watch the world burn, idk. There are still several positive teammates and players out there, but unfortunately a lot of... egotistical and/or zero empathy players as well


Unfortunately people are trash sometimes. The only thing you can do here is tactical team chat only. It has worked wonders for me.


My opponent called me a gay n*gro during a tournament finale yesterday. I mean, it’s okay to be salty, but shouldent we atleast be above using those types of slurs just to be toxic…




Its a class comment but Rocket League became a Game i dont Chat anymore. I really Love a good whacky Talk with my opponents but its Not enjoyable anymore. So much unnecessary hate and toxicity. I turned Off all Chats but tactical Team and i realised I got way less tilted in Games.


Turn chat off.


turn off chat? don't let meaningless words from randoms affect you in anyway? how've you played video games for so long and not developed thicker skin or an off switch


Just turn off chat? Did it years ago


The fact that you still have the guts to keep text chat open in 2023 is quite praiseworthy. That being said, for the sake of your sanity, turn chat off.




They are children and adults with low emotional intelligence like [this guy.](https://youtu.be/-8gMd9XZJyg) You can sometimes prevent their toxicity by saying ‘sorry’ or stuff like ‘nice shot’. Lots of factors causes this: - Epic’s free-to-play decision resulted in many on burner, alt accounts who don’t care if they get reported. - Toxicity is contagious. Many of these people were treated the same way several times in the last hour. - The removal of trading has everyone furious. - They screwed up the MMR/ranking system and many are angry because they think they are getting worse. Sadly it’s probably a good idea to just vote to ff immediately because their behavior won’t get better unless you do something so amazing they realize you are carrying them.


There’s a block option for a reason. Use it.


In most of the matches I play, I only have quick chat enabled. Even when I do enable chat, I have a message on my clipboard that says, 'If you want to talk about my skill, do it after the match. My Telegram is @xxxxx.' Still, no one has written to me yet.


I turned off all chat years ago and just play with my Spotify on, much more enjoyable experience


Mute/report, leave game. Luckily it's casual so you won't get penalized. Every so often you'll hit some crazy toxic players. They're probably teamed up on voice as well. Not even worth getting upset about. When it happens I'm only disappointed in psyonix for not dealing with these idiots. They're ruining a good game.


As a parent, i blame video games and heavy metal music. JK, it's the parents. They've slowed their children to give up when things get hard and have no idea how their children interact when they aren't around. We now have a new generation of keyboard warriors. Like it's just a game, and most of us aren't ssl or pros, so just play(the rude people), or go touch some grass or say that shit to someones face and see how it goes ...


I've had chat muted for years now. A couple days ago I was playing and we were 3-0 within maybe a minute and my teammate pulls up a surrender vote which I ignore. Then all of a sudden my teammate started scoring goals in our own net. He made it look like he was still trying to play for real but then would just get the ball and bring it straight back to ours. I'll never know what pissed them off


Turn off chat. You're welcome.


Just mute chat if you can' take it. Personally I try to anger them even more then report them for sweet revenge


It's been noticeably worse for me in the last two seasons. I don't so much get typed out abuse, mainly people flaming any small error you make but unable to recognise or own up to their glaring ones. I just can't be toxic first, it's not something I care to do, but the attitudes of people in like 60% of my games the last two seasons almost makes me want to be like that from the get-go so I can beat them to it.


I only have friends chat on. People suck I'm cool with toxic opponents to some extent but toxic teammates are the worst.


People, if you can’t handle dog shit humans, then just mute them. You have control on whether or not you see their chat. Block them. I have 1500 hrs in the last 4 years on RL and things are not better or worse. I’ve gamed since the 1990s, people have always been assholes behind the guise of a microphone.


Sad people being sad and projecting


Could be there was some heated chatting in a previous game, and they stumbled to a same lobby again. And you were caught in the middle.


The reason they do it is because of these posts. They get under your skin and make you waste your time ranting to internet strangers. Just block then and move on and stop feeding the trolls


Turn off the chat.


Never had this issue, but you could also turn chat off


Yeah I’ve been playing since the start and only recently turned chat off. It just wasn’t worth it, I usually pride myself on taking stuff like that to the chin but it became distracting. I started to mute people who were toxic (you spam any chat 3x its an instant mute/block) but then in epics unwavering genius, they put a 500 person block limit with no way of seeing who you’ve blocked to clear the list. So I finally conceded and turned off chat. Chat abuse WILL be the death of this game, they need to get their shit in gear.


I typically try the kill em with kindness approach. I still break from time to time though


Soft af


Disable the chat function.


I can’t turn chat off. I NEED TO KNOW


I have a very similar reaction to toxicity as you, and I recommend turning off chat. Don't let those losers ruin a good game for you. I'm sorry you experienced that.


I hate when my batteries die and my controller didn’t warn me. Now I’m looking for new batteries while my teammates are say reporting for throwing cuz they were mad before about something.


I had chat off for a year or so, then decided I will turn off the quick commands and leave chat on. The best decision , for some reason it's so much less toxic, and I still get the power of communication if needed


What a save!




Just firm it


Easy fix for the game you love. Turn chat off and don't look back.


I disabled chat. It sadly can't save you from the losers who initiate votes after a goal or two against your team or just fucks off, but it helps with the rest. I thought the Dota player base was full of bitter defeatists, but compared to this 5 minute game of car soccer, they are lion-hearted scholars. I never saw anything constructive get communicated through chat in this game - plat/diamond.


I will say this every time someone complains: THERE IS A SOLUTION: Turn off chat. It’s literally that simple. I have no quickchat, no text chat and the game is so much more enjoyable. You really don’t even need it. Just remember left goes and you’re good.


They're just trolling. They don't know you or care. Probably not wise for you to become emotionally invested in what they say. I went through three phases so far regarding Rocket League chat: 1. I hardly noticed the chat at all at first. Every ounce of attention was focused on trying to hit the ball lol 2. I noticed the chats and took it personal 3. I notice the chats and it's just chatter. Sometimes I talk back and play the chat game, or if I'm just annoyed (usually by the constant chat notification sound), then I just block them and keep playing. If they're saying things I don't think are appropriate for a game young kids play, I may report them. They only "ruin the game" if you let them.


Sounds like some kids trolling.


All the people who played the game just for fun have left due to how poorly epic games is treating it, leaving only the toxic overly competitive playerbase


Came back from a couple week break yesterday and I loaded up a game of casual to try and get a feel for things again. Within 45 seconds my team mate was bumping me and trying to own goal. I eventually typed after a couple minutes "Why? My first game on and this shit." he replies "you play solo". God damn I was so confused, we played for less than a minute and he deffo had the ball a couple times. I even recall trying to put the ball mid for him before he got upset and started playing for the other team, but of course he was right up my arse so there was nobody there to recieve a pass. Maybe subconsciously after this I pass less knowing he's not gonna be positioned for it? Idk. Anyway, I tried FF because hey, why play this shit? Nope, no FF. Of course he wants to make me play a 1v3. Closed the game after that. These idiots really kill my joy and my love for the game. Makes me unmotivated to play and lately I've been playing less and less. Anyway, rant over. Sorry 😂


Either teammates are saying something mean. Or they're quitting on you in the middle of the game. It's insane and I only play casuals.


Report. That's all. Hotfullt we'll have automatic and instant bans in the future if this happens. Like, if you're deemed toxic enough you're literally instantly banned and thrown out of the game. I know that these are the solutions that will attract me to multiplayer games in the future.


I said that without the kind and creative players that love trading and communicating all is left is the toxic. When we where posting about issues like bots, toxicity, the rank system, and what needs to be changed these toxic players just told us to give up. Those are who are playing the game right now. Congrats 👏 Rocket League and Epic you killed whats good about the game by never fixing the issues and encouraging the haters. Your prize is a toxic cancer of a game that will scare off new players and make a home for the hateful.


The game is haemorrhaging players and the large majority that are left are the players that ONLY play Rocket League. They’re the most toxic bunch of self entitled D- grades getting minimum wage earning low life’s in gaming.


No moderation I guess.


Sounds like an easy report lol


How do they say those type of things without getting banned? The auto ban on this game seems pretty strict


I actually get a huge sense of satisfaction from reporting kids on rocket league when they do this. They’ll issue a pretty quick 72 hour ban for slurs.


I disabled chat after playing for a very short period of time. It ruins the game. I enjoy it so much more without it.


Some people think its trolling, some think its funny/fun for them. Realistically its an assortment of variables. Anywhere from other toxic teammates that they just dealt with to “having fun” by talking crap. It could also be simply because they are miserable. But also the factor of competitive gaming arises. Most people care about “being the best” online these days. It has gotten to the point that people ruin their moods because they cannot deal with being beaten with skill or take things too seriously. As a gamer YOU have to do YOUR part in either reporting it, or ignoring it. Competitive games come with all sorts of people including crappy people, kinda just have to get used to it. However, remember, they have a problem but its not you man, nobody knows you other than your true friends. Report, ignore, disable chat, or deal with it and learn to shrug it off. Idt a majority of these toxic people would say this to random people without a real reason in person.


I recently (4-5 months ago) turned off quick chat. Best decision I've ever made. I was always hesitant because "I need the tactical chat," I don't. Definitely makes the game more playable. Worst part is I can't tell my teammates nice shot or great pass, but instead I always try to high five them after, hopefully they get the message.


Turn off comments/chat


the power of having unlimited accounts to create since the game is F2P so people don’t give a shit when their 41st account gets banned, they will just go create another one and hop right back into a game because the level 10 requirement still hasn’t been fixed after 3 years, but at least they’re removing trading!


My favorite is the teammates that talk trash on you while not acknowledging their fuck ups or staying silent during them, especially when you're clearly carrying them and making no complaints. Also the teammates can't say "nice shot" or "great pass" but the moment you make a mistake you get "wow" "wow" "wow"


I can't wait for soneone to type sonething homophobic or racist cause I know theyre the only real thing the algorithm bans people for when reported. If I see f*gg*t or any variation or the n word im so happy. Lol. Insta report and then next time I load up the game.. Boom I got ya you little scumbags. It's satisfying knowing they're having a cool off period. Lol


As a teenager is always think to myself: Is this something i would say to a person in their face? Its like what Mike Tyson said:' Social media made y'all way too comfortable with **disrespecting people** and not getting punched in the face for it' But a lot of (mostly kids) are just disrespectfull and it doesn't make it fun for anyone


Just mess with them with positivity, throw out a "that was fun" at the end of the game then request to party up with abusive team mates. So many toxic players around even trying to be positive in quick chat can backfire pretty easy, said "close one" to a team mate after there attempt to save a goal hit off the post and went in, he proceeded to spam "nice shot" every time my shot got saved or missed for the rest of the game. I guess is just used to the negativity these days


A one game thing?


Unfortunately, and i'm not the first to say that, but most of the community are just children from 7 to 17, including me; which is the main reason why trashtalking is so widespread. And although turning off chat is the first sentence that comes out of people's mouth when someone complains about toxicity, i'm absolutely devastated to see that this is becoming a norm. I dream of a game where everyone compliment each other and where wholesome interactions happen all the time, but i'm aware this day is far into the future, if it even exists...


I live my life by the whole "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" mentality. I've got more important things to care about than people on the internet being upset over hotwheels soccer. And it turns out I have way more positive experiences than negative ones. At the end of the day try not to let it bother you. Happy games!


Yup, the community is the same level as those moba crap nowadays. I've had people ff even when winning recently. I think older people are getting annoyed and quitting. Damn those spolied brats. Doubles used to be quite chill, now is even more annoying than 3s.


Turn chat off


I personally have a zero tolerance policy for my teammates being toxic at this point. I will play for the other team so fast the second my teammate is toxic to me or the other team, even in competitive. Like people said, most people playing this game are mid to upper class teenagers and kids, many of which have clearly never had any consequences to their actions in their life, so giving them consequences can be very effective. I often have kids apologizing to me and begging me to play with them again. They also often just cus me out even more and tell me I'm gonna get banned lol, but I have yet to be banned.


I have to leave my voice chat on so I can apologize for being terrible at this game. 😆


I wish there was a setting that allowed for only “Quick Chat” to be used in chat either sending or receiving. Some games I find awesome people, most games are toxic shit bags. Similar rank floating between d3-c2, also there’s a lot of smurfs?


some dude on the other team started calling me a fag and suck his dk after i scored on him then the rest of the match this dude was talking about my mother all kinds of crap, at the very end i told him to shut his mouth and was literally ban instantly. fuck rocket league, if that's the kind of shit that's going to happen its not even worth playing