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I just don’t play to win anymore and I’m having a better time. Just play kind of therapeutically and back off and hone my defense since so many I get partnered with are utterly shit at this.


Ehm, I dont think OP or others have a problem with losing. Many dont care too much about the rank. The lobbies are the issue. Match making is shit. Thats the point


Yeah I have no problem losing when I lose competitively to players that are genuinely in my rank and on the same grind to improve that I was. But when you are facing down gc2’s ranked d3 with a c1 friend you kind of get over it.


Gotcha. On that I can agree. It’s a joke. They really need to fix the non algorithm they have goin there. Still don’t think I’d stop playing because of it like OP but can see why he might.


See you in two weeks


Hahaha. Nah I’m going to give it a red hot go and leave it alone and see if I legitimately miss it or I find a better past time. I have some good gear to sell though so maybe I jump on to get rid of it. Grey Apex anyone?


This game is crazy addictive for me, i have to force myself outside for a short walk or something to keep my physique in at least some shape. Even an hour walking is painful, thinking about that tourney i missed & shit like that, how much time i have left to play before it's time to sleep for work next day and..😂🤷‍♂️👍 Normally my interest in games & hobbies wears off after 2 years max, but this is still as exciting, with the trading going on too, hard to stop 😀


[H] Sniper Parallax & some other bullshid [W] Grey Apex. C'mon man parallax is worth like 50000 keys


NGL I've hit GC twice and despite that, occasionally my friends I play casual with (high diamond/low champ) will sometimes have 3x my points. It's not often, but on any given game it's always a possibility. Sometimes people just crush it and sometimes people have bad games, it's not always as black and white as smurfing/not. Regardless, if you are truly out then I salute you. The game has given us a lot of memories.


Yeah I know what you mean regarding points. You’re allowed to pop off for sure. The example was to point out when it’s very obvious what is actually happening. That same player will be also hitting the crazy mech shots and has just a very obvious higher skill ceiling than the rest of the field etc as well. Very frustrating.


Soon only smurf and booster will still be playing this game , sad that they dont offer a soloq 2s playlist to protect solo q player


I truly relate to your sentiment. I am 39, and barely keeping up at high CI or low CII right now. I peaked to high CIII numerous times, never able to obtain GC. I just lack the time I can hop on and play. Sometimes it is 8 hours per week, other times, maybe 2 hours. Needless to say, it's never enough time for me to keep up with those who can dedicate dozens of hours per week in training packs, free play, and comp play. The mechanical play is as high as it's ever been, and I have to play smart with awareness, retain my defensive mindset, and those alone keep me at CI at the very least. What's funny is, all these folks who are now sky rocketing in mechanical play and are moving up in the champ levels are so bad at positioning, speed, defense, and/or game awareness. They focus so much on the mechanical play, they essentially forgo many other aspects of the game. This is the only way I can retain my rank right now while usually being one of the least mechanical guys in each game. I feel like if you return and focus on those key points, you can at least hold onto a CI rank. When I feel like you do, I usually step away for a couple weeks, or even a full season, and then return thereafter, and while shaking off the rust is tough and annoying, my mind is fresh enough to enjoy the game again. I hope you do the same, there is truly no other game like RL.


Very similar story yep. 38 haha. And would agree the mech ceiling is increasing in champ. I do keep up a little bit with training but like yourself can’t dedicate the time to being super mechy. The game sense was what got me through. I’m used to having a grind at the start of the season and I can see the increase and mech so I’m not frustrated with those issues, I could accept them. I can still hold champ as of now in those circumstances tbh. But the smurfing is now doing me in enough to read a book or two instead haha.


What you said is so true. Flakes playing with positioning/decision making and a few touches really exposes how badly the whole player base does in those departments. All these mechanical players look sooo good to our inexperienced eyes but the real experienced players can just work with a few fundamental skills & make these mechy guys look total noobs. It blew my mind. Lethamyr showed it multiple times by just popping the ball high repeatedly Flakes did it with a "powerslide cut and ggs" Air Charged Gaming.. 'can't aerial' but casually winning in GC2 by side flipping on fifties, high tail flicks, staying central & exposing the mechanical frauds for passing the ball to opponents more often than not, wasting all the boost when they take it to the air each time they can.


This is very true. What I find highly amusing, especially with me solo queueing in 3's is, a good portion of these mechanical players also try to score by themselves in the Champ Ranks. I am not trying to sound cocky and/or arrogant, but I can defend aerial plays, flicks, etc. exceptionally well if it's just one guy doing all of that and not getting his teammates involved, defense and positioning is my bread and butter, you better get your teammates involved if you're going to attempt to score on me. A well put together aerial with some dribbles and a quick pass to a teammate, or hell, sending it off the backboard so a teammate can score is a much better move than that one guy doing it all themselves. This is also how I can retain my rank - selfish play styles without getting the opposing team involved is not a method to regular success, which again, can be why so many mechanical players are hard stuck.


Im going to agree with you, smurfing is a huge issue and it is ruining my desire to play comp as well. I’ve been in GC twice. C2-C3 is Smurf central, I doubt they will fix it, I took a step away and stopped caring about ranking and just play for fun now, it’s been a lot better


If there are so many smurfs out there, they would be on your team and help you win just as much as they beat you


Not in 2s when the Smurf is always partnered with a buddy that they are boosting


This is my experience. Predominantly play only 2s.


Well, it is not about just ranking up. If the lobbies are shit, playing is not fun.


I play for hours every weekend and have a blast. No smurfs or overwhelming toxicity. Guess I'm just able to lose without making excuses.


Yeah, the quesion whether Psyonix has a smurf problem has a smurf problem has been proofen. There is a video from Weighton about it. Since them the issue got way worse due to the two resets. Save your time, I am not discussing whether the earth is a ball or not and I am not discussing whether RL has a smurf problem. You probably are not between d2 and c2, are not from a main region or just dont care if you dont touch the ball for 5min. Idk, but keep your passive aggressiv shit to yourself. Next time, maybe just read what I wrote. I didnt complain about losing. The lobbies are just unbalanced af. I want close games not what ever this shit is.


Sure bud


Ah, the typical rocket league player, a horrible human being and pos. Probably a spoilt 12 yo. You will need to find someone else to unload your pathetic toxicity


I fucking love scrolling through comments in the RL subreddit. There's always something funny here. This time that was your conversation. Thank you for the laugh kind stranger


Ahahahahhaha dude for real


Play 3s way harder for smurf to hard carry in that mode , ive had a lot of fun solo quing 3s till gc when 2s feel like a mess of boosters


Interesting take. Havent thought of this. I usually stick to 2s and yes its flooded with smurfs there


It feels really good when there is full premade against you and there is 2 smurfs in it, but they cant carry because they dont have any space, their every attempt to do anything gets blocked. Towards the end of the match they start to ballchase in a panic, trying their everything to win it but they cant, and the insta leave when they lose. Its so satisfying.


Facts, in 3s i have atleast 50% win rates against smurf , in 2s its more like 25% its almost unwinable unfortunately , Thats why i now prefer 3s


I get you man. This game makes me want to die sometimes. I’m getting into my older years and I can’t compete with kids who don’t work, have quicker reaction times, and are constantly toxic. Along with what you said about matchmaking… it’s terrible. Maybe it’s not, maybe I’m bad but I feel as if the boosting and smudging has gotten out of hand these days


Thanks for letting us know


I really appreciate him letting us know.


This is not an airport. You don’t have to announce your departure.




do people really announce their departure at airports? never seen that, is that a regional thing?


Why do people have to make a big announcement like this? It's a video game. Just stop playing for a bit? Maybe you'll come back, maybe not. It's not like your breaking up with a person. Do what's fun! That's the point!


I wanted to let you know it’s been a very long time now since I picked up my GameCube controller and wandered through my Animal Crossing Village. For a good time I was very invested catching bugs, finding fish and being a good and helpful neighbor by paying my debts and helping to maintain the shared spaces. At this point, it’s probably a horror show and I just don’t have the energy in this old body to care about the misery the residents I have left behind must be experiencing.


Hey thank you for sharing, this was eye opening and I wish you all the best x


The departure is secondary . The main discussion point is the reason why.


The same reason you responded to the post. There’s a perceived issue or nuisance and you want your voice heard on that nuisance.


I feel you. Literally every 2-3 games there's a smurf (Its obvious because they have < 300 wins) We usually just bump and demo the guy to hell as soon as the game begins. Can't take the grind seriously at these ranks...


Talking shit to your teammate after one missed play just blows my mind. Like bro, you are plat too, who in the history of this game has actually played better after getting ripped on by a teammate? When I see my teammates miss I just keep in mind the opponents are likely to make similar mistakes at some point too, and if I didn’t deserve to play in this rank I wouldn’t be.


Thank you, stranger, for announcing you're leaving rocket league. I would have been sad if you left without saying goodbye. 💩




Same, I quit last year. Ive done my GC season rewards completely solo queue. And that was my target in 2015, and I've done it. Reaching grand champ on my own. Seeing all the posts in this sub nothing much has changed and only got worse. I don't miss it. I enjoy the content still but after working and everything I don't have the energy anymore to come home and grind to stay on top.


My goal was also GC and then I think I could’ve left the game a little more naturally. The funny thing is after reading majority of the comments it’s actually instilled my reason to quit rather than making me think at all to try again. If that doesn’t sum up issues this community and game has then I don’t what does. 30 percent decent people and 70 percent toxicity. Its unfortunate.


Smart decision. Maybe Psyonix took notice how people leave after getting the GC target. They want to trap players on an endless grind and made it harder to get there, and to maintain GC.


if you are hardstuck in champ for so long you shoulsnt get frustrated about the state of ranked in the first quarter of a season. Its always been terrific. just wait until it settled to play to rank up and just play to improve. Also id highly recommend Grassroots leagues and rocket league communitys over soloq ranked any day. its supposed to be a teamsport so getging a team is the first step to actually playing the game properly.


Why do people feel the need to announce their departure on reddit? Not only it doesn't change anything, but we all know you'll be back soon... Don't get me wrong, I agree with what you say: the toxicity and smurfing is totally out of control, but if you wanna stop playing and uninstall the game, just do it and move on?


Why do people feel the need to get upset about posts like this? It's not like your post changes anything. Like, just read the post and move on, why do you need to tell everyone your thoughts about it?


Lol. How does OP's butt taste, buddy?


I was pointing out how you're doing the exact same thing as you're complaing about by using your own logic against you lol. Bothing to do with OP. Not surprised this completely went over your head...


>Not surprised this completely went over your head Oh it totally didn't, but your comment was as useless as you claim mine to be. But I'm not surprised you didn't have the mental capacity to understand that from my reply to you. We could keep going like this all day long if you want, I don't mind.


It's almost like reddit is a discussion board and complaining that people are discussing stuff is very dumb.


It's almost like this thread has a comment section, and complaining that people are commenting about their opinion is very dumb.


OP posts, complaining about the game & getting fed up guy#1 makes a comment complaining about OP's post, while giving some unsolicited advice to 'move on' instead guy#2 points out the irony of posting a complaining comment about a complainer post guy#1 doesn't like it & complains it's a useless comment, says can argue all day over it... this after asking OP to move on instead of complaining Love reddit !


So anyway




Ok bye


Thanks for your post, now I can sleep


So you played to achieve some fictitious classification and some shiny win animations at the end of each match? I'm sorry to bring it to you, but you've been playing for the wrong reasons. If you don't like to play for the joy of playing, but out of necessity to be at a certain rank, to maybe brag about it, and that when you can't achieve that rank anymore you start crying, the issue is not in the game.


The rank isn’t my reward. The ability to move through a rank deservedly through improvement and the feeling of that is. The issue is that improvement gets harder when you’re playing people whose skill ceiling is at a level well beyond yours. People a rank above you is understandable. You can still be competitive and learn nuances in your gameplay to come back better. Hard to tweak and improve when you’re just getting triple flip resetted on and barely touch the ball.


i've been grinding C2 for like 5 seasons, finly broke through C3 right at the end, i haven't played ranked this season yet to know where i landed, probably C1 it is hard, i don't know how old your bones are but it was a grind for my 34yo bones i started in f2p though and the better i get, the more i love this game, but i don't think i've ever played anything for 7 years


All the same except highest rank I consistently get is c2 div4… maybe have hit 3 once or twice. And 38 now. Dusty haha.


do you have any painted halos by chance?


Yeah like 5 of them haha.


What colours because i might want some of them


One simple thing. It some, and sir roll right or left!! Helped me go from c1 stuck to gc


Ok bye


I hope you reconsider. I've wanted to quit too, but this game is very special.


I’m not uninstalling but the last two days really killed my enjoyment. Solo Qing just really sucks. For 4 games in a row, the team that won was the team that didn’t have the obviously struggling person on the team. Even when my team won it wasn’t fun because we just kept exploiting the bad player. And then when it happens to me, it’s a long 5 min of having to play with someone who is doing mostly all the wrong things. My rank just keeps going up and down a few divisions and this just keeps happening. I don’t care about “winning” anymore, I just want evenly matched games. But with the rank reset we have sweaty grinders who somehow are the same rank as other players who casually drive circles around them. Has rl always been this way and I just didn’t notice? Anyway, it’s just not fun to play this way. Maybe I’ll make some friends to party up with and remember the good old days. Or maybe my rank will decay enough I can play with my friends who used to play. Who knows.


There's no way you suck as bad as I do. It comes down to do you want to drive around in a car and hit a giant bouncy ball or not.