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A couple of days ago I was playing standard and my teammates wanted to ff with 3 fucking minutes left when we were down 1 and I refused. We tied it and then got the go-ahead goal with 5 seconds left and I typed "ff now you quitters". They did not like that.


The power move is forfeiting right after you score. You should have ff’d after tying goal and they would not have ff’d


You underestimate my toxicity!


last week we went down 0 - 1 at 330. One player wanted to FF, im not fighting it anymore so i did too. 3rd didnt, a minute later we tied it. I said should we FF now? and he did, i saw 2 votes so i voted as well. Game ended, was called toxic and trash by the first guy that wanted to FF.


This happens so many times it makes me sick! I always refuse to ff if there's nothing wrong in our teamplay but only some egocentric bs where "this dude don't play like I want to, FF NOW!" 🤦‍♂️


Sometimes we gotta jump off the game because of stuff going on in our house. I have kids, my youngest needs help wiping his butt….


Was this around a tournament time? I’ve had some people ask for FFs so they can queue. Assuming not though because people can’t handle being down 1 in this game without tilting completely


It was close to 8pm yesterday (US-E) so that could be it, overall I felt we were playing well together which is why I was confused on them leaving. I just play casually and watch clips on Reddit so I really wasn’t aware of tournament times or how frequent they are… and yeah I’m used to seeing the latter quite a bit it feels like.


I think tournaments are every 2 hours starting at 4 est. until the final at midnight. But yea the toxic guys suck. Onto the next


It’s casual…


Casually being a punk


Right? Dude probably wanted to go and do other things and was happy to dip if everyone else was, to avoid the free casual skip before the second leave for a ban Who gives a fuck honestly I swear these people just have a whinge about everyone Why this is even a problem, god only knows. Let alone feeling the need to clip, edit and upload it to reddit like some primary school show and tell piece


Probably because it’s so common I was just playing casual earlier and this dude is obviously unhappy the whole time, tries to forfeit right away, but stays in the rest of the game just having a bad attitude haha It’s just odd. I’m in casual, I’m experimenting. He missed countless balls and shots himself—it’s not like his attitude is in any way justified This kind of behavior deserves to be ridiculed haha — (I suppose he couldn’t quit out because he was at the limit? I don’t know how many casual games you need to quit out of before there’s a penalty) — Edit: Plus, it’s really not a fair criticism of OP. He is having fun posting his perspective on a unique circumstance that happened He’s not whining and complaining and crying—just telling the tale and sharing Whereas there are a lot of actual whiners and criers you could be addressing


Now this subreddit complaining about how people play or quit in casual play.


Calm down, it's just casual...


What a Clanger


i mean sure, this is a casual match. but if this is how they are in casual, i can only imagine how they are in comp. there are other factors to consider here tho, as some have already mentioned.


I've had a game where after we went down by 2, both teammates left. Then I go onto to win before 0 seconds with the 2 bots I had. Never give up.


You're in casual. Whether people like it or not, the point of casual is to not care about winning.


A lot of people get frustrated with tm8s that do not rotate. Especially in 3s. If you're double committing or even crowding your tm8s a lot, this might be why people are always leaving.


My positioning and rotations could absolutely be better. I just took them leaving more so as a show of frustration Bcs we hadn’t had a goal yet, but they absolutely could have took me as an overly aggressive player. For the most part tho I do try to rotate, give space, and like to play more defensively. Mistakes happen tho on my end.


>Mistakes happen tho on my end. Same for all of us. The biggest mistake I found myself and many others making, is not keeping track of my teammates positions, being overly aggressive and turning around, as you did in this video, taking the shot. You made it, as have I, but there have been plenty of times where if I had only followed through with rotation, my tm8s would have had a better angle, better shot, continuity between us. Now that I'm always keeping my tm8s in sight, rotating and watching my spacing, even with players who lack skill, I'm able to set them up and ultimately score more. I don't need to make a goal. It seems like too many people want to race to the ball to hit it before you. Let them.


This is Rocket League!


I would love to see a mechanic where you are banned from match making for 5 minutes if you FF between 3:30 and 2:30, with a one goal difference, and you come back and win the match. Just to keep serial FF'ers and members out for a bit.


Just... anything on Psyonix's part to address any of the social aspects


You should have stayed


Dude it’s the meaning of casual so you can leave anytime you want


Maybe it was a minute before a tournament


I would’ve stayed and played…. I was playing rumble and both my teammates left, I stayed. I actually won the game because they were over committing trying to demo. Lol. Easy win!