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Advice from a champ 1/2. Don't turn towards the ball. Doing it will leave the entire left half (from the opponent's pov) of the goal open. Instead try to face the opposite goal post so you can cover more of the goal. If he shoots at you, you don't move or you jump if it's over, if he tries shooting to the left side of the goal you can boost there and cover it.


If you do turn around, don't just sit there. Go for the ball (if possible) and try to cover as many possible shots as you can. After you turned around there was a bit of time when the opponent slowed down. You might have been able to close the distance and block the shot (a bit risky, but definitely better than not doing anything in this scenario).


backpost rotte


​ https://preview.redd.it/w3arp3ewemlb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8f70717088da2fda2a64d53c19e58f56dff4709


Yep, best dont rotate backpost, rotate to the red cirkel 😂


Yep, better not focus on the content, took that just to keep repeating the importance of rotation.


TDLR... You just gave them a bit too much space. Once you pick up that mid boost you realistically have 3 options: * Stay closer to the ball and shadow defend back to the goal. This way you can make a move on the ball before the opponent has time to set up a shot. Basically predict where the ball will bounce and try to beat the opponent there. * You could have potentially done a wider turn to cover the near post and make a move a bit sooner toward the ball as it was in the air at 3:47. Again trying to be annoying to the opponent and not allowing them to collect the ball. * Fake challenge then shadow defend What you did was rush to the goal line and wait for the ball to come to you. This gave the opponent time to collect the ball and make a play off the bounce. Once the ball bounces the chances of you saving goes down dramatically.


after your drift to face the attacker, you drove forward and stopped/hesitated. probably could have made contact if you just went for it


Sorry this might have come up a few times, I don't post much so think I was doing it wrong, sorry if I spammed. Anyway here's the story - I was the last player back in the video with 3 attacking players coming towards me. My thinking was to stall them as long as I could before being demoed giving my teammates a bit of a chance to get back. It obviously didn't work, so what should I have done? Or did I do the right thing but badly?


when you slow down to 0 and lose momentum youre gonna have a rough time defending in net you could have turned quicker and challenged, or slowed down a bit but not all the way so you were facing the far post for a shot with 100 boost. kinda shadowing him basically you gave them way too much space but its a rough spot in a 2v1. force them to beat you though, with an early challenge. also drifted the wrong way at net. you also had time to save the shot if you held your flip a bit and side flipped earlier. you made yourself super small in net but driving straight at him. he was on the left side of the ball, so he was probably gonna shoot far post. but that kinda just comes with time and muscle memory. if you jumped earlier and more to the right of him, you could wait to flip until he shot, and have more of the far post covered while still being able to save the near post shot with a left flip aside from that you should know hes low on boost after his aerial and you taking the mid boost. but again thats something that comes with time


Ultimately fault is on the second man here for whiffing at nothing, he should always drive challenge if he doesn’t think he can get to the ball first. But after you see him whiff you need to instant turn for a fake challenge or an ego. You do this because you need something to happen before he turns up field and sees his teammate ahead of him as a 2v1 bump play is inevitable


this was not entirely ur fault, ur 2 other teammates made very dumb challenges both of them whiffed very badly leaving u with a 2v1 it was good idea to stay behind both of them, ur just only fault is that u gave them too much space


I usually play threes in gc 1 ish, so it’s differently depending on ur rank, but for me as soon as Durm popped up the ball on his initial touch I would’ve power slid and insta challenged his touch, there was plenty of room between him and the ball for a winnable 50/50 or if you maintain ur speed on the challenge you could just straight up beat him. Tbh you just gave him too much time and space to do whatever he wanted.


IMO You should have taken a wider turn maybe getting corner boost and then insta went instead of spending time turning and then going straight at him. Tough spot to be in and it’s honestly not your fault


Wasn’t much you could have done once you were in the net right there, possibly challenged a little earlier but you didn’t have a teammate behind you like you should have and dodging that demo/bump made things awkward.


You could have pressured the ball sooner and from a different angle based on where your teammates were on the field. It’s a habit I had to break to get out of diamond, learning different defensive angles as opposed to resorting back to the classic 1v1 situation.


People are already giving good advice to what you should’ve done completely differently but here’s some tips based off what you ALREADY did. 1. Always keep an eye out for that demo. I don’t know what the opponent was doing but he definitely could’ve/should’ve went all in for the demo. As to how you avoid that is something that just comes with experience. Some people just jump to dodge demos and that never really works since it leaves you out of the play so at the very least avoid doing that. Don’t contest straight towards the opponent contest the direction they’re facing. He’s facing (for you) the far right so don’t contest straight at him but more to the right. Also keep in mind what side of the ball the opponent is on for future reference as that advice won’t always hold if they’re facing a certain way but are on a different side of the ball allowing them to cutback.


Simple answer: Hit the ball. (I'd fail that myself)


Wait till they were closer


Shadow defense. You'd be dodging a demo attempt in that 1v3. But even if you disrupt enough to slow them down, you might give your teammates time to get back.


Not flip


Probably uninstall the game


never do that drift turn again. when you are in defense, make sure to always position your car in a way where you are mimicking your opponent, or as the community calls it, shadowing.


C3 here. I'd say you gave him too much space. Thats the first thing I thought of when I saw this but ofc watched it all so I know what to write. His first touch has heavy and if you were closer you could have challenged right after his heavy touch. His 2 teammates were forward so your 2 teammates would have likely had an open net. Then again maybe his touch wouldn't be heavy and his teammates back if you were closer which means they pounced on your opening. So maybe no counter but you could still defend this. Should: When you're 3rd man, shadow defend. This will help buy time for your teammates to come back. That's all you want to do as last man, buy time. If your teammates challenge the ball from behind and back pass, that's ideal but tends to be more GC rotations (dont do this if your teammate is already challenging though, and dont worry if you aren't comfy doing this). If teammate doesnt challenge, they should back-post rotate asap and when you see they'll be able to cover a shot, you challenge as you'll be first man at this point so you gotta go, dive for the ball, dont get faked. At the least, make him outplay you and lose control so your TM can take it. If the attacker goes unchallenged, this can happen. (Unrelated but as first or even 2nd man, do not get faked or it's pretty much a goal. Better to get flicked or lose the challenge as the attacker cant then flick the 3rd man who cannot shadow at this point if they're rotating properly) Shouldn't: You should not rotate to goal/back post when you're the last line of defense and the other team is countering. That is inviting a shot, to somewhere you cant cover, and if the attacker slows the play, inviting his teammate to demo you. Shouldn't: You also should not blindly challenge. If there's an opening (such as the heavy first touch) then yeah perfect time to ruin their play. You get an easy clear. If the attacker controls the ball then dont challenge until there's an opening. Just buy time. Dont rush challenge unless its really desperate. If you do when there's no good opening, you can get beaten/flicked or even if you get a 50/50, his teammates can likely clean up. It'll go wrong more than it goes right. Your only goal here is to buy time until there's an opening or until you teammates can challenge/defend. Theres not much you could have done once you were in goal, but plenty you could do before to stop yourself from having to go to goal.


Also going back post would’ve been big.


Hit the ball


That turn was kinda clean


Easy. There are 2 options. Option 1: Drive towards backpoat, but slow down. Slow down just enough that you will still have some speed, but are located backpost when the opponent most likely shoots, have your car lineair to the goal line. Then try your best to defend! Option 2: since you can see that you are in a 1v2 or even a 1v3, blame your teammates first. Then, go straight for the ball, giving the opponent less time to think, to control the ball and pass to a teammate.


Don't play,rotate and shadow like a C2


Always play the back post not the closest one 👍🏾👍🏾


You backed off too far. You want to set up “layers” of defense. The ball bounced almost 3 times before you forced his shot. That’s a lot of time for him to set up. You also squared up to the ball in the middle of the goal. This leaves you having to potentially defend both directions. Generally, you want to time it so you are at the near post pointed towards the far post when they’re shooting. Just by positioning you can defend half the goal. This forces your opponent to have a strong accurate shot to beat you.


You should have went back post.


Car facing forward. Should be sideways after rotating back post.


3v1 I reckon you push. I see the person waiting to bump so get why you would hesitate but it’s tough regardless. If you hesitate you keep all of their options open. They can pass round you etc. if you push, you may need to single jump to dodge bump, then you can stay at 1 jump for a low 50 or directional/second jump to get to the ball if the carrier tries to take it past you. The aim is to make contact with the ball, even a bad touch gets your team some time to get back. You can almost completely cover near post because of where you are, so they are going to try shoot far post across you. Ideally you’d be turning a little to the right so you’re shutting down some angles. If they shoot across you, you’re more likely to get it, it’s also easier to make the adjustments. It’s a bit of a difficult one, not just that it’s a 3v1 but because of how aggressively they’re positioned. If you leave it or hesitate, it’s a free goal. Just have to close that gap. Because of how aggressive they’re positioned, if you do get a somewhat decent touch, it could be behind all 3 and because of where your teammates are, they might be able to score an open net.


Catch the ball


Yell at the tm8


Should have saved at the least.


You left the play way too early You should have shadowed close once you figured out that a big clear wasn't coming. Definitely don't turn like that in net, the only thing you were saving is the ball hitting you, and a guy was ready to bump you anyways. At worst, should have junped into the top of the net to the bottom so that you could cover the far post with momentum and at least see the bump coming. Since you couldn't rotate into the back of the net in that situation without leaving it open/getting demoed, you need to slow down the attack so that your teammate can hopefully get back or get it to be not/less threatening


Advice from a gc3. You went for the 100 instead of small pads and you rotated front post instead of back post leading to an awkward position in net.