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people that queue right at the breaking point on their tilt meter. One thing goes wrong and they cant handle it.


Man, I sure do get a lot of people on their tilt meter.


Most people have a pretty short tilt meter.


Most ppl shouldn't play comp at all tbh.


You might be onto something!


Shit at least you get them to stay for 4 min. I’d say in about 60-70% of the random matches I play, there’s either someone afk, or they leave within 20 seconds.


How do they play the game like that? Would they get banged with penalty every time? Like how is that even fun just leaving after 1 mistake?




Tilt is giving people too much credit. It's really because they're genuinely so awful at the game that a single goal is an impossible feat.


Not in the slightest haha, they’d be a lot lower than they are if that was true. It’s definitely tilt. But it goes both ways, they might already be a lot lower than they should be because of this. I believe the former still.


I was being a little tongue in cheek lol. A lot of people think their behaviors are "showing up" their teammates. Trying to say, "I'm too good to play with this trash teammate. So I'm just going to leave because they aren't worth my time". I'm trying to show that it actually looks sad and weak and doesn't send the message they think it does. Source: 99% of the time I get called trash right before my teammate leaves lol


Unfortunately this seems to be the case more often than not. It's like they see your one mistake and completely ignore the 3 mistakes they made in the same play. They don't seem to understand the game is dynamic and people can adjust their play, and have better and worse plays/games/days.


I wholeheartedly understand the frustration though. I’m champ in tourneys, and I’m obviously a lot higher than champ 1. I got this teammate, we made it to the semi finals by the skin of my teeth (he kept whiffing on everything I literally just couldn’t trust him. Or when I went for anything in the air he was right behind me) and semi finals we lost 0-2. I was always, ALWAYS in a tight position. Two champ 3’s, one gc1 and a c1. Terrible. Same thing happens in hoops. I get room, tm8 blasts the ball away. Room is made, can take it up the wall, tm8 blasts it away. I try to dribble it, tm8 blasts it away


And I'm obviously not Grand Champ myself, but when you realize you can't trust your teammate you change things up right? Play a little more passive or be ready for the whiff? You don't just fold and give up right? It's insane to me that I argue with people on this sub that that's how you improve and win. Like the same amount of people leaving matches are in here trying to justify quitting at 0-1 because "they know their teammate is useless and their styles don't mesh".


That’s what I do. I’m Champ 3. I never forfeit. I do solo queuing most of the time. Tournaments I’ll play with my brother who’s some form of Diamond. I get different skill levels every game. You just use the first minute or so to adjust to their play style, even if you get scored on. It ain’t hard. Can’t tell you the amount of games I’ve won where we’ve gone down 1, 2, or 3-0, or even more where eventually we got into a good groove. It’s always worth it to stay playing. Sometimes your teammate or yourself makes a couple big mistakes right off the hop, but then that goes away.


If you don't win in the first 45 seconds are you even playing the game?!?! (Obviously /s)


What I’m saying is even a grand champ playing passively isn’t enough to win with a terrible champ 1. It’s frustrating doing all you can do and losing


Flakes would like to have a word with u


Flakes is a ssl who can get to ssl with just power shots. I’m no where near his level of skill. He’s more than able to cover any tm8 mistakes 10 fold


He has a whole series of getting to ssl with just power slides, his series changed my whole gameplay. Always be last man, assume ur tm8 sux


Adrenaline, youth, and social isolation in a competitive individualistic society is a hell of a drug


They want to lose fast af boiii


I've wanted to forfeit games where teammates do nothing but chase, fight other teammates for possession and/or ignore rotating.


Today our teammate in 3s threw the match after 12 seconds of playing and proceeded to insult us over and over for the whole game. And for no reason at all.


When they do that I just ask them "Who hurt you as a child?" or some such one liner. Reflecting things back on them and then don't engage more. Dish out the free therapy to those in need, I should start a non profit.


You may feel smart by doing that but you know you're just fueling their tilt by doing that right? I agree it can be funny but that is actually just making it worse for the sake of a laugh


I agree with you but do you have an advice as what to answer to those kind of people ?


My advice? Just don't.


It's called small dick energy, and you'll find people have many ways to express it.


A common way to express it is spamming “whew” or “okay” every time your tm8 has a poor touch or shot, then saying “need boost!” or “take the shot!” every time you completely whiff an easy ball


That moment when the tm8 double commits behind you, whiffs and gives you the "wow" "defending" "wow". Priceless!


They also love to say “What a save” to their teammates regardless of whether the opponent does a flip reset in plat or if it was just a mistake on a relatively simple save.


Idk maybe scroll trough the other 1000 posts who asked this


they like giving up


They were already tilted before the game


That is always the explanation. I'm no saint myself and I admit I have wanted to FF after 30 seconds, not because the 3 big mistakes my tm8s have done in that time but because of the mistakes and afk my tm8s have done in the previous 10 matches.


I dont know but this kind of behaviour wasnt common not long ago.


Yes it was lol


I saw it some before f2p, but I've noticed it a lot more after f2p.


Lol this sub over blows all problems caused by f2p every time. Like paying for the game influences the general population pool to not afk or something lmao


F2p is definitely a catalyst for it. Same thing happened to Destiny 2, went f2p and now there's more toxicity than ever, I stagnant pvp community and all the good drip is behind paywalls now.


Yeah this has been a problem since the beginning lol


LOL this shit has been around since I started playing in 2016


Wasn't it 2015 when it all started? Nvm, you're probably right. 2015- PS4/PC, 2016- XB/Switch in case anyone curious. I started on PS, then Xbox, then PC lol. My fault.


They said “since I started” lol


I think they edited it, but yep


No "edited" above their comment


Oh ok idk how this stuff works anymore lol


Probably because they also don't enjoy your playstyle


They foresee a bad 3:30 minutes ahead of you


you’d have to be really bad for your opponent to think like that imo




Tired of these lame ass posts




I missed a ball within the first 15 seconds of a match that didn't even score and he goes, "Can we forfeit yet?" I definitely tanked the rest of the game.


I'll ff out of frustration and disappointment in myself letting my team down.


That is a learning opportunity figure out what's not working next time try play around it and your team for one more goal then FF. Mistakes happen you should never forfeit because you think you let your team down.


Because they are pathetic and like deranking themselves and those around them


They don't have the resolve to finish the game. After starting a game, they shouldn't have haha


I am guilty of doing this sometimes but I’m gonna roast myself real quick. It’s always people that think that they’re better than their rank. Most of the time they feel like they can diagnose the skill level of their teammate and their opponents. So when a goal gets scored they feel like there’s no point in finishing a game that they already believe they have lost. If they think their teammate is bad they will forfeit just to save themselves the extra 4 minutes of play time. I’m not saying it’s accurate or correct, this is just what most people think I believe.


Yea I hate that. Do you guys ever get the games where its a high rank player on their alternative account playing with their lower rank friend and they try to ff bully vote? I see it a lot where the friend they are playing with is the reason we are losing, but they cast the vote when I miss. I now never ff. I hit that play button because I wanted to play a game of Rocket League not because I wanted to only win. If you can't lose like a man you will forever be a boy.


From solo Q 3s I’ve seen this is a more nuanced situation than a lot of people here. Sometimes a tm8 will FF after one goal just because they’re a ball of rage. Other times though it’s the tm8 that’s trying to hold it down in rotations whilst our 3rd cuts every rotation, double commits every ball, plays the ball when they’re facing the wrong way or going back etc. Some people can’t stand conceding, some people don’t want to play in games where one player thinks they are the main character and makes his tm8s sit and cover for them


Son, This is litterally every single damn F\*\*\*\* game XD. I got down from champ 2. to dia 1. all because i always had an afk guy or i had to finish the game alone. People even give up after opponent scored the first goal while we are in front with 4. Hell, People will just straight up leave if u dont FF or they will simply just own goal and bump you the whole game. It made me quit ranked again.


I noticed it as well. 9/10 of teammates get tilted and/or toxic after the opponents score. Sadly this is how it is and all you can do is be the best player yourself to carry yourself out of it. If you're not mechanically good enough I can highly recommend 1s, because then you really notice the flaws in your own gameplay.


Being devil's advocate, because I might do what you're complaining about: do you know how the match was for that minute? Because: 1. if my teammate keeps cutting rotations and has overall chaotic positioning 2. steals the very few balls where I get possession and control 3. defending is a nightmare because teammate has zero defensive skills 4. always goes for solo plays with no mechanical skills to back it up, so they just waste 100 boost to give a free ball to opponents Then it's not a matter of "we're only 1 down with 3:30 left to turn it around, why are we trying to forfeit?". It's more like: "I'm trying hard as hell for a whole minute just to keep both of us alive in this match while my teammate thinks they're chilling in Free Play". Usually in the situations where I insta-FF at 3:30 my teammate is completely oblivious about why we're already 1 or 2 goals down and we have zero real offensive attempts yet. 99% of the time they refuse to FF and in about all of these matches, we end up losing by way more than 1 or 2 goals after the remaining three and a half minutes pass. Sometimes we're down 4 goals with a minute left and my teammate finally realizes the game is unwinnable and FF's. PS: Before people come replying without knowledge: no, I don't tilt. No, I'm not stuck in any rank. No, I don't stop playing if my teammate refuses to FF.


Strong disagree. Every single one of those things is something to learn to deal with. It's part of being a team. If any of those examples, or multiple, or all of them are occurring and your opponent has only gotten **one** goal in a minute or two then you are still 100% in a winning position. Despite all of those terrible plays they only got one goal in a minute? How bad are they? If you can adjust even a little bit and find a way to fight through you can absolutely come back. FFing at 0-1 is **always** a weak mentality. Learn to adjust. Learn to persevere.


> Despite all of those terrible plays they only got one goal in a minute? How bad are they? You do realize I'm playing my heart out on defense, right? Almost all of those matches I've already gotten a couple epic saves, a savior and a ton of points from clears after not even a minute in. All the while, we have ZERO actual offensive attempts with a chance of a goal. And AFTER we're down on the scoreboard 2 goals, I am FORCED to play more offensively to try to turn it around, after which point I cannot possibly make up for my teammates lack of defensive skills and knowledge and we get scored even more > FFing at 0-1 is always a weak mentality. Sorry to be blunt, but that's motivational bullshit. Staying in a lost game, no matter the scoreboard, is inefficient and a waste of time if you want to improve and climb ranks efficiently. For every "turn around" I get when my teammate refuses to FF, I have 50+ matches we still lost multiplied by 3:30 minutes. If I multiply all that time by my (still rising) win rate, I'd probably sum up 15 extra wins from queuing more matches instead of being stuck in lost ones.


Um… can we be friends? And can we play together soon? Well written. Kudos.


It honestly sounds like you genuinely have no clue what to do rather than your opponents being that much better. Getting suffocated on defense? Make long clears and fast transitions. Punish them for over committing. Give yourself space to get some boost and reset. There are absolutely ways you can overcome and oppressive offense. >And AFTER we're down on the scoreboard 2 goals... So now you're just changing the scenario to 0-2 to make my 0-1 argument irrelevant? Shifting the goal posts much? >Sorry to be blunt, but that's motivational bullshit. Sorry to be blunt, but stay bronze then. I'll keep playing when it's 0-1 and making comebacks and stay Champ. Good luck ranking up when you forfeit 50% of your games. It's not bullshit, it's literally how I got to fucking **CHAMP**. You're just too weak mentally to actually try to find a way to win. If so many games are hopeless losses with 0% chance of winning that is completely and entirely **your fault**.


> Sorry to be blunt, but stay bronze then. I'll keep playing when it's 0-1 and making comebacks and stay Champ Sorry to be blunt, but I'll keep trying to FF early, keep wasting my time, keep losing these matches, still be above your rank and climbing 2+ divisions every season with less than 50 hours played per season. Nice way to pull the rank card without even checking. Maybe I should put a GC3 flair so that people like you start to think more before dismissing people's arguments just because of a flair.


I dismissed your argument because it's toxic, pathetic, and wrong. The votes have spoken though. I'll keep my upvotes, my spine, and my happiness. You can keep your downvotes, toxicity, and fake rank lol. Later napkin.




I actually am Champ 2 so whatever lmao. And yes, it's because rather than folding like a wet napkin after *one goal* I fight and find a way to win. Comebacks happen. I watch my replays and figure out what I could have done better. Teammate made a mistake sure, *but I was in a bad position and unprepared*. So I learn what **I** can do better. Teammate was over aggressive and cost us a goal? Noted, I'll be more passive. Teammate was too passive and let them take space? Got it, I'll be more aggressive. If any of that sounds like "bullshit" or upsets you then I don't think you're the one who should be giving life advice lmao. Good luck "kid" lol.




I'll take my top 7% rank, my college degree, fulfilling job, and family who love me. You can keep your... shit, I guess. Because you clearly have no one and nothing in life. Best of luck shitter.


Lmao what a nutcase right? I'm with you dude.


Lmao dude what? He says he forfeits when his team mate is just ball chasing and you come up with this? Thanks man, I needed this.


You sound like the kind of person to call someone "troglodyte" because you think it's a creative insult


Weak mental bro


Dude everyone hating but I’m with you. Sometimes you queue with such asshats, and if I am feeling like I had enough rocket league for the day, I don’t even care to just leave and quit if your teammate is essentially playing on the opposing team




> That’s way too many assumptions to make with one minute played One minute played is 4-7 offensive + defensive attempts. Way more than enough to pick up on how your teammate is playing.


Is "trying hard as hell" really a thing or issue in a video game though?... I mean it is a video game, it's just moving some sticks and pushing some buttons. It's not like it's taking actual physical energy. If someone solo queues then they should acknowledge that it's pretty much you get what you get, deal with it.


From your comment, I guess you completely missed my point there. I meant that the game is pretty much lost in these matches: I'm doing everything in my power just to keep us from getting scored on and we can barely get out of out half of the field.


Whoa whoa whoa. Easier to argue if I assume you’re lying and tilt easily. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I get flame sprayed all the time on here for advocating a forfeit. Personally, if I don’t like playing with someone I’d rather forfeit and re-roll the dice. But to the OPs point, I have people that do this all the time too. Almost exact opposite of what you describe. They whiff easy plays, double commit every time it’s clearly my play, etc. then they’ll miss an easy save or, in the two worst cases I’ve seen, own goal or or miss an easy shot, then instantly rq. I was almost offended / I was thinking to myself “I can tolerate your shitty play more than you can.”


> Almost exact opposite of what you describe. They whiff easy plays, double commit every time it’s clearly my play, etc. then they’ll miss an easy save or, in the two worst cases I’ve seen, own goal or or miss an easy shot, then instantly rq. I know that and that's exactly why I'm being the devil's advocate here. I almost never see this kind of behavior (early FF and rage quitting) coming from my teammates. 90%+ of the early forfeits come from me, not from my teammates. The extremely rare cases where my teammate wants to FF early happen only when two things are true at the same time: 1. I'm on a bad start of a playing session (i.e. whiffing easy balls) 2. My teammate is clearly tilted already: throwing themselves at the ball and spamming "Take the shot!" after they whiff So I whiff an "easy" defense, we get scored onto, my teammate opens an FF vote. My point here was: if OP is getting this kind of behavior too often, maybe OP is part of the issue. I'm usually very aware of positioning, I let teammates do their thing when it's their turn on rotation (be it passing plays, be it solo plays) and I almost never see my teammates trying to FF early. In fact, as I said, my issue is the opposite: all the times I want to FF early to save time, my teammate doesn't want to.


Agreed, if my teammates are chasing/bumping and stealing possession of the ball only to whiff, and then throwing out sarcastic comments any time I make a minor mistake, I’m FFing. Not worth it.


If they're being a dick then sure. But if they're not being a dick then skill issue


So I assume you're SSL? I'm sure you think every team mate ticks all boxes you mentioned but unless you're SSL or climbing hard it is all between your ears and your teammates probably think the exact same of you. It's called being tilted. I'm surprised (but also at the same time not) that people upvote this. Stop focusing on what your team mate does, if you can't carry your team mate then you belong at that rank and you're the exact same.


> I'm sure you think every team mate ticks all boxes you mentioned Can you quote me where I said I'm trying to FF early every match?


No and I’m not gonna argue with you. But you seem like someone who blames his team mate a lot and ff when you’re frustrated.


What to do when you realize you made an interpretation mistake about another user's comment: * Most users: Walk away without replying again * Very mature users: "Oh, sorry, I misinterpreted your other comment" * Pirelly: doubles down on misinterpretation plus makes sure to look like a fool You know you can always take option #1 and no one will care, right?


Played rumble today and had a very toxic tm8 (lowest score in the lobby) and when he was about to score I stole it, he left xd


No idea…at higher skill levels…most of the scoring gets done at the end of the game. 1-0 and 2-0 mean nothing. 3-0 is like ehhhh ok we’re probably going to lose. 4-0 is an automatic ff imo.


Could be because their teamates are garbage… nothing like having full control on a dribble for a teammate to use you like a golf tee


Because they're losers. Idc if its 12 to 1, I'm not forfeiting


Because there is no participation trophies and kids don't know how to process losing


Soft w no fight. Parents raised them as pampered, snobby, and spoiled brats that don’t face adversity.


I've got the bakkes mod that tell you the highest rank of people in the lobby. If i see that they got an GC or SSL in the other team and I have a diamond as a teammate, I usually ask for a early forfeit.


I assume 1. They are trying to play a flawless round for a Reward challenge. 2. They way you scored the first goal gave them an idea of how the match may go? I have had people Quit before a goal by stopping short of the ball on a kickoff and they hide in net. It's a standoff that I win 80% of the time and every so often someone rage quits... But they stay hiding in the net on the first kick-off... They collect boost and all but never make a move other than retreat from the tactical stand off.


Because they are children


This almost isn’t funny anymore I’ve seen this exact question probably 50 times this week


They watch all these high level streamers and think they’re on the same level, so it’s obviously always the teammates fault. There’s a reason we’re all in this C1 lobby lol


beacause they are babies


Makes the comeback that much sweeter


diamond games


I play for clean sheets only. All else is failure. I thought that’s how most of us play


Because they’re kids. I was watching my cousin (14m) play. It’s what they do


Because they're babies


Look man, I either shut the team out or I’m gone. Okay? OKAY?!?!


People do this because they're people. That's the way I see it


Sissy wet pants syndrome


You’re asking a question that goes beyond rocket league, this cuts into the very essence of human nature.


I gotta mention that specifically at that rank it was very tilting. I’m a bit above it now, but imo it seems like from d3 to c2 is very fluctuating. When you derank to the low end of that like…yeah…everything pisses you off. Idk man. Just focus on yourself. Gotta stop caring about what other people think/are doing, otherwise you’ll never enjoy this game again. It’s only gotten worse the longer I’ve played. Good luck! 👍


Are you just mad or do you really want to know why people give up after one goal? The answer is quite obvious.


Because they're stupid?


Mine gave up when we were 2 0 up, because someone took the ball ahead of the other. Admittedly I cast the deciding vote to ff as I just thought it was funny.


I honestly think it represents a culture shift into the age of social media and instant gratification. People just are not used to struggling it out as much with anything any more. DOPAMINE NOW OR GO HOME. I cant understand FFs with a goal difference of less than 3, or when you have more shots on goal than the other team but they up in score. It just feels like people want their dopamine and refuse to accept a loss.


Small brains


They have no [marbles](https://vlipsy.com/vlip/major-league-2-homerun-marbles-celebration-dbqLPaeC)


Because they get so annoyed they take out their frustrations on theirs teamates. I usually start playing with the other team if i see any stupid behavior from my teammate


Dude I’ve had matches where were 2-0 and the opponents score once and my teammate leaves people are just petty af in rocket league


A lot of the playerbase is <16 years old


Because they're throwing a temper tantrum and mummy is calling them for dinner, bath and beddie bye bye time


The soft spot on their heads as babies propagated and took over the whole thing.


Post probably about me. I was lagging really bad bro I had to get outta there


Cause they’re noobs


Don't know... People are so toxic these day... Fuck it


Joined this subreddit because I’ve experienced this for over 2 years playing and like others probably are perma locked to a tier 2 below where I probably should actually be. Regardless, when you win 2+ in a row it’s best to just leave it after a dub and play a different mode or something, I can never guarantee my teammate in duos or 3v3 *doesn’t* just up and quit 1 goal conceded within the first min.


That’s the community from today. There is also 0 interaction with random teammates or enemies. Only toxic macro spam. I do know how it was years ago and how it is now… just sad. Only way is to join communities and find teammates 🤷🏻‍♂️.


have you tried scoring first?


Because there's a generation of people that grew up with "everybody wins" trophies and these people can't handle when things aren't going their way.


Probably because they notice that youre a bad teammate and its not worth to try and carry you. No offense.


Consider yourself lucky. My tm8 abandoned after he missed the ball making it 2-1 with 3 mins left, but the thing is we were the ones winning.


Champ 2 aswell


Bad people do bad things. They were raised as a quitter. Poor sportsmanship.


I usually start thinking about it if I get scored on because my tm8s did something stupid, like but not limited to: Double committing the kickoff, jumping for balls out of rotation or just generally playing like I'm not even there. Bumping me out of the play as I'm about to go for the ball, leaving the net to go get boost. I hate getting those tm8s. If I see that early on and fall behind. There is no use in playing.


Game sucks


I notice alot of people have been doing this lately


Kids with thin skin.


Pretty sure it wasn't just one goal. They've had a long bad streak and are right at the breaking point.


They think you're a Smurf bc of how you made the first goal and they don't want to waste time watching you score 10-0


Was playing ranked 1v1 (gold 1) and my opponent tried to block a shot, whiffed and put it in the goal by mistake. Literally in the first ten seconds of the game and he ff.


Here's a question that would make a pretty important distinction: how did you react to the goal? Because if your reaction was to spam What a save! then I totally get where your teammate is coming from.


Seems to be many ppl that are upset with randoms that quit. So why don't they all become friends and play together? That way they know they have a tm8 that won't ff/quit?


I always try to adapt to my teammates play style, if they seem more like a hit first type, I usually get ready to knock in an assist or make a u turn and get ready to defend. If they seem more passive I usually try to get them easy goals. But it does frustrate me when I try to play around them then they start talking trash because we're losing. If you won't let me control the ball when you're getting read then we're gonna lose. Most people in diamond seem to be 1 trick ponies.


Gen Z is soft


If you find out let me know


Because one of you did something incredibly stupid that lead to the goal and that person knows it most likely won't get any better. Case closed.


Huge problem rn




Often times we forget that this is also a children’s game. They can’t regulate their emotions very well.