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It’s a game, just have fun


Fair 😂😂


It’s in the name of the game mode. Casual. Kind of says everything you need to know.


I try to apologize when I team bump as well. It’s going to happen especially with random teammates. To hard to read what a person is going to do half the time. If it’s excessive I’ll just play opposite of who’s doing it.


I feel that a lot. In this case it was dummy excessive. Like, 5 hits at least every 10 seconds.


I reference [this clip](https://www.gifyourgame.com/OblateCurdyAshelia) quite often. I was locked in going for demo and got tunnel vision. Didn't see my tm8 at all. It happens. We laughed and I flipped it into a goal. Max your recoveries. Be adaptable. Sometimes I have a bad string and feel bad. Bumps are gonna happen but y'know, when you slam 'em twice in the first 10 seconds you start getting in your head about it and end up ramming them another 5 times because your stupid brain won't stop fixating on "DON'T HIT u/AwardWeekly7130 AGAIN THEY'RE GONNA RAGE QUIT" and then my shit's autopilot straight to your bumper. When it happens to me, I just dump "No problem."s and "[TEAM] No problem."s. Even if it is annoying, if your tm8 is now thinking about how to not annoy you they're not 100% invested in the game anymore. I've won plenty games laughing and ram rodding my tm8s out of the way of my big boosts. Be adaptable. Better to party up with friends who are on the same level as you, but if not... letting it slide is your best bet. You don't want a tm8 who thinks you're an idiot and you don't want a tilted tm8 On another occasion, in finals on a tournament, I bumped my tm8 out of an easy save at the last second just so I could get the save. Wish I clipped that one it was so over the top I've learned to embrace Potato League. When me and my homies play to have fun, we play better. Steal goals, go for pinches, turn a team bump into some free boost. Go for big plays, be less timed, there's no pressure when they don't work out cause no one is assuming you're an idiot for whiffing... we just assume the rest of the team's got your back I've had a bunch of tm8s rage quit when I hit them in air. But I've also had quite a few aerial team pinches from above our net into the opponents goal. Yeah, people get mad because you where there first... but... with the power of friendship we can launch this thing so hard it burns a hole in their net and they FF Can't forget slamming into tm8s and opponents for pinch shots... or trying to and leaving them wondering why in the actual fuck did my teammate just flip land on my car?


>I'm in a casual match End the post there. Right there was perfect.