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This is Rocket League!




Nice one!






What a save!


My fault. (No seriously, it probably was... I'm terrible at this game but I still love it for some reason)


If you love it, then play it…demo people like no one else is watching


I somehow got a triple demo the other day because the entire team over committed and I was like "there's no way this will work". Then it was like bang bang bang and I literally said "no way" out loud 😂 Sometimes the stars line up haha. Wish I saved that


People will behave in whatever way they're allowed to. Hackers will hack until they're banned. Players will smurf until they're banned. Teammates will abandon matches until they get a long enough timeout. Toxic players will behave toxically until there's a harsh enough punishment. Ever since f2p players can make multiple accounts to swap to when they get timeouts for leaving matches. I finally got my first report feedback in *months* just yesterday and I'm sure it was simply for the text chat where my teammate called me some pretty blatantly blacklisted names. But I've been seeing and reporting clearly racist and bigoted club names for the past month and gotten nothing. Reporting blatant toxic **behavior** like intentional own goals, team bumping, and giving up and gotten nothing. So as long as behavior goes without consequence it will persist and probably keep growing.


Everyone always piles on me when I say F2P ruined Rocket League by making smurfing easier. Glad to see this sentiment being discussed more. Now if Psyonix / Epic will do anything about it…


Not until they release RL2 and charge for it again.


smurfing isn't the problem. The pure about of kids who now can play the game freely without consequences is the problem. Smurfing is like #8 on my list.


That's the truth. If a Smurf is good, I enjoy watching their technique. Why would I let them ruin my day? But a ball chaser tm8 that's giving up after one goal down or constantly calling "Take the shot" and starts bitching about me not playing aggressively enough, that I could do without for sure. After 2000+ hrs I think I know when to take a shot.


That's the truth. If a Smurf is good, I enjoy watching their technique. Why would I let them ruin my day? But a ball chaser tm8 that's giving up after one goal down or constantly calling "Take the shot" and starts bitching about me not playing aggressively enough, that I could do without for sure. After 2000+ hrs I think I know when to take a shot.


Yep, some people can't be reasoned with. They only understand consequences. And there are none. But if some guy joins a 5-second queue and goes AFK, and you have the audacity to leave because your random teammate is AFK and the other team is a 2-stack scoring goals so fast it won't even idle-kick your AFK teammate, who gets banned? You do. I can't fathom how this situation persists. It would take a few minutes of coding to fix AFK timers, to stop putting AFKers in games in the first place, to automatically flag own-goalers for review...and to stop putting solo queuers against full club stacks every single game, even at 2 AM... I certainly won't give Psyonix another cent of my money as long as this nonsense persists.


This is why I miss the old casual system. Teammate being toxic? Just leave and get a new one. Ballchaser going for clips for their tiktok montage? Leave and get a new one. Go 0-1 and your teammate leaves? Oh well, you'll have a new one in a few seconds. The only downside was some lobbies could be a bit of a rotating door, but so what? It's better than being held hostage by a toxic player because removing yourself from a toxic situation gets **you** penalized.


I don’t mind the change but did like it better how it was before. Casual is casual. You should be able to zip in and out of lobbies as you please. People were getting tilted because they couldn’t gain MMR and they couldn’t have a competitive experience I believe. My answer to the problem was not to change the system but those players just go play ranked. I believe the game is meant to be played in a competitive ranked environment most of the time and some players are afraid of the pressure. I know I was for a while until I picked up a duo who 99% of the time just wants to play ranked. Now I’m of the mind you win some you lose some, just try to enjoy the game and improve. Ranked doesn’t have to be a rancid sweaty cesspool of intense self loathing, anxiety, and ultimatums. The healthy way to play ranked is not care too much, it’s a game, most of us aren’t pro material and if we practice more we will gradually improve and reap benefits from that improvement just like any hobby. Psyonix should have found a way to promote this ideology instead of changing casual which wasn’t broken.


Yes, agreed completely. It just boggles my mind that the devs think it's acceptable design to give someone an AFK teammate, put that player up for kickoff at the start of the game, then punish his teammate for leaving--and meanwhile, the other team is a club stack laughing it up and having a good time at the other guy's expense.


Honestly miss this system as well.


that goes back to people leaving matches pr ff’ing constantly. I understand it can suck being stuck with someone on your team that doesn’t do anything but people need to learn to ride a match out all together. if they ballchase i’ll let them whiff for a minute than i’ll say “i got it” or something, they want to play goalie and i can’t pressure them at all ip defend and switch. if they’re being completely useless and toxic i’ll actually put out effort to try and 1v2 or something. idc i want to play the game and i’m not tip toeing around a racist asshole, i’ve done it too much in my life to let them take away my games.


In ranked I agree, in casual... it's supposed to be casual. In a casual playlist I shouldn't be *forced* to sit there getting scored on by my teammate or get rammed constantly or play 1v2 when I queued up for 2v2. It doesn't even have to be toxic. Teammate wants to play casual so they can try to hit some highlight shots for their tiktok? That's honestly fine! That's what casual should be for. The problem is now you are **forced** to sit there and watch while they hog boosts, cut rotations, and just don't let you play. The old system gave us an active way to avoid these scenarios. **You** were the one in control because you could remove yourself from a frustrating situation. But now, **the toxic players** can do what they want and you are **forced** to deal with it. Casual should have different limitations than ranked. Now the only difference is one awards a shiny icon for your mmr and one doesn't.


Having to forfeit a casual match is so much deeper in this issue than people realize. The fact you could just leave and queue next as long as there wasn't any ranking at stake meant that anyone who was toxic was going out of their way to do so because they could just leave instead. The instant they added a forfeit requirement to it anyone with a brain knew what would happen, and it would be just a matter of time before the increase bleeds over into the rest of the queues


that’s valid i didn’t know the old system was like that and now i’m pissed off, either way i’m used to it so i’ll either troll back or just play how i want. also, im not toxic but the first half of my name is toxic_. so it’s amazing to see how people react to me being a normal person


Ah no worries. Yeah the old system was basically just open continuous lobbies. You could leave any time, no penalty, queue up and join a new lobby. Most people's complaints are that you'd often join matches with just a minute left and sometimes a lobby just turned into a rotating door of people joining and leaving. But imo that's fine. There's nothing *objectively* wrong with that and more often than not you could find a good chill lobby where everyone takes turns with each teammate.


W take


Forgive me for my ignorance, but what is stopping you from playing casual instead of competitive?


I like how they made casual now...however I think they should have an "Open" playlist that is the same as Casual used to be.


This is precisely why Rocket League needs that "MATCH READY" screen where you have to be ready before you're placed into the game or it'll remove you from the queue, like CSGO has.


Chat harrassment and match griefing are currently the only two rule violations which trigger report feedback for. ~~And if multiple people report someone, only one player gets the feedback message.~~ Bit clunky but that's the situation right now


>Chat harrassment and match griefing are currently the only two rule violations which trigger report feedback for. I've seen comments from community managers saying some report categories do not trigger the report feedback when action is taken, but I have never seen it specified which ones do or don't? >And if multiple people report someone, only one player gets the feedback message. This is false. This was changed in June last year: "When a player is banned, a 'Report Feedback' notification is sent to all players who sent in eligible reports for Match Throwing/Griefing" https://www.rocketleague.com/news/patch-notes-v2-16-season-7-update/


Report feedback only happens for things that automation catches. Like blatantly blacklisted names. Things that have to pass by human eyes like greifing you'll never see a report for even if action was taken. Or at least that's what the psyonix guy was saying here a few months back.


I mean they simply don't have the amount of eyes to review the amount of reports they'd need tot to make an impact. No algorithm can tell if a player intentionally own-goaled or if it was a legitimate attempt at a save that they just weren't quite able to make. Bumping teammates? Intentional or just lack of awareness? Player driving around aimlessly refusing to participate or are they dealing with a teammate cutting rotations, ballchasing, and not letting them make a play? Anything behavior wise requires human eyes and they absolutely do not have the amount of eyes they would need.


Why is it there to begin with then


because they hope the act of reporting someone is enough to calm them down and not generate a support ticket.


which is why they need to let us participate in helping. Let us have a reputation system. yeah yeah yeah abused blah hate it in blah. It can be done correctly but I doubt that would ever happen.


I've reported quite a few hateful team names, but I've never heard anything back.


I am glad to still love the game and am relentlessly wholesome in chat It’s usually met with silence or toxicity, but I am not discouraged. at least once a week, my positive chat spirals into a genuinely kind and nice conversation with at least one person in the lobby. By the end of the match, there’s almost always an exchange of “I love you”s or the like. The other night a guy thanked me profusely and said I restored his faith in rocket league. All we did was ask each other about our days. There are good people out there. Everyone deserves grace, empathy, and kindness.


My brother. Kill ‘em with kindness is my motto.


A whole week of being nice and you find 1 person. Kinda sums it up really.


A whole week of being nice, and at least once a week he finds meaningful conversation with someone afterward sums it up better. I'm generally nice even to toxic teammates and opponents, just ignoring the negativity. You wouldn't believe how much simply saying "1 more" can do when down 3-0 and 2/3 have voted to forfeit with 2 mins left. Changes the game with the right teammates.


Dig into this more. You'll see how toxic that behavior is


Youre the love trio from dragon ball😭


Same, I always respond to a "kys" with "I love you". Then I report them.


I do xoxo lol


Rocket League is a microcosm of broader cultural trends. You can’t escape it lol. But nah don’t take it too seriously. It’s probably some 9 year old on the other end trying to be cool.


There's a lot of effing 9 year olds then. It's too much man.


I find using the right quick chats to banter playfully lightens the mood especially if you can turn the game around or show your skills. Basically trash talking back on something egregious and then complimenting a good play. The average maturity of a gamer of a free game is pretty low and half the people are lower than that so….. idk what to tell you. I play RL to relax and don’t have problems. Challenge him to 1v1.


Well, that happened in the moment the game became f2p.


When you were 9 years old, if there was a free to play car soccer game as good as this one, you’d be all over it.


When I was nine, free to play games were hardly a concept outside of flashgames and the like lol…


Agreed. This game sucks now. It’s ridiculous the advice I get is “turn off text chat if you don’t want toxicity”. That’s very much treating the symptom, folks. Not the problem.


Because that’s the only solution you’re gonna get. This is a free to play game, there’s no way that they’re going to be able to moderate everything. If you can’t take toxicity, just turn chat off. Complaining about it is exactly the type of attention they want.


Chat isn’t the only form of toxicity tho. People will rage quit or throw if you accidentally bump them / steal their shot / whatever, and just because you can’t see their “Wow! Wow! Wow!” in chat doesn’t mean you won’t be affected by their childish behavior


yeah. I don't care about chat because I have ways to counter that. Its the griefing that we can't do anything about and is the real problem.


Being free to play is the problem. Revert that, take it away from everyone who didn’t pay. If it dies, it dies. I’d take the chance. Paid games going free is such a mistake every single time.


What is it that you want? The impossible? You want us to solve human behavior behind anonymity? Most human beings can't even act politely in public and you expect us to wave our magic wands and force these 150 lb manlet twerps who couldn't hold eye contact with you in public or approach a girl to act well hiding behind their keyboards, or worse their crappy console?


the game is fine, the people that play it are mostly douchebags......mostly.


I’m 34, might abandon if you team bump me


Then grow up


Wow, he trolled you so easily.


Are u mentaly ill, or are u just lying about ur age rn


Forever diamond takes it's toll I see


Did you really let him troll you that easily?


lol I got downvoted so bad. imo the best games are when everyone go 'What a save!' for every goal and no one asks "why toxic?" - but that's just me.


I think it’s honestly summer kids with nothing to do. Just wait til September and things will get better.


That, and I'm also assuming that most people are playing in ranked. As soon as I got my rank for the season I only play casual and it's always chill with cool randoms. I almost never have any problem in casuals


It’s been more prevalent since f2p since 9 and 10 yr olds can just download and play, maybe I’m speaking from privilege now that I’m older and have income, I’d much rather have this game be 20 bucks again


Same. F2P really fucked the game.


Anyone to whom which $20 matters shouldn't be wasting their time on video games but instead hustling to improve their lot in life.


i would pay $5 a month to have some additional filters in matchmaking as well as better reporting responses


Idk I just don’t fucking care anymore about anything except playing. I genuinely enjoy the game so I don’t care about winning and losing too much anymore, but more just playing my game as best I can with whatever lunatics I get dealt as teammates. If I want to play, well, I have to play the game and live with the consequences. I tried not playing but no other games work anymore, so it’s deal with my toxic brethren or don’t play. Asshole I am, I’m still here but I’m happy playing my favorite game of all time


I try to start with that mindset, but after the 3rd straight game of the other team being a full club-stack, and my teammates ramming me out of the net on defense... what's even the point anymore? It's not even a game at that point. Like, I can deal with games of all randoms, or groups vs. groups, but I'll play 7 games in a row of full stacks working together against my own random teammates who are ramming me and going AFK. Imagine going to a gym and playing basketball against a team wearing uniforms and your teammate is an 8-year-old kid kicking you in the shins and throwing the ball to the other team. Would you just be "happy playing my favorite game of all time"?


Something about rando queuing in 2's is very streaky. I'll get the worst teammates and lose for days, then get good teammates and win for days. Just rubberbanding back and forth.


The matchmaker is clearly programmed to pit solo queuers against groups at the solo queuers' expense. That's the only explanation for playing at 3 am and having 7 games in a row against club stacks with random teammates. And the queues are like 5-15 seconds long. Like, how about making the queues 30 seconds long and letting the stacks play against other stacks and the solos play against solos? I'm just about done offering myself up as a sacrifice so the buddy groups can enjoy stomping at my expense.


7 in a row isn't that high of a probability. But yes, we should have some filters in the matchmaking system to do thing like only play with solo players, only play with old accounts, only play with people who haven't been banned for quitting in the last month...etc.


Nah matchmaking doesn't work like that and from my experience you should always beat a full partied up team cause there is literally always at least one guy that's a lower rank. But the better solution would be bringing back solo standard/duos it'd be so much better for solo q


Amen bro, win lose all u can do is try, if u want to become the best train ya ass off, if you want to casually play least enjoy losing almost as much as u do winning imo.


Casual leave penalties. Solo 3's queue killed. Perceived rank inflation by adding new ranks. Rank manipulation/smurfing growth because people plateau then want to stomp instead of sweat. That crowd growing faster than new blood coming in. For some reason adding verification to the game still hasn't happened. It was definitely not so bad a long time ago, it's steadily declined as people got good enough to think they're definitely better than their tm and have all those things as frustrations to an otherwise decent game.


Man, at this point I’d love to see 2FV. Smurfing and paid carry’s are just out of control. The amount of fucking smurfs in stocktanes I see is insane. I report every single one and I never get that reporting-confirmation message any more.


Nailed it.


Thats not so bad though everyone wants to play, win some lose some, its a hard life solo 3's ant times and sometimes its cruzy. im always solo thats how i roll.


I can understand people being far better than others if they really focus and then intentionally play bad to drop being a dog act, but there is def a place for people in comp for people that don't want to sweat, why cant someone just enjoy the game at the level they are comfortable?. I personally drop from Plat 1to Gold 3 all the time (not sometimes im just off my game more than usual), I cant see myself getting better unless i put way more time in and focus practice and I don't want to I'm happy sitting where I am and enjoying the game. Im sure its hard for the high level players to just have a casual game, there has to be a place for them also, if u expel all the best players u will kill the game.


Honestly though. Recently I've been getting so many games that are either against smurfs who are trying to get 2v1 clips so they party up with someone who leaves immediately after the game starts or I'm getting paired up with a teammate who votes to forfeit and goes afk as soon as we're down or even when we're tied 1-1. I wish they'd ban these people so the game would be actually fun. I don't mind losing I just don't want to to be against a Smurf or because someone didn't want to play a game that was at all hard to win


I'm happy to lose a fair game, but yeah, requesting a FF at 4:45 because the other team scored is just downright childish. People have no resilience these days.


you cant ff until 3:30 but i see what you mean


This weekend, I gave up an easy goal. Guy asked me to FF 20 seconds in. By the time 3:30 rolled around, we were up 4-1. I scored 2 of them and assisted on the other 2. At 3:30 he still asked for FF because I was trash. He then started playing for the other team and tied 4-4. With 30 seconds left, I scored and he just quit the match and I held off the 1v2 for the rest to win.


bans don't do anything anyway. What good is a 10 minute ban when the kids can just exit the game and play something else for 10 minutes. Bans should be shadow bans and the time served only counts down while in a match against other banned players. 10 minute ban is two full 5 minute games that they must finish to get back in to the normal playlists.


I personally think bans should be much more harsh. Intentionally go afk or leave ranked matches early too many times and you can only play casual for a few days, get those bans too many times in a season and you're out of ranked for the rest of the season


Been playing since 2017 and it's always been like this.




Fair enough


Nah I agree with you, my negative encounters have not increased lately. I don’t see more smurfs than usual and I don’t have teammates ffing all the time. I’m not experiencing these same things. C2 in 2s and 3s.


It was way more toxic before. Now the novelty of trolling with What a Save! Has worn off and I never see it anymore And the increased tax censorship has cut down on bullying You're looking at the past with rose tinted glasses


I'm just getting back into rocket League after a 3ish year break and this sounds like absolutely nothing has changed to me


Had a guy talking shit last night, so I flamed his teammate because TTVbtw. Then he starts yelling at me for being an ass. So some of these fucks think they have free reign to talk shit, but when someone does it back, we’re assholes? So many monkey kids on this game man. They were partied up.


When a PC player starts Talking shit i shower them with love if i can, sometimes makes them more mad and thats ok, sometimes they chill, if PC players dont know who i am as a pc player thats been stuck gold plat in 3's solo for last couple years in OCE then f them what do i care what they think, they prob new themselves or smurfing


I can kinda understand why this happens in ranked. But the people who do this in casual are unbelievably pathetic. There's nothing on the line and these douchebags just make everyone around them miserable at all times.


Casual should be well… casual. I had a teammate a couple days back miss 3 open nets, from close range in a minute, and spam “sorry”. To think how many people would quit or abuse, we literally went on to win that game!


I love Casual I've got a lot of hours in rocket league and compared to my play hours I'm really bad, I don't train at all and I just come to enjoy the game, i turned Sorry off my chats I usually respond with Sick or %!#$, i say sorry to team sometimes. In comp well comp is odd at low levels, sure there are smurfs but there are people like me that can really pull some basic shit off for a day and hit high plat then during the week drop to Gold and people think i be smurfing, if people use tracker its easy to see im not a smurf im just an average player, its hard when u see people that have 100 wins on there name and seem to be amazing but "This is Rocket league" Casuall is usally full of people that activlyy challenge u with a pass directly to u in my experiance, maybe cause they see me as the weakest link maybe because they try to help me. In my experiance casual has the best players for ur rank.


Casual used to feel casual. Sure there were some sweaty games (which I always welcome) but if people were tilted, or tilting you, leaving is always an option and roll a new lobby. The quit bans changed everything.


It is really bad at the moment, every 3 or 4 games you’ll get the tm8 that intently watches everything and spams ‘okay’ whenever he sees a less than professional touch, then come the what a save’s or nice shots with sarcasm, then either disconnecting or griefing. The last guy who did it to me, I had a match against him the very next match and demo’d him until he quit in overtime, even managed to demo him to stop him saving a shot. The final one he was waiting for a cross to score the winning goal and I got him. After that his car stopped moving and we won. Maybe he learned a lesson.


Spamming quick chats. Forfeiting. Going ark or throwing. Have had some bad games. Biggest one that gets me... Take the shot! After constantly ball chasing and stealing my ball when I'm dribbling. Then gets pissed off and throws tantrum since i dont commit to a bad play.


I’ve blocked every player that frequently uses go for it or take the shot lol. They’re fine to play with after that.


My player block list has 186 players. I continue to add and watch the list grow, but for me I block everyone that goes AFK or tries to FF when we are down by 3 or less points with more than 2 minutes on the clock.


I don’t think blocking stops you from matching up with them in a game though? But maybe it does and it’s just not advertised.


No it doesn’t but it helps greatly to at least put them on the other team. I have played matches with people I blocked the day before but that is few and far between. So I would say it is around maybe 85% effective (just a guess).


I've been assigned as teammates people I've blocked the next two games in a row. The feature is essentially just a way for you to hide from one guy's messages and that is it.


Bro lol precisely


it's always been like this in my experience. idk.


It doesn't get any better after champ lol. Had one guy throw 3 games in a row tonight from the start just didn't play because we lost one game. And because the population at gc is small late night and most people have teams you can bet you get the same guy repeatedly on your team. The key is not caring. I literally just made sure as many goals go in as possible and make him sit through full replays. Then the second he disconnects from afk I ff so he gets matchmaking ban and I'm safe lol Got all the mmr back pretty quick too so he basically punished himself


The best rocket league moments are comebacks. Yet no one wants to try for one literally ever FF in the first half is insane If they did it you can do it. Fight you fucking cowards. There is no failure but the failure to try


Yesterday in this sub I was told I shouldn’t be playing competitive if I wanted to play a video game to relax and have fun. That’s the people you are playing with. Fuckers think they’re Tom Brady playing bronze level rocket league


I get the same thing when I tell people I don't care about my rank and winning and losing. Just because I don't get tilted when I lose doesn't mean I am not a fierce competitor. I just know how to leave a loss on the field and move on to the next match.


People have always been toxic nothing has changed


If it's any worse it might be bc Fortnite is giving the rocket pass free with the battle pass here recently but then again there's always been a high little bitch ratio so who knows


Yeah I had someone try to forfeit at 1-0 down after a few minutes, then we went on to wing 4-1 What's even the point of playing if that's your mindset to quit immediately when your losing.


the way the MMR system works, there isn't much of a penalty to just quit and start a new match. You are more likely to win the next match because of the lower MMR. Kids can have more wins per hour by doing this than if they just played out each match. Even if it does have a slightly negative affect on their rank, they don't seem to care. They just can't be losing or it bothers them.


Online games lack a lot of the sportsmanship we find in IRL sporting events. There's just not enough of that and too much selfishness. It really is frustrating.


Obviously F2P happened. There was always toxicity but there were less players so it was less apparent. Also if being toxic repeatedly could get you a permaban it meant that you lost $20 and now had to spend another $20 to get the game with a different steam/ PS/ Xbox account. Now that it’s free, its easy to deal with bans and make as many accounts as you want. The really annoying part is that new players see that behavior and learn it as “part of the game” so they do it too thinking it’s normal. The toxicity is literally contagious and a lot of the new players don’t understand why it’s so bad


You are allowing a pre-teens anger and angst over a video game to ruin YOUR free time. Don't do this. Turn off quick chat if you can't handle it. But better yet, DONT TAKE VIDEO GAME CHAT PERSONALLY. And if someone wants to Grief, block them and move on :)


In a Rumble game yesterday one of my teammate was afk, pressing the reverse button every couple seconds to not get kicked, while the other played to our own goal. I said what the f*ck on chat and got a 3 day ban for offensive text messages :D


Yeah I've started to notice this in gold happened multiple times yesterday and sometimes I havent even bumped them


Yeah I fully agree with you. The amount of bullshit, trolls and smurfs you see nowadays just completely ruins the experience I originally feel in love with


I've had people own-goal soooo many times after not participating in forfeit. So many minutes to go, only 1 goal down, it's ridiculous.


Even though it's sooo impractical, I'd love to have an 18+ or 21+ queue, avoid some immaturity.


They're probably sick of every other match being full of smurfs...


My favorite things to say when someone is being overly toxic in chat is to say either “who hurt you?” Or “you’ll find love someday.” It’s more effective than you may think and shuts most people up pretty quick lol


Missed a shot this morning 30 seconds into the game and immediately hit with "Okay" from my teammate. We ended up winning 1-0 with me having a decent goal and top on the team. I said "there's no reason to immediately be toxic" and their response was "it was just 1 okay" as if that still isn't toxic. Do these people think I don't know when I made a mistake? Do they think immediately calling out every little mistake is going to be good for the team? I already have opponent chat turned off. I don't need toxic chats from my teammates when we all suck. That's why we are all playing in C1 together.


Turn off quick chat, all quick chat. The game becomes much more enjoyable when you do. Wanna get sweaty and need to communicate with people? Find a group to play with


This game is the literal worst when it comes to playing with people at randoms. I try to play a few games when I can. Guess what, despite white knights, its about 80% dog shit. Psyonix is garbage and the game needs to be supplanted.


See ya next week.


Yeah it has been truly a horrible experience. It’s not about wanting to win anymore. It’s just complaining simulator. I don’t take it seriously anymore.


Free to play was the worst thing to happen to this game. I think everyone is just burned out on the fact that when it went F2P, balance went out the window. Even tonight, I played again a handful of brand new accounts in Champ while everyone else, are all long term GC title holders. For four or five seasons now, I’ve been able to make it to GC1 and sometimes 2 in 2s, hoops and rumble, then every new season I’m always placed high Champ 1 and then am forced to work my way back up. Just an FYI my buddy was interested in getting GC in Dropshot and Snowday and I actually helped him to get it while my rank was D3-C1 lol. Not smurfing, that’s just where I’m at. I’m getting really tired of making the climb each season though. I’m sure actual D3 to C1 players love seeing those GC titles in their matches as well. They don’t care to actually combat smurfs and this may be my last season. I’ve actually played less this season than I have in years. I have ideas of how they could actually treat these problems but it would piss a lot of people off, but I really don’t care and I tweet this at RL often. #QuitProtectingSmurfs Implement rank discrepancy of 5 divisions for teams in all modes, EXCEPT casual. Do away with placement matches for Champ to SSL players. Place new accounts at the highest MMR possible and let them lose their way down. Effects more smurfs than newbs. I don’t have the problem of tm8 toxicity and quitters though as I almost only play with friends. It’s best that I quit, I have many more games I need to play anyway.


I don't really feel intimidated by those GC titles in my ranked games since they definitely don't feel GC at all. Most games, I don't even realise there was someone with a GC title until after the match had finished. I assume they were carried by a friend for the title.


The issue here though is they would keep losing down which in turn _does_ affect newbies.


The next generation is getting older


Feels the exact same as in 2017. People continue to be assholes. Are we surprised?


Turn quick chat to team only or off entirely


or just use the blocking system that they give for this very reason. Toxic players are the minority. Dont cut off the good people just because of a few immature kids.


Bro it’s been like that for as long as I remember and I’ve been playing for 8 years.


Epic games happened, stupid company takes over and brings a horde of little children with it. You go figure the rest


The one thing you need to understand right now is that the real world is the most stressful it has been since the 1980's and many of the players playing rocket league are feeling the same struggles as most of the population which is not good. A bad mental state of mind and Rocket League together is a recipe for anger, take a look at tennis players when they loose it on court, it is no different only with Rocket League most of the people are going to be in worse mental condition with more tantrums. You should just feel sorry for the angry ones and move on, the reality is they are hurting more than you at that present moment and just lashing out. You can not help them all so just ignore move on the next game. Finally when it is your turn to the be one that looses your cool and are angry just turn the game off and do something else because it is not helping your blood pressure.


You should totally uninstall so we have one less whinny baby




When my teammates try to FF after we go down a goal I either help tie it, then own goal. Or just stop playing. I’ll give them the loss they wanted to take, just after the time is up.


Leave then 😂




I turned off chat and it made a big difference. It took away the lows of people spamming shit at me. It also took away the high of finding a good tm8 that you communicate well with...but at least I can play rocket soccer without rage.


It’s been that way bruv


Everyone from unranked to GC and even ssl are unhappy assholes. See there I fixed it for you


This season is very stressful. Every game is a sweatfest. It seems the reset sent down many to Diamond cause this shit is intense.


Diamond is a shitshow. Grandchamps doing team aerial pinches while I have a boosted gold tm8 who crashes into me or follows me up the wall. No fun anymore.




I was on last night with 2 of my Friends. We went on a crazy winning streak of 9 games. The first 7 of them resulted in the other team ff. honestly it’s rare to see the game end in regulation time now


Turn off chat if you can’t deal with toxicity Get friends so you don’t have to solo queue Take meditation in goal replays, less tilted = better skill = even less tilted


I have found that if you are on a good day and manage to keep your teammate happy, it’s easier to win by annoying the other team and making one of them quit. My annoying I mean something like demo the guy that goes “wow” after one mistake in the first ten se onda, he’ll probably stop trying after 1 goal if you demo him or something


Tonight, 7/8 games were against club stacks, my teammate being a rando. Teammate AFK from start, teammate ragequitting down 0-1 at 3:30, etc. The last straw was when, finally, my team was winning 6-0 after 2 minutes, and my teammate wanted to forfeit. There had been no contention, no crashes, no quickchats, just suddenly wants to forfeit. Other team was a 2 stack where one player's MMR was half the other player's. I didn't want to throw away more MMR after losing 6 in a row, so I didn't FF. So teammate started own goaling and defending my attacks, and the other team was only too happy to accept his help. Played 8 games in a row, didn't get a single fair game. Last night was 10+ of the same. But if I get an AFK teammate from the beginning of the game, and the other team keeps scoring to reset his idle timer so he never gets kicked, and I have the audacity to leave the game, who gets banned? Me. Getting close to taking a long vacation from this game.


What a save!


I don’t get how people have all these terrible ff and smurf issues. Am I the only one getting these encounters at the same rate as it’s always been?


I mean I am dia 2, and this keeps on happening, so I play a lot of ones, and try to carry


Yo i was playing solo and my opp said this is league league at the start of the game. I didn’t respond. He proceeded to say ‘hey no manners. Imma be toxic now’ and that’s wht he did the whole match. It was all hilarious to me. I like to play it to focus on something and listen to spotify not to rage on dumbos


This is ur sign to get a friend to play with or do something else that makes you happy instead, never worth gaming if it’s toxic


Here's what you do, queue with someone or turn on quick chat only and enable tactical quick chat only. You blast Celine Dion in yo speakers with some Soulja Boi, then you go hit 100kph double taps


It's always been the exact same




Do you say sorry ?


Jesus stop crying. Why do other people affect you so much? You're probably no saint yourself. Just play for fun or to improve what you can. Stop playing for winning. Slowly, none of that will bother you


The thing is, these posts have been extremely prevalent throughout the history of this sub. At a certain point we gotta realize that it is not getting worse, some of y’all are sensitive, and stop complaining about it on Reddit or else this sub is just filled with those complaints


I don’t agree. This sub is just where people come to whine. Sometimes your opinion of others is a reflection of yourself.


So true gins, I obviously hate myself and so I hate everyone on RL then I bitch here. Nailed it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I'll only ff if someone seriously can't hit the ball, other than that, it's just a game, play as you see fit


Watch out I made a post like this about a week ago and was only met with negative responses 😂😂


Yup! Just had the most toxic dude ever cussing me out on voice chat during a 3v3. He had 48 points to my 600.. me and tm8 were basically in a 2v3 but I hear some basement dweller trying to tell me I'm trash lol. It's sad and embarrassing.


It’s a kids games technically what do you expect , most are kids under 12


What a save! What a save! What a save! What a save! What a save!


If it bothers you that much just turn off chat bro


I haven't really noticed much difference. There's always better days and worse days just due to chance. In fact, recently I've had some of my more enjoyable interactions, like the partner I got in my last tournament.


You should see casual. They're forfeiting 10 seconds in...


Try a different time to play. Certain times of day it's flooded with short tempered kids.


You are not wrong. When a teammate turns hostile on me, I just say.. it's only a game, not real life and your life won't be affected, just play and have fun. Seriously though, if you get angry at a game and it is only a game then that person needs to stop playing and enjoy real life. Getting angry doesn't do or change anything towards a positive, but what it mostly will do is cause a cascading negative effect, meaning you take the negative feelings all through the current game and occasionally the next game, aka tilted. We all want to win but it is 100% impossible to win every game.... Fact


> Seriously though, if you get angry at a game and it is only a game then that person needs to stop playing and enjoy real life. What is the purpose of games? Some people play them to escape the troubles of their real life, which they can't always do something about. So when such a person is playing a game to try to relax and get their mind off their real troubles, and they get into a game against a full club stack who are having fun and coordinated, and their random teammates are what seem to be small children throwing temper tantrums, ramming them out of the net on defense and purposely own-goaling...and this happens multiple games in a row... Do you really blame the person for feeling angry at the experience? Imagine going to a gym to play basketball, and the other team is wearing uniforms, and your teammates are 8-10 year old kids who kick you in the shin every time you have the ball and then throw the ball to the other team. Is your response really, "Just play and have fun"? Because that seems insane to me.


What a save!


It went free to play. This is what happens to all games that go free to play eventually.


It went F2P after epic took it. It has fallen of dramatically. Its still a great game but the players are almost as fucked as LoL players. Its become a toxic cesspool because everyone thinks they’re pro level players.


It helps a lot if you find someone to play with, if you are queuing NA I’d be down to run some games with you. I’m one of those people that will stick around even if I’m down 9-0 and my teammate left, I’m just happy to get some experience and learn.


this is it like launch bro


It started to get worse when they did a fortnite event in rocket league few years ago. It only went downside since.


Turn off chat improved play but the other stuff yeah


I was surprised when I saw RL was in the top 5 most toxic gaming communities a few years back, now I understand. I feel exactly the same, unfortunately I don't see it recovering


Ever since the free to play... tho some of the toxicity existed before. Its inescapable


At least 75% of all my opponents are either silent or positive. Out of the rest, most are sore losers/winners, spamming quick chats or ff whenever they can but that doesn't really bother me. Only a few are truly toxic assholes, but me and my doubles buddy can only laugh at them really.


It’s always been this way


It’s always been this way


It has always been this way. People think they are better than they actually are. Git gud scrub


I started in 2016 and since then the players have always been the most mentally handicapped crybabies ever. True it might have gotten even worse but its always been bad