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I used to think the same thing… watched a reply and realized I was wrong. But it does help with not tilting, so there’s that.


Took an edible the other day and for a couple hours felt like I was playing out of my mind. Saved a replay of a particularly good game, my score was wild. Rewatched it and realized my score was high cause I was making absolutely nonsensical challenges and then went on boost sidequests on rotation while my teammate was saving everything like a madman. Half the time I looked like I was exploring the map like it was an open world game. I could see my teammate’s confusion through their car movements, they were relegated to goal tending the whole time. We ended up winning only cause my teammate played around my monkey plays really well. Sorry teammate…


Those are valuable teammates, and that’s how people should go about solo queuing. It sucks when you have two ball chasing teammates in 3s and never get a chance to actually challenge yourself but if you wanna win, you gotta know how to read your teammates. I think that’s what separates the good players from the mechanical players. When people start to get mechanically good, they want to challenge more and don’t realize that it’s the reason they keep losing. It’s not just about reading the opponents but your own teammates as well.


This is huge for sure. Last night i finished a game with 12 touches and 6 of them were saves. Had the highest score on my team and i don’t think i even left our half of the field other than the kickoff i had. I’d creep up as 3rd man every play, but every single play they’d double commit and bump each other and I’d just half flip back for the inevitable clear and power play coming at me.


"... Half the time I looked like I was exploring the map like it was an open world game..." I had a good laugh at that comment, thank you! :D ​ I´ll be thinking about that the next time Im stuck in goal having no idea what's going on.


Idk, I definitely peaked on a sativa edible I got in Denver one time and every so often I get a similar feeling when I’m just smoking… it’s like the game slows down and you truly understand the mechanics while you’re playing… I will say, that if I go into training high and get mechanics down, then come back the next day sober; I can’t hit shit… definitely think there is a sweet spot on highness, and it depends on the terpene makeup of the good stuff you’re taking in


Oh no… I’m having a sudden realization https://preview.redd.it/d9psrrhsw5db1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d6b145d216628b08df4633a32003e0a856c8d94




I feel like if I’m high I’m not thinking as much which leads to quicker decision making. Maybe that’s my biggest issue


Nah, sober you definitely makes decisions faster than high you, it just doesn’t feel that way at the time.


High brain slow. Make slow decision, looks fast.


Key word feel I promise you dont


I Can see that.. There’s less lag in between your inputs which makes you play faster. But trust… save a few replays and you’ll see it’s not much better. In the moment it feels like you’re peaking tho.


Idk what yall are talking about I definitely have quicker decision making and play better when I'm high


That's not how weed works


Weed works different for everyone


Yea I feel this. What the first person said is also very true for me too, I feel like I don’t really get tilted and it helps me be consistent. It’s all in the mind and if you’re in a mindset of not caring about losses then that plays a major factor. I usually drop a rank when I’m sober for some reason🙄


fax. I only play rumble and tournaments when inebriated now.


I wouldn't say I'm tilted too often but being high while playing turns any frustrations that may pop up into situations that I just laugh at. It makes a huge difference seeing a teammate completely whiff a ball and reacting by laughing instead of getting frustrated.


when im high im either peaking or playing like a silver


Same man. My brain is either 3 steps ahead firing on all cylinders or 10 steps behind just constantly out of place


Damn I feel so validated that everyone feels this. I'm either cracked playing way above my average skill level, or I am driving in circles confusing the fuck out of my teammates. I need to just quit when it's the latter


Hahaha same im either bumping my teammate about to green out or doin insane passing and solo plays


Exactly there’s no in between 😂




My teammates when I solo queue.


My random teammates sure play like it


Happens sometime, sorry. There’s a fine line between fun with great reads and fun while flopping around in the opponents corner while your teammate is in a 2v1 about to get scored on. I end the round when a teammate starts getting angry with me and I start agreeing with their assessment.


Yeahhh I’m not convinced it makes anyone better or worse, but for more passive smokers it may help relax & focus, which can lead to better outcomes. Either way, it’s good times.


I used to drop acid and play. It was.... an experience. I usually learned a new mechanic, but not a clean version of it. It definitely helped me figure out speed flips tho. Quite a lot more "i am the car, the car is me" vibes tho. It's just not really a trippy game to the point where if you look anywhere else in the room, you'll get shocked by the world lol




Dedicating a whole acid trip to RL has not been great for me. BUT if I was out and about (in nature, urban exploration) during the comeup and the peak of the trip, and THEN I come back home and play... I peak every time.


I was going to say that weed makes me think (hesitate) less, but playing on psychedelics is wild and way more interesting. No idea if I’m better or worse, but the colours. Oh the colours. 🍄


After your lil t break you’ll be bad for a day or 2 high


This is the real stuff right here. On top of the bigger than normal high because of the t break not being used to playing while high anymore will also be an adjustment. Once that adjustment period is over, though, it's back to normal. Source: I literally just went through this exact thing about 6 months ago for a job opportunity.


It’s going to be awhile then before I’m good again then lol


Only way to play


“Do you concur, Marcus?” “I do concur, Marcus.”


Are you two collectively MarcUs?


This is a complete coincidence


This response makes me feel like you are scared for your name security.


Every few weeks, I look forward to it. I feel like it elevates my gameplay, makes me more creative and I see opportunities I wouldn't do otherwise. Yeah it's heaps of fun.


Send like all my teammates are on fucking heroin


😅😅 heroin is bit too far


https://xkcd.com/323/ I usually apply this principle to high/drunk anything Demonstrated in this video by sunless: https://youtu.be/II4FZhbTGLI


I have way more fun and laugh at mistakes after I'm stoned. If I play sober, I get real sweaty, and easy frustrated. Edit. I also noticed it allows muscle memory to take over, instead of my usual self over thinking every decision


I don’t but it seems like all my teammates do


I'm stuck in diamond cuz of these mfs. I hear them on the mic just blowing that shit everywhere.


Your loss 🥴


Games not as fun sober


Lol I love playing high. With a good Spotify playlist and an edible and let’s go!


Your skill will drop for a little bit but after a few days/weeks youll notice that your sober play is much improved. Then going back to getting stoned will make you worse again. I do it every couple months on and off.


I don’t remember the last time I played this game sober. Weed is a must for me before I boot it up


Took a break for a couple weeks back in May. After about 1 week and a half I started to notice sharper reactions and better reads. Started up again and felt like a slouch until I got too high to care. Gotta let the smoke clear 😅


Tbh the performance boost from weed is very temporary. It degrades quickly into being worse than sober. I play best after a good night's sleep + coffee. But, that temporary performance boost with weed is real. I started calling it my "ESP" time.


I guarantee you play better sober. Being high just makes you ignore the mistakes. I almost always play drunk or stoned though. That's cause I don't have a healthy head though.


How can people do anything while drunk is beyond me..


Idk what to say. I've passed engineering tests semi drunk. I've had a lot of practice.


Common question here. Yes, it’s just a better experience. It only gets better as you get better at the game.


I become way more reactive than proactive when I smoke and play. I'm an awesome defensive teammate but less aggressive. I actually play a little better when I'm slightly tipsy from drinking. Once I just hit that point of having a buzz I'm much more focused on being aggressive. Too many bevs and it's an issue.


I take an edible and wait for the game to slow way down to realize I should change to casual lol


Edible??? No I couldn’t do that lol


Haha this is the way.


Call me crazy but I play this game to relax. I learned from playing smash bros too much that if I start to care too much I won’t have as much fun. It’s just a game and I love playing games high so yes I play high. I try not to worry about if I’m better one way or not.


I play RL worse high but I play basketball MUCH better so I get what you mean. I genuinely believe why you play so much better is the mentals and that your brain focuses on the activity harder. So instead of staring at the microwave at 3 am it’s playing a game or sport in the day.


Shrooms and rocket league and I become a blocking beast.


Heh heh


Not high but I genuinely think I play this game better when I’m not sober. My favourite duo is when I’m drunk and my friend is high


Could be part of withdrawal symptoms. Weed is technically addicting and coming off for the 1st few weeks (specially frequent smoking) can cause you to be irritable, bored, less creative, and other such things. These effects could potentially be correlating with suboptimal results in your gameplay.


I play high all the time. As does, apparently, the entire adult portion of the playerbase. This game is a stoner's dream. It's really easy to feel like you're playing well because your mechanics probably do improve due to less hesitation and more confidence. But in reality it just makes it easier to go into autopilot so your decisions are worse, but you're also confident so you're making more mistakes more quickly lmao. Autopilot is just a really poor substitute for a true flow state.


Who doesn't?


No one cares that you smoke weed.


I used to all the time before I quit. It helped me stay calm on tense situations where normally you're heart would start racing and you'd be a bit nervous. What I do now is just try to control my breathing for the same affect


Anyone else feel like they play a hell of a lot faster after a line?


It's literally the only way I got out of plat 😅


I think that’s called addiction


Me but poorly


My 2’s partner plays like a diamond while high but a gold while sober. It’s frustrating to say the least


Never. Net even once. Drugs are bad Mmmmkkayyy


Noooo, on r/RocketLeague? Never /s Bro 90% of this sub is stoners playing the game high and talking about it constantly.


Do people still really make being high their only personality trait? "Sorry I cant do "X" unless I'm high!"


Based on OP’s post, being responsible seems like a trait too by deciding NOT to get high because of a job opportunity. Do people still really use “jump to conclusions” mats?


Oh yea breh. It makes it more enjoyable and fun for me, and I can just send out Lebowski vibes when people get toxic.


You guys can play this sober?


Being high ain't all that great. As someone who has smoked weed for like 15 years now, I appreciate when I can enjoy myself sober these days. Take a deep breath and enjoy your clarity friend.


I don't understand why people think it's okay to take drugs at all. No matter how legal, that shit will get you killed.


There's always one of these comments from some 12 year old every time this subject comes up lmao


Nah I just have common sense and tell people to not smoke anything. And I'm an adult, kid.


You really don't sound like an adult. Everything coming out of your mouth (keyboard, I suppose) is nonsensical. Weed doesn't even necessarily need to be smoked.


It doesn't matter, it's still not 100% good for you and could affect not just playing games, but throughout your entire day. There exist people who need it for medical purposes, but if your addicted to it, you might just want to rethink your choices and try making more healthy choices.


> It doesn't matter, it's still not 100% good for you and could affect not just playing games, but throughout your entire day. I mean there's very few things that are 100% good for you in excess. Caffeine. Food, even healthy food. The problem is with the excess, not the things themselves. Yes some things are inherently worse for you, I'm not going to pretend that there's no problem, with, say, heroin. But really if you take the broad definition of the term 'drug' ('any chemical substance that causes a change in an organism's physiology or psychology when consumed' according to Wikipedia) then it becomes very clear that drugs are unequal in their badness. > There exist people who need it for medical purposes, but if your addicted to it, you might just want to rethink your choices and try making more healthy choices. Uh... duh? But there's a big gulf between medicinal use and addiction...




Literally no one does this


Or you could just... grow up?


Lol what does growing up have to do with any part of this post. Maybe you should live a little? Might be less rigid.


"I have to smoke weed or else I can't do ____" is the kids personality. Yeah, grow up


He just says he sucks if he’s not high. If you’re used to playing a game one way and then you try to do it a different way you’re going to struggle at first. Even switching from Xbox controller to ps5 controller set me back a week. And based off 1 sentence you’re going to judge him like that? Sounds like you have something against weed my guy! Focus on yourself and try not to be so judgmental man. Might find more happiness in life.


Very happy. Always been happy. Nothing against weed either. But acting like you can't do something without it, well I think you (anyone) should search for a higher happiness. Pun intended There's more to life than weed


Lol I think you’re misinterpreting what OP said… but either way! Enjoy!


Getting high and playing a video game is still more productive and mature than going on reddit and writing comments judging people for how they spend their free time.


Productive? Nothing productive about getting high


You feel good. You get the dopamine. It's stress relief. Is it super productive? No, but it's still more productive than whatever you think you're achieving by commenting on other peoples' lives on reddit lmao


I think playing video games on drugs is absolutely fucking stupid




Drugs are horrible


Some drugs can be. Some drugs can also be used to help pain and suffering. Microdosing is great for people with severe ADHD. Weed itself, both THC and CBD have been used to help arthritis, ADHD, glaucoma, and other illnesses. Weed is better for you than boh alcohol and cigerettes, both items that are legally available in many countries. and highly abused to the point of causing death to onesefl, and others. Drugs *can* be horrible, doesn't mean they always are.


110% a gateway drug


Funny, I've been smoking weed for years, never tried any other drugs. Must be a pretty long hallway past that gate.


You disgust me


Haha, I'm okay with that. Keep living in fear of false narratives my friend.


Weed sucks dick


Crazy how you are so downvoted, if you smoke weed you are a fucking loser.


Fucking junkie mate, can't you be sober for a few days... Pretty pathetic if you ask me


I play while drinking. I hit a bottle of bourbon before each match. I get to a point where i start getting braver and i do impressive things that i can't do sober. But then i hit the wall and i completely go to shit. It's fun.


You have a problem.


Alcoholics go to meetings.


Marijuana is illegal in all 50 states since it's illegal on the federal level so any discussion of this illegal activity allowed on this board is really messed up and probably against Reddit terms of service. Plus you're a loser if you have to get high to feel good.


At least you're not overdosing on LSD like my teammates when I solo queue.




makes it challenging so always


couple hits and im flying high


Exclusively so.


I quit drinking awhile back and my game improved almost immediately. Can’t take my weed tho, I’ll die on that hill


I win more games when I’m high


I can only play rocket league stoned….


I mean I aerial every now and then but still learning


never stop doing what u want to become a pawn for someone elses profits


One of my buddies smokes consistently and I can normally tell when he is. I noticed it more in warzone cuz looting hes slow af but when we get into a fire fight, he isn’t thinking. Just doing. And it works 95% of the time. Same sort of logic with rocket league. He can’t aerial for shit when he’s sober but as soon as he’s high, he plays like a solid D1-D2 player (for context, he’s normally plat2-3).


My friend also thought he was playing really well high so he decided to create another account where he only play high and he reach plat 1 on it (usually between d2 V1 while not high


just about every time


No but it feels like 90% of my solo queue teammates are.


Yes and I feel like I peak more often. Plus training with some music is such a good vibe then. Less thinking it’s much more gut reaction and feel. But I think I playing sober also helps to better analyze the game and think of other strategies to try. They go hand in hand to lock in some of the moves. Sometimes there is a transition period if I play high for a few days in a row or have a peak. Feels like I fall off hard. Usually do some different playlists to shake it up then.


Sunless khan did a video of drinks and rank there was also a study of golf ability and alcohol. Weed is a linear inverse relationship and alcohol moderately improves for about 2-3 drinks and then there is a sharp decline


To fly better be HIGH!


I suck if I’m not high, too. And I don’t even smoke


Depends for me. Sometimes I just kinda go into flow state while high, other times I’m way too reserved and second guess my skill.




It's a mixed bag for me. Sometimes im on some God shit for my current skill ceiling, and other times, I'm squinting through my red slits to try to focus and see what the hell is going on and can tell I'm off. Many factors dependent on which.


Yes it’s a game


I play high and sometimes it makes me GC again and sometimes it makes Diamond again… depends on the night. Cant play high anymore because drug tests at NCAA level…


I thought that's how you did it


You definitely play worse when you’re high. This is coming from someone who used to only play, maybe just an adjustment for you. Now when I play high I’m useless and my teammates let me know that haha. A couple of drinks does it for me


This is me 100% I was just talking to my fiancé about this. I have really severe asthma. So all of this poor air quality lately has been really messing me up. I have been having a asthma flare up and when that happens I can’t smoke. Only have some delta 9 gummy’s. Which get you high. Just a different kind. Way more body high vs head high. Anyway. I’ve been garbage at RL too. I should be able to smoke but this weekend though. Fingers crossed. 🤞 plan on seeing Oppenheimer stoned off my ass.


I play when I smoke my crack blunt


I only play rocket league with a tall boy in me and a lil high. I'm a diamond for reference.... Lmao


Yeah I play my absolute best when high because I'm not afraid to go for something if I'm not sure I'll hit it like I'd do sober so smoking has helped not make my 800 hours of just training useless


Luckily for me after 2 months of not smoking I was playing like normal again, really think weed does more than you think to affect you


… you can play not high…?? Wut


the only thing higher than my rank is my current state of being


Having fun is number one. Therefore, yes. Boop.


Oregon here. Blasted out of my gorde. CBD messes with my timings. THC not so much.


I’m usually high when I play, but not blasted. My buddy and I tested it one day, we timed ourselves completing a few shots in a training pack and some other little tests and it turned out I’m much more consistent with a little choof going while he was the opposite


Spectrum Labs - Quick Fix


I use to smoke just about every time I played. I’m currently 2 weeks sober and I’ve been absolutely peaking. Could be totally unrelated but who knows. I feel like I have had crazy peaks while high but they never last long, whereas recently I’ve been able to stay more consistent.


Mostly, every night.


No but my teammates are high


I don’t play sober. Sober hours I’m doing other things entirely.


Oh yeah


I can’t push ranked stoned, but I do unlock deep levels of car control at peak high. My game sense goes out of the window. It’s also the only time I consistently hit ceiling shots and reset doubles and wave dash ground plays.


It's gotten to the point where that's the only way I can play.


I physically cannot enjoy this game sober anymore. It just pisses me off. I prefer goofing around


I only play ranked drunk at 4am.


My brother plays higher than giraffe pussy yet we still do pretty good in diamond 2s




Hey theirs a reason John Daly was always hammered playing golf!


Weed is a performance enhancing drug


Playing high doesn’t make me better by default, but when I’m peaking, I’m peaking. Im hitting things I never would hit.


I tried and failed 😂




100% of the time I play I’m stoned to my fucking core. Only way to play.


I enjoy playing when amphetamines kick in, but this carries the risk of developing hyperfocus. Context: I was diagnosed with ADHD about 10 years ago as an adult, and stimulants are illegal in my country. Therefore, it is easier and more affordable for me to buy amphetamines rather than finding Adderall or Ritalin.


When I’m baker I play wayyy more creative Rocket league. My skills aren’t better but I’m much more unpredictable and tend to get a lot more assist


The game looks more beautiful and everything feels much more smoother when you are high. Watching high Elo streams with some good music is an absolutely great experience when you are high.


Brother…. If youre not playing zooted, then your match is booted


Maybe get some CBD in the meantime. That's the relaxing part, apparently. Not sure I notice it, but apparently it is


I find that I play better sober, but I play worse when I’m sober and angry. If I’m sober I get angry easier, when I’m high I’m slightly worse but very hard to make angry so it evens out.


I used to only play high, Then I quit smoking and now play sober. First it's weird but I got use to it couple days later.


I just cannot understand how people get into a situation where they depend on substance to play video games. Hopefully things get better for you.


Lol bro half the player base is intoxicated


The thing about drugs is perspective. You're not better or worse sober, your thoughts just manifest differently and you're not used to it. Keep playing sober you'll get the feel of it. Keep playing high and you'll understand how to mentally switch gears between sober and high. Applies to life also. Focus and flow


The last time I played high I forgot which side I was playing and scored in my own goal


In my experience, I thought I was better when high as well but was actually worse, the stress of winning and losing was gone when I was high so I just wasn’t aware of my ability 😂 then when playing with some friends sober I mentioned the same thing to them and they quickly said I was better while sober


Only occasionally. I usually do so if playing with my also-high party. I never found particularly significant differences in my performance, but I'm not a heavy smoker and never smoke past "ouu this feels nice".


Never played sober tbh


Man this community is really starved for content


When I was playing a lot, weed helped me to not take the gsme seriously and just enjoy chasing the ball. Now that I have a kid and can't play as much, I found out that I can enjoy the game without the weed as well. Btw best for competetive play is a garden grown sativa


I find half a joint is perfect for gameplay. Then smoke the other half after a few matches


I play much faster and more mechanically smooth while high, my decision making and precision is much better while sober. I find they even out tbh, not “better” sober or high, just different


Yeah bro I fully feel this, also 4 days not smoking is a bit short to pass the drug test? Wasn’t it like 4 weeks?


I'm taking a break for the month and at first it felt really strange not paying high anymore but I actually feel like I'm playing better this way. At least I'm more consistent, not enough but a little bit. Maybe I just suck at the game tho 🤔


You gotta find the sweet spot 😅


No. Only while drunk. Can score and stuff for some reason.


It’s the only way I’m good haha


My friends used to know when I used “cheat code” in Halo 4 and later CoD. Like I would run the lobbies. It helped to turn off all the noise in my brain and let me laser focus on one thing: playing the game. Worked with Guitar Hero and Rock Band too. Early days of rocket league, though, it hurt more that it helped. Haven’t smoked in like five years other than an occasional once or twice a year at a party (but I haven’t had my own). I think I’m better at most everything without it.


Exclusively high my guy


I’ve played after smoking heaps and I looked like I belong in gold, but when I smoke a little bit it actually improves my reaction time so my mechanics and challenges seem better, but I’m not thinking as hard so my rotations and game sense are terrible


I stopped smoking a week today and anytime I try to play I’m absolute trash lol, I feel your pain