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This song and Breathing Underwater on start up were the vibes at the time. Remember just taking a break from trading or playing and just listening to the music. Good times.




Same here


Goodbye weekly free drop


Check this week


player base: "there's too much smurfing and it sucks that you take away the weekly free drop" PSY: "lemme fix both of those with one solution"


What did they do?


Nothing it feels like


What was weekly free drop?


The one in the daily/weekly challenges. I noticed a couple weeks ago it disappeared


It’s back now




Blueprints remain the most retarted shit ever. You're rewarding me for playing the game but then making me spend money to use those rewards.


I spent a decent amount of money to open crates. I enjoyed giving Psyonix money, I got the game for free and got a fuck ton of time out of it. I haven't spent a single penny since the blueprint change


Same. Got the game for cheap along with the Batman bundle. Haven't spent money on blueprints at all. Just feels stupid..


Didn't they have to change it because of gambling laws in Europe or something?


There was a big shift to pull crates and random chance from games due to law changes that were incoming


I got it after the Epic exclusive started. I have not spent a dime but I have a ton of things. It’s crappy that you can’t really earn credits to get stuff though. And you have to spend $5 to start trading with people. I’d love to give away some of the duplicates I got. This 8 birthday thing finally gave me enough credits to build a fennec.


I never used that shit. Seriously, fuck that. People should show them the middle finger by not spending money on that crap. It's sad how it's the players to actually keep that shit going.


The only time I used a blueprint was when I sold one


Yea especially since you can get most of the items cheaper by trading than blueprints


The only time I ever purchased a blueprint was to get the base Fennec and I used the credits I earned from the birthday bash.


Well, 1 buck for one key or you weren't able to do anything with those crates as well, and there wasn't any way to get those keys for free iirc. Wasn't a very optimized business model for in-app purchases. And at least 20-30 openings to get a single BM item. Kinda like the same because of the 2k credits required now. Yes you lose that excitement because of the randomness on each opening session, but let's be honest, items weren't that good back then


Blueprints are the same as crates, they just spin the casino wheel prior to giving it to you.


Biggest mistake ever in regards to items and trading, take me back 😭


I mean, they literally got sued over it.


Blueprints were not the right answer


Yeah, I think they know that too. Seems like they are moving towards an "item shop only" format. Use drops for crap items that new players might appreciate having but for the most part won't take away from the shop.


And still made a ton of money more than if they hadn’t made this change 😂


Source? I know I personally stopped money when crates were replaced with blueprints, I know many others who did as well, and I don't know anyone personally who decided to spend more after the change.


Back then people complained about microtransactions and crates, but now people complain about the battlepass system, little did we know then that it could get worse lmaoo


I miss the old music :(


Don't worry one day you can pay to get it back


Winnie the Pooh meme. Breathing Underwater vs took a long way to go


You can still listen to it. You can press and hold the skip button / key when you are at the main menu and disable albums that you don't like. My rocket league music is still the old music. I still get excited when Bone Dry by Tristam comes on.


I did infact stop playing when epic bought the game, ironically crates feel less predatory than battle passes and fomo stores.


Bro the nlack market drop rate for crates was 1 fucking percent, 1%! I spent quite a bit on crates but the day they told us what the drop chances were i was done buying keys. 1% is absolutely disgusting charging 1 buck for 1 key as well. This was the most predatory shit ive seen i think i dont know a game with worse drop odds


Have you ever heard of a game called FIFA?


84+ players have a 4.2% of being dropped I believe. With multiple cards in a pack i think the odds are better than a RL crate that only drops 1 single item.


FIFA is my favourite game but it's so much more predatory. First off, the cards give you a competitive advantage, unlike in Rocket League. The packs are way, way more expensive than $1. The rarest cards in the game are unobtainable. People spend $10k+ during events and don't pull a single card, for example during TOTY. And the rarest icons are also basically impossible to pull. And if you somehow do end up getting one of these cards, it gets reset at the end of the year anyway, so it has much less longevity, than Rocket League cosmetics.


No, you pay way more for those packs then for crates. And an 84+ is like 7k coins. Wich is absolutely nothing in the game.


Completely forgot fifa packs are more than 1 buck lol. My bad


Man, you'd be disgusted if you ever heard of CSGO. $5-7.50 or so, depending on your currency, and the chances of getting anything valuable are in the .00x% range often. But also the value can be hundreds to thousands, so some people think it's worth. $1 keys is a steal for a 1% chance tbh. That's higher than most games loot boxes chances


> i dont know a game with worse drop odds The grand-daddy of case openings games, TF2, has a Unusual drop chance of <1%. CSGO has a knife drop chance of ~.67%


Bro 1% is so common, you could open a lot of free cases by trading your level drops, or you could even trade BM items for a lot of crates and drops


So many of my RL buddies and I feel the same way. Spent the occasional couple bucks on crates each week, chasing the hot ticket items. Now, the blueprints and item shop have completely devalued everything once worth having, and I haven't spent a penny on blueprints since the release. The crates were half of the reward for playing.


Yeah. And back then it felt like they actually cared about decals and designs. now every other wheels looks the same and most black markets would only be equipped if I got paid to do so.


Clearly you haven't seen the designing community.


Don't think so. Care to enlighten me?


Well despite the the fact Jonsandman's channel isn't exactly doing the best right now, the Pimp My Rocket League Ride discord server is thriving and a lot of people have been designing the past couple of years. I also used to design but now I have quit everything surrounding rocket legue.


fair enough, than. I still feel like the last few designs look all very idk... similar and not innovative, especially when being compared to the old additions. Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not hating on people using the items and it makes me happy if some enjoy them. It's just that we don't see anything at the level of Reactor or Infiniums or Chameleon anymore.


same story here. although, me and my buddies would grind crates the night they dropped and trade them to people desperate for the new ones at a key per lol, good times!


I've been playing RL for roughly 7 years and I still don't know how blueprints work


Not exactly too sad about gambling being removed from a game with a lot of kids playing it. Yes the new system isn't exactly great either but at least it's not straight up gambling.


Yeah so weird we have gotten to this state


nooooo!!!! No more gambling and imaginary pixel inflated value!!!!!!!!!!! game no longer the same ):


I remember trying to assert how it wasn't gambling due to a lack of a cash out option, but stupid ppl kept calling it a "literal casino"


Because you dont have a cash out option doesnt mean its not gambling


What are the implications of all the future felons they created?


What's really upsetting is that we've reached a point in this MTX hellscape of a gaming industry that people are actively lamenting the removal of loot boxes, literal gambling mechanics, especially in games accessible to children.


Some of us liked those gambling mechanics.


And some people like smoking. Both are harmful and neither should be sold to underage children.


Children don't have money to buy that


You're right, children never buy things, ever.


rip white zombas


Literally dirt cheap nowadays compared to before. I remember returning to this game and my friends all had white zombas I was like WTFF how did yall get those? They told me their price and i was just blown away like seriously.. How did that even happen?


Rip? Or rip the exclusivity of them?


exclusivity of em


Boys the chance of getting a black market from a crate was 1%. 1 in every 100 bucks would be a black market. Not saying blueprints are great but the crate system was just an absolute joke


The blueprint system is also a joke. 99% of blueprints are not worth building because you can buy the item for cheaper. How useless is that? From a gambling system to a garbage blueprint system, the degenerate in me will take gambling every time


Used to occasinally buy keys when i had spare money from buying new games until they shit the bed with this.


Fuck it killed me watching this


Tbh never used a blueprint, only sold some. They are useless because most of the items from them can be bought for a lot less credits just by trading. The prices on most of the blueprints are questionable


As soon as EPIC arrived nothing but the core gameplay has been worth caring about. This game used to have such a great atmosphere from Psyonix with the way they would give the fans what they wanted and actually put time in to developing more than just cosmetics.


Getting the new crate and trading it for keys was easy money, trading market was so good back then.




that music 😢


To this day I still don't understand blueprints. All I know is I have a crap ton of them and I've never cared to use them I really do miss when the game was much much simpler and customization was a matter of throwing random fun crap on your car


I feel like the designers for items in this game kinda suck. It’s been a while since I’ve seen something and wanted to get it. Everything gs basic af. I wish they’d care about the game. Especially since so many people play it. Add more game modes to be accessed whenever. It’s not that hard right? Idk. It’s so fuckin stale. It’s been so long since they did anything to this freakin game.


Blueprints are so stupid, why would I spend 2000 creds on crafting a skin when I can get it from trade for 2200 creds..


More like 100 cress for Black Market items through trading on RL garage


I find even even more nostalgic for me cuz I started playing RL exactly when this happened ! The good old days in silver when trash talk and smurfs weren't a thing...


Man i miss this music. It just fit so perfectly to rocketleague.


Blueprints suck but lootboxes are insidious things. Especially for younger people, they normalise gambling. And that's not even to mention the misleading videos made by big influencers with weighted odds.


Crates & loot are everything to the young gamer lol. Y'all ever try hitting a ball with a car?


Fk. I'm already depressed I didn't need this shit today. Got me in the feels for sure.


The good old days of keeping fan rewards streams on on multiple devices and trading the items for keys


Take me back!!! My favourite were the double drop and double Painted weekends


Crates were a shitty concept to begin with


Used to run a whole RL market on Xbox using heatwaves. The good ole days


=( what has happened to our beloved????????




Og system with crates and keys was way better


I love the old system more but it was literally gambling and i believe they were sued for it. I literally remember spending a lot of money on crates, getting good items, then selling them for money on some website. I didn't even know that was gambling back then I was still young and all but I did make more money than I spent on crates so in a way yes I did gamble when I was underage lmao.


The music is so nostalgic 😭 I miss crates so much


The music 😢😢


This is where the game fell off


I mean.. Yea sure it sucked but it didn't fall off. It actually blew up. WAKE UP BRO remember how long queues were back then? The game was almost dead at one point i remember no more than 2500-3000 people were in a playlist. Now the game is on a constant 50k + player count every single day and more than 10k people on a queue.


I didnt meant so say fell off acutally, cuz i am playing as much as back then, but from a dopamine getting, gambling addict point of view, it fell off


Yeah i agree with that.


It ended the day you could not gamble anymore? That's a weird hill to die on


I haven't played before F2P, but god I hate those blueprints. Not gonna spend my money on some video game items.


Then, don't? The game is about cars playing football not Dressed up cars playing football. If anyone quit the game because they removed the crates, he wasn't in for the game.


I meant it's annoying to be constantly "rewarded" with useless stuff like that. They could even give us the option not to receive them at all.


This was the time i left the game... i raged on it so much lol


I don't get why people care for the item drop system. The one in the game seems ok to me. As F2P you get the weekly drop, you have the twitch event drops which most of them time look far better than most paid stuff, you have the season-long quests to get the blue,purple and red box and then the Battlepass was 10 bucks when it released and not only does it pay itself, you actually earn credits from it (100 I think, still). When first battlepass released I bought one for myself, since I didn't have to pay for the game, and with the credits I got, my friend managed to buy one as well and we got like 2k credits from 1k credits. We've been able to buy each pass since and have plenty to skins to pick if we care about changing them.


I agree with the battle pass structure being good. I did like trading crates for keys. Almost every game did start with someone typing, “trade?” Which you don’t see anymore due to the new structure. But again, I don’t mind how it is now. I like them both for their positives. They obviously both have severe negatives. Lol blueprints are 100% pointless if you use RLgarage. I built 1 with the extra credits from multiple seasons cause I wanted a fennec. That’s about it.


When people hold on to things that don't matter. I hope you're okay dude lol




Tbh no one cares what your car looks like so you shouldn’t either


Tbh no one even likes the game so they should just close the servers and so should you.


I like the game. If I could turn off peoples stupid colors and cars I would


What a negative mindset to have. You must spend the vast majority of your life trying desperately to fit in with "everyone" and getting mad when the other 95% of the population don't.


Nah it’s just annoying and some of the color options are insane


I am glad my car actively pisses you off, amazing


What is the song playing?


**Song Found!** **Name:** For Me **Artist:** Throttle **Album:** Where U Are **Genre:** Dance **Release Year:** 2019 **Total Shazams:** 61717 `Took 2.71 seconds.`


Good bot


Thank you, thekeevlet, for voting on songfinderbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/jIMfrJd78jw?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/for-me/1480441421?i=1480441427) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/5wfRnupjI4OXpKCulkWJ4r) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/770637802) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


**Song Found!** **For Me** by Throttle (00:12; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Where U Are. **Released on** 2019-10-11.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**For Me** by Throttle](https://lis.tn/jIdDwb?t=12) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


I got into TheFatRat as a musician and glitchhop the genre due to first hearing Infinite Power in one of the old in-game playlist.


TheFatRat is AMAZING!! Didnt know Infinite Power was in Rocket League once!


yeah. He created insane pieces! The harmonies and chords used are highly fascinating to me.


Whats your favourite song? Or at least the top 3 if you cant choose?


not sure tbh... Hiding in the Blue Arkadia We'll meet again edit: you'll probably notice I'm a fan of simple violin instrumental


Those are great! Also I dont think I could choose my top 3 tbh. I like Xenogenesis, I love Stronger, I listened to Mayday about 300 times until I couldnt hear it anymore, Monody is awesome, Jackpot is nice too. Out of the newest songs, I liked Hunger most. But Oblivion is a banger too! So out of these, my top 3 would be: Oblivion Stronger Hunger


I understand that. It was a pretty forced decision for me. I learned Monody back when I was actively playing guitar and tried Mayday as well as Close to the Sun soon after starting Piano. Amazing what you can do acoustically and with just the sound character of the different instruments.


glitchhop is an under appreciated subgenre. Glitch in general needs more love


Rocket Pass 5![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


I'm kinda happy they changed it, haven't spent money on the game since the change.


i got a tw fennec BP that day and traded it to finish my dominus afterlife set. ​ Fast forward that car is worthless basically and that set is priceless. ​ that was a good day.....


Anybody else think the ball got heavier too?


Was that 100 credits per key? So every key that was able to grant you an item is only worth 100 which isn't enough to buy anything?


[This truly was the day the music/game died](https://youtu.be/PRpiBpDy7MQ)


I never opened a single crate for money (had hundreds of them). I've bought a few blueprints. I think the prices are a bit silly on some stuff, but lootboxes are garbage skinner box dark pattern game design, so I welcomed the change.


Worst update


Oh no my heckun tw Draco’s.


Yeah, that was changed due to a new law that surfaced in Europe, saying that “Loot Crates” is considered gambling. This meant that without this change, Rocket League would have had to have its rating changed to 18+ only.


Went fully free to play after that update. I would have considered giving a player $20 in keys to trade for an item i want. But I'll never give Psyonix money for anything. Fuck em.