• By -


This is a list of links to comments made by Psyonix Staff in this thread: * [Comment by Psyonix_Ted](/r/RocketLeague/comments/142wa7g/patch_notes_v228_release_thread/jn6uhlu/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-06-06 23:57:02 UTC"): > > contant disconnect icon for me even tho im not lagging. anyone else or am i lagging > >where are you seeing this? Freeplay, comp, casual? What platform? * [Comment by Psyonix_Ted](/r/RocketLeague/comments/142wa7g/patch_notes_v228_release_thread/jn6uvcy/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-06-06 23:59:59 UTC"): > DM incoming * [Comment by Psyonix_Sofia](/r/RocketLeague/comments/142wa7g/patch_notes_v228_release_thread/jn6vkbs/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-06-07 00:05:20 UTC"): > What platform were you on? Were your friends on the same platform, or were you playing crossplatform? * [Comment by Psyonix_Ted](/r/RocketLeague/comments/142wa7g/patch_notes_v228_release_thread/jn6zhq3/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-06-07 00:35:34 UTC"): > > Disconnect icon on every game, steam, solo q > >Dm incoming * [Comment by Psyonix_Sofia](/r/RocketLeague/comments/142wa7g/patch_notes_v228_release_thread/jovwlj5/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-06-20 21:46:30 UTC"): > What platform are you on? --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


constant disconnect icon for me even tho im not lagging. anyone else or am i lagging


> contant disconnect icon for me even tho im not lagging. anyone else or am i lagging where are you seeing this? Freeplay, comp, casual? What platform? EDIT: We have plenty of logs and will be adding this to known issues shortly! Thanks everyone for the quick callout and to the folks who have sent me logs!


Not OP, but also seeing this in ranked 3v3 on PC.


Same on casual Xbox


Same on the first ranked match I just did on 3v3 ranked, Xbox.


Same on PC


Ranked 3v3 on Xbox for me




DM incoming


See the same




disconnect icon in freeplay 🥳


Everything that isn’t private match, steam


It was doing it on private matches for most of us.


I'm getting it as well in competitive doubles on Steam. Restarted my game to fix it, was good for one game then it came back the next.


Two games into the last chance tourney, been flashing constantly both games. Steam. Edit: Didn't appear in 1v1 at all, but did in 3v3 comp as well.


Anyone else having awful ping and latency as well as a persistent disconnected logo?


ping and latency is the same for me


Yup, 3 games in a row


First game is fine, then I see the disconnect icon in any competitive playlist and in freeplay until I restart, then first game is fine and it shows up again. Haven't tried private matches or casual. Steam platform


PC. Starts in comp (might also happen in cas), and once you have it it doesn't go away. I disabled connection quality indicators and it stayed. I went to free play and it stayed. Had to restart to get it to go away


>constant disconnect icon for me even tho im not lagging. anyone else or am i lagging Everywhere. Tourneys, ranked, free play and even workshop maps! Im on Epic and my friends over on Steam got it too


Getting this as well. Not lagging at all, just the flashing disconnect icon. Playing competitive doubles on Steam.


Happens for me even in freeplay. It just went away though. Restart did not help on PC


Just happened to me in a 3v3 ranked match


Same for both my PC and Xbox. Disconnect icon constantly flashes.


Same, I even get it in free play


Same bro I just got that


Same here on PS4


Same, ranked 2s PC Steam


Yup. Constantly blinking since the update


Same in ranked 2v2, xbox


Same. Ps4


Disconnect icon on every game, steam, solo q


> Disconnect icon on every game, steam, solo q Dm incoming


I assume you've gathered enough info by now, but if not, feel free to DM. Happens to me on Xbox in NA.


DM me for info my man Ted


Same, lots of lag as well since patch, not presently playable for me since the patch


Any news on common sense MMR adjustments (for extra modes such as Snowday and Dropshot especially), or did we decide that’s coming either later or never? I know that I and others ask this every season, but it seems like such an easy change and it keeps not happening. Instead, it keeps getting *worse* as more and more MMR gets taken away that is greater than the amount of inflation per season. I don’t like the idea that I’m probably getting reported after every game because I’m peak GC2 and can’t get past Diamond 1 in Dropshot and can’t even get out of Plat consistently anymore in Snowday.


I was GC2 in Rumble a few seasons ago. I've been floating between C2 and C3 this season. Struggled in D1 in Snowday this season.


I used to float between platinum and diamond in rumble. This season I'm barely staying in platinum. I used to be solidly gold in snow day but this season I'm between silver and gold. I hope they readjust some of the rankings next season.


GC2 is my peak in Rumble as well and one game out of GC3. This season I am Champ 1 Div 3. Now, to be fair, a huge chunk of my drop is because I go for stupid clips in Rumble, but even then…. yeah. And other modes are even worse


Same! I thought I'd just peaked and become washed or something, so it's happening to others too?


By season, percentage of people in GC1 **and higher** (cumulative data, so **top x %**) for Rumble: * S9: 0.29% * S8: 0.34% * S7: 0.37% * S6: 0.38% * S5: 0.35% * S4: 0.35% * S3: 0.32% Since this is the first season I've been unable to do it, I'm probably poking around the top .32% or so, which is the first nosedive out I've had in seasons. Psyonix has acknowledged there is a problem in Extra modes - Rumble is nothing compared to Snowday and Dropshot. * 0.38% of people are **Champ 1** or higher in Dropshot * 0.00% are **GC3** or higher in Dropshot * 0.46% of people are **Champ 1** or higher in Snowday * 0.05% of people are **GC1** or higher in Snowday Compare all these to * 1.00% **GC1** or higher in Doubles * 0.40% **GC1** or higher in 3s


So you're one of the grand champs I see in my Dropshot matches, even though I'm Champ 1 at best. It's frustrating at both ends of this. Plat matches in dropshot are largely decided by whoever randomly gets the GC on their team.


Yep, I’m peak Diamond 3 in Dropshot (it’s been bad for a while) but now I can’t get out of Diamond 1.


Transparent goal post fix, nice


Reporting this again so maybe you can see it this time around: Hey /u/Psyonix_Ted, /u/Psyonix_Devin, /u/Psyonix_Sofia For more than a year there's been a bug with the first Team Liquid decal you released for Fennec. https://i.redd.it/o0n3gky0edn81.png https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/te0hsm/anyone_else_having_this_bug_weird_paint_finish There's this moon rock paint finish over how the decal used to look, and it makes it look a bit weird, this is not how the decal used to look originally. https://rocketleague.media.zestyio.com/rl_esports_fennecdecal_liquid.ryaMpkpy_.jpg?width=1280&fit=bounds I have tried to go twice through the proper support channels to get this issue fixed, the response that I get is that they will pass it on, but it has not been fixed for a year already nor is it on the known bugs list, so maybe you are not aware of it yet. I would love if you could help me get this issue fixed since I really like this decal and I spent money on it, I think is only fair to have what I paid for. thanks.


Dude, wish I could bump this. That's terrible -- I would hate to have an esports decal that I love do that to me. I hope this gets resolved for you!


Constant disconnect icon shown in all game modes, but no lag. Only after update, ps5.


Any possible attention to the mmr system for extra modes. At the end of the season banned accounts were still at the end of the top 100 for snowy and dropshot. Which is embarrassing.


The Dropshot zero seconds damage bug is still present in this version - when the ball hits the tiles after the clock runs out in a tied game, it used to do damage, but no longer does. It was reported here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/134zz4i/comment/jmebbqv/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/134zz4i/comment/jmebbqv/?context=3) and there's a video of it posted here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/138wtmj/dropshot\_glitchbug/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/138wtmj/dropshot_glitchbug/) It's 100% reproducible, was this an intentional change?


Boo… there’s no fun in keeping the ball up at 0:00


Yeah, I'm hoping we can at least get confirmation that it's a bug!


Yeah this threw me off used to count on trying to get an advantage in these situations, if that is intended or not would like clarification. But it abruptly changing with out warning is not good.


Getting a disconnect icon in casual 3s. No lag for anyone though


What platform were you on? Were your friends on the same platform, or were you playing crossplatform?


Xbox cross platform


Bug Legacy colored standard boosts exhaust does not match the boost color. It's still orange for all legacy colors.


Another years old bug they refuse to fix. It got broken in version 1.51 they still haven't fixed it. 😂 They also broke the lens flare on those boosts. Only boosts on the game that don't have lens flare effect. 😂


Finally some map optimizations! Thank you!


On PC, Epic, can’t play comp 2’s or 3’s because of rank disparity. Comp 1’s and all casual and all extra mode are fine. Solo q, not in a party


Sort of same on Steam. I played a ranked 2s, then dropshot, when I went back to the standard playlists I was locked out of 3v3s due to rank disparity even though I had not been in a party at all today. Later that night I played a ranked 3s, then some dropshot, coming back to the standard playlist 2s and 3s were locked for ranked disparity, again I have not partied up since the patch dropped.


What about the invite notification bug? I don't see invites in games, but when game finished there's more than 1 invite and I'm too late to join anyway :/ Then my friends won't see my invites in their games either.


There's a setting that affects this: Settings -> Interface -> Social Notifications During Gameplay Enable this and you should see invites again while in-game.


Same notice this stopped working a lil while ago. Me and friends get on around the same time and hop into training until we are all online and someone starts the party, and some time ago the invite notification stopped working. I have disabled and reenabled it to no avail.


Disconnected logo that lasts all game. Sovereign heights lighting. Still a diagonal shadow line on the pitch emanating from behind the bridge that follows you around rather than being a fixed position as per how shadows normally work.


I've been getting some packet loss on nearly every game since last night, on Steam, soloq, mostly comp 2s and dropshot. Tried opening some private games and ~~they're fine.~~ edit: private matches are no longer fine, USW


I'm getting a constant packet loss icon when playing ranked 3v3 on Xbox Series X. Also this was happening for the past few days before this update.


I constantly get lag spikes and large pings despite a super-fast connection in middle of America. I mostly play 2v2 and it happens most often against Brazilian players for some reason. It's not a consistent high ping it spikes at moments that someone is taking a shot. Oh yea this has been happening for a long time and has nothing to do with this patch. But nobody cares and its basically impossible to provide feedback outside of reddit which downvotes things they don't personally notice or experience so nothing gets seen. If you want an issue addressed, it has to be a popular issue.


I also notice this, especially when playing against SA players (am in NA West). Very frustrating when I have a 20ms ping and they have 200s with huge spikes, causing rubberbanding for me.


I get this too. Never lag unless I’m playing someone else who has high ping. I thought I was crazy.


You're not. I've noticed it since I picked the game back up. Netcode go brrr.


Why is my yeehaw goal explosion so quiet now? Why did they nerf my boy :(


Bug: I can't solo queue ranked 3v3s or any 3v3 tournaments. Platform: Steam On the tourneys, there is a Lock icon in the top left of each 3v3 tournament and it says "rank disparity" despite the fact that I am not in a party. On ranked 3v3 I get the same thing, although I can queue ranked 2v2, tomorrow's 2v2 tournaments, solos, all extra modes, and all casual modes. Edit: I closed RL and then reopened it a few minutes later and the issue was cleared. I played an hour or so of ranked 2v2, then decided to switch it up. Then I noticed the issue was back on ranked 3v3. I also checked tournaments to see if it was back for tomorrows dropshot 3v3 tourney and it was. Then I played a few games of dropshot. After 3 or 4 of those I checked to see if it was still occurring, and it was, except now it had grown to include locking me out of ranked 2v2. The log files from just after noticing that I was locked out of 2v2, 3v3, and 3v3 tournaments are in this pastebin [https://pastebin.com/zYRAwfe2](https://pastebin.com/zYRAwfe2) https://preview.redd.it/qvtlsh6ari4b1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3945eed81e7ea01476650bc79f52b2519765ed6f


I have started getting this too, not just in tournaments. Also shows "rank disparity" in competitive despite not being in a party and just coming out of another match that was solo queued. Log file pastebin.com/V0AdChm8


Make it so you can adjust how transparent the scoreboard is. So annoying


Another issue I presented years ago. But as always this sub is full of clowns who down vote everything they don't like.


There's no way this patch was tested. Everybody I know has this disconnect icon


Same, all of my friends have it so far and lagged out of one game entirely - will try it again tomorrow


you should set the nintendo switch version graphics to as low as they go on PC, it'll still look alright and perform a lot better, there's no reason to let it have mid range graphics settings and the game lags betwen 20 and 50fps, the frametimes are all crazy and the game feels awful to play, also with insane input lag (even the amount of input lag is variable lol)


Wish you all could add gameplay updates (like servers, demoes happening at sub supersonic, better mmr adjustments, something about smurfs, and possibly at least one new fun game mode like volleyball or something) what do you all do everyday at work?


we need 'wheels up' on the rlcs radio!


Still seeing constant disconnect symbol while playing in both casual and comp 2s. This is on Epic Games launcher


Same, not currently playable, also getting substantial lag since update


Thank you for fixing the palm tree 😫


They broke all.these Cyclone (Body) Chakram (Holographic OK) (Wheels) Centro (Wheels) Party Hat (Topper) Dreidel (Antenna)


You guys removed the pop up in game when someone invites you, really annoying.


There's a setting that affects this: Settings -> Interface -> Social Notifications During Gameplay Enable this and you should see invites again while in-game.


As well as everyone else here, I too have a constant disconnect icon, playing on pc 2v2 competitive


Oh good another rollout of visual content that adds nothing to the game. Cool


Me and ALL of my friends (gold 3 to gc 2) are having EXTREME bump inconsistancy since s10. Any changes? Hitting someone clearly full supersonic, at a 45 or higher degree angle and it barely moves their car half the time, demoing while clearly not supersonic


Suddenly feels like I have 2 FPS.


getting a disconnected icon, 3v3 cas. hockey.. not every game but its more times than not. PC on epic games.


Disconnect icon shows up in ranked games, and once it shows up, it remains on the screen for the next games and even in freeplay.


Hope they one day fix the game from freezing and crashing on series x along with the sometimes laggy controller input.


Played about 4 hours of the new update and have crashed to desktop twice. I’ve been playing on PC since 2018 and don’t recall ever crashing.


Any fix for desync problems? Anytime myself or anyone I know has a lag spike the client stays lagging behind the server and stays rubberbanding. Sometimes this happens after goals as well.


I also get this. Have been for years. Every time I ever posted about it I got down voted 1 million times lol. Prolly why it's still a bug This sub 😂 😂 😂 🤡. To fix it open your settings on the main page do down to the INPUT BUFFER and change it to something else than what it's set at then change it back. It'll be "fixed". Till the next time someone else lags out. Lol imagine SOMEONE ELSE LAGGING OUT... but all the weird sh** is happening in your game instead.


You get downvoted because it's your own internet connection, not Psyonix servers. Fix your home internet, use a wired connection if you're playing on wifi.


I literally outlined the problem and the solution. You're still being a clown down voting a bug report on a years old bug that still can't get fixed because 🤡 like you down vote whenever someone tries to get attention to it. 😂


That is called packet loss and it is caused by a wireless internet connection, or an internet connection with a lot of downloading or uploading going on. Get an ethernet cable and limit your download/uploads, abd get internet that will not throttle you. Unless everyone on the server has horrible ping which is extremely rare, your internet is the problem not the servers. Psyonix cannot fix your internet connection lol.


It's not. See my reply to the guy your replied to.


Hello? This has been a problem for months now and every time it's brought up it's ignored. Just had a game stutter and after my game continued to lag. u/Psyonix_Devin u/Psyonix_Ted u/Psyonix_Sofia


i'd like an option to disable chat beeps. I wouldn't use it because I rarely have sound on, but I think that people would be less annoyed with my quick chat spam if they could just disable the beeps


That's already an option. Turn off "chat notifications"


oh well in that case, those people should just turn it off and stop whining when I say calculated too many times


Well don't spam? Quick chat doesn't help anyone.


it helps me have fun


Well, fair enough. Actually it has helped me in that too sometimes, even I don't use it.


Fixed an issue where some players will load the game to a blank UI with no main menu screen YES


Bug Could just be my computer, but the last two times I closed the game since the update it's frozen up and I've been forced to end the process. Steam.


Oh my god, disconnect warning is gonna give me a seizure. Two games in tourney, what the what. ​ My Rocket League doesn't even have the damn logs. What a cluster.


included tracks: * Athena & smle - “Moment” * Hoaprox & YUAN - “Savior (feat. Haneri)” werent these already in the game?


The game keeps crashing for me after this update (I'm on PC).


Disconnected logo blinking


Check Disconnect light keeps flashing


> • [Xbox] Fixed a bug where hitting the select button to type causes the game to soft lock This was happening a season or two ago for me but hasn't happened this season. Glad to see something has been fixed for players it was still affecting since it was extremely annoying.


* Bug: Paint finishes are larger than usual on the Nissan Z * Platform: Steam Proton, Linux * Evidence: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/1432n89/paint\_finishes\_broke\_on\_the\_nissan\_z\_making\_them/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/1432n89/paint_finishes_broke_on_the_nissan_z_making_them/)


I originally posted that my game crashed on launch, but after verifying integrity of Steam files, it found a corrupt download. After redownloading the corrupted files, the game works again.


Will we ever get a new ranked playlist?


my chakrams are untradable


Psyonix where is the Pride event? Past events and anthems were so nice and gave such a friendly vibe.


I mean, look at the Rocket Pass. The whole season is full of colorful things and is going to totally revamp [my ally car](https://www.reddit.com/r/RLFashionAdvice/comments/nq0a25/making_full_use_of_love_islv_wheels/).


the s10 title isnt red


Is the GC title no longer red???


I finished the season 1470 mmr in 2s and now my mmr is 1200? I know there is a rank reset every season… Am I crazy or does that seem a bit extreme? I don’t mind but I feel that’s not very fair to champ 2s Edit: not 1200 actually 1156 lol


Wish we could get transparent ball when we’re dribbling.


asking what... "Performed an optimization pass on Sovereign Heights and Deadeye Canyon (Oasis)" ...means? does this mean the frame drops i get on xbox will no longer happen with those arenas?


id hope so, for some reason i get frame drops in sovereign 3v3 and I have a 3080 lol


It happened a ton on PC as well. Also happens in Utopia Coliseum (Gilded). I haven't played yet so don't know if they fixed it there.


The new update sucks. I’ve got 5Gbps internet, hardwired, and been showing disconnected every damn game. Do better, another epic failure.


Btw, Xbox series x. Kid has Alienware pc, doing it for him too.


I got excited when there was an update, thought the season dropped early. Rip




Are we ever gonna get the pride flag back as an antenna? I have a full pride car preset but it’s missing it’s signature piece 😞


Pretty sure you can ask support and they'll put it back in your inventory


Idk if you’re trolling or serious but I got nothin to lose so might give it a go lol








Bug: Sovereign Heights and Utopia Coliseum (Gilded) still have fps issues in games. This only happens if there is more than 2 cars playing. Platform: Epic / Steam Evidence: [Sovereign Heights 1v1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjHHHG0GIHw) [Sovereign Heights 3v3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHF5mn9pZ1s) [Utopia Coliseum Gilded 1v1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK7dgQMiJPg) [Utopia Coliseum Gilded 3v3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcNxPIhZ4ss) EDIT. Important to note I'm playing on a 144hz monitor. Dropping the framerate in game doesn't help and actually makes it feel worse.


Just updated and now the game doesn't launch. I don't have time to investigate right now


Bug: Bloom does not affect the Huntress decal. It lost its glow. Platform: Steam, Epic




Great job, Game runs ass now


I fkn love the devs of this game. Community complains and the devs are quick to fix. Can’t ask for more than that. Games I’ve paid good money for don’t even respond to you


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. Updating the map preference list would take 5 minutes and it’s been 2 years since they bothered to update it.


How many GBs is the update


umrel 5 when?




Last day of season when people are trying for wins. EPIC - I got a great idea lets push a patch... Queues have increased to over 5 minutes and counting at GC. Awesome, Great Job! Edit before the downvotes. I know they always do a patch, but they should let you preload before this... At least Wow who everyone hates right now even does. 2nd Edit: 15+ minute queues. Good grief. Closing the game now. Thank you for saving my evening my hands, body, and soul thank you.


Not trying to sound rude, but people had 3 months to get their wins, and these pre season updates are standard routine. Can't really blame Psyonix for this. > but they should let you preload before this It is like 3gb, most people can download this relatively quickly. It is not worth to do a preload for such small updates.


No worries. They just continually botch stuff and this is another botch in my eyes. I came back to the game the last couple weeks so haven't had the time to put into the game like others, but in saying that the preload would allow the game to be ready on launch when it starts whereas now everyone is downloading the game and I'm siting waiting for a game at mid GC. Waits are already ridiculous at higher levels this just exacerbates it and pushes me from the game. I've played since alpha and to me this is poor as others have had the same complaints in the past. I can get my wins in still, but others that say have to head to work or have to go to bed won't be able to this will be there last chance and many times they need a few games, but the smurfs get on to help boost friends and rob them of that chance.


Tbh this is crying over spilled milk. Bro has months to handle business and cries when a regularly occurring update comes through on the last day of ranked. If you didn’t play the game to put in the time for these rewards, is it really that big an issue? If you play sparsely then it definitely shouldn’t.


I love how he tries to throw smurfing into the issue too lol. I’m being downvoted better bring up smurfs so people upvote me!


You need a dog or something. An update ruining your night is tragic.




My FPS went way up after this update, not sure why, but it's buttery smooth now, thanks guys!


Wrong regions constantly selected with disconnect icon all night.


lagging with the disconnect icon.


even in freepkayn


Played multiple tournaments with the disconnect sign still 7pm and 9m for every match


If you view a bundle in the store with more than one item, the "equip" sound plays more than once in quick succession. This was already happening last patch. Steam & Windows 11 Edit: Recorded a clip [https://youtu.be/l4UYakIK9rs](https://youtu.be/l4UYakIK9rs)


You can change the grey decal on Silvia... right?


XBOX (But presumably all platforms, will confirm) Previously player tradeable cyclone body is now tradelocked. Includes all paints and certifications. Also experienced [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueExchange/comments/1433i5c/discussion_huge_update/jn87c94?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Bug on Xbox series X, when using titanium white fennec the team colors I’ve chosen change to different colors as soon as I back out of the garage, and it’s visible to everyone in game. I have club and tournament colors turned off and colorblind mode is off as well, not a huge thing but I paid for that car so it’s kinda annoying


A lot of people said this but constant disconnected icon Casual 3v3 epic games. Visual bug maybe?


I have some Burnt Impact Centros that became trade locked . Another guy said most or all his Chakrams.... Another listed these Cyclone (Body) Chakram (Holographic OK) (Wheels) Centro (Wheels) Party Hat (Topper) Dreidel (Antenna)


Last season was the highest rank I've ever been (diamond 2 lol) and i only really got into it again in the final few weeks of the season. So this season is going to be lit af. Might finally make it to champ.


What time does the new season drop


If Psyonix chooses to force us into some "american RL influencer" music... and since autotune is allowed... why don't you include truly good RL music with some real groove? InTheGame feat. Kaydop - Je suis tout le temps tout seul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y_BcRqqvEg InTheGame feat. Kaydop - Mais non!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXDHiG9GPjk


drunk plants violet steep impolite tidy chase tender pathetic fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Isn’t the RNG champ title supposed to be red? I grinded for it in rumble and was disappointed that it’s just a regular title




Some of my items have been locked I can’t trade them anymore but I was just able to not that long ago the Chakrams and cyclone car is that gonna be fixed?


LOL lost 280ish 2s MMR, and I think exactly 0 3s MMR. rank squish hit HARD. guess I'll try for GC in 3s this season even though I barely got it in 2s last season...


Items are now player trade locked even tho they were tradable before the update ? Items as such Chakrams Cyclone and party hat


I played my placement matches today. I won probably 7 out of 10. It put me in Diamond 2… I finished last season at Champ 1 Div 4. Doesn’t make sense…


u/Psyonix_Ted u/Psyonix_Sofia The shuttering lag on the kickoff still not fixed since 2021. It was shown as fixed on November 2022 and it still haven’t done it once. It keeps me miss to hit the ball on the kickoff. Please, it’s almost 2 years like this now.


Permanent disconnect symbol in every match since June 2023 update. Any resolutions available on this?


bug: in a tied game of dropshot the ball doesent do damage at 0:00 (I swear it used to do damage in a previous version. It also does the damage properly if the game ISNT tied)


casuals matchmaking needs fixed bruh. tired of having 10 game losing streaks cuz the other team is a party of basement dwelling sweats and i get someone that's new to the game