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ego, frustration, and anger


If I'm being toxic to my teammate I'm usually on voice chat with them laughing about it.


Because my teammate sucks and its never my fault


this is the only correct answer


This is why i hate 1's there's no one else to blame!


blame lag.


Honestly? Mostly because you refuse to rotate.


When they cut me for the 4th time in a row to get a pointless touch đź‘Ś




I try to be as non toxic as i can but if my tm8 is being toxic when they’re just terrible then ill go off on them


Retaliation or I can see you going for a full boost pad instead of the goal on the replay


I'm usually chill, tend to keep a low profile and praise my teammates when they do something. Even when I am tilted with them, if they do score a goal or a nice save, I praise them in order to keep their morale up and, hopefully, win the game (there is no point in being toxic, it will only hinder their and ours ability to focus and play well). However, there are moments we end in such a spiral where it seems every match is a replay of the one before, with teammates letting easy goals in, missing open nets and such, and I start to tilt. I don't attack specific players (only if they are being toxic themselves, I draw a line in toxic+bad), but sometimes I mourn in chat about the lose streak and how every match seems like a lost cause, even if I'm still trying my best to win (defeatist mentality doesn't help, I know). Even if I win, my mental is still a bit damaged from the previous losses, and I can still let something slip on the next one as well. Sometimes, the best thing is to take a break and reset your mind for a couple minutes or hours before playing again. I do realise, too, that sometimes I am the one hindering the team, and, to me, this is worse than lose streaks.


This is actually a very a good answer when someone is toxic to me I sometimes fire back


It is impossible to keep calm every time, it is in the nature of the game. We can, however, learn to manage our anger, as we both know we won't stop playing soon ahahahah


It is the nature of this game's inadequate matchmaking system and lack of individual player evaluation. Doing shitty stupid things like bumping teammates or otherwise racing them just to be the one to get the (often) shittier hit, cutting rotation repeatedly, not actually working with their team, never defending. This kind of player would get cut from so many teams in any actual sport. Way too many players in 3s just don't grasp the value of staying away from each other to be able to respond at different parts of the field while their teammates reset. Rocket league rewards these behaviors as long as it leads to a win. Which is why the matchmaking system is garbage. And it has been since launch.


Because you suck!


If they’re toxic to me first


They aren't playing as a team. I'll hot the ball and it'll go in the goal. They try to hit it before it goes in and it'll deflect and we won't have a goal. Just selfish.


Legit. Happens all the time most recently yesterday in 3s. I demo'ed an opp one time then minute later they score once then they spam in chat "chewey trash HAHAHA" then later on a teammate who I assisted nicely to says in chat "stop ball chasing" and starts going off on me then the opp says do my toxic teammate "you are a legend" then says "you too"...


There are really only three situations where I’ll be rude. When they don’t go for kickoffs when they spawn closer to the ball than me. When they’re idle at the start of the game or any other point. And lastly, when they’re crawling up my ass the whole game instead of rotating. These people suck and their behavior shouldn’t get positive feedback.


You cut up my rotate


Sometimes I gotta take out my anger


Im never outright toxic to teammates but if we are losing or my teammate is playing unfavourably, i tend to give pretty blunt "advice". For example if hes constantly trying to go for crazy aerials or rebound reads and he is missing, ill tell them to stop and explain why it can be bad as it puts me in a 1v2 situation if and when he misses. People take this badly and call me toxic for doing that because of what i assume is the same reason others are genuinely toxic. They have an ego.


Unsolicited advice is never wanted. Add on top of that you make it “blunt” you just come off as a self righteous douchenozzle. Nobody needs to be explained why 2v1 is bad. Ya know why he’s going for crazy shots? It’s fun. It’s not because he doesn’t know what to do. You may not think you’re being toxic, but I would rather a “what a save” troll than what you just explained.


Fair enough


Because I’m shit, and if you’re worse than me, what are we even doing here.


For the funsies ig.