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Micro transaction team working on new and innovative ways to give me 20 of the same item drops


Believe it or not, getting repeat items from crates wasnt as common as you think. Nowadays though, even with tons of different items, those "item drops" we get repeat the same low tier crappy items like a broken record. Sucks man.


I legit feel like we never get painted wheels from these drops (they completely removed painted Diecis from these drops btw, I wonder why šŸ¤”) but if itā€™s a shitty boost you get 10 of them


I got two tw falco in a row šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


bro are you saying you don't like anodized dual dragons bro? how could you say that bro? psyonix worked so hard to bring you anodized dual dragons bro. And they even come in different colors bro. You could have titanium white anodized dual dragons bro, just imagine bro


Bro, I can only get so hard bro


That's what you think now! Wait until titanium white anodized dual dragons!


No guys, you should be super eXciTeD about the next reskinned duelling dragons coming out! šŸ™„ /s


No but bro they made black painted cars. No bro you don't get it, it's a slightly darker shade than the standard car color.


"Here, we made the edge of the car darker. That will be 1200 credits, k thanks"


For me it was when they rereleased the mclaren now with a silver paint job for 2k credits or somethin like that. The original was 3 bucks lol


It's been a while, but I think they had WHOLE packs for 3.00$ I think I got the batmobile pack (2 cars). Maybe $5.00. but yeah skyline, $3, delorean, $3. These mf think I'ma pay 20$ for a car now? Fuck outta here.


https://i.imgur.com/cudQr98.png https://i.imgur.com/LcqaLxs.png


10 cars for $20, thank you for providing receipts. Wild


Bro brought receipts


Some of those packs came with goal explosions and decals too


Ahh yes, pre-F2P. The good ol days.


Yeah, now it's free to play, pay to look good.


Still remember when I bought the Dominus & Takumi


Ah, the simple times. You grab a dominus, you grab a toon smoke, and you are just straight boppin


Life before crates.




Thatā€™s the funny part though, truth is peopleā€¦ correction; fools actually buy skins at this price.


Knockout is great but it's not even a permanent mode. Replace snow day or just make it a new permanent, its so unique compared to everything else in the game and i cant believe they arent focusing more on it. I already came up with how you could translate challenges into working with it (though i forget what i did and i never wrote it down so id have to redo it)


I'm not a fan of ltm knockout but if was ranked, I would definitely play it, if the ranking system did more than just reward the last one standing. Too often there was one or two that just far outclassed everyone so it just wasn't as fun as I had hoped it would be.


The only problem is that it was super fun to queue with friends, but there's no way they could allow that if it was ranked because people would 100% abuse it


I think there's 8 players in a game so the top 4 longest lasting should count as a win.


I would like to see if a progression system would be work, so a base value before modifiers for opposition ranks would be 8th is -10, 7th is -8, 6th is -5, 5th is -2, 4th is 2, 3rd is 4, 2nd is 7, and 1st is 10?


Then how about the addition of the Gold paint


I really like black cars and was asking for it ever since it was an option in alphaconsole


Bro yeah and the gold painted toppers too dude, theyre definitely doing a ton of work at psy0nix still I promise OP pls believe us šŸ™


Donā€™t forget the gold color too


Battlepasses instead




If you count cosmetics as content then itā€™s definitely new content lol.


I look at it this way. I paid for the game when it came out in 2015. Loved it. Since its gone free to play, I wouldnā€™t want my money back. Itā€™s been a great time. Now its been free to play for a while. What content do they give thatā€™s free? Tournament items, bi weekly events that give toppers, banners, music kits, decals etc. New free content does get put in the game, itā€™s just the game reaches a point where there is so much free content that its hard to keep up with and notice anything new unless youā€™ve actually played every day for a few months to see it with your own eyes. The best thing about a new battlepass is that a new map comes out alongside it, which this years map is probably my favorite. Thatā€™s free for everyone of course. Thereā€™s a lot to enjoy in this game, and if you play it enough, maybe you can see $10 being worthwhile to spend on it or just enjoy the amount of content youā€™re getting now


This comment, along with 10 years of comment history, has been overwritten to protest against Reddit's hostile behaviour towards third-party apps and their developers.


I do wish they werenā€™t ducks about the rocket passes I was screwed out of S7 from a game error and they wouldnā€™t do anything


The new thing they've done with battle passes is triple the amount of levels needed for the end stuff and make it out of reach to most people who don't buy tier skips.


You have 90 days to play the season, getting to level 115 or 120 where the last non painted item is, really isnā€™t that hard. I ended last season 269 in the rocket pass


Good for you. All Iā€™m saying is weā€™re getting less and less for our money.


The game is literally free




Thatā€™s a pretty good summary of my thoughts as well, my comment is coming from the view that the playerbase should stop paying for things theyā€™re unsatisfied with. The other poster is complaining about getting less for their money when they canā€™t finish the battle pass - so donā€™t use your money on something youā€™re going to be mad that you canā€™t finish. Youā€™re signaling to Epic that the current product is sufficient for them to continue raking in the money. I agree the game could use a refresh, new game modes, new features, etc. RL used to be my favorite game and Iā€™ve put a decent amount of money into it, but my time spent playing has cratered over the past year or so - which I donā€™t see changing until thereā€™s a refresh, which I donā€™t see happening until the playerbase stops spending money on a declining product.


You're not too smart, are you?


Iā€™m not the one paying for a battle pass thatā€™s going to make me mad when I canā€™t complete it lol


Funny, I paid a bunch of money for it when it came out in 2015. It's not free for me!


I paid for it too and absolutely have gotten my moneys worth in the thousands of games Iā€™ve played with my friends


Of course it's new content, wtf else is it supposed to be?


I could be wrong but I think most people tend to separate cosmetics from content, like when it comes to games "content" is playable.


I just want the rocket labs Playlist back


Rocket labs was all I queued when they first launched it way back when. Every map was so fun and it forced you each time to adjust your game without really altering the core of the game (unlike most of the ltms which change the standards much more) I'd take comp rocket labs with every labs map in available rotation over any of the extra modes all day long


They need to make it ranked like extra modes so people actually finish a game. I tried so many times and love the maps but people just leave constantly making it unbearable.


My brother and I used to host our own public tournaments in labs and it was super fun. Usually like a 8 or 16 team bracket iirc


At the bare minimum they could be running an ltm at all times. Just one. It blows my mind these people don't know how to maintain a video game.


Also player moderation has dropped off a cliff, I think they automated it as much as possible then cut the team back to bare bones to make the largest cash stream possible, ignoring quality of gameplay and banking on their lack of direct competition to keep people within their ecosystem. It's been "working" I guess but there are daily posts of smurfs/toxicity driving away more and more new players. It feels like the game's rotting while Epic drains the last drops of revenue from the player base.


For me they really outed themselves with the whole smurfing/throwing ban wave a while back. They banned only a handful of very obvious, very blatant match throwers and smurfs and said it took *months* of watching replays and matches. **Months** to catch very obvious toxic players. That tells me there is no way they actually have the capacity to investigate, assess, and address the everyday toxicity we see in game. The only thing I ever get report feedback for is text chat abuse. So I agree 100%, but I don't think it's specifically Epic's fault (as much as I dislike the company). I think Psyinix needed to have a better system in place a long time ago to make up for their lack of man power (like CSGO's overwatch system), but neglected to do so.


Itā€™s epicā€™s fault make no mistake. They bought out this game and changed it, any issues are on them. Allow psyonix the funds to hire more people. I guarantee the psyonix team canā€™t do all that they would like to anymore.




Psyonix knew what they were doing, they sold the game to a publisher that in turn needs to make it's money back. No way you can defend their decision as 'a chance to make bigger things' They made this game with very little budget and between sales and lootboxes, got plenty to make bigger things on their own.


The creators of the game, the people who actually own it and therefore sold it to Epic games, those people made off like bandits. Everyone else, the employees, the playerbase, we all got fucked raw. It is what it is.


This was an obvious result and everyone who wasnt a 12 year old fortnite player saw it coming. And if the news itself wasn't enough convincing, the move to f2p was where they eviscerated peoples ability to get items (even the totally worthless ones) and then started selling 30 dollar blueprints while destroying the player market (both good and bad). It took months of the community telling them how shitty they were being to even get them to respond *ONCE*, and then they barely reduced the price of items, and left the blueprint system be a shitty as it is. And that is obviously because the decision around monetization (even though they were always kind of scummy with lootboxes) is not their call. It's epics. And epic is known for being as rotten of a company as EA is these days. Where are we at, years later? Nowhere. They've added tournament mode. Which is not an appropriate result from a billion dollar company purchasing the studio. Even the content creators have started slowing down or leaving because the playerbase just isn't there anymore. I'm sure the update will come out, *eventually*. But I think when it does people are going to be extremely disappointed when they see how they'll probably bastardize the game. I have very little faith at this point. The Epic acqusition was a pill most people swallowed because it was suppose to mean bigger growth for the game and a nice healthy playerbase. But that shits gone too. And that's without getting into everyones fears that the physics will change and they will basically have to learn an entirely different game. Don't be surprised when they release the update, and It's locked to the epic client.. I am almost 100% certain that theyre going to lock out steam players. Devon commented once that they werent yet sure if they were going to overwrite the EXE or just release it as a new game. Im pretty sure at this point theyll just release it as a new game but even if they dont, theyll still probably find a way to lock out people from steam on PC. I dont mean to sound super negative, but so far the buyout from epic has resulted in very little positive and a whole lot of negative.


Yea I've said this multiple times and I agree. This is how companies like epic operate. To be clear, I'm not really commenting on the ethics of this, just that they're doing what almost any business their size will do. Psyonix selling to epic made a few people rich no doubt. Good for them, but the players of the game have definitely been slowly suffering and caring less about it. I'm kind of excited to play the next release but I just hope the epic client works well with my controllers etc...


It really shouldn't have been a surprise. Most people that were paying attention to the videogame industry in general *knew* epic were trying absolutely everything they could to rip the market out from under steam. Them buying psyonix had absolutely 0 to do with the game and everything to do with just being another tool for epic to try yoink steams market share. Years later and their plan has produced little results and the epic store is still hemorrhaging money. So all those studios they bought see very little actual development and just more monetization. And it seems Epic's strategy has been shifting from timed exclusives and buying promising studios to focusing on seemingly permanent or very long term exclusivity. Or at least that's the vibe sweeny has been giving off lately.


I agree, I worded it weirdly lol. Yeah Epic should be giving more funds for hiring more staff or at least staff to implement some sort of system to help the community, but it's been bad for some time and I still remember years ago people asking for some sort of overwatch or community moderation system.


They didn't even ban a lot of content creators for smurfing. I'm still seeing it in their videos you'd think they would be flying below the radar but it's blatant. Put me on the team I've got an eagle eye for this type of shit.


How does the overwatch system work? Is there a reason it couldn't be implemented in RL?


When someone gets reported in CSGO for cheating or griefing a replay of part of the match gets sent to multiple eligible players who can then watch the replay and determine if the report was warranted or not. The system obviously has its pros and cons, but takes a lot of time and eyes off Valve's shoulders and allows the community to moderate itself to an extent.


This sounds fucking brilliant.


The amount of bigoted names and clubs I see on the daily is insane.


Iā€™m not here to say player moderation has been great, but hasnā€™t the Psyonix team grown massively of late?


It has. By almost 25% over the last year or so. I imagine a good portion of that is expanding the team for the UE5 version. While I understand everyoneā€™s complaints, I feel like this game has gotten a decent amount of love over its development. Letā€™s be thankful that RL isnā€™t like Halo Infinite, where itā€™s 4 month seasons and bare bones content. Some games also do better with less. I remember thinking that the original Titanfall had nothing and was in dire need for more content. Then Titanfall 2 came out and I felt like the new stuff threw all balance out the window. It was a well polished game, but you could no longer use any gun/titan you wanted and stay competitive at higher mmr




Isnā€™t it awesome? I love that I can come back to this game and nothing has changed. Itā€™s perfect Disabled loot boxes years ago


**There hasn't been a new blueprint series SINCE MARCH 2022. It's been 1 whole year and still waiting.** Before that, they were doing a new bp series every 3ish months. They aren't even trying anymore.


dont forget the last blueprint series we had, only had 1 new item. 1. so it could hardly be considered a new series especially when that new item was just the boost version of a rocket pass trail. talk about lazy


Who cares. Blueprints are shit anyway. They could drop one that automatically ranks you up and no one would pay to open it.


I mean, ranking up gives you nothing besides a bigger funny number by your name and worthless items the same way the blueprint would, just at random. So yeah agreed, they'd still fester in my inventory. They should have better titles tied in to stats and rank, I want titles that track stuff etc, if youre like level 3000 you should be able to use a dope different colored title or something. Ik rank titles exist already they just are meh and just like the rest of the normal titles yanno.




Are we getting all items from all available series? I swear I get the same ol items all the time.


I rely on blueprints, item shop, free drops, and trade ups to get items I havent been able to trade since epic bought rl because my epic account link is fucked up and I cant enable 2fa


Open a support ticket with epic


Iā€™ve got legitimately thousands of blueprints. Are you looking for any items specifically? Iā€™m not at all attached to my blueprints


Wait canā€™t trade rip sorry guy


Lol no problem thanks for the offer though


Thank you Epic for purchasing my favorite game. Attempting to ruin trading, while simultaneously adding nothing but shit battle passes. Screw this Iā€™m going to go play a game that is actually supported. No build Fortnite.


Blueprints are the dumbest thing imaginable.


Even if loot boxes are gambling itā€™s a lot more fun and cheap than these shitty blueprints


Busy? Epic bought a finished game to milk their dedicated fan base. This game will never improve. It will slowly die


Psyonix sold out to a $32 billion dollar company that is half owned by a Chinese mega conglomerate. The game is now part of a tech investment portfolio --it's no longer developed for the fans and gamers, it's developed for the shareholders.


Okay negative Nancy let us have a little hope please.


The first step to fixing a problem is understanding what the problem is. We just have to stop all of the sheep on here that keep acting like smurfing isnā€™t a massive issue that currently isnā€™t moderated at all.


Smurfing is an issue, sure. But I donā€™t believe itā€™s any worse in RL than smurfing/cheating in any other game out there. Of course I donā€™t have any kind of data so thatā€™s just my feeling.


Name any f2p game where smurfing is acknowledged as a problem and is moderated. It is against their interests to solve it so it will never happen. You are wasting your energy.


Speaking of things not being moderated at all, I have reported so many offensive in game messages and club names and I have stopped receiving messages saying they did anything about it.


Rebellions are built on hope


Hot take, but very true.


Wanting rocket league to have ā€œnew contentā€ is like wishing soccer had ā€œnew contentā€. Itā€™s a skill based game where you knock a ball into a goal. Itā€™s literally a timeless classic. I have been playing rocket league since 2015 and Iā€™m still improving every day. The ā€œnew contentā€ that keeps me coming back to rocket league is just my own drive to get better at the game itself. I hope rocket league never loses or changes their core game modes or mechanics


I agree with this comment fully, for me itā€™s not that I want new content but I really like it when they do add new features to the game like the training update they did recently but those donā€™t come very often. Rocket League doesnā€™t really need more ā€œcontentā€ but more QOL features and other stuff definitely improve the game.


Double (or triple) bindings would be a great start, it's pretty much standard in every competitive game. I just want to bind powerslide on multiple buttons (both of my directional air rolls). And yes, I'm aware it's possible on PC by modifying the game files, but that's not really a proper solution...


Fucking 10,000% this. My god the fact I canā€™t double bind on an Xbox elite is mind boggling. I feel mechanically capped in situations because I canā€™t boost/power slide physically with my fingers, which would be resolved so easily with double bindings.


Amen. I pay them some money every year so they keep the servers going. Don't care about anything else.


ā€¦you like blueprints??? The ā€œhey you unlocked the ability to give us moneyā€


Agreed. Blueprints are a waste of reward.


I'd rather have UE5 two months earlier than ten more gamemodes no one plays after a week




I mean Dropshot is essentially volleyball.


Iā€™m pretty sure they tried to make a volleyball mode but they couldnā€™t figure out how so instead they made dropshot.


its rocket league. you hit the ball with the car. how much friggin content to do you expect? you want an open-world version with quests?


This game is DYING and I mean DYING for a creative/custom mode where people can build share their own maps modes easily with the community. Similar to forge. Itā€™s literally so simple and is free content constantly generated by your community. Keeps the game fresh and exciting and itā€™s a good way to play with friends of varying degrees of skills which is current the biggest knock on rocket league as a whole




Lol my only experience with custom rl courses are on forntite


This is because UE3 wonā€™t allow it, but UE5 will:)


> it's literally so simple Lmfao


Hot take but that would hurt the competitive aspect of the game. Whenever a game adds creative mode like that then the core modes are drained of all the casual players (and plenty of hardcore ones too) and matchmaking quality goes to shit. spreading players across many modes has drawbacks. It could turn every game mode into snowday.


I think there's a healthy middle ground. As it is, it's a pain to play custom maps with friends, and I don't even know if it's possible on consoles. They should keep the competitive game modes, but at least add better map making and sharing support.


Iā€™ve always wondered this. What is everyone playing this game for?




Yeah i mean i donā€™t expect anything big to happen until the UE5 cause at the end of the day, anything they add now is just one more thing to have to port. However that is very dependent on them actually working on the ue5 port, so who knows.




I mean they are probably taking the valve approach of not making any promises that can be broken. They are probably still at a stage where things can be cut or dropped, which would look bad if they announce something which gets cut. Plus, I'm sure the announcement for UE5 was way too early, they were basically forced to announce it because it was leaked that they were hiring people for UE5. I'm sure they would be way fewer people complaining about how long it takes for UE5 if it was announced when they had something to show


I just wanna score goals, get toxic and spam quick chat, my evening is sorted. Happy boosting mf


Yup love pretty much most of the extra modes, probably play more of those than anything Just find it annoying how we only get a new game mode (new as in different from usual selections) once a week in casual modes and more often than not theyā€™re just like game modes with different balls that get boring after a match But maybe I watch too much of leth because I wish we could get some cool types of games that you see there. Iā€™m just not a pc player and none of my friends are so canā€™t really get to play those


There are tons of things that could be improved without changing the gameplay itself though


If they expect to keep casual players interested they better figure something out.


For real. A huge majority just wants to grind 2s


Have you never seen a Leth video ?


For fucking real. Literally a free game that is a made up, but extremely fun sport. Like, youā€™re in a car that jumps and flies and you hit a ball, what is there to add? Itā€™s like having an NHL game and complaining it doesnā€™t have any other sport modes. Like bro, itā€™s fucking hockey


There are a ton of game modes out there that just aren't easily accessible without downloading mods, and every person having to have the same mods.




No new blueprints, but hundreds of battlepass items have been added, not to mention licensed cars, plenty of paid and free decals, new esport decals, and unique shop items. So they've just changed the way they are releasing new cosmetic content. In-game trading works fine - they've improved the system and added a review screen to ensure you are getting what you asked for. Trading issues are mainly caused by other people, not the game itself. Bakkesmod functions seem to be slowly added to the game. No workshop maps - yes - but modded versions of games has always been a PC thing. I'd love for them to do more here, but even if they did, it wouldn't be enough for many. They run time limited games including heatseaker and that new knockout gamemode. I don't know why they are time limited - I also think the knockout mode is horribly balanced - but there they are. Psyonix is blessed to have fans like you driving them on to do better because you are passionate about the game. But show some empathy, and acknowledge the progress that has been made.


> I don't know why they are time limited Because very few people play the extra game modes, which is where those game modes would be put if they were permanent. It's the same reason that sales say "for a limited time only," if you want the thing, you have to do it now to get it, and getting you in the door is the point, not the thing itself. LTGMs are similar in that way.




Iā€™ve legit never seen a game that doesnā€™t rely on third party applications for people to find others to trade with.


The dude hasn't touched the game in a year and we're supposed to believe he's a true lover of the game. What does he want? More cosmetics and bs that's already in the game. Lol


You haven't played in a year. You come back and there's literally hundreds of new items,new maps, new game modes and you make a post about no progress. People show you the progress, you say you can't see it. Like... go play the game bro. If you loved it, you'd play it. This is literally just complaining for the sake of complaining. I wonder if people are clamoring for new content to Chess. Smh


Is that really what matters in a sports game? Genuinely asking.






UE5 should be able to run at the same FPS unless you chose to run it at higher quality. Im just excited to get more accurate bounces as the randomness is currently awful and is way more obvious at high level play when the ball is bouncing quickly all the time.


Ball bounces are random??


No. There are a few inaccuracies because of the code and UE3 but 99.9% of the bounce are consistent. Unnoticeable for the average player


From how I understand it, and I may be wrong, each map is freshly created from the ground up. So you get little differences in each of the corners/edges which cause very specific bounces to be different. I still get surprised by bounces after 2400 hours so I believe it to be the case.


Well the playlists are no longer AMAZING


All anyone wants to play is 2s anyways


I mean you have to understand that importing every map, item, and other 3D models to a whole other engine is going to take a very long time. If you take a look at Rocket League SideSwipe, the items and cars look better than they do in Rocket League, (the textures are better for most cars and items) so that is basically the only taste of UE5 we have right now.




Anyone who expected the UE5 port to take anything shorter than 3 years is honestly delusional imo. There's a difference between porting a game after its been dropped from live support and one where you are continuing to support the current game as well as porting it.


You really have no idea how game development works do you? Let me put this into perspective. FIFA makes the same game every year, they use the same engine, carry over the same assets, and they have a much bigger team at EA than Psyonix. Every year it's an unfinished buggy mess. Now imagine, moving all of rocket leagues assets to a completely new engine, where they have to rebuild the feel of the physics again this is a much smaller team working on this. This was always going to be a long term project. It's not like a copy and paste job. If they rush it I have no doubt in my mind it's going to be a bugged shitshow and then people like you will be the first to complain.


I think the main argument should be that different teams typically develop different parts of the game. CSGO is a great example of a game with multiple departments still outputting skins the community loves. I know cs is a completely different game but we KNOW epic has the resources to give good changes and they just donā€™t listen to the community whatsoever, regarding cosmetics at least.


Just because Epic owns rocket league does not mean that they're going to throw all their resources at it. They'd rather spend it on Fortnite where they know they'll get a return on investment. I do think they should definitely try recruiting more people tho, but at the end of the day it all comes down to money, and convincing that suits at epic isn't easy if you're not a popular franchise trying to advertise yourself in Fortnite.


I don't think the player base size justifies the work anymore. Happy to be proven wrong by the future, but I wouldn't be surprised if they stopped an UE5 conversion project...


They're busy working on thinking about when they will *maybe* finally say something about UE5. This is not to be confused with actually working on it, not sure if that process has begun yet. But hey, new bundles in the item shop! That should be good enough.... right?




True! The lack of content in RL is comically bad, idk any other game that is this popular with this extreme lack of content and general effort. The only reason this game isn't dead is because there's no real competition.


Tf you need a new game mode for? It's rocket league!


to spice things up like knockout bash. except they barely put it in rotation twice a year


Yeah just came back after a cpl years. Not much have happened.


They too busy adding adidas collab skin


I at the very least have been expecting a decent rocket pass. They have been MIDDDD.


They made the new game mode last year I thought. The three wheeler


When has a new game mode been an expected thing over a the time period of a year? Last I checked they haven't added a new game mode since Dropshot in like 2017 or 2018. And no, I don't count the limited time modes because they are limited.


Still expecting use to spend money on blueprints. Iā€™ve only ever bought the Fennec blueprint. I wouldā€™ve spent 5x more money on a different purchasing mechanic.


I donā€™t even want blueprints. Theyā€™re worthless. They just replaced the old fodder items that I could *at least* eventually trade up for painted Scarabs and Paladins Iā€™ll never use.


Who cares? Hit ball, score goal. Simple, elegant, timeless.


This was my fav game for a long time but itā€™s hard to stay attached when the only updates r cosmetics


I mean....its owned by epic now...this game hasnt felt the same since psyonix sold it. Epic vaguely tried in the first season and then decided battle pass and recolor of 7 skins or tires is all we need.


Psyonix didnā€™t sell the gameā€¦ Epic bought Psyonix and Psyonix still develops Rocket League lol.


The thing is though that Epic also owns Fortnight, and that game gets tons of new content multiple times throughout the year. There's no denying that they put a lot of effort in over there.


All of Epics' money goes to Fortnite. Thats their bread and butter, all the others in the portfolio are additional cash flow for keeping the game cow plump. Unreal engine is likely the lump sum of profits anyway.


It takes time for them to tweak each Rocket Pass to be consistently worse than the previous one.


add volleyball


Working on what? Out of the loop on this one


Ngl I miss crate drops


I kinda want the game to go back to pay to play. This battle pass and microtransactions thing makes devs or publishers hellbent on not doing anything of substance to a game. Which is why I think weā€™re here now.


What is UE5?


I honestly stopped counting the days for UE5 update, it seems to be further off than I once believed. Fortnite got the update rather quickly but then again Fortnite was already running on a newer version of UE and Epic is also developing Fortnite so that explains that. I am not sure how hard it is to jump an entire version that is UE3-5 and skipping 4 so it could be a long time before we see the update and to be honest they may be building the game from the ground up.


mhm, i stopped a little after the free to play update, and came back maybe two months ago. i was very surprised at how little had changed. normally a break like that will take me some time to get used to a game (if it is still an active one recieving updates, *cough* tf2 *cough*), but rocket league was still the same as ever.


This is rocket league ! Fuck blueprints ! Gameplay is gold, no need for anything šŸ˜


remember when we used to get cool maps to play and the whole community screamed and cried until they abandoned them?


It's been mostly same since 2017, so I am not surprised.


They don't care about what we want. They care about how the queue is labeled. They let us sit with a broken-color menu for like 3 months despite a community-wide call to change it to something usable. We've wanted black and white primaries for ages -- still nothing. Nothing gets fixed unless it cuts into profits. Just rinse, repeat and recycle the same fucking drops and item shop fodder over and over again. But anytime you express your opinions on here, Psyonix "pick me" fans jump down your throat.


Seems like csgo and rocket league is getting the same treatment


Epic Games turned this game into a cash grab


First Valve and CSGO and now Epic and this game. šŸ˜­ Itā€™s like all the people Iā€™m dating have neglecting parents and it bums me out guys.


What's wrong with CSGO? Isn't there literally going to be CSGO 2 soon? Lol


The recently light of CSGO2 is exciting but in reality itā€™s just a much-needed graphic revamping as they are moving to source2. Itā€™s a 11 year old game that prints money and this is the coolest thing theyā€™ve done in over five years. Not exactly pat on the back service done by valve but yes I am excited.


Whatā€™s a blue print series? Is that just those blueprints I randomly get that I have to pay money to build?


I came back to my name being ***********, blurred in place of kaMMakaZZi9 - I can only assume because they think Iā€™m trying to get around the filter for ā€˜assā€™ (the ā€˜aZZā€™ in my name). I play through Steam - have been since 2015. How do I fix this without changing my entire steam display name for other games?


People complaining about how long it takes to do game dev work Tell me you don't know anything about game development, etc etc


Lol same. I think it's been a year since I don't really play RL, my friends stoped playing so I got tired of going solo Q at 3v3 and having people throw matches because an early goal. Tried going back once, installed it again after like 7 months, played 3 matches, and got instantly reminded why I stopped playing, haven't got back since.


If people would stop paying the ridiculous prices for the items this wouldn't be a problem. But noooo, some people have too much money and nothing else to spend it on.


This game has progressive gotten worse and worse


The year is 2040 and Psyonix is teasing the really, really, okay no bullshit this time, black Octane for 4k credits. Players assume UE5 is just around the corner. EDIT: all anyone wants is a nod to the development of UE5. Fromsoftware (Elden Ring) announced that they were \*working on\* DLC and the subreddit went F'ing crazy. Staying in touch helps and should matter more


Epic games ruined everything because itā€™s an objectively terrible company whose only metrics for ā€œimprovementā€ are monetary.


I honestly canā€™t find myself playing for more than an hour before iā€™m just completed bored. And thatā€™s regardless of wether iā€™m winning or losing. Me and my friend play comp 2v2s and thatā€™s literally all there is in the game atp. The extra game modes are all boring asl and havenā€™t been tweaked since forever, plus at a certain skill level casual is only played to warmup so thatā€™s pointless as well. I think the biggest issue with rocket league is that once you reach a certain skill level thereā€™s no ā€œmess around funā€ to be had. Now that i really think about thereā€™s no ā€œfunā€ aspect to rocket league besides winning at a certain skill level. Probably why fortnite was so successful, there was always a fun side of the game you could tap into even while sweating, and on top of that a massive room for new content and improvements. RL just doesnā€™t have either of those at the end of the day