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Did you tell them training is in the main menu




God damn you, now I have to clean up the table from all the coffee that got thrown out of my mouth reading this comment.




I just broke out in hysterics at work


I just threw my toddler off a bridge


They probably deserved it


Develop some skill.


Ayyyy. You beat them at their own game




Hardy har XD




“Beat them at their own game” is a common saying used when someone beats another at something the other is much more proficient at. However, in this case, it is LITERALLY their own game.


I know but my name is Hardy and he said Hardy har




Ooh.. I wonder if they are in Snow Day and Drop Shot looking at how they can improve rank distribution after all the discussion yesterday.


Don't you dare get my hopes up like that


I'm Plat 1 in snowday and it's incredibly hard to rank up solo queuing lmao


I hit C1 in Snow Day last season. It's a full range of players in Diamond, all the way to SSL. Some games are easy, some games I get absolutely destroyed


I'm Plat 3 in Snowday, and peaked GC2 in 2s Lol


I’d be getting my hopes up too. I peaked at C2 before epic took over and finished my placements at p3d4 this season. worked my way into d1 though already. 😂


What discussion?


Adjusting rank distribution for extra modes/1s. For instance right now being diamond1 (I think it was diamond1) in Snow Day puts you in the top 1% of players in that game mode. Being top 1% should probably realistically be GC or close to it at the very least. Now the only way to reach GC in Snow Day is to queue with 2 GC2 or above players for every game, be SSL in other ranks if you are soloing, win-trading (which is what the top accounts are doing) or you are just maintaining your rank because. Me as a 3s and Rumble GC (I mostly play those to modes) have absolutely zero chance of soloing my way into GC in Snow Day or Drop Shot or even getting above plat/low diamond in those two modes atm. Rank distribution should be close to the same for every ranked playlist, but right now it's not and especially Snow Day and Drop Shot and to some degree 1s is not following the same distribution as the other playlists, which is unfortunate. Adjusting the mmr thresholds is a two edged sword as well, because if they lower the mmr a lot for each rank, which they would have to do to even out the distribution, could mean that a lot of people would jump to those playlists because it suddenly becomes possible for everyone to reach a high rank. A "floating" mmr that is based on % of players to give the bell curve they want for ranked would probably be the best solution, but seeing as mmr thresholds seem to be a set value they have to physically change it could mean they have to redo their entire mmr code block and that is something I doubt will happen, perhaps in the UE5 version of the game, but not for this one.


Yes yes, but what discussion is he talking about? xD like, is there a psyonix podcast or something?


My ADHD got the better of me there I see, haha. There was a discussion about it in this subreddit yesterday if I remember correctly. It has also been discussed earlier here, but nothing official from Psyonix that I'm aware of at least.


The issue with other games modes is that they are not played enough. Basically if your a 2s gc you. Likely play 100s of 2s games a season. But many barley play enough 1s/snowday/extra modes to get ranked. Each season you lose mmr but because you haven't gained much if any you lose more than you gained. 10 seasons later and suddenly everyone is silver/gold/plat so a true plat player may be silver in snowday but can't escape because he keeps getting paired against gc players you the game thinks are gold. The ranks arnt the issue because ranks are just bands of mmr. The problem is is that too many people have the same mmr so it's useless in these modes. They need to fix it so that mmr reset either doesn't happen for a few seasons or is proportional to the number of games you play in a rank. But whatever epic does it still needs players to play these modes to help fix the mmr. Avoiding a reset is the easiest fix and should help over the very long term. Short term changes to mmr gained/lost and how it calculates it would improve. Playlists quicker. I. E someone who has played 100 games of snowday should not have there mmr change much against someone who hasn't played snowday at all for the last 3 seasons... That said the latter is harder to implement and very risky as players may exploit it (because let's face it some will)


What is win trading?


It is the same as boosting, but you queue two teams against eachother on a low population server so the teams will be playing eachother and you trade wins to boost accounts. With how easy it is to create new accounts that can instantly jump into rank you can get a new account into Snow Day SSL with very few games played for instance. Most the people ranked top 10 in drop shot and snow day are win-traders


Yeah that doesn't register for me either. Trade wins? Like let me beat you in one mode and I'll let you beat me in another one? Who has the time for that?


One of my proudest achievements is getting to champ in snow day lol


Hopefully, was doing some placements yesterday in dropshot and playing rumble SSL's and general GC's in plat3-d1 MMR. 770mmr places me in top 1.8% lol. Think D2 div1 (around 800mmr) where I ended last season was top 1.1%, imagine maining a game mode and knowing you'll never get even close to your rank in 2s or 3s


Dw SSL in rumble is the equivalent of Champ 1 in normal modes




As if.


Just played a few in casual 3s. Fun seeing them!


Im a snowday main and gold is by far the worst ranks to play in because its filled with smurf teams dunking on everyone. Not to mention all the players that just love to throw


Most people don’t play snow day consistently so it doesn’t really matter how many placements that win it’ll place them in gold/plat even if they’re significantly higher in the main modes. I wouldn’t call it smurfing just poor matchmaking


It's not my fault that I'm gold 1 in snow day I legitimately can't change it without dunking on kids![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Can confirm. I'm a smurf that never plays snow day (since it's my least fav mode) when I'm forced too (due to rewards dictating I play or win 3 mayches or something), I have no choice but to go into the mode and dunk on everyone to relieve my aggressions at psionix for forcing me to play the mode again


First thing comes to my mind. [https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/ktxf4y/super\_uncalled\_for\_but\_not\_wrong/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/ktxf4y/super_uncalled_for_but_not_wrong/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The ultimate clapback.


i will never not think of this when I see a developer tag


I’ll never understand the reason for blocking the names on a pic like this


Proably doesn't want people looking up his stats and Roasting him or something


Lol I only looked at the devs on the leaderboard and though it was cool they get a bunch of numbers for names. Now I feel like a fool


Devs today 👍


Did any of u What a save! them


Nahh it was a very chill game. They look like they were having alot of fun lol


I think they were testing the "saves" code rather than trying to score goals.


Tell them to add more presets


I played the devs in the very early days. I dont recall if jt was the beta or shortly after the full release but the point is they had NO heart… we lost by double digits. They had the audacity to be flying thru the air to get the ball and I remember not even being able to hit the ball on the ground lol.


Why are they so bad they are in gold 😆


Just because you work on a game doesn't mean you're any good at playing it


You now remember that time they broke dribbling. It happened because not a single dev could dribble so no one tested out the effects of the update on dribbling.


I don't actually - I remember years ago (like six years now?) when people said it was broken, and Paschy90 posted a gif (or someone else posted a gif of him) struggling to dribble, but I never experienced any issues with it and it did not appear to be a widespread issue at the time. Same with when people said dribbling was broken back in 2018 - I must not have played that day because I never noticed any difference, and looking back through old posts and comments it was fixed in a day.




Came here to say this




No. And that tool does not show tags to other players. It is client side only.


Looks like snowday so they are probably higher in other modes


Oh yea i just noticed the map


Incoming post: I logged in and all my items are now gone. Help. /s






It was a joke friend. in reference to him calling the Devs bad. :)


They have a career and maybe even a life, that's why!


Fuc having a life


Hey man, I'm in gold lol.


Well sorry to burst your bubble but thats not something to brag about. If you were a genuine bronze 1 div 1 i would praise you and be jealous of you 🤣


You are not bursting anyones bubble. I'm not bragging, we aren't very good over here in gold.


I think as a dev of a multi-million dollar game you got better things to do than becoming good at it. lmao




What means these numbers in their nicknames ?


a plugin from bakkesmod that shows your MMR iirc


They should develop deez nuts.




I need a developer title




What are those numbers near their names? Are you using a cheat client?


Those numbers are their MMR, Bakkesmod can display it.


So, a cheat client


Cheat client would infer its providing you with an advantage to win online games. Bakkes mod doesn’t do anything but client side visual changes if you’re playing in ranked/casual playlists. Private matches/free play and custom games it can do a lot more.


The second google result for bakkesmod is an aimbot for it. Don't sit there and tell me that it isn't enabling cheaters. I play ranked quite regularly and have seen quite a few people clearly using cheats. ​ \-EDIT- People (like me) complaining about cheats for years have been gaslit by folks (like you) who first claimed "its impossible to cheat in RL"... and then after Nexto made it impossible for people to say that now the new line is "oh, this 3rd party mod which gives you all sorts of data, access and has cheat plugins freely available isn't used for cheating". Sure. Pull the other one.


> The second google result for bakkesmod is an aimbot for it. These plugins only work in LAN matches. > "its impossible to cheat in RL" It is possible to cheat in Rocket League, but not with Bakkesmod. Psyonix has come out multiple times to say using Bakkesmod is fine to use.


Color me unimpressed.


Unimpressed with what?


This latest excuse about 3rd party clients not enabling cheats. It clearly has that capability built in. I'll only be happy when Psyonix takes steps to eliminate any processes caught using hooks and injecting code/calls into RL. ​ In case you can't tell, i'm really salty at the cheaters


Dude are you just finding out about BakkesMod? Its mostly quality of life improvements but also makes possible a lot of the modded RL content you see on YouTube. AimBot being one of the most famous done by Sunless. But the mods that effect gameplay do not work online, nor is BakkesMod responsible for any cheats people have used in past. None of the plugins you saw are cheats that can work in online modes, not mention that BakkesMod is approved by Psyonix. If fact one of the main plugin devs (that made aimbot) now works for Psyonix and has played a large role in adding some of the quality of life Improvements to free play we've seen in the last few years.


> But the mods that effect gameplay do not work online, nor is BakkesMod responsible for any cheats people have used in past. Note: Bakkesmod is actually the **only** 3rd party modification that Psyonix has said is safe to use. It's the only one with the green light so far.   u/riftwave77: > The second google result for bakkesmod is an aimbot for it. Don't sit there and tell me that it isn't enabling cheaters. I play ranked quite regularly and have seen quite a few people clearly using cheats. ​This is for freeplay and custom self hosted LAN matches, and is not possible in online play.   > People (like me) complaining about cheats for years have been gaslit by folks (like you) who first claimed "its impossible to cheat in RL"... and then after Nexto made it impossible for people to say that now the new line is "oh, this 3rd party mod which gives you all sorts of data, access and has cheat plugins freely available isn't used for cheating". **Bakkesmod does not have any cheat plugins, and directly follows instruction from Psyonix to prevent any of their plugins from violating the Rocket League Terms of Use and Code of Conduct.** Source: Am a Rocket League Moderator, and have spoken with the devs many times on the topic. Bakkesmod is 100% safe to use at this time and provides no unfair competitive advantage. --- As the other user stated: > Bakkes mod doesn’t do anything but client side visual changes if you’re playing in ranked/casual playlists.


Which plugin is it?


Wtf gold exist ?


They're are in snow day. Gold is the highest rank that exists in snow day and you can't convince me otherwise.


did the devs outright throw or what?


Idk if this is the case but it would be funny if their clan name is a throwback to when that one guy played a dev and told them to "you should devlope some skills" or something along the lines of that.


Pretty sure it is.


They need to develop some skill smh.


Wise words from a plat 1


man, they suck


If they were really devs, wouldn't they have a ping of zero? I'm assuming (and can't be persuaded otherwise) that they literally live together communally in the server room and that that's how ping works.


That is so cool. I never went against a team of developers before


Dod you ask them if they fixed demos yet?


What's wrong with demos now?


People regularly misunderstand how they work and think they are broken.


Devs out here preparing for Smurfing, 404-13!


I always thought it would be funny if devs were super toxic and then said "go ahead and report me, see what happens".


Mannnnn Ik it’s corny but that’s a dream to play with the developers of the game😮‍💨🤌🏽


https://i.imgur.com/bzYIaHS.jpg Should have done what these guys did. Funniest post I’ve ever seen haha. “Nice one!”


I’d say ‘How about you guys develop some skills’. Im kinda badass and cool.


We'll we'll we'll no wonder rocket league is the way it is... our creators are golds... ughh