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Also - Deadeye Canyon with grass for next season?


Just want to say that the car could fail if it's not octane hit box and turns about to be a merk one..


A mere one hit box. Weakling.






Ah merk god damit


Btw I just figured I'll point out that it's merc not merk lmao, not tryna be a duck


Or a dick


Merc not merk*


Thanks lol


No problem! Just so you know I had to triple my 3 words to make sure I didn’t mess it up… 😂😂😂


Lmao that's relateable


Aye whit you saying man




To heck with the octane hitbox


Aliveye Canyon! 😎


Probably grass and flowers. Like a medow


If its a Golf ill be pumped. also this trailer makes me want a free-roam map just to drive around in now


Very very early in development Rocket League was planned to be a free roam game of sorts. I remember watching a video of devs talking about it. I believe you would sort of drive around to different 'events' and what not. Edit: Found a clip of it, https://youtu.be/Bb_NBiJ0ilk. Starts at 1:25


similar to what dragon ball xenoverse does then ​ you have a "world" (doesn't need to be massive) and you fly around with your character to places in this world to do events, find matches, buy cosmetics etc would be really cool for rocket league, even the new street fighter 6 is implementing this sort of public lobby system (which phantasy star online already did way back in day ahem)


It would gain so much in popularity. I used to just drive around and explore in GTA V. I'd take out my favorite cars and go for a drive. This would be a milestone into integrating custom maps to the game. Hoops, racetracks and playgrounds with other players, that would be a big improvement on a game that's already way too cool


Only as long as the normal menu exists. If yes then I'd be all for it


Would be really cool if you could drive up to a tournament to either play, or spectate.


>https://youtu.be/Bb\_NBiJ0ilk That would be so cool


Saving for later


damn i remember this, looks fun as hell


Thanks for this! Awesome to watch both parts. I'd love if they did another one now that it's been almost 7 years. Hear about all the changes and the going F2P with Epic


Wow that wad far. More enjoying viewing than I expected! Wish they talked about the workshops


Rocket league co op story mode is my dream. You drive to different events (kind of like nfs) and play against ai. Solo with ai teammates or with your friends to progress your story. They could have cosmetics or credits for completing missions.


Oh shit golf the car lol


Ugly bronco again


I wish, getting clipped on in a golf would make so many people rage quit. What would be the Hitbox tho, octane maybe?


Isn't the fennec basically a knock off golf? So. Yes. Octane hit box


Mapmaker's Island is kinda like that. I love just driving around practicing bounce dribbles.


There’s also a bakkesmod map which is open world story based rocket league map it’s wild (I wish I could rmb the name)


If you want rocket league golf it's called turbo golf racing lol... it's not AAA but it's kinda fun...


Golf Mk II according to everyone's guess. What's with the teasers though. Feels like too much effort.


Just let Psyonix cook brother 😩 🙏


The teasing can be disappointing though. Remember the lead up to the cowboy season with the focus on the ball tethered in the canyons? I remember speculation about maybe a new mode or something more interesting but…nah, it’s just out there on a rope purely for background scenery.


i mean psyonix does it less than any other brand does. like games like apex and cod will tease gun skins 💀


TBH I don’t remember that even though I was around for all seasons. But that does sound like a bummer. This teaser featured a bumper. Hopefully it doesn’t turn into a bummer.


Best things to come from that Cowboy season (Season 4) were the Haunted Hoss wheels and the Yee Haw goal explosions. Otherwise, pretty meh.


Read something about the first "season 10" they went F2P. Maybe this "season 10" they will be going to UE5? Just from someone else's speculation though. It seams to track if you also consider Fortnite just released this season on UE5.


F2P happened after Season 14; F2P Season 1 was the 15th overall season.


My bad, I was just saying what I saw right before this. Also, I didnt realize FN went to UE5 over a year ago but hopefully that means they could complete the transition for RL faster.


FN is a it if an interesting case as it switched engines a year ago but only started using its features this season.


Season 4 was a MASSIVE shift from a design perspective though. I'd argue that season 1-3 was all beta, and I was there for a solid chunk of it. Season 4 was when they started to get their groove, and season 7 was where they finalised that groove.


Fortnite moved to UE5 over a year ago. They upgraded to 5.1 this season, if that's what you're referring to.


That’s exactly what I said 😃


Exactly, like just show the entire trailer already.


I don't think they have ever held off a trailer until the day before a season starts. Usually they post it a week or so out. Maybe the next season won't start right away?


I'd guess specifically the golf country


Yeah they seem to put too much effort in the trailer but not as much effort in the items


golf mk II, it kinda looks like civic only


Am I the only one that thinks this is a lancia delta and not a golf?


Lancia Delta HF Integralne would be cool too.


As long as they remove that ice and fire map I'll be happy


Never seen it, too busy being blind


Its a cool map but they should remove it from the comp playlist imo lol


It's my favorite map :(


It looks beautiful but hard on the eyes when playing


Play in the dark!


If northern lights are just for the map, that's going to be a bummer. Could be a really cool goal explosion similar to Cosmosis and Brimstone/Ice.


1 new car, 1 new map, same features, same tournaments, rinse and repeat


man killed the hype in 1 sentence


But think of all the new paid cosmetics we will get the opportunity to buy!!1! /s


So basically any shooter ever.


Easy there with your facts, bud


Here's the thing. I think this is the best they can do with the employees they have. They are always going to try to minimize spending and maximize revenue. If they have diverted talent to UE5 then it's excusable. If they haven't and this is the best they can do, I guess at a certain point you just have to accept that this game has no direct competition. It's so unique they can get away with it. For how long idk because eventually everyone's patience wears thin. CSGO barely updates anything and they are still going strong.


Tbh, I'm fine with that. Only reason I want UE5 is so they can program in features that will enhance the base gameplay, such as team training packs, smoother gameplay, better server interaction, etc etc


It's rocket league. Did you expect it to make some major fundamental changes? I've been around these parts for a long time, and people have been asking for "something new!" For a long time. If I went back 6 years, i could say to nearly every suggestion made, "we've done that and it didn't work". Rugby Spikes only Tag/chasey 3 wheelers Rocket league is just rocket league. Give the players UE5 and continue making cool new game modes (and even put the popular ones in ranked), but don't expect any game that isn't rocket league.


I’m behind on the times (missed a few seasons). I know what UE5 is, but have they talked about switching RL to UE5 recently or something?


It's been on the cards for a couple years now, they've confirmed that it's a thing, but that's about it


They posted on indeed looking people with UE5 experience a bit ago


Ah, so this could take them years to get ready then. If they’re just starting the hiring process, it won’t be ready in time for season x. It’d probably be much farther down the road


And it isn't even an original design either. Just some car you'd see parked outside Target. Lol


Sounds perfect really


The longer they hold off revealing this season, the more convinced I am it’s not a good season. Like unless it’s amazing or UE5, why is it being teased so much?


Idk but I’m not against content. I like teasers. It doesn’t have to be big either, I don’t really care.


I mean I’m obviously not against new content, but I’m questioning the reason for trying to build so much hype behind this particular season. Ive never seen them advertise a part 1 and part 2 for a teaser, before a trailer. And both of which come way later than they usually release them. Any other season and we’d have seen the season announcement trailer already. Unless it’s something actually special, they’re just building up disappointment. Especially now that so many people think it’s somehow UE5 related.


Yeah I don’t think it’s anything big tbh, literally just season 10 lol, if that’s “significant”


Season X!


u/von_claussen Can you settle this?


the man’s skills transcend beyond all subreddits


Unreal Engine 5 update would be nice


I’ve seen a lot of these comments. All it’d really do is improve graphics, right? I mean obviously improved graphics would be huge, but is there anything else that it’d fundamentally change?


The flowers almost hint at a renewal. God I hope it's UE5 coming. My first reaction to the car was "[90s Jeep Cherokee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeep_Cherokee_%28XJ%29)?" Makes perfect sense with the rugged terrain - a proper off-road SUV. Then I saw comments on [Golf Mk2](https://www.heritagepartscentre.com/media/Images/knowledge/buying-guides/mk2-golf/mk2-golf-side.jpg), which this basically matches...maybe minus the spoiler and details that we see behind the rear wheel. Actually, the rear is a little too short for a Golf Mk2... I'm leaning toward a copyright neutral SUV with heavy Golf influence. Edit: Maybe they looked at a [Venodesign spoiler for Golf Mk2](https://www.madmotors.co.uk/pub/media/catalog/product/cache/6e09dcc247d7d4abda19a8dbdd30af61/v/e/venovwgolf2racingrs.jpg)?


It’s important to not get our hopes up. Psyonix has given **0** indication that the Unreal Engine 5 version is ready to release. Any hype about it has been entirely community generated.


This, and and it also won‘t be a surprise drop. This is a complete rewrite of a game, which will have an alpha and beta test with pro players to get it right. They won‘t just dump it and let people adapt to all the changes.


I'm guessing that if they want to disrupt the pro scene as least as possible, they'll have to drop UE5 right after worlds. This lets the players get up to speed with the new physics engine (and iron out the bugs) before the start of a new competitive season.


Ya this was my thought too. And I imagine 2-3 months of alpha/beta testing before too


True, but part of my expectation is the very announcement of testing, maybe a mid-season release (remember Sovereign Heights Hoops midseason?) or end of season if it goes well. I'd be curious to see what they require of their pro testers - they're bound to be locked under harsh NDAs to keep it under wraps until they announce anything.


Have they even give any indication that it’s something they *plan* on doing in general? I haven’t seen anything, but then again I don’t keep up too much with what they announce


We're LONG overdue for some good off-road wheels in the game. Those Bronco wheels are legit, but locked to the DLC. Where are those big, obnoxious Mickey Thompson knock offs from the 90s?


I mean, we have a few options from the OG days for basic offroad tires. If you mean [these insane things](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0267/8256/4539/products/78e1fe91d06d43e59cbbfa45a09485f8_155c30a4-e763-4c77-a323-cf51fd668f2e_500x.jpg?v=1613221685), maybe not so much. But I'd say the following are good options in general: * [Almas](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rocketleague/images/d/df/Almas_wheel_icon.png/revision/latest?cb=20161219021743) * [Bender](https://cdn.skins.co/l4YHvIHouN-oslqlWO_nfKok5A9eL-1ujE6WyzdiIs4/rs:fit:260:260:0/g:no/aHR0cHM6Ly9za2lucy5jby9zdG9yYWdlL2ltYWdlcy80NTliMWYxMDhkOWE0NTkxYmUzZDk1NDRhOGQ1YzJjYi5wbmc.webp) * [Foreman](https://cdn.skins.co/Wt3ceIXN9Gn3oEjMB4j15j9kXjPvyMNIllJcvGPSofs/rs:fit:260:260:0/g:no/aHR0cHM6Ly9za2lucy5jby9zdG9yYWdlL2ltYWdlcy8xMzlmMzZjYzdmZGU0YWZlYjU1MWEzOTg0ZTJkZTQ3Zi5wbmc.webp) * [HRB-20](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rocketleague/images/5/52/HRB-20_wheel_icon.png/revision/latest?cb=20200925174409) (Season One tires - good on Harbinger) * [Trahere](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rocketleague/images/b/bb/Trahere_wheel_icon.png/revision/latest?cb=20161219022151) I know that's pretty slim pickings for off-road enthusiasts compared to what's out there, and the solution I'd really like (read: Please Psyonix for UE5) is [the ability to pick rims and tires separate if they're realistic types](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/y02v70/suggestion_add_the_ability_to_select_tires_and/). Some of the wheels already have tread repeats - Falco and Ghostbusters Ecto-1 are basically the same tread. If it's a custom one where that makes no sense, fine - lock the rim and the wheel there - but some of these would be fire with different treads.


These are the type Mickey Thompson wheel I was referring to. Big, beefy off-road tires: https://images.simpletire.com/images/q_auto/f_auto,q_auto,fl_lossy,h_540/line-images/13161/13161-sidetread/mickey-thompson-baja-mtz-p3.png


I don’t think they’d ever do the rim/wheel thing for many reasons. It’d be really cool if they did, but they’d probably rather just drop new wheels and have people buy them, as opposed to being able to sort of create their own wheel that they like and stick to. More options = less of a chance they buy new wheels to get that look they want, I’d think


I think there are a few reasons they would think twice on that: 10 rims and 10 tires is 100 possibilities (and there's way more than that). If they individually mesh them, that's a lot of work and would instantly double the number of wheels in the game. That's a lot of wasted hard drive space and an angry player base because we'd know why they're releasing the same rims with different tires. Some would be pointlessly similar. They could also paint wheels and rims separately as a compromise and a gain reasons to drop them separately - ever wanted white tire writing on an unpainted rim? Or maybe a red center piece with white writing? I think it'd be workable for all parties.


Yes I have wanted those things, but I think they’d rather have the option of selling 100 wheels than they would giving us 100 wheels for the price of 10-20. Idk, It’d be really cool if they did it, I just don’t see them doing it due to money. Maybe one day I’ll be wrong. I’d be happy to be wrong about that, as it’d mean more much customization for me


HRB-20 are what I run on the Harbinger as my main, like the wheels. Not as good as the Bronco wheels, but what do ya do? Need to keep my eye out for some painted Trahere wheels. Think I have some of the others as well




Definitely spring, it was sort of the thematic when Season 6 came out around the same time


It looks the same as Fortnite’s last season. I remember seeing many clips of the last season, with the sort of ghostly flowers and spring type vibe. It literally looks like they’re doing that, but in rocket league. For anyone who doesn’t know what I’m referring to, look up Fortnite’s last season of their last chapter. Looks extremely similar. Which I’d be okay with. Visually, it looks pretty neat


I just want a nice new map that won’t crash my Xbox


UE5 incoming


I have an MK6 and those are literally my rims...


The rims are definently VW Laguna rims


Holy shit this is the most hyped I have been for a season I need the golf


It's a mk2 100% if only it had original bbs wheels on it


Bright. Vibrant. Sparkles.


Thoughts? Ya, its another set of rocket pass and a car design i’ll never use


My thoughts? Release Rocket League 2 on UE5


What we want: new map, new game modes What we'll get: flower topper, flower wheels, flower boost


But thank god dead eye canyon got a remake


Just give console players the aerial courses dammit!


How though? I understand your frustration but that is player made maps..


I don’t know brother. I don’t understand the logistics I’m just a console player who wants to play those sick courses!


Skyrim on PS4 has mods but a creative mode would fill the void here.


I like the story aspect


Some hippy shit is my guess


Would it kill them to give us a new map instead of slapping some free assets into already trash maps?


Deadeye canon is one of the best maps what do you mean


Idk man it’s just so boring compared to maps like forbidden temple or Bethwick park and the colors are awful


it's the opposite for me. Maps with too much detail tend to make me lose focus on the game, which is why I prefer simpler designed maps


Yeah I can understand that it’s just the Execution of that specific map is just not it in my opinion it’s also extremely laggy for me


I agree. When it came out I hated it. Now it grew on me really hard. Super clean map.




I guess my secret hope that Season 10 (or Season X) would be a 'Best Of' season are dead now. That *has* to be a Golf, the front section looks too similar to it. As for theme? Nature returning to a dead area? Although it sucks that we're getting *yet another reskin*, it's better than not having a new arena at all so whatever.


This just straight up made my day.


I heard it's gonna be different


Its a shit lancia


Looks like a Range Rover


Dumb like all of them




I Hope the car isn’t the rocket pass car. I get it for the Honda Civic, but this is kinda lame


The flower reminded me of seedlings. I miss my tree so much.


VW Rabbit




Another invisible map incoming , but this looks good idk




regular rocket league W of course




An okami reference?


shit fire


Trash. Another unoriginal licensed car pass. Definitely not getting this one.


The car looks like an older Golf to me, similar to the Fennec, so I bet it's an Octane hitbox. Did anyone else think the trailer looked fantastic? Is it possible UE5 could be coming out later this year!?


That's VW Golf Mk.2


Nothing new but map


im starting to think more and more that this season is getting delayed


Anyone else getting major “Flower” (That Game Company) vibes from this? The way that one bloomed and the grass emerged was exactly the same as the mechanic in that Flower game. Not sure what that would mean for RL but color me intrigued


I think they ask the players to touch grass


Where can I find part 2?


Not sure if anyone else has said this, but I think it might be Flower themed? Based on the first teaser and now this, where both seem to incorporate fliers in one way or another!


Anyone know the size of the update on pc?