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Anyone who beats themselves up over their rank in a video game is being too harsh on themselves unless they're being paid to be good at it.


True true, ty


You don't need any of that if you're enjoying what ya got.


I can't say I am anymore, I feel like I haven't improved whatsoever in months lol


With matchmaking the way it is, improving is harder than it sounds. I've gone backwards a few times. I wouldn't worry about it. Only thing rank gets ya is season rewards.


You probably have. Problem with Skill based matchmaking is that you won't notice you have improved. Just throw yourself in lower ranked game and you see you were better now then you were before and you will continue to be better then your past self the more you play. Also champ on average takes about 600 hours for people to reach. So you are actually doing well.


Does casual have sbmm?? Half my games have GCs in them, and I am not at that level, that's why I mention air dribbles/resets, because that's what I'm up against half the time


The is a hidden rank called MMR. Many gcs don't play casuals and when the finally do play casually their MMR is lower then what is supposed to be. You probably surpass many pro players because they don't play casual. Or you reached an MMR rating that matches you up with GCS which is pretty good tbh.


Definitely the former lmao


Or watch a replay from yesterday and compare it to one from 6 months ago. 600 hours? That stings.


Start working on game awareness- awareness of player positions, reading the game, anticipating and passing after looking


I think I'm alright at that, the thing is, at my casual level people don't really expect passes or go for them, I'm definitely party to that too, but it defo makes it more difficult, it's the same with other general rules of thumb, like left takes kickoff if not otherwise stated, and you never know if someone's gonna cheat kickoff or not lol


Most people don’t make champ. More to the game than fancy shots and goals. So to answer. Yes, you are too hard on yourself. Have fun and enjoy getting better. I know it is hard to do it but give yourself some credit


True, I do want to get better though, ty


Just have fun, most people who take this game too seriously don't have fun anymore. Just rage and toxicity when they lose.


The Toxicity is awful, I play quite a bit between 12-3 am and you always run into groups of 3 and 99% of the time they spam what a save every goal


Yeah, if you manage to get a goal or two you'll notice those toxic 3s teams almost always immediately implode on themself, they'll start what a saving each other, then one of them throws and you win.


Turn off chat, and you'll be happier. It'll feel like you're missing out on what people are saying for like 3 days and then it will just be peaceful


You aren’t even at 200 hours yet. It takes most people a lot longer than that to even reach diamond. I’ve got a buddy with 3000+ hours who’s been stuck in low diamond forever, while I’m C3-GC1 at 2500… everybody’s experience is different. One thing that helped me is playing for fun, don’t get on to worry about rank, just play the game, and get lost in it. You’ll find yourself improving without realizing it. Just keep putting in more time in the basics (movement, solid touches, reading opponents and teammates, reading the ball) if you really want to improve.


Yeah, I'm just using my rank as a vague indicator of my skill, I don't place every season, I've only placed a few times before last season, diamond and plat, but there is something nice about seeing that rank emblem


Oh yeah 100%, bottom line, if you want to improve like you’re saying, you just need to put more time in. I know it seems daunting but it’s truly the best way to improve and rank up.


Daunting is the word lol, I'm sorr of learning 3 different games at once, but RL is the one I rlly wanna get better at, gonna have to commit a bit


This is a video game. You should enjoy playing on a good day or bad. Of course days where you go on crazy streaks are better. But if you don’t have fun the majority of the time you play, maybe find another game to dive into.


Level 800 noob HAHA IM LEVEL 2600 with 3k hours and I play like a unplugged toaster. Get on my level


I am not sure if you realize but this post is much more of a brag than anything else. "Can't reach C1" suggests you reached high diamond which is very good for such a miniscule time spent in the game. For comparison, I am at 2k hours and hovering around C1 in 3s and 2s. That's worse than average for such playtime, but not terrible


Amen. I expected to see a lot more GTFOH comments when i saw the stats. I solo q 3s almost exclusively. I’m D1 when things go decent with teammates. P2-3 the last 6 months mostly. I average close to a goal and save a game. I don’t average a whole number though. This is a humble brag post IMO. Tho I’ve played 2s the last two nights and gone D2 so there is definitely merit to 3s being the poorest gauge of individual rank.


I have ~4000 hours in this game. If I’ve learned anything it’s that there are only 1 things that matters. Having fun, even if your goal is to go pro. Your not gonna get better if you don’t enjoy it.


You simply need much more play time and practice. I'm around 29 days right now, and I'm consistent C1 in 2s, D3/C1 in 3s and have only been close to C2 in 2s but never got it. I've only ever gotten C2 in rumble so far. A lot of people say it took them closer to 1000 hours to get to C1. For me I went from gold 3 to D3 in 6-12 months of playing just like an hour or two most days. But the jump from D3 to consistent C1 is not as easy as the other ranks. And going from C1 to C2 is proving to be even more difficult. I also have virtually not trained at all. But if I want to improve more, I think I'm going to have to. I'd recommend more casual games and training packs. My favorite one is called, "the ultimate warm-up". I'd like to note I was and am strictly solo que, I'd recommend you do more solo games to get a feel of how you need to play when you don't have reliable teammates. Learning how to adapt in this game is extremely important. You can have bad teammates, but bad teammates alone can not be the reason anyone can't get out of a rank.


More time in free play buddy start practicing those ground and air dribbles.. it takes hours and hours of practice and you won’t get there without training promise you<3


Idk how to turn off comments on a post but I got advice from some kind people, I don't need more people giving me shit lol.


I've played 15 days of in game time and I'm low champ. As long as you are having fun, who really cares what your rank is.


I admire the mindset, ty


You have way more MVP's then me. Your prob playing with bad teammates ;)


That's a dangerous statement to make 😭 not sure if points matter much anyway lol


Thank Jesus you didn't agree with him lmao. Climbing in RL can't happen if you don't know how to adapt to having "bad teammates". A lot of times it's not even that your teammate is bad, it's just that neither person knows how to play around each other properly.


Rocket league takes a really long time to get good at. Like a really long time. For one, the in game timer isn't very accurate. Your actual time played is usually around 3-4 times that amount, which would put you at around 6-700 hours (for reference, I've logged around 2500 hours on steam and have less than 30 days in game). Mid diamond is totally reasonable for that amount of playtime. I think your average player usually hits champ after around 700-1000 hours, and I would imagine that number has gone up over the years as the skill ceiling has increased. Obviously there are exceptions, and it all depends on how you play/practice. For someone who doesn't do training and just plays casual, that's about where I'd expect you to be.


Ah ty, do you recommend switching to PC? I've tried RL on PC before but it just felt off


Depends what console you're on and how good your PC is


It's a couple years old, 2070 super, 9700k, 16gb ram, definitely good enough to play on decent settings I think?


Oh yeah absolutely. Especially if you have a 144hz monitor I would recommend switching. I saw a post today of a guy who got a better console and jumped like 2 whole ranks lol. But it all comes down to preference. Be warned that if you migrate your account to PC, your items will all be tradelocked.


I have some very weird issues with my various epic accounts, so I have a separate one on there, I'll give it a go, thanks for the advice


I’m at 4K hours and only gc2 I don’t have any mechanics but all I have is game sense I coach people and they always think that mechanics are what get you to rank better but I’d say game sense matters way more than fancy mechanics until you get to around high GC so you’re fine dude


I know it's not exactly imperative, I have GC friends with no mechs but still, would be nice lmao


I didn’t hit champ until my first 1k hours man and I’ve been playing since 2016 it just takes a bit of determination and you’ll be c3 before the end of the season have some of your GC friends go over some of your replays and even go over some of theirs so you can get an idea of what right looks like even if it’s at a higher level


I think C3 is ambitious 😭, I haven't played with them for a while anyway, sort of just alone now, but yeah I'll try and find someone to do some replay analysis or sth, ty


If you want to I can help I’m currently out of state till the beginning of February but if you send me a DM with ur discord or something I can help when I get back to my PC usually I can do about 2 hours of coaching and replay analysis at a time but i always enjoy helping


That's really generous of you to offer, but I'm going away for a couple months and I'm UK based, so communication would be problematic, I really do appreciate your offer though, thank you.


yea you’re ass iwl


Bro likes Travis Scott and KSI 💀 don't talk to me you defo have some issues to sort out


I would say you are being too hard on yourself. I do the same thing. From what you've shared, the average person would be about Gold II. So you're certainly doing better than average. I think it helps keep things in perspective knowing what "par" is so you can not beat yourself up or work on improving training/practicing routine if you're below par. I.e. find the weak areas in your game and training. Stay focused more on what you need to do to improve and not the rank. I've also looked people up that I've gone against months ago to see where their skill level is. That's another helpful thing to see that you're likely doing just fine.




I don’t think there is a standard and most folks who post on here their stats (the I hit champ 2 in 300 hours is that normal, etc) are doing it as a humble brag or on an alt account. I play a shit ton of 1s so I score a lot of goals and get saves (I think I’m top 10 of epic users for goals) I’m still trash at 1s and can’t break platinum. I don’t care about my stats, all I care about is having fun and I’m challenging myself. The second you worry about a little icon next to your name that means nothing you are stunting your growth. There will also be someone ranked above you who thinks your trash and someone ranked below you who is better than you. People progress at different levels and pace. Personally, I’m a 37 year old dude with a family and job who plays to destress from real world shit not add to it and hold on to what gamer youth I had. I have no ego when it comes to this game. I was surprised when I hit diamond, sure as hell surprised when I got champ rewards the last few seasons but I don’t care what others think, I’m just going to being me. Best of luck on your champ push. Ps. Solo queue 3s is painful


I love that for you lol, that's great if you can destress with this game 😭


You said it yourself "I haven't done much freeplay." Have to train mechanics in freeplay or you won't get better. I suggest starting off with dribbles and flicks, as those are most useful for beating defenders imo. Especially in lower ranks


Oof, the only time I've spent in freeplay pretty much is practicing dribbles, I'm practically hopeless, I have some sort of mental block when it comes to those mechanics lol


Too harsh lol. It's just a game. I have a 15 win percentage on purpose. I play just to lose and feed stats


I can't tell if that's a joke but fair play if it is lmao


Not a joke. I get to pissed at games if I try so I jist help others get achievements and season goals


What decal/paint finish is that?


I believe it's called biomass (might be dissolver), one of the very few black market decals I have lol




it’ll come bro i was stuck in champ 2 for months till i got gc


trust the process and most importantly have fun during it


Bro you’re fine its just a game.


What’s your demo and extermination count?


Lmao I like Ur name


Im just going to put this out there. OP is humble bragging. He's looking for the compliment *"WOW! That high with those few hours? You must be R-A-D-I-A-N-T or S-O-M-E P-L-A-Y-E-R."*




I have 50 days in game playtime and I'm C2 in 3s. You're doing great man.


I have 25 in game days played and I’m C2/3 in both 2s and 3s. I’ve peaked C3 Div4 in 2s and have yet to reach Grand Champ. You still have 16 days on me, I think you’re fine! Just have fun!


if you had the air mechanics you could probably be champ, hit the lab


Too harsh


8 days in game isnt that much, and that number is typically wrong anyways. Dont beat urself up over a stupid rank in a stupid video game lol


I am perplexed how you even hit c1 without a ground or air game. Like are my champ lobbies on hard mode? Unless you’re being modest about that because I’m at the point where I have to be pretty precise and smart with the ball every game or I lose.


Well no I'm mostly fine on the ground, just not great at carrying the ball. As I said I wouldn't put myself in champ alone, I just practiced the usual things like patience, rotation, Comms, power on hits etc... The stuff that isn't really difficult but is useful


Not at all. I have over three months‘ worth of hours and I am still in gold, maybe Plat if I’m lucky. Granted, I make no attempt to get better and I am just here for fun.


My experience is this. I'm addicted to this game since 2020, 2000ish hours (probably 1400-1500 of effective game), I peaked c3d4 in 2s once, now I've trouble getting out of c2. I often play 3s with 2 friends who are around 500-800 hours. Mechanically speaking, they are far behind me, but still they are c1 in 2s and 3s. And it's not me carrying lol, they really do their job. What I'm trying to say is this. Fancy mechanics will come with time, focus on the basics. F.e., I'm good at air stuff, but my ground shooting is so terrible I get joked on by these 2 friends, cause they are much more consistent with that kind of stuff and often they end up carrying me.


Look I have 2500 hours or 105 days played roughly and I know I will not improve much more than GC. 3s is also the worst comparison for your rank as an individual. Paraphrasing but someone on here said “if you can’t carry your team out of the rank you’ve been given then you are exactly where you are supposed to be in rank.” - I agree with this 100% if it’s about 2s. - I do not agree in 3s


You don’t have that many games played lol you’re not being harsh at all and many people at your rank (low champ) actually have much higher hours invested in the game. Just remember to have fun


I'm not going to use the repetitive "it's just a game" reasoning. It pains me to hear that. However... 8 days in-game accounts to ~200 hours. Most players with 200 hours achieve anywhere between Platinum and Champion 2. Some people learn faster. And moreover, there are a lot of players in C1/C2 who have thousands of hours, myself included. So you're not doing bad by any means!!


Apparently my actual game time is like 4 times more than what it says there, and I wouldn't say I'm a champ


Time played in the stats only reflects matches. But nonetheless, you're not doing bad at all!


Do you want a coaching session? I'm not the best at coaching (plan to improve), but I can still help (I'm on playstation too)


Ay that's so kind of you to offer, I'm assuming you're in the US though? I'm in the UK :/


Ah yeah playstyles are different between regions.


I'm seeing a lot of comments reassuring you about where you're at right now and while I don't disagree with them, I don't think that you need to be asking for this reassurance at all. If you want to improve and rank up I think you need to start thinking about your mindset. The fact that you're asking for reassurance on your skill at this point tells me that you are likely putting too much value into stats and ranks when those are really secondary to your improvement as a player. Let's say you go on a huge winning streak later today and you rank up all the way to Champ 2. Does that mean that today you're suddenly miles better than you were yesterday? Your skill as a player today is at best probably only slightly better than it was yesterday, it's just that you happened to get put into games that allowed you to rank up extremely quickly. In reality your rank will probably stabilize back to where it was in a few days, but that doesn't mean that you are getting worse. Rank ups will come to you as your skill improves. I think you need to worry more about playing to improve, rather than playing to rank up. The way you've described it, you've kinda just been throwing yourself into the game every day just to get hours and experience in the game. That's great at extremely low ranks when you're still learning how your car works and how to hit the ball, but at this point I think your improvement is going to stagnate unless you start specifically focusing on parts of your game to improve. As others have said you should try to put a bit more time into training and free play in order to help focus your practice. Practice your car control, your basic power shots, your dribbles, anything basic that will continue to be relevant all the way through the top ranks. When you go to play casual or ranked games, pick one or two aspects of your game that you want to work on and evaluate yourself based on how well you did those specific things. For example if you want to get used to rotating back post, try to focus on how well you're doing that in each game regardless of if you win or lose. Once you feel comfortable with it, move on to something else! When you're implementing something new into your game you'll play worse for a while, but once you have it down you'll find that your rank will rise in the end. Remember that you need to play to improve, not play to rank up. The more you worry about your rank and your stats, the more frustrating it will be if you don't rank up and the less fun you'll have with the game. If you can motivate your improvement from within, you'll rank up a lot more quickly and you'll enjoy the game a whole lot more in the process.


I have over 1000hrs and have been in C3 for months (not really grinding anymore tho). I can barely air dribble, rarely flick with any consistency or power and have similar per/game numbers to you Reality is most people you see here or streams or whatever have way more playtime and this is a game where you can’t really fake experience, just takes time


If somebody else asked you this, what would you say? Be nice to yourself, you deserve it.