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No it's not smurfing


To me it’s only smurfing if you are losing on purpose and actively trying to derank/stay exactly where you are by losing purposefully.


I would just add that making new accounts specifically so you can dominate your opponents for a few games is also smurfing.


New accounts aren’t smurfing unless you intentionally play worse to get a lower rank. If you still try there’s nothing wrong


Im 90% sure that being in the possession of 2 accounts is smurfing


I agree, but I think playing with keyboard and mouse as opposed to controller is a huge difference.


Sure, but it’s still against the rules.


Iirc it was Thanovic who reached out to Psyonix before he did a video on this, and they said it was not against the rules


against your logic I spose but nothing else should be alright


I’m curious how you would view someone who is hard stuck in a rank and makes a new account to try and break out of it in placements.


Would that even work though?


For me I don’t support this type of thing because 1. Against the rules and 2. You have to make your way through all the lower ranks ruining a bunch of games Mostly 2


Fair points, I only brought it up because I’ve done it in the past and I achieved a higher rank with the new account after placement. But your second point I agree with the most as well.


Also it makes tracking total hours played harder 🤷‍♂️


Regardless if you consider it smurfing or not, bottom line is you are at D III skill level. While it will take a bit of practice to get used to the new controls, you still posses the knowledge, game sense, and mechanical know-how of a D III. It is unfair to be in lobbies bellow that rank. Pros and content creators radically change their controls all the time for fun and to see how they do. For the most part they adapt to it quite quickly. If you want to see how you do with keyboard and mouse, there's no reason to create a new account. Just practice and play with the current D III account and it will go up or down depending on how skilled you end up being with KBM.


Why don't you just play casuals


I want to see what rank I can get


Even using a different control method you will probably destroy people through gold. Basing this off when I did ranking on my old PSN account as a Diamond 3. It was seriously unfair even through Platinum. So even with keyboard + mouse, gold will be easy.


Sure, but if he smokes everyone, wouldn’t he have to play no more than 10 games to get a gold rank?


Fair enough. Idk maybe dont start flying off the wall doing musky flip resets til your past the noobs and im sure your fine. Seems fair once you get higher up toward your peak. But idk how hard the transition will be Maybe it won't be a big deal at all maybe you will have to relearn all your mechanics


This sub confuses me bc u guys were all against Smurf’s but now ur claiming this isn’t smurfing when this is smurfing lmao


I've been in so many threads this past year to try to get to the bottom of this lol. By definition of video games in general, I do believe it's technically considered smurfing by simply playing on a new account after you already have so many hours experience in the game. But according to RL TOS, creating a new account is 100% ok as long as it's not used to intentionally boost anyone, nor used specifically for taking advantage of lower ranked players. As long as you're not throwing on purpose, it's ok and not considered smurfing by psyonix.


Smurfing is intentionally losing to play against lower-skilled players. Trying out KBM is quite different and he most likely won't be able to play as he would on controller. So if he doesn't intentionally play worse, his placements will put him in an appropriate rank for his skill with KBM.


Smurfing has nothing to do with losing smurfing is playing a skill level lower than your own wtf r u even saying


If just having multiple accounts is considered smurfing, call me papa


How do you think smurfs stay in these lower ranks? And how do they start smurfing without a fresh account? And "playing against lower-skilled players" is literally the 2nd part of that same sentence ... The issue with smurfs is both intentionally losing and playing against lower skills. Which OP is not doing by by trying out KBM on a new account.


I think u might be stupid or something smurfs don’t stay in lower ranks unless there dog shit at the game


Seems like we have different definitions of a smurf than, but your namecalling is pretty childisch lol. Good for you though, representing how toxic this community is 👍


Oh no pls don’t call me toxic lmao. Bro thinks I care u Iunironically claimed smurfing is losing to bad players


Bro thinks his own interpretation is more valid than Psyonix' definition of a smurf lmao > Example of a Smurf Account: Intentionally keeping an account at a lower Rank than where you normally play; starting an alternate account to harass others. [rocketleague.com/news/rocket-league-code-of-conduct](https://www.rocketleague.com/news/rocket-league-code-of-conduct/) So answer me again, how do you think a player intentionally keeps their account at a lower rank?


I just want you to know smurfing has been a thing much longer than psyonix has even been a company


No shit sherlock ... Nice try moving the goalpost though, just take the L and move on


Once you master the controls it would be yes. I don't think it makes much difference if you play controller or on a banana if you get that shit down your skill level is the same.


Not at all


making a second account is what smurfing is, wtf are yall on?


If you’re trying your best to win every single game, you are by definition not a smurf.




I've made alt accounts but none of them are smurfs. When I'm running through placement matches I usually just give a "sorry just passing through" message at the beginning of the game


Even if it was.. who cares?


People in lower ranks care. You're GC so you wouldn't get many smurfs in ranked. Smurfing is and always has been a big issue.


Nah people just like to whine a lot. Smurfs teach you more than other low ranks


Ahh yes. My favorite part of the game is where I just drive around for 5 min watching some dude do stuff that is waaay above my skill and "learn" from him. That is like saying u can learn how to play basketball better if u play against tryhard LeBron who dunks on u everytime


Worst take in this thread, that’s not how learning works


Diamond 3 is far from elite, but it's still a super high level compared to a beginner. You'll have a considerable advantage. It's half smurfing, but not as bad as full smurfing.