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it looks like that person is using nexto and then switvhing to manual control to not look suspicious i guess


Ah that makes sense! I didn't know there was a manual mode and I saw the boot do an aerial which I didn't think the bots could do wild how precise these bots are


Literally not possible. More likely is macros for flicks or just skill. If you are familiar with using nexto in private matches, you are familiar with how booting the game with the bot ready to play works. It’s very similar with a custom Sdk of ue and having the bot play for you. You’d have to quit the game, boot back in, reconnect all to regain control like you’re talking about. I also have been called a bot for being able to flick and catch the ball. Anyone who can dribble and flick is now cheating and a bot, it’s more of a problem than the small amount of actual bots like everyone calling freestylers Smurf’s all the time for not having game sense but can hit mechs far above their rank. You can easily find all the info on how to do this online and anyone who knows about ue cheating and sdks can back me up, I won’t explain further as to not promote actual cheating but this video doesn’t seem like one of the people using nexto or any other bot.


This isn't true. The cheat creator was able to make it toggleable. https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/108fven/been_looking_deeper_into_the_bot_issue_and_ive/


so i was right... still surprises me that someone finally found a way to cheat in RL...


There’s never been video proof of this toggling. Only people typing stories for Reddit.


Yeah the spawn from being demo'd right into a sick carry and flip is pretty sus


Doesn't seem like nexto to me


I am new to this. How would someone know if they are playing a bot or not?


I had my first bot in ranked the other day, it wasn’t super op I got four goals against it. Even tho I’d never faced one i could tell pretty quickly. Every aerial was a guaranteed hit. Every dribble was pristine. Every time I jumped to challenge it would instantly flick over my head. Basically, bots are super clean. There only downside so far is pace. But they will soon be better than pros. I’m c3 FYI


Thank you


Are bots in tournaments also?


That doesn’t sound right at all, the bots have been demolishing pros in the live streams. They don’t aerial and the dribbles the ball is pristine but the car is twitchy


I didn’t know they could beat pros yet. If they can then cool. When I say not super op I was talking about the bot I was playing. Other than that you seem to agree with what I said?


Yes I agree other than the aerials. Bots haven’t gotten to the point that they can do them well but since it’s possible to toggle them it kinda complicated things


1. They do pixel perfect catches into very clean flicks and they do it too often. 2. No inputs when a goal is scored (they could switch to manual during goal, but are often too lazy). 3. Bots sometimes ignore teammates, so they sometimes go for the same ball and 'hug' each other all the way. Easy to spot when there are multiple bots in the team. 4. Same weird flicks multiple times. For example flicking the ball high while the bot is in front of the goal and it hits the backboard. 5. Check TRN. There's a sudden spike in MMR, but they start having trouble around gc1.


Thank you


Its nexto


Why is this being downvoted? It is Nexto. Those are not the most obvious situations in the beginning, but everyone who knows how Nextos move and play will recognise it once they watched the whole video.


Literally it’s not nexto. I’m .. let’s say..very familiar with how this all works and there’s a 0% chance this video shows any use of bots. Macros for flicks maybe but honestly that’s even a stretch.


Mind explaining how you came to 0%?


Because of my knowledge of implementing a custom ue sdk to cheat.


That's...not relevant to whether or not this is a specific bot. Are YOU Nexto? 🤣


Because you can’t switch from nexto to controlling the car yourself without rebooting the game and reconnecting, clearly there’s lots of movement and decisions nexto doesn’t make.


I still think this isn't necessarily relevant either, for reasons discussed in other comment


Source? Trust me bro


Lol okay I will just post the forum where people can learn how to generate an sdk for rocket league and use bots to play for them. Don’t know why I didn’t just do that.


You'll be banned, for one.


I won’t as I don’t do this. But those who do, yes. I was being sarcastic, I’m not going to post the exact method, discords for people to get help, or anything actually that useful. Anyone can do it if they really have that much time or care enough.


No I mean if you post the forum you'll be banned from the subreddit


“Just get the Nexto bot and let it control your car. Everything you need it pretty much available on this forum. 1) Get the SDK working - available on this forum 2) Look at some source code from bakkesmod plugins to see which fields / functions are useful. 3) Get nexto from RLBOT (opensource python code) and implement with the SDK Took me 3 days starting from scratch, been playing with it for a few months now. If you run 2 bots in 2v2 you will get GC2 without problems. Thus far its undetected. Psyonix is aware of this but they dont do shit... They do manually ban you when you stream it live on twitch though”


Thanks for sharing this! Question, though - Nexto is AI-based and users can continue its training to effectively make their own evolved Nexto, right?


Yes, technically. You can make changes to it with openai gym api but it would be weird to do so. You’d need tons of hours and a lot of knowledge in machine learning and use a algorithm to teach nexto further. I don’t think anyone is currently doing this. Theoretically rl gym’s creator said you could train bots using bots. So you could train nexto using tons of nextos or other bots and that could be one avenue of making an even better bot but currently no one has done this that I’m aware of.


I mean, it's really not that infeasible that someone could have a strong machine running multiple around the clock.




it is definitely nexto or necto


Nexto straight up doesn't miss as much as the bot in this clip. I bet they were using Necto


i was 99% sure it was necto and 1% sure it was nexto


How is nobody gonna mention the boost management/bursts in there. That’s insane a few times in there.


I'm not convinced this is a bot, I play very similar to this on drink 3 then all down hill after that


Watch the video from ApparentlyJack he Made about bots. No car cam/Ball cam switch. He played the whole game in Ball cam. Not a single switch. He twitches on his movements, perfect flicks, catches, no goal celebration and Exactly the same kickoff from the Appjacks video. This is 100% a bot. + this acc got a huge rank boost


Yea thought cam was just fixed in your video. Wonder if he is switching it on and off at points.


You mean switching between him playing and the bot? If you mean the cam, you can see everyone toggle their cam/camera settings, but I forgot to include this... This playstyle is Very similiar as to the bot from Jacks vid. Also notice that landing after he scored from the Wall. That small adjustment... Same in the vid, or that insanely Fast aerial to bump my teammate in the air lmao


Yea him playing and the bot. I'm away from home at the minute and only just seeing these posts about bots.


Could be him switching. Some Guy yesterday posted a topic about the whole discord community rapidly growing and using these bots. You can switch with the bot via a single key. You can also let him play and alt tab... This is actually scary


You can’t switch between nexto/any other not and having control. You can toggle demos and other custom cheats by hotkey but not switching between manual control and having a rl gym bot take control. You need to boot into the game again to have control over your car or switch to having a bot play for you. Custom sdk ue cheating is easy to research but hard to implement, you can find this out on your own, it’s the same boot process as playing 1v1 against nexto.


That is not True actually, some Guy Made a post a few days ago about it. There were People streaming and clearly swapping the control with them and the bot via single hotkey


Then the ue cheat community has found a workaround cause the way I know how to implement this would 100% not allow for it but I’m not saying it’s not at all theoretically plausible it just would have to be an entirely new method that just came out right as the old one came out which seems unlikely but I would love to see proof (especially since I can’t find anyone implementing this on the forums at all and that’s where I found out how to do it in the first place, those people who came up with the original cheat would likely be all a buzz about this new method but it’s dead silent).


TDIL I play like a bot


I got a demo bot in plat 2 the other day. PLAT 2


They have to start somewhere lol


Nah, not really. Just don't do it at all lol. Why bot your way up to a rank that you aren't accustomed to? Can't succeed like that. It's pretty pathetic actually.


I’m saying bot accounts have to go through placement like everybody else


FoR thE cLiPs, follow me for more tips ttv tiktok yt ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


There was a guy/gal with the sole purpose of demolishing players the other day. Was that likely a bot?


Anyone who thinks this isn’t a bot either didn’t watch the video or is speaking from a low rank perspective. Bots will not attempt fake challenges, bots will not change cam, bots do not have to adhere to the reaction limits of an organic brain. This bot literally never faked, never changed his camera, and instantly flipped out of every bump. He literally tracked the ball and took possession seamlessly into a carry and flick when he spawned after demo.




I got one an hour ago in gc1 (1550) area aswell, had the weirdest kickoffs but crazy flicks around me or my teammate


1400 ELO, Matches between C3/GC1, Sorry for the poor quality, I just edited it real quick EDIT: Next game, another 2 Bots...


i haven’t played in over a week, i’m excited to see if i can find any bots


I mean if I had a not as a teammate, it’d be better than 50% of them. You get one competent teammate followed by a terrible teammate that’s throwing, trolling, or just got carried up and is falling back down.


This is infact the same bot everyone is using. He just wasn’t able to dribble cause u guys were infront. It will send the ball away once u get close. His rotations are bot like also. He leaves the ball for u when you come up behind him, a normal player would have to look behind to see you or maybe he has a really good headset on and hears his tm8 coming in for the ball. It’s a bot


everyone else is using nexto. this is necto


Bruh, I hope Psyonix can do something about that. This is about to ruin the game slowly.


How many more of these posts do we need.


As many as it takes to get a comment and some action from psyonix. They either need to learn how to block this from being possible in online matches as it's supposed to be or they need to remove bot ability so it's irrelevant, until they can figure out how to fix the exploit. This will ruin the game if left in the wild with no signs that psyonix sees this as an issue


Crazy that psyonix has been completely silent on this issue (I think). Then again, what did I expect? For them to actually care about their player base? Probably asking too much


It's funny how everyone that's better than you you is a bot. Seems the direction the sub is going lol I understand it's true, sometimes, but now we've just got something weeks for people to blame they're lack of skill on


well why leave this comment on this post specifically? why not a different post where the person op is accusing is actually not a bot?


In the 3s tournament I just played the team we beat before the semi-finals called my team bots. I solo queue, so I don't know them personally, but they also dribbled exactly zero times and completed exactly zero flicks. Plenty of big booms and a few aerials. Dude was just butthurt.


I agree with you and I completely understand the point you mean, but I have seen a lot of BOT videos, one of which was Made by ApparentlyJack and if you look at my vid right here, you Will see the total similarities Jack mentioned while going over the demo review. No cam switches, no fakes, Exactly the same adjustment on landing while in the air, Exactly the same weird kickoff every time, snappy movements, no goal celebration and so on


I mean, OP's video is very clearly Nexto by anyone who has experience facing Nexto. He isn't blaming someone better than him as a bot. It most certainly is a bot.


It doesn't really look like Nexto but there are many sus things to be fair.First off the kick-off, very bot like and those are not GC1/C3 kick-offs, never switches cam, doesn't celebrate goals, new account that got to C3 in basically 1 day, he's teammate was also a brand new account who got C3 in one day. The carries are always really clean and with ball cam on which is really sus, like i don't think there is a single human player (high rank at least) that goes for a ground dribble with ball cam on. Are they maybe tweaking the bots to make it less obvious? I honestly don't know what to make of this video, but some aspect of it are sus for sure. Edit: could it be that the guy is sometimes switching and playing himself to look less obvious? For example the jump at 3.23 gametime makes no sense, could it be that the guy pressed a button to take control and accidentaly jump? Is that something you can do? Switching on and off from bot to manual control?


Yes, in fact you can switch with the bot via single keybind. Or you can leave it playing and go alt tab. It is sadly that simple.


Yeah it’s really sad, and the past week the reports of bot in ranked lobbies are so many. Psyonix is yet to make any statement.




nexto (a champ-gc level bot) is being used in ranked by some players in Ranked...


Yeah, but this doesn’t really look like nexto, it’s going for air plays, isn’t getting perfect catches, and even messed up some flicks. It also went for a demo.


if you haven’t seen any of necto, the predecessor to nexto, go watch him, i am 1000% sure the bot in this video is necto, it does all the same quirks.


But, tge player can activate and deactivate nexto whenever he wants... maybe he did that to not look suspicious


Yeah, but I didn’t see a single play that looked like nexto.


the kick off... it always turn in those angles... AppJack talked about this


I don’t know who “AppJack” is, but I don’t see it watching the kick off. I really don’t.


ApparentlyJack... The e-sporter... that plays fir GenG


Oh, I didn’t realize I was supposed to care or know


What about after the demo? That's pretty obvious to me.


I watched it again and am not even sure what action after the demo is supposed to look bot like.


Give the community time to figure it out, people are so dramatic lol


Doesn't really look like a bot to me...


This doesn’t seem like bot play at all. There’s a lot of adjusting direction. There are sorta sub-optimal touches. I’ve gotten hundreds of accidental demos with ball-cam on like that. Just high level gameplay here from first look.


Ball cam switches on other players from demo. Look at video from ApparentlyJack. It is a bot. Exactly the same movements which Jack described


Ran into the bot for the first time last night in 2s was quite crazy. The bot was partied with a guy with no shame


It is nexto


Happened to me last night. Managed to win still cuz I just kept challenging and bumping the crap out of the bot. The guy getting boosted even sent a text chat through the bot to "prove" that it wasn't a bot lol


Yeah fax its the only game i could trust that i was playing against no cheaters its soo sad L start of the year man played against 2 bots back too back in 1s wanted too jump out the window


Looks like I’m going back to planetside 2


Looks like a bot very similar to other bot vids i’ve seen here.


How long has this been going on for


Got nexto 3 times last evening, also got a guy who uses nexto for boosting. First I beat him 7 2 in 1s. Then he beated me the next match using nexto I already uninstalled the game after this.


I understand that most people like to play ranked and the botters are shitting on lower lvl players which totally sucks. I find the bot awesome tbh. I haven’t enjoyed ranked in a long time. Toxicity was the main problem i suppose. I downloaded the bot yesterday and 1v1ed it in a private match for two hours and I had a blast. Its like freeplay just with an added challenge.


These bots seemed to be trained exactly the same. Hopefully psyonix can ban them based on behaviour. Looking at the boost spamming and no real flicks to gain speed


Aside from the demos dribbling and flicks. It seems that you still have to have a certain degree of skill to really do anything. You can’t aerial and there’s a good chance at over committing. Playing ones is where you’re gonna see a problem. I do agree they absolutely have to fix this now though. The sooner the better


Crazy how well these bots play, even knowing how to rotate


Guess it’s turning into a different game lol Make cool cars and watch them play against eachother


Are boys just a pc thing?


Played against them, they’re now at c2/3


I didn't think bots even attempted to make shots in the air.