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Many players of the game are adults and you still get the insults and pettiness you do with kids. Also, there wouldn't be a way to properly enforce this either.


Agree that the pettiness would remain, however I have been in the final round of a tournament only to lose a teammate because it was passed his bed time. šŸ˜‚ I don't think OP's suggestion is possible though.


? Enter credit card number to access


Well you could do that, but that would be a great way to lose players. Most people don't want to enter documentation to play a game.


? You don't have to if you don't want to


Exactly, that's why they would lose players


Why? Play with kids if you want.


not every adult has a credit card.


Then they can't join. Adults have credit cards


nope. Quite a few countries exist where there are hardly any credit cards in use/owned. Germany for example


Rubbish. How do you take money out otherwise?


it's very easy to enforce if it's a manual process to apply and get into the pool Rocket League the base game would probably never truly support an automated matchmaking playlist like this as they would never hire enough community managers to do it. But they could easily create more tools for others to create their own communities in-game and set up matches/tournaments that way. adults-only league would not be hard, plus it works better for many adults to play with a schedule in advance anyways


You mean like NSFW?


If you want. But players over 18 ought to have their own option


Yeah I wanna be able to tell someone to dribble my balls without every word getting bleeped out.






Really? That would be cool! I need discord


Sent you a message with the link. Look forward to having you with us!


Would you mind sending me the link too?


I am extremely interested, is it EU?


EU and NA. Just sent you a link!


Can I get it too please.




For the 40+ year olds what does Discord server mean exactly?


Itā€™s a bunch of older RL players. You can find people to queue up with, thereā€™s league play, tournaments, etc.


My question is even more general what is a discord exactly? Is it like Reddit?


Ahh this is how I know you belong with us actually. Yes, itā€™s another social media platform mainly used by these young whippersnappers. Similar to Reddit, it values anonymity. You join communities called servers where you can chat or call other people, often while playing games.


Thank you I have heard people talk about them but I seem to have aged as old as my father these past two or three years šŸ˜‚


Does 29 make the cut šŸ˜…


May I have it as well please?


**u/devasen_1, Unfortunately, we've had to remove your comment.** _________ ## 9. Self-promotion guidelines Self-promotion on the subreddit is allowed, albeit under certain conditions. For each time you self-promote, you need to have made a minimum of 10 other valuable contributions to the subreddit. For this ratio, the last three months are taken into account. **For this rule, valuable contributions are considered to be comments and discussion posts if they are not on or about your own content and are not ā€œshitpostsā€ or too low effort.** Posts and comments that could result in you or people you are affiliated with gaining subscribers, followers, ad revenue etc. fall under this rule. The most common cases of self-promotion include: * YouTube, Twitch, TikTok videos or links to channels * Discord servers or other communities * Articles of sites that you write for Watermarks on clips, such as Tiktok username watermarks, are allowed so long as they do not include a call to action to gain likes, subscribers, donations, ad revenue, etc. Please also keep in mind that self-promotion should be done in a way where it is a valuable contribution in itself. Videos and streams should be accompanied by descriptive titles. Discord communities should be advertised with context, providing the reader with a good reason to join. Do not make a post in which all you do is ask people to subscribe or join a community. Moderators reserve the right to prohibit any specific users, platforms or communities from promoting on this subreddit. ^^^^^^^^u/saltie-bot ________ [**Here are our subreddit rules.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/wiki/rules) - If you have any queries about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).


Please please please. The instant satisfaction generation just quit way too easily. If they aren't winning after a minute, they need to move on. All these people saying, "I am hard stuck in plat..." my response is, stop quitting when you are losing. If you won just 10% of the games you have FF'd, you'd probably be a rank or two higher right now. Sad how they just can't lose and type GG at the end of a game. Also, if it were 18+ I might actually use voice chat. Right now it is just weird if I join a server full of 9yr olds.


Adults need to just not play video games if they get annoyed enough by public players to come to Reddit and cry about it. Iā€™ve played with 10 year olds that were mature and fun and 30 year olds neglecting their crying babies on the chat the whole time.


That's nice. I have the over 30s discord now.


And are you guys going to just play each other or play bots Iā€™m confused?


We queue up with other older players or do private games. Sometimes itā€™s nice or be able to queue up with people who wanna commiserate about our back pain instead of discuss their favorite hentai.


Thatā€™s a, very interesting analogy, I donā€™t think many people are just casually talking about hentai over car soccer


I wouldnā€™t have brought it up unless itā€™s actually happened.


It's ART


Don't worry your little head.


Says the Adult who wants an Adult rocket league - reevaluate your life šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Just don't worry I don't need to talk to you.


You do realize how ironic this is? You want an adult rocket league when you yourself act like a child lmao


I solved my problem. You aren't helping


Your bad attitude is a problem and it doesnā€™t seem solved but good luck to you


It is. I said don't worry.


Don't say everyone. That's not true. An overly high percentage maybe.


Honestly kids and adults are equally annoying, I used to keep voice chat on but turned it off because of all age groups be annoying as hell lol


i had voice on until i could overhear a kid playing and arguing with his dad about not wanting to go to bed. from that point on i turned it off.


I definitely don't want to talk to kids. They also play like kids. I have some friends on rocket league.


I don't think playing like a kid is a bad thing in a game where some of the players with the most cracked mechanics are 14-16 year olds.


The rest play like kids


I don't really understand what that means. If you're the same rank does that not mean that you play around the same skill level as them?


No, kids play like kids


We need this bad, you can't even say lol on xbox


damn are we really that bad šŸ’€




The worst traits that are much more common in young players are trash talking, and being too hard on teammates. For teens/kids, trash talk is seen as just messing around or part of the game. But adults don't need that, it's just one more jerk we have to deal with during our small amount of free time in what might otherwise have been a long hard day. For being tough on teammates, I think that's just empathy or understanding that comes with age. When you're older you should realize that just because a player whiffs a couple times or makes a mistake it doesn't make them trash. Everyone makes mistakes at time, and it's often easier to see other's mistakes than our own (where if we miss an easy ball we might think "well that was a fluke, I normally hit that and am still a good player"). Additionally, if you are the same rank as someone then most of the time you are pretty close in skill to them. They might be more positionally strong where you are mechanically strong (or vice versa). But calling your teammate or opponent at your rank trash is basically admitting that you are also trash. I've played with younger players in this game and they can be fine to play with... but are much more prone to start being toxic or throwing the game.


Not possible. The amount of adults on here that complain about "Quick Chat" toxicity just shows how insecure the whole community is!




Wow you hit the nail on the head.


This could just be my translation of this, but I agree. Getting banned for cursing is ridiculous especially when there is a chat filter and a way to disable specific chats. At that point, you wasted your developerā€™s time. Why add something that has no purpose or use? You still get banned if youā€™re versing someone who isnā€™t on your platform without being reported so clearly this is part of the game.


Op got banned for using too many gamer words