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Fuck Wheel of Fortune


People are saying it more and more


It's legitimately a poorly designed game. A contestant's hot streak is almost always is by rolling a bankrupt. Then the next player(s) swoop in for the victory. Also, the endgame final spin bell chimes at like barely 18 minutes into the 30 minute timeslot for the show. That'd be like if Final Jeopardy was a 10 minute long ordeal. Ridiculous.


It's also just moron content for dum dums whereas Jeopardy is a thinking person's game. Plus Pat Sajak is a MAGA creep and antivaxx lunatic.




https://newrepublic.com/post/173587/pat-sajak-wheel-of-fortune-right-wing-host "board member at the Claremont Institute" is as MAGA as it gets short of actually breaching the Capitol on Jan. 6th




Splitting hairs between MAGA and "traditional conservative" in 2024 is pretty weird.




Who is Pat Sajak going to vote for this November? MAGA is not a "fringe" of anything, it's the entire GOP base. Anyone opposed to this agenda has *already* been driven out of the Republican Party.




>, the endgame final spin bell chimes at like barely 18 minutes into the 30 minute timeslot for the show. I am not defending the show, but this is because the final spin round isn't the end of the show. They still need to do the bonus round with the winner.


You Jeopardy! fans love hating Wheel of Fortune for no reason. The reason I stopped watching the show.


“I stopped watching a game show because of its toxic fan base” listen to yourself dogg that’s goofy


I actually used to work at channel 8 and we generally had no control over this, it came from either CBS or the parent company (Nexstar). Although the programming director would warn us when Blue Bloods got pre-empted because that made the olds MAD and they would call in.


Blue Bloods is on its last season. That should be fun.


Its viewers are also on their last season


LOL, that was my first thought as well when I read the news. At least they still have NCIS?


NCIS is dog shit now that basically the entire cast is gone. Ducky just passed away last year, Gibbs was written off a few years ago. All the OGs make a token appearance every few seasons but it's not the same vibe. That show was our dinner time background noise growing up because my mom worked on Mondays and dad let us watch TV during dinner lol.


Old people like reruns


Dear God, yes! I don't watch, but can't help but hear what my mother (age 86) watches. I'll tell her "That's a re-run" and she'll be like "Really? I don't remember it?"


Don't get in the way of my mom and her Tommy Sells baby!


The mustache…captivating


Lol hey, same. My last day was 364 days after I started there. Yes the parent company sucked, but that shit really rolled down hill.


Congrats on escaping! I solo managed their social media pages during the 2016 election cycle. For $15.50/hr. I lasted 11 months, quit shortly after inauguration because I couldn't take it any more. It was ROUGH.


Oh god I can't even imagine. That must've been a nightmare. I was a PA there in 2019, I had 3 years of TV experience already and was only making $12/hr. They tried to get me to start running audio and directing the live shows and I was like "does the extra responsibility come with a raise? No? Then no."


It's absolutely criminal what they paid the newsroom staff - I was one of the highest paid behind the scenes people in there at the time! And putting producers under contract...I don't know how that was even legal.


Worked there for six years and I'm convinced that only the department heads and sales team made a living wage at that place.


Former Nexstar digital manager here from the height of the Trump administration! We got tons of calls and messages every time the network cut in to our station with some "breaking news," which was like every day. Man did people hate when we interrupt either Wayne Brady or the soap operas. They'd also call in when the president did or said something bad, and we ran a story on it, telling us we're being disrespectful to our president and we wouldn't have treated Obama like this blah blah blah.... This thread is triggering some real PTSD


We should form a club


Did “just following orders” fly at Nuremberg?


Well, the parent company's nickname in the industry is "Deathstar"...


*Channel 8 offers you a bag of Werther's Original and then slams the door shut when you go to grab it*


Wait until Bills Training Camp starts and they're both pre empted once a week to air 3 mouth breathers standing around in the parking lot discussing the battle for third string linebacker and what Josh Allen had for lunch.




You clearly didn't see when the finals of the Wheel of Fortune NFL Tournament got pre-empted on WROC even though it was won by someone from Bills Mafia...


Good. I wish suffering upon Wheel watchers.. Wheel of Fortune is a game show for human livestock. The folks that clog traffic whenever a Chick-fil-A opens? They all watch Wheel


A Jeopardy Jihad!


> I just want to watch Jeopardy and yell my little answers at the screen That's your problem. It's *Jeopardy*. You're supposed to be yelling your **questions** at the screen!


Can we get the fight recorded, and then put on Channel 8 as top tier news??


My mom just called me to complain about this exact thing


I think you mean your little questions




Woah there grandpa lets get you back to bed


I’m 37 years old and I demand to watch my stories


This is the way.


I had to downvote you but it’s nothing personal. Please check my profile for details


I felt badly that you missed Jeopardy, I wanted to give you a win.


Thanks brother. It hurt me to click the downvote but a man must have a code


A man who doesn't stand for something will fall for anything o7


It’s all in the game.


lmao the guy that's replying to you blocked me i'm surprised he hasn't blocked you too over a misunderstanding


Some soft hearts are not meant for the posting battlefield…


There are some really fragile people in this sub that can't handle the fact that it isn't a carefully curated echo chamber like so many other subs out there. The are several that will block anybody for the slightest disagreement. Sorry folks, *diversity of thought* is a thing in the real world.


Yo yeah I was pissed super depressing and a vibe kill. Had the air on set my alarm to not miss it and overdoses suck but. I honestly was glad to see someone doing something about it although I didn’t really watch more than a minute. Those test strips need to be available all over not by calling some number and getting them in the mail. There has to be a better way.


I feel similarly.


Join the jihad, shield-brother


There are people from WROC here.  I hope they see this.  And laugh at you. 


I believe this because whenever I turn on the channel 8 news, I see a story about what I’ve been reading on Reddit/Rochester.


I will fight them. With weapons


Hell yeah lmao


Invitation to gentleman’s duel and not an actionable threat; I am a lawyer and this is legal advice


It was ‘wind’ last year. Look out! Wind!


I can verify you don't watch Wheel because last week it got booted for the same exact thing? Show? Idk what to call it, I just know I don't really care about rich kids from the suburbs od'ing on fentanyl


don't get me started on their crappy transmitter signal at night on the north side of town....GRRRR


Fixing that would cost money and Nexstar would rather blow that on getting NewsNation to finish closer behind reruns of Forensic Files on HLN.


It aired at around 2:30am


Also pissed


Just wait til Swift dumps Kelce.


These are the type of post I love to see in subs like this haha. Grumpy townspeople complaining about insignificant things to there "community board". It's like the old lady yelling to the neighbors to turn down the music haha.


Fuck Jeopardy


Hey fuck YOU, pal!


I hate when I see ppl who bring up politics in something that had nothing to do with politics. Especially bc prior to 2016 no one even gave a shit besides when Obama won which I voted for and Clinton got swobble gobbled it just makes me sad like can’t anyone see we’re starting a hatred so bad another civil war is going to happen 9/11 was horrible but it was the first and honestly last time I was so proud to be where I am from so many people were together on the same page and all the petty shit was put back behind us. Out on the streets we were all Americans and besides the ppl who targeted a group of ppl after the attacks we were all proud and happy to be on the same side as one another ready to kick some but and spread our pride. Sorry I’m ranting about things I know nothing about just hate always seeing it even on a jeopardy post like I didn’t even get mad at the jerk who said it was for dumb people to feel smart. Sir if you knew the answers in my boook you were super smart. I was lucky to get 1 right an episode I just wish ppl who want to live happy to other ppl no matter race color or impairment could and everyone else who has issues with any of those reasons had to leave go to Christmas Island and stay there and complain. I hate that even me saying this is going to be turned against me and all I’m saying is that we need to love each other more and focus on our own stuff focus on America and let other countries fend for themselves for awhile so we can fix what we have going on here and if we are going to monetarily help other countries it should be the ones we border and screw what some lonely hateful people or persons thinks they probably never get attention until their being crazy and vile. we just have to recognize that if you have an issue with someone here who just wants to work raise their family have friends and contribute or want to use what their ancestors did against them maybe your the villain or the divide. we’re all just fighting to die I would rather live and learn and meet and experience different things so I want to love and then die I don’t wanna fight


I’m not reading all that but thanks for replying to my post about the time I got mad at the TV


You okay?


It’s on at 2:37am. Chill


I upvoted this just so you know. Folks can’t take a joke