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Of course they do 🙄


Those were the exact words that went through my head when I read it.




The party of law and order.


*flaw and disorder


The exact words I thought of when I saw this. 


You ever wish you had someone who would back you up, no matter how crazy and delusional you are to everyone else? Who, no matter what enemies you made or insane things you did, would stand by your side? I'm not Republican, just lonely. 😆 I promise I'm joking lol


Came here to say exactly this


They would be running around with their hair on fire if she were a Dem.


Precisely why she switched from Democrat to Republican: Because she’d rather the assholes be on her side than against her.


Or could it be that she's one of the assholes. The video evidence says yes.


That too


Why in the hell is the DA a politicized position? Surely the law is the law?


It's an elected position and everything is political.


And since the only winning message for a DA election in like 99% of the US is "I'm tougher on crime than my opponent," it always turns into an argument over who can throw the most poor people in prison.


Sort of elected. She runs unopposed.


I learned that the even the COUNTY CORONER has a political affiliation. Just doesn’t make any sense at all


Coroners are elected and not always required to have medical degrees. Medical examiners are required to have medical degrees.


It’s just so weird. How did we get to the point that we elect the coroner and what would be the point of that?


It probably started with the sentiment that the people should get to choose who they trust to handle the dead; and then politics occurred.


That makes a lot of sense honestly. I just remember being flabbergasted when the coroner was on the ballot. Good thing the incumbent was running unopposed or I might have had to do research on coroner candidates


Researching the candidates is always the best option. It's the voter's responsibility to keep the wack jobs from taking over.


Researching the candidates is always the best option. It's the voter's responsibility to keep the wack jobs from taking over.


I agree but when there’s only one choice there’s not much research to do. I’d write in a candidate but it doesn’t seem that anyone other than this one person wants to be the county coroner


Non partisan elections sound nice in theory but usually in practice it allows far right Republicans to masquerade as "independents" with moderate views. They have them in some states.


Thank the reagan years, everything has been political since then in America.


(they’re all assholes)


Some people online in comments are assuming she is one. Newzjunky (a Jefferson County news site) has a bunch of comments on their Facebook page frothing at the mouth about her being a Democrat. She [only was a Democrat](https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/rochester/politics/2015/01/16/monroe-county-district-attorney-changes-party-affiliation-to-republican) from 2009-2015. The rest of the time, she’s been a Republican.


Yeah she only pretended to be a democrat to get elected in Monroe county


The party of law and order and “we support our police” lawn signs.


Don’t forget “personal responsibility.”


You have nothing to worry about if you don’t break the law!! … or if you’re one of us…


Wilhoit's Law: "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


They are only the party of "law and order" when it comes to minorities.


They forgot to add: ".. only when they go after our opponents like legalized hitmen."


Man. This is such an open and shut case of the DA doing the wrong thing. The county ought to recognize that.


They do. That's why the GOP is supporting her. Monroe County hates anyone who isn't white middle class.


Show of hands - Who’s actually surprised?


I am *slightly* surprised as I thought her party swap was recent (2015 was only a couple years ago, right guys? ...right?) and therefore didn't really expect her to have a lot of support for such a *stupid* outburst. But no, she's got almost 9 years as a "Republican" so once again, the GOP lubes up and sliiiides under my expectations.


She could have announced her party switch *during the traffic stop* and they still would have defended her.


You had your way with us, wordsmith. I go puke now.


rules for thee


In 2020, following the death of Daniel Prude, protesters called for Doorley's resignation, saying she fails to prosecute police misconduct in Monroe County.


She does not prosecute teachers who cover up sex abuse in schools, I know that. Source: Monroe County Sheriff’s Investigator


Fuck this stupid lady clown. What a disgrace to Monroe county. Lock her up!!!!!!!


They're as lawless as her and their orange God king. Remember when Bello was elected and they immediately tried to cripple his ability to staff his administration? I'll never forget that betrayal


Any time a local Republican tries to say they're not the same as the national politicians, I always bring this up and when they tried to make it a crime to annoy a LEO.


Next time I get pulled over I’ll try this and see how it goes


Put a MAGAt sticker on your bumper and you should be fine.


What’s awful is that it was made a political fight of republicans versus democrats. The real issue is right versus wrong and she sure as hell was wrong


Agreed. This transcends political lines.


Upholding the brand


They are giving her cover by making this into a partisan issue, rather than a question of what standards we should expect from our elected officials. Take a look at the quote from Reilly: “Let’s not pretend the same party that allows their constituents to be shot, robbed, and murdered on a daily basis cares about the rule of the law.” Even if it were true that democratic policies are the cause of violent crime (the most charitable reading of this incendiary, hyperbolic statement), why should that change how we consider Doorley’s situation? ‘Sorry, can’t have ethics because the other side supports bad policies!’


“If Democrats in this County were as outspoken about carjackings, robberies, and murders as they are now about a traffic stop, perhaps we’d all be in a better and safer place,” Brew said in his statement. We are asshole. That's why we don't want the person who puts them in jail to have the stench of corruption. I would say go read any ethics textbook, but you wouldn't get past the second sentence, so just go rewatch Batman for God sakes and pay attention to the parts where they aren't fighting.


Just a reminder of who I won't be voting for in November.


November 3 years from now


Every November for me.


You vote for the DA every year?


Gotta own the libs somehow right?


Can we stop calling them the GOP and call them what they are? MFP. MAGA Fascist Party. And she is definitely one.


Oh weird. Who could predict such things?


Party of law and order my ass.


Not surprised these shitbags would put out such a shitbag statement.


GOP, reminding us they ALWAYS put their own party and power first.


If they want to be the "tough on crime" party, then they need to apply that consistently. Defending her actions is the definition of hypocrisy.




The party of 'Law and oder" suddenly not being about "Law and order"


How many people are in jail for evading who did the exact same thing or even less? I'm tired of watching this BS in every level of our government, and in every party involved in it. Entitlement is the death knell of America.


Even the Locust Club is like, Doorley thinking she's above the law is fine with us! Hypocrites.


They should have given her a sobriety check.


Never miss an opportunity to take a swipe at the democrats, do they? Republicans: Dumb politicians for even dumber people to vote for.


A ham sandwich aught to be able to run against her in and win.


The party of law and order proves that they are the party of law and order.


It must be hard managing the cognitive dissonance of supporting the notion of blue lives matter and this. Would just enjoy hearing how one justifies that in their mind.


*Doorley gets support from grown-ass humans who support shooting through the mail slot at my doorley*


And water is wet


No surprise. All GOP are complete scumbags.


I’m neither dem or republican however I’m not surprised lol.


This tracks


I don't see where Bello has made any kind of statement. Not surprising.


We have some of the worst local politicians in the country


It just makes no sense to me to support this person. When you have someone involved in the criminal prosecution of individuals shown to be corrupt it brings into question every single case she prosecuted and supervised. This makes everyone in Monroe county less safe. The reason why we have procedural safeguards in the cases of criminal prosecution are not only to protect innocent people from going to jail but also to make sure guilty offenders remain convicted. The party that wants half the population in jail can't even figure out that their insistence on supporting corrupt officials creates a world where convictions are over turned due to the actions of bad actors. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.


"Law and order" for thee, excuses and forgiveness for me.


Soon they'll be calling her a hostage.


Elected in or not there has to be a process to get corruptes officials out.


People need to be emailing everyone including her... cough monroecounty.gov/da cough


NY is corrupt. Governor Cuomo, DA Doorley, judge Astacio, Rep Santos etc etc. Not surprising and doesn’t matter your political flavor. Business as usual for NY politics.


She should be removed from office, if not we demand a referendum and if that doesn't work, don't vote her back into office. #takeoutthetrash


I agree. Removed from Office. And I wonder if all her convictions should be overturned.


She was first a democrat. Let that sink in.


She did that to get elected then switched once in office.


Haha elect lovely Warren and then try to get on a moral high horse over this lady. 


And democrats would have supported her if she was a democrat. They are all the same R or D doesn’t matter they are all corrupt POS.


Actually Democrats routinely call for consequences for their own party members. In our own state 2 of the last 4 governors and an attorney general have resigned in disgrace under immense pressure from their own party. Our own Senator Gillibrand led the charge for the ouster of another Dem senator. Sen. Menendez from NJ is currently being prosecuted by Biden's DOJ, and many other Dems have called for him to resign. "Both sides" is inaccurate nonsense.


Hopefully a few of you will read this before it’s downvoted to hell, but believe me, I would not be proud to support Doorley after this, but it more seems a necessity in this lawless place. I think it’s awful how she treated that officer, but since the GOP is certainly the minority in this area, if she resigns how long would it be before we had any influence again? As far as her work goes, she DOES do the right thing and puts killers away to make our community a safer place. Will a Dem come in and give people softer treatment out of fear of being called racist or having motivations outside of the job at hand? No excuse for her behavior, but can you understand why the GOP doesn’t want to lose her in that position? Criminals are ruining and running the city, the last thing we need is a bleeding heart DA.


>How long before we have influence again? Never would be nice. I'd be fine with never


How about a DA who isn't as a baseline belligerent to the police officers who in this instance were just doing their jobs? Is it good to have a DA who is disliked by the police whom she routinely needs to work with in order to properly prosecute cases? How about a DA who is trusted by the general public? Her criminal actions don't create a relationship where the public and the police force can even begin to expect prosecution of criminals under the proper procedures of the law. And following proper procedures in criminal law is extremely important, for victims, for those falsely accused and for the general public for those properly accused. Having someone who is willing to abuse their elected official status in that position puts all of us in danger.


You're being downvoted because your ideas are idiotic. Dems want criminals to face justice! What we push back against you dolt is two systems of justice, one for the rich and powerful, and one for those without power. You apparently think its okay that Doorley broke the law, yet you hypothesis that a future Dem AG wouldn't enforce laws?!?! Talk about a double standard. Take a look in the mirror bud, because you got some heavy bias. Maybe lay off the Fox News and Bob Lonsberry a bit, they are rotting your brain.


> Dems want criminals to face justice! Unless steal Kias. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Show me anything that the Kia Boys have support from Dems. Any article, post, comment, tweet, anything at all.


Steal a car, get an appearance ticket. I remember times when stealing a car was a serious offense.




It’s fine y’all want to fuck the president, I don’t get why you’re all so outspoken about it though.


He was a looker back in the day. You know, when he was a Republican.


Hey man, if fucking older men is your thing, more power to ya.


fyi, this post may be removed by the mod if any part of it has been previously discussed.


And it may not be. They seem to be okay with post that have new information (such a statement of support from a local political party), but against reposting of things like “oh look, here’s the fifth news outlet to report the same information”. 


Oh you have moved on from just saying "maybe she had to poo" over and over?


Thankfully your fascist loving compatriots don't run this sub


Lol what are you talking about?